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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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/* Generated with cbindgen:0.26.0 */
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#ifndef mozilla_intl_l10n_FluentBindings_h
#error "Don't include this file directly, instead include FluentBindings.h"
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ostream>
#include <new>
namespace mozilla {
namespace intl {
namespace ffi {
enum class FluentDateTimeHourCycle {
enum class FluentDateTimeMonthComponent {
enum class FluentDateTimeNumericComponent {
enum class FluentDateTimeStyle {
enum class FluentDateTimeTextComponent {
enum class FluentDateTimeTimeZoneNameComponent {
enum class FluentNumberCurrencyDisplayStyleRaw {
enum class FluentNumberStyleRaw {
/// A collection of localization messages for a single locale, which are meant
/// to be used together in a single view, widget or any other UI abstraction.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use fluent_bundle::{FluentBundle, FluentResource, FluentValue, FluentArgs};
/// use unic_langid::langid;
/// // 1. Create a FluentResource
/// let ftl_string = String::from("intro = Welcome, { $name }.");
/// let resource = FluentResource::try_new(ftl_string)
/// .expect("Could not parse an FTL string.");
/// // 2. Create a FluentBundle
/// let langid_en = langid!("en-US");
/// let mut bundle = FluentBundle::new(vec![langid_en]);
/// // 3. Add the resource to the bundle
/// bundle.add_resource(&resource)
/// .expect("Failed to add FTL resources to the bundle.");
/// // 4. Retrieve a FluentMessage from the bundle
/// let msg = bundle.get_message("intro")
/// .expect("Message doesn't exist.");
/// let mut args = FluentArgs::new();
/// args.set("name", "Rustacean");
/// // 5. Format the value of the message
/// let mut errors = vec![];
/// let pattern = msg.value()
/// .expect("Message has no value.");
/// assert_eq!(
/// bundle.format_pattern(&pattern, Some(&args), &mut errors),
/// // The placeholder is wrapper in Unicode Directionality Marks
/// // to indicate that the placeholder may be of different direction
/// // than surrounding string.
/// "Welcome, \u{2068}Rustacean\u{2069}."
/// );
/// ```
/// # `FluentBundle` Life Cycle
/// ## Create a bundle
/// To create a bundle, call [`FluentBundle::new`] with a locale list that represents the best
/// possible fallback chain for a given locale. The simplest case is a one-locale list.
/// Fluent uses [`LanguageIdentifier`] which can be created using `langid!` macro.
/// ## Add Resources
/// Next, call [`add_resource`](FluentBundle::add_resource) one or more times, supplying translations in the FTL syntax.
/// Since [`FluentBundle`] is generic over anything that can borrow a [`FluentResource`],
/// one can use [`FluentBundle`] to own its resources, store references to them,
/// or even [`Rc<FluentResource>`](std::rc::Rc) or [`Arc<FluentResource>`](std::sync::Arc).
/// The [`FluentBundle`] instance is now ready to be used for localization.
/// ## Format
/// To format a translation, call [`get_message`](FluentBundle::get_message) to retrieve a [`FluentMessage`],
/// and then call [`format_pattern`](FluentBundle::format_pattern) on the message value or attribute in order to
/// retrieve the translated string.
/// The result of [`format_pattern`](FluentBundle::format_pattern) is an
/// [`Cow<str>`](std::borrow::Cow). It is
/// recommended to treat the result as opaque from the perspective of the program and use it only
/// to display localized messages. Do not examine it or alter in any way before displaying. This
/// is a general good practice as far as all internationalization operations are concerned.
/// If errors were encountered during formatting, they will be
/// accumulated in the [`Vec<FluentError>`](FluentError) passed as the third argument.
/// While they are not fatal, they usually indicate problems with the translation,
/// and should be logged or reported in a way that allows the developer to notice
/// and fix them.
/// # Locale Fallback Chain
/// [`FluentBundle`] stores messages in a single locale, but keeps a locale fallback chain for the
/// purpose of language negotiation with i18n formatters. For instance, if date and time formatting
/// are not available in the first locale, [`FluentBundle`] will use its `locales` fallback chain
/// to negotiate a sensible fallback for date and time formatting.
/// # Concurrency
/// As you may have noticed, [`fluent_bundle::FluentBundle`](crate::FluentBundle) is a specialization of [`fluent_bundle::bundle::FluentBundle`](crate::bundle::FluentBundle)
/// which works with an [`IntlLangMemoizer`] over [`RefCell`](std::cell::RefCell).
/// In scenarios where the memoizer must work concurrently, there's an implementation of
/// [`IntlLangMemoizer`](intl_memoizer::concurrent::IntlLangMemoizer) that uses [`Mutex`](std::sync::Mutex) and there's [`FluentBundle::new_concurrent`] which works with that.
template<typename R = void, typename M = void>
struct FluentBundle;
/// A resource containing a list of localization messages.
/// [`FluentResource`] wraps an [`Abstract Syntax Tree`](../fluent_syntax/ast/index.html) produced by the
/// [`parser`](../fluent_syntax/parser/index.html) and provides an access to a list
/// of its entries.
/// A good mental model for a resource is a single FTL file, but in the future
/// there's nothing preventing a resource from being stored in a data base,
/// pre-parsed format or in some other structured form.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use fluent_bundle::FluentResource;
/// let source = r#"
/// hello-world = Hello World!
/// "#;
/// let resource = FluentResource::try_new(source.to_string())
/// .expect("Errors encountered while parsing a resource.");
/// assert_eq!(resource.entries().count(), 1);
/// ```
/// # Ownership
/// A resource owns the source string and the AST contains references
/// to the slices of the source.
struct FluentResource;
struct RawDateTimeFormatter;
struct RawNumberFormatter;
template<typename T = void>
struct Rc;
using FluentBundleRc = FluentBundle<Rc<FluentResource>>;
struct FluentArgument {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
struct Double__Body {
double _0;
struct String_Body {
const nsACString *_0;
Tag tag;
union {
Double__Body double_;
String_Body string;
static FluentArgument Double_(const double &_0) {
FluentArgument result;
::new (&result.double_._0) (double)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::Double_;
return result;
bool IsDouble_() const {
return tag == Tag::Double_;
static FluentArgument String(const nsACString *const &_0) {
FluentArgument result;
::new (&result.string._0) (const nsACString*)(_0);
result.tag = Tag::String;
return result;
bool IsString() const {
return tag == Tag::String;
struct L10nArg {
const nsACString *id;
FluentArgument value;
struct FluentNumberOptionsRaw {
FluentNumberStyleRaw style;
nsCString currency;
FluentNumberCurrencyDisplayStyleRaw currency_display;
bool use_grouping;
uintptr_t minimum_integer_digits;
uintptr_t minimum_fraction_digits;
uintptr_t maximum_fraction_digits;
intptr_t minimum_significant_digits;
intptr_t maximum_significant_digits;
struct FluentDateTimeOptions {
FluentDateTimeStyle date_style;
FluentDateTimeStyle time_style;
FluentDateTimeHourCycle hour_cycle;
FluentDateTimeTextComponent weekday;
FluentDateTimeTextComponent era;
FluentDateTimeNumericComponent year;
FluentDateTimeMonthComponent month;
FluentDateTimeNumericComponent day;
FluentDateTimeNumericComponent hour;
FluentDateTimeNumericComponent minute;
FluentDateTimeNumericComponent second;
FluentDateTimeTimeZoneNameComponent time_zone_name;
struct TextElementInfo {
nsCString id;
nsCString attr;
nsCString text;
extern "C" {
FluentBundleRc *fluent_bundle_new_single(const nsACString *locale,
bool use_isolating,
const nsACString *pseudo_strategy);
FluentBundleRc *fluent_bundle_new(const nsCString *locales,
uintptr_t locale_count,
bool use_isolating,
const nsACString *pseudo_strategy);
void fluent_bundle_get_locales(const FluentBundleRc *bundle, nsTArray<nsCString> *result);
void fluent_bundle_destroy(FluentBundleRc *bundle);
bool fluent_bundle_has_message(const FluentBundleRc *bundle, const nsACString *id);
bool fluent_bundle_get_message(const FluentBundleRc *bundle,
const nsACString *id,
bool *has_value,
nsTArray<nsCString> *attrs);
bool fluent_bundle_format_pattern(const FluentBundleRc *bundle,
const nsACString *id,
const nsACString *attr,
const nsTArray<L10nArg> *args,
nsACString *ret_val,
nsTArray<nsCString> *ret_errors);
void fluent_bundle_add_resource(FluentBundleRc *bundle,
const FluentResource *r,
bool allow_overrides,
nsTArray<nsCString> *ret_errors);
extern RawNumberFormatter *FluentBuiltInNumberFormatterCreate(const nsCString *locale,
const FluentNumberOptionsRaw *options);
extern uint8_t *FluentBuiltInNumberFormatterFormat(const RawNumberFormatter *formatter,
double input,
uintptr_t *out_count,
uintptr_t *out_capacity);
extern void FluentBuiltInNumberFormatterDestroy(RawNumberFormatter *formatter);
extern RawDateTimeFormatter *FluentBuiltInDateTimeFormatterCreate(const nsCString *locale,
FluentDateTimeOptions options);
extern uint8_t *FluentBuiltInDateTimeFormatterFormat(const RawDateTimeFormatter *formatter,
double input,
uint32_t *out_count);
extern void FluentBuiltInDateTimeFormatterDestroy(RawDateTimeFormatter *formatter);
const FluentResource *fluent_resource_new(const nsACString *name, bool *has_errors);
void fluent_resource_addref(const FluentResource *res);
void fluent_resource_release(const FluentResource *res);
void fluent_resource_get_text_elements(const FluentResource *res,
nsTArray<TextElementInfo> *elements);
} // extern "C"
} // namespace ffi
} // namespace intl
} // namespace mozilla