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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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/* Generated with cbindgen:0.26.0 */
/* DO NOT MODIFY THIS MANUALLY! This file was generated using cbindgen.
namespace mozilla {
namespace net {
class NeqoHttp3Conn;
union NetAddr;
} // namespace net
} // namespace mozilla
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ostream>
#include <new>
#include "certt.h"
#include "prerror.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace net {
enum class WebTransportStreamType {
struct ProcessInputResult {
nsresult result;
uint32_t bytes_read;
using SendFunc = nsresult(*)(void *context,
uint16_t addr_family,
const uint8_t *addr,
uint16_t port,
const uint8_t *data,
uint32_t size);
using SetTimerFunc = void(*)(void *context, uint64_t timeout);
struct ProcessOutputAndSendResult {
nsresult result;
uint32_t bytes_written;
struct CloseError {
enum class Tag {
struct TransportInternalErrorOther_Body {
uint16_t _0;
struct TransportError_Body {
uint64_t _0;
struct CryptoError_Body {
uint64_t _0;
struct CryptoAlert_Body {
uint8_t _0;
struct PeerAppError_Body {
uint64_t _0;
struct PeerError_Body {
uint64_t _0;
struct AppError_Body {
uint64_t _0;
Tag tag;
union {
TransportInternalErrorOther_Body transport_internal_error_other;
TransportError_Body transport_error;
CryptoError_Body crypto_error;
CryptoAlert_Body crypto_alert;
PeerAppError_Body peer_app_error;
PeerError_Body peer_error;
AppError_Body app_error;
struct SessionCloseReasonExternal {
enum class Tag {
struct Error_Body {
uint64_t _0;
struct Status_Body {
uint16_t _0;
struct Clean_Body {
uint32_t _0;
Tag tag;
union {
Error_Body error;
Status_Body status;
Clean_Body clean;
struct WebTransportEventExternal {
enum class Tag {
struct Negotiated_Body {
bool _0;
struct Session_Body {
uint64_t _0;
struct SessionClosed_Body {
uint64_t stream_id;
SessionCloseReasonExternal reason;
struct NewStream_Body {
uint64_t stream_id;
WebTransportStreamType stream_type;
uint64_t session_id;
struct Datagram_Body {
uint64_t session_id;
Tag tag;
union {
Negotiated_Body negotiated;
Session_Body session;
SessionClosed_Body session_closed;
NewStream_Body new_stream;
Datagram_Body datagram;
struct Http3Event {
enum class Tag {
/// A request stream has space for more data to be sent.
/// A server has send STOP_SENDING frame.
/// New bytes available for reading.
/// Peer reset the stream.
/// A PushPromise
/// A push response headers are ready.
/// New bytes are available on a push stream for reading.
/// A push has been canceled.
struct DataWritable_Body {
uint64_t stream_id;
struct StopSending_Body {
uint64_t stream_id;
uint64_t error;
struct HeaderReady_Body {
uint64_t stream_id;
bool fin;
bool interim;
struct DataReadable_Body {
uint64_t stream_id;
struct Reset_Body {
uint64_t stream_id;
uint64_t error;
bool local;
struct PushPromise_Body {
uint64_t push_id;
uint64_t request_stream_id;
struct PushHeaderReady_Body {
uint64_t push_id;
bool fin;
struct PushDataReadable_Body {
uint64_t push_id;
struct PushCanceled_Body {
uint64_t push_id;
struct PushReset_Body {
uint64_t push_id;
uint64_t error;
struct ConnectionClosing_Body {
CloseError error;
struct ConnectionClosed_Body {
CloseError error;
struct ResumptionToken_Body {
uint64_t expire_in;
struct WebTransport_Body {
WebTransportEventExternal _0;
Tag tag;
union {
DataWritable_Body data_writable;
StopSending_Body stop_sending;
HeaderReady_Body header_ready;
DataReadable_Body data_readable;
Reset_Body reset;
PushPromise_Body push_promise;
PushHeaderReady_Body push_header_ready;
PushDataReadable_Body push_data_readable;
PushCanceled_Body push_canceled;
PushReset_Body push_reset;
ConnectionClosing_Body connection_closing;
ConnectionClosed_Body connection_closed;
ResumptionToken_Body resumption_token;
WebTransport_Body web_transport;
struct NeqoSecretInfo {
bool set;
uint16_t version;
uint16_t cipher;
uint16_t group;
bool resumed;
bool early_data;
nsCString alpn;
uint16_t signature_scheme;
bool ech_accepted;
struct NeqoCertificateInfo {
nsTArray<nsTArray<uint8_t>> certs;
bool stapled_ocsp_responses_present;
nsTArray<nsTArray<uint8_t>> stapled_ocsp_responses;
bool signed_cert_timestamp_present;
nsTArray<uint8_t> signed_cert_timestamp;
struct Http3Stats {
/// Total packets received, including all the bad ones.
uintptr_t packets_rx;
/// Duplicate packets received.
uintptr_t dups_rx;
/// Dropped packets or dropped garbage.
uintptr_t dropped_rx;
/// The number of packet that were saved for later processing.
uintptr_t saved_datagrams;
/// Total packets sent.
uintptr_t packets_tx;
/// Total number of packets that are declared lost.
uintptr_t lost;
/// Late acknowledgments, for packets that were declared lost already.
uintptr_t late_ack;
/// Acknowledgments for packets that contained data that was marked
/// for retransmission when the PTO timer popped.
uintptr_t pto_ack;
/// Count PTOs. Single PTOs, 2 PTOs in a row, 3 PTOs in row, etc. are counted
/// separately.
uintptr_t pto_counts[16];
extern "C" {
extern uint16_t moz_netaddr_get_family(const NetAddr *arg);
extern uint32_t moz_netaddr_get_network_order_ip(const NetAddr *arg);
extern const uint8_t *moz_netaddr_get_ipv6(const NetAddr *arg);
extern uint16_t moz_netaddr_get_network_order_port(const NetAddr *arg);
void neqo_http3conn_addref(const NeqoHttp3Conn *conn);
void neqo_http3conn_release(const NeqoHttp3Conn *conn);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_new(const nsACString *origin,
const nsACString *alpn,
const NetAddr *local_addr,
const NetAddr *remote_addr,
uint64_t max_table_size,
uint16_t max_blocked_streams,
uint64_t max_data,
uint64_t max_stream_data,
bool version_negotiation,
bool webtransport,
const nsACString *qlog_dir,
uint32_t webtransport_datagram_size,
uint32_t max_accumlated_time_ms,
uint32_t provider_flags,
int64_t socket,
const NeqoHttp3Conn **result);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_new_use_nspr_for_io(const nsACString *origin,
const nsACString *alpn,
const NetAddr *local_addr,
const NetAddr *remote_addr,
uint64_t max_table_size,
uint16_t max_blocked_streams,
uint64_t max_data,
uint64_t max_stream_data,
bool version_negotiation,
bool webtransport,
const nsACString *qlog_dir,
uint32_t webtransport_datagram_size,
uint32_t max_accumlated_time_ms,
uint32_t provider_flags,
const NeqoHttp3Conn **result);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_process_input_use_nspr_for_io(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn,
const NetAddr *remote_addr,
const nsTArray<uint8_t> *packet);
/// Process input, reading incoming datagrams from the socket and passing them
/// to the Neqo state machine.
ProcessInputResult neqo_http3conn_process_input(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_process_output_and_send_use_nspr_for_io(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn,
void *context,
SendFunc send_func,
SetTimerFunc set_timer_func);
/// Process output, retrieving outgoing datagrams from the Neqo state machine
/// and writing them to the socket.
ProcessOutputAndSendResult neqo_http3conn_process_output_and_send(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn,
void *context,
SetTimerFunc set_timer_func);
void neqo_http3conn_close(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn, uint64_t error);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_fetch(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn,
const nsACString *method,
const nsACString *scheme,
const nsACString *host,
const nsACString *path,
const nsACString *headers,
uint64_t *stream_id,
uint8_t urgency,
bool incremental);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_priority_update(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn,
uint64_t stream_id,
uint8_t urgency,
bool incremental);
nsresult neqo_htttp3conn_send_request_body(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn,
uint64_t stream_id,
const uint8_t *buf,
uint32_t len,
uint32_t *read);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_cancel_fetch(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn, uint64_t stream_id, uint64_t error);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_reset_stream(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn, uint64_t stream_id, uint64_t error);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_stream_stop_sending(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn,
uint64_t stream_id,
uint64_t error);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_close_stream(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn, uint64_t stream_id);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_event(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn, Http3Event *ret_event, nsTArray<uint8_t> *data);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_read_response_data(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn,
uint64_t stream_id,
uint8_t *buf,
uint32_t len,
uint32_t *read,
bool *fin);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_tls_info(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn, NeqoSecretInfo *sec_info);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_peer_certificate_info(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn,
NeqoCertificateInfo *neqo_certs_info);
void neqo_http3conn_authenticated(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn, PRErrorCode error);
void neqo_http3conn_set_resumption_token(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn, nsTArray<uint8_t> *token);
void neqo_http3conn_set_ech_config(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn, nsTArray<uint8_t> *ech_config);
bool neqo_http3conn_is_zero_rtt(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn);
void neqo_http3conn_get_stats(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn, Http3Stats *stats);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_webtransport_create_session(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn,
const nsACString *host,
const nsACString *path,
const nsACString *headers,
uint64_t *stream_id);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_webtransport_close_session(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn,
uint64_t session_id,
uint32_t error,
const nsACString *message);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_webtransport_create_stream(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn,
uint64_t session_id,
WebTransportStreamType stream_type,
uint64_t *stream_id);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_webtransport_send_datagram(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn,
uint64_t session_id,
nsTArray<uint8_t> *data,
uint64_t tracking_id);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_webtransport_max_datagram_size(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn,
uint64_t session_id,
uint64_t *result);
nsresult neqo_http3conn_webtransport_set_sendorder(NeqoHttp3Conn *conn,
uint64_t stream_id,
const int64_t *sendorder);
} // extern "C"
} // namespace net
} // namespace mozilla