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# Targeting attributes
When you create ASRouter messages such as contextual feature recommendations or onboarding cards, you may choose to include **targeting information** with those messages.
Targeting information must be captured in [an expression](./ that has access to the following attributes. You may combine and compare any of these attributes as needed.
Please note that some targeting attributes require stricter controls on the telemetry than can be collected, so when in doubt, ask for review.
## Available attributes
* [activeNotifications](#activenotifications)
* [addonsInfo](#addonsinfo)
* [addressesSaved](#addressessaved)
* [archBits](#archbits)
* [attachedFxAOAuthClients](#attachedfxaoauthclients)
* [attributionData](#attributiondata)
* [backgroundTaskName](#backgroundtaskname)
* [blockedCountByType](#blockedcountbytype)
* [browserIsSelected](#browserisselected)
* [browserSettings](#browsersettings)
* [canCreateSelectableProfiles](#cancreateselectableprofiles)
* [creditCardsSaved](#creditcardssaved)
* [currentDate](#currentdate)
* [defaultPDFHandler](#defaultpdfhandler)
* [devToolsOpenedCount](#devtoolsopenedcount)
* [distributionId](#distributionid)
* [doesAppNeedPin](#doesappneedpin)
* [doesAppNeedPinUncached](#doesappneedpinuncached)
* [doesAppNeedPrivatePin](#doesappneedprivatepin)
* [firefoxVersion](#firefoxversion)
* [fxViewButtonAreaType](#fxviewbuttonareatype)
* [hasAccessedFxAPanel](#hasaccessedfxapanel)
* [hasActiveEnterprisePolicies](#hasactiveenterprisepolicies)
* [hasMigratedBookmarks](#hasmigratedbookmarks)
* [hasMigratedCSVPasswords](#hasmigratedcsvpasswords)
* [hasMigratedHistory](#hasmigratedhistory)
* [hasMigratedPasswords](#hasmigratedpasswords)
* [hasPinnedTabs](#haspinnedtabs)
* [hasSelectableProfiles](#hasselectableprofiles)
* [homePageSettings](#homepagesettings)
* [isBackgroundTaskMode](#isbackgroundtaskmode)
* [isChinaRepack](#ischinarepack)
* [isDefaultBrowser](#isdefaultbrowser)
* [isDefaultBrowserUncached](#isdefaultbrowseruncached)
* [isDefaultHandler](#isdefaulthandler)
* [isDeviceMigration](#isdevicemigration)
* [isFxAEnabled](#isfxaenabled)
* [isFxASignedIn](#isfxasignedin)
* [isMajorUpgrade](#ismajorupgrade)
* [isMSIX](#ismsix)
* [isRTAMO](#isrtamo)
* [unhandledCampaignAction](#unhandledCampaignAction)
* [launchOnLoginEnabled](#launchonloginenabled)
* [locale](#locale)
* [localeLanguageCode](#localelanguagecode)
* [memoryMB](#memorymb)
* [messageImpressions](#messageimpressions)
* [needsUpdate](#needsupdate)
* [newtabSettings](#newtabsettings)
* [pinnedSites](#pinnedsites)
* [platformName](#platformname)
* [previousSessionEnd](#previoussessionend)
* [primaryResolution](#primaryresolution)
* [profileAgeCreated](#profileagecreated)
* [profileAgeReset](#profileagereset)
* [profileRestartCount](#profilerestartcount)
* [providerCohorts](#providercohorts)
* [recentBookmarks](#recentbookmarks)
* [region](#region)
* [screenImpressions](#screenimpressions)
* [searchEngines](#searchengines)
* [sync](#sync)
* [systemArch](#systemarch)
* [topFrecentSites](#topfrecentsites)
* [totalBlockedCount](#totalblockedcount)
* [totalBookmarksCount](#totalbookmarkscount)
* [userId](#userid)
* [userMonthlyActivity](#usermonthlyactivity)
* [userPrefersReducedMotion](#userprefersreducedmotion)
* [useEmbeddedMigrationWizard](#useembeddedmigrationwizard)
* [userPrefs](#userprefs)
* [usesFirefoxSync](#usesfirefoxsync)
* [xpinstallEnabled](#xpinstallenabled)
* [totalSearches](#totalsearches)
## Detailed usage
### `addonsInfo`
Provides information about the add-ons the user has installed.
Note that the `name`, `userDisabled`, and `installDate` is only available if `isFullData` is `true` (this is usually not the case right at start-up).
**Due to an existing bug, `userDisabled` is not currently available**
#### Examples
* Has the user installed the unicorn addon?
* Has the user installed and disabled the unicorn addon?
addonsInfo.isFullData && addonsInfo.addons[""].userDisabled
#### Definition
declare const addonsInfo: Promise<AddonsInfoResponse>;
interface AddonsInfoResponse {
// Does this include extra information requiring I/O?
isFullData: boolean;
// addonId should be something like
[addonId: string]: {
// Version of the add-on
version: string;
// (string) e.g. "extension"
type: AddonType;
// Version of the add-on
isSystem: boolean;
// Is the add-on a webextension?
isWebExtension: boolean;
// The name of the add-on
name: string;
// Is the add-on disabled?
// CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE due to an outstanding bug
userDisabled: boolean;
// When was it installed? e.g. "2018-03-10T03:41:06.000Z"
installDate: string;
### `attributionData`
An object containing information on exactly how Firefox was downloaded
#### Examples
* Was the browser installed via the `"back_to_school"` campaign?
attributionData && attributionData.campaign == "back_to_school"
#### Definition
declare const attributionData: AttributionCode;
interface AttributionCode {
// Descriptor for where the download started from
campaign: string,
// A source, like, or
source: string,
// The medium for the download, like if this was referral
medium: string,
// Additional content, like an addonID for instance
content: string
### `browserSettings`
* `update`, which has information about Firefox update channel
#### Examples
* Is updating enabled?
* Is beta channel?
```js == 'beta'
#### Definition
declare const browserSettings: {
attribution: undefined | {
// Referring partner domain, when install happens via a known partner
// e.g.
source: string;
// category of the source, such as "organic" for a search engine
// e.g. organic
medium: string;
// identifier of the particular campaign that led to the download of the product
// e.g. back_to_school
campaign: string;
// identifier to indicate the particular link within a campaign
content: string;
update: {
// Is auto-downloading enabled?
autoDownload: boolean;
// What release channel, e.g. "nightly"
channel: string;
// Is updating enabled?
enabled: boolean;
### `currentDate`
The current date at the moment message targeting is checked.
#### Examples
* Is the current date after Oct 3, 2018?
currentDate > "Wed Oct 03 2018 00:00:00"|date
#### Definition
declare const currentDate; ECMA262DateString;
// ECMA262DateString = Date.toString()
type ECMA262DateString = string;
### `devToolsOpenedCount`
Number of usages of the web console.
#### Examples
* Has the user opened the web console more than 10 times?
devToolsOpenedCount > 10
#### Definition
declare const devToolsOpenedCount: number;
### `isDefaultBrowser`
Is Firefox the user's default browser?
#### Definition
declare const isDefaultBrowser: boolean;
### `isDefaultBrowserUncached`
Behaves the same as `isDefaultBrowser`, but retrieves the current value directly from shell service instead of using the cached value. This may not be as performant.
### `isDefaultHandler`
Is Firefox the user's default handler for various file extensions?
#### Definition
declare const isDefaultHandler: {
pdf: boolean;
html: boolean;
#### Examples
* Is Firefox the default PDF handler?
### `defaultPDFHandler`
Information about the user's default PDF handler
#### Definition
declare const defaultPDFHandler: {
// Does the user have a default PDF handler registered?
registered: boolean;
// Is the default PDF handler a known browser?
knownBrowser: boolean;
### `firefoxVersion`
The major Firefox version of the browser
#### Examples
* Is the version of the browser greater than 63?
firefoxVersion > 63
#### Definition
declare const firefoxVersion: number;
### `launchOnLoginEnabled`
Is the launch on login option enabled?
declare const launchOnLoginEnabled: boolean;
### `locale`
The current locale of the browser including country code, e.g. `en-US`.
#### Examples
* Is the locale of the browser either English (US) or German (Germany)?
locale in ["en-US", "de-DE"]
#### Definition
declare const locale: string;
### `localeLanguageCode`
The current locale of the browser NOT including country code, e.g. `en`.
This is useful for matching all countries of a particular language.
#### Examples
* Is the locale of the browser any English locale?
localeLanguageCode == "en"
#### Definition
declare const localeLanguageCode: string;
### `needsUpdate`
Does the client have the latest available version installed
declare const needsUpdate: boolean;
### `pinnedSites`
The sites (including search shortcuts) that are pinned on a user's new tab page.
#### Examples
* Has the user pinned any site on ``?
"" in pinnedSites|mapToProperty("host")
* Does the user have a pinned `` search shortcut?
"" in pinnedSites[.searchTopSite == true]|mapToProperty("host")
#### Definition
interface PinnedSite {
url: string;
// e.g.
host: string;
// is the pin a search shortcut?
searchTopSite: boolean;
declare const pinnedSites: Array<PinnedSite>
### `previousSessionEnd`
Timestamp of the previously closed session.
#### Definition
declare const previousSessionEnd: UnixEpochNumber;
// UnixEpochNumber is UNIX Epoch timestamp, e.g. 1522843725924
type UnixEpochNumber = number;
### `primaryResolution`
An object containing the available width and available height of the primary monitor in pixel values. The values take into account the existence of docks and task bars.
#### Definition
interface primaryResolution {
width: number;
height: number;
### `profileAgeCreated`
The date the profile was created as a UNIX Epoch timestamp.
#### Definition
declare const profileAgeCreated: UnixEpochNumber;
// UnixEpochNumber is UNIX Epoch timestamp, e.g. 1522843725924
type UnixEpochNumber = number;
### `profileAgeReset`
The date the profile was reset as a UNIX Epoch timestamp (if it was reset).
#### Examples
* Was the profile never reset?
#### Definition
// profileAgeReset can be undefined if the profile was never reset
// UnixEpochNumber is number, e.g. 1522843725924
declare const profileAgeReset: undefined | UnixEpochNumber;
// UnixEpochNumber is UNIX Epoch timestamp, e.g. 1522843725924
type UnixEpochNumber = number;
### `providerCohorts`
Information about cohort settings (from prefs, including shield studies) for each provider.
#### Examples
* Is the user in the "foo_test" cohort for cfr?
providerCohorts.cfr == "foo_test"
#### Definition
declare const providerCohorts: {
[providerId: string]: string;
### `region`
Country code retrieved from ``. Can be `""` if request did not finish or encountered an error.
#### Examples
* Is the user in Canada?
region == "CA"
#### Definition
declare const region: string;
### `searchEngines`
Information about the current and available search engines.
#### Examples
* Is the current default search engine set to google?
searchEngines.current == "google"
#### Definition
declare const searchEngines: Promise<SearchEnginesResponse>;
interface SearchEnginesResponse: {
current: SearchEngineId;
installed: Array<SearchEngineId>;
// This is an identifier for a search engine such as "google" or "amazondotcom"
type SearchEngineId = string;
### `sync`
Information about synced devices.
#### Examples
* Is at least 1 mobile device synced to this profile?
sync.mobileDevices > 0
#### Definition
declare const sync: {
desktopDevices: number;
mobileDevices: number;
totalDevices: number;
### `topFrecentSites`
Information about the browser's top 25 frecent sites.
**Please note this is a restricted targeting property that influences what telemetry is allowed to be collected may not be used without review**
#### Examples
* Is in the user's top frecent sites with a frececy greater than 400?
"" in topFrecentSites[.frecency >= 400]|mapToProperty("host")
#### Definition
declare const topFrecentSites: Promise<Array<TopSite>>
interface TopSite {
url: string;
// e.g.
host: string;
frecency: number;
lastVisitDate: UnixEpochNumber;
// UnixEpochNumber is UNIX Epoch timestamp, e.g. 1522843725924
type UnixEpochNumber = number;
### `totalBookmarksCount`
Total number of bookmarks.
#### Definition
declare const totalBookmarksCount: number;
### `usesFirefoxSync`
Does the user use Firefox sync?
#### Definition
declare const usesFirefoxSync: boolean;
### `isFxAEnabled`
Does the user have Firefox sync enabled? The service could potentially be turned off [for enterprise builds](
#### Definition
declare const isFxAEnabled: boolean;
### `isFxASignedIn`
Is the user signed in to a Firefox Account?
#### Definition
declare const isFxASignedIn: Promise<boolean>
### `creditCardsSaved`
The number of credit cards the user has saved for Forms and Autofill.
#### Examples
creditCardsSaved > 1
#### Definition
declare const creditCardsSaved: Promise<number>
### `addressesSaved`
The number of addresses the user has saved for Forms and Autofill.
#### Examples
addressesSaved > 1
#### Definition
declare const addressesSaved: Promise<number>
### `archBits`
The number of bits used to represent a pointer in this build.
#### Definition
declare const archBits: number;
### `xpinstallEnabled`
Pref used by system administrators to disallow add-ons from installed altogether.
#### Definition
declare const xpinstallEnabled: boolean;
### `hasPinnedTabs`
Does the user have any pinned tabs in any windows.
#### Definition
declare const hasPinnedTabs: boolean;
### `hasAccessedFxAPanel`
Boolean pref that gets set the first time the user opens the FxA toolbar panel
#### Definition
declare const hasAccessedFxAPanel: boolean;
### `totalBlockedCount`
Total number of events from the content blocking database
#### Definition
declare const totalBlockedCount: number;
### `recentBookmarks`
An array of GUIDs of recent bookmarks as provided by [`NewTabUtils.getRecentBookmarks`](
#### Definition
interface Bookmark {
bookmarkGuid: string;
url: string;
title: string;
declare const recentBookmarks: Array<Bookmark>
### `userPrefs`
Information about user facing prefs configurable from `about:preferences`.
#### Examples
userPrefs.cfrFeatures == false
#### Definition
declare const userPrefs: {
cfrFeatures: boolean;
cfrAddons: boolean;
### `attachedFxAOAuthClients`
Information about connected services associated with the FxA Account.
Return an empty array if no account is found or an error occurs.
#### Definition
interface OAuthClient {
// OAuth client_id of the service
id: string;
lastAccessedDaysAgo: number;
declare const attachedFxAOAuthClients: Promise<OAuthClient[]>
#### Examples
id: "7377719276ad44ee",
name: "Pocket",
lastAccessTime: 1513599164000
### `platformName`
[Platform information](
#### Definition
declare const platformName = "linux" | "win" | "macosx" | "android" | "other";
### `memoryMB`
The amount of RAM available to Firefox, in megabytes.
#### Definition
declare const memoryMB = number;
### `messageImpressions`
Dictionary that maps message ids to impression timestamps. Timestamps are stored in
consecutive order. Can be used to detect first impression of a message, number of
impressions. Can be used in targeting to show a message if another message has been
Impressions are used for frequency capping so we only store them if the message has
`frequency` configured.
Impressions for badges might not work as expected: we add a badge for every opened
window so the number of impressions stored might be higher than expected. Additionally
not all badges have `frequency` cap so `messageImpressions` might not be defined.
Badge impressions should not be used for targeting.
#### Definition
declare const messageImpressions: { [key: string]: Array<UnixEpochNumber> };
### `blockedCountByType`
Returns a breakdown by category of all blocked resources in the past 42 days.
#### Definition
declare const blockedCountByType: { [key: string]: number };
#### Examples
Object {
trackerCount: 0,
cookieCount: 34,
cryptominerCount: 0,
fingerprinterCount: 3,
socialCount: 2
### `browserIsSelected`
A context property included for all triggers, indicating whether the tab the
trigger came from is the currently selected tab. For some triggers that don't
actually emit from tabs, this is always true. For other triggers, like
`openURL`, this can be false if the trigger happened in a background tab.
#### Definition
declare const browserIsSelected: boolean;
### `isChinaRepack`
Does the user use [the partner repack distributed by Mozilla Online](,
a wholly owned subsidiary of the Mozilla Corporation that operates in China.
#### Definition
declare const isChinaRepack: boolean;
### `userId`
A unique user id generated by Normandy (note that this is not clientId).
#### Definition
declare const userId: string;
### `profileRestartCount`
A session counter that shows how many times the browser was started.
More info about the details in [the telemetry docs](
#### Definition
declare const profileRestartCount: number;
### `homePageSettings`
An object reflecting the current settings of the browser home page (about:home)
#### Definition
declare const homePageSettings: {
isDefault: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
isWebExt: boolean;
isCustomUrl: boolean;
urls: Array<URL>;
interface URL {
url: string;
host: string;
#### Examples
* Default about:home
Object {
isDefault: true,
isLocked: false,
isCustomUrl: false,
isWebExt: false,
urls: [
{ url: "about:home", host: "" }
* Default about:home with locked preference
Object {
isDefault: true,
isLocked: true,
isCustomUrl: false,
isWebExt: false,
urls: [
{ url: "about:home", host: "" }
* Custom URL
Object {
isDefault: false,
isLocked: false,
isCustomUrl: true,
isWebExt: false,
urls: [
* Custom URLs
Object {
isDefault: false,
isLocked: false,
isCustomUrl: true,
isWebExt: false,
urls: [
* Web extension
Object {
isDefault: false,
isLocked: false,
isCustomUrl: false,
isWebExt: true,
urls: [
### `newtabSettings`
An object reflecting the current settings of the browser newtab page (about:newtab)
#### Definition
declare const newtabSettings: {
isDefault: boolean;
isWebExt: boolean;
isCustomUrl: boolean;
url: string;
host: string;
#### Examples
* Default about:newtab
Object {
isDefault: true,
isCustomUrl: false,
isWebExt: false,
url: "about:newtab",
host: "",
* Custom URL
Object {
isDefault: false,
isCustomUrl: true,
isWebExt: false,
host: "",
* Web extension
Object {
isDefault: false,
isCustomUrl: false,
isWebExt: true,
host: "",
### `activeNotifications`
True when an infobar style message is displayed or when the awesomebar is
expanded to show a message (for example onboarding tips).
### `isMajorUpgrade`
A boolean. `true` if the browser just updated to a new major version.
### `hasActiveEnterprisePolicies`
A boolean. `true` if any Enterprise Policies are active.
### `userMonthlyActivity`
Returns an array of entries in the form `[int, unixTimestamp]` for each day of
user activity where the first entry is the total urls visited for that day.
### `doesAppNeedPin`
Checks if Firefox app can be and isn't pinned to OS taskbar/dock or Windows start menu in MSIX builds.
### `doesAppNeedPinUncached`
Does the same as `doesAppNeedPin`, but retrieves the current value directly from shell service instead of using the cached value. This may not be as performant.
### `doesAppNeedPrivatePin`
Checks if Firefox Private Browsing Mode can be and isn't pinned to OS taskbar/dock. Currently this only works on certain Windows versions.
### `isBackgroundTaskMode`
Checks if this invocation is running in background task mode.
### `backgroundTaskName`
A non-empty string task name if this invocation is running in background task
mode, or `null` if this invocation is not running in background task mode.
### `userPrefersReducedMotion`
Checks if user prefers reduced motion as indicated by the value of a media query for `prefers-reduced-motion`.
### `distributionId`
A string containing the id of the distribution, or the empty string if there
is no distribution associated with the build.
### `fxViewButtonAreaType`
A string of the name of the container where the Firefox View button is shown, null if the button has been removed.
### `hasMigratedBookmarks`
A boolean. `true` if the user ever used the Migration Wizard to migrate bookmarks since Firefox 113 released. Available in Firefox 113+; will not be true if the user had only ever migrated bookmarks prior to Firefox 113 being released.
### `hasMigratedCSVPasswords`
A boolean. `true` if CSV passwords have been imported via the migration wizard since Firefox 116 released. Available in Firefox 116+; ; will not be true if the user had only ever migrated CSV passwords prior to Firefox 116 being released.
### `hasMigratedHistory`
A boolean. `true` if the user ever used the Migration Wizard to migrate history since Firefox 113 released. Available in Firefox 113+; will not be true if the user had only ever migrated history prior to Firefox 113 being released.
### `hasMigratedPasswords`
A boolean. `true` if the user ever used the Migration Wizard to migrate passwords since Firefox 113 released. Available in Firefox 113+; will not be true if the user had only ever migrated passwords prior to Firefox 113 being released.
### `useEmbeddedMigrationWizard`
A boolean. `true` if the user is configured to use the embedded Migration Wizard in about:welcome.
### `isRTAMO`
A boolean. `true` when [RTAMO]( has been used to download Firefox, `false` otherwise.
### `canCreateSelectableProfiles`
A boolean. `true` when both the current install and current profile support creating additional profiles using the `SelectableProfileService`; `false` otherwise.
### `hasSelectableProfiles`
A boolean. `true` when the `toolkit.profiles.storeID` pref has a value. Indicates that the profile is part of a profile group managed by the `SelectableProfileService`, and the user has used the multiple profiles feature. `false` otherwise.
### `unhandledCampaignAction`
A string. A special message action to be executed on first-run. For example, `"SET_DEFAULT_BROWSER"` when the user selected to set as default via the [install marketing page]( and set default has not yet been automatically triggered, `null` otherwise.
### `isMSIX`
A boolean. `true` when hasPackageId is `true` on Windows, `false` otherwise.
### `isDeviceMigration`
A boolean. `true` when []( has been used to download the browser as part of a "migration" campaign, for device migration guidance, `false` otherwise.
### `screenImpressions`
An array that maps about:welcome screen IDs to their most recent impression timestamp. Should only be used for unique screen IDs to avoid unintentionally targeting messages with identical screen IDs.
#### Definition
declare const screenImpressions: { [key: string]: Array<UnixEpochNumber> };
### `systemArch`
The architecture of this Firefox build: x86, x86-64 or aarch64.
#### Definition
declare const systemArch: string | null;
### `totalSearches`
Returns the number of times a user has completed a search in the URL Bar. The number is arbitrarily capped at 100.