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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#include "AccAttributes.h"
#include "HyperTextAccessible-inl.h"
#include "LocalAccessible-inl.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/PDocAccessible.h"
#include "nsCocoaUtils.h"
#include "nsObjCExceptions.h"
#include "TextLeafAccessible.h"
#import "mozTextAccessible.h"
#import "GeckoTextMarker.h"
#import "MOXTextMarkerDelegate.h"
using namespace mozilla;
using namespace mozilla::a11y;
inline bool ToNSRange(id aValue, NSRange* aRange) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aRange, "aRange is nil");
if ([aValue isKindOfClass:[NSValue class]] &&
strcmp([(NSValue*)aValue objCType], @encode(NSRange)) == 0) {
*aRange = [aValue rangeValue];
return true;
return false;
inline NSString* ToNSString(id aValue) {
if ([aValue isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
return aValue;
return nil;
@interface mozTextAccessible ()
- (long)textLength;
- (BOOL)isReadOnly;
- (NSString*)text;
- (GeckoTextMarkerRange)selection;
- (GeckoTextMarkerRange)textMarkerRangeFromRange:(NSValue*)range;
@implementation mozTextAccessible
- (NSString*)moxTitle {
return @"";
- (id)moxValue {
// Apple's SpeechSynthesisServer expects AXValue to return an AXStaticText
// Also if there is no selected text, we return the full text.
if ([[self moxRole] isEqualToString:NSAccessibilityStaticTextRole]) {
NSString* selectedText = [self moxSelectedText];
return (selectedText && [selectedText length]) ? selectedText : [self text];
return [self text];
- (id)moxRequired {
return @([self stateWithMask:states::REQUIRED] != 0);
- (NSString*)moxInvalid {
if ([self stateWithMask:states::INVALID] != 0) {
// If the attribute exists, it has one of four values: true, false,
// grammar, or spelling. We query the attribute value here in order
// to find the correct string to return.
RefPtr<AccAttributes> attributes;
HyperTextAccessibleBase* text = mGeckoAccessible->AsHyperTextBase();
if (text && mGeckoAccessible->IsTextRole()) {
attributes = text->DefaultTextAttributes();
nsAutoString invalidStr;
if (!attributes ||
!attributes->GetAttribute(nsGkAtoms::invalid, invalidStr)) {
return @"true";
return nsCocoaUtils::ToNSString(invalidStr);
// If the flag is not set, we return false.
return @"false";
- (NSNumber*)moxInsertionPointLineNumber {
int32_t lineNumber = -1;
if (HyperTextAccessibleBase* textAcc = mGeckoAccessible->AsHyperTextBase()) {
lineNumber = textAcc->CaretLineNumber() - 1;
return (lineNumber >= 0) ? [NSNumber numberWithInt:lineNumber] : nil;
- (NSString*)moxRole {
if (mRole == roles::ENTRY && [self stateWithMask:states::MULTI_LINE]) {
return NSAccessibilityTextAreaRole;
return [super moxRole];
- (NSString*)moxSubrole {
if (mRole == roles::PASSWORD_TEXT) {
return NSAccessibilitySecureTextFieldSubrole;
if (mRole == roles::ENTRY && mGeckoAccessible->IsSearchbox()) {
return @"AXSearchField";
return nil;
- (NSNumber*)moxNumberOfCharacters {
return @([self textLength]);
- (NSString*)moxSelectedText {
GeckoTextMarkerRange selection = [self selection];
if (!selection.IsValid()) {
return nil;
return selection.Text();
- (NSValue*)moxSelectedTextRange {
GeckoTextMarkerRange selection = [self selection];
if (!selection.IsValid()) {
return nil;
GeckoTextMarkerRange fromStartToSelection(
GeckoTextMarker(mGeckoAccessible, 0), selection.Start());
return [NSValue valueWithRange:NSMakeRange(fromStartToSelection.Length(),
- (NSValue*)moxVisibleCharacterRange {
// XXX this won't work with Textarea and such as we actually don't give
// the visible character range.
return [NSValue valueWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, [self textLength])];
- (BOOL)moxBlockSelector:(SEL)selector {
if (selector == @selector(moxSetValue:) && [self isReadOnly]) {
return YES;
return [super moxBlockSelector:selector];
- (void)moxSetValue:(id)value {
nsString text;
nsCocoaUtils::GetStringForNSString(value, text);
if (HyperTextAccessibleBase* textAcc = mGeckoAccessible->AsHyperTextBase()) {
- (void)moxSetSelectedText:(NSString*)selectedText {
NSString* stringValue = ToNSString(selectedText);
if (!stringValue) {
HyperTextAccessibleBase* textAcc = mGeckoAccessible->AsHyperTextBase();
if (!textAcc) {
int32_t start = 0, end = 0;
textAcc->SelectionBoundsAt(0, &start, &end);
nsString text;
nsCocoaUtils::GetStringForNSString(stringValue, text);
textAcc->SelectionBoundsAt(0, &start, &end);
textAcc->DeleteText(start, end - start);
textAcc->InsertText(text, start);
- (void)moxSetSelectedTextRange:(NSValue*)selectedTextRange {
GeckoTextMarkerRange markerRange =
[self textMarkerRangeFromRange:selectedTextRange];
if (markerRange.IsValid()) {
- (void)moxSetVisibleCharacterRange:(NSValue*)visibleCharacterRange {
NSRange range;
if (!ToNSRange(visibleCharacterRange, &range)) {
if (HyperTextAccessibleBase* textAcc = mGeckoAccessible->AsHyperTextBase()) {
textAcc->ScrollSubstringTo(range.location, range.location + range.length,
- (NSString*)moxStringForRange:(NSValue*)range {
GeckoTextMarkerRange markerRange = [self textMarkerRangeFromRange:range];
if (!markerRange.IsValid()) {
return nil;
return markerRange.Text();
- (NSAttributedString*)moxAttributedStringForRange:(NSValue*)range {
GeckoTextMarkerRange markerRange = [self textMarkerRangeFromRange:range];
if (!markerRange.IsValid()) {
return nil;
return markerRange.AttributedText();
- (NSValue*)moxRangeForLine:(NSNumber*)line {
// XXX: actually get the integer value for the line #
return [NSValue valueWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, [self textLength])];
- (NSNumber*)moxLineForIndex:(NSNumber*)index {
// XXX: actually return the line #
return @0;
- (NSValue*)moxBoundsForRange:(NSValue*)range {
GeckoTextMarkerRange markerRange = [self textMarkerRangeFromRange:range];
if (!markerRange.IsValid()) {
return nil;
return markerRange.Bounds();
#pragma mark - mozAccessible
- (void)handleAccessibleTextChangeEvent:(NSString*)change
at:(int32_t)start {
GeckoTextMarker startMarker(container, start);
NSDictionary* userInfo = @{
@"AXTextChangeElement" : self,
@"AXTextStateChangeType" : @(AXTextStateChangeTypeEdit),
@"AXTextChangeValues" : @[ @{
@"AXTextChangeValue" : (change ? change : @""),
@"AXTextChangeValueStartMarker" :
(__bridge id)startMarker.CreateAXTextMarker(),
@"AXTextEditType" : isInserted ? @(AXTextEditTypeTyping)
: @(AXTextEditTypeDelete)
} ]
mozAccessible* webArea = [self topWebArea];
[webArea moxPostNotification:NSAccessibilityValueChangedNotification
[self moxPostNotification:NSAccessibilityValueChangedNotification
[self moxPostNotification:NSAccessibilityValueChangedNotification];
- (void)handleAccessibleEvent:(uint32_t)eventType {
switch (eventType) {
[super handleAccessibleEvent:eventType];
#pragma mark -
- (long)textLength {
return [[self text] length];
- (BOOL)isReadOnly {
return [self stateWithMask:states::EDITABLE] == 0;
- (NSString*)text {
// A password text field returns an empty value
if (mRole == roles::PASSWORD_TEXT) {
return @"";
id<MOXTextMarkerSupport> delegate = [self moxTextMarkerDelegate];
return [delegate
- (GeckoTextMarkerRange)selection {
id<MOXTextMarkerSupport> delegate = [self moxTextMarkerDelegate];
GeckoTextMarkerRange selection =
[static_cast<MOXTextMarkerDelegate*>(delegate) selection];
if (!selection.IsValid() || !selection.Crop(mGeckoAccessible)) {
// The selection is not in this accessible. Return invalid range.
return GeckoTextMarkerRange();
return selection;
- (GeckoTextMarkerRange)textMarkerRangeFromRange:(NSValue*)range {
NSRange r = [range rangeValue];
GeckoTextMarker startMarker =
GeckoTextMarker::MarkerFromIndex(mGeckoAccessible, r.location);
GeckoTextMarker endMarker =
GeckoTextMarker::MarkerFromIndex(mGeckoAccessible, r.location + r.length);
return GeckoTextMarkerRange(startMarker, endMarker);
@implementation mozTextLeafAccessible
- (BOOL)moxBlockSelector:(SEL)selector {
if (selector == @selector(moxChildren) || selector == @selector
(moxTitleUIElement)) {
return YES;
return [super moxBlockSelector:selector];
- (NSString*)moxValue {
NSString* val = [super moxTitle];
return [val length] ? val : nil;
- (NSString*)moxTitle {
return nil;
- (NSString*)moxLabel {
return nil;
- (BOOL)moxIgnoreWithParent:(mozAccessible*)parent {
// Don't render text nodes that are completely empty
// or those that should be ignored based on our
// standard ignore rules
return [self moxValue] == nil || [super moxIgnoreWithParent:parent];
static GeckoTextMarkerRange TextMarkerSubrange(Accessible* aAccessible,
NSValue* aRange) {
GeckoTextMarkerRange textMarkerRange(aAccessible);
GeckoTextMarker start = textMarkerRange.Start();
GeckoTextMarker end = textMarkerRange.End();
NSRange r = [aRange rangeValue];
start.Offset() += r.location;
end.Offset() = start.Offset() + r.length;
textMarkerRange = GeckoTextMarkerRange(start, end);
// Crop range to accessible
return textMarkerRange;
- (NSString*)moxStringForRange:(NSValue*)range {
GeckoTextMarkerRange textMarkerRange =
TextMarkerSubrange(mGeckoAccessible, range);
return textMarkerRange.Text();
- (NSAttributedString*)moxAttributedStringForRange:(NSValue*)range {
GeckoTextMarkerRange textMarkerRange =
TextMarkerSubrange(mGeckoAccessible, range);
return textMarkerRange.AttributedText();
- (NSValue*)moxBoundsForRange:(NSValue*)range {
GeckoTextMarkerRange textMarkerRange =
TextMarkerSubrange(mGeckoAccessible, range);
return textMarkerRange.Bounds();