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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import { BaseFeature } from "resource:///modules/urlbar/private/BaseFeature.sys.mjs";
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
QuickSuggest: "resource:///modules/QuickSuggest.sys.mjs",
SuggestionsMap: "resource:///modules/urlbar/private/SuggestBackendJs.sys.mjs",
UrlbarPrefs: "resource:///modules/UrlbarPrefs.sys.mjs",
UrlbarResult: "resource:///modules/UrlbarResult.sys.mjs",
UrlbarUtils: "resource:///modules/UrlbarUtils.sys.mjs",
const NONSPONSORED_IAB_CATEGORIES = new Set(["5 - Education"]);
* A feature that manages sponsored adM and non-sponsored Wikpedia (sometimes
* called "expanded Wikipedia") suggestions in remote settings.
export class AdmWikipedia extends BaseFeature {
constructor() {
this.#suggestionsMap = new lazy.SuggestionsMap();
get shouldEnable() {
return (
lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored") ||
get enablingPreferences() {
return [
get merinoProvider() {
return "adm";
get rustSuggestionTypes() {
return ["Amp", "Wikipedia"];
isSuggestionSponsored(suggestion) {
return suggestion.source == "rust"
? suggestion.provider == "Amp"
: !NONSPONSORED_IAB_CATEGORIES.has(suggestion.iab_category);
getSuggestionTelemetryType(suggestion) {
return suggestion.is_sponsored ? "adm_sponsored" : "adm_nonsponsored";
isRustSuggestionTypeEnabled(type) {
switch (type) {
case "Amp":
return lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored");
case "Wikipedia":
return lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored");
this.logger.error("Unknown Rust suggestion type", { type });
return false;
enable(enabled) {
if (enabled) {
} else {
async queryRemoteSettings(searchString) {
let suggestions = this.#suggestionsMap.get(searchString);
if (!suggestions) {
return [];
// Start each icon fetch at the same time and wait for them all to finish.
let icons = await Promise.all({ icon }) => this.#fetchIcon(icon))
return => ({
full_keyword: this.#getFullKeyword(searchString, suggestion.keywords),
title: suggestion.title,
url: suggestion.url,
click_url: suggestion.click_url,
impression_url: suggestion.impression_url,
advertiser: suggestion.advertiser,
iab_category: suggestion.iab_category,
is_sponsored: !NONSPONSORED_IAB_CATEGORIES.has(suggestion.iab_category),
score: suggestion.score,
position: suggestion.position,
icon: icons.shift(),
async onRemoteSettingsSync(rs) {
let dataType = lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("quickSuggestRemoteSettingsDataType");
this.logger.debug("Loading remote settings", { dataType });
let [data] = await Promise.all([
rs.get({ filters: { type: dataType } }),
.get({ filters: { type: "icon" } })
.then(icons =>
Promise.all( => rs.attachments.downloadToDisk(i)))
if (!this.isEnabled) {
let suggestionsMap = new lazy.SuggestionsMap();
this.logger.debug("Got remote settings data", { recordCount: data.length });
for (let record of data) {
let { buffer } = await;
if (!this.isEnabled) {
let results = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(buffer));
this.logger.debug("Adding results", { resultCount: results.length });
await suggestionsMap.add(results);
if (!this.isEnabled) {
this.#suggestionsMap = suggestionsMap;
makeResult(queryContext, suggestion) {
let originalUrl;
if (suggestion.source == "rust") {
// The Rust backend defines `rawUrl` on AMP suggestions, and its value is
// what we on desktop call the `originalUrl`, i.e., it's a URL that may
// contain timestamp templates. Rust does not define `rawUrl` for
// Wikipedia suggestions, but we have historically included `originalUrl`
// for both AMP and Wikipedia even though Wikipedia URLs never contain
// timestamp templates. So, when setting `originalUrl`, fall back to `url`
// for suggestions without `rawUrl`.
originalUrl = suggestion.rawUrl ?? suggestion.url;
// The Rust backend uses camelCase instead of snake_case, and it excludes
// some properties in non-sponsored suggestions that we expect, so convert
// the Rust suggestion to a suggestion object we expect here on desktop.
let desktopSuggestion = {
title: suggestion.title,
url: suggestion.url,
is_sponsored: suggestion.is_sponsored,
full_keyword: suggestion.fullKeyword,
if (suggestion.is_sponsored) {
desktopSuggestion.impression_url = suggestion.impressionUrl;
desktopSuggestion.click_url = suggestion.clickUrl;
desktopSuggestion.block_id = suggestion.blockId;
desktopSuggestion.advertiser = suggestion.advertiser;
desktopSuggestion.iab_category = suggestion.iabCategory;
} else {
desktopSuggestion.advertiser = "Wikipedia";
desktopSuggestion.iab_category = "5 - Education";
suggestion = desktopSuggestion;
} else {
// Replace the suggestion's template substrings, but first save the
// original URL before its timestamp template is replaced.
originalUrl = suggestion.url;
let payload = {
url: suggestion.url,
title: suggestion.title,
isSponsored: suggestion.is_sponsored,
requestId: suggestion.request_id,
urlTimestampIndex: suggestion.urlTimestampIndex,
sponsoredImpressionUrl: suggestion.impression_url,
sponsoredClickUrl: suggestion.click_url,
sponsoredBlockId: suggestion.block_id,
sponsoredAdvertiser: suggestion.advertiser,
sponsoredIabCategory: suggestion.iab_category,
isBlockable: true,
blockL10n: {
id: "urlbar-result-menu-dismiss-firefox-suggest",
isManageable: true,
let isAmpTopPick =
suggestion.is_sponsored &&
lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("quickSuggestAmpTopPickCharThreshold") &&
lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("quickSuggestAmpTopPickCharThreshold") <=
payload.qsSuggestion = [
? lazy.UrlbarUtils.HIGHLIGHT.TYPED
let result = new lazy.UrlbarResult(
if (suggestion.is_sponsored) {
result.isRichSuggestion = true;
if (isAmpTopPick) {
result.isBestMatch = true;
result.suggestedIndex = 1;
} else {
if (lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("quickSuggestSponsoredPriority")) {
result.isBestMatch = true;
result.suggestedIndex = 1;
} else {
result.richSuggestionIconSize = 16;
result.payload.descriptionL10n = {
id: "urlbar-result-action-sponsored",
return result;
* Gets the "full keyword" (i.e., suggestion) for a query from a list of
* keywords. The suggestions data doesn't include full keywords, so we make
* our own based on the result's keyword phrases and a particular query. We
* use two heuristics:
* (1) Find the first keyword phrase that has more words than the query. Use
* its first `queryWords.length` words as the full keyword. e.g., if the
* query is "moz" and `keywords` is ["moz", "mozi", "mozil", "mozill",
* "mozilla", "mozilla firefox"], pick "mozilla firefox", pop off the
* "firefox" and use "mozilla" as the full keyword.
* (2) If there isn't any keyword phrase with more words, then pick the
* longest phrase. e.g., pick "mozilla" in the previous example (assuming
* the "mozilla firefox" phrase isn't there). That might be the query
* itself.
* @param {string} query
* The query string.
* @param {Array} keywords
* An array of suggestion keywords.
* @returns {string}
* The full keyword.
#getFullKeyword(query, keywords) {
let longerPhrase;
let trimmedQuery = query.toLocaleLowerCase().trim();
let queryWords = trimmedQuery.split(" ");
for (let phrase of keywords) {
if (phrase.startsWith(query)) {
let trimmedPhrase = phrase.trim();
let phraseWords = trimmedPhrase.split(" ");
// As an exception to (1), if the query ends with a space, then look for
// phrases with one more word so that the suggestion includes a word
// following the space.
let extra = query.endsWith(" ") ? 1 : 0;
let len = queryWords.length + extra;
if (len < phraseWords.length) {
// We found a phrase with more words.
return phraseWords.slice(0, len).join(" ");
if (
query.length < phrase.length &&
(!longerPhrase || longerPhrase.length < trimmedPhrase.length)
) {
// We found a longer phrase with the same number of words.
longerPhrase = trimmedPhrase;
return longerPhrase || trimmedQuery;
* Fetch the icon from RemoteSettings attachments.
* @param {string} path
* The icon's remote settings path.
* @returns {string}
* The absolute file path to the downloaded attachment.
async #fetchIcon(path) {
if (!path) {
return null;
let { rs } = lazy.QuickSuggest.jsBackend;
if (!rs) {
return null;
let record = (
await rs.get({
filters: { id: `icon-${path}` },
if (!record) {
return null;
return rs.attachments.downloadToDisk(record);