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€•‰ÑŒglean_parser.util”Œ DictWrapper”“”)”(Œpings”}”(Œmessaging-system”Œglean_parser.pings”ŒPing”“”)”}”(Œname”hŒ description”Œ•This is a ping representing single events triggered by the messaging system
and captures some pings from About:Welcome, ASRouter, and other corners.
”Œbugs”]”Œ4”aŒnotification_emails”]”(Œ”Œ”eŒmetadata”}”Œprecise_timestamps”ˆŒinclude_info_sections”ˆŒenabled”ˆŒschedules_pings”]”Œ data_reviews”]”Œ4”aŒinclude_client_id”‰Œ↩send_if_empty”‰Œreasons”}”Œ
defined_in”}”(Œline”K!Œfilepath”ŒCbrowser/components/newtab/pings.yaml”uŒno_lint”]”ubŒnewtab”h )”}”(h h+h↩Œ£Newtab-related instrumentation.
Can be disabled via the `newtabPingEnabled` variable of the `glean` Nimbus
feature, or the `` pref.
”h]”Œ4”ah]”(Œ”Œ”Œ”Œ”eh}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ4”ah ˆh!‰h"h)”(Œnewtab_session_end”ŒCThe newtab visit ended.
Could be by navigation, being closed, etc.
”Œcomponent_init”Œ¹The newtab component init'd,
and the newtab and homepage settings have been categorized.
This is mostly to ensure we hear at least once from clients configured to
not show a newtab UI.
”u}”h$}”h&K↩ssbh$}”(h&Kh'h(uh)]”ubŒspoc”h )”}”(h hCh↩Œ]A ping for submitting the pocket sponsored content's `shim`.
Does not contain a `client_id`.
”h]”Œ4”ah]”(Œ”Œ”eh}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ4”ah ‰h!‰h"h)”(Œ
impression”Œ0A sponsored story was impressed upon the client.”Œclick”ŒA sponsored story was clicked.”Œsave”Œ&A sponsored story was saved to Pocket.”u}”h$}”h&KAssbh$}”(h&K<h'h(uh)]”ubŒ top-sites”h )”}”(h h[h↩ŒªA ping representing a single event happening with or to a TopSite.
Distinguishable by its `ping_type`.
Does not contain a `client_id`, preferring a `context_id` instead.
”h]”Œ4”ah]”Œ”ah}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ4”ah ‰h!‰h"}”h$}”(h&K/h'h(uh)]”ubŒ↩pocket-button”h )”}”(h hjh↩Œ½Reinstrumentation of the Activity Stream "pocket-button" ping.
Submitted when actions are taken around the pocket button.
Does not contain any `client_id`.
Instead uses an `impression_id`.
”h]”Œ4”ah]”(Œ”Œ”Œ”eh}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ4”ah ‰h!‰h"}”h$}”(h&Kh'ŒCbrowser/components/pocket/pings.yaml”uh)]”ubŒ search-with”h )”}”(h h|h↩X1A ping representing a "This time, search with" event with a partner search.
Does not contain a `client_id`, preferring a `context_id` instead.
The `context_id` is used internally for counting unique sers as well as for
anti-fraud. It is shared with other Contextual Services. It is not shared
”h]”Œ4”ah]”Œ”ah}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ4”ah ‰h!‰h"}”h$}”(h&Kh'ŒCbrowser/components/search/pings.yaml”uh)]”ubŒserp-categorization”h )”}”(h hŒh↩Œ™A ping representing a series of SERP loads that have been categorized. Does
not contain `client_id`. Is sent after a threshold of SERP loads is reached.
”h]”Œ4”ah]”(Œ”Œ”ehh)”(Œinclude_info_sections”‰Œ use_ohttp”ˆu}”h$}”h&K%ssbhˆh‰hˆh]”h]”Œ4”ah ‰h!‰h"h)”(Œstartup”Œ,Submitted as one of the startup idle tasks.
inactivity”ŒMSubmitted after 2 minutes of uninterrupted activity, followed by inactivity.
”Œthreshold_reached”Œ0Submitted after 10 SERPs have been categorized.
”u}”h$}”h&Kssbh$}”(h&Kh'hŠuh)]”ubŒ↩quick-suggest”h )”}”(h h¨h↩Œ¯A ping representing a single event happening with or to a QuickSuggest.
Distinguishable by its `ping_type`.
Does not contain a `client_id`, preferring a `context_id` instead.
”h]”(Œ4”Œ4”eh]”Œ”ah}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”(Œ4”Œ4”eh ‰h!‰h"}”h$}”(h&Kh'ŒCbrowser/components/urlbar/pings.yaml”uh)]”ubŒurlbar-keyword-exposure”h )”}”(h hºh↩XÔThis ping is submitted only when urlbar keyword exposures are enabled. See
the `keywordExposureResults` urlbar Nimbus variable. When enabled, the ping
is submitted at the end of urlbar sessions during which one or more exposure
results are matched. (A "session" begins when the user focuses the urlbar
and ends with an engagement or abandonment.) Exposure results include all
results defined in the `exposureResults` variable. They also include the
"rust_exposure" result type if the `quickSuggestExposureSuggestionTypes`
variable is defined. The ping will contain one `urlbar.keyword_exposure`
event for each instance where a result is matched during the session. The
ping is not submitted for sessions in private windows.
”h]”(Œ4”Œ4”eh]”Œ”ah}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”(Œ4”Œ4”eh ‰h!‰h"}”h$}”(h&Kh'h¸uh)]”ubŒprototype-no-code-events”h )”}”(h hËh↩Œõ**Prototype-only ping not for general use!**
Transport for no-code Firefox Desktop frontend instrumentation,
should mostly contain no-code events in browser.ui.* categories.
Submitted whenever the next flow of events begins (including startup).
”h]”Œ4”ah]”(Œ”Œ”eh}”hˆhˆh‰h]”h]”Œ4”ah ˆh!‰h"}”h$}”(h&Kh'Œ9browser/modules/pings.yaml”uh)]”ubŒpageload”h )”}”(h hÜh↩Œ.Instrumentation collected during a page load.
”h]”Œ4”ah]”(Œ!”Œ”eh}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ7”ah ‰h!‰h"h)”(Œstartup”Œ$Page load ping sent during startup.
”Œ threshold”ŒKPage load ping sent when a threshold limit
of page loads has been reached.
”u}”h$}”h&K ssbh$}”(h&Kh'Œ-dom/pings.yaml”uh)]”ubŒ use-counters”h )”}”(h hóh↩Œ¨Collects counts of uses of web platform features.
for more information.
”h]”Œ4”ah]”(Œ”Œ”Œ”eh}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ4”ah ˆh!‰h"h)”(Œapp_shutdown_confirmed”ŒvSubmitted when we reach `ShutdownPhase::AppShutdownConfirmed`.
(Any later and the network might have been torn down.)
”Œ idle_startup”Œ³(Android only)
Submitted when the thread init'ing DOM's contentutils has an idle moment.
Acts as a safety net for platforms (like Android) that don't get to gracefully shut down.
”u}”h$}”h&K ssbh$}”(h&Kh'hñuh)]”ubŒ fx-accounts”h )”}”(h j
h↩ŒcA ping for information about Mozilla Account usage. Sent at the same cadence
as the baseline ping.
”h]”Œ4”ah]”(Œ”Œ”ehh)”Œ↩ping_schedule”]”Œbaseline”as}”h$}”h&Kssbhˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ4”ah ˆh!‰h"h)”(Œactive”Œ+The baseline ping is being sent on active.
”Œ↩dirty_startup”Œ2The baseline ping is being sent on dirty startup.
”Œinactive”Œ-The baseline ping is being sent on inactive.
”u}”h$}”h&Kssbh$}”(h&Kh'Œ=services/fxaccounts/pings.yaml”uh)]”ubŒbounce-tracking-protection”h )”}”(h j(h↩Œ’A ping representing Bounce Tracking Protection stats. Note that this
ping does not include client_id. More details are available in Bug 1889444
”h]”Œ4”ah]”Œ”ahh)”(Œinclude_info_sections”‰Œ use_ohttp”ˆu}”h$}”h&K↩ssbhˆh‰hˆh]”h]”Œ8”ah ‰h!‰h"}”h$}”(h&Kh'Œbtoolkit/components/antitracking/bouncetrackingprotection/pings.yaml”uh)]”ubŒbackground-tasks”h )”}”(h j<h↩ŒÂThis ping is generic for background tasks. Each background task can
gather its metrics under this ping and submit it when the task finishes.
Note that the ping submission must be done manually.
”h]”Œ4”ah]”(Œ”Œ”eh}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ4”ah ‰h!‰h"}”h$}”(h&Kh'ŒLtoolkit/components/backgroundtasks/pings.yaml”uh)]”ubŒcrash”h )”}”(h jMh↩XA ping to report crash information. This information is sent as soon as possible after a crash occurs (whether the crash is a background/content process or the main process). It is expected to be used for crash report analysis and to reduce blind spots in crash reporting.
”h]”Œ4”ah]”(Œ”Œ”eh}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ8”ah ˆh!‰h"h)”(Œcrash”Œ3A process crashed and a ping was immediately sent.
”Œ event_found”ŒXA process crashed and produced a crash event, which was later found and sent in a ping.
”u}”h$}”h&Kssbh$}”(h&Kh'ŒDtoolkit/components/crashes/pings.yaml”uh)]”ubŒ↩dau-reporting”h )”}”(h jdh↩Œ‹Minimal ping to measure DAU.
Sent on the baseline schedule.
**NOTE**: This ping is deprecated and replaced by the `usage-reporting` ping.
”h]”(Œ4”Œ4”eh]”(Œ”Œ”Œ”eh}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ4”ah ‰h!ˆh"h)”(Œ↩dirty_startup”Œ¸The ping was submitted at startup, because the application process was
killed before the Glean SDK had the chance to generate this ping, before
becoming inactive, in the last session.
”Œinactive”Œ/The ping was submitted when becoming inactive.
”Œactive”ŒmThe ping was submitted when the application became active again,
which includes when the application starts.
”u}”h$}”h&K!ssbh$}”(h&Kh'ŒBtoolkit/components/glean/pings.yaml”uh)]”ubŒ↩one-ping-only”h )”}”(h jh↩ŒThis ping is for tests only.
”h]”Œ$”ah]”(Œ”Œ”eh}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ7”ah ‰h!ˆh"}”h$}”(h&Kh'ŒMtoolkit/components/glean/tests/test_pings.yaml”uh)]”ŒREDUNDANT_PING”aubŒride-along-ping”h )”}”(h j‘h↩ŒThis ping is for tests only.
”h]”Œ$”ah]”Œ”ahh)”Œ↩ping_schedule”]”Œ test-ping”as}”h$}”h&KLssbhˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ7”ah ‰h!ˆh"}”h$}”(h&K?h'jŽuh)]”ŒREDUNDANT_PING”aubŒtest-ohttp-ping”h )”}”(h j¦h↩ŒDThis ping is for tests only.
Resembles how OHTTP pings are defined.
”h]”Œ4”ah]”(Œ”Œ”ehh)”(Œinclude_info_sections”‰Œ use_ohttp”ˆu}”h$}”h&K1ssbhˆh‰hˆh]”h]”Œ4”ah ‰h!ˆh"}”h$}”(h&K,h'jŽuh)]”ŒREDUNDANT_PING”aubŒ test-ping”h )”}”(h j»h↩ŒThis ping is for tests only.
”h]”Œ4”ah]”(Œ”Œ”eh}”hˆhˆhˆh]”j‘ah]”Œ7”ah ‰h!ˆh"}”h$}”(h&Kh'jŽuh)]”ŒREDUNDANT_PING”aubŒbroken-site-report”h )”}”(h jÌh↩ŒA ping containing the data for a user-initiated report for a broken site.
Does not contain a `client_id`. All report data is self-contained.
”h]”Œ4”ah]”Œ”ah}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ8”ah ‰h!‰h"}”h$}”(h&Kh'ŒMtoolkit/components/reportbrokensite/pings.yaml”uh)]”ubŒuser-characteristics”h )”}”(h jÜh↩Œ•A ping representing user hardware and software settings. Note that this
ping does not include client_id. More details are available in Bug 1879151
”h]”(Œ4”Œ4”eh]”Œ”ahh)”(Œinclude_info_sections”‰Œ use_ohttp”ˆu}”h$}”h&K↩ssbhˆh‰hˆh]”h]”Œ7”ah ‰h!‰h"}”h$}”(h&Kh'ŒQtoolkit/components/resistfingerprinting/pings.yaml”uh)]”ubŒusage-reporting”h )”}”(h jñh↩ŒWMinimal ping to measure the usage frequency of Firefox.
Sent on the baseline schedule.
”h]”(Œ4”Œ4”eh]”(Œ”Œ”Œ”ehh)”(Œinclude_info_sections”‰Œ↩ping_schedule”]”Œbaseline”au}”h$}”h&Kssbhˆh‰hˆh]”h]”Œ4”ah ‰h!ˆh"h)”(Œ↩dirty_startup”ŒXDefined to avoid error logging.
*Note*: this ping will not actually send a ping reason.
”Œinactive”ŒXDefined to avoid error logging.
*Note*: this ping will not actually send a ping reason.
”Œactive”ŒXDefined to avoid error logging.
*Note*: this ping will not actually send a ping reason.
”u}”h$}”h&Kssbh$}”(h&Kh'ŒFtoolkit/components/telemetry/pings.yaml”uh)]”ubŒ↩first-startup”h )”}”(h jh↩Œ>Sent during startup if Firefox was launched by the installer.
”h]”Œ4”ah]”(Œ”Œ”eh}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ4”ah ˆh!‰h"}”h$}”(h&Kh'Œ9toolkit/modules/pings.yaml”uh)]”ubŒ↩default-agent”h )”}”(h j#h↩XmThis opt-out ping is sent from the Default Agent, which is a Windows-only Firefox Background Task that is registered during Firefox installation with the Windows scheduled tasks system so that it runs automatically every 24 hours, whether Firefox is running or not.
Opting out of telemetry is handled via the pref value being copied to the registry so that the Default Agent can read it without needing to work with profiles. Relevant policies are consulted as well. The agent also has its own pref, `default-agent.enabled`, which if set to false disables all agent functionality, including generating this ping.
Each installation of Firefox has its own copy of the agent and its own scheduled task which shares a common `LastPingSentAt` user registry key with other installations. Installations race to send a single ping per 24 hour window per installing user. If multiple operating system-level users are all using one copy of Firefox, only one scheduled task will have been created and only one ping will be sent, even though the users might have different default browser settings. If multiple users have installed Firefox then each installing user will have a scheduled task and ping.
Additional information for the Default Agent can be found in the [Default Browser Agent docs](
”h]”Œ4”ah]”Œ”ah}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ4”ah ‰h!‰h"h)”Œ
daily_ping”ŒDThe ping was sent as part of the daily scheduled Default Agent run.
”s}”h$}”h&K"ssbh$}”(h&Kh'ŒFtoolkit/mozapps/defaultagent/pings.yaml”uh)]”ubŒbackground-update”h )”}”(h j7h↩XjThis ping measures the technical health of the background update system.
Said system downloads and processes updates when Firefox is not running. It
is expected that this ping will be analyzed by humans to gain confidence in
the implementation as the staged rollout of the system proceeds to the
release channel, before settling into an automated analysis to detect spikes
in background update failure rates. This ping will also help to
characterize the update-related settings of our user population.
Right now the background update system, and therefore this ping, is
restricted to Windows.
This ping is submitted only by the background update task. It should be
submitted once per background update task invocation. The expected schedule
is every 7 hours, controlled by the pref `app.update.background.interval`,
and subject to scheduling decisions made by the OS.
”h]”Œ4”ah]”Œ”ah}”hˆhˆhˆh]”h]”Œ8”ah ˆh!‰h"h)”Œbackgroundupdate_task”ŒJThe ping was sent as part of the normal background update task execution.
”s}”h$}”h&Kssbh$}”(h&Kh'Œ@toolkit/mozapps/update/pings.yaml”uh)]”ubuŒtags”}”(Œ!Application Services :: Relevancy”Œglean_parser.tags”ŒTag”“”)”}”(h jMh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K h'ŒAtoolkit/components/glean/tags.yaml”uh)]”ubŒ!Cloud Services :: Firefox: Common”jP)”}”(h jWh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kh'jUuh)]”ubŒConduit :: mots”jP)”}”(h j]h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Audio/Video”jP)”}”(h jch↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Audio/Video: GMP”jP)”}”(h jih↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kh'jUuh)]”ubŒ%Core :: Audio/Video: MediaStreamGraph”jP)”}”(h joh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Audio/Video: Playback”jP)”}”(h juh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Audio/Video: Recording”jP)”}”(h j{h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Audio/Video: Web Codecs”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Audio/Video: cubeb”jP)”}”(h j‡h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kh'jUuh)]”ubŒ,Core :: AutoConfig (Mission Control Desktop)”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K h'jUuh)]”ubŒ#Core :: CSS Parsing and Computation”jP)”}”(h j“h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K"h'jUuh)]”ubŒ&Core :: CSS Transitions and Animations”jP)”}”(h j™h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K$h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Cycle Collector”jP)”}”(h jŸh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K&h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DLL Services”jP)”}”(h j¥h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K(h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Animation”jP)”}”(h j«h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K*h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Bindings (WebIDL)”jP)”}”(h j±h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K,h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: CSS Object Model”jP)”}”(h j·h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K.h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Content Processes”jP)”}”(h j½h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K0h'jUuh)]”ubŒ)Core :: DOM: Copy & Paste and Drag & Drop”jP)”}”(h jÃh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K2h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Core & HTML”jP)”}”(h jÉh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K4h'jUuh)]”ubŒ"Core :: DOM: Credential Management”jP)”}”(h jÏh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K6h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Device Interfaces”jP)”}”(h jÕh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K8h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Editor”jP)”}”(h jÛh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K:h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Events”jP)”}”(h jáh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K<h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: File”jP)”}”(h jçh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K>h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Forms”jP)”}”(h jíh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K@h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Geolocation”jP)”}”(h jóh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KBh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: HTML Parser”jP)”}”(h jùh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KDh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Navigation”jP)”}”(h jÿh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KFh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Networking”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KHh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Notifications”jP)”}”(h j h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KJh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Performance”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KLh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Push Subscriptions”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KNh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Security”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KPh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Selection”jP)”}”(h j#h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KRh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Serializers”jP)”}”(h j)h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KTh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Service Workers”jP)”}”(h j/h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KVh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Streams”jP)”}”(h j5h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KXh'jUuh)]”ubŒ'Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling”jP)”}”(h j;h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KZh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Web Authentication”jP)”}”(h jAh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K\h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Web Crypto”jP)”}”(h jGh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K^h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Web Payments”jP)”}”(h jMh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K`h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: Workers”jP)”}”(h jSh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kbh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: DOM: postMessage”jP)”}”(h jYh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kdh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Disability Access APIs”jP)”}”(h j_h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kfh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Gecko Profiler”jP)”}”(h jeh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Khh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: General”jP)”}”(h jkh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kjh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Graphics”jP)”}”(h jqh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Klh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Graphics: Canvas2D”jP)”}”(h jwh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Knh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Graphics: CanvasWebGL”jP)”}”(h j}h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kph'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Graphics: ImageLib”jP)”}”(h jƒh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Krh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Graphics: Text”jP)”}”(h j‰h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kth'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Graphics: WebGPU”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kvh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Graphics: WebRender”jP)”}”(h j•h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kxh'jUuh)]”ubŒ(Core :: Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)”jP)”}”(h j›h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kzh'jUuh)]”ubŒ Core :: IPC”jP)”}”(h j¡h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K|h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: IPC: MSCOM”jP)”}”(h j§h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K~h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Internationalization”jP)”}”(h j­h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K€h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: JavaScript Engine”jP)”}”(h j³h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K‚h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: JavaScript Engine: JIT”jP)”}”(h j¹h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K„h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: JavaScript: GC”jP)”}”(h j¿h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K†h'jUuh)]”ubŒ,Core :: JavaScript: Internationalization API”jP)”}”(h jÅh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kˆh'jUuh)]”ubŒ$Core :: JavaScript: Standard Library”jP)”}”(h jËh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KŠh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: JavaScript: WebAssembly”jP)”}”(h jÑh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KŒh'jUuh)]”ubŒ Core :: Javascript: Web Assembly”jP)”}”(h j×h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KŽh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Javascript: WebAssembly”jP)”}”(h jÝh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Layout”jP)”}”(h jãh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K’h'jUuh)]”ubŒ Core :: Layout: Block and Inline”jP)”}”(h jéh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K”h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Layout: Columns”jP)”}”(h jïh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K–h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Layout: Flexbox”jP)”}”(h jõh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K˜h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Layout: Floats”jP)”}”(h jûh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kšh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Layout: Form Controls”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kœh'jUuh)]”ubŒ6Core :: Layout: Generated Content, Lists, and Counters”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kžh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Layout: Grid”jP)”}”(h j↩h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K h'jUuh)]”ubŒ.Core :: Layout: Images, Video, and HTML Frames”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K¢h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Layout: Positioned”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K¤h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Layout: Ruby”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K¦h'jUuh)]”ubŒ&Core :: Layout: Scrolling and Overflow”jP)”}”(h j%h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K¨h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Layout: Tables”jP)”}”(h j+h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kªh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Layout: Text and Fonts”jP)”}”(h j1h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K¬h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Localization”jP)”}”(h j7h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K®h'jUuh)]”ubŒ Core :: MFBT”jP)”}”(h j=h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K°h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Machine Learning”jP)”}”(h jCh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K²h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: MathML”jP)”}”(h jIh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K´h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Memory Allocator”jP)”}”(h jOh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K¶h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Networking”jP)”}”(h jUh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K¸h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Networking: Cache”jP)”}”(h j[h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kºh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Networking: Cookies”jP)”}”(h jah↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K¼h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Networking: DNS”jP)”}”(h jgh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&K¾h'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Networking: File”jP)”}”(h jmh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KÀh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Networking: HTTP”jP)”}”(h jsh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KÂh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Networking: JAR”jP)”}”(h jyh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KÄh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Networking: WebSockets”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KÆh'jUuh)]”ubŒ Core :: Networking: WebTransport”jP)”}”(h j…h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KÈh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Panning and Zooming”jP)”}”(h j‹h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KÊh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Permission Manager”jP)”}”(h j‘h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KÌh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Preferences: Backend”jP)”}”(h j—h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KÎh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Printing: Output”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KÐh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Privacy: Anti-Tracking”jP)”}”(h j£h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KÒh'jUuh)]”ubŒ Core :: SVG”jP)”}”(h j©h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KÔh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Security”jP)”}”(h j¯h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KÖh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Security: CAPS”jP)”}”(h jµh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KØh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Security: PSM”jP)”}”(h j»h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KÚh'jUuh)]”ubŒ$Core :: Security: Process Sandboxing”jP)”}”(h jÁh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KÜh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Security: RLBox”jP)”}”(h jÇh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&KÞh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Spelling checker”jP)”}”(h jÍh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kàh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Storage: Cache API”jP)”}”(h jÓh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kâh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Storage: IndexedDB”jP)”}”(h jÙh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Käh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Storage: Quota Manager”jP)”}”(h jßh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kæh'jUuh)]”ubŒ.Core :: Storage: localStorage & sessionStorage”jP)”}”(h jåh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kèh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: String”jP)”}”(h jëh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kêh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Web Audio”jP)”}”(h jñh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kìh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Web Painting”jP)”}”(h j÷h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kîh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Web Speech”jP)”}”(h jýh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kðh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: WebRTC”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kòh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: WebRTC: Audio/Video”jP)”}”(h j h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kôh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: WebRTC: Networking”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Köh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: WebRTC: Signaling”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Køh'jUuh)]”ubŒ↩Core :: WebVR”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kúh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Widget”jP)”}”(h j!h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Küh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Widget: Cocoa”jP)”}”(h j'h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Kþh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Widget: Gtk”jP)”}”(h j-h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Widget: Win32”jP)”}”(h j3h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: Window Management”jP)”}”(h j9h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒ Core :: XML”jP)”}”(h j?h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒ↩Core :: XPCOM”jP)”}”(h jEh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: XPConnect”jP)”}”(h jKh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M
h'jUuh)]”ubŒ Core :: XSLT”jP)”}”(h jQh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M h'jUuh)]”ubŒ Core :: XUL”jP)”}”(h jWh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: js-ctypes”jP)”}”(h j]h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒCore :: mozglue”jP)”}”(h jch↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: Accessibility Tools”jP)”}”(h jih↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: Console”jP)”}”(h joh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: DOM”jP)”}”(h juh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: Debugger”jP)”}”(h j{h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: Framework”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: General”jP)”}”(h j‡h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: Inspector”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M h'jUuh)]”ubŒ!DevTools :: Inspector: Animations”jP)”}”(h j“h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M"h'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: Inspector: Changes”jP)”}”(h j™h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M$h'jUuh)]”ubŒ$DevTools :: Inspector: Compatibility”jP)”}”(h jŸh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M&h'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: Inspector: Layout”jP)”}”(h j¥h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M(h'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: Inspector: Rules”jP)”}”(h j«h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M*h'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: JSON Viewer”jP)”}”(h j±h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M,h'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: Memory”jP)”}”(h j·h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M.h'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: Netmonitor”jP)”}”(h j½h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M0h'jUuh)]”ubŒ1DevTools :: Performance Tools (Profiler/Timeline)”jP)”}”(h jÃh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M2h'jUuh)]”ubŒ"DevTools :: Responsive Design Mode”jP)”}”(h jÉh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M4h'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: Shared Components”jP)”}”(h jÏh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M6h'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: Source Editor”jP)”}”(h jÕh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M8h'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: Storage Inspector”jP)”}”(h jÛh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M:h'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: Style Editor”jP)”}”(h jáh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M<h'jUuh)]”ubŒDevTools :: about:debugging”jP)”}”(h jçh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M>h'jUuh)]”ubŒ/Developer Infrastructure :: Lint and Formatting”jP)”}”(h jíh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M@h'jUuh)]”ubŒ0Developer Infrastructure :: Source Documentation”jP)”}”(h jóh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MBh'jUuh)]”ubŒDeveloper Infrastructure :: Try”jP)”}”(h jùh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MDh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Address Bar”jP)”}”(h jÿh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MFh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Bookmarks & History”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MHh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Distributions”jP)”}”(h j h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MJh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Downloads Panel”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MLh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Enterprise Policies”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MNh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: File Handling”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MPh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Firefox Accounts”jP)”}”(h j#h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MRh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Firefox View”jP)”}”(h j)h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MTh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: General”jP)”}”(h j/h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MVh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Headless”jP)”}”(h j5h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MXh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Installer”jP)”}”(h j;h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MZh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Keyboard Navigation”jP)”}”(h jAh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M\h'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Launcher Process”jP)”}”(h jGh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M^h'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Menus”jP)”}”(h jMh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M`h'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Messaging System”jP)”}”(h jSh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mbh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Migration”jP)”}”(h jYh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mdh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: New Tab Page”jP)”}”(h j_h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mfh'jUuh)]”ubŒ Firefox :: Nimbus Desktop Client”jP)”}”(h jeh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mhh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Normandy Client”jP)”}”(h jkh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mjh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: PDF Viewer”jP)”}”(h jqh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mlh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Page Info Window”jP)”}”(h jwh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mnh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Pocket”jP)”}”(h j}h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mph'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Private Browsing”jP)”}”(h jƒh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mrh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Profiles”jP)”}”(h j‰h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mth'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Protections UI”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mvh'jUuh)]”ubŒ!Firefox :: Remote Settings Client”jP)”}”(h j•h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mxh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Screenshots”jP)”}”(h j›h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mzh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Search”jP)”}”(h j¡h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M|h'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Security”jP)”}”(h j§h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M~h'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Session Restore”jP)”}”(h j­h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M€h'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Settings UI”jP)”}”(h j³h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M‚h'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Shell Integration”jP)”}”(h j¹h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M„h'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Shopping”jP)”}”(h j¿h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M†h'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Sidebar”jP)”}”(h jÅh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mˆh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Site Identity”jP)”}”(h jËh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MŠh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Site Permissions”jP)”}”(h jÑh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MŒh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Sync”jP)”}”(h j×h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MŽh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Tabbed Browser”jP)”}”(h jÝh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Theme”jP)”}”(h jãh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M’h'jUuh)]”ubŒ%Firefox :: Toolbars and Customization”jP)”}”(h jéh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M”h'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Tours”jP)”}”(h jïh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M–h'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: Translation”jP)”}”(h jõh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M˜h'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox :: about:logins”jP)”}”(h jûh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mšh'jUuh)]”ubŒ/Firefox Build System :: Bootstrap Configuration”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mœh'jUuh)]”ubŒFirefox Build System :: General”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mžh'jUuh)]”ubŒ!Firefox Build System :: Mach Core”jP)”}”(h j↩h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M h'jUuh)]”ubŒ,Firefox Build System :: Source Code Analysis”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M¢h'jUuh)]”ubŒ*Firefox Build System :: Task Configuration”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M¤h'jUuh)]”ubŒGeckoView :: General”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M¦h'jUuh)]”ubŒ9Localization Infrastructure and Tools :: Fluent Migration”jP)”}”(h j%h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M¨h'jUuh)]”ubŒ0Localization Infrastructure and Tools :: General”jP)”}”(h j+h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mªh'jUuh)]”ubŒ8Localization Infrastructure and Tools :: compare-locales”jP)”}”(h j1h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M¬h'jUuh)]”ubŒ NSPR :: NSPR”jP)”}”(h j7h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M®h'jUuh)]”ubŒNSS :: Libraries”jP)”}”(h j=h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M°h'jUuh)]”ubŒRelease Engineering :: General”jP)”}”(h jCh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M²h'jUuh)]”ubŒ2Release Engineering :: Release Automation: Updates”jP)”}”(h jIh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M´h'jUuh)]”ubŒRemote Protocol :: Agent”jP)”}”(h jOh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M¶h'jUuh)]”ubŒRemote Protocol :: CDP”jP)”}”(h jUh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M¸h'jUuh)]”ubŒRemote Protocol :: Marionette”jP)”}”(h j[h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mºh'jUuh)]”ubŒ!Remote Protocol :: WebDriver BiDi”jP)”}”(h jah↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M¼h'jUuh)]”ubŒTaskcluster :: General”jP)”}”(h jgh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M¾h'jUuh)]”ubŒ!Taskcluster :: Platform Libraries”jP)”}”(h jmh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MÀh'jUuh)]”ubŒTesting :: CPPUnitTest”jP)”}”(h jsh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MÂh'jUuh)]”ubŒTesting :: Code Coverage”jP)”}”(h jyh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MÄh'jUuh)]”ubŒTesting :: Firefox UI Tests”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MÆh'jUuh)]”ubŒTesting :: GTest”jP)”}”(h j…h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MÈh'jUuh)]”ubŒTesting :: General”jP)”}”(h j‹h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MÊh'jUuh)]”ubŒ(Testing :: Marionette Client and Harness”jP)”}”(h j‘h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MÌh'jUuh)]”ubŒTesting :: Mochitest”jP)”}”(h j—h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MÎh'jUuh)]”ubŒTesting :: Mozbase”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MÐh'jUuh)]”ubŒTesting :: Mozbase Rust”jP)”}”(h j£h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MÒh'jUuh)]”ubŒTesting :: Python Test”jP)”}”(h j©h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MÔh'jUuh)]”ubŒTesting :: Reftest”jP)”}”(h j¯h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MÖh'jUuh)]”ubŒTesting :: XPCShell Harness”jP)”}”(h jµh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MØh'jUuh)]”ubŒTesting :: geckodriver”jP)”}”(h j»h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MÚh'jUuh)]”ubŒTesting :: mozperftest”jP)”}”(h jÁh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MÜh'jUuh)]”ubŒTesting :: web-platform-tests”jP)”}”(h jÇh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&MÞh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Add-ons Manager”jP)”}”(h jÍh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Màh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Alerts Service”jP)”}”(h jÓh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mâh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Application Update”jP)”}”(h jÙh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mäh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Async Tooling”jP)”}”(h jßh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mæh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Autocomplete”jP)”}”(h jåh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mèh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Background Tasks”jP)”}”(h jëh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mêh'jUuh)]”ubŒ#Toolkit :: Blocklist Implementation”jP)”}”(h jñh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mìh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Content Prompts”jP)”}”(h j÷h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mîh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Crash Reporting”jP)”}”(h jýh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mðh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Data Sanitization”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mòh'jUuh)]”ubŒ Toolkit :: Default Browser Agent”jP)”}”(h j h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Môh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Downloads API”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Möh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: FeatureGate”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Møh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Find Toolbar”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Múh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Form Autofill”jP)”}”(h j!h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Müh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Form Manager”jP)”}”(h j'h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mþh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: General”jP)”}”(h j-h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒ Toolkit :: IOUtils and PathUtils”jP)”}”(h j3h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Password Manager”jP)”}”(h j9h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒ!Toolkit :: Performance Monitoring”jP)”}”(h j?h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Picture-in-Picture”jP)”}”(h jEh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Places”jP)”}”(h jKh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M
h'jUuh)]”ubŒ3Toolkit :: PopupNotifications and Notification Bars”jP)”}”(h jQh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M h'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Preferences”jP)”}”(h jWh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Printing”jP)”}”(h j]h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Reader Mode”jP)”}”(h jch↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Safe Browsing”jP)”}”(h jih↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒ%Toolkit :: Startup and Profile System”jP)”}”(h joh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Storage”jP)”}”(h juh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Telemetry”jP)”}”(h j{h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Themes”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: UI Widgets”jP)”}”(h j‡h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&Mh'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: UniFFI Bindings”jP)”}”(h jh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M h'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: Video/Audio Controls”jP)”}”(h j“h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M"h'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: View Source”jP)”}”(h j™h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M$h'jUuh)]”ubŒToolkit :: about:memory”jP)”}”(h jŸh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M&h'jUuh)]”ubŒ-Web Compatibility :: Tooling & Investigations”jP)”}”(h j¥h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M(h'jUuh)]”ubŒWebExtensions :: General”jP)”}”(h j«h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M*h'jUuh)]”ubŒ!WebExtensions :: Request Handling”jP)”}”(h j±h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M,h'jUuh)]”ubŒWebExtensions :: Storage”jP)”}”(h j·h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M.h'jUuh)]”ubŒWebExtensions :: Themes”jP)”}”(h j½h↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M0h'jUuh)]”ubŒWebExtensions :: Untriaged”jP)”}”(h jÃh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M2h'jUuh)]”ubŒ :: Licensing”jP)”}”(h jÉh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M4h'jUuh)]”ubŒ :: MozillaBuild”jP)”}”(h jÏh↩Œ4The Bugzilla component which applies to this object.”h$}”(h&M6h'jUuh)]”ubuu}”(Œallow_reserved”‰Œexpire_by_version”K‡u†”.