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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Base class for all element classes; this provides an implementation
* of DOM Core's Element, implements nsIContent, provides
* utility methods for subclasses, and so forth.
#ifndef mozilla_dom_Element_h__
#define mozilla_dom_Element_h__
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <utility>
#include "AttrArray.h"
#include "ErrorList.h"
#include "Units.h"
#include "js/RootingAPI.h"
#include "mozilla/AlreadyAddRefed.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/BasicEvents.h"
#include "mozilla/CORSMode.h"
#include "mozilla/FlushType.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/PseudoStyleType.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/Result.h"
#include "mozilla/RustCell.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BorrowedAttrInfo.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/DOMString.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/DOMTokenListSupportedTokens.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/DirectionalityUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/FragmentOrElement.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/NameSpaceConstants.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/NodeInfo.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/RustTypes.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ShadowRootBinding.h"
#include "nsAtom.h"
#include "nsAttrValue.h"
#include "nsAttrValueInlines.h"
#include "nsCaseTreatment.h"
#include "nsChangeHint.h"
#include "nsTHashMap.h"
#include "nsDebug.h"
#include "nsError.h"
#include "nsGkAtoms.h"
#include "nsHashKeys.h"
#include "nsIContent.h"
#include "nsID.h"
#include "nsINode.h"
#include "nsLiteralString.h"
#include "nsRect.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsStringFlags.h"
#include "nsTLiteralString.h"
#include "nscore.h"
class JSObject;
class mozAutoDocUpdate;
class nsAttrName;
class nsAttrValueOrString;
class nsContentList;
class nsDOMAttributeMap;
class nsDOMCSSAttributeDeclaration;
class nsDOMStringMap;
class nsDOMTokenList;
class nsFocusManager;
class nsGenericHTMLFormControlElementWithState;
class nsGlobalWindowInner;
class nsGlobalWindowOuter;
class nsImageLoadingContent;
class nsIAutoCompletePopup;
class nsIBrowser;
class nsIDOMXULButtonElement;
class nsIDOMXULContainerElement;
class nsIDOMXULContainerItemElement;
class nsIDOMXULControlElement;
class nsIDOMXULMenuListElement;
class nsIDOMXULMultiSelectControlElement;
class nsIDOMXULRadioGroupElement;
class nsIDOMXULRelatedElement;
class nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement;
class nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement;
class nsIFrame;
class nsIHTMLCollection;
class nsIPrincipal;
class nsIScreen;
class nsIURI;
class nsObjectLoadingContent;
class nsPresContext;
class nsWindowSizes;
struct JSContext;
struct ServoNodeData;
template <class E>
class nsTArray;
template <class T>
class nsGetterAddRefs;
namespace mozilla {
class DeclarationBlock;
class MappedDeclarationsBuilder;
class EditorBase;
class ErrorResult;
class OOMReporter;
class ScrollContainerFrame;
class SMILAttr;
struct MutationClosureData;
class TextEditor;
namespace css {
struct URLValue;
} // namespace css
namespace dom {
struct CheckVisibilityOptions;
struct CustomElementData;
struct SetHTMLOptions;
struct GetHTMLOptions;
struct GetAnimationsOptions;
struct ScrollIntoViewOptions;
struct ScrollToOptions;
struct FocusOptions;
struct ShadowRootInit;
struct ScrollOptions;
class Attr;
class BooleanOrScrollIntoViewOptions;
class Document;
class HTMLFormElement;
class DOMIntersectionObserver;
class DOMMatrixReadOnly;
class Element;
class ElementOrCSSPseudoElement;
class PopoverData;
class Promise;
class Sanitizer;
class ShadowRoot;
class TrustedHTMLOrString;
class UnrestrictedDoubleOrKeyframeAnimationOptions;
template <typename T>
class Optional;
enum class CallerType : uint32_t;
enum class ReferrerPolicy : uint8_t;
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla
using nsMapRuleToAttributesFunc = void (*)(mozilla::MappedDeclarationsBuilder&);
// Declared here because of include hell.
extern "C" bool Servo_Element_IsDisplayContents(const mozilla::dom::Element*);
already_AddRefed<nsContentList> NS_GetContentList(nsINode* aRootNode,
int32_t aMatchNameSpaceId,
const nsAString& aTagname);
#define ELEMENT_FLAG_BIT(n_) \
// Element-specific flags
enum : uint32_t {
// Whether this node has dirty descendants for Servo's style system.
// Whether this node has dirty descendants for animation-only restyle for
// Servo's style system.
// Whether the element has been snapshotted due to attribute or state changes
// by the Servo restyle manager.
// Whether the element has already handled its relevant snapshot.
// Used by the servo restyle process in order to accurately track whether the
// style of an element is up-to-date, even during the same restyle process.
// If this flag is set on an element, that means that it is a HTML datalist
// element or has a HTML datalist element ancestor.
// If this flag is set on an element, that means this element
// has been considered by our LargestContentfulPaint algorithm and
// it's not going to be considered again.
// If this flag is set on an element, this means the HTML parser encountered
// a duplicate attribute error:
// This flag is used for detecting dangling markup attacks in the CSP
// If this flag is set, this element is in
// Document::mContentIdentifiersForLCP.
// Remaining bits are for subclasses
// Make sure we have space for our bits
namespace mozilla {
enum class PseudoStyleType : uint8_t;
class EventChainPostVisitor;
class EventChainPreVisitor;
class EventChainVisitor;
class EventListenerManager;
class EventStateManager;
enum class ContentEditableState {
namespace dom {
struct CustomElementDefinition;
class Animation;
class CustomElementRegistry;
class Link;
class DOMRect;
class DOMRectList;
class Flex;
class Grid;
class OwningTrustedHTMLOrNullIsEmptyString;
class TrustedHTML;
class TrustedHTMLOrNullIsEmptyString;
class TrustedHTMLOrTrustedScriptOrTrustedScriptURLOrString;
// IID for the dom::Element interface
#define NS_ELEMENT_IID \
{ \
0xc67ed254, 0xfd3b, 0x4b10, { \
0x96, 0xa2, 0xc5, 0x8b, 0x7b, 0x64, 0x97, 0xd1 \
} \
void Get##method(nsAString& aValue) const { \
const nsAttrValue* val = mAttrs.GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::attr); \
if (!val) { \
SetDOMStringToNull(aValue); \
return; \
} \
val->ToString(aValue); \
} \
void Set##method(const nsAString& aValue, ErrorResult& aRv) { \
SetOrRemoveNullableStringAttr(nsGkAtoms::attr, aValue, aRv); \
#define REFLECT_NULLABLE_ELEMENT_ATTR(method, attr) \
Element* Get##method() const { \
return GetAttrAssociatedElement(nsGkAtoms::attr); \
} \
void Set##method(Element* aElement) { \
ExplicitlySetAttrElement(nsGkAtoms::attr, aElement); \
#define REFLECT_NULLABLE_ELEMENTS_ATTR(method, attr) \
void Get##method(bool* aUseCachedValue, \
Nullable<nsTArray<RefPtr<Element>>>& aElements) { \
GetAttrAssociatedElements(nsGkAtoms::attr, aUseCachedValue, aElements); \
} \
void Set##method( \
const Nullable<Sequence<OwningNonNull<Element>>>& aElements) { \
ExplicitlySetAttrElements(nsGkAtoms::attr, aElements); \
// TODO(keithamus): Reference the spec link once merged.
enum class InvokeAction : uint8_t {
class Element : public FragmentOrElement {
explicit Element(already_AddRefed<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>&& aNodeInfo)
: FragmentOrElement(std::move(aNodeInfo)),
mState(ElementState::READONLY | ElementState::DEFINED |
ElementState::LTR) {
MOZ_ASSERT(mNodeInfo->NodeType() == ELEMENT_NODE,
"Bad NodeType in aNodeInfo");
~Element() {
NS_ASSERTION(!HasServoData(), "expected ServoData to be cleared earlier");
NS_IMETHOD QueryInterface(REFNSIID aIID, void** aInstancePtr) override;
* Method to get the full state of this element. See dom/base/rust/ for
* the possible bits that could be set here.
ElementState State() const { return mState; }
* Returns the current disabled state of the element.
bool IsDisabled() const { return State().HasState(ElementState::DISABLED); }
bool IsReadOnly() const { return State().HasState(ElementState::READONLY); }
bool IsDisabledOrReadOnly() const {
return State().HasAtLeastOneOfStates(ElementState::DISABLED |
* Return true if this element has contenteditable="plaintext-only".
[[nodiscard]] inline bool IsContentEditablePlainTextOnly() const;
virtual int32_t TabIndexDefault() { return -1; }
* Get tabIndex of this element. If not found, return TabIndexDefault.
int32_t TabIndex();
* Get the parsed value of tabindex attribute.
Maybe<int32_t> GetTabIndexAttrValue();
* Set tabIndex value to this element.
void SetTabIndex(int32_t aTabIndex, mozilla::ErrorResult& aError);
* Sets the ShadowRoot binding for this element. The contents of the
* binding is rendered in place of this node's children.
* @param aShadowRoot The ShadowRoot to be bound to this element.
void SetShadowRoot(ShadowRoot* aShadowRoot);
void SetLastRememberedBSize(float aBSize);
void SetLastRememberedISize(float aISize);
void RemoveLastRememberedBSize();
void RemoveLastRememberedISize();
* Make focus on this element.
// TODO: Convert Focus() to MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT and get rid of the
// kungFuDeathGrip in it.
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY virtual void Focus(const FocusOptions& aOptions,
const CallerType aCallerType,
ErrorResult& aError);
* Show blur and clear focus.
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY virtual void Blur(mozilla::ErrorResult& aError);
* The style state of this element. This is the real state of the element
* with any style locks applied for pseudo-class inspecting.
ElementState StyleState() const {
if (!HasLockedStyleStates()) {
return mState;
return StyleStateFromLocks();
* StyleStateLocks is used to specify which event states should be locked,
* and whether they should be locked to on or off.
struct StyleStateLocks {
// mLocks tracks which event states should be locked.
ElementState mLocks;
// mValues tracks if the locked state should be on or off.
ElementState mValues;
* The style state locks applied to this element.
StyleStateLocks LockedStyleStates() const;
* Add a style state lock on this element.
* aEnabled is the value to lock the given state bits to.
void LockStyleStates(ElementState aStates, bool aEnabled);
* Remove a style state lock on this element.
void UnlockStyleStates(ElementState aStates);
* Clear all style state locks on this element.
void ClearStyleStateLocks();
* Accessors for the state of our dir attribute.
bool HasDirAuto() const {
return State().HasState(ElementState::HAS_DIR_ATTR_LIKE_AUTO);
* Elements with dir="rtl" or dir="ltr".
bool HasFixedDir() const {
return State().HasAtLeastOneOfStates(ElementState::HAS_DIR_ATTR_LTR |
* Get the inline style declaration, if any, for this element.
DeclarationBlock* GetInlineStyleDeclaration() const;
* Get the mapped attributes, if any, for this element.
StyleLockedDeclarationBlock* GetMappedAttributeStyle() const {
return mAttrs.GetMappedDeclarationBlock();
bool IsPendingMappedAttributeEvaluation() const {
return mAttrs.IsPendingMappedAttributeEvaluation();
void SetMappedDeclarationBlock(already_AddRefed<StyleLockedDeclarationBlock>);
* InlineStyleDeclarationWillChange is called before SetInlineStyleDeclaration
* so that the element implementation can access the old style attribute
* value.
virtual void InlineStyleDeclarationWillChange(MutationClosureData& aData);
* Set the inline style declaration for this element.
virtual nsresult SetInlineStyleDeclaration(DeclarationBlock& aDeclaration,
MutationClosureData& aData);
* Get the SMIL override style declaration for this element. If the
* rule hasn't been created, this method simply returns null.
DeclarationBlock* GetSMILOverrideStyleDeclaration();
* Set the SMIL override style declaration for this element. This method will
* notify the document's pres context, so that the style changes will be
* noticed.
void SetSMILOverrideStyleDeclaration(DeclarationBlock&);
* Returns a new SMILAttr that allows the caller to animate the given
* attribute on this element.
virtual UniquePtr<SMILAttr> GetAnimatedAttr(int32_t aNamespaceID,
nsAtom* aName);
* Get the SMIL override style for this element. This is a style declaration
* that is applied *after* the inline style, and it can be used e.g. to store
* animated style values.
* Note: This method is analogous to the 'GetStyle' method in
* nsGenericHTMLElement and nsStyledElement.
nsDOMCSSAttributeDeclaration* SMILOverrideStyle();
* Returns if the element is labelable as per HTML specification.
virtual bool IsLabelable() const;
* Returns if the element is interactive content as per HTML specification.
virtual bool IsInteractiveHTMLContent() const;
* Is the attribute named aAttribute a mapped attribute?
NS_IMETHOD_(bool) IsAttributeMapped(const nsAtom* aAttribute) const;
nsresult BindToTree(BindContext&, nsINode& aParent) override;
void UnbindFromTree(UnbindContext&) override;
using nsIContent::UnbindFromTree;
virtual nsMapRuleToAttributesFunc GetAttributeMappingFunction() const;
static void MapNoAttributesInto(mozilla::MappedDeclarationsBuilder&);
* Get a hint that tells the style system what to do when
* an attribute on this node changes, if something needs to happen
* in response to the change *other* than the result of what is
* mapped into style data via any type of style rule.
virtual nsChangeHint GetAttributeChangeHint(const nsAtom* aAttribute,
int32_t aModType) const;
inline Directionality GetDirectionality() const {
ElementState state = State();
if (state.HasState(ElementState::RTL)) {
return Directionality::Rtl;
if (state.HasState(ElementState::LTR)) {
return Directionality::Ltr;
return Directionality::Unset;
inline void SetDirectionality(Directionality aDir, bool aNotify) {
AutoStateChangeNotifier notifier(*this, aNotify);
switch (aDir) {
case Directionality::Rtl:
case Directionality::Ltr:
case Directionality::Unset:
case Directionality::Auto:
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Setting unresolved directionality?");
Directionality GetComputedDirectionality() const;
static const uint32_t kAllServoDescendantBits =
* Notes that something in the given subtree of this element needs dirtying,
* and that all the relevant dirty bits have already been propagated up to the
* element.
* This is important because `NoteDirtyForServo` uses the dirty bits to reason
* about the shape of the tree, so we can't just call into there.
void NoteDirtySubtreeForServo();
void NoteDirtyForServo();
void NoteAnimationOnlyDirtyForServo();
void NoteDescendantsNeedFramesForServo();
bool HasDirtyDescendantsForServo() const {
void SetHasDirtyDescendantsForServo() {
void UnsetHasDirtyDescendantsForServo() {
bool HasAnimationOnlyDirtyDescendantsForServo() const {
void SetHasAnimationOnlyDirtyDescendantsForServo() {
void UnsetHasAnimationOnlyDirtyDescendantsForServo() {
bool HasServoData() const { return !!mServoData.Get(); }
void ClearServoData() { ClearServoData(GetComposedDoc()); }
void ClearServoData(Document* aDocument);
PopoverData* GetPopoverData() const {
const nsExtendedDOMSlots* slots = GetExistingExtendedDOMSlots();
return slots ? slots->mPopoverData.get() : nullptr;
PopoverData& EnsurePopoverData() {
if (auto* popoverData = GetPopoverData()) {
return *popoverData;
return CreatePopoverData();
bool IsAutoPopover() const;
bool IsPopoverOpen() const;
Element* GetTopmostPopoverAncestor(const Element* aInvoker,
bool isPopover) const;
ElementAnimationData* GetAnimationData() const {
if (!MayHaveAnimations()) {
return nullptr;
const nsExtendedDOMSlots* slots = GetExistingExtendedDOMSlots();
return slots ? slots->mAnimations.get() : nullptr;
ElementAnimationData& EnsureAnimationData() {
if (auto* anim = GetAnimationData()) {
return *anim;
return CreateAnimationData();
ElementAnimationData& CreateAnimationData();
PopoverData& CreatePopoverData();
void ClearPopoverData();
* Gets the custom element data used by web components custom element.
* Custom element data is created at the first attempt to enqueue a callback.
* @return The custom element data or null if none.
CustomElementData* GetCustomElementData() const {
if (!HasCustomElementData()) {
return nullptr;
const nsExtendedDOMSlots* slots = GetExistingExtendedDOMSlots();
return slots ? slots->mCustomElementData.get() : nullptr;
* Sets the custom element data, ownership of the
* callback data is taken by this element.
* @param aData The custom element data.
void SetCustomElementData(UniquePtr<CustomElementData> aData);
nsTArray<RefPtr<nsAtom>>& EnsureCustomStates();
* Gets the custom element definition used by web components custom element.
* @return The custom element definition or null if element is not a custom
* element or custom element is not defined yet.
CustomElementDefinition* GetCustomElementDefinition() const;
* Sets the custom element definition, called when custom element is created
* or upgraded.
* @param aDefinition The custom element definition.
virtual void SetCustomElementDefinition(CustomElementDefinition* aDefinition);
const AttrArray& GetAttrs() const { return mAttrs; }
void SetDefined(bool aSet) { SetStates(ElementState::DEFINED, aSet); }
// AccessibilityRole
// AriaAttributes
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaAutoComplete, aria_autocomplete)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaBrailleLabel, aria_braillelabel)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaColIndexText, aria_colindextext)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_ELEMENTS_ATTR(AriaControlsElements, aria_controls)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_ELEMENTS_ATTR(AriaDescribedByElements, aria_describedby)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaDescription, aria_description)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_ELEMENTS_ATTR(AriaDetailsElements, aria_details)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaDisabled, aria_disabled)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_ELEMENTS_ATTR(AriaErrorMessageElements, aria_errormessage)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaExpanded, aria_expanded)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_ELEMENTS_ATTR(AriaFlowToElements, aria_flowto)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaKeyShortcuts, aria_keyshortcuts)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_ELEMENTS_ATTR(AriaLabelledByElements, aria_labelledby)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaMultiLine, aria_multiline)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaMultiSelectable, aria_multiselectable)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaOrientation, aria_orientation)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaPlaceholder, aria_placeholder)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaRelevant, aria_relevant)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaRequired, aria_required)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaRoleDescription, aria_roledescription)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaRowIndexText, aria_rowindextext)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaSelected, aria_selected)
REFLECT_NULLABLE_DOMSTRING_ATTR(AriaValueText, aria_valuetext)
already_AddRefed<ShadowRoot> AttachShadowInternal(ShadowRootMode,
ErrorResult& aError);
ScrollContainerFrame* GetScrollContainerFrame(
nsIFrame** aFrame = nullptr, FlushType aFlushType = FlushType::Layout);
// Style state computed from element's state and style locks.
ElementState StyleStateFromLocks() const;
void NotifyStateChange(ElementState aStates);
void NotifyStyleStateChange(ElementState aStates);
struct AutoStateChangeNotifier {
AutoStateChangeNotifier(Element& aElement, bool aNotify)
: mElement(aElement), mOldState(aElement.State()), mNotify(aNotify) {}
~AutoStateChangeNotifier() {
if (!mNotify) {
ElementState newState = mElement.State();
if (mOldState != newState) {
mElement.NotifyStateChange(mOldState ^ newState);
Element& mElement;
const ElementState mOldState;
const bool mNotify;
// Method to add state bits. This should be called from subclass constructors
// to set up our event state correctly at construction time, and other places
// where we don't want to notify a state change, or there's an
// AutoStateChangeNotifier on the stack.
void AddStatesSilently(ElementState aStates) { mState |= aStates; }
// Method to remove state bits. This should be called from subclass
// constructors to set up our event state correctly at construction time and
// other places where we don't want to notify a state change.
void RemoveStatesSilently(ElementState aStates) { mState &= ~aStates; }
// Methods to add state bits, potentially notifying. These will handle setting
// up script blockers when they notify, so no need to do it in the callers
// unless desired. States passed here must only be those in
void AddStates(ElementState aStates, bool aNotify = true) {
ElementState old = mState;
if (aNotify && old != mState) {
NotifyStateChange(old ^ mState);
void RemoveStates(ElementState aStates, bool aNotify = true) {
ElementState old = mState;
if (aNotify && old != mState) {
NotifyStateChange(old ^ mState);
void SetStates(ElementState aStates, bool aSet, bool aNotify = true) {
if (aSet) {
AddStates(aStates, aNotify);
} else {
RemoveStates(aStates, aNotify);
void ToggleStates(ElementState aStates, bool aNotify) {
mState ^= aStates;
if (aNotify) {
void UpdateEditableState(bool aNotify) override;
// Makes sure that the READONLY/READWRITE flags are in sync.
void UpdateReadOnlyState(bool aNotify);
// Form controls and non-form controls should have different :read-only /
// :read-write behavior. This is what effectively controls it.
virtual bool IsReadOnlyInternal() const;
* Normalizes an attribute name and returns it as a nodeinfo if an attribute
* with that name exists. This method is intended for character case
* conversion if the content object is case insensitive (e.g. HTML). Returns
* the nodeinfo of the attribute with the specified name if one exists or
* null otherwise.
* @param aStr the unparsed attribute string
* @return the node info. May be nullptr.
already_AddRefed<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo> GetExistingAttrNameFromQName(
const nsAString& aStr) const;
* Helper for SetAttr/SetParsedAttr. This method will return true if aNotify
* is true or there are mutation listeners that must be triggered, the
* attribute is currently set, and the new value that is about to be set is
* different to the current value. As a perf optimization the new and old
* values will not actually be compared if we aren't notifying and we don't
* have mutation listeners (in which case it's cheap to just return false
* and let the caller go ahead and set the value).
* @param aOldValue [out] Set to the old value of the attribute, but only if
* there are event listeners. If set, the type of aOldValue will be either
* nsAttrValue::eString or nsAttrValue::eAtom.
* @param aModType [out] Set to MutationEvent_Binding::MODIFICATION or to
* MutationEvent_Binding::ADDITION, but only if this helper returns true
* @param aHasListeners [out] Set to true if there are mutation event
* @param aOldValueSet [out] Indicates whether an old attribute value has been
* stored in aOldValue. The bool will be set to true if a value was stored.
bool MaybeCheckSameAttrVal(int32_t aNamespaceID, const nsAtom* aName,
const nsAtom* aPrefix,
const nsAttrValueOrString& aValue, bool aNotify,
nsAttrValue& aOldValue, uint8_t* aModType,
bool* aHasListeners, bool* aOldValueSet);
* Notifies mutation listeners if aNotify is true, there are mutation
* listeners, and the attribute value is changing.
* @param aNamespaceID The namespace of the attribute
* @param aName The local name of the attribute
* @param aPrefix The prefix of the attribute
* @param aValue The value that the attribute is being changed to
* @param aNotify If true, mutation listeners will be notified if they exist
* and the attribute value is changing
* @param aOldValue [out] Set to the old value of the attribute, but only if
* there are event listeners. If set, the type of aOldValue will be either
* nsAttrValue::eString or nsAttrValue::eAtom.
* @param aModType [out] Set to MutationEvent_Binding::MODIFICATION or to
* MutationEvent_Binding::ADDITION, but only if this helper returns true
* @param aHasListeners [out] Set to true if there are mutation event
* @param aOldValueSet [out] Indicates whether an old attribute value has been
* stored in aOldValue. The bool will be set to true if a value was stored.
bool OnlyNotifySameValueSet(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsAtom* aName,
nsAtom* aPrefix,
const nsAttrValueOrString& aValue, bool aNotify,
nsAttrValue& aOldValue, uint8_t* aModType,
bool* aHasListeners, bool* aOldValueSet);
* Sets the class attribute.
* Assumes that we are not notifying and that the attribute hasn't been
* set previously.
nsresult SetClassAttrFromParser(nsAtom* aValue);
// aParsedValue receives the old value of the attribute. That's useful if
// either the input or output value of aParsedValue is StoresOwnData.
nsresult SetParsedAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, nsAtom* aName, nsAtom* aPrefix,
nsAttrValue& aParsedValue, bool aNotify);
* Get the current value of the attribute. This returns a form that is
* suitable for passing back into SetAttr.
* @param aNameSpaceID the namespace of the attr (defaults to
kNameSpaceID_None in the overload that omits this arg)
* @param aName the name of the attr
* @param aResult the value (may legitimately be the empty string) [OUT]
* @returns true if the attribute was set (even when set to empty string)
* false when not set.
* GetAttr is not inlined on purpose, to keep down codesize from all the
* inlined nsAttrValue bits for C++ callers.
bool GetAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, const nsAtom* aName,
nsAString& aResult) const;
bool GetAttr(const nsAtom* aName, nsAString& aResult) const;
* Determine if an attribute has been set (empty string or otherwise).
* @param aNameSpaceId the namespace id of the attribute (defaults to
kNameSpaceID_None in the overload that omits this arg)
* @param aAttr the attribute name
* @return whether an attribute exists
inline bool HasAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, const nsAtom* aName) const {
return mAttrs.HasAttr(aNameSpaceID, aName);
bool HasAttr(const nsAtom* aAttr) const { return mAttrs.HasAttr(aAttr); }
* Determine if an attribute has been set to a non-empty string value. If the
* attribute is not set at all, this will return false.
* @param aNameSpaceId the namespace id of the attribute (defaults to
* kNameSpaceID_None in the overload that omits this arg)
* @param aAttr the attribute name
inline bool HasNonEmptyAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, const nsAtom* aName) const;
bool HasNonEmptyAttr(const nsAtom* aAttr) const {
return HasNonEmptyAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, aAttr);
* Test whether this Element's given attribute has the given value. If the
* attribute is not set at all, this will return false.
* @param aNameSpaceID The namespace ID of the attribute. Must not
* be kNameSpaceID_Unknown.
* @param aName The name atom of the attribute. Must not be null.
* @param aValue The value to compare to.
* @param aCaseSensitive Whether to do a case-sensitive compare on the value.
inline bool AttrValueIs(int32_t aNameSpaceID, const nsAtom* aName,
const nsAString& aValue,
nsCaseTreatment aCaseSensitive) const;
* Test whether this Element's given attribute has the given value. If the
* attribute is not set at all, this will return false.
* @param aNameSpaceID The namespace ID of the attribute. Must not
* be kNameSpaceID_Unknown.
* @param aName The name atom of the attribute. Must not be null.
* @param aValue The value to compare to. Must not be null.
* @param aCaseSensitive Whether to do a case-sensitive compare on the value.
bool AttrValueIs(int32_t aNameSpaceID, const nsAtom* aName,
const nsAtom* aValue, nsCaseTreatment aCaseSensitive) const;
* Check whether this Element's given attribute has one of a given list of
* values. If there is a match, we return the index in the list of the first
* matching value. If there was no attribute at all, then we return
* ATTR_MISSING. If there was an attribute but it didn't match, we return
* ATTR_VALUE_NO_MATCH. A non-negative result always indicates a match.
* @param aNameSpaceID The namespace ID of the attribute. Must not
* be kNameSpaceID_Unknown.
* @param aName The name atom of the attribute. Must not be null.
* @param aValues a nullptr-terminated array of pointers to atom values to
* test against.
* @param aCaseSensitive Whether to do a case-sensitive compare on the values.
* @return ATTR_MISSING, ATTR_VALUE_NO_MATCH or the non-negative index
* indicating the first value of aValues that matched
using AttrValuesArray = AttrArray::AttrValuesArray;
int32_t FindAttrValueIn(int32_t aNameSpaceID, const nsAtom* aName,
AttrArray::AttrValuesArray* aValues,
nsCaseTreatment aCaseSensitive) const;
* Set attribute values. All attribute values are assumed to have a
* canonical string representation that can be used for these
* methods. The SetAttr method is assumed to perform a translation
* of the canonical form into the underlying content specific
* form.
* @param aNameSpaceID the namespace of the attribute
* @param aName the name of the attribute
* @param aValue the value to set
* @param aNotify specifies how whether or not the document should be
* notified of the attribute change.
nsresult SetAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, nsAtom* aName, const nsAString& aValue,
bool aNotify) {
return SetAttr(aNameSpaceID, aName, nullptr, aValue, aNotify);
nsresult SetAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, nsAtom* aName, nsAtom* aPrefix,
const nsAString& aValue, bool aNotify) {
return SetAttr(aNameSpaceID, aName, aPrefix, aValue, nullptr, aNotify);
nsresult SetAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, nsAtom* aName, const nsAString& aValue,
nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal, bool aNotify) {
return SetAttr(aNameSpaceID, aName, nullptr, aValue, aTriggeringPrincipal,
* Set attribute values. All attribute values are assumed to have a
* canonical String representation that can be used for these
* methods. The SetAttr method is assumed to perform a translation
* of the canonical form into the underlying content specific
* form.
* @param aNameSpaceID the namespace of the attribute
* @param aName the name of the attribute
* @param aPrefix the prefix of the attribute
* @param aValue the value to set
* @param aMaybeScriptedPrincipal the principal of the scripted caller
* responsible for setting the attribute, or null if no scripted caller can be
* determined. A null value here does not guarantee that there is no
* scripted caller, but a non-null value does guarantee that a scripted
* caller with the given principal is directly responsible for the
* attribute change.
* @param aNotify specifies how whether or not the document should be
* notified of the attribute change.
nsresult SetAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, nsAtom* aName, nsAtom* aPrefix,
const nsAString& aValue,
nsIPrincipal* aMaybeScriptedPrincipal, bool aNotify);
* Remove an attribute so that it is no longer explicitly specified.
* @param aNameSpaceID the namespace id of the attribute
* @param aName the name of the attribute to unset
* @param aNotify specifies whether or not the document should be
* notified of the attribute change
nsresult UnsetAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, nsAtom* aName, bool aNotify);
* Get the namespace / name / prefix of a given attribute.
* @param aIndex the index of the attribute name
* @returns The name at the given index, or null if the index is
* out-of-bounds.
* @note The document returned by NodeInfo()->GetDocument() (if one is
* present) is *not* necessarily the owner document of the element.
* @note The pointer returned by this function is only valid until the
* next call of either GetAttrNameAt or SetAttr on the element.
const nsAttrName* GetAttrNameAt(uint32_t aIndex) const {
return mAttrs.GetSafeAttrNameAt(aIndex);
* Same as above, but does not do out-of-bounds checks!
const nsAttrName* GetUnsafeAttrNameAt(uint32_t aIndex) const {
return mAttrs.AttrNameAt(aIndex);
* Gets the attribute info (name and value) for this element at a given index.
BorrowedAttrInfo GetAttrInfoAt(uint32_t aIndex) const {
if (aIndex >= mAttrs.AttrCount()) {
return BorrowedAttrInfo(nullptr, nullptr);
return mAttrs.AttrInfoAt(aIndex);
* Get the number of all specified attributes.
* @return the number of attributes
uint32_t GetAttrCount() const { return mAttrs.AttrCount(); }
* Get the class list of this element (this corresponds to the value of the
* class attribute). This may be null if there are no classes, but that's not
* guaranteed (e.g. we could have class="").
const nsAttrValue* GetClasses() const {
if (!MayHaveClass()) {
return nullptr;
if (IsSVGElement()) {
if (const nsAttrValue* value = GetSVGAnimatedClass()) {
return value;
return GetParsedAttr(nsGkAtoms::_class);
virtual void List(FILE* out = stdout, int32_t aIndent = 0) const override {
List(out, aIndent, ""_ns);
virtual void DumpContent(FILE* out, int32_t aIndent,
bool aDumpAll) const override;
void List(FILE* out, int32_t aIndent, const nsCString& aPrefix) const;
void ListAttributes(FILE* out) const;
* Append to aOutDescription a string describing the element and its
* attributes.
* If aShort is true, only the id and class attributes will be listed.
void Describe(nsAString& aOutDescription, bool aShort = false) const;
* Attribute Mapping Helpers
struct MappedAttributeEntry {
const nsStaticAtom* const attribute;
* A common method where you can just pass in a list of maps to check
* for attribute dependence. Most implementations of
* IsAttributeMapped should use this function as a default
* handler.
template <size_t N>
static bool FindAttributeDependence(
const nsAtom* aAttribute, const MappedAttributeEntry* const (&aMaps)[N]) {
return FindAttributeDependence(aAttribute, aMaps, N);
virtual bool IsValidInvokeAction(InvokeAction aAction) const {
return aAction == InvokeAction::Auto;
* Elements can provide their own default behaviours for "Invoke" (see
* invoketarget/invokeaction attributes).
* If the action is not recognised, they can choose to ignore it and `return
* false`. If an action is recognised then they should `return true` to
* indicate to sub-classes that this has been handled and no further steps
* should be run.
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT virtual bool HandleInvokeInternal(Element* invoker,
InvokeAction aAction,
ErrorResult& aRv) {
return false;
void DescribeAttribute(uint32_t index, nsAString& aOutDescription) const;
static bool FindAttributeDependence(const nsAtom* aAttribute,
const MappedAttributeEntry* const aMaps[],
uint32_t aMapCount);
bool HasSharedRoot(const Element* aElement) const;
Element* GetElementByIdInDocOrSubtree(nsAtom* aID) const;
inline bool GetAttr(const nsAtom* aName, DOMString& aResult) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(aResult.IsEmpty(), "Should have empty string coming in");
const nsAttrValue* val = mAttrs.GetAttr(aName);
if (!val) {
return false; // DOMString comes pre-emptied.
return true;
inline bool GetAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, const nsAtom* aName,
DOMString& aResult) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(aResult.IsEmpty(), "Should have empty string coming in");
const nsAttrValue* val = mAttrs.GetAttr(aName, aNameSpaceID);
if (!val) {
return false; // DOMString comes pre-emptied.
return true;
bool HasAttrs() const { return mAttrs.HasAttrs(); }
inline bool GetAttr(const nsAString& aName, DOMString& aResult) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(aResult.IsEmpty(), "Should have empty string coming in");
const nsAttrValue* val = mAttrs.GetAttr(aName);
if (val) {
return true;
// else DOMString comes pre-emptied.
return false;
// Note, this does not notify about the removal.
void ClearAttributes() { mAttrs.Clear(); }
void GetTagName(nsAString& aTagName) const { aTagName = NodeName(); }
void GetId(nsAString& aId) const { GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::id, aId); }
void GetId(DOMString& aId) const { GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::id, aId); }
void SetId(const nsAString& aId) {
SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::id, aId, true);
void GetClassName(nsAString& aClassName) {
GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::_class, aClassName);
void GetClassName(DOMString& aClassName) {
GetAttr(nsGkAtoms::_class, aClassName);
void SetClassName(const nsAString& aClassName) {
SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::_class, aClassName, true);
nsDOMTokenList* ClassList();
nsDOMTokenList* Part();
nsDOMAttributeMap* Attributes();
void GetAttributeNames(nsTArray<nsString>& aResult);
void GetAttribute(const nsAString& aName, nsAString& aReturn) {
DOMString str;
GetAttribute(aName, str);
void GetAttribute(const nsAString& aName, DOMString& aReturn);
void GetAttributeNS(const nsAString& aNamespaceURI,
const nsAString& aLocalName, nsAString& aReturn);
bool ToggleAttribute(const nsAString& aName, const Optional<bool>& aForce,
nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal, ErrorResult& aError);
void SetAttribute(const nsAString& aName, const nsAString& aValue,
nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal, ErrorResult& aError);
void SetAttributeNS(const nsAString& aNamespaceURI,
const nsAString& aLocalName, const nsAString& aValue,
nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal, ErrorResult& aError);
void SetAttribute(const nsAString& aName, const nsAString& aValue,
ErrorResult& aError) {
SetAttribute(aName, aValue, nullptr, aError);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void SetAttribute(
const nsAString& aName,
const TrustedHTMLOrTrustedScriptOrTrustedScriptURLOrString& aValue,
nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal, ErrorResult& aError);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void SetAttributeNS(
const nsAString& aNamespaceURI, const nsAString& aLocalName,
const TrustedHTMLOrTrustedScriptOrTrustedScriptURLOrString& aValue,
nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal, ErrorResult& aError);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void SetAttribute(
const nsAString& aName,
const TrustedHTMLOrTrustedScriptOrTrustedScriptURLOrString& aValue,
ErrorResult& aError) {
SetAttribute(aName, aValue, nullptr, aError);
* This method creates a principal that subsumes this element's NodePrincipal
* and which has flags set for elevated permissions that devtools needs to
* operate on this element. The principal returned by this method is used by
* various devtools methods to permit otherwise blocked operations, without
* changing any other restrictions the NodePrincipal might have.
already_AddRefed<nsIPrincipal> CreateDevtoolsPrincipal();
void SetAttributeDevtools(const nsAString& aName, const nsAString& aValue,
ErrorResult& aError);
void SetAttributeDevtoolsNS(const nsAString& aNamespaceURI,
const nsAString& aLocalName,
const nsAString& aValue, ErrorResult& aError);
void RemoveAttribute(const nsAString& aName, ErrorResult& aError);
void RemoveAttributeNS(const nsAString& aNamespaceURI,
const nsAString& aLocalName, ErrorResult& aError);
bool HasAttribute(const nsAString& aName) const {
return InternalGetAttrNameFromQName(aName) != nullptr;
bool HasAttributeNS(const nsAString& aNamespaceURI,
const nsAString& aLocalName) const;
bool HasAttributes() const { return HasAttrs(); }
Element* Closest(const nsACString& aSelector, ErrorResult& aResult);
bool Matches(const nsACString& aSelector, ErrorResult& aError);
already_AddRefed<nsIHTMLCollection> GetElementsByTagName(
const nsAString& aQualifiedName);
already_AddRefed<nsIHTMLCollection> GetElementsByTagNameNS(
const nsAString& aNamespaceURI, const nsAString& aLocalName,
ErrorResult& aError);
already_AddRefed<nsIHTMLCollection> GetElementsByClassName(
const nsAString& aClassNames);
* Returns attribute associated element for the given attribute name, see
Element* GetAttrAssociatedElement(nsAtom* aAttr) const;
void GetAttrAssociatedElements(
nsAtom* aAttr, bool* aUseCachedValue,
Nullable<nsTArray<RefPtr<Element>>>& aElements);
* Sets an attribute element for the given attribute.
void ExplicitlySetAttrElement(nsAtom* aAttr, Element* aElement);
void ExplicitlySetAttrElements(
nsAtom* aAttr,
const Nullable<Sequence<OwningNonNull<Element>>>& aElements);
void ClearExplicitlySetAttrElement(nsAtom*);
void ClearExplicitlySetAttrElements(nsAtom*);
* Gets the attribute element for the given attribute.
* Unlike GetAttrAssociatedElement, this returns the target even if it isn't
* a descendant of any of this element's shadow-including ancestors. It also
* doesn't attempt to retrieve an element using a string id set in the content
* attribute.
Element* GetExplicitlySetAttrElement(nsAtom* aAttr) const;
* Gets the attribute elements for the given attribute. Unlike
* GetAttrAssociatedElements, this returns an uncached array of explicitly set
* elements without checking if they are a descendant of any of this element's
* shadow-including ancestors. It also does not attempt to retrieve elements
* using the ids set in the content attribute.
void GetExplicitlySetAttrElements(nsAtom* aAttr,
nsTArray<Element*>& aElements) const;
PseudoStyleType GetPseudoElementType() const {
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
auto raw = GetProperty(nsGkAtoms::pseudoProperty, &rv);
return PseudoStyleType::NotPseudo;
return PseudoStyleType(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(raw));
void SetPseudoElementType(PseudoStyleType aPseudo) {
static_assert(sizeof(PseudoStyleType) <= sizeof(uintptr_t),
"Need to be able to store this in a void*");
SetProperty(nsGkAtoms::pseudoProperty, reinterpret_cast<void*>(aPseudo));
* Return an array of all elements in the subtree rooted at this
* element that have grid container frames. This does not include
* pseudo-elements.
void GetElementsWithGrid(nsTArray<RefPtr<Element>>& aElements);
* Provide a direct way to determine if this Element has visible
* scrollbars. Flushes layout.
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT bool HasVisibleScrollbars();
* Get an editor which handles user inputs when this element has focus.
* If this is a text control, return a TextEditor if it's already created.
* Otherwise, return nullptr.
* If this is not a text control but this is editable, return
* HTMLEditor which should've already been created.
* Otherwise, return nullptr.
EditorBase* GetEditorWithoutCreation() const;
* Implement the algorithm specified at
* |insertAdjacentElement()| and |insertAdjacentText()| APIs.
nsINode* InsertAdjacent(const nsAString& aWhere, nsINode* aNode,
ErrorResult& aError);
Element* InsertAdjacentElement(const nsAString& aWhere, Element& aElement,
ErrorResult& aError);
void InsertAdjacentText(const nsAString& aWhere, const nsAString& aData,
ErrorResult& aError);
void SetPointerCapture(int32_t aPointerId, ErrorResult& aError);
void ReleasePointerCapture(int32_t aPointerId, ErrorResult& aError);
bool HasPointerCapture(long aPointerId);
void SetCapture(bool aRetargetToElement);
void SetCaptureAlways(bool aRetargetToElement);
void ReleaseCapture();
already_AddRefed<Promise> RequestFullscreen(CallerType, ErrorResult&);
void RequestPointerLock(CallerType aCallerType);
Attr* GetAttributeNode(const nsAString& aName);
already_AddRefed<Attr> SetAttributeNode(Attr& aNewAttr, ErrorResult& aError);
already_AddRefed<Attr> RemoveAttributeNode(Attr& aOldAttr,
ErrorResult& aError);
Attr* GetAttributeNodeNS(const nsAString& aNamespaceURI,
const nsAString& aLocalName);
already_AddRefed<Attr> SetAttributeNodeNS(Attr& aNewAttr,
ErrorResult& aError);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT already_AddRefed<DOMRectList> GetClientRects();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT already_AddRefed<DOMRect> GetBoundingClientRect();
enum class Loading : uint8_t {
Loading LoadingState() const;
void GetLoading(nsAString& aValue) const;
bool ParseLoadingAttribute(const nsAString& aValue, nsAttrValue& aResult);
virtual bool IsPotentiallyRenderBlocking() { return false; }
bool BlockingContainsRender() const;
// Shadow DOM v1
enum class ShadowRootDeclarative : bool { No, Yes };
already_AddRefed<ShadowRoot> AttachShadow(const ShadowRootInit& aInit,
ErrorResult& aError);
bool CanAttachShadowDOM() const;
enum class DelegatesFocus : bool { No, Yes };
enum class ShadowRootClonable : bool { No, Yes };
enum class ShadowRootSerializable : bool { No, Yes };
already_AddRefed<ShadowRoot> AttachShadowWithoutNameChecks(
ShadowRootMode aMode, DelegatesFocus = DelegatesFocus::No,
SlotAssignmentMode aSlotAssignmentMode = SlotAssignmentMode::Named,
ShadowRootClonable aClonable = ShadowRootClonable::No,
ShadowRootSerializable aSerializable = ShadowRootSerializable::No);
// Attach UA Shadow Root if it is not attached.
enum class NotifyUAWidgetSetup : bool { No, Yes };
void AttachAndSetUAShadowRoot(NotifyUAWidgetSetup = NotifyUAWidgetSetup::Yes,
DelegatesFocus = DelegatesFocus::No);
// Dispatch an event to UAWidgetsChild, triggering construction
// or onchange callback on the existing widget.
void NotifyUAWidgetSetupOrChange();
enum class UnattachShadowRoot {
// Dispatch an event to UAWidgetsChild, triggering UA Widget destruction.
// and optionally remove the shadow root.
void NotifyUAWidgetTeardown(UnattachShadowRoot = UnattachShadowRoot::Yes);
void UnattachShadow();
ShadowRoot* GetShadowRootByMode() const;
void SetSlot(const nsAString& aName, ErrorResult& aError);
void GetSlot(nsAString& aName);
ShadowRoot* GetShadowRoot() const {
const nsExtendedDOMSlots* slots = GetExistingExtendedDOMSlots();
return slots ? slots->mShadowRoot.get() : nullptr;
const Maybe<float> GetLastRememberedBSize() const {
const nsExtendedDOMSlots* slots = GetExistingExtendedDOMSlots();
return slots ? slots->mLastRememberedBSize : Nothing();
const Maybe<float> GetLastRememberedISize() const {
const nsExtendedDOMSlots* slots = GetExistingExtendedDOMSlots();
return slots ? slots->mLastRememberedISize : Nothing();
bool HasLastRememberedBSize() const {
return GetLastRememberedBSize().isSome();
bool HasLastRememberedISize() const {
return GetLastRememberedISize().isSome();
const Maybe<ContentRelevancy> GetContentRelevancy() const {
const auto* slots = GetExistingExtendedDOMSlots();
return slots ? slots->mContentRelevancy : Nothing();
void SetContentRelevancy(ContentRelevancy relevancy) {
ExtendedDOMSlots()->mContentRelevancy = Some(relevancy);
const Maybe<bool> GetVisibleForContentVisibility() const {
const auto* slots = GetExistingExtendedDOMSlots();
return slots ? slots->mVisibleForContentVisibility : Nothing();
void SetVisibleForContentVisibility(bool visible) {
ExtendedDOMSlots()->mVisibleForContentVisibility = Some(visible);
void ClearContentRelevancy() {
if (auto* slots = GetExistingExtendedDOMSlots()) {
slots->mTemporarilyVisibleForScrolledIntoViewDescendant = false;
bool TemporarilyVisibleForScrolledIntoViewDescendant() const {
const auto* slots = GetExistingExtendedDOMSlots();
return slots && slots->mTemporarilyVisibleForScrolledIntoViewDescendant;
void SetTemporarilyVisibleForScrolledIntoViewDescendant(bool aVisible) {
ExtendedDOMSlots()->mTemporarilyVisibleForScrolledIntoViewDescendant =
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT bool CheckVisibility(const CheckVisibilityOptions&);
// DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION directly in C++. This function is supposed to be
// called from JS. Use PresShell::ScrollContentIntoView instead.
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void ScrollIntoView(const ScrollIntoViewOptions& aOptions);
// DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION directly in C++. This function is supposed to be
// called from JS. Use PresShell::ScrollContentIntoView instead.
void ScrollIntoView(const BooleanOrScrollIntoViewOptions& aObject);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void ScrollTo(double aXScroll, double aYScroll);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void ScrollTo(const ScrollToOptions& aOptions);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void ScrollBy(double aXScrollDif, double aYScrollDif);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void ScrollBy(const ScrollToOptions& aOptions);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT int32_t ScrollTop();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void SetScrollTop(int32_t aScrollTop);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT int32_t ScrollLeft();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void SetScrollLeft(int32_t aScrollLeft);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT int32_t ScrollWidth();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT int32_t ScrollHeight();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void MozScrollSnap();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT int32_t ClientTop() {
return CSSPixel::FromAppUnits(GetClientAreaRect().y).Rounded();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT int32_t ClientLeft() {
return CSSPixel::FromAppUnits(GetClientAreaRect().x).Rounded();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT int32_t ClientWidth() {
return CSSPixel::FromAppUnits(GetClientAreaRect().Width()).Rounded();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT int32_t ClientHeight() {
return CSSPixel::FromAppUnits(GetClientAreaRect().Height()).Rounded();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT int32_t ScreenX();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT int32_t ScreenY();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT already_AddRefed<nsIScreen> GetScreen();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT int32_t ScrollTopMin();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT int32_t ScrollTopMax();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT int32_t ScrollLeftMin();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT int32_t ScrollLeftMax();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT double ClientHeightDouble() {
return CSSPixel::FromAppUnits(GetClientAreaRect().Height());
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT double ClientWidthDouble() {
return CSSPixel::FromAppUnits(GetClientAreaRect().Width());
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT double CurrentCSSZoom();
// This function will return the block size of first line box, no matter if
// the box is 'block' or 'inline'. The return unit is pixel. If the element
// can't get a primary frame, we will return be zero.
double FirstLineBoxBSize() const;
already_AddRefed<Flex> GetAsFlexContainer();
void GetGridFragments(nsTArray<RefPtr<Grid>>& aResult);
bool HasGridFragments();
already_AddRefed<DOMMatrixReadOnly> GetTransformToAncestor(
Element& aAncestor);
already_AddRefed<DOMMatrixReadOnly> GetTransformToParent();
already_AddRefed<DOMMatrixReadOnly> GetTransformToViewport();
already_AddRefed<Animation> Animate(
JSContext* aContext, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aKeyframes,
const UnrestrictedDoubleOrKeyframeAnimationOptions& aOptions,
ErrorResult& aError);
void GetAnimations(const GetAnimationsOptions& aOptions,
nsTArray<RefPtr<Animation>>& aAnimations);
void GetAnimationsWithoutFlush(const GetAnimationsOptions& aOptions,
nsTArray<RefPtr<Animation>>& aAnimations);
void CloneAnimationsFrom(const Element& aOther);
virtual void GetInnerHTML(nsAString& aInnerHTML, OOMReporter& aError);
// @param aInnerHTML will always be of type `NullIsEmptyString`.
void GetInnerHTML(OwningTrustedHTMLOrNullIsEmptyString& aInnerHTML,
OOMReporter& aError);
// May only run script if aInnerHTML is a string. If this behavior changes,
// callees might need adjusting.
const TrustedHTMLOrNullIsEmptyString& aInnerHTML,
nsIPrincipal* aSubjectPrincipal, ErrorResult& aError);
// Call this method only with trusted, i.e. non-attacker-controlled, strings.
virtual void SetInnerHTMLTrusted(const nsAString& aInnerHTML,
nsIPrincipal* aSubjectPrincipal,
ErrorResult& aError);
// @param aOuterHTML will always be of type `NullIsEmptyString`.
void GetOuterHTML(OwningTrustedHTMLOrNullIsEmptyString& aOuterHTML);
const TrustedHTMLOrNullIsEmptyString& aOuterHTML, ErrorResult& aError);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void InsertAdjacentHTML(
const nsAString& aPosition,
const TrustedHTMLOrString& aTrustedHTMLOrString, ErrorResult& aError);
void SetHTML(const nsAString& aInnerHTML, const SetHTMLOptions& aOptions,
ErrorResult& aError);
void GetHTML(const GetHTMLOptions& aOptions, nsAString& aResult);
* Add a script event listener with the given event handler name
* (like onclick) and with the value as JS
* @param aEventName the event listener name
* @param aValue the JS to attach
* @param aDefer indicates if deferred execution is allowed
void SetEventHandler(nsAtom* aEventName, const nsAString& aValue,
bool aDefer = true);
* Do whatever needs to be done when the mouse leaves a link
nsresult LeaveLink(nsPresContext* aPresContext);
static bool ShouldBlur(nsIContent* aContent);
* Method to create and dispatch a left-click event loosely based on
* aSourceEvent. If aFullDispatch is true, the event will be dispatched
* through the full dispatching of the presshell of the aPresContext; if it's
* false the event will be dispatched only as a DOM event.
* If aPresContext is nullptr, this does nothing.
* @param aFlags Extra flags for the dispatching event. The true flags
* will be respected.
static nsresult DispatchClickEvent(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
WidgetInputEvent* aSourceEvent,
nsIContent* aTarget, bool aFullDispatch,
const EventFlags* aFlags,
nsEventStatus* aStatus);
* Method to dispatch aEvent to aTarget. If aFullDispatch is true, the event
* will be dispatched through the full dispatching of the presshell of the
* aPresContext; if it's false the event will be dispatched only as a DOM
* event.
* If aPresContext is nullptr, this does nothing.
using nsIContent::DispatchEvent;
static nsresult DispatchEvent(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
WidgetEvent* aEvent, nsIContent* aTarget,
bool aFullDispatch, nsEventStatus* aStatus);
bool IsDisplayContents() const {
return HasServoData() && Servo_Element_IsDisplayContents(this);
* With a gotcha for display contents:
bool IsRendered() const { return GetPrimaryFrame() || IsDisplayContents(); }
const nsAttrValue* GetParsedAttr(const nsAtom* aAttr) const {
return mAttrs.GetAttr(aAttr);
const nsAttrValue* GetParsedAttr(const nsAtom* aAttr,
int32_t aNameSpaceID) const {
return mAttrs.GetAttr(aAttr, aNameSpaceID);
* Returns the attribute map, if there is one.
* @return existing attribute map or nullptr.
nsDOMAttributeMap* GetAttributeMap() {
nsDOMSlots* slots = GetExistingDOMSlots();
return slots ? slots->mAttributeMap.get() : nullptr;
void RecompileScriptEventListeners();
* Get the attr info for the given namespace ID and attribute name. The
* namespace ID must not be kNameSpaceID_Unknown and the name must not be
* null. Note that this can only return info on attributes that actually
* live on this element (and is only virtual to handle XUL prototypes). That
* is, this should only be called from methods that only care about attrs
* that effectively live in mAttrs.
BorrowedAttrInfo GetAttrInfo(int32_t aNamespaceID,
const nsAtom* aName) const {
NS_ASSERTION(aName, "must have attribute name");
NS_ASSERTION(aNamespaceID != kNameSpaceID_Unknown,
"must have a real namespace ID!");
int32_t index = mAttrs.IndexOfAttr(aName, aNamespaceID);
if (index < 0) {
return BorrowedAttrInfo(nullptr, nullptr);
return mAttrs.AttrInfoAt(index);
* Parse a string into an nsAttrValue for a CORS attribute. This
* never fails. The resulting value is an enumerated value whose
* GetEnumValue() returns one of the above constants.
static void ParseCORSValue(const nsAString& aValue, nsAttrValue& aResult);
* Return the CORS mode for a given string
static CORSMode StringToCORSMode(const nsAString& aValue);
* Return the CORS mode for a given nsAttrValue (which may be null,
* but if not should have been parsed via ParseCORSValue).
static CORSMode AttrValueToCORSMode(const nsAttrValue* aValue);
nsINode* GetScopeChainParent() const override;
JSObject* WrapNode(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override;
* Locate a TextEditor rooted at this content node, if there is one.
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY mozilla::TextEditor* GetTextEditorInternal();
* Gets value of boolean attribute. Only works for attributes in null
* namespace.
* @param aAttr name of attribute.
* @param aValue Boolean value of attribute.
bool GetBoolAttr(nsAtom* aAttr) const { return HasAttr(aAttr); }
* Sets value of boolean attribute by removing attribute or setting it to
* the empty string. Only works for attributes in null namespace.
* @param aAttr name of attribute.
* @param aValue Boolean value of attribute.
nsresult SetBoolAttr(nsAtom* aAttr, bool aValue);
* Gets the enum value string of an attribute and using a default value if
* the attribute is missing or the string is an invalid enum value.
* @param aType the name of the attribute.
* @param aDefault the default value if the attribute is missing or invalid.
* @param aResult string corresponding to the value [out].
void GetEnumAttr(nsAtom* aAttr, const char* aDefault,
nsAString& aResult) const;
* Gets the enum value string of an attribute and using the default missing
* value if the attribute is missing or the default invalid value if the
* string is an invalid enum value.
* @param aType the name of the attribute.
* @param aDefaultMissing the default value if the attribute is missing. If
null and the attribute is missing, aResult will be
set to the null DOMString; this only matters for
cases in which we're reflecting a nullable string.
* @param aDefaultInvalid the default value if the attribute is invalid.
* @param aResult string corresponding to the value [out].
void GetEnumAttr(nsAtom* aAttr, const char* aDefaultMissing,
const char* aDefaultInvalid, nsAString& aResult) const;
* Unset an attribute.
void UnsetAttr(nsAtom* aAttr, ErrorResult& aError) {
aError = UnsetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, aAttr, true);
* Set an attribute in the simplest way possible.
void SetAttr(nsAtom* aAttr, const nsAString& aValue, ErrorResult& aError) {
aError = SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, aAttr, aValue, true);
void SetAttr(nsAtom* aAttr, const nsAString& aValue,
nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal, ErrorResult& aError) {
aError =
SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, aAttr, aValue, aTriggeringPrincipal, true);
* Preallocate space in this element's attribute array for the given
* total number of attributes.
void TryReserveAttributeCount(uint32_t aAttributeCount);
void SetParserHadDuplicateAttributeError() {
* Set a content attribute via a reflecting nullable string IDL
* attribute (e.g. a CORS attribute). If DOMStringIsNull(aValue),
* this will actually remove the content attribute.
void SetOrRemoveNullableStringAttr(nsAtom* aName, const nsAString& aValue,
ErrorResult& aError);
* Retrieve the ratio of font-size-inflated text font size to computed font
* size for this element. This will query the element for its primary frame,
* and then use this to get font size inflation information about the frame.
* @returns The font size inflation ratio (inflated font size to uninflated
* font size) for the primary frame of this element. Returns 1.0
* by default if font size inflation is not enabled. Returns -1
* if the element does not have a primary frame.
* @note The font size inflation ratio that is returned is actually the
* font size inflation data for the element's _primary frame_, not the
* element itself, but for most purposes, this should be sufficient.
float FontSizeInflation();
void GetImplementedPseudoElement(nsAString&) const;
* Get the pseudo element for this pseudo request (i.e. PseudoStyleType and
* its function parameter, if any).
Element* GetPseudoElement(const PseudoStyleRequest&) const;
ReferrerPolicy GetReferrerPolicyAsEnum() const;
ReferrerPolicy ReferrerPolicyFromAttr(const nsAttrValue* aValue) const;
* Helpers for .dataset. This is implemented on Element, though only some
* sorts of elements expose it to JS as a .dataset property
// Getter, to be called from bindings.
already_AddRefed<nsDOMStringMap> Dataset();
// Callback for destructor of dataset to ensure to null out our weak pointer
// to it.
void ClearDataset();
// A number of methods to cast to various XUL interfaces. They return a
// pointer only if the element implements that interface.
already_AddRefed<nsIDOMXULButtonElement> AsXULButton();
already_AddRefed<nsIDOMXULContainerElement> AsXULContainer();
already_AddRefed<nsIDOMXULContainerItemElement> AsXULContainerItem();
already_AddRefed<nsIDOMXULControlElement> AsXULControl();
already_AddRefed<nsIDOMXULMenuListElement> AsXULMenuList();
already_AddRefed<nsIDOMXULRadioGroupElement> AsXULRadioGroup();
already_AddRefed<nsIDOMXULRelatedElement> AsXULRelated();
already_AddRefed<nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement> AsXULSelectControl();
already_AddRefed<nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement> AsXULSelectControlItem();
already_AddRefed<nsIBrowser> AsBrowser();
already_AddRefed<nsIAutoCompletePopup> AsAutoCompletePopup();
* Get the presentation context for this content node.
* @return the presentation context
enum PresContextFor { eForComposedDoc, eForUncomposedDoc };
nsPresContext* GetPresContext(PresContextFor aFor);
* The method focuses (or activates) element that accesskey is bound to. It is
* called when accesskey is activated.
* @param aKeyCausesActivation - if true then element should be activated
* @param aIsTrustedEvent - if true then event that is cause of accesskey
* execution is trusted.
* @return an error if the element isn't able to handle the accesskey (caller
* would look for the next element to handle it).
* a boolean indicates whether the focus moves to the element after
* the element handles the accesskey.
virtual Result<bool, nsresult> PerformAccesskey(bool aKeyCausesActivation,
bool aIsTrustedEvent) {
// Supported rel values for <form> and anchors.
static const DOMTokenListSupportedToken sAnchorAndFormRelValues[];
* Named-bools for use with SetAttrAndNotify to make call sites easier to
* read.
static const bool kFireMutationEvent = true;
static const bool kDontFireMutationEvent = false;
static const bool kNotifyDocumentObservers = true;
static const bool kDontNotifyDocumentObservers = false;
static const bool kCallAfterSetAttr = true;
static const bool kDontCallAfterSetAttr = false;
* The supported values of blocking attribute for use with nsDOMTokenList.
static const DOMTokenListSupportedToken sSupportedBlockingValues[];
* Set attribute and (if needed) notify documentobservers and fire off
* mutation events. This will send the AttributeChanged notification.
* Callers of this method are responsible for calling AttributeWillChange,
* since that needs to happen before the new attr value has been set, and
* in particular before it has been parsed.
* For the boolean parameters, consider using the named bools above to aid
* code readability.
* @param aNamespaceID namespace of attribute
* @param aAttribute local-name of attribute
* @param aPrefix aPrefix of attribute
* @param aOldValue The old value of the attribute to use as a fallback
* in the cases where the actual old value (i.e.
* its current value) is !StoresOwnData() --- in which
* case the current value is probably already useless.
* If the current value is StoresOwnData() (or absent),
* aOldValue will not be used. aOldValue will only be set
* in certain circumstances (there are mutation
* listeners, element is a custom element, attribute was
* not previously unset). Otherwise it will be null.
* @param aParsedValue parsed new value of attribute. Replaced by the
* old value of the attribute. This old value is only
* useful if either it or the new value is StoresOwnData.
* @param aSubjectPrincipal
* the principal of the scripted caller responsible for
* setting the attribute, or null if no scripted caller
* can be determined. A null value here does not
* guarantee that there is no scripted caller, but a
* non-null value does guarantee that a scripted caller
* with the given principal is directly responsible for
* the attribute change.
* @param aModType MutationEvent_Binding::MODIFICATION or ADDITION. Only
* needed if aFireMutation or aNotify is true.
* @param aFireMutation should mutation-events be fired?
* @param aNotify should we notify document-observers?
* @param aCallAfterSetAttr should we call AfterSetAttr?
* @param aComposedDocument The current composed document of the element.
* @param aGuard For making sure that this is called with a
* mozAutoDocUpdate instance, this is here. Specify
* an instance of it which you created for the call.
nsresult SetAttrAndNotify(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsAtom* aName,
nsAtom* aPrefix, const nsAttrValue* aOldValue,
nsAttrValue& aParsedValue,
nsIPrincipal* aSubjectPrincipal, uint8_t aModType,
bool aFireMutation, bool aNotify,
bool aCallAfterSetAttr, Document* aComposedDocument,
const mozAutoDocUpdate& aGuard);
* Convert an attribute string value to attribute type based on the type of
* attribute. Called by SetAttr(). Note that at the moment we only do this
* for attributes in the null namespace (kNameSpaceID_None).
* @param aNamespaceID the namespace of the attribute to convert
* @param aAttribute the attribute to convert
* @param aValue the string value to convert
* @param aMaybeScriptedPrincipal the principal of the script setting the
* attribute, if one can be determined, or null otherwise. As in
* AfterSetAttr, a null value does not guarantee that the attribute was
* not set by a scripted caller, but a non-null value guarantees that
* the attribute was set by a scripted caller with the given principal.
* @param aResult the nsAttrValue [OUT]
* @return true if the parsing was successful, false otherwise
virtual bool ParseAttribute(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsAtom* aAttribute,
const nsAString& aValue,
nsIPrincipal* aMaybeScriptedPrincipal,
nsAttrValue& aResult);
* Hook that is called by Element::SetAttr to allow subclasses to
* deal with attribute sets. This will only be called after we verify that
* we're actually doing an attr set and will be called before
* AttributeWillChange and before ParseAttribute and hence before we've set
* the new value.
* @param aNamespaceID the namespace of the attr being set
* @param aName the localname of the attribute being set
* @param aValue the value it's being set to represented as either a string or
* a parsed nsAttrValue. Alternatively, if the attr is being removed it
* will be null.
* @param aNotify Whether we plan to notify document observers.
virtual void BeforeSetAttr(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsAtom* aName,
const nsAttrValue* aValue, bool aNotify);
* Hook that is called by Element::SetAttr to allow subclasses to
* deal with attribute sets. This will only be called after we have called
* SetAndSwapAttr (that is, after we have actually set the attr). It will
* always be called under a scriptblocker.
* @param aNamespaceID the namespace of the attr being set
* @param aName the localname of the attribute being set
* @param aValue the value it's being set to. If null, the attr is being
* removed.
* @param aOldValue the value that the attribute had previously. If null,
* the attr was not previously set. This argument may not have the
* correct value for SVG elements, or other cases in which the
* attribute value doesn't store its own data
* @param aMaybeScriptedPrincipal the principal of the scripted caller
* responsible for setting the attribute, or null if no scripted caller
* can be determined, or the attribute is being unset. A null value
* here does not guarantee that there is no scripted caller, but a
* non-null value does guarantee that a scripted caller with the given
* principal is directly responsible for the attribute change.
* @param aNotify Whether we plan to notify document observers.
virtual void AfterSetAttr(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsAtom* aName,
const nsAttrValue* aValue,
const nsAttrValue* aOldValue,
nsIPrincipal* aMaybeScriptedPrincipal,
bool aNotify);
* This function shall be called just before the id attribute changes. It will
* be called after BeforeSetAttr. If the attribute being changed is not the id
* attribute, this function does nothing. Otherwise, it will remove the old id
* from the document's id cache.
* This must happen after BeforeSetAttr (rather than during) because the
* the subclasses' calls to BeforeSetAttr may notify on state changes. If they
* incorrectly determine whether the element had an id, the element may not be
* restyled properly.
* @param aNamespaceID the namespace of the attr being set
* @param aName the localname of the attribute being set
* @param aValue the new id value. Will be null if the id is being unset.
void PreIdMaybeChange(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsAtom* aName,
const nsAttrValue* aValue);
* This function shall be called just after the id attribute changes. It will
* be called before AfterSetAttr. If the attribute being changed is not the id
* attribute, this function does nothing. Otherwise, it will add the new id to
* the document's id cache and properly set the ElementHasID flag.
* This must happen before AfterSetAttr (rather than during) because the
* the subclasses' calls to AfterSetAttr may notify on state changes. If they
* incorrectly determine whether the element now has an id, the element may
* not be restyled properly.
* @param aNamespaceID the namespace of the attr being set
* @param aName the localname of the attribute being set
* @param aValue the new id value. Will be null if the id is being unset.
void PostIdMaybeChange(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsAtom* aName,
const nsAttrValue* aValue);
* Usually, setting an attribute to the value that it already has results in
* no action. However, in some cases, setting an attribute to its current
* value should have the effect of, for example, forcing a reload of
* network data. To address that, this function will be called in this
* situation to allow the handling of such a case.
* @param aNamespaceID the namespace of the attr being set
* @param aName the localname of the attribute being set
* @param aValue the value it's being set to represented as either a string or
* a parsed nsAttrValue.
* @param aNotify Whether we plan to notify document observers.
virtual void OnAttrSetButNotChanged(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsAtom* aName,
const nsAttrValueOrString& aValue,
bool aNotify);
* Hook to allow subclasses to produce a different EventListenerManager if
* needed for attachment of attribute-defined handlers
virtual EventListenerManager* GetEventListenerManagerForAttr(
nsAtom* aAttrName, bool* aDefer);
* Internal hook for converting an attribute name-string to nsAttrName in
* case there is such existing attribute. aNameToUse can be passed to get
* name which was used for looking for the attribute (lowercase in HTML).
const nsAttrName* InternalGetAttrNameFromQName(
const nsAString& aStr, nsAutoString* aNameToUse = nullptr) const;
virtual Element* GetNameSpaceElement() override { return this; }
Attr* GetAttributeNodeNSInternal(const nsAString& aNamespaceURI,
const nsAString& aLocalName);
inline void RegisterActivityObserver();
inline void UnregisterActivityObserver();
* Add/remove this element to the documents id cache
void AddToIdTable(nsAtom* aId);
void RemoveFromIdTable();
* Functions to carry out event default actions for links of all types
* (HTML links, XLinks, SVG "XLinks", etc.)
* Check that we meet the conditions to handle a link event
* and that we are actually on a link.
* @param aVisitor event visitor
* @return true if we can handle the link event, false otherwise
bool CheckHandleEventForLinksPrecondition(EventChainVisitor& aVisitor) const;
* Handle status bar updates before they can be cancelled.
void GetEventTargetParentForLinks(EventChainPreVisitor& aVisitor);
void DispatchChromeOnlyLinkClickEvent(EventChainPostVisitor& aVisitor);
* Handle default actions for link event if the event isn't consumed yet.
nsresult PostHandleEventForLinks(EventChainPostVisitor& aVisitor);
* Check if this element is a link. This matches the CSS definition of the
* :any-link pseudo-class.
bool IsLink() const {
return mState.HasAtLeastOneOfStates(ElementState::VISITED |
* Get a pointer to the full href URI (fully resolved and canonicalized, since
* it's an nsIURI object) for link elements.
* @return A pointer to the URI or null if the element is not a link, or it
* has no HREF attribute, or the HREF attribute is an invalid URI.
virtual already_AddRefed<nsIURI> GetHrefURI() const { return nullptr; }
// Step 2. of
// Sanitize targets that look like they contain dangling markup.
static void SanitizeLinkOrFormTarget(nsAString& aTarget);
* (Excluding <form>)
* Get the target of this link element. Consumers should established that
* this element is a link (probably using IsLink) before calling this
* function (or else why call it?). This method neuters probably markup
* injection attempts.
* Note: for HTML this gets the value of the 'target' attribute; for XLink
* this gets the value of the xlink:_moz_target attribute, or failing that,
* the value of xlink:show, converted to a suitably equivalent named target
* (e.g. _blank).
void GetLinkTarget(nsAString& aTarget);
virtual void GetLinkTargetImpl(nsAString& aTarget);
virtual bool Translate() const;
virtual void SetHTMLUnsafe(const TrustedHTMLOrString& aHTML,
ErrorResult& aError);
enum class ReparseAttributes { No, Yes };
* Copy attributes and state to another element
* @param aDest the object to copy to
nsresult CopyInnerTo(Element* aDest,
ReparseAttributes = ReparseAttributes::Yes);
* Some event handler content attributes have a different name (e.g. different
* case) from the actual event name. This function takes an event handler
* content attribute name and returns the corresponding event name, to be used
* for adding the actual event listener.
virtual nsAtom* GetEventNameForAttr(nsAtom* aAttr);
* Register/unregister this element to accesskey map if it supports accesskey.
virtual void RegUnRegAccessKey(bool aDoReg);
void AssertInvariantsOnNodeInfoChange();
* Slow path for GetClasses, this should only be called for SVG elements.
const nsAttrValue* GetSVGAnimatedClass() const;
* Get this element's client area rect in app units.
* @return the frame's client area
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT nsRect GetClientAreaRect();
/** Gets the scroll size as for the scroll{Width,Height} APIs */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT nsSize GetScrollSize();
/** Gets the scroll position as for the scroll{Top,Left} APIs */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT nsPoint GetScrollOrigin();
/** Gets the scroll range as for the scroll{Top,Left}{Min,Max} APIs */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT nsRect GetScrollRange();
* GetCustomInterface is somewhat like a GetInterface, but it is expected
* that the implementation is provided by a custom element or via the
* the XBL implements keyword. To use this, create a public method that
* wraps a call to GetCustomInterface.
template <class T>
void GetCustomInterface(nsGetterAddRefs<T> aResult);
// Prevent people from doing pointless checks/casts on Element instances.
void IsElement() = delete;
void AsElement() = delete;
// Data members
ElementState mState;
// Per-node data managed by Servo.
// There should not be data on nodes that are not in the flattened tree, or
// descendants of display: none elements.
mozilla::RustCell<ServoNodeData*> mServoData;
// Array containing all attributes for this element
AttrArray mAttrs;
inline bool Element::HasNonEmptyAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID,
const nsAtom* aName) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(aNameSpaceID > kNameSpaceID_Unknown, "Must have namespace");
MOZ_ASSERT(aName, "Must have attribute name");
const nsAttrValue* val = mAttrs.GetAttr(aName, aNameSpaceID);
return val && !val->IsEmptyString();
inline bool Element::AttrValueIs(int32_t aNameSpaceID, const nsAtom* aName,
const nsAString& aValue,
nsCaseTreatment aCaseSensitive) const {
return mAttrs.AttrValueIs(aNameSpaceID, aName, aValue, aCaseSensitive);
inline bool Element::AttrValueIs(int32_t aNameSpaceID, const nsAtom* aName,
const nsAtom* aValue,
nsCaseTreatment aCaseSensitive) const {
return mAttrs.AttrValueIs(aNameSpaceID, aName, aValue, aCaseSensitive);
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla
inline mozilla::dom::Element* nsINode::AsElement() {
return static_cast<mozilla::dom::Element*>(this);
inline const mozilla::dom::Element* nsINode::AsElement() const {
return static_cast<const mozilla::dom::Element*>(this);
inline mozilla::dom::Element* nsINode::GetParentElement() const {
return mozilla::dom::Element::FromNodeOrNull(mParent);
inline mozilla::dom::Element* nsINode::GetPreviousElementSibling() const {
nsIContent* previousSibling = GetPreviousSibling();
while (previousSibling) {
if (previousSibling->IsElement()) {
return previousSibling->AsElement();
previousSibling = previousSibling->GetPreviousSibling();
return nullptr;
inline mozilla::dom::Element* nsINode::GetAsElementOrParentElement() const {
return IsElement() ? const_cast<mozilla::dom::Element*>(AsElement())
: GetParentElement();
inline mozilla::dom::Element* nsINode::GetNextElementSibling() const {
nsIContent* nextSibling = GetNextSibling();
while (nextSibling) {
if (nextSibling->IsElement()) {
return nextSibling->AsElement();
nextSibling = nextSibling->GetNextSibling();
return nullptr;
* Macros to implement Clone(). _elementName is the class for which to implement
* Clone.
#define NS_IMPL_ELEMENT_CLONE(_elementName, ...) \
nsresult _elementName::Clone(mozilla::dom::NodeInfo* aNodeInfo, \
nsINode** aResult) const { \
*aResult = nullptr; \
RefPtr<_elementName> it = new (aNodeInfo->NodeInfoManager()) \
_elementName(do_AddRef(aNodeInfo), ##__VA_ARGS__); \
nsresult rv = const_cast<_elementName*>(this)->CopyInnerTo(it); \
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { \
it.forget(aResult); \
} \
return rv; \
#define NS_IMPL_ELEMENT_CLONE_WITH_INIT(_elementName, ...) \
nsresult _elementName::Clone(mozilla::dom::NodeInfo* aNodeInfo, \
nsINode** aResult) const { \
*aResult = nullptr; \
RefPtr<_elementName> it = new (aNodeInfo->NodeInfoManager()) \
_elementName(do_AddRef(aNodeInfo), ##__VA_ARGS__); \
nsresult rv = it->Init(); \
nsresult rv2 = const_cast<_elementName*>(this)->CopyInnerTo(it); \
if (NS_FAILED(rv2)) { \
rv = rv2; \
} \
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { \
it.forget(aResult); \
} \
return rv; \
#endif // mozilla_dom_Element_h__