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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_dom_BrowsingContext_h
#define mozilla_dom_BrowsingContext_h
#include <tuple>
#include "GVAutoplayRequestUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h"
#include "mozilla/HalScreenConfiguration.h"
#include "mozilla/LinkedList.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/Span.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BindingDeclarations.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/LocationBase.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/MaybeDiscarded.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/PopupBlocker.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/UserActivation.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BrowsingContextBinding.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ScreenOrientationBinding.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/SyncedContext.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
#include "nsIDocShell.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsWrapperCache.h"
#include "nsILoadInfo.h"
#include "nsILoadContext.h"
#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
class nsDocShellLoadState;
class nsGlobalWindowInner;
class nsGlobalWindowOuter;
class nsIPrincipal;
class nsOuterWindowProxy;
struct nsPoint;
class PickleIterator;
namespace IPC {
class Message;
class MessageReader;
class MessageWriter;
} // namespace IPC
namespace mozilla {
class ErrorResult;
class LogModule;
namespace ipc {
class IProtocol;
class IPCResult;
template <typename T>
struct IPDLParamTraits;
} // namespace ipc
namespace dom {
class BrowsingContent;
class BrowsingContextGroup;
class CanonicalBrowsingContext;
class ChildSHistory;
class ContentParent;
class Element;
struct LoadingSessionHistoryInfo;
class Location;
template <typename>
struct Nullable;
template <typename T>
class Sequence;
class SessionHistoryInfo;
class SessionStorageManager;
class StructuredCloneHolder;
class WindowContext;
class WindowGlobalChild;
struct WindowPostMessageOptions;
class WindowProxyHolder;
enum class ExplicitActiveStatus : uint8_t {
struct EmbedderColorSchemes {
PrefersColorSchemeOverride mUsed{};
PrefersColorSchemeOverride mPreferred{};
bool operator==(const EmbedderColorSchemes& aOther) const {
return mUsed == aOther.mUsed && mPreferred == aOther.mPreferred;
bool operator!=(const EmbedderColorSchemes& aOther) const {
return !(*this == aOther);
// Fields are, by default, settable by any process and readable by any process.
// Racy sets will be resolved as-if they occurred in the order the parent
// process finds out about them.
// The `DidSet` and `CanSet` methods may be overloaded to provide different
// behavior for a specific field.
// * `DidSet` is called to run code in every process whenever the value is
// updated (This currently occurs even if the value didn't change, though
// this may change in the future).
// * `CanSet` is called before attempting to set the value, in both the process
// which calls `Set`, and the parent process, and will kill the misbehaving
// process if it fails.
FIELD(Name, nsString) \
FIELD(Closed, bool) \
FIELD(ExplicitActive, ExplicitActiveStatus) \
/* Top()-only. If true, new-playing media will be suspended when in an \
* inactive browsing context. */ \
FIELD(SuspendMediaWhenInactive, bool) \
/* If true, we're within the nested event loop in, and this \
* context may not be used as the target of a load */ \
FIELD(PendingInitialization, bool) \
/* Indicates if the browser window is active for the purpose of the \
* :-moz-window-inactive pseudoclass. Only read from or set on the \
* top BrowsingContext. */ \
FIELD(IsActiveBrowserWindowInternal, bool) \
FIELD(OpenerPolicy, nsILoadInfo::CrossOriginOpenerPolicy) \
/* Current opener for the BrowsingContext. Weak reference */ \
FIELD(OpenerId, uint64_t) \
FIELD(OnePermittedSandboxedNavigatorId, uint64_t) \
/* WindowID of the inner window which embeds this BC */ \
FIELD(EmbedderInnerWindowId, uint64_t) \
FIELD(CurrentInnerWindowId, uint64_t) \
FIELD(HadOriginalOpener, bool) \
/* Was this window created by a webpage through or an anchor \
* link? In general, windows created this way may be manipulated (e.g. \
* closed, resized or moved) by content JS. */ \
FIELD(TopLevelCreatedByWebContent, bool) \
FIELD(IsPopupSpam, bool) \
/* Hold the audio muted state and should be used on top level browsing \
* contexts only */ \
FIELD(Muted, bool) \
/* Hold the pinned/app-tab state and should be used on top level browsing \
* contexts only */ \
FIELD(IsAppTab, bool) \
/* Whether there's more than 1 tab / toplevel browsing context in this \
* parent window. Used to determine if a given BC is allowed to resize \
* and/or move the window or not. */ \
FIELD(HasSiblings, bool) \
/* Indicate that whether we should delay media playback, which would only \
be done on an unvisited tab. And this should only be used on the top \
level browsing contexts */ \
FIELD(ShouldDelayMediaFromStart, bool) \
/* See nsSandboxFlags.h for the possible flags. */ \
FIELD(SandboxFlags, uint32_t) \
/* The value of SandboxFlags when the BrowsingContext is first created. \
* Used for sandboxing the initial about:blank document. */ \
FIELD(InitialSandboxFlags, uint32_t) \
/* A non-zero unique identifier for the browser element that is hosting \
* this \
* BrowsingContext tree. Every BrowsingContext in the element's tree will \
* return the same ID in all processes and it will remain stable \
* regardless of process changes. When a browser element's frameloader is \
* switched to another browser element this ID will remain the same but \
* hosted under the under the new browser element. */ \
FIELD(BrowserId, uint64_t) \
FIELD(HistoryID, nsID) \
FIELD(InRDMPane, bool) \
FIELD(Loading, bool) \
/* A field only set on top browsing contexts, which indicates that either: \
* \
* * This is a browsing context created explicitly for printing or print \
* preview (thus hosting static documents). \
* \
* * This is a browsing context where something in this tree is calling \
* window.print() (and thus showing a modal dialog). \
* \
* We use it exclusively to block navigation for both of these cases. */ \
FIELD(IsPrinting, bool) \
FIELD(AncestorLoading, bool) \
FIELD(AllowContentRetargeting, bool) \
FIELD(AllowContentRetargetingOnChildren, bool) \
FIELD(ForceEnableTrackingProtection, bool) \
FIELD(UseGlobalHistory, bool) \
FIELD(TargetTopLevelLinkClicksToBlankInternal, bool) \
FIELD(FullscreenAllowedByOwner, bool) \
FIELD(ForceDesktopViewport, bool) \
/* \
* "is popup" in the spec. \
* Set only on top browsing contexts. \
* This doesn't indicate whether this is actually a popup or not, \
* but whether this browsing context is created by requesting popup or not. \
* See also: nsWindowWatcher::ShouldOpenPopup. \
*/ \
FIELD(IsPopupRequested, bool) \
/* These field are used to store the states of autoplay media request on \
* GeckoView only, and it would only be modified on the top level browsing \
* context. */ \
FIELD(GVAudibleAutoplayRequestStatus, GVAutoplayRequestStatus) \
FIELD(GVInaudibleAutoplayRequestStatus, GVAutoplayRequestStatus) \
/* ScreenOrientation-related APIs */ \
FIELD(CurrentOrientationAngle, float) \
FIELD(CurrentOrientationType, mozilla::dom::OrientationType) \
FIELD(OrientationLock, mozilla::hal::ScreenOrientation) \
FIELD(UserAgentOverride, nsString) \
FIELD(TouchEventsOverrideInternal, mozilla::dom::TouchEventsOverride) \
FIELD(EmbedderElementType, Maybe<nsString>) \
FIELD(MessageManagerGroup, nsString) \
FIELD(MaxTouchPointsOverride, uint8_t) \
FIELD(FullZoom, float) \
FIELD(WatchedByDevToolsInternal, bool) \
FIELD(TextZoom, float) \
FIELD(OverrideDPPX, float) \
/* The current in-progress load. */ \
FIELD(CurrentLoadIdentifier, Maybe<uint64_t>) \
/* See nsIRequest for possible flags. */ \
FIELD(DefaultLoadFlags, uint32_t) \
/* Signals that session history is enabled for this browsing context tree. \
* This is only ever set to true on the top BC, so consumers need to get \
* the value from the top BC! */ \
FIELD(HasSessionHistory, bool) \
/* Tracks if this context is the only top-level document in the session \
* history of the context. */ \
FIELD(IsSingleToplevelInHistory, bool) \
FIELD(UseErrorPages, bool) \
FIELD(PlatformOverride, nsString) \
/* Specifies if this BC has loaded documents besides the initial \
* about:blank document. about:privatebrowsing, about:home, about:newtab \
* and non-initial about:blank are not considered to be initial \
* documents. */ \
FIELD(HasLoadedNonInitialDocument, bool) \
/* Default value for nsIDocumentViewer::authorStyleDisabled in any new \
* browsing contexts created as a descendant of this one. Valid only for \
* top BCs. */ \
FIELD(AuthorStyleDisabledDefault, bool) \
FIELD(ServiceWorkersTestingEnabled, bool) \
FIELD(MediumOverride, nsString) \
/* DevTools override for prefers-color-scheme */ \
FIELD(PrefersColorSchemeOverride, dom::PrefersColorSchemeOverride) \
/* DevTools override for forced-colors */ \
FIELD(ForcedColorsOverride, dom::ForcedColorsOverride) \
/* prefers-color-scheme override based on the color-scheme style of our \
* <browser> embedder element. */ \
FIELD(EmbedderColorSchemes, EmbedderColorSchemes) \
FIELD(DisplayMode, dom::DisplayMode) \
/* The number of entries added to the session history because of this \
* browsing context. */ \
FIELD(HistoryEntryCount, uint32_t) \
/* Don't use the getter of the field, but IsInBFCache() method */ \
FIELD(IsInBFCache, bool) \
FIELD(HasRestoreData, bool) \
FIELD(SessionStoreEpoch, uint32_t) \
/* Whether we can execute scripts in this BrowsingContext. Has no effect \
* unless scripts are also allowed in the parent WindowContext. */ \
FIELD(AllowJavascript, bool) \
/* The count of request that are used to prevent the browsing context tree \
* from being suspended, which would ONLY be modified on the top level \
* context in the chrome process because that's a non-atomic counter */ \
FIELD(PageAwakeRequestCount, uint32_t) \
/* This field only gets incrememented when we start navigations in the \
* parent process. This is used for keeping track of the racing navigations \
* between the parent and content processes. */ \
FIELD(ParentInitiatedNavigationEpoch, uint64_t) \
/* This browsing context is for a synthetic image document wrapping an \
* image embedded in <object> or <embed>. */ \
FIELD(SyntheticDocumentContainer, bool) \
/* If true, this document is embedded within a content document, either \
* loaded in the parent (e.g. about:addons or the devtools toolbox), or in \
* a content process. */ \
FIELD(EmbeddedInContentDocument, bool) \
/* If true, this browsing context is within a hidden embedded document. */ \
FIELD(IsUnderHiddenEmbedderElement, bool) \
/* If true, this browsing context is offline */ \
FIELD(ForceOffline, bool) \
/* Used to propagate's inner size for RFPTarget::Window* \
* protections */ \
FIELD(TopInnerSizeForRFP, CSSIntSize)
// BrowsingContext, in this context, is the cross process replicated
// environment in which information about documents is stored. In
// particular the tree structure of nested browsing contexts is
// represented by the tree of BrowsingContexts.
// The tree of BrowsingContexts is created in step with its
// corresponding nsDocShell, and when nsDocShells are connected
// through a parent/child relationship, so are BrowsingContexts. The
// major difference is that BrowsingContexts are replicated (synced)
// to the parent process, making it possible to traverse the
// BrowsingContext tree for a tab, in both the parent and the child
// process.
// Trees of BrowsingContexts should only ever contain nodes of the
// same BrowsingContext::Type. This is enforced by asserts in the
// BrowsingContext::Create* methods.
class BrowsingContext : public nsILoadContext, public nsWrapperCache {
enum class Type { Chrome, Content };
static void Init();
static LogModule* GetLog();
static LogModule* GetSyncLog();
// Look up a BrowsingContext in the current process by ID.
static already_AddRefed<BrowsingContext> Get(uint64_t aId);
static already_AddRefed<BrowsingContext> Get(GlobalObject&, uint64_t aId) {
return Get(aId);
// Look up the top-level BrowsingContext by BrowserID.
static already_AddRefed<BrowsingContext> GetCurrentTopByBrowserId(
uint64_t aBrowserId);
static already_AddRefed<BrowsingContext> GetCurrentTopByBrowserId(
GlobalObject&, uint64_t aId) {
return GetCurrentTopByBrowserId(aId);
static void UpdateCurrentTopByBrowserId(BrowsingContext* aNewBrowsingContext);
static already_AddRefed<BrowsingContext> GetFromWindow(
WindowProxyHolder& aProxy);
static already_AddRefed<BrowsingContext> GetFromWindow(
GlobalObject&, WindowProxyHolder& aProxy) {
return GetFromWindow(aProxy);
static void DiscardFromContentParent(ContentParent* aCP);
// Create a brand-new toplevel BrowsingContext with no relationships to other
// BrowsingContexts, and which is not embedded within any <browser> or frame
// element.
// This BrowsingContext is immediately attached, and cannot have LoadContext
// flags customized unless it is of `Type::Chrome`.
// The process which created this BrowsingContext is responsible for detaching
// it.
static already_AddRefed<BrowsingContext> CreateIndependent(Type aType);
// Options which can be passed to CreateDetached.
struct CreateDetachedOptions {
bool isPopupRequested = false;
bool createdDynamically = false;
bool topLevelCreatedByWebContent = false;
// Create a brand-new BrowsingContext object, but does not immediately attach
// it. State such as OriginAttributes and PrivateBrowsingId may be customized
// to configure the BrowsingContext before it is attached.
// `EnsureAttached()` must be called before the BrowsingContext is used for a
// DocShell, BrowserParent, or BrowserBridgeChild.
static already_AddRefed<BrowsingContext> CreateDetached(
nsGlobalWindowInner* aParent, BrowsingContext* aOpener,
BrowsingContextGroup* aSpecificGroup, const nsAString& aName, Type aType,
CreateDetachedOptions aOptions);
void EnsureAttached();
bool EverAttached() const { return mEverAttached; }
// Cast this object to a canonical browsing context, and return it.
CanonicalBrowsingContext* Canonical();
// Is the most recent Document in this BrowsingContext loaded within this
// process? This may be true with a null mDocShell after the Window has been
// closed.
bool IsInProcess() const { return mIsInProcess; }
bool IsOwnedByProcess() const;
bool CanHaveRemoteOuterProxies() const {
return !mIsInProcess || mDanglingRemoteOuterProxies;
// Has this BrowsingContext been discarded. A discarded browsing context has
// been destroyed, and may not be available on the other side of an IPC
// message.
bool IsDiscarded() const { return mIsDiscarded; }
// Returns true if none of the BrowsingContext's ancestor BrowsingContexts or
// WindowContexts are discarded or cached.
bool AncestorsAreCurrent() const;
bool Windowless() const { return mWindowless; }
// Get the DocShell for this BrowsingContext if it is in-process, or
// null if it's not.
nsIDocShell* GetDocShell() const { return mDocShell; }
void SetDocShell(nsIDocShell* aDocShell);
void ClearDocShell() { mDocShell = nullptr; }
// Get the Document for this BrowsingContext if it is in-process, or
// null if it's not.
Document* GetDocument() const {
return mDocShell ? mDocShell->GetDocument() : nullptr;
Document* GetExtantDocument() const {
return mDocShell ? mDocShell->GetExtantDocument() : nullptr;
// This cleans up remote outer window proxies that might have been left behind
// when the browsing context went from being remote to local. It does this by
// turning them into cross-compartment wrappers to aOuter. If there is already
// a remote proxy in the compartment of aOuter, then aOuter will get swapped
// to it and the value of aOuter will be set to the object that used to be the
// remote proxy and is now an OuterWindowProxy.
void CleanUpDanglingRemoteOuterWindowProxies(
JSContext* aCx, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aOuter);
// Get the embedder element for this BrowsingContext if the embedder is
// in-process, or null if it's not.
Element* GetEmbedderElement() const { return mEmbedderElement; }
void SetEmbedderElement(Element* aEmbedder);
// Return true if the type of the embedder element is either object
// or embed, false otherwise.
bool IsEmbedderTypeObjectOrEmbed();
// Called after the BrowingContext has been embedded in a FrameLoader. This
// happens after `SetEmbedderElement` is called on the BrowsingContext and
// after the BrowsingContext has been set on the FrameLoader.
void Embed();
// Get the outer window object for this BrowsingContext if it is in-process
// and still has a docshell, or null otherwise.
nsPIDOMWindowOuter* GetDOMWindow() const {
return mDocShell ? mDocShell->GetWindow() : nullptr;
uint64_t GetRequestContextId() const { return mRequestContextId; }
// Detach the current BrowsingContext from its parent, in both the
// child and the parent process.
void Detach(bool aFromIPC = false);
// Prepare this BrowsingContext to leave the current process.
void PrepareForProcessChange();
// Triggers a load in the process which currently owns this BrowsingContext.
nsresult LoadURI(nsDocShellLoadState* aLoadState,
bool aSetNavigating = false);
nsresult InternalLoad(nsDocShellLoadState* aLoadState);
// Removes the root document for this BrowsingContext tree from the BFCache,
// if it is cached, and returns true if it was.
bool RemoveRootFromBFCacheSync();
// If the load state includes a source BrowsingContext has been passed, check
// to see if we are sandboxed from it as the result of an iframe or CSP
// sandbox.
nsresult CheckSandboxFlags(nsDocShellLoadState* aLoadState);
void DisplayLoadError(const nsAString& aURI);
// Check that this browsing context is targetable for navigations (i.e. that
// it is neither closed, cached, nor discarded).
bool IsTargetable() const;
// True if this browsing context is inactive and is able to be suspended.
bool InactiveForSuspend() const;
const nsString& Name() const { return GetName(); }
void GetName(nsAString& aName) { aName = GetName(); }
bool NameEquals(const nsAString& aName) { return GetName().Equals(aName); }
Type GetType() const { return mType; }
bool IsContent() const { return mType == Type::Content; }
bool IsChrome() const { return !IsContent(); }
bool IsTop() const { return !GetParent(); }
bool IsSubframe() const { return !IsTop(); }
bool IsTopContent() const { return IsContent() && IsTop(); }
bool IsInSubtreeOf(BrowsingContext* aContext);
bool IsContentSubframe() const { return IsContent() && IsSubframe(); }
// non-zero
uint64_t Id() const { return mBrowsingContextId; }
BrowsingContext* GetParent() const;
BrowsingContext* Top();
const BrowsingContext* Top() const;
int32_t IndexOf(BrowsingContext* aChild);
// NOTE: Unlike `GetEmbedderWindowGlobal`, `GetParentWindowContext` does not
// cross toplevel content browser boundaries.
WindowContext* GetParentWindowContext() const { return mParentWindow; }
WindowContext* GetTopWindowContext() const;
already_AddRefed<BrowsingContext> GetOpener() const {
RefPtr<BrowsingContext> opener(Get(GetOpenerId()));
if (!mIsDiscarded && opener && !opener->mIsDiscarded) {
MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(opener->mType == mType);
return opener.forget();
return nullptr;
void SetOpener(BrowsingContext* aOpener);
bool HasOpener() const;
bool HadOriginalOpener() const { return GetHadOriginalOpener(); }
// Returns true if the browsing context and top context are same origin
bool SameOriginWithTop();
* When a new browsing context is opened by a sandboxed document, it needs to
* keep track of the browsing context that opened it, so that it can be
* navigated by it. This is the "one permitted sandboxed navigator".
already_AddRefed<BrowsingContext> GetOnePermittedSandboxedNavigator() const {
return Get(GetOnePermittedSandboxedNavigatorId());
[[nodiscard]] nsresult SetOnePermittedSandboxedNavigator(
BrowsingContext* aNavigator) {
if (GetOnePermittedSandboxedNavigatorId()) {
"One Permitted Sandboxed Navigator should only be set once.");
} else {
return SetOnePermittedSandboxedNavigatorId(aNavigator ? aNavigator->Id()
: 0);
uint32_t SandboxFlags() const { return GetSandboxFlags(); }
Span<RefPtr<BrowsingContext>> Children() const;
void GetChildren(nsTArray<RefPtr<BrowsingContext>>& aChildren);
Span<RefPtr<BrowsingContext>> NonSyntheticChildren() const;
const nsTArray<RefPtr<WindowContext>>& GetWindowContexts() {
return mWindowContexts;
void GetWindowContexts(nsTArray<RefPtr<WindowContext>>& aWindows);
void RegisterWindowContext(WindowContext* aWindow);
void UnregisterWindowContext(WindowContext* aWindow);
WindowContext* GetCurrentWindowContext() const {
return mCurrentWindowContext;
// Helpers to traverse this BrowsingContext subtree. Note that these will only
// traverse active contexts, and will ignore ones in the BFCache.
enum class WalkFlag {
* Walk the browsing context tree in pre-order and call `aCallback`
* for every node in the tree. PreOrderWalk accepts two types of
* callbacks, either of the type `void(BrowsingContext*)` or
* `WalkFlag(BrowsingContext*)`. The former traverses the entire
* tree, but the latter let's you control if a sub-tree should be
* skipped by returning `WalkFlag::Skip`, completely abort traversal
* by returning `WalkFlag::Stop` or continue as normal with
* `WalkFlag::Next`.
template <typename F>
void PreOrderWalk(F&& aCallback) {
if constexpr (std::is_void_v<
typename std::invoke_result_t<F, BrowsingContext*>>) {
} else {
void PreOrderWalkVoid(const std::function<void(BrowsingContext*)>& aCallback);
WalkFlag PreOrderWalkFlag(
const std::function<WalkFlag(BrowsingContext*)>& aCallback);
void PostOrderWalk(const std::function<void(BrowsingContext*)>& aCallback);
void GetAllBrowsingContextsInSubtree(
nsTArray<RefPtr<BrowsingContext>>& aBrowsingContexts);
BrowsingContextGroup* Group() { return mGroup; }
// WebIDL bindings for nsILoadContext
Nullable<WindowProxyHolder> GetAssociatedWindow();
Nullable<WindowProxyHolder> GetTopWindow();
Element* GetTopFrameElement();
bool GetIsContent() { return IsContent(); }
void SetUsePrivateBrowsing(bool aUsePrivateBrowsing, ErrorResult& aError);
// Needs a different name to disambiguate from the xpidl method with
// the same signature but different return value.
void SetUseTrackingProtectionWebIDL(bool aUseTrackingProtection,
ErrorResult& aRv);
bool UseTrackingProtectionWebIDL() { return UseTrackingProtection(); }
void GetOriginAttributes(JSContext* aCx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aVal,
ErrorResult& aError);
bool InRDMPane() const { return GetInRDMPane(); }
bool WatchedByDevTools();
void SetWatchedByDevTools(bool aWatchedByDevTools, ErrorResult& aRv);
dom::TouchEventsOverride TouchEventsOverride() const;
bool TargetTopLevelLinkClicksToBlank() const;
bool FullscreenAllowed() const;
float FullZoom() const { return GetFullZoom(); }
float TextZoom() const { return GetTextZoom(); }
float OverrideDPPX() const { return Top()->GetOverrideDPPX(); }
bool SuspendMediaWhenInactive() const {
return GetSuspendMediaWhenInactive();
bool IsActive() const;
bool ForceOffline() const { return GetForceOffline(); }
bool ForceDesktopViewport() const { return GetForceDesktopViewport(); }
bool AuthorStyleDisabledDefault() const {
return GetAuthorStyleDisabledDefault();
bool UseGlobalHistory() const { return GetUseGlobalHistory(); }
bool GetIsActiveBrowserWindow();
void SetIsActiveBrowserWindow(bool aActive);
uint64_t BrowserId() const { return GetBrowserId(); }
bool IsLoading();
void GetEmbedderElementType(nsString& aElementType) {
if (GetEmbedderElementType().isSome()) {
aElementType = GetEmbedderElementType().value();
bool IsLoadingIdentifier(uint64_t aLoadIdentifer) {
if (GetCurrentLoadIdentifier() &&
*GetCurrentLoadIdentifier() == aLoadIdentifer) {
return true;
return false;
// ScreenOrientation related APIs
[[nodiscard]] nsresult SetCurrentOrientation(OrientationType aType,
float aAngle) {
Transaction txn;
return txn.Commit(this);
void SetRDMPaneOrientation(OrientationType aType, float aAngle,
ErrorResult& aRv) {
if (InRDMPane()) {
if (NS_FAILED(SetCurrentOrientation(aType, aAngle))) {
aRv.ThrowInvalidStateError("Browsing context is discarded");
void SetRDMPaneMaxTouchPoints(uint8_t aMaxTouchPoints, ErrorResult& aRv) {
if (InRDMPane()) {
SetMaxTouchPointsOverride(aMaxTouchPoints, aRv);
// Find a browsing context in this context's list of
// children. Doesn't consider the special names, '_self', '_parent',
// '_top', or '_blank'. Performs access control checks with regard to
// 'this'.
BrowsingContext* FindChildWithName(const nsAString& aName,
WindowGlobalChild& aRequestingWindow);
// Find a browsing context in the subtree rooted at 'this' Doesn't
// consider the special names, '_self', '_parent', '_top', or
// '_blank'.
// If passed, performs access control checks with regard to
// 'aRequestingContext', otherwise performs no access checks.
BrowsingContext* FindWithNameInSubtree(const nsAString& aName,
WindowGlobalChild* aRequestingWindow);
// Find the special browsing context if aName is '_self', '_parent',
// '_top', but not '_blank'. The latter is handled in FindWithName
BrowsingContext* FindWithSpecialName(const nsAString& aName,
WindowGlobalChild& aRequestingWindow);
nsISupports* GetParentObject() const;
JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* aCx,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override;
// Return the window proxy object that corresponds to this browsing context.
inline JSObject* GetWindowProxy() const { return mWindowProxy; }
inline JSObject* GetUnbarrieredWindowProxy() const {
return mWindowProxy.unbarrieredGet();
// Set the window proxy object that corresponds to this browsing context.
void SetWindowProxy(JS::Handle<JSObject*> aWindowProxy) {
mWindowProxy = aWindowProxy;
Nullable<WindowProxyHolder> GetWindow();
// Window APIs that are cross-origin-accessible (from the HTML spec).
WindowProxyHolder Window();
BrowsingContext* GetBrowsingContext() { return this; };
BrowsingContext* Self() { return this; }
void Location(JSContext* aCx, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aLocation,
ErrorResult& aError);
void Close(CallerType aCallerType, ErrorResult& aError);
bool GetClosed(ErrorResult&) { return GetClosed(); }
void Focus(CallerType aCallerType, ErrorResult& aError);
void Blur(CallerType aCallerType, ErrorResult& aError);
WindowProxyHolder GetFrames(ErrorResult& aError);
int32_t Length() const { return Children().Length(); }
Nullable<WindowProxyHolder> GetTop(ErrorResult& aError);
void GetOpener(JSContext* aCx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aOpener,
ErrorResult& aError) const;
Nullable<WindowProxyHolder> GetParent(ErrorResult& aError);
void PostMessageMoz(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> aMessage,
const nsAString& aTargetOrigin,
const Sequence<JSObject*>& aTransfer,
nsIPrincipal& aSubjectPrincipal, ErrorResult& aError);
void PostMessageMoz(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> aMessage,
const WindowPostMessageOptions& aOptions,
nsIPrincipal& aSubjectPrincipal, ErrorResult& aError);
void GetCustomUserAgent(nsAString& aUserAgent) {
aUserAgent = Top()->GetUserAgentOverride();
nsresult SetCustomUserAgent(const nsAString& aUserAgent);
void SetCustomUserAgent(const nsAString& aUserAgent, ErrorResult& aRv);
void GetCustomPlatform(nsAString& aPlatform) {
aPlatform = Top()->GetPlatformOverride();
void SetCustomPlatform(const nsAString& aPlatform, ErrorResult& aRv);
JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* aCx);
static JSObject* ReadStructuredClone(JSContext* aCx,
JSStructuredCloneReader* aReader,
StructuredCloneHolder* aHolder);
bool WriteStructuredClone(JSContext* aCx, JSStructuredCloneWriter* aWriter,
StructuredCloneHolder* aHolder);
void StartDelayedAutoplayMediaComponents();
[[nodiscard]] nsresult ResetGVAutoplayRequestStatus();
* Information required to initialize a BrowsingContext in another process.
* This object may be serialized over IPC.
struct IPCInitializer {
uint64_t mId = 0;
// IDs are used for Parent and Opener to allow for this object to be
// deserialized before other BrowsingContext in the BrowsingContextGroup
// have been initialized.
uint64_t mParentId = 0;
already_AddRefed<WindowContext> GetParent();
already_AddRefed<BrowsingContext> GetOpener();
uint64_t GetOpenerId() const { return mFields.Get<IDX_OpenerId>(); }
bool mWindowless = false;
bool mUseRemoteTabs = false;
bool mUseRemoteSubframes = false;
bool mCreatedDynamically = false;
int32_t mChildOffset = 0;
int32_t mSessionHistoryIndex = -1;
int32_t mSessionHistoryCount = 0;
OriginAttributes mOriginAttributes;
uint64_t mRequestContextId = 0;
FieldValues mFields;
// Create an IPCInitializer object for this BrowsingContext.
IPCInitializer GetIPCInitializer();
// Create a BrowsingContext object from over IPC.
static mozilla::ipc::IPCResult CreateFromIPC(IPCInitializer&& aInitializer,
BrowsingContextGroup* aGroup,
ContentParent* aOriginProcess);
bool IsSandboxedFrom(BrowsingContext* aTarget);
// The runnable will be called once there is idle time, or the top level
// page has been loaded or if a timeout has fired.
// Must be called only on the top level BrowsingContext.
void AddDeprioritizedLoadRunner(nsIRunnable* aRunner);
RefPtr<SessionStorageManager> GetSessionStorageManager();
// Set PendingInitialization on this BrowsingContext before the context has
// been attached.
void InitPendingInitialization(bool aPendingInitialization) {
bool CreatedDynamically() const { return mCreatedDynamically; }
// Returns true if this browsing context, or any ancestor to this browsing
// context was created dynamically. See also `CreatedDynamically`.
bool IsDynamic() const;
int32_t ChildOffset() const { return mChildOffset; }
bool GetOffsetPath(nsTArray<uint32_t>& aPath) const;
const OriginAttributes& OriginAttributesRef() { return mOriginAttributes; }
nsresult SetOriginAttributes(const OriginAttributes& aAttrs);
void GetHistoryID(JSContext* aCx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aVal,
ErrorResult& aError);
// This should only be called on the top browsing context.
void InitSessionHistory();
// This will only ever return a non-null value if called on the top browsing
// context.
ChildSHistory* GetChildSessionHistory();
bool CrossOriginIsolated();
// Check if it is allowed to open a popup from the current browsing
// context or any of its ancestors.
bool IsPopupAllowed();
// aCurrentURI is only required to be non-null if the load type contains the
// nsIWebNavigation::LOAD_FLAGS_IS_REFRESH flag and aInfo is for a refresh to
// the current URI.
void SessionHistoryCommit(const LoadingSessionHistoryInfo& aInfo,
uint32_t aLoadType, nsIURI* aCurrentURI,
SessionHistoryInfo* aPreviousActiveEntry,
bool aPersist, bool aCloneEntryChildren,
bool aChannelExpired, uint32_t aCacheKey);
// Set a new active entry on this browsing context. This is used for
// implementing history.pushState/replaceState and same document navigations.
// The new active entry will be linked to the current active entry through
// its shared state.
// aPreviousScrollPos is the scroll position that needs to be saved on the
// previous active entry.
// aUpdatedCacheKey is the cache key to set on the new active entry. If
// aUpdatedCacheKey is 0 then it will be ignored.
void SetActiveSessionHistoryEntry(const Maybe<nsPoint>& aPreviousScrollPos,
SessionHistoryInfo* aInfo,
uint32_t aLoadType,
uint32_t aUpdatedCacheKey,
bool aUpdateLength = true);
// Replace the active entry for this browsing context. This is used for
// implementing history.replaceState and same document navigations.
void ReplaceActiveSessionHistoryEntry(SessionHistoryInfo* aInfo);
// Removes dynamic child entries of the active entry.
void RemoveDynEntriesFromActiveSessionHistoryEntry();
// Removes entries corresponding to this BrowsingContext from session history.
void RemoveFromSessionHistory(const nsID& aChangeID);
void SetTriggeringAndInheritPrincipals(nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipalToInherit,
uint64_t aLoadIdentifier);
// Return mTriggeringPrincipal and mPrincipalToInherit if the load id
// saved with the principal matches the current load identifier of this BC.
std::tuple<nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal>, nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal>>
void HistoryGo(int32_t aOffset, uint64_t aHistoryEpoch,
bool aRequireUserInteraction, bool aUserActivation,
std::function<void(Maybe<int32_t>&&)>&& aResolver);
bool ShouldUpdateSessionHistory(uint32_t aLoadType);
// Checks if we reached the rate limit for calls to Location and History API.
// The rate limit is controlled by the
// "dom.navigation.navigationRateLimit" prefs.
// Rate limit applies per BrowsingContext.
// Returns NS_OK if we are below the rate limit and increments the counter.
// Returns NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR if limit is reached.
nsresult CheckNavigationRateLimit(CallerType aCallerType);
void ResetNavigationRateLimit();
mozilla::dom::DisplayMode DisplayMode() { return Top()->GetDisplayMode(); }
// Returns canFocus, isActive
std::tuple<bool, bool> CanFocusCheck(CallerType aCallerType);
bool CanBlurCheck(CallerType aCallerType);
// Examine the current document state to see if we're in a way that is
// typically abused by web designers. The code uses this
// routine to determine whether to allow the new window.
// Returns a value from the PopupControlState enum.
PopupBlocker::PopupControlState RevisePopupAbuseLevel(
PopupBlocker::PopupControlState aControl);
// Get the modifiers associated with the user activation for relevant
// documents. The code uses this routine to determine where the
// new window should be located.
void GetUserActivationModifiersForPopup(
UserActivation::Modifiers* aModifiers);
void IncrementHistoryEntryCountForBrowsingContext();
bool ServiceWorkersTestingEnabled() const {
return GetServiceWorkersTestingEnabled();
void GetMediumOverride(nsAString& aOverride) const {
aOverride = GetMediumOverride();
dom::PrefersColorSchemeOverride PrefersColorSchemeOverride() const {
return GetPrefersColorSchemeOverride();
dom::ForcedColorsOverride ForcedColorsOverride() const {
return GetForcedColorsOverride();
bool IsInBFCache() const;
bool AllowJavascript() const { return GetAllowJavascript(); }
bool CanExecuteScripts() const { return mCanExecuteScripts; }
uint32_t DefaultLoadFlags() const { return GetDefaultLoadFlags(); }
// When request for page awake, it would increase a count that is used to
// prevent whole browsing context tree from being suspended. The request can
// be called multiple times. When calling the revoke, it would decrease the
// count and once the count reaches to zero, the browsing context tree could
// be suspended when the tree is inactive.
void RequestForPageAwake();
void RevokeForPageAwake();
void AddDiscardListener(std::function<void(uint64_t)>&& aListener);
bool IsAppTab() { return GetIsAppTab(); }
bool HasSiblings() { return GetHasSiblings(); }
bool IsUnderHiddenEmbedderElement() const {
return GetIsUnderHiddenEmbedderElement();
void LocationCreated(dom::Location* aLocation);
void ClearCachedValuesOfLocations();
virtual ~BrowsingContext();
BrowsingContext(WindowContext* aParentWindow, BrowsingContextGroup* aGroup,
uint64_t aBrowsingContextId, Type aType, FieldValues&& aInit);
void SetChildSHistory(ChildSHistory* aChildSHistory);
already_AddRefed<ChildSHistory> ForgetChildSHistory() {
// FIXME Do we need to unset mHasSessionHistory?
return mChildSessionHistory.forget();
static bool ShouldAddEntryForRefresh(nsIURI* aCurrentURI,
const SessionHistoryInfo& aInfo);
static bool ShouldAddEntryForRefresh(nsIURI* aCurrentURI, nsIURI* aNewURI,
bool aHasPostData);
// Assert that this BrowsingContext is coherent relative to related
// BrowsingContexts. This will be run before the BrowsingContext is attached.
// A non-null string return value indicates that there was a coherency check
// failure, which will be handled with either a crash or IPC failure.
// If provided, `aOriginProcess` is the process which is responsible for the
// creation of this BrowsingContext.
[[nodiscard]] const char* BrowsingContextCoherencyChecks(
ContentParent* aOriginProcess);
void Attach(bool aFromIPC, ContentParent* aOriginProcess);
// Recomputes whether we can execute scripts in this BrowsingContext based on
// the value of AllowJavascript() and whether scripts are allowed in the
// parent WindowContext. Called whenever the AllowJavascript() flag or the
// parent WC changes.
void RecomputeCanExecuteScripts();
// Is it early enough in the BrowsingContext's lifecycle that it is still
// OK to set OriginAttributes?
bool CanSetOriginAttributes();
void AssertOriginAttributesMatchPrivateBrowsing();
friend class ::nsOuterWindowProxy;
friend class ::nsGlobalWindowOuter;
friend class WindowContext;
// Update the window proxy object that corresponds to this browsing context.
// This should be called from the window proxy object's objectMoved hook, if
// the object mWindowProxy points to was moved by the JS GC.
void UpdateWindowProxy(JSObject* obj, JSObject* old) {
if (mWindowProxy) {
MOZ_ASSERT(mWindowProxy == old);
mWindowProxy = obj;
// Clear the window proxy object that corresponds to this browsing context.
// This should be called if the window proxy object is finalized, or it can't
// reach its browsing context anymore.
void ClearWindowProxy() { mWindowProxy = nullptr; }
friend class Location;
friend class RemoteLocationProxy;
* LocationProxy is the class for the native object stored as a private in a
* RemoteLocationProxy proxy representing a Location object in a different
* process. It forwards all operations to its BrowsingContext and aggregates
* its refcount to that BrowsingContext.
class LocationProxy final : public LocationBase {
MozExternalRefCountType AddRef() { return GetBrowsingContext()->AddRef(); }
MozExternalRefCountType Release() {
return GetBrowsingContext()->Release();
friend class RemoteLocationProxy;
BrowsingContext* GetBrowsingContext() override {
return reinterpret_cast<BrowsingContext*>(
uintptr_t(this) - offsetof(BrowsingContext, mLocation));
nsIDocShell* GetDocShell() override { return nullptr; }
// Send a given `BaseTransaction` object to the correct remote.
void SendCommitTransaction(ContentParent* aParent,
const BaseTransaction& aTxn, uint64_t aEpoch);
void SendCommitTransaction(ContentChild* aChild, const BaseTransaction& aTxn,
uint64_t aEpoch);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_SessionStoreEpoch>, uint32_t aEpoch,
ContentParent* aSource) {
return IsTop() && !aSource;
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_SessionStoreEpoch>, uint32_t aOldValue);
using CanSetResult = syncedcontext::CanSetResult;
// Ensure that opener is in the same BrowsingContextGroup.
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_OpenerId>, const uint64_t& aValue,
ContentParent* aSource) {
if (aValue != 0) {
RefPtr<BrowsingContext> opener = Get(aValue);
return opener && opener->Group() == Group();
return true;
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_OpenerPolicy>,
nsILoadInfo::CrossOriginOpenerPolicy, ContentParent*);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_ServiceWorkersTestingEnabled>, bool,
ContentParent*) {
return IsTop();
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_MediumOverride>, const nsString&, ContentParent*) {
return IsTop();
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_EmbedderColorSchemes>, const EmbedderColorSchemes&,
ContentParent* aSource) {
return CheckOnlyEmbedderCanSet(aSource);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_PrefersColorSchemeOverride>,
dom::PrefersColorSchemeOverride, ContentParent*) {
return IsTop();
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_ForcedColorsOverride>, dom::ForcedColorsOverride,
ContentParent*) {
return IsTop();
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_InRDMPane>, bool aOldValue);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_EmbedderColorSchemes>,
EmbedderColorSchemes&& aOldValue);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_PrefersColorSchemeOverride>,
dom::PrefersColorSchemeOverride aOldValue);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_ForcedColorsOverride>,
dom::ForcedColorsOverride aOldValue);
template <typename Callback>
void WalkPresContexts(Callback&&);
void PresContextAffectingFieldChanged();
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_MediumOverride>, nsString&& aOldValue);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_SuspendMediaWhenInactive>, bool, ContentParent*) {
return IsTop();
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_TouchEventsOverrideInternal>,
dom::TouchEventsOverride aTouchEventsOverride,
ContentParent* aSource);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_TouchEventsOverrideInternal>,
dom::TouchEventsOverride&& aOldValue);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_DisplayMode>, const enum DisplayMode& aDisplayMode,
ContentParent* aSource) {
return IsTop();
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_DisplayMode>, enum DisplayMode aOldValue);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_ExplicitActive>, const ExplicitActiveStatus&,
ContentParent* aSource);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_ExplicitActive>, ExplicitActiveStatus aOldValue);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_IsActiveBrowserWindowInternal>, const bool& aValue,
ContentParent* aSource);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_IsActiveBrowserWindowInternal>, bool aOldValue);
// Ensure that we only set the flag on the top level browsingContext.
// And then, we do a pre-order walk in the tree to refresh the
// volume of all media elements.
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_Muted>);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_IsAppTab>, const bool& aValue,
ContentParent* aSource);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_HasSiblings>, const bool& aValue,
ContentParent* aSource);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_ShouldDelayMediaFromStart>, const bool& aValue,
ContentParent* aSource);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_ShouldDelayMediaFromStart>, bool aOldValue);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_OverrideDPPX>, const float& aValue,
ContentParent* aSource);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_OverrideDPPX>, float aOldValue);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_EmbedderInnerWindowId>, const uint64_t& aValue,
ContentParent* aSource);
CanSetResult CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_CurrentInnerWindowId>,
const uint64_t& aValue, ContentParent* aSource);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_CurrentInnerWindowId>);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_ParentInitiatedNavigationEpoch>,
const uint64_t& aValue, ContentParent* aSource);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_IsPopupSpam>, const bool& aValue,
ContentParent* aSource);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_IsPopupSpam>);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_GVAudibleAutoplayRequestStatus>);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_GVInaudibleAutoplayRequestStatus>);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_Loading>);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_AncestorLoading>);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_PlatformOverride>);
CanSetResult CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_PlatformOverride>,
const nsString& aPlatformOverride,
ContentParent* aSource);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_UserAgentOverride>);
CanSetResult CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_UserAgentOverride>,
const nsString& aUserAgent, ContentParent* aSource);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_OrientationLock>,
const mozilla::hal::ScreenOrientation& aOrientationLock,
ContentParent* aSource);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_EmbedderElementType>,
const Maybe<nsString>& aInitiatorType, ContentParent* aSource);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_MessageManagerGroup>,
const nsString& aMessageManagerGroup, ContentParent* aSource);
CanSetResult CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_AllowContentRetargeting>,
const bool& aAllowContentRetargeting,
ContentParent* aSource);
CanSetResult CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_AllowContentRetargetingOnChildren>,
const bool& aAllowContentRetargetingOnChildren,
ContentParent* aSource);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_FullscreenAllowedByOwner>, const bool&,
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_WatchedByDevToolsInternal>,
const bool& aWatchedByDevToolsInternal, ContentParent* aSource);
CanSetResult CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_DefaultLoadFlags>,
const uint32_t& aDefaultLoadFlags,
ContentParent* aSource);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_DefaultLoadFlags>);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_UseGlobalHistory>, const bool& aUseGlobalHistory,
ContentParent* aSource);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_TargetTopLevelLinkClicksToBlankInternal>,
const bool& aTargetTopLevelLinkClicksToBlankInternal,
ContentParent* aSource);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_HasSessionHistory>, bool aOldValue);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_BrowserId>, const uint32_t& aValue,
ContentParent* aSource);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_UseErrorPages>, const bool& aUseErrorPages,
ContentParent* aSource);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_PendingInitialization>, bool aNewValue,
ContentParent* aSource);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_TopLevelCreatedByWebContent>,
const bool& aNewValue, ContentParent* aSource);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_PageAwakeRequestCount>, uint32_t aNewValue,
ContentParent* aSource);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_PageAwakeRequestCount>, uint32_t aOldValue);
CanSetResult CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_AllowJavascript>, bool aValue,
ContentParent* aSource);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_AllowJavascript>, bool aOldValue);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_ForceDesktopViewport>, bool aValue,
ContentParent* aSource) {
return IsTop() && XRE_IsParentProcess();
// TODO(emilio): Maybe handle the flag being set dynamically without
// navigating? The previous code didn't do it tho, and a reload is probably
// worth it regardless.
// void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_ForceDesktopViewport>, bool aOldValue);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_HasRestoreData>, bool aNewValue,
ContentParent* aSource);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_IsUnderHiddenEmbedderElement>,
const bool& aIsUnderHiddenEmbedderElement,
ContentParent* aSource);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_ForceOffline>, bool aNewValue,
ContentParent* aSource);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_TopInnerSizeForRFP>, bool, ContentParent*) {
return IsTop();
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_EmbeddedInContentDocument>, bool,
ContentParent* aSource) {
return CheckOnlyEmbedderCanSet(aSource);
template <size_t I, typename T>
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<I>, const T&, ContentParent*) {
return true;
// Overload `DidSet` to get notifications for a particular field being set.
// You can also overload the variant that gets the old value if you need it.
template <size_t I>
void DidSet(FieldIndex<I>) {}
template <size_t I, typename T>
void DidSet(FieldIndex<I>, T&& aOldValue) {}
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_FullZoom>, float aOldValue);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_TextZoom>, float aOldValue);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_AuthorStyleDisabledDefault>);
bool CanSet(FieldIndex<IDX_IsInBFCache>, bool, ContentParent* aSource);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_IsInBFCache>);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_SyntheticDocumentContainer>);
void DidSet(FieldIndex<IDX_IsUnderHiddenEmbedderElement>, bool aOldValue);
// Allow if the process attemping to set field is the same as the owning
// process. Deprecated. New code that might use this should generally be moved
// to WindowContext or be settable only by the parent process.
CanSetResult LegacyRevertIfNotOwningOrParentProcess(ContentParent* aSource);
// True if the process attempting to set field is the same as the embedder's
// process.
bool CheckOnlyEmbedderCanSet(ContentParent* aSource);
void CreateChildSHistory();
using PrincipalWithLoadIdentifierTuple =
std::tuple<nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal>, uint64_t>;
nsIPrincipal* GetSavedPrincipal(
Maybe<PrincipalWithLoadIdentifierTuple> aPrincipalTuple);
// Type of BrowsingContent
const Type mType;
// Unique id identifying BrowsingContext
const uint64_t mBrowsingContextId;
RefPtr<BrowsingContextGroup> mGroup;
RefPtr<WindowContext> mParentWindow;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> mDocShell;
RefPtr<Element> mEmbedderElement;
nsTArray<RefPtr<WindowContext>> mWindowContexts;
RefPtr<WindowContext> mCurrentWindowContext;
// This is not a strong reference, but using a JS::Heap for that should be
// fine. The JSObject stored in here should be a proxy with a
// nsOuterWindowProxy handler, which will update the pointer from its
// objectMoved hook and clear it from its finalize hook.
JS::Heap<JSObject*> mWindowProxy;
LocationProxy mLocation;
// OriginAttributes for this BrowsingContext. May not be changed after this
// BrowsingContext is attached.
OriginAttributes mOriginAttributes;
// The network request context id, representing the nsIRequestContext
// associated with this BrowsingContext, and LoadGroups created for it.
uint64_t mRequestContextId = 0;
// Determines if private browsing should be used. May not be changed after
// this BrowsingContext is attached. This field matches mOriginAttributes in
// content Browsing Contexts. Currently treated as a binary value: 1 - in
// private mode, 0 - not private mode.
uint32_t mPrivateBrowsingId;
// True if Attach() has been called on this BrowsingContext already.
bool mEverAttached : 1;
// Is the most recent Document in this BrowsingContext loaded within this
// process? This may be true with a null mDocShell after the Window has been
// closed.
bool mIsInProcess : 1;
// Has this browsing context been discarded? BrowsingContexts should
// only be discarded once.
bool mIsDiscarded : 1;
// True if this BrowsingContext has no associated visible window, and is owned
// by whichever process created it, even if top-level.
bool mWindowless : 1;
// This is true if the BrowsingContext was out of process, but is now in
// process, and might have remote window proxies that need to be cleaned up.
bool mDanglingRemoteOuterProxies : 1;
// True if this BrowsingContext has been embedded in a element in this
// process.
bool mEmbeddedByThisProcess : 1;
// Determines if remote (out-of-process) tabs should be used. May not be
// changed after this BrowsingContext is attached.
bool mUseRemoteTabs : 1;
// Determines if out-of-process iframes should be used. May not be changed
// after this BrowsingContext is attached.
bool mUseRemoteSubframes : 1;
// True if this BrowsingContext is for a frame that was added dynamically.
bool mCreatedDynamically : 1;
// Set to true if the browsing context is in the bfcache and pagehide has been
// dispatched. When coming out from the bfcache, the value is set to false
// before dispatching pageshow.
bool mIsInBFCache : 1;
// Determines if we can execute scripts in this BrowsingContext. True if
// AllowJavascript() is true and script execution is allowed in the parent
// WindowContext.
bool mCanExecuteScripts : 1;
// The original offset of this context in its container. This property is -1
// if this BrowsingContext is for a frame that was added dynamically.
int32_t mChildOffset;
// The start time of user gesture, this is only available if the browsing
// context is in process.
TimeStamp mUserGestureStart;
// Triggering principal and principal to inherit need to point to original
// principal instances if the document is loaded in the same process as the
// process that initiated the load. When the load starts we save the
// principals along with the current load id.
// These principals correspond to the most recent load that took place within
// the process of this browsing context.
Maybe<PrincipalWithLoadIdentifierTuple> mTriggeringPrincipal;
Maybe<PrincipalWithLoadIdentifierTuple> mPrincipalToInherit;
class DeprioritizedLoadRunner
: public mozilla::Runnable,
public mozilla::LinkedListElement<DeprioritizedLoadRunner> {
explicit DeprioritizedLoadRunner(nsIRunnable* aInner)
: Runnable("DeprioritizedLoadRunner"), mInner(aInner) {}
NS_IMETHOD Run() override {
if (mInner) {
RefPtr<nsIRunnable> inner = std::move(mInner);
return NS_OK;
RefPtr<nsIRunnable> mInner;
mozilla::LinkedList<DeprioritizedLoadRunner> mDeprioritizedLoadRunner;
RefPtr<SessionStorageManager> mSessionStorageManager;
RefPtr<ChildSHistory> mChildSessionHistory;
nsTArray<std::function<void(uint64_t)>> mDiscardListeners;
// Counter and time span for rate limiting Location and History API calls.
// Used by CheckNavigationRateLimit. Do not apply cross-process.
uint32_t mNavigationRateLimitCount;
mozilla::TimeStamp mNavigationRateLimitSpanStart;
mozilla::LinkedList<dom::Location> mLocations;
* Gets a WindowProxy object for a BrowsingContext that lives in a different
* process (creating the object if it doesn't already exist). The WindowProxy
* object will be in the compartment that aCx is currently in. This should only
* be called if aContext doesn't hold a docshell, otherwise the BrowsingContext
* lives in this process, and a same-process WindowProxy should be used (see
* nsGlobalWindowOuter). This should only be called by bindings code, ToJSValue
* is the right API to get a WindowProxy for a BrowsingContext.
* If aTransplantTo is non-null, then the WindowProxy object will eventually be
* transplanted onto it. Therefore it should be used as the value in the remote
* proxy map. We assume that in this case the failure is unrecoverable, so we
* crash immediately rather than return false.
extern bool GetRemoteOuterWindowProxy(JSContext* aCx, BrowsingContext* aContext,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> aTransplantTo,
JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aRetVal);
using BrowsingContextTransaction = BrowsingContext::BaseTransaction;
using BrowsingContextInitializer = BrowsingContext::IPCInitializer;
using MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext = MaybeDiscarded<BrowsingContext>;
// Specialize the transaction object for every translation unit it's used in.
extern template class syncedcontext::Transaction<BrowsingContext>;
} // namespace dom
// Allow sending BrowsingContext objects over IPC.
namespace ipc {
template <>
struct IPDLParamTraits<dom::MaybeDiscarded<dom::BrowsingContext>> {
static void Write(IPC::MessageWriter* aWriter, IProtocol* aActor,
const dom::MaybeDiscarded<dom::BrowsingContext>& aParam);
static bool Read(IPC::MessageReader* aReader, IProtocol* aActor,
dom::MaybeDiscarded<dom::BrowsingContext>* aResult);
template <>
struct IPDLParamTraits<dom::BrowsingContext::IPCInitializer> {
static void Write(IPC::MessageWriter* aWriter, IProtocol* aActor,
const dom::BrowsingContext::IPCInitializer& aInitializer);
static bool Read(IPC::MessageReader* aReader, IProtocol* aActor,
dom::BrowsingContext::IPCInitializer* aInitializer);
} // namespace ipc
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // !defined(mozilla_dom_BrowsingContext_h)