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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "MOXTextMarkerDelegate.h"
#include "Platform.h"
#include "RemoteAccessible.h"
#include "DocAccessibleParent.h"
#include "mozTableAccessible.h"
#include "mozTextAccessible.h"
#include "MOXOuterDoc.h"
#include "MOXWebAreaAccessible.h"
#include "nsAccUtils.h"
#include "TextRange.h"
#include "nsAppShell.h"
#include "nsCocoaUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/EnumSet.h"
#include "mozilla/glean/GleanMetrics.h"
// Available from 10.13 onwards; test availability at runtime before using
@interface NSWorkspace (AvailableSinceHighSierra)
@property(readonly) BOOL isVoiceOverEnabled;
@property(readonly) BOOL isSwitchControlEnabled;
namespace mozilla {
namespace a11y {
// Mac a11y whitelisting
static bool sA11yShouldBeEnabled = false;
bool ShouldA11yBeEnabled() {
EPlatformDisabledState disabledState = PlatformDisabledState();
return (disabledState == ePlatformIsForceEnabled) ||
((disabledState == ePlatformIsEnabled) && sA11yShouldBeEnabled);
void PlatformInit() {}
void PlatformShutdown() {}
void ProxyCreated(RemoteAccessible* aProxy) {
if (aProxy->Role() == roles::WHITESPACE) {
// We don't create a native object if we're child of a "flat" accessible;
// for example, on OS X buttons shouldn't have any children, because that
// makes the OS confused. We also don't create accessibles for <br>
// (whitespace) elements.
// Pass in dummy state for now as retrieving proxy state requires IPC.
// Note that we can use RemoteAccessible::IsTable* functions here because they
Class type;
if (aProxy->IsTable()) {
type = [mozTableAccessible class];
} else if (aProxy->IsTableRow()) {
type = [mozTableRowAccessible class];
} else if (aProxy->IsTableCell()) {
type = [mozTableCellAccessible class];
} else if (aProxy->IsDoc()) {
type = [MOXWebAreaAccessible class];
} else if (aProxy->IsOuterDoc()) {
type = [MOXOuterDoc class];
} else if (aProxy->IsTextField() && !aProxy->HasNumericValue()) {
type = [mozTextAccessible class];
} else {
type = GetTypeFromRole(aProxy->Role());
mozAccessible* mozWrapper = [[type alloc] initWithAccessible:aProxy];
void ProxyDestroyed(RemoteAccessible* aProxy) {
mozAccessible* wrapper = GetNativeFromGeckoAccessible(aProxy);
[wrapper expire];
[wrapper release];
if (aProxy->IsDoc()) {
[MOXTextMarkerDelegate destroyForDoc:aProxy];
void PlatformEvent(Accessible* aTarget, uint32_t aEventType) {
// Ignore event that we don't escape below, they aren't yet supported.
if (aEventType != nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_ALERT &&
aEventType != nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_VALUE_CHANGE &&
aEventType != nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_TEXT_VALUE_CHANGE &&
aEventType != nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_DOCUMENT_LOAD_COMPLETE &&
aEventType != nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_REORDER &&
aEventType != nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_LIVE_REGION_ADDED &&
aEventType != nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_LIVE_REGION_REMOVED &&
aEventType != nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_LIVE_REGION_CHANGED &&
aEventType != nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_NAME_CHANGE &&
aEventType != nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED) {
mozAccessible* wrapper = GetNativeFromGeckoAccessible(aTarget);
if (wrapper) {
[wrapper handleAccessibleEvent:aEventType];
void PlatformStateChangeEvent(Accessible* aTarget, uint64_t aState,
bool aEnabled) {
mozAccessible* wrapper = GetNativeFromGeckoAccessible(aTarget);
if (wrapper) {
[wrapper stateChanged:aState isEnabled:aEnabled];
void PlatformFocusEvent(Accessible* aTarget,
const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aCaretRect) {
if (mozAccessible* wrapper = GetNativeFromGeckoAccessible(aTarget)) {
[wrapper handleAccessibleEvent:nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_FOCUS];
void PlatformCaretMoveEvent(Accessible* aTarget, int32_t aOffset,
bool aIsSelectionCollapsed, int32_t aGranularity,
const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aCaretRect,
bool aFromUser) {
mozAccessible* wrapper = GetNativeFromGeckoAccessible(aTarget);
MOXTextMarkerDelegate* delegate = [MOXTextMarkerDelegate
[delegate setCaretOffset:aTarget at:aOffset moveGranularity:aGranularity];
if (aIsSelectionCollapsed) {
// If selection is collapsed, invalidate selection.
[delegate setSelectionFrom:aTarget at:aOffset to:aTarget at:aOffset];
if (wrapper) {
if (mozTextAccessible* textAcc =
static_cast<mozTextAccessible*>([wrapper moxEditableAncestor])) {
} else {
void PlatformTextChangeEvent(Accessible* aTarget, const nsAString& aStr,
int32_t aStart, uint32_t aLen, bool aIsInsert,
bool aFromUser) {
Accessible* acc = aTarget;
// If there is a text input ancestor, use it as the event source.
while (acc && GetTypeFromRole(acc->Role()) != [mozTextAccessible class]) {
acc = acc->Parent();
mozAccessible* wrapper = GetNativeFromGeckoAccessible(acc ? acc : aTarget);
[wrapper handleAccessibleTextChangeEvent:nsCocoaUtils::ToNSString(aStr)
void PlatformShowHideEvent(Accessible*, Accessible*, bool, bool) {}
void PlatformSelectionEvent(Accessible* aTarget, Accessible* aWidget,
uint32_t aEventType) {
mozAccessible* wrapper = GetNativeFromGeckoAccessible(aWidget);
if (wrapper) {
[wrapper handleAccessibleEvent:aEventType];
void PlatformTextSelectionChangeEvent(Accessible* aTarget,
const nsTArray<TextRange>& aSelection) {
if (aSelection.Length()) {
MOXTextMarkerDelegate* delegate = [MOXTextMarkerDelegate
// Cache the selection.
[delegate setSelectionFrom:aSelection[0].StartContainer()
mozAccessible* wrapper = GetNativeFromGeckoAccessible(aTarget);
if (wrapper) {
void PlatformRoleChangedEvent(Accessible* aTarget, const a11y::role& aRole,
uint8_t aRoleMapEntryIndex) {
if (mozAccessible* wrapper = GetNativeFromGeckoAccessible(aTarget)) {
[wrapper handleRoleChanged:aRole];
// This enum lists possible assistive technology clients. It's intended for use
// in an EnumSet since there can be multiple ATs active at once.
enum class Client : uint64_t {
// Get the set of currently-active clients and the client to log.
// XXX: We should log all clients, but default to the first one encountered.
std::pair<EnumSet<Client>, Client> GetClients() {
EnumSet<Client> clients;
std::optional<Client> clientToLog;
auto AddClient = [&clients, &clientToLog](Client client) {
clients += client;
if (!clientToLog.has_value()) {
clientToLog = client;
if ([[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace]
respondsToSelector:@selector(isVoiceOverEnabled)] &&
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] isVoiceOverEnabled]) {
} else if ([[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace]
respondsToSelector:@selector(isSwitchControlEnabled)] &&
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] isSwitchControlEnabled]) {
} else {
// This is more complicated than the NSWorkspace queries above
// because (a) there is no "full keyboard access" query for NSWorkspace
// and (b) the [NSApplication fullKeyboardAccessEnabled] query checks
// the pre-Monterey version of full keyboard access, which is not what
Boolean exists;
int val = CFPreferencesGetAppIntegerValue(
CFSTR("FullKeyboardAccessEnabled"), CFSTR(""),
if (exists && val == 1) {
} else {
val = CFPreferencesGetAppIntegerValue(CFSTR("CommandAndControlEnabled"),
if (exists && val == 1) {
} else {
return std::make_pair(clients, clientToLog.value());
// Expects a single client, returns a string representation of that client.
constexpr const char* GetStringForClient(Client aClient) {
switch (aClient) {
case Client::Unknown:
return "Unknown";
case Client::VoiceOver:
return "VoiceOver";
case Client::SwitchControl:
return "SwitchControl";
case Client::FullKeyboardAccess:
return "FullKeyboardAccess";
case Client::VoiceControl:
return "VoiceControl";
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unknown Client enum value!");
return "";
uint64_t GetCacheDomainsForKnownClients(uint64_t aCacheDomains) {
auto [clients, _] = GetClients();
// We expect VoiceOver will require all information we have.
if (clients.contains(Client::VoiceOver)) {
return CacheDomain::All;
if (clients.contains(Client::FullKeyboardAccess)) {
aCacheDomains |= CacheDomain::Bounds;
if (clients.contains(Client::SwitchControl)) {
// XXX: Find minimum set of domains required for SwitchControl.
// SwitchControl can give up if we don't furnish it certain information.
return CacheDomain::All;
if (clients.contains(Client::VoiceControl)) {
// XXX: Find minimum set of domains required for VoiceControl.
return CacheDomain::All;
return aCacheDomains;
} // namespace a11y
} // namespace mozilla
@interface GeckoNSApplication (a11y)
- (void)accessibilitySetValue:(id)value forAttribute:(NSString*)attribute;
@implementation GeckoNSApplication (a11y)
- (NSAccessibilityRole)accessibilityRole {
// For ATs that don't request `AXEnhancedUserInterface` we need to enable
// accessibility when a role is fetched. Not ideal, but this is needed
// for such services as Voice Control.
if (!mozilla::a11y::sA11yShouldBeEnabled) {
[self accessibilitySetValue:@YES forAttribute:@"AXEnhancedUserInterface"];
return [super accessibilityRole];
- (void)accessibilitySetValue:(id)value forAttribute:(NSString*)attribute {
if ([attribute isEqualToString:@"AXEnhancedUserInterface"]) {
mozilla::a11y::sA11yShouldBeEnabled = ([value intValue] == 1);
if (sA11yShouldBeEnabled) {
// If accessibility should be enabled, log the appropriate client
auto [_, clientToLog] = GetClients();
const char* client = GetStringForClient(clientToLog);
#endif // defined(MOZ_TELEMETRY_REPORTING)
CrashReporter::Annotation::AccessibilityClient, client);
return [super accessibilitySetValue:value forAttribute:attribute];