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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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import { html } from "lit.all.mjs";
// Imported for side-effects.
import "toolkit-widgets/named-deck.js";
export default {
title: "UI Widgets/Named Deck",
component: "named-deck",
parameters: {
status: "stable",
fluent: `
named-deck-tab-one = Tab 1
named-deck-tab-two = Tab 2
named-deck-tab-three = Tab 3
named-deck-content-one = This is tab 1
named-deck-content-two = This is tab 2
named-deck-content-three = This is tab 3
button-group-one = One
button-group-two = Two
button-group-three = Three
button-group-four = Four
export const Tabs = () => html`
button[selected] {
outline: 2px dashed var(--in-content-primary-button-background);
<button is="named-deck-button" deck="tabs-deck" name="tab-1" data-l10n-id="named-deck-tab-one"></button>
<button is="named-deck-button" deck="tabs-deck" name="tab-2" data-l10n-id="named-deck-tab-two"></button>
<button is="named-deck-button" deck="tabs-deck" name="tab-3" data-l10n-id="named-deck-tab-three"></button>
<named-deck id="tabs-deck" is-tabbed>
<p name="tab-1" data-l10n-id="named-deck-content-one"></p>
<p name="tab-2" data-l10n-id="named-deck-content-two"></p>
<p name="tab-3" data-l10n-id="named-deck-content-three"></p>
The dashed outline is added for emphasis here. It applies to the button with
the <code>selected</code> attribute, but matches the deck's
<code>selected-view</code> name.
These tabs are a combination of <code>button-group</code>,
<code>named-deck-button</code>, and <code>named-deck</code>.
<code>button-group</code> makes the tabs a single focusable group,
using left/right to switch between focused buttons.
<code>named-deck-button</code>s are <code>button</code> subclasses
that are used to control the <code>named-deck</code>.
<code>named-deck</code> show only one selected child at a time.
export const ListMenu = () => html`
.icon-button {
background-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/arrow-left.svg");
.vertical-group {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
width: 200px;
<named-deck id="list-deck" is-tabbed>
<section name="list">
<button-group orientation="vertical" class="vertical-group">
<button is="named-deck-button" deck="list-deck" name="tab-1">
Tab 1
<button is="named-deck-button" deck="list-deck" name="tab-2">
Tab 2
<button is="named-deck-button" deck="list-deck" name="tab-3">
Tab 3
<section name="tab-1">
class="icon-button ghost-button"
<p>This is tab 1</p>
<section name="tab-2">
class="icon-button ghost-button"
<p>This is tab 2</p>
<section name="tab-3">
class="icon-button ghost-button"
<p>This is tab 3</p>
<hr />
This is an alternate layout for creating a menu navigation. In this case,
the first view in the <code>named-deck</code> is the list view which
contains the <code>named-deck-button</code>s to link to the other views.
Each view then includes a back <code>named-deck-button</code> which is used
to navigate back to the first view.
const FocusGroupTemplate = ({ orientation }) => html`
<button-group orientation=${orientation}>
<button data-l10n-id="button-group-one"></button>
<button data-l10n-id="button-group-two"></button>
<button data-l10n-id="button-group-three"></button>
<button data-l10n-id="button-group-four"></button>
The <code>button-group</code> element will group focus to the buttons,
requiring left/right or up/down to switch focus between its child elements.
It accepts an <code>orientation</code> property, which determines if
left/right or up/down are used to change the focused button.
export const FocusGroup = FocusGroupTemplate.bind({});
FocusGroup.args = {
orientation: "horizontal",
FocusGroup.argTypes = {
orientation: {
options: ["horizontal", "vertical"],
control: { type: "radio" },