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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import { BaseFeature } from "resource:///modules/urlbar/private/BaseFeature.sys.mjs";
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
GeonameMatchType: "resource://gre/modules/RustSuggest.sys.mjs",
GeonameType: "resource://gre/modules/RustSuggest.sys.mjs",
QuickSuggest: "resource:///modules/QuickSuggest.sys.mjs",
UrlbarPrefs: "resource:///modules/UrlbarPrefs.sys.mjs",
UrlbarResult: "resource:///modules/UrlbarResult.sys.mjs",
UrlbarUtils: "resource:///modules/UrlbarUtils.sys.mjs",
INACCURATE_LOCATION: "inaccurate_location",
MANAGE: "manage",
NOT_INTERESTED: "not_interested",
NOT_RELEVANT: "not_relevant",
SHOW_LESS_FREQUENTLY: "show_less_frequently",
* A feature for Yelp suggestions.
export class YelpSuggestions extends BaseFeature {
get shouldEnable() {
return (
lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored") &&
lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("yelpFeatureGate") &&
get enablingPreferences() {
return ["suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", "suggest.yelp"];
get rustSuggestionTypes() {
return ["Yelp"];
get mlIntent() {
return "yelp_intent";
get isMlIntentEnabled() {
// Note that even when ML is enabled, we still leave Yelp Rust suggestions
// enabled because we need to fetch the Yelp icon, URL, etc. from Rust, as
// well as geonames, and Rust still needs to ingest all of that.
return lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("yelpMlEnabled");
get showLessFrequentlyCount() {
const count = lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("yelp.showLessFrequentlyCount") || 0;
return Math.max(count, 0);
get canShowLessFrequently() {
const cap =
lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("yelpShowLessFrequentlyCap") ||
lazy.QuickSuggest.backend.config?.showLessFrequentlyCap ||
return !cap || this.showLessFrequentlyCount < cap;
isSuggestionSponsored(_suggestion) {
return true;
getSuggestionTelemetryType() {
return "yelp";
enable(enabled) {
if (!enabled) {
this.#metadataCache = null;
async filterSuggestions(suggestions) {
// Important notes:
// Both Rust and ML return at most one Yelp suggestion each.
// We leave Rust Yelp suggestions enabled even when ML Yelp is enabled
// because we need to fetch the Yelp icon, URL, etc. from Rust, as well as
// geonames, and Rust still needs to ingest all of that. Since we don't have
// a way to tell the Rust backend to leave a suggestion type enabled without
// querying it, `suggestions` can contain both kinds of suggestions. If ML
// is enabled, return the ML suggestion; if it's disabled, return Rust.
// After this method returns, the Suggest provider will sort suggestions by
// score and check whether they've been previously dismissed based on their
// URLs. So we need to make sure suggestions have scores and URLs now. For
// both Rust and ML suggestions, we'll make sure URLs at this point do *not*
// contain a location param because we'll likely end up setting a new param
// in `makeResult()`. That means for the purpose of dismissal, Yelp URLs
// will exclude location.
// Since we're doing all the above in this method anyway, we'll also
// normalize the suggestion so that `makeResult()` can easily handle either
// kind of suggestion.
let suggestion;
if (!lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("yelpMlEnabled")) {
suggestion = suggestions.find(s => s.source != "ml");
if (suggestion) {
suggestion = this.#normalizeRustSuggestion(suggestion);
} else {
suggestion = suggestions.find(s => s.source == "ml");
if (suggestion) {
if (!this.#metadataCache) {
this.#metadataCache = await this.#makeMetadataCache();
suggestion = this.#normalizeMlSuggestion(suggestion);
return suggestion ? [suggestion] : [];
async makeResult(queryContext, suggestion, searchString) {
// If the user clicked "Show less frequently" at least once or if the
// subject wasn't typed in full, then apply the min length threshold and
// return null if the entire search string is too short.
if (
(this.showLessFrequentlyCount || !suggestion.subjectExactMatch) &&
searchString.length < this.#minKeywordLength
) {
return null;
let { city, region } = suggestion;
if (!city && !region) {
// The user didn't specify any location at all, so use geolocation. If we
// can't get the geolocation for some reason, that's fine, the suggestion
// just won't have a location.
let geo = await lazy.GeolocationUtils.geolocation();
if (geo) {
city =;
region = geo.region_code;
} else {
// The user specified a city and/or region -- at least we think they did.
// If we can't find a matching location, assume they're typing something
// unrelated to Yelp and discard the suggestion by returning null.
let match = await this.#bestCityRegion(city, region);
if (!match) {
return null;
city =;
region = match.region;
let url = new URL(suggestion.url);
let title = suggestion.title;
let locationStr = [city, region].filter(s => !!s).join(", ");
if (locationStr) {
url.searchParams.set(suggestion.locationParam, locationStr);
if (!suggestion.hasLocationSign) {
title += " in";
title += " " + locationStr;
url.searchParams.set("utm_medium", "partner");
url.searchParams.set("utm_source", "mozilla");
let resultProperties = {
isRichSuggestion: true,
showFeedbackMenu: true,
suggestion.is_top_pick = lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("yelpSuggestPriority");
if (!suggestion.is_top_pick) {
let suggestedIndex = lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("yelpSuggestNonPriorityIndex");
if (suggestedIndex !== null) {
resultProperties.isSuggestedIndexRelativeToGroup = true;
resultProperties.suggestedIndex = suggestedIndex;
return Object.assign(
new lazy.UrlbarResult(
...lazy.UrlbarResult.payloadAndSimpleHighlights(queryContext.tokens, {
url: url.toString(),
originalUrl: suggestion.url,
title: [title, lazy.UrlbarUtils.HIGHLIGHT.TYPED],
bottomTextL10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-yelp-bottom-text" },
iconBlob: suggestion.icon_blob,
getResultCommands() {
let commands = [
l10n: {
id: "firefox-suggest-weather-command-inaccurate-location",
if (this.canShowLessFrequently) {
l10n: {
id: "firefox-suggest-command-show-less-frequently",
l10n: {
id: "firefox-suggest-command-dont-show-this",
children: [
l10n: {
id: "firefox-suggest-command-not-relevant",
l10n: {
id: "firefox-suggest-command-not-interested",
{ name: "separator" },
l10n: {
id: "urlbar-result-menu-manage-firefox-suggest",
return commands;
handleCommand(view, result, selType, searchString) {
switch (selType) {
// "manage" is handled by UrlbarInput, no need to do anything here.
// Currently the only way we record this feedback is in the Glean
// engagement event. As with all commands, it will be recorded with an
// `engagement_type` value that is the command's name, in this case
// `inaccurate_location`.
// selType == "dismiss" when the user presses the dismiss key shortcut.
case "dismiss":
result.acknowledgeDismissalL10n = {
id: "firefox-suggest-dismissal-acknowledgment-one-yelp",
lazy.UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.yelp", false);
result.acknowledgeDismissalL10n = {
id: "firefox-suggest-dismissal-acknowledgment-all-yelp",
if (!this.canShowLessFrequently) {
lazy.UrlbarPrefs.set("yelp.minKeywordLength", searchString.length + 1);
incrementShowLessFrequentlyCount() {
if (this.canShowLessFrequently) {
this.showLessFrequentlyCount + 1
get #minKeywordLength() {
// Use the pref value if it has a user value (which means the user clicked
// "Show less frequently") or if there's no Nimbus value. Otherwise use the
// Nimbus value. This lets us override the pref's default value using Nimbus
// if necessary.
let hasUserValue = Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(
let nimbusValue = lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("yelpMinKeywordLength");
let minLength =
hasUserValue || nimbusValue === null
? lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("yelp.minKeywordLength")
: nimbusValue;
return Math.max(minLength, 0);
#normalizeRustSuggestion(suggestion) {
// TODO: The Rust component should be updated to return Yelp suggestions
// that don't require us to make these modifications.
// Rust Yelp suggestions don't currently specify the city and region
// separately. Instead the location param in the URL contains whatever was
// left over at the end of the search string. We'll assume it's a city. If
// it's actually a region, then unfortunately we'll discard the suggestion
// because it won't match any cities in our DB, but it's much more likely
// for it to be a city.
let url = new URL(suggestion.url);
let loc = url.searchParams.get(suggestion.locationParam);
if (loc) {
// Normalized suggestion URLs should not include the location. See
// `filterSuggestions()`.
suggestion.url = url.toString(); = loc;
// Rust includes the location in the title, but we'll want to replace it
// with the location we compute in `makeResult()`, so remove it.
if (suggestion.title.endsWith(loc)) {
suggestion.title = suggestion.title
.substring(0, suggestion.title.length - loc.length)
return suggestion;
#normalizeMlSuggestion(ml) {
// The ML model can return false positives, including Yelp-intent
// suggestions with nothing but a city or region, no subject. Discard them.
if (!ml.subject) {
return null;
let url = new URL(this.#metadataCache.urlOrigin);
url.pathname = this.#metadataCache.urlPathname;
url.searchParams.set(this.#metadataCache.findDesc, ml.subject);
return {
title: ml.subject,
url: url.toString(),
subjectExactMatch: false,
hasLocationSign: false,
locationParam: this.#metadataCache.findLoc,
icon_blob: this.#metadataCache.iconBlob,
score: this.#metadataCache.score,
subject: ml.subject,
city: ml.location?.city,
region: ml.location?.state,
source: ml.source,
provider: ml.provider,
* for now we directly query the Rust backend with a known Yelp keyword and
* location to get all of that information and then cache it in
* `#metadataCache`. If the known Yelp suggestion is absent for some reason,
* we fall back to hardcoded values. This is a tad hacky and we should come up
* with something better.
* @returns {object}
* The metadata cache.
async #makeMetadataCache() {
let cache;
this.logger.debug("Querying Rust backend to populate metadata cache");
let rs = await lazy.QuickSuggest.rustBackend.query("coffee in atlanta", [
if (!rs.length) {
this.logger.debug("Rust didn't return any Yelp suggestions!");
cache = {};
} else {
let suggestion = rs[0];
let url = new URL(suggestion.url);
let findParamWithValue = value => {
let tuple = [...url.searchParams.entries()].find(
([_, v]) => v == value
return tuple?.[0];
cache = {
iconBlob: suggestion.icon_blob,
score: suggestion.score,
urlOrigin: url.origin,
urlPathname: url.pathname,
findDesc: findParamWithValue("coffee"),
findLoc: findParamWithValue("atlanta"),
let defaults = {
urlPathname: "/search",
findDesc: "find_desc",
findLoc: "find_loc",
score: 0.25,
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(defaults)) {
if (cache[key] === undefined) {
cache[key] = value;
return cache;
* Looks up a city-region in the Suggest database and returns the one that
* best matches the client's geolocation.
* @param {string|null} city
* The candidate city name or null if you're only matching regions.
* @param {region|null} region
* The candidate region name or abbreviation, or null if you're only
* matching cities.
* @returns {object|null}
* If a city was passed in and it didn't match a city in the DB, or if a
* region was passed in and it didn't match a region in the DB, null is
* returned. Null is also returned if both were passed but they aren't a
* valid city-region combination. Otherwise, an object `{ city, region }` is
* returned:
* {string|null} city
* The best matching city's name, or if the passed-in city was null and a
* region was matched, this will be null.
* {string} region
* The best matching region. If a city was matched, it will be the ISO
* code of the city's region (e.g., the usual two-letter abbreviation for
* U.S. states). If a city wasn't passed in, this will be the best
* matching region's name.
async #bestCityRegion(city, region) {
// Match the region first since we'll use region matches to filter city
// matches. We'll do prefix matching on cities below, so to avoid even more
// time and work that's probably unnecessary, don't do it for regions.
let regionMatches;
if (region) {
regionMatches = await lazy.QuickSuggest.rustBackend.fetchGeonames(
false, // prefix matching
if (!regionMatches.length) {
// The user typed something we thought was a region but isn't, so assume
// the query is not Yelp-related after all.
return null;
if (city) {
let cityMatches = await lazy.QuickSuggest.rustBackend.fetchGeonames(
true, // prefix matching
regionMatches?.map(m => m.geoname)
// Discard prefix matches on any names that aren't full names, i.e., on
// abbreviations and airport codes. Airport codes especially can sometimes
// be surprising (e.g., "act" for Waco, TX), and we don't want to return
// too many false positives.
cityMatches = cityMatches.filter(
match => match.matchType == lazy.GeonameMatchType.NAME || !match.prefix
if (!cityMatches.length) {
// The user typed something we thought was a city but isn't, so assume
// the query is not Yelp-related after all.
return null;
// Return the best city for the user's geolocation.
let best = await
return { city:, region: best.geoname.admin1Code };
// We didn't detect a city in the query but we detected a region, so try to
// return at least that, but only if a full name was matched, not an
// abbreviation. Abbreviations are too short and make it too easy to return
// false positives. For example, after the user types "ramen in", we
// probably shouldn't match "in" to Indiana.
regionMatches = regionMatches?.filter(
match => match.matchType == lazy.GeonameMatchType.NAME
if (regionMatches?.length) {
let best = await
return { city: null, region: };
return null;
_test_invalidateMetadataCache() {
this.#metadataCache = null;
#metadataCache = null;
* A function that can be passed to `` as
* `locationFromItem`. It maps `GeonameMatch` objects to the location objects
* required by that function.
* @param {GeonameMatch} match
* A match object.
* @returns {object}
* A location object suitable for `GeolocationUtils`.
function locationFromGeonameMatch(match) {
return {
latitude: match.geoname.latitude,
longitude: match.geoname.longitude,
country: match.geoname.countryCode,
region: match.geoname.admin1Code,
population: match.geoname.population,