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diff -Nru valgrind-3.20.0/debian/changelog valgrind-3.20.0/debian/changelog
--- valgrind-3.20.0/debian/changelog 2023-01-11 00:51:40.000000000 +0900
+++ valgrind-3.20.0/debian/changelog 2024-09-10 08:52:50.000000000 +0900
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+valgrind (1:3.20.0-1moz1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ -- Mike Hommey <> Tue, 10 Sep 2024 08:52:50 +0900
valgrind (1:3.20.0-1) experimental; urgency=medium
* New upstream release.
diff -Nru valgrind-3.20.0/debian/patches/fix-upstream-bug492663 valgrind-3.20.0/debian/patches/fix-upstream-bug492663
--- valgrind-3.20.0/debian/patches/fix-upstream-bug492663 1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
+++ valgrind-3.20.0/debian/patches/fix-upstream-bug492663 2024-09-10 08:52:39.000000000 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+--- valgrind-3.20.0.orig/coregrind/m_debuginfo/debuginfo.c
++++ valgrind-3.20.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/debuginfo.c
+@@ -1073,7 +1073,8 @@ static ULong di_notify_ACHIEVE_ACCEPT_ST
+ load_client -> VG_(do_exec) -> VG_(do_exec_inner) ->
+ exe_handlers->load_fn ( == VG_(load_ELF) ).
+- This does the mmap'ing and creats the associated NSegments.
++ This does the mmap'ing with VG_(am_do_mmap_NO_NOTIFY)
++ and creates the associated NSegments.
+ The NSegments may get merged, (see maybe_merge_nsegments)
+ so there could be more PT_LOADs than there are NSegments.
+@@ -1124,7 +1125,7 @@ static ULong di_notify_ACHIEVE_ACCEPT_ST
+ ULong VG_(di_notify_mmap)( Addr a, Bool allow_SkFileV, Int use_fd )
+ {
+ NSegment const * seg;
+- Int rw_load_count;
++ Int expected_rw_load_count;
+ const HChar* filename;
+ Bool is_rx_map, is_rw_map, is_ro_map;
+@@ -1348,9 +1349,9 @@ ULong VG_(di_notify_mmap)( Addr a, Bool
+ /* We're only interested in mappings of object files. */
+ # if defined(VGO_linux) || defined(VGO_solaris) || defined(VGO_freebsd)
+- rw_load_count = 0;
++ expected_rw_load_count = 0;
+- elf_ok = ML_(check_elf_and_get_rw_loads) ( actual_fd, filename, &rw_load_count );
++ elf_ok = ML_(check_elf_and_get_rw_loads) ( actual_fd, filename, &expected_rw_load_count, use_fd == -1 );
+ if (use_fd == -1) {
+ VG_(close)( actual_fd );
+@@ -1363,7 +1364,7 @@ ULong VG_(di_notify_mmap)( Addr a, Bool
+ # elif defined(VGO_darwin)
+ if (!ML_(is_macho_object_file)( buf1k, (SizeT)sr_Res(preadres) ))
+ return 0;
+- rw_load_count = 1;
++ expected_rw_load_count = 1;
+ # else
+ # error "unknown OS"
+ # endif
+@@ -1423,8 +1424,8 @@ ULong VG_(di_notify_mmap)( Addr a, Bool
+ /* So, finally, are we in an accept state? */
+ vg_assert(!di->have_dinfo);
+ if (di->fsm.have_rx_map &&
+- rw_load_count >= 1 &&
+- di->fsm.rw_map_count == rw_load_count) {
++ expected_rw_load_count >= 1 &&
++ di->fsm.rw_map_count == expected_rw_load_count) {
+ /* Ok, so, finally, we found what we need, and we haven't
+ already read debuginfo for this object. So let's do so now.
+ Yee-ha! */
+@@ -1437,7 +1438,8 @@ ULong VG_(di_notify_mmap)( Addr a, Bool
+ /* If we don't have an rx and rw mapping, go no further. */
+ if (debug)
+ VG_(dmsg)("di_notify_mmap-6: "
+- "no dinfo loaded %s (no rx or no rw mapping)\n", filename);
++ "no dinfo loaded %s (no rx or rw mappings (%d) not reached expected count (%d))\n",
++ filename, di->fsm.rw_map_count, expected_rw_load_count);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+--- valgrind-3.20.0.orig/coregrind/m_debuginfo/priv_readelf.h
++++ valgrind-3.20.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/priv_readelf.h
+@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ extern Bool ML_(is_elf_object_file)( con
+ */
+ extern Bool ML_(read_elf_debug_info) ( DebugInfo* di );
+-extern Bool ML_(check_elf_and_get_rw_loads) ( Int fd, const HChar* filename, Int * rw_load_count );
++extern Bool ML_(check_elf_and_get_rw_loads) ( Int fd, const HChar* filename,
++ Int * rw_load_count, Bool from_nsegments );
+ #endif /* ndef __PRIV_READELF_H */
+--- valgrind-3.20.0.orig/coregrind/m_debuginfo/readelf.c
++++ valgrind-3.20.0/coregrind/m_debuginfo/readelf.c
+@@ -3650,7 +3650,8 @@ Bool ML_(read_elf_debug_info) ( struct _
+ }
+-Bool ML_(check_elf_and_get_rw_loads) ( Int fd, const HChar* filename, Int * rw_load_count )
++Bool ML_(check_elf_and_get_rw_loads) ( Int fd, const HChar* filename,
++ Int * rw_load_count, Bool from_nsegments )
+ {
+ Bool res, ok;
+ UWord i;
+@@ -3719,7 +3720,7 @@ Bool ML_(check_elf_and_get_rw_loads) ( I
+ * second PT_LOAD falls exactly on 0x1000) then the NSegements
+ * will get merged and VG_(di_notify_mmap) only gets called once. */
+ if (*rw_load_count == 2 &&
+- ehdr_m.e_type == ET_EXEC &&
++ from_nsegments &&
+ a_phdr.p_offset == VG_PGROUNDDN(a_phdr.p_offset) )
+ {
+ *rw_load_count = 1;
diff -Nru valgrind-3.20.0/debian/patches/series valgrind-3.20.0/debian/patches/series
--- valgrind-3.20.0/debian/patches/series 2022-11-11 00:49:21.000000000 +0900
+++ valgrind-3.20.0/debian/patches/series 2024-09-10 08:52:21.000000000 +0900
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@