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Pretty-print a minified file
To prettify a minified file, click the **Pretty print source** icon |image1| at the bottom of the :ref:`source pane <debugger_ui_tour_source_pane>`. The debugger formats the source and displays it as a new file with a name like: "{ } [original-name]".
.. |image1| image:: pretty_print_icon.png
:width: 20
.. image:: pretty_print_source.png
:class: border
After you click the icon, the source code looks like this:
.. image:: pretty_print_after.png
:class: border
The **Pretty print source** icon is available only if the source file is minified (i.e., not an original file), and is not already "prettified".
.. note::
Currently Firefox `does not support <>`_ pretty printing inline Javascript.