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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* Generated with cbindgen:0.26.0 */
/* DO NOT MODIFY THIS MANUALLY! This file was generated using cbindgen.
* To generate this file:
* 1. Get the latest cbindgen using `cargo install --force cbindgen`
* a. Alternatively, you can clone `` and use a tagged release
* 2. Run `rustup run nightly cbindgen toolkit/library/rust/ --lockfile Cargo.lock --crate webrender_bindings -o gfx/webrender_bindings/webrender_ffi_generated.h`
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ostream>
#include <new>
namespace mozilla {
namespace wr {
/// Special value handled in this wrapper layer to signify a redundant clip chain.
constexpr static const uint64_t ROOT_CLIP_CHAIN = ~0;
constexpr static const uintptr_t BudgetType_COUNT = 7;
/// Defined here for cbindgen
constexpr static const int32_t MAX_RENDER_TASK_SIZE = 16384;
/// Maximum number of SVGFE filters in one graph, this is constant size to avoid
/// allocating anything, and the SVG spec allows us to drop all filters on an
/// item if the graph is excessively complex - a graph this large will never be
/// a good user experience, performance-wise.
constexpr static const uintptr_t SVGFE_GRAPH_MAX = 256;
constexpr static const uintptr_t POLYGON_CLIP_VERTEX_MAX = 32;
constexpr static const uintptr_t MAX_TEXT_RUN_LENGTH = 2040;
/// Whether a border should be antialiased.
enum class AntialiasBorder {
No = 0,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const AntialiasBorder& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case AntialiasBorder::No: aStream << "No"; break;
case AntialiasBorder::Yes: aStream << "Yes"; break;
case AntialiasBorder::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
/// Boolean configuration option.
enum class BoolParameter : uint32_t {
PboUploads = 0,
Multithreading = 1,
BatchedUploads = 2,
DrawCallsForTextureCopy = 3,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const BoolParameter& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case BoolParameter::PboUploads: aStream << "PboUploads"; break;
case BoolParameter::Multithreading: aStream << "Multithreading"; break;
case BoolParameter::BatchedUploads: aStream << "BatchedUploads"; break;
case BoolParameter::DrawCallsForTextureCopy: aStream << "DrawCallsForTextureCopy"; break;
case BoolParameter::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class BorderStyle : uint32_t {
None = 0,
Solid = 1,
Double = 2,
Dotted = 3,
Dashed = 4,
Hidden = 5,
Groove = 6,
Ridge = 7,
Inset = 8,
Outset = 9,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const BorderStyle& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case BorderStyle::None: aStream << "None"; break;
case BorderStyle::Solid: aStream << "Solid"; break;
case BorderStyle::Double: aStream << "Double"; break;
case BorderStyle::Dotted: aStream << "Dotted"; break;
case BorderStyle::Dashed: aStream << "Dashed"; break;
case BorderStyle::Hidden: aStream << "Hidden"; break;
case BorderStyle::Groove: aStream << "Groove"; break;
case BorderStyle::Ridge: aStream << "Ridge"; break;
case BorderStyle::Inset: aStream << "Inset"; break;
case BorderStyle::Outset: aStream << "Outset"; break;
case BorderStyle::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class BoxShadowClipMode : uint8_t {
Outset = 0,
Inset = 1,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const BoxShadowClipMode& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case BoxShadowClipMode::Outset: aStream << "Outset"; break;
case BoxShadowClipMode::Inset: aStream << "Inset"; break;
case BoxShadowClipMode::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
/// A stage of the rendering pipeline.
enum class Checkpoint : uint32_t {
/// NotificationRequests get notified with this if they get dropped without having been
/// notified. This provides the guarantee that if a request is created it will get notified.
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Checkpoint& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case Checkpoint::SceneBuilt: aStream << "SceneBuilt"; break;
case Checkpoint::FrameBuilt: aStream << "FrameBuilt"; break;
case Checkpoint::FrameTexturesUpdated: aStream << "FrameTexturesUpdated"; break;
case Checkpoint::FrameRendered: aStream << "FrameRendered"; break;
case Checkpoint::TransactionDropped: aStream << "TransactionDropped"; break;
case Checkpoint::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class ClipMode {
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ClipMode& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case ClipMode::Clip: aStream << "Clip"; break;
case ClipMode::ClipOut: aStream << "ClipOut"; break;
case ClipMode::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
/// Specifies the color depth of an image. Currently only used for YUV images.
enum class ColorDepth : uint8_t {
/// 8 bits image (most common)
/// 10 bits image
/// 12 bits image
/// 16 bits image
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ColorDepth& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case ColorDepth::Color8: aStream << "Color8"; break;
case ColorDepth::Color10: aStream << "Color10"; break;
case ColorDepth::Color12: aStream << "Color12"; break;
case ColorDepth::Color16: aStream << "Color16"; break;
case ColorDepth::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class ColorRange : uint8_t {
Limited = 0,
Full = 1,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ColorRange& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case ColorRange::Limited: aStream << "Limited"; break;
case ColorRange::Full: aStream << "Full"; break;
case ColorRange::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class ComponentTransferFuncType : uint8_t {
Identity = 0,
Table = 1,
Discrete = 2,
Linear = 3,
Gamma = 4,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ComponentTransferFuncType& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case ComponentTransferFuncType::Identity: aStream << "Identity"; break;
case ComponentTransferFuncType::Table: aStream << "Table"; break;
case ComponentTransferFuncType::Discrete: aStream << "Discrete"; break;
case ComponentTransferFuncType::Linear: aStream << "Linear"; break;
case ComponentTransferFuncType::Gamma: aStream << "Gamma"; break;
case ComponentTransferFuncType::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
/// Crash annotations included in crash reports.
enum class CrashAnnotation {
CompileShader = 0,
DrawShader = 1,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const CrashAnnotation& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case CrashAnnotation::CompileShader: aStream << "CompileShader"; break;
case CrashAnnotation::DrawShader: aStream << "DrawShader"; break;
case CrashAnnotation::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class ExtendMode : uint8_t {
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ExtendMode& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case ExtendMode::Clamp: aStream << "Clamp"; break;
case ExtendMode::Repeat: aStream << "Repeat"; break;
case ExtendMode::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class FillRule : uint8_t {
Nonzero = 1,
Evenodd = 2,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FillRule& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case FillRule::Nonzero: aStream << "Nonzero"; break;
case FillRule::Evenodd: aStream << "Evenodd"; break;
case FillRule::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
/// Floating point configuration option.
enum class FloatParameter : uint32_t {
/// The minimum time for the CPU portion of a frame to be considered slow
SlowCpuFrameThreshold = 0,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FloatParameter& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case FloatParameter::SlowCpuFrameThreshold: aStream << "SlowCpuFrameThreshold"; break;
case FloatParameter::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
#if !(defined(XP_MACOSX) || defined(XP_WIN))
enum class FontHinting : uint8_t {
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FontHinting& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case FontHinting::None: aStream << "None"; break;
case FontHinting::Mono: aStream << "Mono"; break;
case FontHinting::Light: aStream << "Light"; break;
case FontHinting::Normal: aStream << "Normal"; break;
case FontHinting::LCD: aStream << "LCD"; break;
case FontHinting::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
#if !(defined(XP_MACOSX) || defined(XP_WIN))
enum class FontLCDFilter : uint8_t {
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FontLCDFilter& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case FontLCDFilter::None: aStream << "None"; break;
case FontLCDFilter::Default: aStream << "Default"; break;
case FontLCDFilter::Light: aStream << "Light"; break;
case FontLCDFilter::Legacy: aStream << "Legacy"; break;
case FontLCDFilter::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class FontRenderMode : uint8_t {
Mono = 0,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FontRenderMode& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case FontRenderMode::Mono: aStream << "Mono"; break;
case FontRenderMode::Alpha: aStream << "Alpha"; break;
case FontRenderMode::Subpixel: aStream << "Subpixel"; break;
case FontRenderMode::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
/// A flag in each scrollable frame to represent whether the owner of the frame document
/// has any scroll-linked effect.
/// for a definition of scroll-linked effect.
enum class HasScrollLinkedEffect : uint8_t {
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const HasScrollLinkedEffect& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case HasScrollLinkedEffect::Yes: aStream << "Yes"; break;
case HasScrollLinkedEffect::No: aStream << "No"; break;
case HasScrollLinkedEffect::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
/// Specifies the type of texture target in driver terms.
enum class ImageBufferKind : uint8_t {
/// Standard texture. This maps to GL_TEXTURE_2D in OpenGL.
Texture2D = 0,
/// Rectangle texture. This maps to GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE in OpenGL. This
/// is similar to a standard texture, with a few subtle differences
/// (no mipmaps, non-power-of-two dimensions, different coordinate space)
/// that make it useful for representing the kinds of textures we use
/// for background on Rectangle textures.
TextureRect = 1,
/// External texture. This maps to GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES in OpenGL, which
/// is an extension. This is used for image formats that OpenGL doesn't
/// understand, particularly YUV. See
TextureExternal = 2,
/// External texture which is forced to be converted from YUV to RGB using BT709 colorspace.
/// This maps to GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES in OpenGL, using the EXT_YUV_TARGET extension.
TextureExternalBT709 = 3,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ImageBufferKind& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case ImageBufferKind::Texture2D: aStream << "Texture2D"; break;
case ImageBufferKind::TextureRect: aStream << "TextureRect"; break;
case ImageBufferKind::TextureExternal: aStream << "TextureExternal"; break;
case ImageBufferKind::TextureExternalBT709: aStream << "TextureExternalBT709"; break;
case ImageBufferKind::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
/// Specifies the format of a series of pixels, in driver terms.
enum class ImageFormat : uint8_t {
/// One-channel, byte storage. The "red" doesn't map to the color
/// red per se, and is just the way that OpenGL has historically referred
/// to single-channel buffers.
R8 = 1,
/// One-channel, short storage
R16 = 2,
/// Four channels, byte storage.
BGRA8 = 3,
/// Four channels, float storage.
RGBAF32 = 4,
/// Two-channels, byte storage. Similar to `R8`, this just means
/// "two channels" rather than "red and green".
RG8 = 5,
/// Two-channels, short storage. Similar to `R16`, this just means
/// "two channels" rather than "red and green".
RG16 = 6,
/// Four channels, signed integer storage.
RGBAI32 = 7,
/// Four channels, byte storage.
RGBA8 = 8,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ImageFormat& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case ImageFormat::R8: aStream << "R8"; break;
case ImageFormat::R16: aStream << "R16"; break;
case ImageFormat::BGRA8: aStream << "BGRA8"; break;
case ImageFormat::RGBAF32: aStream << "RGBAF32"; break;
case ImageFormat::RG8: aStream << "RG8"; break;
case ImageFormat::RG16: aStream << "RG16"; break;
case ImageFormat::RGBAI32: aStream << "RGBAI32"; break;
case ImageFormat::RGBA8: aStream << "RGBA8"; break;
case ImageFormat::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class ImageRendering : uint8_t {
Auto = 0,
CrispEdges = 1,
Pixelated = 2,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ImageRendering& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case ImageRendering::Auto: aStream << "Auto"; break;
case ImageRendering::CrispEdges: aStream << "CrispEdges"; break;
case ImageRendering::Pixelated: aStream << "Pixelated"; break;
case ImageRendering::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
/// Integer configuration option.
enum class IntParameter : uint32_t {
BatchedUploadThreshold = 0,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const IntParameter& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case IntParameter::BatchedUploadThreshold: aStream << "BatchedUploadThreshold"; break;
case IntParameter::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class LineOrientation : uint8_t {
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const LineOrientation& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case LineOrientation::Vertical: aStream << "Vertical"; break;
case LineOrientation::Horizontal: aStream << "Horizontal"; break;
case LineOrientation::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class LineStyle : uint8_t {
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const LineStyle& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case LineStyle::Solid: aStream << "Solid"; break;
case LineStyle::Dotted: aStream << "Dotted"; break;
case LineStyle::Dashed: aStream << "Dashed"; break;
case LineStyle::Wavy: aStream << "Wavy"; break;
case LineStyle::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class MixBlendMode : uint8_t {
Normal = 0,
Multiply = 1,
Screen = 2,
Overlay = 3,
Darken = 4,
Lighten = 5,
ColorDodge = 6,
ColorBurn = 7,
HardLight = 8,
SoftLight = 9,
Difference = 10,
Exclusion = 11,
Hue = 12,
Saturation = 13,
Color = 14,
Luminosity = 15,
PlusLighter = 16,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const MixBlendMode& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case MixBlendMode::Normal: aStream << "Normal"; break;
case MixBlendMode::Multiply: aStream << "Multiply"; break;
case MixBlendMode::Screen: aStream << "Screen"; break;
case MixBlendMode::Overlay: aStream << "Overlay"; break;
case MixBlendMode::Darken: aStream << "Darken"; break;
case MixBlendMode::Lighten: aStream << "Lighten"; break;
case MixBlendMode::ColorDodge: aStream << "ColorDodge"; break;
case MixBlendMode::ColorBurn: aStream << "ColorBurn"; break;
case MixBlendMode::HardLight: aStream << "HardLight"; break;
case MixBlendMode::SoftLight: aStream << "SoftLight"; break;
case MixBlendMode::Difference: aStream << "Difference"; break;
case MixBlendMode::Exclusion: aStream << "Exclusion"; break;
case MixBlendMode::Hue: aStream << "Hue"; break;
case MixBlendMode::Saturation: aStream << "Saturation"; break;
case MixBlendMode::Color: aStream << "Color"; break;
case MixBlendMode::Luminosity: aStream << "Luminosity"; break;
case MixBlendMode::PlusLighter: aStream << "PlusLighter"; break;
case MixBlendMode::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
/// Used to indicate if an image is opaque, or has an alpha channel.
enum class OpacityType : uint8_t {
Opaque = 0,
HasAlphaChannel = 1,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const OpacityType& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case OpacityType::Opaque: aStream << "Opaque"; break;
case OpacityType::HasAlphaChannel: aStream << "HasAlphaChannel"; break;
case OpacityType::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class RepeatMode : uint8_t {
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const RepeatMode& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case RepeatMode::Stretch: aStream << "Stretch"; break;
case RepeatMode::Repeat: aStream << "Repeat"; break;
case RepeatMode::Round: aStream << "Round"; break;
case RepeatMode::Space: aStream << "Space"; break;
case RepeatMode::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class TransformStyle : uint8_t {
Flat = 0,
Preserve3D = 1,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const TransformStyle& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case TransformStyle::Flat: aStream << "Flat"; break;
case TransformStyle::Preserve3D: aStream << "Preserve3D"; break;
case TransformStyle::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class WrAnimationType : uint32_t {
Transform = 0,
Opacity = 1,
BackgroundColor = 2,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrAnimationType& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case WrAnimationType::Transform: aStream << "Transform"; break;
case WrAnimationType::Opacity: aStream << "Opacity"; break;
case WrAnimationType::BackgroundColor: aStream << "BackgroundColor"; break;
case WrAnimationType::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class WrExternalImageType : uint32_t {
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrExternalImageType& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case WrExternalImageType::RawData: aStream << "RawData"; break;
case WrExternalImageType::NativeTexture: aStream << "NativeTexture"; break;
case WrExternalImageType::Invalid: aStream << "Invalid"; break;
case WrExternalImageType::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class WrReferenceFrameKind : uint8_t {
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrReferenceFrameKind& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case WrReferenceFrameKind::Transform: aStream << "Transform"; break;
case WrReferenceFrameKind::Perspective: aStream << "Perspective"; break;
case WrReferenceFrameKind::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class WrRotation : uint8_t {
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrRotation& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case WrRotation::Degree0: aStream << "Degree0"; break;
case WrRotation::Degree90: aStream << "Degree90"; break;
case WrRotation::Degree180: aStream << "Degree180"; break;
case WrRotation::Degree270: aStream << "Degree270"; break;
case WrRotation::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class YuvColorSpace : uint8_t {
Rec601 = 0,
Rec709 = 1,
Rec2020 = 2,
Identity = 3,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const YuvColorSpace& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case YuvColorSpace::Rec601: aStream << "Rec601"; break;
case YuvColorSpace::Rec709: aStream << "Rec709"; break;
case YuvColorSpace::Rec2020: aStream << "Rec2020"; break;
case YuvColorSpace::Identity: aStream << "Identity"; break;
case YuvColorSpace::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
enum class YuvRangedColorSpace : uint8_t {
Rec601Narrow = 0,
Rec601Full = 1,
Rec709Narrow = 2,
Rec709Full = 3,
Rec2020Narrow = 4,
Rec2020Full = 5,
GbrIdentity = 6,
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const YuvRangedColorSpace& aInstance) {
switch (aInstance) {
case YuvRangedColorSpace::Rec601Narrow: aStream << "Rec601Narrow"; break;
case YuvRangedColorSpace::Rec601Full: aStream << "Rec601Full"; break;
case YuvRangedColorSpace::Rec709Narrow: aStream << "Rec709Narrow"; break;
case YuvRangedColorSpace::Rec709Full: aStream << "Rec709Full"; break;
case YuvRangedColorSpace::Rec2020Narrow: aStream << "Rec2020Narrow"; break;
case YuvRangedColorSpace::Rec2020Full: aStream << "Rec2020Full"; break;
case YuvRangedColorSpace::GbrIdentity: aStream << "GbrIdentity"; break;
case YuvRangedColorSpace::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
template<typename T = void>
struct Arc;
/// Features of the batch that, if not requested, may allow a fast-path.
/// Rather than breaking batches when primitives request different features,
/// we always request the minimum amount of features to satisfy all items in
/// the batch.
/// The goal is to let the renderer be optionally select more specialized
/// versions of a shader if the batch doesn't require code certain code paths.
/// Not all shaders necessarily implement all of these features.
struct BatchFeatures;
/// A set of flags describing why a picture may need a backing surface.
struct BlitReason;
/// Flags that define how the common brush shader
/// code should process this instance.
struct BrushFlags;
/// Bit flags for WR stages to store in a capture.
struct CaptureBits;
/// Mask for clearing caches in debug commands.
struct ClearCache;
struct ClipNodeFlags;
/// ID for a ClipTreeNode
struct ClipNodeId;
/// A set of flags describing why a picture may need a backing surface.
struct ClusterFlags;
/// Optional features that can be opted-out of when compositing,
/// possibly allowing a fast path to be selected.
struct CompositeFeatures;
struct Device;
/// Geometry in the coordinate system of the render target (screen or intermediate
/// surface) in physical pixels.
struct DevicePixel;
struct DocumentHandle;
/// Each bit of the edge AA mask is:
/// 0, when the edge of the primitive needs to be considered for AA
/// 1, when the edge of the segment needs to be considered for AA
/// *Note*: the bit values have to match the shader logic in
/// `write_transform_vertex()` function.
struct EdgeAaSegmentMask;
/// Various flags that are part of an image descriptor.
struct ImageDescriptorFlags;
template<typename T = void>
struct Index;
struct ItemFlags;
/// Geometry in a stacking context's local coordinate space (logical pixels).
struct LayoutPixel;
struct PassId;
/// Flags describing properties for a given PicturePrimitive
struct PictureFlags;
/// A set of bitflags that can be set in the visibility information
/// for a primitive instance. This can be used to control how primitives
/// are treated during batching.
struct PrimitiveVisibilityFlags;
/// The renderer is responsible for submitting to the GPU the work prepared by the
/// RenderBackend.
/// We have a separate `Renderer` instance for each instance of WebRender (generally
/// one per OS window), and all instances share the same thread.
struct Renderer;
/// Flags that control how shaders are pre-cached, if at all.
struct ShaderPrecacheFlags;
/// Slice flags
struct SliceFlags;
struct SpatialNodeIndex;
/// Defines which sub-slice (effectively a z-index) a primitive exists on within
/// a picture cache instance.
struct SubSliceIndex;
struct TextureFlags;
/// Unit for tile coordinates.
struct TileCoordinate;
/// A Transaction is a group of commands to apply atomically to a document.
/// This mechanism ensures that:
/// - no other message can be interleaved between two commands that need to be applied together.
/// - no redundant work is performed if two commands in the same transaction cause the scene or
/// the frame to be rebuilt.
struct Transaction;
/// The default unit.
struct UnknownUnit;
template<typename T = void>
struct Vec;
/// Geometry in the document's coordinate space (logical pixels).
struct WorldPixel;
struct WrChunkPool;
struct WrGlyphRasterThread;
struct WrProgramCache;
/// A wrapper around a strong reference to a Shaders object.
struct WrShaders;
struct WrState;
struct WrThreadPool;
struct WrVecU8 {
/// `data` must always be valid for passing to Vec::from_raw_parts.
/// In particular, it must be non-null even if capacity is zero.
uint8_t *data;
uintptr_t length;
uintptr_t capacity;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrVecU8& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "data=" << << ", "
<< "length=" << aInstance.length << ", "
<< "capacity=" << aInstance.capacity << " }";
bool operator==(const WrVecU8& aOther) const {
return data == &&
length == aOther.length &&
capacity == aOther.capacity;
struct ByteSlice {
const uint8_t *buffer;
uintptr_t len;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ByteSlice& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "buffer=" << aInstance.buffer << ", "
<< "len=" << aInstance.len << " }";
bool operator==(const ByteSlice& aOther) const {
return buffer == aOther.buffer &&
len == aOther.len;
struct WrExternalImage {
WrExternalImageType image_type;
uint32_t handle;
float u0;
float v0;
float u1;
float v1;
const uint8_t *buff;
uintptr_t size;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrExternalImage& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "image_type=" << aInstance.image_type << ", "
<< "handle=" << aInstance.handle << ", "
<< "u0=" << aInstance.u0 << ", "
<< "v0=" << aInstance.v0 << ", "
<< "u1=" << aInstance.u1 << ", "
<< "v1=" << aInstance.v1 << ", "
<< "buff=" << aInstance.buff << ", "
<< "size=" << aInstance.size << " }";
bool operator==(const WrExternalImage& aOther) const {
return image_type == aOther.image_type &&
handle == aOther.handle &&
u0 == aOther.u0 &&
v0 == aOther.v0 &&
u1 == aOther.u1 &&
v1 == aOther.v1 &&
buff == aOther.buff &&
size == aOther.size;
/// An arbitrary identifier for an external image provided by the
/// application. It must be a unique identifier for each external
/// image.
struct ExternalImageId {
uint64_t _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ExternalImageId& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const ExternalImageId& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
struct WrWindowId {
uint64_t mHandle;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrWindowId& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "mHandle=" << aInstance.mHandle << " }";
bool operator==(const WrWindowId& aOther) const {
return mHandle == aOther.mHandle;
bool operator<(const WrWindowId& aOther) const {
return mHandle < aOther.mHandle;
bool operator<=(const WrWindowId& aOther) const {
return mHandle <= aOther.mHandle;
struct FramePublishId {
uint64_t _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FramePublishId& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const FramePublishId& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
static const FramePublishId INVALID;
/// An invalid sentinel FramePublishId, which will always compare less than
/// any valid FrameId.
constexpr inline const FramePublishId FramePublishId::INVALID = FramePublishId{ /* ._0 = */ 0 };
/// Flags to track why we are rendering.
struct RenderReasons {
uint32_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr RenderReasons operator~() const {
return RenderReasons { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr RenderReasons operator|(const RenderReasons& aOther) const {
return RenderReasons { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | aOther._0) };
RenderReasons& operator|=(const RenderReasons& aOther) {
*this = (*this | aOther);
return *this;
constexpr RenderReasons operator&(const RenderReasons& aOther) const {
return RenderReasons { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & aOther._0) };
RenderReasons& operator&=(const RenderReasons& aOther) {
*this = (*this & aOther);
return *this;
constexpr RenderReasons operator^(const RenderReasons& aOther) const {
return RenderReasons { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ aOther._0) };
RenderReasons& operator^=(const RenderReasons& aOther) {
*this = (*this ^ aOther);
return *this;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const RenderReasons& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const RenderReasons& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
static const RenderReasons NONE;
static const RenderReasons SCENE;
static const RenderReasons ANIMATED_PROPERTY;
static const RenderReasons RESOURCE_UPDATE;
static const RenderReasons ASYNC_IMAGE;
static const RenderReasons CLEAR_RESOURCES;
static const RenderReasons APZ;
static const RenderReasons RESIZE;
static const RenderReasons WIDGET;
static const RenderReasons TEXTURE_CACHE_FLUSH;
static const RenderReasons SNAPSHOT;
static const RenderReasons POST_RESOURCE_UPDATES_HOOK;
static const RenderReasons CONFIG_CHANGE;
static const RenderReasons CONTENT_SYNC;
static const RenderReasons FLUSH;
static const RenderReasons TESTING;
static const RenderReasons OTHER;
static const RenderReasons VSYNC;
static const RenderReasons SKIPPED_COMPOSITE;
static const RenderReasons START_OBSERVING_VSYNC;
static const RenderReasons ASYNC_IMAGE_COMPOSITE_UNTIL;
static const uint32_t NUM_BITS;
/// Equivalent of empty() for the C++ side.
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::NONE = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)0 };
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::SCENE = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 0) };
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::ANIMATED_PROPERTY = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 1) };
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::RESOURCE_UPDATE = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 2) };
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::ASYNC_IMAGE = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 3) };
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::CLEAR_RESOURCES = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 4) };
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::APZ = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 5) };
/// Window resize
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::RESIZE = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 6) };
/// Various widget-related reasons
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::WIDGET = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 7) };
/// See Frame::must_be_drawn
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::TEXTURE_CACHE_FLUSH = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 8) };
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::SNAPSHOT = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 9) };
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::POST_RESOURCE_UPDATES_HOOK = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 10) };
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::CONFIG_CHANGE = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 11) };
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::CONTENT_SYNC = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 12) };
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::FLUSH = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 13) };
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::TESTING = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 14) };
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::OTHER = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 15) };
/// Vsync isn't actually "why" we render but it can be useful
/// to see which frames were driven by the vsync scheduler so
/// we store a bit for it.
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::VSYNC = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 16) };
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::SKIPPED_COMPOSITE = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 17) };
/// Gecko does some special things when it starts observing vsync
/// so it can be useful to know what frames are associated with it.
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::START_OBSERVING_VSYNC = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 18) };
constexpr inline const RenderReasons RenderReasons::ASYNC_IMAGE_COMPOSITE_UNTIL = RenderReasons{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 19) };
constexpr inline const uint32_t RenderReasons::NUM_BITS = 17;
/// This type carries no valuable semantics for WR. However, it reflects the fact that
/// clients (Servo) may generate pipelines by different semi-independent sources.
/// These pipelines still belong to the same `IdNamespace` and the same `DocumentId`.
/// Having this extra Id field enables them to generate `PipelineId` without collision.
using PipelineSourceId = uint32_t;
/// From the point of view of WR, `PipelineId` is completely opaque and generic as long as
/// it's clonable, serializable, comparable, and hashable.
struct PipelineId {
PipelineSourceId mNamespace;
uint32_t mHandle;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const PipelineId& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "mNamespace=" << aInstance.mNamespace << ", "
<< "mHandle=" << aInstance.mHandle << " }";
bool operator==(const PipelineId& aOther) const {
return mNamespace == aOther.mNamespace &&
mHandle == aOther.mHandle;
static const PipelineId INVALID;
constexpr inline const PipelineId PipelineId::INVALID = PipelineId{ };
using WrPipelineId = PipelineId;
/// ID namespaces uniquely identify different users of WebRender's API.
/// For example in Gecko each content process uses a separate id namespace.
struct IdNamespace {
uint32_t mHandle;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const IdNamespace& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "mHandle=" << aInstance.mHandle << " }";
bool operator==(const IdNamespace& aOther) const {
return mHandle == aOther.mHandle;
bool operator!=(const IdNamespace& aOther) const {
return mHandle != aOther.mHandle;
bool operator<(const IdNamespace& aOther) const {
return mHandle < aOther.mHandle;
bool operator<=(const IdNamespace& aOther) const {
return mHandle <= aOther.mHandle;
/// A key uniquely identifying a WebRender document.
/// Instances can manage one or several documents (using the same render backend thread).
/// Each document will internally correspond to a single scene, and scenes are made of
/// one or several pipelines.
struct DocumentId {
IdNamespace mNamespace;
uint32_t mHandle;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const DocumentId& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "mNamespace=" << aInstance.mNamespace << ", "
<< "mHandle=" << aInstance.mHandle << " }";
bool operator==(const DocumentId& aOther) const {
return mNamespace == aOther.mNamespace &&
mHandle == aOther.mHandle;
static const DocumentId INVALID;
constexpr inline const DocumentId DocumentId::INVALID = DocumentId{ };
using WrDocumentId = DocumentId;
/// An epoch identifies the state of a pipeline in time.
/// This is mostly used as a synchronization mechanism to observe how/when particular pipeline
/// updates propagate through WebRender and are applied at various stages.
struct Epoch {
uint32_t mHandle;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Epoch& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "mHandle=" << aInstance.mHandle << " }";
bool operator==(const Epoch& aOther) const {
return mHandle == aOther.mHandle;
bool operator!=(const Epoch& aOther) const {
return mHandle != aOther.mHandle;
bool operator<(const Epoch& aOther) const {
return mHandle < aOther.mHandle;
bool operator<=(const Epoch& aOther) const {
return mHandle <= aOther.mHandle;
using WrEpoch = Epoch;
struct WrPipelineEpoch {
WrPipelineId pipeline_id;
WrDocumentId document_id;
WrEpoch epoch;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrPipelineEpoch& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "pipeline_id=" << aInstance.pipeline_id << ", "
<< "document_id=" << aInstance.document_id << ", "
<< "epoch=" << aInstance.epoch << " }";
bool operator==(const WrPipelineEpoch& aOther) const {
return pipeline_id == aOther.pipeline_id &&
document_id == aOther.document_id &&
epoch == aOther.epoch;
struct WrRemovedPipeline {
WrPipelineId pipeline_id;
WrDocumentId document_id;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrRemovedPipeline& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "pipeline_id=" << aInstance.pipeline_id << ", "
<< "document_id=" << aInstance.document_id << " }";
bool operator==(const WrRemovedPipeline& aOther) const {
return pipeline_id == aOther.pipeline_id &&
document_id == aOther.document_id;
struct WrPipelineInfo {
/// This contains an entry for each pipeline that was rendered, along with
/// the epoch at which it was rendered. Rendered pipelines include the root
/// pipeline and any other pipelines that were reachable via IFrame display
/// items from the root pipeline.
nsTArray<WrPipelineEpoch> epochs;
/// This contains an entry for each pipeline that was removed during the
/// last transaction. These pipelines would have been explicitly removed by
/// calling remove_pipeline on the transaction object; the pipeline showing
/// up in this array means that the data structures have been torn down on
/// the webrender side, and so any remaining data structures on the caller
/// side can now be torn down also.
nsTArray<WrRemovedPipeline> removed_pipelines;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrPipelineInfo& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "epochs=" << aInstance.epochs << ", "
<< "removed_pipelines=" << aInstance.removed_pipelines << " }";
bool operator==(const WrPipelineInfo& aOther) const {
return epochs == aOther.epochs &&
removed_pipelines == aOther.removed_pipelines;
/// Represents RGBA screen colors with floating point numbers.
/// All components must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
/// An alpha value of 1.0 is opaque while 0.0 is fully transparent.
struct ColorF {
float r;
float g;
float b;
float a;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ColorF& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "r=" << aInstance.r << ", "
<< "g=" << aInstance.g << ", "
<< "b=" << aInstance.b << ", "
<< "a=" << aInstance.a << " }";
bool operator==(const ColorF& aOther) const {
return r == aOther.r &&
g == aOther.g &&
b == aOther.b &&
a == aOther.a;
static const ColorF BLACK;
static const ColorF TRANSPARENT;
static const ColorF WHITE;
constexpr inline const ColorF ColorF::BLACK = ColorF{ /* .r = */ 0.0, /* .g = */ 0.0, /* .b = */ 0.0, /* .a = */ 1.0 };
constexpr inline const ColorF ColorF::TRANSPARENT = ColorF{ /* .r = */ 0.0, /* .g = */ 0.0, /* .b = */ 0.0, /* .a = */ 0.0 };
constexpr inline const ColorF ColorF::WHITE = ColorF{ /* .r = */ 1.0, /* .g = */ 1.0, /* .b = */ 1.0, /* .a = */ 1.0 };
struct WrExternalImageHandler {
void *external_image_obj;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrExternalImageHandler& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "external_image_obj=" << aInstance.external_image_obj << " }";
bool operator==(const WrExternalImageHandler& aOther) const {
return external_image_obj == aOther.external_image_obj;
/// Some basic statistics about the rendered scene, used in Gecko, as
/// well as in wrench reftests to ensure that tests are batching and/or
/// allocating on render targets as we expect them to.
struct RendererStats {
uintptr_t total_draw_calls;
uintptr_t alpha_target_count;
uintptr_t color_target_count;
double texture_upload_mb;
double resource_upload_time;
double gpu_cache_upload_time;
double gecko_display_list_time;
double wr_display_list_time;
double scene_build_time;
double frame_build_time;
bool full_display_list;
bool full_paint;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const RendererStats& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "total_draw_calls=" << aInstance.total_draw_calls << ", "
<< "alpha_target_count=" << aInstance.alpha_target_count << ", "
<< "color_target_count=" << aInstance.color_target_count << ", "
<< "texture_upload_mb=" << aInstance.texture_upload_mb << ", "
<< "resource_upload_time=" << aInstance.resource_upload_time << ", "
<< "gpu_cache_upload_time=" << aInstance.gpu_cache_upload_time << ", "
<< "gecko_display_list_time=" << aInstance.gecko_display_list_time << ", "
<< "wr_display_list_time=" << aInstance.wr_display_list_time << ", "
<< "scene_build_time=" << aInstance.scene_build_time << ", "
<< "frame_build_time=" << aInstance.frame_build_time << ", "
<< "full_display_list=" << aInstance.full_display_list << ", "
<< "full_paint=" << aInstance.full_paint << " }";
bool operator==(const RendererStats& aOther) const {
return total_draw_calls == aOther.total_draw_calls &&
alpha_target_count == aOther.alpha_target_count &&
color_target_count == aOther.color_target_count &&
texture_upload_mb == aOther.texture_upload_mb &&
resource_upload_time == aOther.resource_upload_time &&
gpu_cache_upload_time == aOther.gpu_cache_upload_time &&
gecko_display_list_time == aOther.gecko_display_list_time &&
wr_display_list_time == aOther.wr_display_list_time &&
scene_build_time == aOther.scene_build_time &&
frame_build_time == aOther.frame_build_time &&
full_display_list == aOther.full_display_list &&
full_paint == aOther.full_paint;
/// A 2d Point tagged with a unit.
template<typename T, typename U>
struct Point2D {
T x;
T y;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Point2D& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "x=" << aInstance.x << ", "
<< "y=" << aInstance.y << " }";
bool operator==(const Point2D& aOther) const {
return x == aOther.x &&
y == aOther.y;
/// A 2d axis aligned rectangle represented by its minimum and maximum coordinates.
/// # Representation
/// This struct is similar to [`Rect`], but stores rectangle as two endpoints
/// instead of origin point and size. Such representation has several advantages over
/// [`Rect`] representation:
/// - Several operations are more efficient with `Box2D`, including [`intersection`],
/// [`union`], and point-in-rect.
/// - The representation is less susceptible to overflow. With [`Rect`], computation
/// of second point can overflow for a large range of values of origin and size.
/// However, with `Box2D`, computation of [`size`] cannot overflow if the coordinates
/// are signed and the resulting size is unsigned.
/// A known disadvantage of `Box2D` is that translating the rectangle requires translating
/// both points, whereas translating [`Rect`] only requires translating one point.
/// # Empty box
/// A box is considered empty (see [`is_empty`]) if any of the following is true:
/// - it's area is empty,
/// - it's area is negative (`min.x > max.x` or `min.y > max.y`),
/// - it contains NaNs.
/// [`Rect`]: struct.Rect.html
/// [`intersection`]: #method.intersection
/// [`is_empty`]: #method.is_empty
/// [`union`]: #method.union
/// [`size`]: #method.size
template<typename T, typename U>
struct Box2D {
Point2D<T, U> min;
Point2D<T, U> max;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Box2D& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "min=" << aInstance.min << ", "
<< "max=" << aInstance.max << " }";
bool operator==(const Box2D& aOther) const {
return min == aOther.min &&
max == aOther.max;
inline T width() const { return max.x - min.x; }
inline T height() const { return max.y - min.y; }
using DeviceIntRect = Box2D<int32_t, DevicePixel>;
/// A handle to a recorded frame that was captured.
struct RecordedFrameHandle {
uintptr_t _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const RecordedFrameHandle& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const RecordedFrameHandle& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
/// A handle to a screenshot that is being asynchronously captured and scaled.
struct AsyncScreenshotHandle {
uintptr_t _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const AsyncScreenshotHandle& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const AsyncScreenshotHandle& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
/// Memory report for interning-related data structures.
struct InterningMemoryReport {
InternerSubReport interners;
InternerSubReport data_stores;
/// Collection of heap sizes, in bytes.
struct MemoryReport {
uintptr_t clip_stores;
uintptr_t gpu_cache_metadata;
uintptr_t gpu_cache_cpu_mirror;
uintptr_t hit_testers;
uintptr_t fonts;
uintptr_t weak_fonts;
uintptr_t images;
uintptr_t rasterized_blobs;
uintptr_t shader_cache;
InterningMemoryReport interning;
uintptr_t display_list;
uintptr_t upload_staging_memory;
uintptr_t swgl;
uintptr_t frame_allocator;
uintptr_t render_tasks;
uintptr_t gpu_cache_textures;
uintptr_t vertex_data_textures;
uintptr_t render_target_textures;
uintptr_t picture_tile_textures;
uintptr_t atlas_textures;
uintptr_t standalone_textures;
uintptr_t texture_cache_structures;
uintptr_t depth_target_textures;
uintptr_t texture_upload_pbos;
uintptr_t swap_chain;
uintptr_t render_texture_hosts;
uintptr_t upload_staging_textures;
/// An arbitrary identifier for a native (OS compositor) surface
struct NativeSurfaceId {
uint64_t _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const NativeSurfaceId& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const NativeSurfaceId& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
static const NativeSurfaceId DEBUG_OVERLAY;
/// A special id for the native surface that is used for debug / profiler overlays.
constexpr inline const NativeSurfaceId NativeSurfaceId::DEBUG_OVERLAY = NativeSurfaceId{ /* ._0 = */ UINT64_MAX };
using DeviceIntPoint = Point2D<int32_t, DevicePixel>;
/// A 2d size tagged with a unit.
template<typename T, typename U>
struct Size2D {
/// The extent of the element in the `U` units along the `x` axis (usually horizontal).
T width;
/// The extent of the element in the `U` units along the `y` axis (usually vertical).
T height;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Size2D& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "width=" << aInstance.width << ", "
<< "height=" << aInstance.height << " }";
bool operator==(const Size2D& aOther) const {
return width == aOther.width &&
height == aOther.height;
using DeviceIntSize = Size2D<int32_t, DevicePixel>;
struct NativeTileId {
NativeSurfaceId surface_id;
int32_t x;
int32_t y;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const NativeTileId& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "surface_id=" << aInstance.surface_id << ", "
<< "x=" << aInstance.x << ", "
<< "y=" << aInstance.y << " }";
bool operator==(const NativeTileId& aOther) const {
return surface_id == aOther.surface_id &&
x == aOther.x &&
y == aOther.y;
static const NativeTileId DEBUG_OVERLAY;
/// A special id for the native surface that is used for debug / profiler overlays.
constexpr inline const NativeTileId NativeTileId::DEBUG_OVERLAY = NativeTileId{ /* .surface_id = */ NativeSurfaceId::DEBUG_OVERLAY, /* .x = */ 0, /* .y = */ 0 };
/// A 2d Vector tagged with a unit.
template<typename T, typename U>
struct Vector2D {
/// The `x` (traditionally, horizontal) coordinate.
T x;
/// The `y` (traditionally, vertical) coordinate.
T y;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Vector2D& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "x=" << aInstance.x << ", "
<< "y=" << aInstance.y << " }";
bool operator==(const Vector2D& aOther) const {
return x == aOther.x &&
y == aOther.y;
struct ScaleOffset {
Vector2D<float, UnknownUnit> scale;
Vector2D<float, UnknownUnit> offset;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ScaleOffset& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "scale=" << aInstance.scale << ", "
<< "offset=" << aInstance.offset << " }";
bool operator==(const ScaleOffset& aOther) const {
return scale == aOther.scale &&
offset == aOther.offset;
/// The transform type to apply to Compositor surfaces.
using CompositorSurfaceTransform = ScaleOffset;
struct CompositorCapabilities {
/// The virtual surface size used by the underlying platform.
int32_t virtual_surface_size;
/// Whether the compositor requires redrawing on invalidation.
bool redraw_on_invalidation;
/// The maximum number of dirty rects that can be provided per compositor
/// surface update. If this is zero, the entire compositor surface for
/// a given tile will be drawn if it's dirty.
uintptr_t max_update_rects;
/// Whether or not this compositor will create surfaces for backdrops.
bool supports_surface_for_backdrop;
/// Whether external compositor surface supports negative scaling.
bool supports_external_compositor_surface_negative_scaling;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const CompositorCapabilities& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "virtual_surface_size=" << aInstance.virtual_surface_size << ", "
<< "redraw_on_invalidation=" << aInstance.redraw_on_invalidation << ", "
<< "max_update_rects=" << aInstance.max_update_rects << ", "
<< "supports_surface_for_backdrop=" << aInstance.supports_surface_for_backdrop << ", "
<< "supports_external_compositor_surface_negative_scaling=" << aInstance.supports_external_compositor_surface_negative_scaling << " }";
bool operator==(const CompositorCapabilities& aOther) const {
return virtual_surface_size == aOther.virtual_surface_size &&
redraw_on_invalidation == aOther.redraw_on_invalidation &&
max_update_rects == aOther.max_update_rects &&
supports_surface_for_backdrop == aOther.supports_surface_for_backdrop &&
supports_external_compositor_surface_negative_scaling == aOther.supports_external_compositor_surface_negative_scaling;
struct WindowVisibility {
bool is_fully_occluded;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WindowVisibility& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "is_fully_occluded=" << aInstance.is_fully_occluded << " }";
bool operator==(const WindowVisibility& aOther) const {
return is_fully_occluded == aOther.is_fully_occluded;
/// Descriptor for a locked surface that will be directly composited by SWGL.
struct SWGLCompositeSurfaceInfo {
/// The number of YUV planes in the surface. 0 indicates non-YUV BGRA.
/// 1 is interleaved YUV. 2 is NV12. 3 is planar YUV.
uint32_t yuv_planes;
/// Textures for planes of the surface, or 0 if not applicable.
uint32_t textures[3];
/// Color space of surface if using a YUV format.
YuvRangedColorSpace color_space;
/// Color depth of surface if using a YUV format.
ColorDepth color_depth;
/// The actual source surface size before transformation.
DeviceIntSize size;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SWGLCompositeSurfaceInfo& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "yuv_planes=" << aInstance.yuv_planes << ", "
<< "textures=" << aInstance.textures << ", "
<< "color_space=" << aInstance.color_space << ", "
<< "color_depth=" << aInstance.color_depth << ", "
<< "size=" << aInstance.size << " }";
/// A C function that takes a pointer to a heap allocation and returns its size.
/// This is borrowed from the malloc_size_of crate, upon which we want to avoid
/// a dependency from WebRender.
using VoidPtrToSizeFn = uintptr_t(*)(const void *ptr);
/// Flags to enable/disable various builtin debugging tools.
struct DebugFlags {
uint32_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr DebugFlags operator~() const {
return DebugFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr DebugFlags operator|(const DebugFlags& aOther) const {
return DebugFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | aOther._0) };
DebugFlags& operator|=(const DebugFlags& aOther) {
*this = (*this | aOther);
return *this;
constexpr DebugFlags operator&(const DebugFlags& aOther) const {
return DebugFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & aOther._0) };
DebugFlags& operator&=(const DebugFlags& aOther) {
*this = (*this & aOther);
return *this;
constexpr DebugFlags operator^(const DebugFlags& aOther) const {
return DebugFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ aOther._0) };
DebugFlags& operator^=(const DebugFlags& aOther) {
*this = (*this ^ aOther);
return *this;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const DebugFlags& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const DebugFlags& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
static const DebugFlags PROFILER_DBG;
static const DebugFlags RENDER_TARGET_DBG;
static const DebugFlags TEXTURE_CACHE_DBG;
static const DebugFlags GPU_TIME_QUERIES;
static const DebugFlags GPU_SAMPLE_QUERIES;
static const DebugFlags DISABLE_BATCHING;
static const DebugFlags EPOCHS;
static const DebugFlags ECHO_DRIVER_MESSAGES;
static const DebugFlags SHOW_OVERDRAW;
static const DebugFlags GPU_CACHE_DBG;
static const DebugFlags PICTURE_CACHING_DBG;
static const DebugFlags PRIMITIVE_DBG;
static const DebugFlags ZOOM_DBG;
static const DebugFlags SMALL_SCREEN;
static const DebugFlags DISABLE_OPAQUE_PASS;
static const DebugFlags DISABLE_ALPHA_PASS;
static const DebugFlags DISABLE_CLIP_MASKS;
static const DebugFlags DISABLE_TEXT_PRIMS;
static const DebugFlags DISABLE_GRADIENT_PRIMS;
static const DebugFlags OBSCURE_IMAGES;
static const DebugFlags GLYPH_FLASHING;
static const DebugFlags SMART_PROFILER;
static const DebugFlags INVALIDATION_DBG;
static const DebugFlags PROFILER_CAPTURE;
static const DebugFlags WINDOW_VISIBILITY_DBG;
static const DebugFlags RESTRICT_BLOB_SIZE;
static const DebugFlags SURFACE_PROMOTION_LOGGING;
static const DebugFlags PICTURE_BORDERS;
/// Display the frame profiler on screen.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::PROFILER_DBG = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 0) };
/// Display intermediate render targets on screen.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::RENDER_TARGET_DBG = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 1) };
/// Display all texture cache pages on screen.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::TEXTURE_CACHE_DBG = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 2) };
/// Display GPU timing results.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::GPU_TIME_QUERIES = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 3) };
/// Query the number of pixels that pass the depth test divided and show it
/// in the profiler as a percentage of the number of pixels in the screen
/// (window width times height).
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::GPU_SAMPLE_QUERIES = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 4) };
/// Render each quad with their own draw call.
/// Terrible for performance but can help with understanding the drawing
/// order when inspecting renderdoc or apitrace recordings.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::DISABLE_BATCHING = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 5) };
/// Display the pipeline epochs.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::EPOCHS = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 6) };
/// Print driver messages to stdout.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::ECHO_DRIVER_MESSAGES = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 7) };
/// Show an overlay displaying overdraw amount.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::SHOW_OVERDRAW = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 8) };
/// Display the contents of GPU cache.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::GPU_CACHE_DBG = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 9) };
/// Clear evicted parts of the texture cache for debugging purposes.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::TEXTURE_CACHE_DBG_CLEAR_EVICTED = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 10) };
/// Show picture caching debug overlay
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::PICTURE_CACHING_DBG = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 11) };
/// Highlight all primitives with colors based on kind.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::PRIMITIVE_DBG = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 12) };
/// Draw a zoom widget showing part of the framebuffer zoomed in.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::ZOOM_DBG = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 13) };
/// Scale the debug renderer down for a smaller screen. This will disrupt
/// any mapping between debug display items and page content, so shouldn't
/// be used with overlays like the picture caching or primitive display.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::SMALL_SCREEN = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 14) };
/// Disable various bits of the WebRender pipeline, to help narrow
/// down where slowness might be coming from.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::DISABLE_OPAQUE_PASS = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 15) };
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::DISABLE_ALPHA_PASS = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 16) };
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::DISABLE_CLIP_MASKS = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 17) };
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::DISABLE_TEXT_PRIMS = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 18) };
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::DISABLE_GRADIENT_PRIMS = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 19) };
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::OBSCURE_IMAGES = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 20) };
/// Taint the transparent area of the glyphs with a random opacity to easily
/// see when glyphs are re-rasterized.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::GLYPH_FLASHING = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 21) };
/// The profiler only displays information that is out of the ordinary.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::SMART_PROFILER = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 22) };
/// If set, dump picture cache invalidation debug to console.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::INVALIDATION_DBG = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 23) };
/// Collect and dump profiler statistics to captures.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::PROFILER_CAPTURE = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)((uint32_t)1 << 25) };
/// Invalidate picture tiles every frames (useful when inspecting GPU work in external tools).
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::FORCE_PICTURE_INVALIDATION = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)((uint32_t)1 << 26) };
/// Display window visibility on screen.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::WINDOW_VISIBILITY_DBG = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 27) };
/// Render large blobs with at a smaller size (incorrectly). This is a temporary workaround for
/// fuzzing.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::RESTRICT_BLOB_SIZE = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 28) };
/// Enable surface promotion logging.
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::SURFACE_PROMOTION_LOGGING = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 29) };
/// Show picture caching debug overlay
constexpr inline const DebugFlags DebugFlags::PICTURE_BORDERS = DebugFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 30) };
struct GeckoDisplayListType {
enum class Tag {
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Tag& aInstance) {
using Tag = GeckoDisplayListType::Tag;
switch (aInstance) {
case Tag::None: aStream << "None"; break;
case Tag::Partial: aStream << "Partial"; break;
case Tag::Full: aStream << "Full"; break;
case Tag::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const GeckoDisplayListType& aInstance) {
using Tag = GeckoDisplayListType::Tag;
switch (aInstance.tag) {
case Tag::None: aStream << "None"; break;
case Tag::Partial: aStream << "Partial" << aInstance.partial; break;
case Tag::Full: aStream << "Full" << aInstance.full; break;
case Tag::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
struct Partial_Body {
double _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Partial_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const Partial_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
struct Full_Body {
double _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Full_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const Full_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
Tag tag;
union {
Partial_Body partial;
Full_Body full;
static GeckoDisplayListType None() {
GeckoDisplayListType result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static GeckoDisplayListType Partial(const double &a0) {
GeckoDisplayListType result;
::new (&result.partial._0) (double)(a0);
result.tag = Tag::Partial;
return result;
bool IsPartial() const {
return tag == Tag::Partial;
static GeckoDisplayListType Full(const double &a0) {
GeckoDisplayListType result;
::new (&result.full._0) (double)(a0);
result.tag = Tag::Full;
return result;
bool IsFull() const {
return tag == Tag::Full;
static GeckoDisplayListType Sentinel() {
GeckoDisplayListType result;
result.tag = Tag::Sentinel;
return result;
bool IsSentinel() const {
return tag == Tag::Sentinel;
bool operator==(const GeckoDisplayListType& aOther) const {
if (tag != aOther.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Partial: return partial == aOther.partial;
case Tag::Full: return full == aOther.full;
default: break;
return true;
/// Describes the memory layout of a display list.
/// A display list consists of some number of display list items, followed by a number of display
/// items.
struct BuiltDisplayListDescriptor {
/// Gecko specific information about the display list.
GeckoDisplayListType gecko_display_list_type;
/// The first IPC time stamp: before any work has been done
uint64_t builder_start_time;
/// The second IPC time stamp: after serialization
uint64_t builder_finish_time;
/// The third IPC time stamp: just before sending
uint64_t send_start_time;
/// The amount of clipping nodes created while building this display list.
uintptr_t total_clip_nodes;
/// The amount of spatial nodes created while building this display list.
uintptr_t total_spatial_nodes;
/// The size of the cache for this display list.
uintptr_t cache_size;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const BuiltDisplayListDescriptor& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "gecko_display_list_type=" << aInstance.gecko_display_list_type << ", "
<< "builder_start_time=" << aInstance.builder_start_time << ", "
<< "builder_finish_time=" << aInstance.builder_finish_time << ", "
<< "send_start_time=" << aInstance.send_start_time << ", "
<< "total_clip_nodes=" << aInstance.total_clip_nodes << ", "
<< "total_spatial_nodes=" << aInstance.total_spatial_nodes << ", "
<< "cache_size=" << aInstance.cache_size << " }";
bool operator==(const BuiltDisplayListDescriptor& aOther) const {
return gecko_display_list_type == aOther.gecko_display_list_type &&
builder_start_time == aOther.builder_start_time &&
builder_finish_time == aOther.builder_finish_time &&
send_start_time == aOther.send_start_time &&
total_clip_nodes == aOther.total_clip_nodes &&
total_spatial_nodes == aOther.total_spatial_nodes &&
cache_size == aOther.cache_size;
template<typename T>
struct WrAnimationPropertyValue {
uint64_t id;
T value;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrAnimationPropertyValue& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "id=" << << ", "
<< "value=" << aInstance.value << " }";
using WrOpacityProperty = WrAnimationPropertyValue<float>;
/// A 3d transform stored as a column-major 4 by 4 matrix.
/// Transforms can be parametrized over the source and destination units, to describe a
/// transformation from a space to another.
/// For example, `Transform3D<f32, WorldSpace, ScreenSpace>::transform_point3d`
/// takes a `Point3D<f32, WorldSpace>` and returns a `Point3D<f32, ScreenSpace>`.
/// Transforms expose a set of convenience methods for pre- and post-transformations.
/// Pre-transformations (`pre_*` methods) correspond to adding an operation that is
/// applied before the rest of the transformation, while post-transformations (`then_*`
/// methods) add an operation that is applied after.
/// When translating Transform3D into general matrix representations, consider that the
/// representation follows the column major notation with column vectors.
/// ```text
/// |x'| | m11 m12 m13 m14 | |x|
/// |y'| | m21 m22 m23 m24 | |y|
/// |z'| = | m31 m32 m33 m34 | x |y|
/// |w | | m41 m42 m43 m44 | |1|
/// ```
/// The translation terms are m41, m42 and m43.
template<typename T, typename Src, typename Dst>
struct Transform3D {
T m11;
T m12;
T m13;
T m14;
T m21;
T m22;
T m23;
T m24;
T m31;
T m32;
T m33;
T m34;
T m41;
T m42;
T m43;
T m44;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Transform3D& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "m11=" << aInstance.m11 << ", "
<< "m12=" << aInstance.m12 << ", "
<< "m13=" << aInstance.m13 << ", "
<< "m14=" << aInstance.m14 << ", "
<< "m21=" << aInstance.m21 << ", "
<< "m22=" << aInstance.m22 << ", "
<< "m23=" << aInstance.m23 << ", "
<< "m24=" << aInstance.m24 << ", "
<< "m31=" << aInstance.m31 << ", "
<< "m32=" << aInstance.m32 << ", "
<< "m33=" << aInstance.m33 << ", "
<< "m34=" << aInstance.m34 << ", "
<< "m41=" << aInstance.m41 << ", "
<< "m42=" << aInstance.m42 << ", "
<< "m43=" << aInstance.m43 << ", "
<< "m44=" << aInstance.m44 << " }";
bool operator==(const Transform3D& aOther) const {
return m11 == aOther.m11 &&
m12 == aOther.m12 &&
m13 == aOther.m13 &&
m14 == aOther.m14 &&
m21 == aOther.m21 &&
m22 == aOther.m22 &&
m23 == aOther.m23 &&
m24 == aOther.m24 &&
m31 == aOther.m31 &&
m32 == aOther.m32 &&
m33 == aOther.m33 &&
m34 == aOther.m34 &&
m41 == aOther.m41 &&
m42 == aOther.m42 &&
m43 == aOther.m43 &&
m44 == aOther.m44;
using LayoutTransform = Transform3D<float, LayoutPixel, LayoutPixel>;
using WrTransformProperty = WrAnimationPropertyValue<LayoutTransform>;
using WrColorProperty = WrAnimationPropertyValue<ColorF>;
/// An external identifier that uniquely identifies a scroll frame independent of its ClipId, which
/// may change from frame to frame. This should be unique within a pipeline. WebRender makes no
/// attempt to ensure uniqueness. The zero value is reserved for use by the root scroll node of
/// every pipeline, which always has an external id.
/// When setting display lists with the `preserve_frame_state` this id is used to preserve scroll
/// offsets between different sets of SpatialNodes which are ScrollFrames.
struct ExternalScrollId {
uint64_t _0;
PipelineId _1;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ExternalScrollId& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << ", "
<< "_1=" << aInstance._1 << " }";
bool operator==(const ExternalScrollId& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0 &&
_1 == aOther._1;
using LayoutVector2D = Vector2D<float, LayoutPixel>;
using APZScrollGeneration = uint64_t;
struct SampledScrollOffset {
LayoutVector2D offset;
APZScrollGeneration generation;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SampledScrollOffset& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "offset=" << aInstance.offset << ", "
<< "generation=" << aInstance.generation << " }";
bool operator==(const SampledScrollOffset& aOther) const {
return offset == aOther.offset &&
generation == aOther.generation;
using LayoutRect = Box2D<float, LayoutPixel>;
struct MinimapData {
bool is_root_content;
LayoutRect visual_viewport;
LayoutRect layout_viewport;
LayoutRect scrollable_rect;
LayoutRect displayport;
LayoutTransform zoom_transform;
PipelineId root_content_pipeline_id;
uint64_t root_content_scroll_id;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const MinimapData& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "is_root_content=" << aInstance.is_root_content << ", "
<< "visual_viewport=" << aInstance.visual_viewport << ", "
<< "layout_viewport=" << aInstance.layout_viewport << ", "
<< "scrollable_rect=" << aInstance.scrollable_rect << ", "
<< "displayport=" << aInstance.displayport << ", "
<< "zoom_transform=" << aInstance.zoom_transform << ", "
<< "root_content_pipeline_id=" << aInstance.root_content_pipeline_id << ", "
<< "root_content_scroll_id=" << aInstance.root_content_scroll_id << " }";
bool operator==(const MinimapData& aOther) const {
return is_root_content == aOther.is_root_content &&
visual_viewport == aOther.visual_viewport &&
layout_viewport == aOther.layout_viewport &&
scrollable_rect == aOther.scrollable_rect &&
displayport == aOther.displayport &&
zoom_transform == aOther.zoom_transform &&
root_content_pipeline_id == aOther.root_content_pipeline_id &&
root_content_scroll_id == aOther.root_content_scroll_id;
/// An opaque identifier describing an image registered with WebRender.
/// This is used as a handle to reference images, and is used as the
/// hash map key for the actual image storage in the `ResourceCache`.
struct ImageKey {
IdNamespace mNamespace;
uint32_t mHandle;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ImageKey& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "mNamespace=" << aInstance.mNamespace << ", "
<< "mHandle=" << aInstance.mHandle << " }";
bool operator==(const ImageKey& aOther) const {
return mNamespace == aOther.mNamespace &&
mHandle == aOther.mHandle;
bool operator!=(const ImageKey& aOther) const {
return mNamespace != aOther.mNamespace ||
mHandle != aOther.mHandle;
static const ImageKey DUMMY;
using WrImageKey = ImageKey;
struct WrImageDescriptor {
ImageFormat format;
int32_t width;
int32_t height;
int32_t stride;
OpacityType opacity;
bool prefer_compositor_surface;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrImageDescriptor& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "format=" << aInstance.format << ", "
<< "width=" << aInstance.width << ", "
<< "height=" << aInstance.height << ", "
<< "stride=" << aInstance.stride << ", "
<< "opacity=" << aInstance.opacity << ", "
<< "prefer_compositor_surface=" << aInstance.prefer_compositor_surface << " }";
bool operator==(const WrImageDescriptor& aOther) const {
return format == aOther.format &&
width == aOther.width &&
height == aOther.height &&
stride == aOther.stride &&
opacity == aOther.opacity &&
prefer_compositor_surface == aOther.prefer_compositor_surface;
/// An opaque identifier describing a blob image registered with WebRender.
/// This is used as a handle to reference blob images, and can be used as an
/// image in display items.
struct BlobImageKey {
ImageKey _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const BlobImageKey& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const BlobImageKey& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
/// Storage format identifier for externally-managed images.
union ExternalImageType {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// The image is texture-backed.
/// The image is heap-allocated by the embedding.
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Tag& aInstance) {
using Tag = ExternalImageType::Tag;
switch (aInstance) {
case Tag::TextureHandle: aStream << "TextureHandle"; break;
case Tag::Buffer: aStream << "Buffer"; break;
case Tag::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ExternalImageType& aInstance) {
using Tag = ExternalImageType::Tag;
switch (aInstance.tag) {
case Tag::TextureHandle: aStream << aInstance.texture_handle; break;
case Tag::Buffer: aStream << "Buffer"; break;
case Tag::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
struct TextureHandle_Body {
Tag tag;
ImageBufferKind _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const TextureHandle_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "tag=" << aInstance.tag << ", "
<< "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const TextureHandle_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
struct {
Tag tag;
TextureHandle_Body texture_handle;
static ExternalImageType TextureHandle(const ImageBufferKind &a0) {
ExternalImageType result;
::new (&result.texture_handle._0) (ImageBufferKind)(a0);
result.tag = Tag::TextureHandle;
return result;
bool IsTextureHandle() const {
return tag == Tag::TextureHandle;
static ExternalImageType Buffer() {
ExternalImageType result;
result.tag = Tag::Buffer;
return result;
bool IsBuffer() const {
return tag == Tag::Buffer;
static ExternalImageType Sentinel() {
ExternalImageType result;
result.tag = Tag::Sentinel;
return result;
bool IsSentinel() const {
return tag == Tag::Sentinel;
bool operator==(const ExternalImageType& aOther) const {
if (tag != aOther.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::TextureHandle: return texture_handle == aOther.texture_handle;
default: break;
return true;
using LayoutIntRect = Box2D<int32_t, LayoutPixel>;
/// An opaque identifier describing a snapshot image registered with WebRender.
/// This is used as a handle to reference snapshot images, and can be used as an
/// image in display items.
struct SnapshotImageKey {
ImageKey _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SnapshotImageKey& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const SnapshotImageKey& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
struct FontKey {
IdNamespace mNamespace;
uint32_t mHandle;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FontKey& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "mNamespace=" << aInstance.mNamespace << ", "
<< "mHandle=" << aInstance.mHandle << " }";
bool operator==(const FontKey& aOther) const {
return mNamespace == aOther.mNamespace &&
mHandle == aOther.mHandle;
using WrFontKey = FontKey;
struct FontInstanceKey {
IdNamespace mNamespace;
uint32_t mHandle;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FontInstanceKey& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "mNamespace=" << aInstance.mNamespace << ", "
<< "mHandle=" << aInstance.mHandle << " }";
bool operator==(const FontInstanceKey& aOther) const {
return mNamespace == aOther.mNamespace &&
mHandle == aOther.mHandle;
using WrFontInstanceKey = FontInstanceKey;
struct FontInstanceFlags {
uint32_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr FontInstanceFlags operator~() const {
return FontInstanceFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr FontInstanceFlags operator|(const FontInstanceFlags& aOther) const {
return FontInstanceFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | aOther._0) };
FontInstanceFlags& operator|=(const FontInstanceFlags& aOther) {
*this = (*this | aOther);
return *this;
constexpr FontInstanceFlags operator&(const FontInstanceFlags& aOther) const {
return FontInstanceFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & aOther._0) };
FontInstanceFlags& operator&=(const FontInstanceFlags& aOther) {
*this = (*this & aOther);
return *this;
constexpr FontInstanceFlags operator^(const FontInstanceFlags& aOther) const {
return FontInstanceFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ aOther._0) };
FontInstanceFlags& operator^=(const FontInstanceFlags& aOther) {
*this = (*this ^ aOther);
return *this;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FontInstanceFlags& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const FontInstanceFlags& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
static const FontInstanceFlags SYNTHETIC_BOLD;
static const FontInstanceFlags EMBEDDED_BITMAPS;
static const FontInstanceFlags SUBPIXEL_BGR;
static const FontInstanceFlags TRANSPOSE;
static const FontInstanceFlags FLIP_X;
static const FontInstanceFlags FLIP_Y;
static const FontInstanceFlags SUBPIXEL_POSITION;
static const FontInstanceFlags VERTICAL;
static const FontInstanceFlags MULTISTRIKE_BOLD;
static const FontInstanceFlags TRANSFORM_GLYPHS;
static const FontInstanceFlags TEXTURE_PADDING;
static const FontInstanceFlags FORCE_GDI;
static const FontInstanceFlags FORCE_SYMMETRIC;
static const FontInstanceFlags NO_SYMMETRIC;
static const FontInstanceFlags FONT_SMOOTHING;
static const FontInstanceFlags FORCE_AUTOHINT;
static const FontInstanceFlags NO_AUTOHINT;
static const FontInstanceFlags VERTICAL_LAYOUT;
static const FontInstanceFlags LCD_VERTICAL;
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::SYNTHETIC_BOLD = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 1) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::EMBEDDED_BITMAPS = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 2) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::SUBPIXEL_BGR = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 3) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::TRANSPOSE = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 4) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::FLIP_X = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 5) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::FLIP_Y = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 6) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::SUBPIXEL_POSITION = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 7) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::VERTICAL = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 8) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::MULTISTRIKE_BOLD = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 9) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::TRANSFORM_GLYPHS = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 12) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::TEXTURE_PADDING = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 13) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::FORCE_GDI = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 16) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::FORCE_SYMMETRIC = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 17) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::NO_SYMMETRIC = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 18) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::FONT_SMOOTHING = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 16) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::FORCE_AUTOHINT = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 16) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::NO_AUTOHINT = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 17) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::VERTICAL_LAYOUT = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 18) };
constexpr inline const FontInstanceFlags FontInstanceFlags::LCD_VERTICAL = FontInstanceFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint32_t)(1 << 19) };
struct SyntheticItalics {
int16_t angle;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SyntheticItalics& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "angle=" << aInstance.angle << " }";
bool operator==(const SyntheticItalics& aOther) const {
return angle == aOther.angle;
static const float ANGLE_SCALE;
constexpr inline const float SyntheticItalics::ANGLE_SCALE = 256.0;
struct FontInstanceOptions {
FontInstanceFlags flags;
SyntheticItalics synthetic_italics;
FontRenderMode render_mode;
uint8_t _padding;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FontInstanceOptions& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "flags=" << aInstance.flags << ", "
<< "synthetic_italics=" << aInstance.synthetic_italics << ", "
<< "render_mode=" << aInstance.render_mode << ", "
<< "_padding=" << aInstance._padding << " }";
bool operator==(const FontInstanceOptions& aOther) const {
return flags == aOther.flags &&
synthetic_italics == aOther.synthetic_italics &&
render_mode == aOther.render_mode &&
_padding == aOther._padding;
#if defined(XP_WIN)
struct FontInstancePlatformOptions {
uint16_t gamma;
uint8_t contrast;
uint8_t cleartype_level;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FontInstancePlatformOptions& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "gamma=" << aInstance.gamma << ", "
<< "contrast=" << aInstance.contrast << ", "
<< "cleartype_level=" << aInstance.cleartype_level << " }";
bool operator==(const FontInstancePlatformOptions& aOther) const {
return gamma == aOther.gamma &&
contrast == aOther.contrast &&
cleartype_level == aOther.cleartype_level;
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
struct FontInstancePlatformOptions {
uint32_t unused;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FontInstancePlatformOptions& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "unused=" << aInstance.unused << " }";
bool operator==(const FontInstancePlatformOptions& aOther) const {
return unused == aOther.unused;
#if !(defined(XP_MACOSX) || defined(XP_WIN))
struct FontInstancePlatformOptions {
FontLCDFilter lcd_filter;
FontHinting hinting;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FontInstancePlatformOptions& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "lcd_filter=" << aInstance.lcd_filter << ", "
<< "hinting=" << aInstance.hinting << " }";
bool operator==(const FontInstancePlatformOptions& aOther) const {
return lcd_filter == aOther.lcd_filter &&
hinting == aOther.hinting;
using WrIdNamespace = IdNamespace;
struct WrSpatialId {
uintptr_t id;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrSpatialId& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "id=" << << " }";
bool operator==(const WrSpatialId& aOther) const {
return id ==;
struct WrStackingContextClip {
enum class Tag {
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Tag& aInstance) {
using Tag = WrStackingContextClip::Tag;
switch (aInstance) {
case Tag::None: aStream << "None"; break;
case Tag::ClipChain: aStream << "ClipChain"; break;
case Tag::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrStackingContextClip& aInstance) {
using Tag = WrStackingContextClip::Tag;
switch (aInstance.tag) {
case Tag::None: aStream << "None"; break;
case Tag::ClipChain: aStream << "ClipChain" << aInstance.clip_chain; break;
case Tag::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
struct ClipChain_Body {
uint64_t _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ClipChain_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const ClipChain_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
Tag tag;
union {
ClipChain_Body clip_chain;
static WrStackingContextClip None() {
WrStackingContextClip result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static WrStackingContextClip ClipChain(const uint64_t &a0) {
WrStackingContextClip result;
::new (&result.clip_chain._0) (uint64_t)(a0);
result.tag = Tag::ClipChain;
return result;
bool IsClipChain() const {
return tag == Tag::ClipChain;
static WrStackingContextClip Sentinel() {
WrStackingContextClip result;
result.tag = Tag::Sentinel;
return result;
bool IsSentinel() const {
return tag == Tag::Sentinel;
bool operator==(const WrStackingContextClip& aOther) const {
if (tag != aOther.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::ClipChain: return clip_chain == aOther.clip_chain;
default: break;
return true;
/// Defines a caller provided key that is unique for a given spatial node, and is stable across
/// display lists. WR uses this to determine which spatial nodes are added / removed for a new
/// display list. The content itself is arbitrary and opaque to WR, the only thing that matters
/// is that it's unique and stable between display lists.
struct SpatialTreeItemKey {
uint64_t key0;
uint64_t key1;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SpatialTreeItemKey& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "key0=" << aInstance.key0 << ", "
<< "key1=" << aInstance.key1 << " }";
bool operator==(const SpatialTreeItemKey& aOther) const {
return key0 == aOther.key0 &&
key1 == aOther.key1;
struct WrAnimationProperty {
WrAnimationType effect_type;
uint64_t id;
SpatialTreeItemKey key;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrAnimationProperty& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "effect_type=" << aInstance.effect_type << ", "
<< "id=" << << ", "
<< "key=" << aInstance.key << " }";
bool operator==(const WrAnimationProperty& aOther) const {
return effect_type == aOther.effect_type &&
id == &&
key == aOther.key;
using LayoutSize = Size2D<float, LayoutPixel>;
struct WrComputedTransformData {
LayoutSize scale_from;
bool vertical_flip;
WrRotation rotation;
SpatialTreeItemKey key;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrComputedTransformData& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "scale_from=" << aInstance.scale_from << ", "
<< "vertical_flip=" << aInstance.vertical_flip << ", "
<< "rotation=" << aInstance.rotation << ", "
<< "key=" << aInstance.key << " }";
bool operator==(const WrComputedTransformData& aOther) const {
return scale_from == aOther.scale_from &&
vertical_flip == aOther.vertical_flip &&
rotation == aOther.rotation &&
key == aOther.key;
struct PrimitiveFlags {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr PrimitiveFlags operator~() const {
return PrimitiveFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr PrimitiveFlags operator|(const PrimitiveFlags& aOther) const {
return PrimitiveFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | aOther._0) };
PrimitiveFlags& operator|=(const PrimitiveFlags& aOther) {
*this = (*this | aOther);
return *this;
constexpr PrimitiveFlags operator&(const PrimitiveFlags& aOther) const {
return PrimitiveFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & aOther._0) };
PrimitiveFlags& operator&=(const PrimitiveFlags& aOther) {
*this = (*this & aOther);
return *this;
constexpr PrimitiveFlags operator^(const PrimitiveFlags& aOther) const {
return PrimitiveFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ aOther._0) };
PrimitiveFlags& operator^=(const PrimitiveFlags& aOther) {
*this = (*this ^ aOther);
return *this;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const PrimitiveFlags& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const PrimitiveFlags& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
static const PrimitiveFlags IS_BACKFACE_VISIBLE;
static const PrimitiveFlags IS_SCROLLBAR_CONTAINER;
static const PrimitiveFlags PREFER_COMPOSITOR_SURFACE;
static const PrimitiveFlags ANTIALISED;
static const PrimitiveFlags CHECKERBOARD_BACKGROUND;
/// The CSS backface-visibility property (yes, it can be really granular)
constexpr inline const PrimitiveFlags PrimitiveFlags::IS_BACKFACE_VISIBLE = PrimitiveFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// If set, this primitive represents a scroll bar container
constexpr inline const PrimitiveFlags PrimitiveFlags::IS_SCROLLBAR_CONTAINER = PrimitiveFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// This is used as a performance hint - this primitive may be promoted to a native
/// compositor surface under certain (implementation specific) conditions. This
/// is typically used for large videos, and canvas elements.
constexpr inline const PrimitiveFlags PrimitiveFlags::PREFER_COMPOSITOR_SURFACE = PrimitiveFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 2) };
/// If set, this primitive can be passed directly to the compositor via its
/// ExternalImageId, and the compositor will use the native image directly.
/// Used as a further extension on top of PREFER_COMPOSITOR_SURFACE.
constexpr inline const PrimitiveFlags PrimitiveFlags::SUPPORTS_EXTERNAL_COMPOSITOR_SURFACE = PrimitiveFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 3) };
/// This flags disables snapping and forces anti-aliasing even if the primitive is axis-aligned.
constexpr inline const PrimitiveFlags PrimitiveFlags::ANTIALISED = PrimitiveFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 4) };
/// If true, this primitive is used as a background for checkerboarding
constexpr inline const PrimitiveFlags PrimitiveFlags::CHECKERBOARD_BACKGROUND = PrimitiveFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 5) };
struct StackingContextFlags {
uint8_t _0;
constexpr explicit operator bool() const {
return !!_0;
constexpr StackingContextFlags operator~() const {
return StackingContextFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(~_0) };
constexpr StackingContextFlags operator|(const StackingContextFlags& aOther) const {
return StackingContextFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 | aOther._0) };
StackingContextFlags& operator|=(const StackingContextFlags& aOther) {
*this = (*this | aOther);
return *this;
constexpr StackingContextFlags operator&(const StackingContextFlags& aOther) const {
return StackingContextFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 & aOther._0) };
StackingContextFlags& operator&=(const StackingContextFlags& aOther) {
*this = (*this & aOther);
return *this;
constexpr StackingContextFlags operator^(const StackingContextFlags& aOther) const {
return StackingContextFlags { static_cast<decltype(_0)>(this->_0 ^ aOther._0) };
StackingContextFlags& operator^=(const StackingContextFlags& aOther) {
*this = (*this ^ aOther);
return *this;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const StackingContextFlags& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const StackingContextFlags& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
static const StackingContextFlags IS_BLEND_CONTAINER;
static const StackingContextFlags WRAPS_BACKDROP_FILTER;
/// If true, this stacking context is a blend container than contains
/// mix-blend-mode children (and should thus be isolated).
constexpr inline const StackingContextFlags StackingContextFlags::IS_BLEND_CONTAINER = StackingContextFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 0) };
/// If true, this stacking context is a wrapper around a backdrop-filter (e.g. for
/// a clip-mask). This is needed to allow the correct selection of a backdrop root
/// since a clip-mask stacking context creates a parent surface.
constexpr inline const StackingContextFlags StackingContextFlags::WRAPS_BACKDROP_FILTER = StackingContextFlags{ /* ._0 = */ (uint8_t)(1 << 1) };
/// IMPORTANT: If you add fields to this struct, you need to also add initializers
/// for those fields in WebRenderAPI.h.
struct WrStackingContextParams {
WrStackingContextClip clip;
const WrAnimationProperty *animation;
const float *opacity;
const WrComputedTransformData *computed_transform;
TransformStyle transform_style;
WrReferenceFrameKind reference_frame_kind;
bool is_2d_scale_translation;
bool should_snap;
bool paired_with_perspective;
const uint64_t *scrolling_relative_to;
PrimitiveFlags prim_flags;
MixBlendMode mix_blend_mode;
StackingContextFlags flags;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrStackingContextParams& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "clip=" << aInstance.clip << ", "
<< "animation=" << aInstance.animation << ", "
<< "opacity=" << aInstance.opacity << ", "
<< "computed_transform=" << aInstance.computed_transform << ", "
<< "transform_style=" << aInstance.transform_style << ", "
<< "reference_frame_kind=" << aInstance.reference_frame_kind << ", "
<< "is_2d_scale_translation=" << aInstance.is_2d_scale_translation << ", "
<< "should_snap=" << aInstance.should_snap << ", "
<< "paired_with_perspective=" << aInstance.paired_with_perspective << ", "
<< "scrolling_relative_to=" << aInstance.scrolling_relative_to << ", "
<< "prim_flags=" << aInstance.prim_flags << ", "
<< "mix_blend_mode=" << aInstance.mix_blend_mode << ", "
<< "flags=" << aInstance.flags << " }";
bool operator==(const WrStackingContextParams& aOther) const {
return clip == aOther.clip &&
animation == aOther.animation &&
opacity == aOther.opacity &&
computed_transform == aOther.computed_transform &&
transform_style == aOther.transform_style &&
reference_frame_kind == aOther.reference_frame_kind &&
is_2d_scale_translation == aOther.is_2d_scale_translation &&
should_snap == aOther.should_snap &&
paired_with_perspective == aOther.paired_with_perspective &&
scrolling_relative_to == aOther.scrolling_relative_to &&
prim_flags == aOther.prim_flags &&
mix_blend_mode == aOther.mix_blend_mode &&
flags == aOther.flags;
struct WrTransformInfo {
LayoutTransform transform;
SpatialTreeItemKey key;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrTransformInfo& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "transform=" << aInstance.transform << ", "
<< "key=" << aInstance.key << " }";
bool operator==(const WrTransformInfo& aOther) const {
return transform == aOther.transform &&
key == aOther.key;
/// A key to identify an animated property binding.
struct PropertyBindingId {
IdNamespace namespace_;
uint32_t uid;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const PropertyBindingId& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "namespace_=" << aInstance.namespace_ << ", "
<< "uid=" << aInstance.uid << " }";
bool operator==(const PropertyBindingId& aOther) const {
return namespace_ == aOther.namespace_ &&
uid == aOther.uid;
/// A unique key that is used for connecting animated property
/// values to bindings in the display list.
template<typename T>
struct PropertyBindingKey {
PropertyBindingId id;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const PropertyBindingKey& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "id=" << << " }";
bool operator==(const PropertyBindingKey& aOther) const {
return id ==;
/// A binding property can either be a specific value
/// (the normal, non-animated case) or point to a binding location
/// to fetch the current value from.
/// Note that Binding has also a non-animated value, the value is
/// used for the case where the animation is still in-delay phase
/// (i.e. the animation doesn't produce any animation values).
template<typename T>
struct PropertyBinding {
enum class Tag {
/// Non-animated value.
/// Animated binding.
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Tag& aInstance) {
using Tag = PropertyBinding::Tag;
switch (aInstance) {
case Tag::Value: aStream << "Value"; break;
case Tag::Binding: aStream << "Binding"; break;
case Tag::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const PropertyBinding& aInstance) {
using Tag = PropertyBinding::Tag;
switch (aInstance.tag) {
case Tag::Value: aStream << "Value" << aInstance.value; break;
case Tag::Binding: aStream << "Binding" << aInstance.binding; break;
case Tag::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
struct Value_Body {
T _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Value_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const Value_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
struct Binding_Body {
PropertyBindingKey<T> _0;
T _1;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Binding_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << ", "
<< "_1=" << aInstance._1 << " }";
bool operator==(const Binding_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0 &&
_1 == aOther._1;
Tag tag;
union {
Value_Body value;
Binding_Body binding;
static PropertyBinding Value(const T &a0) {
PropertyBinding result;
::new (&result.value._0) (T)(a0);
result.tag = Tag::Value;
return result;
bool IsValue() const {
return tag == Tag::Value;
static PropertyBinding Binding(const PropertyBindingKey<T> &a0,
const T &a1) {
PropertyBinding result;
::new (&result.binding._0) (PropertyBindingKey<T>)(a0);
::new (&result.binding._1) (T)(a1);
result.tag = Tag::Binding;
return result;
bool IsBinding() const {
return tag == Tag::Binding;
static PropertyBinding Sentinel() {
PropertyBinding result;
result.tag = Tag::Sentinel;
return result;
bool IsSentinel() const {
return tag == Tag::Sentinel;
bool operator==(const PropertyBinding& aOther) const {
if (tag != aOther.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Value: return value == aOther.value;
case Tag::Binding: return binding == aOther.binding;
default: break;
return true;
struct Shadow {
LayoutVector2D offset;
ColorF color;
float blur_radius;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Shadow& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "offset=" << aInstance.offset << ", "
<< "color=" << aInstance.color << ", "
<< "blur_radius=" << aInstance.blur_radius << " }";
bool operator==(const Shadow& aOther) const {
return offset == aOther.offset &&
color == aOther.color &&
blur_radius == aOther.blur_radius;
struct FilterOpGraphPictureBufferId {
enum class Tag {
/// empty slot in feMerge inputs
/// reference to another (earlier) node in filter graph
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Tag& aInstance) {
using Tag = FilterOpGraphPictureBufferId::Tag;
switch (aInstance) {
case Tag::None: aStream << "None"; break;
case Tag::BufferId: aStream << "BufferId"; break;
case Tag::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FilterOpGraphPictureBufferId& aInstance) {
using Tag = FilterOpGraphPictureBufferId::Tag;
switch (aInstance.tag) {
case Tag::None: aStream << "None"; break;
case Tag::BufferId: aStream << "BufferId" << aInstance.buffer_id; break;
case Tag::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
struct BufferId_Body {
int16_t _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const BufferId_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const BufferId_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
Tag tag;
union {
BufferId_Body buffer_id;
static FilterOpGraphPictureBufferId None() {
FilterOpGraphPictureBufferId result;
result.tag = Tag::None;
return result;
bool IsNone() const {
return tag == Tag::None;
static FilterOpGraphPictureBufferId BufferId(const int16_t &a0) {
FilterOpGraphPictureBufferId result;
::new (&result.buffer_id._0) (int16_t)(a0);
result.tag = Tag::BufferId;
return result;
bool IsBufferId() const {
return tag == Tag::BufferId;
static FilterOpGraphPictureBufferId Sentinel() {
FilterOpGraphPictureBufferId result;
result.tag = Tag::Sentinel;
return result;
bool IsSentinel() const {
return tag == Tag::Sentinel;
bool operator==(const FilterOpGraphPictureBufferId& aOther) const {
if (tag != aOther.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::BufferId: return buffer_id == aOther.buffer_id;
default: break;
return true;
struct FilterOpGraphPictureReference {
/// Id of the picture in question in a namespace unique to this filter DAG
FilterOpGraphPictureBufferId buffer_id;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FilterOpGraphPictureReference& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "buffer_id=" << aInstance.buffer_id << " }";
bool operator==(const FilterOpGraphPictureReference& aOther) const {
return buffer_id == aOther.buffer_id;
struct FilterOpGraphNode {
/// True if color_interpolation_filter == LinearRgb; shader will convert
/// sRGB texture pixel colors on load and convert back on store, for correct
/// interpolation
bool linear;
/// virtualized picture input binding 1 (i.e. texture source), typically
/// this is used, but certain filters do not use it
FilterOpGraphPictureReference input;
/// virtualized picture input binding 2 (i.e. texture sources), only certain
/// filters use this
FilterOpGraphPictureReference input2;
/// rect this node will render into, in filter space
LayoutRect subregion;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FilterOpGraphNode& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "linear=" << aInstance.linear << ", "
<< "input=" << aInstance.input << ", "
<< "input2=" << aInstance.input2 << ", "
<< "subregion=" << aInstance.subregion << " }";
bool operator==(const FilterOpGraphNode& aOther) const {
return linear == aOther.linear &&
input == aOther.input &&
input2 == aOther.input2 &&
subregion == aOther.subregion;
struct FilterOp {
enum class Tag {
/// Filter that does no transformation of the colors, needed for
/// debug purposes, and is the default value in impl_default_for_enums.
/// parameters: none
/// CSS filter semantics - operates on previous picture, uses sRGB space (non-linear)
/// apply blur effect
/// parameters: stdDeviationX, stdDeviationY
/// CSS filter semantics - operates on previous picture, uses sRGB space (non-linear)
/// apply brightness effect
/// parameters: amount
/// CSS filter semantics - operates on previous picture, uses sRGB space (non-linear)
/// apply contrast effect
/// parameters: amount
/// CSS filter semantics - operates on previous picture, uses sRGB space (non-linear)
/// fade image toward greyscale version of image
/// parameters: amount
/// CSS filter semantics - operates on previous picture, uses sRGB space (non-linear)
/// fade image toward hue-rotated version of image (rotate RGB around color wheel)
/// parameters: angle
/// CSS filter semantics - operates on previous picture, uses sRGB space (non-linear)
/// fade image toward inverted image (1 - RGB)
/// parameters: amount
/// CSS filter semantics - operates on previous picture, uses sRGB space (non-linear)
/// multiplies color and alpha by opacity
/// parameters: amount
/// CSS filter semantics - operates on previous picture, uses sRGB space (non-linear)
/// multiply saturation of colors
/// parameters: amount
/// CSS filter semantics - operates on previous picture, uses sRGB space (non-linear)
/// fade image toward sepia tone version of image
/// parameters: amount
/// CSS filter semantics - operates on previous picture, uses sRGB space (non-linear)
/// add drop shadow version of image to the image
/// parameters: shadow
/// CSS filter semantics - operates on previous picture, uses sRGB space (non-linear)
/// transform color and alpha in image through 4x5 color matrix (transposed for efficiency)
/// parameters: matrix[5][4]
/// CSS filter semantics - operates on previous picture, uses sRGB space (non-linear)
/// internal use - convert sRGB input to linear output
/// parameters: none
/// CSS filter semantics - operates on previous picture, uses sRGB space (non-linear)
/// internal use - convert linear input to sRGB output
/// parameters: none
/// CSS filter semantics - operates on previous picture, uses sRGB space (non-linear)
/// remap RGBA with color gradients and component swizzle
/// parameters: FilterData
/// CSS filter semantics - operates on previous picture, uses sRGB space (non-linear)
/// replace image with a solid color
/// NOTE: UNUSED; Gecko never produces this filter
/// parameters: color
/// CSS filter semantics - operates on previous picture,uses sRGB space (non-linear)
/// Filter that copies the SourceGraphic image into the specified subregion,
/// This is intentionally the only way to get SourceGraphic into the graph,
/// as the filter region must be applied before it is used.
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - no inputs, no linear
/// Filter that copies the SourceAlpha image into the specified subregion,
/// This is intentionally the only way to get SourceGraphic into the graph,
/// as the filter region must be applied before it is used.
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - no inputs, no linear
/// Filter that does no transformation of the colors, used for subregion
/// cropping only.
/// represents CSS opacity property as a graph node like the rest of the SVGFE* filters
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// convert a color image to an alpha channel - internal use; generated by
/// SVGFilterInstance::GetOrCreateSourceAlphaIndex().
/// combine 2 images with SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_DARKEN
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// combine 2 images with SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// combine 2 images with SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// combine 2 images with SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_NORMAL
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// combine 2 images with SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_SCREEN
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// combine 2 images with SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_OVERLAY
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// combine 2 images with SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_COLOR_DODGE
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// combine 2 images with SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_COLOR_BURN
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// combine 2 images with SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_HARD_LIGHT
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// combine 2 images with SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_SOFT_LIGHT
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// combine 2 images with SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_DIFFERENCE
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// combine 2 images with SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_EXCLUSION
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// combine 2 images with SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_HUE
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// combine 2 images with SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_SATURATION
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// combine 2 images with SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_COLOR
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// combine 2 images with SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_LUMINOSITY
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// transform colors of image through 5x4 color matrix (transposed for efficiency)
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, matrix[5][4]
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// transform colors of image through configurable gradients with component swizzle
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, FilterData
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// composite 2 images with chosen composite mode with parameters for that mode
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, k1, k2, k3, k4
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// composite 2 images with chosen composite mode with parameters for that mode
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// composite 2 images with chosen composite mode with parameters for that mode
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// composite 2 images with chosen composite mode with parameters for that mode
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// composite 2 images with chosen composite mode with parameters for that mode
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// composite 2 images with chosen composite mode with parameters for that mode
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// composite 2 images with chosen composite mode with parameters for that mode
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// transform image through convolution matrix of up to 25 values (spec
/// allows more but for performance reasons we do not)
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, orderX, orderY, kernelValues[25],
/// divisor, bias, targetX, targetY, kernelUnitLengthX, kernelUnitLengthY,
/// preserveAlpha
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// transform image through convolution matrix of up to 25 values (spec
/// allows more but for performance reasons we do not)
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, orderX, orderY, kernelValues[25],
/// divisor, bias, targetX, targetY, kernelUnitLengthX, kernelUnitLengthY,
/// preserveAlpha
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// transform image through convolution matrix of up to 25 values (spec
/// allows more but for performance reasons we do not)
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, orderX, orderY, kernelValues[25],
/// divisor, bias, targetX, targetY, kernelUnitLengthX, kernelUnitLengthY,
/// preserveAlpha
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// calculate lighting based on heightmap image with provided values for a
/// distant light source with specified direction
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, surfaceScale, diffuseConstant,
/// kernelUnitLengthX, kernelUnitLengthY, azimuth, elevation
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// calculate lighting based on heightmap image with provided values for a
/// point light source at specified location
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, surfaceScale, diffuseConstant,
/// kernelUnitLengthX, kernelUnitLengthY, x, y, z
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// calculate lighting based on heightmap image with provided values for a
/// spot light source at specified location pointing at specified target
/// location with specified hotspot sharpness and cone angle
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, surfaceScale, diffuseConstant,
/// kernelUnitLengthX, kernelUnitLengthY, x, y, z, pointsAtX, pointsAtY,
/// pointsAtZ, specularExponent, limitingConeAngle
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// calculate a distorted version of first input image using offset values
/// from second input image at specified intensity
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, scale, xChannelSelector, yChannelSelector
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// create and merge a dropshadow version of the specified image's alpha
/// channel with specified offset and blur radius
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, flood_color, flood_opacity, dx, dy,
/// stdDeviationX, stdDeviationY
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// synthesize a new image of specified size containing a solid color
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, color
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// create a blurred version of the input image
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, stdDeviationX, stdDeviationY
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// synthesize a new image based on a url (i.e. blob image source)
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, sampling_filter (see SamplingFilter in Types.h), transform
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// create a new image based on the input image with the contour stretched
/// outward (dilate operator)
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, radiusX, radiusY
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// create a new image based on the input image with the contour shrunken
/// inward (erode operator)
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, radiusX, radiusY
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// create a new image that is a scrolled version of the input image, this
/// is basically a no-op as we support offset in the graph node
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// calculate lighting based on heightmap image with provided values for a
/// distant light source with specified direction
/// parameters: FilerData, surfaceScale, specularConstant, specularExponent,
/// kernelUnitLengthX, kernelUnitLengthY, azimuth, elevation
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// calculate lighting based on heightmap image with provided values for a
/// point light source at specified location
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, surfaceScale, specularConstant,
/// specularExponent, kernelUnitLengthX, kernelUnitLengthY, x, y, z
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// calculate lighting based on heightmap image with provided values for a
/// spot light source at specified location pointing at specified target
/// location with specified hotspot sharpness and cone angle
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, surfaceScale, specularConstant,
/// specularExponent, kernelUnitLengthX, kernelUnitLengthY, x, y, z,
/// pointsAtX, pointsAtY, pointsAtZ, specularExponent, limitingConeAngle
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// create a new image based on the input image, repeated throughout the
/// output rectangle
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// synthesize a new image based on Fractal Noise (Perlin) with the chosen
/// stitching mode
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, baseFrequencyX, baseFrequencyY,
/// numOctaves, seed
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// synthesize a new image based on Fractal Noise (Perlin) with the chosen
/// stitching mode
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, baseFrequencyX, baseFrequencyY,
/// numOctaves, seed
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// synthesize a new image based on Turbulence Noise (offset vectors)
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, baseFrequencyX, baseFrequencyY,
/// numOctaves, seed
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// synthesize a new image based on Turbulence Noise (offset vectors)
/// parameters: FilterOpGraphNode, baseFrequencyX, baseFrequencyY,
/// numOctaves, seed
/// SVG filter semantics - selectable input(s), selectable between linear
/// (default) and sRGB color space for calculations
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Tag& aInstance) {
using Tag = FilterOp::Tag;
switch (aInstance) {
case Tag::Identity: aStream << "Identity"; break;
case Tag::Blur: aStream << "Blur"; break;
case Tag::Brightness: aStream << "Brightness"; break;
case Tag::Contrast: aStream << "Contrast"; break;
case Tag::Grayscale: aStream << "Grayscale"; break;
case Tag::HueRotate: aStream << "HueRotate"; break;
case Tag::Invert: aStream << "Invert"; break;
case Tag::Opacity: aStream << "Opacity"; break;
case Tag::Saturate: aStream << "Saturate"; break;
case Tag::Sepia: aStream << "Sepia"; break;
case Tag::DropShadow: aStream << "DropShadow"; break;
case Tag::ColorMatrix: aStream << "ColorMatrix"; break;
case Tag::SrgbToLinear: aStream << "SrgbToLinear"; break;
case Tag::LinearToSrgb: aStream << "LinearToSrgb"; break;
case Tag::ComponentTransfer: aStream << "ComponentTransfer"; break;
case Tag::Flood: aStream << "Flood"; break;
case Tag::SVGFESourceGraphic: aStream << "SVGFESourceGraphic"; break;
case Tag::SVGFESourceAlpha: aStream << "SVGFESourceAlpha"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEIdentity: aStream << "SVGFEIdentity"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEOpacity: aStream << "SVGFEOpacity"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEToAlpha: aStream << "SVGFEToAlpha"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendDarken: aStream << "SVGFEBlendDarken"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendLighten: aStream << "SVGFEBlendLighten"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendMultiply: aStream << "SVGFEBlendMultiply"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendNormal: aStream << "SVGFEBlendNormal"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendScreen: aStream << "SVGFEBlendScreen"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendOverlay: aStream << "SVGFEBlendOverlay"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendColorDodge: aStream << "SVGFEBlendColorDodge"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendColorBurn: aStream << "SVGFEBlendColorBurn"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendHardLight: aStream << "SVGFEBlendHardLight"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendSoftLight: aStream << "SVGFEBlendSoftLight"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendDifference: aStream << "SVGFEBlendDifference"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendExclusion: aStream << "SVGFEBlendExclusion"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendHue: aStream << "SVGFEBlendHue"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendSaturation: aStream << "SVGFEBlendSaturation"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendColor: aStream << "SVGFEBlendColor"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendLuminosity: aStream << "SVGFEBlendLuminosity"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEColorMatrix: aStream << "SVGFEColorMatrix"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEComponentTransfer: aStream << "SVGFEComponentTransfer"; break;
case Tag::SVGFECompositeArithmetic: aStream << "SVGFECompositeArithmetic"; break;
case Tag::SVGFECompositeATop: aStream << "SVGFECompositeATop"; break;
case Tag::SVGFECompositeIn: aStream << "SVGFECompositeIn"; break;
case Tag::SVGFECompositeLighter: aStream << "SVGFECompositeLighter"; break;
case Tag::SVGFECompositeOut: aStream << "SVGFECompositeOut"; break;
case Tag::SVGFECompositeOver: aStream << "SVGFECompositeOver"; break;
case Tag::SVGFECompositeXOR: aStream << "SVGFECompositeXOR"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeDuplicate: aStream << "SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeDuplicate"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeNone: aStream << "SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeNone"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeWrap: aStream << "SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeWrap"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEDiffuseLightingDistant: aStream << "SVGFEDiffuseLightingDistant"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEDiffuseLightingPoint: aStream << "SVGFEDiffuseLightingPoint"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEDiffuseLightingSpot: aStream << "SVGFEDiffuseLightingSpot"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEDisplacementMap: aStream << "SVGFEDisplacementMap"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEDropShadow: aStream << "SVGFEDropShadow"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEFlood: aStream << "SVGFEFlood"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEGaussianBlur: aStream << "SVGFEGaussianBlur"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEImage: aStream << "SVGFEImage"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEMorphologyDilate: aStream << "SVGFEMorphologyDilate"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEMorphologyErode: aStream << "SVGFEMorphologyErode"; break;
case Tag::SVGFEOffset: aStream << "SVGFEOffset"; break;
case Tag::SVGFESpecularLightingDistant: aStream << "SVGFESpecularLightingDistant"; break;
case Tag::SVGFESpecularLightingPoint: aStream << "SVGFESpecularLightingPoint"; break;
case Tag::SVGFESpecularLightingSpot: aStream << "SVGFESpecularLightingSpot"; break;
case Tag::SVGFETile: aStream << "SVGFETile"; break;
case Tag::SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithNoStitching: aStream << "SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithNoStitching"; break;
case Tag::SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithStitching: aStream << "SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithStitching"; break;
case Tag::SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithNoStitching: aStream << "SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithNoStitching"; break;
case Tag::SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithStitching: aStream << "SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithStitching"; break;
case Tag::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FilterOp& aInstance) {
using Tag = FilterOp::Tag;
switch (aInstance.tag) {
case Tag::Identity: aStream << "Identity"; break;
case Tag::Blur: aStream << "Blur" << aInstance.blur; break;
case Tag::Brightness: aStream << "Brightness" << aInstance.brightness; break;
case Tag::Contrast: aStream << "Contrast" << aInstance.contrast; break;
case Tag::Grayscale: aStream << "Grayscale" << aInstance.grayscale; break;
case Tag::HueRotate: aStream << "HueRotate" << aInstance.hue_rotate; break;
case Tag::Invert: aStream << "Invert" << aInstance.invert; break;
case Tag::Opacity: aStream << "Opacity" << aInstance.opacity; break;
case Tag::Saturate: aStream << "Saturate" << aInstance.saturate; break;
case Tag::Sepia: aStream << "Sepia" << aInstance.sepia; break;
case Tag::DropShadow: aStream << "DropShadow" << aInstance.drop_shadow; break;
case Tag::ColorMatrix: aStream << "ColorMatrix" << aInstance.color_matrix; break;
case Tag::SrgbToLinear: aStream << "SrgbToLinear"; break;
case Tag::LinearToSrgb: aStream << "LinearToSrgb"; break;
case Tag::ComponentTransfer: aStream << "ComponentTransfer"; break;
case Tag::Flood: aStream << "Flood" << aInstance.flood; break;
case Tag::SVGFESourceGraphic: aStream << "SVGFESourceGraphic" << aInstance.svgfe_source_graphic; break;
case Tag::SVGFESourceAlpha: aStream << "SVGFESourceAlpha" << aInstance.svgfe_source_alpha; break;
case Tag::SVGFEIdentity: aStream << "SVGFEIdentity" << aInstance.svgfe_identity; break;
case Tag::SVGFEOpacity: aStream << "SVGFEOpacity" << aInstance.svgfe_opacity; break;
case Tag::SVGFEToAlpha: aStream << "SVGFEToAlpha" << aInstance.svgfe_to_alpha; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendDarken: aStream << "SVGFEBlendDarken" << aInstance.svgfe_blend_darken; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendLighten: aStream << "SVGFEBlendLighten" << aInstance.svgfe_blend_lighten; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendMultiply: aStream << "SVGFEBlendMultiply" << aInstance.svgfe_blend_multiply; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendNormal: aStream << "SVGFEBlendNormal" << aInstance.svgfe_blend_normal; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendScreen: aStream << "SVGFEBlendScreen" << aInstance.svgfe_blend_screen; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendOverlay: aStream << "SVGFEBlendOverlay" << aInstance.svgfe_blend_overlay; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendColorDodge: aStream << "SVGFEBlendColorDodge" << aInstance.svgfe_blend_color_dodge; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendColorBurn: aStream << "SVGFEBlendColorBurn" << aInstance.svgfe_blend_color_burn; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendHardLight: aStream << "SVGFEBlendHardLight" << aInstance.svgfe_blend_hard_light; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendSoftLight: aStream << "SVGFEBlendSoftLight" << aInstance.svgfe_blend_soft_light; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendDifference: aStream << "SVGFEBlendDifference" << aInstance.svgfe_blend_difference; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendExclusion: aStream << "SVGFEBlendExclusion" << aInstance.svgfe_blend_exclusion; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendHue: aStream << "SVGFEBlendHue" << aInstance.svgfe_blend_hue; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendSaturation: aStream << "SVGFEBlendSaturation" << aInstance.svgfe_blend_saturation; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendColor: aStream << "SVGFEBlendColor" << aInstance.svgfe_blend_color; break;
case Tag::SVGFEBlendLuminosity: aStream << "SVGFEBlendLuminosity" << aInstance.svgfe_blend_luminosity; break;
case Tag::SVGFEColorMatrix: aStream << "SVGFEColorMatrix" << aInstance.svgfe_color_matrix; break;
case Tag::SVGFEComponentTransfer: aStream << "SVGFEComponentTransfer" << aInstance.svgfe_component_transfer; break;
case Tag::SVGFECompositeArithmetic: aStream << "SVGFECompositeArithmetic" << aInstance.svgfe_composite_arithmetic; break;
case Tag::SVGFECompositeATop: aStream << "SVGFECompositeATop" << aInstance.svgfe_composite_a_top; break;
case Tag::SVGFECompositeIn: aStream << "SVGFECompositeIn" << aInstance.svgfe_composite_in; break;
case Tag::SVGFECompositeLighter: aStream << "SVGFECompositeLighter" << aInstance.svgfe_composite_lighter; break;
case Tag::SVGFECompositeOut: aStream << "SVGFECompositeOut" << aInstance.svgfe_composite_out; break;
case Tag::SVGFECompositeOver: aStream << "SVGFECompositeOver" << aInstance.svgfe_composite_over; break;
case Tag::SVGFECompositeXOR: aStream << "SVGFECompositeXOR" << aInstance.svgfe_composite_xor; break;
case Tag::SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeDuplicate: aStream << "SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeDuplicate" << aInstance.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_duplicate; break;
case Tag::SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeNone: aStream << "SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeNone" << aInstance.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_none; break;
case Tag::SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeWrap: aStream << "SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeWrap" << aInstance.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_wrap; break;
case Tag::SVGFEDiffuseLightingDistant: aStream << "SVGFEDiffuseLightingDistant" << aInstance.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_distant; break;
case Tag::SVGFEDiffuseLightingPoint: aStream << "SVGFEDiffuseLightingPoint" << aInstance.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_point; break;
case Tag::SVGFEDiffuseLightingSpot: aStream << "SVGFEDiffuseLightingSpot" << aInstance.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_spot; break;
case Tag::SVGFEDisplacementMap: aStream << "SVGFEDisplacementMap" << aInstance.svgfe_displacement_map; break;
case Tag::SVGFEDropShadow: aStream << "SVGFEDropShadow" << aInstance.svgfe_drop_shadow; break;
case Tag::SVGFEFlood: aStream << "SVGFEFlood" << aInstance.svgfe_flood; break;
case Tag::SVGFEGaussianBlur: aStream << "SVGFEGaussianBlur" << aInstance.svgfe_gaussian_blur; break;
case Tag::SVGFEImage: aStream << "SVGFEImage" << aInstance.svgfe_image; break;
case Tag::SVGFEMorphologyDilate: aStream << "SVGFEMorphologyDilate" << aInstance.svgfe_morphology_dilate; break;
case Tag::SVGFEMorphologyErode: aStream << "SVGFEMorphologyErode" << aInstance.svgfe_morphology_erode; break;
case Tag::SVGFEOffset: aStream << "SVGFEOffset" << aInstance.svgfe_offset; break;
case Tag::SVGFESpecularLightingDistant: aStream << "SVGFESpecularLightingDistant" << aInstance.svgfe_specular_lighting_distant; break;
case Tag::SVGFESpecularLightingPoint: aStream << "SVGFESpecularLightingPoint" << aInstance.svgfe_specular_lighting_point; break;
case Tag::SVGFESpecularLightingSpot: aStream << "SVGFESpecularLightingSpot" << aInstance.svgfe_specular_lighting_spot; break;
case Tag::SVGFETile: aStream << "SVGFETile" << aInstance.svgfe_tile; break;
case Tag::SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithNoStitching: aStream << "SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithNoStitching" << aInstance.svgfe_turbulence_with_fractal_noise_with_no_stitching; break;
case Tag::SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithStitching: aStream << "SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithStitching" << aInstance.svgfe_turbulence_with_fractal_noise_with_stitching; break;
case Tag::SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithNoStitching: aStream << "SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithNoStitching" << aInstance.svgfe_turbulence_with_turbulence_noise_with_no_stitching; break;
case Tag::SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithStitching: aStream << "SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithStitching" << aInstance.svgfe_turbulence_with_turbulence_noise_with_stitching; break;
case Tag::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
struct Blur_Body {
float _0;
float _1;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Blur_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << ", "
<< "_1=" << aInstance._1 << " }";
bool operator==(const Blur_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0 &&
_1 == aOther._1;
struct Brightness_Body {
float _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Brightness_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const Brightness_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
struct Contrast_Body {
float _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Contrast_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const Contrast_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
struct Grayscale_Body {
float _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Grayscale_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const Grayscale_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
struct HueRotate_Body {
float _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const HueRotate_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const HueRotate_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
struct Invert_Body {
float _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Invert_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const Invert_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
struct Opacity_Body {
PropertyBinding<float> _0;
float _1;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Opacity_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << ", "
<< "_1=" << aInstance._1 << " }";
bool operator==(const Opacity_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0 &&
_1 == aOther._1;
struct Saturate_Body {
float _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Saturate_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const Saturate_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
struct Sepia_Body {
float _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Sepia_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const Sepia_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
struct DropShadow_Body {
Shadow _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const DropShadow_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const DropShadow_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
struct ColorMatrix_Body {
float _0[20];
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ColorMatrix_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
struct Flood_Body {
ColorF _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Flood_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const Flood_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
struct SVGFESourceGraphic_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFESourceGraphic_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFESourceGraphic_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFESourceAlpha_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFESourceAlpha_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFESourceAlpha_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEIdentity_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEIdentity_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEIdentity_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEOpacity_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
PropertyBinding<float> valuebinding;
float value;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEOpacity_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "valuebinding=" << aInstance.valuebinding << ", "
<< "value=" << aInstance.value << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEOpacity_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
valuebinding == aOther.valuebinding &&
value == aOther.value;
struct SVGFEToAlpha_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEToAlpha_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEToAlpha_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEBlendDarken_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEBlendDarken_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEBlendDarken_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEBlendLighten_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEBlendLighten_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEBlendLighten_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEBlendMultiply_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEBlendMultiply_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEBlendMultiply_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEBlendNormal_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEBlendNormal_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEBlendNormal_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEBlendScreen_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEBlendScreen_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEBlendScreen_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEBlendOverlay_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEBlendOverlay_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEBlendOverlay_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEBlendColorDodge_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEBlendColorDodge_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEBlendColorDodge_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEBlendColorBurn_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEBlendColorBurn_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEBlendColorBurn_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEBlendHardLight_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEBlendHardLight_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEBlendHardLight_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEBlendSoftLight_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEBlendSoftLight_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEBlendSoftLight_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEBlendDifference_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEBlendDifference_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEBlendDifference_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEBlendExclusion_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEBlendExclusion_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEBlendExclusion_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEBlendHue_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEBlendHue_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEBlendHue_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEBlendSaturation_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEBlendSaturation_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEBlendSaturation_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEBlendColor_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEBlendColor_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEBlendColor_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEBlendLuminosity_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEBlendLuminosity_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEBlendLuminosity_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEColorMatrix_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float values[20];
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEColorMatrix_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "values=" << aInstance.values << " }";
struct SVGFEComponentTransfer_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEComponentTransfer_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEComponentTransfer_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFECompositeArithmetic_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float k1;
float k2;
float k3;
float k4;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFECompositeArithmetic_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "k1=" << aInstance.k1 << ", "
<< "k2=" << aInstance.k2 << ", "
<< "k3=" << aInstance.k3 << ", "
<< "k4=" << aInstance.k4 << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFECompositeArithmetic_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
k1 == aOther.k1 &&
k2 == aOther.k2 &&
k3 == aOther.k3 &&
k4 == aOther.k4;
struct SVGFECompositeATop_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFECompositeATop_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFECompositeATop_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFECompositeIn_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFECompositeIn_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFECompositeIn_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFECompositeLighter_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFECompositeLighter_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFECompositeLighter_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFECompositeOut_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFECompositeOut_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFECompositeOut_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFECompositeOver_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFECompositeOver_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFECompositeOver_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFECompositeXOR_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFECompositeXOR_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFECompositeXOR_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeDuplicate_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
int32_t order_x;
int32_t order_y;
float kernel[25];
float divisor;
float bias;
int32_t target_x;
int32_t target_y;
float kernel_unit_length_x;
float kernel_unit_length_y;
int32_t preserve_alpha;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeDuplicate_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "order_x=" << aInstance.order_x << ", "
<< "order_y=" << aInstance.order_y << ", "
<< "kernel=" << aInstance.kernel << ", "
<< "divisor=" << aInstance.divisor << ", "
<< "bias=" << aInstance.bias << ", "
<< "target_x=" << aInstance.target_x << ", "
<< "target_y=" << aInstance.target_y << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_x=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_x << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_y=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_y << ", "
<< "preserve_alpha=" << aInstance.preserve_alpha << " }";
struct SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeNone_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
int32_t order_x;
int32_t order_y;
float kernel[25];
float divisor;
float bias;
int32_t target_x;
int32_t target_y;
float kernel_unit_length_x;
float kernel_unit_length_y;
int32_t preserve_alpha;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeNone_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "order_x=" << aInstance.order_x << ", "
<< "order_y=" << aInstance.order_y << ", "
<< "kernel=" << aInstance.kernel << ", "
<< "divisor=" << aInstance.divisor << ", "
<< "bias=" << aInstance.bias << ", "
<< "target_x=" << aInstance.target_x << ", "
<< "target_y=" << aInstance.target_y << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_x=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_x << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_y=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_y << ", "
<< "preserve_alpha=" << aInstance.preserve_alpha << " }";
struct SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeWrap_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
int32_t order_x;
int32_t order_y;
float kernel[25];
float divisor;
float bias;
int32_t target_x;
int32_t target_y;
float kernel_unit_length_x;
float kernel_unit_length_y;
int32_t preserve_alpha;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeWrap_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "order_x=" << aInstance.order_x << ", "
<< "order_y=" << aInstance.order_y << ", "
<< "kernel=" << aInstance.kernel << ", "
<< "divisor=" << aInstance.divisor << ", "
<< "bias=" << aInstance.bias << ", "
<< "target_x=" << aInstance.target_x << ", "
<< "target_y=" << aInstance.target_y << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_x=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_x << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_y=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_y << ", "
<< "preserve_alpha=" << aInstance.preserve_alpha << " }";
struct SVGFEDiffuseLightingDistant_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float surface_scale;
float diffuse_constant;
float kernel_unit_length_x;
float kernel_unit_length_y;
float azimuth;
float elevation;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEDiffuseLightingDistant_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "surface_scale=" << aInstance.surface_scale << ", "
<< "diffuse_constant=" << aInstance.diffuse_constant << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_x=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_x << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_y=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_y << ", "
<< "azimuth=" << aInstance.azimuth << ", "
<< "elevation=" << aInstance.elevation << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEDiffuseLightingDistant_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
surface_scale == aOther.surface_scale &&
diffuse_constant == aOther.diffuse_constant &&
kernel_unit_length_x == aOther.kernel_unit_length_x &&
kernel_unit_length_y == aOther.kernel_unit_length_y &&
azimuth == aOther.azimuth &&
elevation == aOther.elevation;
struct SVGFEDiffuseLightingPoint_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float surface_scale;
float diffuse_constant;
float kernel_unit_length_x;
float kernel_unit_length_y;
float x;
float y;
float z;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEDiffuseLightingPoint_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "surface_scale=" << aInstance.surface_scale << ", "
<< "diffuse_constant=" << aInstance.diffuse_constant << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_x=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_x << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_y=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_y << ", "
<< "x=" << aInstance.x << ", "
<< "y=" << aInstance.y << ", "
<< "z=" << aInstance.z << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEDiffuseLightingPoint_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
surface_scale == aOther.surface_scale &&
diffuse_constant == aOther.diffuse_constant &&
kernel_unit_length_x == aOther.kernel_unit_length_x &&
kernel_unit_length_y == aOther.kernel_unit_length_y &&
x == aOther.x &&
y == aOther.y &&
z == aOther.z;
struct SVGFEDiffuseLightingSpot_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float surface_scale;
float diffuse_constant;
float kernel_unit_length_x;
float kernel_unit_length_y;
float x;
float y;
float z;
float points_at_x;
float points_at_y;
float points_at_z;
float cone_exponent;
float limiting_cone_angle;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEDiffuseLightingSpot_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "surface_scale=" << aInstance.surface_scale << ", "
<< "diffuse_constant=" << aInstance.diffuse_constant << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_x=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_x << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_y=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_y << ", "
<< "x=" << aInstance.x << ", "
<< "y=" << aInstance.y << ", "
<< "z=" << aInstance.z << ", "
<< "points_at_x=" << aInstance.points_at_x << ", "
<< "points_at_y=" << aInstance.points_at_y << ", "
<< "points_at_z=" << aInstance.points_at_z << ", "
<< "cone_exponent=" << aInstance.cone_exponent << ", "
<< "limiting_cone_angle=" << aInstance.limiting_cone_angle << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEDiffuseLightingSpot_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
surface_scale == aOther.surface_scale &&
diffuse_constant == aOther.diffuse_constant &&
kernel_unit_length_x == aOther.kernel_unit_length_x &&
kernel_unit_length_y == aOther.kernel_unit_length_y &&
x == aOther.x &&
y == aOther.y &&
z == aOther.z &&
points_at_x == aOther.points_at_x &&
points_at_y == aOther.points_at_y &&
points_at_z == aOther.points_at_z &&
cone_exponent == aOther.cone_exponent &&
limiting_cone_angle == aOther.limiting_cone_angle;
struct SVGFEDisplacementMap_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float scale;
uint32_t x_channel_selector;
uint32_t y_channel_selector;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEDisplacementMap_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "scale=" << aInstance.scale << ", "
<< "x_channel_selector=" << aInstance.x_channel_selector << ", "
<< "y_channel_selector=" << aInstance.y_channel_selector << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEDisplacementMap_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
scale == aOther.scale &&
x_channel_selector == aOther.x_channel_selector &&
y_channel_selector == aOther.y_channel_selector;
struct SVGFEDropShadow_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
ColorF color;
float dx;
float dy;
float std_deviation_x;
float std_deviation_y;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEDropShadow_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "color=" << aInstance.color << ", "
<< "dx=" << aInstance.dx << ", "
<< "dy=" << aInstance.dy << ", "
<< "std_deviation_x=" << aInstance.std_deviation_x << ", "
<< "std_deviation_y=" << aInstance.std_deviation_y << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEDropShadow_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
color == aOther.color &&
dx == aOther.dx &&
dy == aOther.dy &&
std_deviation_x == aOther.std_deviation_x &&
std_deviation_y == aOther.std_deviation_y;
struct SVGFEFlood_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
ColorF color;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEFlood_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "color=" << aInstance.color << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEFlood_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
color == aOther.color;
struct SVGFEGaussianBlur_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float std_deviation_x;
float std_deviation_y;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEGaussianBlur_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "std_deviation_x=" << aInstance.std_deviation_x << ", "
<< "std_deviation_y=" << aInstance.std_deviation_y << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEGaussianBlur_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
std_deviation_x == aOther.std_deviation_x &&
std_deviation_y == aOther.std_deviation_y;
struct SVGFEImage_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
uint32_t sampling_filter;
float matrix[6];
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEImage_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "sampling_filter=" << aInstance.sampling_filter << ", "
<< "matrix=" << aInstance.matrix << " }";
struct SVGFEMorphologyDilate_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float radius_x;
float radius_y;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEMorphologyDilate_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "radius_x=" << aInstance.radius_x << ", "
<< "radius_y=" << aInstance.radius_y << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEMorphologyDilate_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
radius_x == aOther.radius_x &&
radius_y == aOther.radius_y;
struct SVGFEMorphologyErode_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float radius_x;
float radius_y;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEMorphologyErode_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "radius_x=" << aInstance.radius_x << ", "
<< "radius_y=" << aInstance.radius_y << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEMorphologyErode_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
radius_x == aOther.radius_x &&
radius_y == aOther.radius_y;
struct SVGFEOffset_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float offset_x;
float offset_y;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFEOffset_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "offset_x=" << aInstance.offset_x << ", "
<< "offset_y=" << aInstance.offset_y << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFEOffset_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
offset_x == aOther.offset_x &&
offset_y == aOther.offset_y;
struct SVGFESpecularLightingDistant_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float surface_scale;
float specular_constant;
float specular_exponent;
float kernel_unit_length_x;
float kernel_unit_length_y;
float azimuth;
float elevation;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFESpecularLightingDistant_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "surface_scale=" << aInstance.surface_scale << ", "
<< "specular_constant=" << aInstance.specular_constant << ", "
<< "specular_exponent=" << aInstance.specular_exponent << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_x=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_x << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_y=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_y << ", "
<< "azimuth=" << aInstance.azimuth << ", "
<< "elevation=" << aInstance.elevation << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFESpecularLightingDistant_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
surface_scale == aOther.surface_scale &&
specular_constant == aOther.specular_constant &&
specular_exponent == aOther.specular_exponent &&
kernel_unit_length_x == aOther.kernel_unit_length_x &&
kernel_unit_length_y == aOther.kernel_unit_length_y &&
azimuth == aOther.azimuth &&
elevation == aOther.elevation;
struct SVGFESpecularLightingPoint_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float surface_scale;
float specular_constant;
float specular_exponent;
float kernel_unit_length_x;
float kernel_unit_length_y;
float x;
float y;
float z;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFESpecularLightingPoint_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "surface_scale=" << aInstance.surface_scale << ", "
<< "specular_constant=" << aInstance.specular_constant << ", "
<< "specular_exponent=" << aInstance.specular_exponent << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_x=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_x << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_y=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_y << ", "
<< "x=" << aInstance.x << ", "
<< "y=" << aInstance.y << ", "
<< "z=" << aInstance.z << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFESpecularLightingPoint_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
surface_scale == aOther.surface_scale &&
specular_constant == aOther.specular_constant &&
specular_exponent == aOther.specular_exponent &&
kernel_unit_length_x == aOther.kernel_unit_length_x &&
kernel_unit_length_y == aOther.kernel_unit_length_y &&
x == aOther.x &&
y == aOther.y &&
z == aOther.z;
struct SVGFESpecularLightingSpot_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float surface_scale;
float specular_constant;
float specular_exponent;
float kernel_unit_length_x;
float kernel_unit_length_y;
float x;
float y;
float z;
float points_at_x;
float points_at_y;
float points_at_z;
float cone_exponent;
float limiting_cone_angle;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFESpecularLightingSpot_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "surface_scale=" << aInstance.surface_scale << ", "
<< "specular_constant=" << aInstance.specular_constant << ", "
<< "specular_exponent=" << aInstance.specular_exponent << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_x=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_x << ", "
<< "kernel_unit_length_y=" << aInstance.kernel_unit_length_y << ", "
<< "x=" << aInstance.x << ", "
<< "y=" << aInstance.y << ", "
<< "z=" << aInstance.z << ", "
<< "points_at_x=" << aInstance.points_at_x << ", "
<< "points_at_y=" << aInstance.points_at_y << ", "
<< "points_at_z=" << aInstance.points_at_z << ", "
<< "cone_exponent=" << aInstance.cone_exponent << ", "
<< "limiting_cone_angle=" << aInstance.limiting_cone_angle << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFESpecularLightingSpot_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
surface_scale == aOther.surface_scale &&
specular_constant == aOther.specular_constant &&
specular_exponent == aOther.specular_exponent &&
kernel_unit_length_x == aOther.kernel_unit_length_x &&
kernel_unit_length_y == aOther.kernel_unit_length_y &&
x == aOther.x &&
y == aOther.y &&
z == aOther.z &&
points_at_x == aOther.points_at_x &&
points_at_y == aOther.points_at_y &&
points_at_z == aOther.points_at_z &&
cone_exponent == aOther.cone_exponent &&
limiting_cone_angle == aOther.limiting_cone_angle;
struct SVGFETile_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFETile_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFETile_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node;
struct SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithNoStitching_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float base_frequency_x;
float base_frequency_y;
uint32_t num_octaves;
uint32_t seed;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithNoStitching_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "base_frequency_x=" << aInstance.base_frequency_x << ", "
<< "base_frequency_y=" << aInstance.base_frequency_y << ", "
<< "num_octaves=" << aInstance.num_octaves << ", "
<< "seed=" << aInstance.seed << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithNoStitching_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
base_frequency_x == aOther.base_frequency_x &&
base_frequency_y == aOther.base_frequency_y &&
num_octaves == aOther.num_octaves &&
seed == aOther.seed;
struct SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithStitching_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float base_frequency_x;
float base_frequency_y;
uint32_t num_octaves;
uint32_t seed;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithStitching_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "base_frequency_x=" << aInstance.base_frequency_x << ", "
<< "base_frequency_y=" << aInstance.base_frequency_y << ", "
<< "num_octaves=" << aInstance.num_octaves << ", "
<< "seed=" << aInstance.seed << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithStitching_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
base_frequency_x == aOther.base_frequency_x &&
base_frequency_y == aOther.base_frequency_y &&
num_octaves == aOther.num_octaves &&
seed == aOther.seed;
struct SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithNoStitching_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float base_frequency_x;
float base_frequency_y;
uint32_t num_octaves;
uint32_t seed;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithNoStitching_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "base_frequency_x=" << aInstance.base_frequency_x << ", "
<< "base_frequency_y=" << aInstance.base_frequency_y << ", "
<< "num_octaves=" << aInstance.num_octaves << ", "
<< "seed=" << aInstance.seed << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithNoStitching_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
base_frequency_x == aOther.base_frequency_x &&
base_frequency_y == aOther.base_frequency_y &&
num_octaves == aOther.num_octaves &&
seed == aOther.seed;
struct SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithStitching_Body {
FilterOpGraphNode node;
float base_frequency_x;
float base_frequency_y;
uint32_t num_octaves;
uint32_t seed;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithStitching_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "node=" << aInstance.node << ", "
<< "base_frequency_x=" << aInstance.base_frequency_x << ", "
<< "base_frequency_y=" << aInstance.base_frequency_y << ", "
<< "num_octaves=" << aInstance.num_octaves << ", "
<< "seed=" << aInstance.seed << " }";
bool operator==(const SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithStitching_Body& aOther) const {
return node == aOther.node &&
base_frequency_x == aOther.base_frequency_x &&
base_frequency_y == aOther.base_frequency_y &&
num_octaves == aOther.num_octaves &&
seed == aOther.seed;
Tag tag;
union {
Blur_Body blur;
Brightness_Body brightness;
Contrast_Body contrast;
Grayscale_Body grayscale;
HueRotate_Body hue_rotate;
Invert_Body invert;
Opacity_Body opacity;
Saturate_Body saturate;
Sepia_Body sepia;
DropShadow_Body drop_shadow;
ColorMatrix_Body color_matrix;
Flood_Body flood;
SVGFESourceGraphic_Body svgfe_source_graphic;
SVGFESourceAlpha_Body svgfe_source_alpha;
SVGFEIdentity_Body svgfe_identity;
SVGFEOpacity_Body svgfe_opacity;
SVGFEToAlpha_Body svgfe_to_alpha;
SVGFEBlendDarken_Body svgfe_blend_darken;
SVGFEBlendLighten_Body svgfe_blend_lighten;
SVGFEBlendMultiply_Body svgfe_blend_multiply;
SVGFEBlendNormal_Body svgfe_blend_normal;
SVGFEBlendScreen_Body svgfe_blend_screen;
SVGFEBlendOverlay_Body svgfe_blend_overlay;
SVGFEBlendColorDodge_Body svgfe_blend_color_dodge;
SVGFEBlendColorBurn_Body svgfe_blend_color_burn;
SVGFEBlendHardLight_Body svgfe_blend_hard_light;
SVGFEBlendSoftLight_Body svgfe_blend_soft_light;
SVGFEBlendDifference_Body svgfe_blend_difference;
SVGFEBlendExclusion_Body svgfe_blend_exclusion;
SVGFEBlendHue_Body svgfe_blend_hue;
SVGFEBlendSaturation_Body svgfe_blend_saturation;
SVGFEBlendColor_Body svgfe_blend_color;
SVGFEBlendLuminosity_Body svgfe_blend_luminosity;
SVGFEColorMatrix_Body svgfe_color_matrix;
SVGFEComponentTransfer_Body svgfe_component_transfer;
SVGFECompositeArithmetic_Body svgfe_composite_arithmetic;
SVGFECompositeATop_Body svgfe_composite_a_top;
SVGFECompositeIn_Body svgfe_composite_in;
SVGFECompositeLighter_Body svgfe_composite_lighter;
SVGFECompositeOut_Body svgfe_composite_out;
SVGFECompositeOver_Body svgfe_composite_over;
SVGFECompositeXOR_Body svgfe_composite_xor;
SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeDuplicate_Body svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_duplicate;
SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeNone_Body svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_none;
SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeWrap_Body svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_wrap;
SVGFEDiffuseLightingDistant_Body svgfe_diffuse_lighting_distant;
SVGFEDiffuseLightingPoint_Body svgfe_diffuse_lighting_point;
SVGFEDiffuseLightingSpot_Body svgfe_diffuse_lighting_spot;
SVGFEDisplacementMap_Body svgfe_displacement_map;
SVGFEDropShadow_Body svgfe_drop_shadow;
SVGFEFlood_Body svgfe_flood;
SVGFEGaussianBlur_Body svgfe_gaussian_blur;
SVGFEImage_Body svgfe_image;
SVGFEMorphologyDilate_Body svgfe_morphology_dilate;
SVGFEMorphologyErode_Body svgfe_morphology_erode;
SVGFEOffset_Body svgfe_offset;
SVGFESpecularLightingDistant_Body svgfe_specular_lighting_distant;
SVGFESpecularLightingPoint_Body svgfe_specular_lighting_point;
SVGFESpecularLightingSpot_Body svgfe_specular_lighting_spot;
SVGFETile_Body svgfe_tile;
SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithNoStitching_Body svgfe_turbulence_with_fractal_noise_with_no_stitching;
SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithStitching_Body svgfe_turbulence_with_fractal_noise_with_stitching;
SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithNoStitching_Body svgfe_turbulence_with_turbulence_noise_with_no_stitching;
SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithStitching_Body svgfe_turbulence_with_turbulence_noise_with_stitching;
static FilterOp Identity() {
FilterOp result;
result.tag = Tag::Identity;
return result;
bool IsIdentity() const {
return tag == Tag::Identity;
static FilterOp Blur(const float &a0,
const float &a1) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.blur._0) (float)(a0);
::new (&result.blur._1) (float)(a1);
result.tag = Tag::Blur;
return result;
bool IsBlur() const {
return tag == Tag::Blur;
static FilterOp Brightness(const float &a0) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.brightness._0) (float)(a0);
result.tag = Tag::Brightness;
return result;
bool IsBrightness() const {
return tag == Tag::Brightness;
static FilterOp Contrast(const float &a0) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.contrast._0) (float)(a0);
result.tag = Tag::Contrast;
return result;
bool IsContrast() const {
return tag == Tag::Contrast;
static FilterOp Grayscale(const float &a0) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.grayscale._0) (float)(a0);
result.tag = Tag::Grayscale;
return result;
bool IsGrayscale() const {
return tag == Tag::Grayscale;
static FilterOp HueRotate(const float &a0) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.hue_rotate._0) (float)(a0);
result.tag = Tag::HueRotate;
return result;
bool IsHueRotate() const {
return tag == Tag::HueRotate;
static FilterOp Invert(const float &a0) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.invert._0) (float)(a0);
result.tag = Tag::Invert;
return result;
bool IsInvert() const {
return tag == Tag::Invert;
static FilterOp Opacity(const PropertyBinding<float> &a0,
const float &a1) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.opacity._0) (PropertyBinding<float>)(a0);
::new (&result.opacity._1) (float)(a1);
result.tag = Tag::Opacity;
return result;
bool IsOpacity() const {
return tag == Tag::Opacity;
static FilterOp Saturate(const float &a0) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.saturate._0) (float)(a0);
result.tag = Tag::Saturate;
return result;
bool IsSaturate() const {
return tag == Tag::Saturate;
static FilterOp Sepia(const float &a0) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.sepia._0) (float)(a0);
result.tag = Tag::Sepia;
return result;
bool IsSepia() const {
return tag == Tag::Sepia;
static FilterOp DropShadow(const Shadow &a0) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.drop_shadow._0) (Shadow)(a0);
result.tag = Tag::DropShadow;
return result;
bool IsDropShadow() const {
return tag == Tag::DropShadow;
static FilterOp ColorMatrix(const float (&a0)[20]) {
FilterOp result;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
::new (&result.color_matrix._0[i]) (float)(a0[i]);
result.tag = Tag::ColorMatrix;
return result;
bool IsColorMatrix() const {
return tag == Tag::ColorMatrix;
static FilterOp SrgbToLinear() {
FilterOp result;
result.tag = Tag::SrgbToLinear;
return result;
bool IsSrgbToLinear() const {
return tag == Tag::SrgbToLinear;
static FilterOp LinearToSrgb() {
FilterOp result;
result.tag = Tag::LinearToSrgb;
return result;
bool IsLinearToSrgb() const {
return tag == Tag::LinearToSrgb;
static FilterOp ComponentTransfer() {
FilterOp result;
result.tag = Tag::ComponentTransfer;
return result;
bool IsComponentTransfer() const {
return tag == Tag::ComponentTransfer;
static FilterOp Flood(const ColorF &a0) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.flood._0) (ColorF)(a0);
result.tag = Tag::Flood;
return result;
bool IsFlood() const {
return tag == Tag::Flood;
static FilterOp SVGFESourceGraphic(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_source_graphic.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFESourceGraphic;
return result;
bool IsSVGFESourceGraphic() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFESourceGraphic;
static FilterOp SVGFESourceAlpha(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_source_alpha.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFESourceAlpha;
return result;
bool IsSVGFESourceAlpha() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFESourceAlpha;
static FilterOp SVGFEIdentity(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_identity.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEIdentity;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEIdentity() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEIdentity;
static FilterOp SVGFEOpacity(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const PropertyBinding<float> &aValuebinding,
const float &aValue) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_opacity.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_opacity.valuebinding) (PropertyBinding<float>)(aValuebinding);
::new (&result.svgfe_opacity.value) (float)(aValue);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEOpacity;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEOpacity() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEOpacity;
static FilterOp SVGFEToAlpha(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_to_alpha.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEToAlpha;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEToAlpha() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEToAlpha;
static FilterOp SVGFEBlendDarken(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_blend_darken.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEBlendDarken;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEBlendDarken() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEBlendDarken;
static FilterOp SVGFEBlendLighten(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_blend_lighten.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEBlendLighten;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEBlendLighten() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEBlendLighten;
static FilterOp SVGFEBlendMultiply(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_blend_multiply.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEBlendMultiply;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEBlendMultiply() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEBlendMultiply;
static FilterOp SVGFEBlendNormal(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_blend_normal.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEBlendNormal;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEBlendNormal() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEBlendNormal;
static FilterOp SVGFEBlendScreen(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_blend_screen.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEBlendScreen;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEBlendScreen() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEBlendScreen;
static FilterOp SVGFEBlendOverlay(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_blend_overlay.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEBlendOverlay;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEBlendOverlay() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEBlendOverlay;
static FilterOp SVGFEBlendColorDodge(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_blend_color_dodge.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEBlendColorDodge;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEBlendColorDodge() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEBlendColorDodge;
static FilterOp SVGFEBlendColorBurn(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_blend_color_burn.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEBlendColorBurn;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEBlendColorBurn() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEBlendColorBurn;
static FilterOp SVGFEBlendHardLight(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_blend_hard_light.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEBlendHardLight;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEBlendHardLight() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEBlendHardLight;
static FilterOp SVGFEBlendSoftLight(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_blend_soft_light.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEBlendSoftLight;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEBlendSoftLight() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEBlendSoftLight;
static FilterOp SVGFEBlendDifference(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_blend_difference.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEBlendDifference;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEBlendDifference() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEBlendDifference;
static FilterOp SVGFEBlendExclusion(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_blend_exclusion.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEBlendExclusion;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEBlendExclusion() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEBlendExclusion;
static FilterOp SVGFEBlendHue(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_blend_hue.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEBlendHue;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEBlendHue() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEBlendHue;
static FilterOp SVGFEBlendSaturation(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_blend_saturation.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEBlendSaturation;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEBlendSaturation() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEBlendSaturation;
static FilterOp SVGFEBlendColor(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_blend_color.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEBlendColor;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEBlendColor() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEBlendColor;
static FilterOp SVGFEBlendLuminosity(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_blend_luminosity.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEBlendLuminosity;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEBlendLuminosity() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEBlendLuminosity;
static FilterOp SVGFEColorMatrix(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float (&aValues)[20]) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_color_matrix.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
::new (&result.svgfe_color_matrix.values[i]) (float)(aValues[i]);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEColorMatrix;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEColorMatrix() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEColorMatrix;
static FilterOp SVGFEComponentTransfer(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_component_transfer.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEComponentTransfer;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEComponentTransfer() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEComponentTransfer;
static FilterOp SVGFECompositeArithmetic(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float &aK1,
const float &aK2,
const float &aK3,
const float &aK4) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_composite_arithmetic.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_composite_arithmetic.k1) (float)(aK1);
::new (&result.svgfe_composite_arithmetic.k2) (float)(aK2);
::new (&result.svgfe_composite_arithmetic.k3) (float)(aK3);
::new (&result.svgfe_composite_arithmetic.k4) (float)(aK4);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFECompositeArithmetic;
return result;
bool IsSVGFECompositeArithmetic() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFECompositeArithmetic;
static FilterOp SVGFECompositeATop(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_composite_a_top.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFECompositeATop;
return result;
bool IsSVGFECompositeATop() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFECompositeATop;
static FilterOp SVGFECompositeIn(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_composite_in.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFECompositeIn;
return result;
bool IsSVGFECompositeIn() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFECompositeIn;
static FilterOp SVGFECompositeLighter(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_composite_lighter.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFECompositeLighter;
return result;
bool IsSVGFECompositeLighter() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFECompositeLighter;
static FilterOp SVGFECompositeOut(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_composite_out.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFECompositeOut;
return result;
bool IsSVGFECompositeOut() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFECompositeOut;
static FilterOp SVGFECompositeOver(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_composite_over.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFECompositeOver;
return result;
bool IsSVGFECompositeOver() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFECompositeOver;
static FilterOp SVGFECompositeXOR(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_composite_xor.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFECompositeXOR;
return result;
bool IsSVGFECompositeXOR() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFECompositeXOR;
static FilterOp SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeDuplicate(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const int32_t &aOrderX,
const int32_t &aOrderY,
const float (&aKernel)[25],
const float &aDivisor,
const float &aBias,
const int32_t &aTargetX,
const int32_t &aTargetY,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthX,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthY,
const int32_t &aPreserveAlpha) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_duplicate.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_duplicate.order_x) (int32_t)(aOrderX);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_duplicate.order_y) (int32_t)(aOrderY);
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_duplicate.kernel[i]) (float)(aKernel[i]);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_duplicate.divisor) (float)(aDivisor);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_duplicate.bias) (float)(aBias);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_duplicate.target_x) (int32_t)(aTargetX);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_duplicate.target_y) (int32_t)(aTargetY);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_duplicate.kernel_unit_length_x) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthX);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_duplicate.kernel_unit_length_y) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthY);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_duplicate.preserve_alpha) (int32_t)(aPreserveAlpha);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeDuplicate;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeDuplicate() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeDuplicate;
static FilterOp SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeNone(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const int32_t &aOrderX,
const int32_t &aOrderY,
const float (&aKernel)[25],
const float &aDivisor,
const float &aBias,
const int32_t &aTargetX,
const int32_t &aTargetY,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthX,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthY,
const int32_t &aPreserveAlpha) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_none.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_none.order_x) (int32_t)(aOrderX);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_none.order_y) (int32_t)(aOrderY);
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_none.kernel[i]) (float)(aKernel[i]);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_none.divisor) (float)(aDivisor);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_none.bias) (float)(aBias);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_none.target_x) (int32_t)(aTargetX);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_none.target_y) (int32_t)(aTargetY);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_none.kernel_unit_length_x) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthX);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_none.kernel_unit_length_y) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthY);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_none.preserve_alpha) (int32_t)(aPreserveAlpha);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeNone;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeNone() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeNone;
static FilterOp SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeWrap(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const int32_t &aOrderX,
const int32_t &aOrderY,
const float (&aKernel)[25],
const float &aDivisor,
const float &aBias,
const int32_t &aTargetX,
const int32_t &aTargetY,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthX,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthY,
const int32_t &aPreserveAlpha) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_wrap.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_wrap.order_x) (int32_t)(aOrderX);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_wrap.order_y) (int32_t)(aOrderY);
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_wrap.kernel[i]) (float)(aKernel[i]);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_wrap.divisor) (float)(aDivisor);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_wrap.bias) (float)(aBias);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_wrap.target_x) (int32_t)(aTargetX);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_wrap.target_y) (int32_t)(aTargetY);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_wrap.kernel_unit_length_x) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthX);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_wrap.kernel_unit_length_y) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthY);
::new (&result.svgfe_convolve_matrix_edge_mode_wrap.preserve_alpha) (int32_t)(aPreserveAlpha);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeWrap;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeWrap() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEConvolveMatrixEdgeModeWrap;
static FilterOp SVGFEDiffuseLightingDistant(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float &aSurfaceScale,
const float &aDiffuseConstant,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthX,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthY,
const float &aAzimuth,
const float &aElevation) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_distant.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_distant.surface_scale) (float)(aSurfaceScale);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_distant.diffuse_constant) (float)(aDiffuseConstant);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_distant.kernel_unit_length_x) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthX);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_distant.kernel_unit_length_y) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthY);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_distant.azimuth) (float)(aAzimuth);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_distant.elevation) (float)(aElevation);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEDiffuseLightingDistant;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEDiffuseLightingDistant() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEDiffuseLightingDistant;
static FilterOp SVGFEDiffuseLightingPoint(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float &aSurfaceScale,
const float &aDiffuseConstant,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthX,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthY,
const float &aX,
const float &aY,
const float &aZ) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_point.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_point.surface_scale) (float)(aSurfaceScale);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_point.diffuse_constant) (float)(aDiffuseConstant);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_point.kernel_unit_length_x) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthX);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_point.kernel_unit_length_y) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthY);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_point.x) (float)(aX);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_point.y) (float)(aY);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_point.z) (float)(aZ);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEDiffuseLightingPoint;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEDiffuseLightingPoint() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEDiffuseLightingPoint;
static FilterOp SVGFEDiffuseLightingSpot(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float &aSurfaceScale,
const float &aDiffuseConstant,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthX,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthY,
const float &aX,
const float &aY,
const float &aZ,
const float &aPointsAtX,
const float &aPointsAtY,
const float &aPointsAtZ,
const float &aConeExponent,
const float &aLimitingConeAngle) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_spot.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_spot.surface_scale) (float)(aSurfaceScale);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_spot.diffuse_constant) (float)(aDiffuseConstant);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_spot.kernel_unit_length_x) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthX);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_spot.kernel_unit_length_y) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthY);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_spot.x) (float)(aX);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_spot.y) (float)(aY);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_spot.z) (float)(aZ);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_spot.points_at_x) (float)(aPointsAtX);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_spot.points_at_y) (float)(aPointsAtY);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_spot.points_at_z) (float)(aPointsAtZ);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_spot.cone_exponent) (float)(aConeExponent);
::new (&result.svgfe_diffuse_lighting_spot.limiting_cone_angle) (float)(aLimitingConeAngle);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEDiffuseLightingSpot;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEDiffuseLightingSpot() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEDiffuseLightingSpot;
static FilterOp SVGFEDisplacementMap(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float &aScale,
const uint32_t &aXChannelSelector,
const uint32_t &aYChannelSelector) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_displacement_map.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_displacement_map.scale) (float)(aScale);
::new (&result.svgfe_displacement_map.x_channel_selector) (uint32_t)(aXChannelSelector);
::new (&result.svgfe_displacement_map.y_channel_selector) (uint32_t)(aYChannelSelector);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEDisplacementMap;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEDisplacementMap() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEDisplacementMap;
static FilterOp SVGFEDropShadow(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const ColorF &aColor,
const float &aDx,
const float &aDy,
const float &aStdDeviationX,
const float &aStdDeviationY) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_drop_shadow.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_drop_shadow.color) (ColorF)(aColor);
::new (&result.svgfe_drop_shadow.dx) (float)(aDx);
::new (&result.svgfe_drop_shadow.dy) (float)(aDy);
::new (&result.svgfe_drop_shadow.std_deviation_x) (float)(aStdDeviationX);
::new (&result.svgfe_drop_shadow.std_deviation_y) (float)(aStdDeviationY);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEDropShadow;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEDropShadow() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEDropShadow;
static FilterOp SVGFEFlood(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const ColorF &aColor) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_flood.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_flood.color) (ColorF)(aColor);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEFlood;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEFlood() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEFlood;
static FilterOp SVGFEGaussianBlur(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float &aStdDeviationX,
const float &aStdDeviationY) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_gaussian_blur.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_gaussian_blur.std_deviation_x) (float)(aStdDeviationX);
::new (&result.svgfe_gaussian_blur.std_deviation_y) (float)(aStdDeviationY);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEGaussianBlur;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEGaussianBlur() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEGaussianBlur;
static FilterOp SVGFEImage(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const uint32_t &aSamplingFilter,
const float (&aMatrix)[6]) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_image.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_image.sampling_filter) (uint32_t)(aSamplingFilter);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
::new (&result.svgfe_image.matrix[i]) (float)(aMatrix[i]);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEImage;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEImage() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEImage;
static FilterOp SVGFEMorphologyDilate(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float &aRadiusX,
const float &aRadiusY) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_morphology_dilate.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_morphology_dilate.radius_x) (float)(aRadiusX);
::new (&result.svgfe_morphology_dilate.radius_y) (float)(aRadiusY);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEMorphologyDilate;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEMorphologyDilate() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEMorphologyDilate;
static FilterOp SVGFEMorphologyErode(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float &aRadiusX,
const float &aRadiusY) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_morphology_erode.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_morphology_erode.radius_x) (float)(aRadiusX);
::new (&result.svgfe_morphology_erode.radius_y) (float)(aRadiusY);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEMorphologyErode;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEMorphologyErode() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEMorphologyErode;
static FilterOp SVGFEOffset(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float &aOffsetX,
const float &aOffsetY) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_offset.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_offset.offset_x) (float)(aOffsetX);
::new (&result.svgfe_offset.offset_y) (float)(aOffsetY);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFEOffset;
return result;
bool IsSVGFEOffset() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFEOffset;
static FilterOp SVGFESpecularLightingDistant(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float &aSurfaceScale,
const float &aSpecularConstant,
const float &aSpecularExponent,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthX,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthY,
const float &aAzimuth,
const float &aElevation) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_distant.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_distant.surface_scale) (float)(aSurfaceScale);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_distant.specular_constant) (float)(aSpecularConstant);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_distant.specular_exponent) (float)(aSpecularExponent);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_distant.kernel_unit_length_x) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthX);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_distant.kernel_unit_length_y) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthY);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_distant.azimuth) (float)(aAzimuth);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_distant.elevation) (float)(aElevation);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFESpecularLightingDistant;
return result;
bool IsSVGFESpecularLightingDistant() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFESpecularLightingDistant;
static FilterOp SVGFESpecularLightingPoint(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float &aSurfaceScale,
const float &aSpecularConstant,
const float &aSpecularExponent,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthX,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthY,
const float &aX,
const float &aY,
const float &aZ) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_point.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_point.surface_scale) (float)(aSurfaceScale);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_point.specular_constant) (float)(aSpecularConstant);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_point.specular_exponent) (float)(aSpecularExponent);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_point.kernel_unit_length_x) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthX);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_point.kernel_unit_length_y) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthY);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_point.x) (float)(aX);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_point.y) (float)(aY);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_point.z) (float)(aZ);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFESpecularLightingPoint;
return result;
bool IsSVGFESpecularLightingPoint() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFESpecularLightingPoint;
static FilterOp SVGFESpecularLightingSpot(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float &aSurfaceScale,
const float &aSpecularConstant,
const float &aSpecularExponent,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthX,
const float &aKernelUnitLengthY,
const float &aX,
const float &aY,
const float &aZ,
const float &aPointsAtX,
const float &aPointsAtY,
const float &aPointsAtZ,
const float &aConeExponent,
const float &aLimitingConeAngle) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_spot.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_spot.surface_scale) (float)(aSurfaceScale);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_spot.specular_constant) (float)(aSpecularConstant);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_spot.specular_exponent) (float)(aSpecularExponent);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_spot.kernel_unit_length_x) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthX);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_spot.kernel_unit_length_y) (float)(aKernelUnitLengthY);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_spot.x) (float)(aX);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_spot.y) (float)(aY);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_spot.z) (float)(aZ);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_spot.points_at_x) (float)(aPointsAtX);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_spot.points_at_y) (float)(aPointsAtY);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_spot.points_at_z) (float)(aPointsAtZ);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_spot.cone_exponent) (float)(aConeExponent);
::new (&result.svgfe_specular_lighting_spot.limiting_cone_angle) (float)(aLimitingConeAngle);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFESpecularLightingSpot;
return result;
bool IsSVGFESpecularLightingSpot() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFESpecularLightingSpot;
static FilterOp SVGFETile(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_tile.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFETile;
return result;
bool IsSVGFETile() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFETile;
static FilterOp SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithNoStitching(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float &aBaseFrequencyX,
const float &aBaseFrequencyY,
const uint32_t &aNumOctaves,
const uint32_t &aSeed) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_fractal_noise_with_no_stitching.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_fractal_noise_with_no_stitching.base_frequency_x) (float)(aBaseFrequencyX);
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_fractal_noise_with_no_stitching.base_frequency_y) (float)(aBaseFrequencyY);
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_fractal_noise_with_no_stitching.num_octaves) (uint32_t)(aNumOctaves);
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_fractal_noise_with_no_stitching.seed) (uint32_t)(aSeed);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithNoStitching;
return result;
bool IsSVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithNoStitching() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithNoStitching;
static FilterOp SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithStitching(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float &aBaseFrequencyX,
const float &aBaseFrequencyY,
const uint32_t &aNumOctaves,
const uint32_t &aSeed) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_fractal_noise_with_stitching.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_fractal_noise_with_stitching.base_frequency_x) (float)(aBaseFrequencyX);
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_fractal_noise_with_stitching.base_frequency_y) (float)(aBaseFrequencyY);
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_fractal_noise_with_stitching.num_octaves) (uint32_t)(aNumOctaves);
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_fractal_noise_with_stitching.seed) (uint32_t)(aSeed);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithStitching;
return result;
bool IsSVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithStitching() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFETurbulenceWithFractalNoiseWithStitching;
static FilterOp SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithNoStitching(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float &aBaseFrequencyX,
const float &aBaseFrequencyY,
const uint32_t &aNumOctaves,
const uint32_t &aSeed) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_turbulence_noise_with_no_stitching.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_turbulence_noise_with_no_stitching.base_frequency_x) (float)(aBaseFrequencyX);
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_turbulence_noise_with_no_stitching.base_frequency_y) (float)(aBaseFrequencyY);
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_turbulence_noise_with_no_stitching.num_octaves) (uint32_t)(aNumOctaves);
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_turbulence_noise_with_no_stitching.seed) (uint32_t)(aSeed);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithNoStitching;
return result;
bool IsSVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithNoStitching() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithNoStitching;
static FilterOp SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithStitching(const FilterOpGraphNode &aNode,
const float &aBaseFrequencyX,
const float &aBaseFrequencyY,
const uint32_t &aNumOctaves,
const uint32_t &aSeed) {
FilterOp result;
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_turbulence_noise_with_stitching.node) (FilterOpGraphNode)(aNode);
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_turbulence_noise_with_stitching.base_frequency_x) (float)(aBaseFrequencyX);
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_turbulence_noise_with_stitching.base_frequency_y) (float)(aBaseFrequencyY);
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_turbulence_noise_with_stitching.num_octaves) (uint32_t)(aNumOctaves);
::new (&result.svgfe_turbulence_with_turbulence_noise_with_stitching.seed) (uint32_t)(aSeed);
result.tag = Tag::SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithStitching;
return result;
bool IsSVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithStitching() const {
return tag == Tag::SVGFETurbulenceWithTurbulenceNoiseWithStitching;
static FilterOp Sentinel() {
FilterOp result;
result.tag = Tag::Sentinel;
return result;
bool IsSentinel() const {
return tag == Tag::Sentinel;
struct WrFilterData {
ComponentTransferFuncType funcR_type;
float *R_values;
uintptr_t R_values_count;
ComponentTransferFuncType funcG_type;
float *G_values;
uintptr_t G_values_count;
ComponentTransferFuncType funcB_type;
float *B_values;
uintptr_t B_values_count;
ComponentTransferFuncType funcA_type;
float *A_values;
uintptr_t A_values_count;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrFilterData& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "funcR_type=" << aInstance.funcR_type << ", "
<< "R_values=" << aInstance.R_values << ", "
<< "R_values_count=" << aInstance.R_values_count << ", "
<< "funcG_type=" << aInstance.funcG_type << ", "
<< "G_values=" << aInstance.G_values << ", "
<< "G_values_count=" << aInstance.G_values_count << ", "
<< "funcB_type=" << aInstance.funcB_type << ", "
<< "B_values=" << aInstance.B_values << ", "
<< "B_values_count=" << aInstance.B_values_count << ", "
<< "funcA_type=" << aInstance.funcA_type << ", "
<< "A_values=" << aInstance.A_values << ", "
<< "A_values_count=" << aInstance.A_values_count << " }";
bool operator==(const WrFilterData& aOther) const {
return funcR_type == aOther.funcR_type &&
R_values == aOther.R_values &&
R_values_count == aOther.R_values_count &&
funcG_type == aOther.funcG_type &&
G_values == aOther.G_values &&
G_values_count == aOther.G_values_count &&
funcB_type == aOther.funcB_type &&
B_values == aOther.B_values &&
B_values_count == aOther.B_values_count &&
funcA_type == aOther.funcA_type &&
A_values == aOther.A_values &&
A_values_count == aOther.A_values_count;
/// Configure whether the contents of a stacking context
/// should be rasterized in local space or screen space.
/// Local space rasterized pictures are typically used
/// when we want to cache the output, and performance is
/// important. Note that this is a performance hint only,
/// which WR may choose to ignore.
union RasterSpace {
enum class Tag : uint8_t {
/// Must be last for serialization purposes
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Tag& aInstance) {
using Tag = RasterSpace::Tag;
switch (aInstance) {
case Tag::Local: aStream << "Local"; break;
case Tag::Screen: aStream << "Screen"; break;
case Tag::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const RasterSpace& aInstance) {
using Tag = RasterSpace::Tag;
switch (aInstance.tag) {
case Tag::Local: aStream << aInstance.local; break;
case Tag::Screen: aStream << "Screen"; break;
case Tag::Sentinel: aStream << "Sentinel"; break;
return aStream;
struct Local_Body {
Tag tag;
float _0;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const Local_Body& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "tag=" << aInstance.tag << ", "
<< "_0=" << aInstance._0 << " }";
bool operator==(const Local_Body& aOther) const {
return _0 == aOther._0;
struct {
Tag tag;
Local_Body local;
static RasterSpace Local(const float &a0) {
RasterSpace result;
::new (&result.local._0) (float)(a0);
result.tag = Tag::Local;
return result;
bool IsLocal() const {
return tag == Tag::Local;
static RasterSpace Screen() {
RasterSpace result;
result.tag = Tag::Screen;
return result;
bool IsScreen() const {
return tag == Tag::Screen;
static RasterSpace Sentinel() {
RasterSpace result;
result.tag = Tag::Sentinel;
return result;
bool IsSentinel() const {
return tag == Tag::Sentinel;
bool operator==(const RasterSpace& aOther) const {
if (tag != aOther.tag) {
return false;
switch (tag) {
case Tag::Local: return local == aOther.local;
default: break;
return true;
struct WrClipId {
uintptr_t id;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrClipId& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "id=" << << " }";
bool operator==(const WrClipId& aOther) const {
return id ==;
struct ImageMask {
ImageKey image;
LayoutRect rect;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ImageMask& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "image=" << aInstance.image << ", "
<< "rect=" << aInstance.rect << " }";
bool operator==(const ImageMask& aOther) const {
return image == aOther.image &&
rect == aOther.rect;
using LayoutPoint = Point2D<float, LayoutPixel>;
struct BorderRadius {
LayoutSize top_left;
LayoutSize top_right;
LayoutSize bottom_left;
LayoutSize bottom_right;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const BorderRadius& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "top_left=" << aInstance.top_left << ", "
<< "top_right=" << aInstance.top_right << ", "
<< "bottom_left=" << aInstance.bottom_left << ", "
<< "bottom_right=" << aInstance.bottom_right << " }";
bool operator==(const BorderRadius& aOther) const {
return top_left == aOther.top_left &&
top_right == aOther.top_right &&
bottom_left == aOther.bottom_left &&
bottom_right == aOther.bottom_right;
struct ComplexClipRegion {
/// The boundaries of the rectangle.
LayoutRect rect;
/// Border radii of this rectangle.
BorderRadius radii;
/// Whether we are clipping inside or outside
/// the region.
ClipMode mode;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const ComplexClipRegion& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "rect=" << aInstance.rect << ", "
<< "radii=" << aInstance.radii << ", "
<< "mode=" << aInstance.mode << " }";
bool operator==(const ComplexClipRegion& aOther) const {
return rect == aOther.rect &&
radii == aOther.radii &&
mode == aOther.mode;
/// The minimum and maximum allowable offset for a sticky frame in a single dimension.
struct StickyOffsetBounds {
/// The minimum offset for this frame, typically a negative value, which specifies how
/// far in the negative direction the sticky frame can offset its contents in this
/// dimension.
float min;
/// The maximum offset for this frame, typically a positive value, which specifies how
/// far in the positive direction the sticky frame can offset its contents in this
/// dimension.
float max;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const StickyOffsetBounds& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "min=" << aInstance.min << ", "
<< "max=" << aInstance.max << " }";
bool operator==(const StickyOffsetBounds& aOther) const {
return min == aOther.min &&
max == aOther.max;
struct WrSpaceAndClipChain {
WrSpatialId space;
uint64_t clip_chain;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrSpaceAndClipChain& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "space=" << << ", "
<< "clip_chain=" << aInstance.clip_chain << " }";
bool operator==(const WrSpaceAndClipChain& aOther) const {
return space == &&
clip_chain == aOther.clip_chain;
using WrColorDepth = ColorDepth;
using WrYuvColorSpace = YuvColorSpace;
using WrColorRange = ColorRange;
using GlyphIndex = uint32_t;
struct GlyphInstance {
GlyphIndex index;
LayoutPoint point;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const GlyphInstance& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "index=" << aInstance.index << ", "
<< "point=" << aInstance.point << " }";
bool operator==(const GlyphInstance& aOther) const {
return index == aOther.index &&
point == aOther.point;
struct GlyphOptions {
FontRenderMode render_mode;
FontInstanceFlags flags;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const GlyphOptions& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "render_mode=" << aInstance.render_mode << ", "
<< "flags=" << aInstance.flags << " }";
bool operator==(const GlyphOptions& aOther) const {
return render_mode == aOther.render_mode &&
flags == aOther.flags;
/// A group of 2D side offsets, which correspond to top/right/bottom/left for borders, padding,
/// and margins in CSS, optionally tagged with a unit.
template<typename T, typename U>
struct SideOffsets2D {
T top;
T right;
T bottom;
T left;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const SideOffsets2D& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "top=" << << ", "
<< "right=" << aInstance.right << ", "
<< "bottom=" << aInstance.bottom << ", "
<< "left=" << aInstance.left << " }";
bool operator==(const SideOffsets2D& aOther) const {
return top == &&
right == aOther.right &&
bottom == aOther.bottom &&
left == aOther.left;
using LayoutSideOffsets = SideOffsets2D<float, LayoutPixel>;
struct BorderSide {
ColorF color;
BorderStyle style;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const BorderSide& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "color=" << aInstance.color << ", "
<< "style=" << << " }";
bool operator==(const BorderSide& aOther) const {
return color == aOther.color &&
style ==;
using DeviceIntSideOffsets = SideOffsets2D<int32_t, DevicePixel>;
struct WrBorderImage {
LayoutSideOffsets widths;
WrImageKey image;
ImageRendering image_rendering;
int32_t width;
int32_t height;
bool fill;
DeviceIntSideOffsets slice;
RepeatMode repeat_horizontal;
RepeatMode repeat_vertical;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const WrBorderImage& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "widths=" << aInstance.widths << ", "
<< "image=" << aInstance.image << ", "
<< "image_rendering=" << aInstance.image_rendering << ", "
<< "width=" << aInstance.width << ", "
<< "height=" << aInstance.height << ", "
<< "fill=" << aInstance.fill << ", "
<< "slice=" << aInstance.slice << ", "
<< "repeat_horizontal=" << aInstance.repeat_horizontal << ", "
<< "repeat_vertical=" << aInstance.repeat_vertical << " }";
bool operator==(const WrBorderImage& aOther) const {
return widths == aOther.widths &&
image == aOther.image &&
image_rendering == aOther.image_rendering &&
width == aOther.width &&
height == aOther.height &&
fill == aOther.fill &&
slice == aOther.slice &&
repeat_horizontal == aOther.repeat_horizontal &&
repeat_vertical == aOther.repeat_vertical;
struct GradientStop {
float offset;
ColorF color;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const GradientStop& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "offset=" << aInstance.offset << ", "
<< "color=" << aInstance.color << " }";
bool operator==(const GradientStop& aOther) const {
return offset == aOther.offset &&
color == aOther.color;
/// An identifier used to refer to previously sent display items. Currently it
/// refers to individual display items, but this may change later.
using ItemKey = uint16_t;
using WorldPoint = Point2D<float, WorldPixel>;
struct HitResult {
WrPipelineId pipeline_id;
uint64_t scroll_id;
uint64_t animation_id;
uint16_t hit_info;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const HitResult& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "pipeline_id=" << aInstance.pipeline_id << ", "
<< "scroll_id=" << aInstance.scroll_id << ", "
<< "animation_id=" << aInstance.animation_id << ", "
<< "hit_info=" << aInstance.hit_info << " }";
bool operator==(const HitResult& aOther) const {
return pipeline_id == aOther.pipeline_id &&
scroll_id == aOther.scroll_id &&
animation_id == aOther.animation_id &&
hit_info == aOther.hit_info;
using VecU8 = Vec<uint8_t>;
using ArcVecU8 = Arc<VecU8>;
using TileOffset = Point2D<int32_t, TileCoordinate>;
struct MutByteSlice {
uint8_t *buffer;
uintptr_t len;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const MutByteSlice& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "buffer=" << aInstance.buffer << ", "
<< "len=" << aInstance.len << " }";
bool operator==(const MutByteSlice& aOther) const {
return buffer == aOther.buffer &&
len == aOther.len;
struct FontVariation {
uint32_t tag;
float value;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream, const FontVariation& aInstance) {
return aStream << "{ " << "tag=" << aInstance.tag << ", "
<< "value=" << aInstance.value << " }";
bool operator==(const FontVariation& aOther) const {
return tag == aOther.tag &&
value == aOther.value;
/// Width and height in device pixels of image tiles.
using TileSize = uint16_t;
/// The default tile size for blob images and regular images larger than
/// the maximum texture size.
constexpr static const TileSize DEFAULT_TILE_SIZE = 512;
extern "C" {
#if defined(ANDROID)
extern int __android_log_write(int aPrio,
const char *aTag,
const char *aText);
void wr_vec_u8_push_bytes(WrVecU8 *aV,
ByteSlice aBytes);
void wr_vec_u8_reserve(WrVecU8 *aV,
uintptr_t aLen);
void wr_vec_u8_free(WrVecU8 aV);
extern WrExternalImage wr_renderer_lock_external_image(void *aRenderer,
ExternalImageId aExternalImageId,
uint8_t aChannelIndex);
extern void wr_renderer_unlock_external_image(void *aRenderer,
ExternalImageId aExternalImageId,
uint8_t aChannelIndex);
extern bool is_in_compositor_thread();
extern bool is_in_render_thread();
extern bool is_in_main_thread();
extern bool is_glcontext_gles(void *aGlcontextPtr);
extern bool is_glcontext_angle(void *aGlcontextPtr);
extern const char *gfx_wr_resource_path_override();
extern bool gfx_wr_use_optimized_shaders();
extern void gfx_critical_error(const char *aMsg);
extern void gfx_critical_note(const char *aMsg);
extern void gfx_wr_set_crash_annotation(CrashAnnotation aAnnotation,
const char *aValue);
extern void gfx_wr_clear_crash_annotation(CrashAnnotation aAnnotation);
extern void wr_notifier_wake_up(WrWindowId aWindowId,
bool aCompositeNeeded);
extern void wr_notifier_new_frame_ready(WrWindowId aWindowId,
bool aCompositeNeeded,
FramePublishId aPublishId);
extern void wr_notifier_external_event(WrWindowId aWindowId,
uintptr_t aRawEvent);
extern void wr_schedule_render(WrWindowId aWindowId,
RenderReasons aReasons);
extern void wr_finished_scene_build(WrWindowId aWindowId,
WrPipelineInfo *aPipelineInfo);
extern void wr_transaction_notification_notified(uintptr_t aHandler,
Checkpoint aWhen);
void wr_renderer_set_clear_color(Renderer *aRenderer,
ColorF aColor);
void wr_renderer_set_external_image_handler(Renderer *aRenderer,
WrExternalImageHandler *aExternalImageHandler);
void wr_renderer_update(Renderer *aRenderer);
void wr_renderer_set_target_frame_publish_id(Renderer *aRenderer,
FramePublishId aPublishId);
bool wr_renderer_render(Renderer *aRenderer,
int32_t aWidth,
int32_t aHeight,
uintptr_t aBufferAge,
RendererStats *aOutStats,
nsTArray<DeviceIntRect> *aOutDirtyRects);
void wr_renderer_force_redraw(Renderer *aRenderer);
bool wr_renderer_record_frame(Renderer *aRenderer,
ImageFormat aImageFormat,
RecordedFrameHandle *aOutHandle,
int32_t *aOutWidth,
int32_t *aOutHeight);
bool wr_renderer_map_recorded_frame(Renderer *aRenderer,
RecordedFrameHandle aHandle,
uint8_t *aDstBuffer,
uintptr_t aDstBufferLen,
uintptr_t aDstStride);
void wr_renderer_release_composition_recorder_structures(Renderer *aRenderer);
AsyncScreenshotHandle wr_renderer_get_screenshot_async(Renderer *aRenderer,
int32_t aWindowX,
int32_t aWindowY,
int32_t aWindowWidth,
int32_t aWindowHeight,
int32_t aBufferWidth,
int32_t aBufferHeight,
ImageFormat aImageFormat,
int32_t *aScreenshotWidth,
int32_t *aScreenshotHeight);
bool wr_renderer_map_and_recycle_screenshot(Renderer *aRenderer,
AsyncScreenshotHandle aHandle,
uint8_t *aDstBuffer,
uintptr_t aDstBufferLen,
uintptr_t aDstStride);
void wr_renderer_release_profiler_structures(Renderer *aRenderer);
void wr_renderer_readback(Renderer *aRenderer,
int32_t aWidth,
int32_t aHeight,
ImageFormat aFormat,
uint8_t *aDstBuffer,
uintptr_t aBufferSize);
void wr_renderer_set_profiler_ui(Renderer *aRenderer,
const uint8_t *aUiStr,
uintptr_t aUiStrLen);
void wr_renderer_delete(Renderer *aRenderer);
void wr_renderer_accumulate_memory_report(Renderer *aRenderer,
MemoryReport *aReport,
void *aSwgl);
void wr_renderer_flush_pipeline_info(Renderer *aRenderer,
WrPipelineInfo *aOut);
extern bool gecko_profiler_thread_is_being_profiled();
extern void apz_register_updater(WrWindowId aWindowId);
extern void apz_pre_scene_swap(WrWindowId aWindowId);
extern void apz_post_scene_swap(WrWindowId aWindowId,
const WrPipelineInfo *aPipelineInfo);
extern void apz_run_updater(WrWindowId aWindowId);
extern void apz_deregister_updater(WrWindowId aWindowId);
extern void apz_register_sampler(WrWindowId aWindowId);
extern void apz_sample_transforms(WrWindowId aWindowId,
const uint64_t *aGeneratedFrameId,
Transaction *aTransaction);
extern void apz_deregister_sampler(WrWindowId aWindowId);
extern void omta_register_sampler(WrWindowId aWindowId);
extern void omta_sample(WrWindowId aWindowId,
Transaction *aTransaction);
extern void omta_deregister_sampler(WrWindowId aWindowId);
extern void wr_register_thread_local_arena();
WrThreadPool *wr_thread_pool_new(bool aLowPriority);
void wr_thread_pool_delete(WrThreadPool *aThreadPool);
WrChunkPool *wr_chunk_pool_new();
void wr_chunk_pool_delete(WrChunkPool *aPool);
void wr_chunk_pool_purge(const WrChunkPool *aPool);
WrProgramCache *wr_program_cache_new(const nsAString *aProfPath,
WrThreadPool *aThreadPool);
void wr_program_cache_delete(WrProgramCache *aProgramCache);
void wr_try_load_startup_shaders_from_disk(WrProgramCache *aProgramCache);
bool remove_program_binary_disk_cache(const nsAString *aProfPath);
extern void wr_compositor_create_surface(void *aCompositor,
NativeSurfaceId aId,
DeviceIntPoint aVirtualOffset,
DeviceIntSize aTileSize,
bool aIsOpaque);
extern void wr_compositor_create_external_surface(void *aCompositor,
NativeSurfaceId aId,
bool aIsOpaque);
extern void wr_compositor_create_backdrop_surface(void *aCompositor,
NativeSurfaceId aId,
ColorF aColor);
extern void wr_compositor_destroy_surface(void *aCompositor,
NativeSurfaceId aId);
extern void wr_compositor_create_tile(void *aCompositor,
NativeSurfaceId aId,
int32_t aX,
int32_t aY);
extern void wr_compositor_destroy_tile(void *aCompositor,
NativeSurfaceId aId,
int32_t aX,
int32_t aY);
extern void wr_compositor_attach_external_image(void *aCompositor,
NativeSurfaceId aId,
ExternalImageId aExternalImage);
extern void wr_compositor_bind(void *aCompositor,
NativeTileId aId,
DeviceIntPoint *aOffset,
uint32_t *aFboId,
DeviceIntRect aDirtyRect,
DeviceIntRect aValidRect);
extern void wr_compositor_unbind(void *aCompositor);
extern void wr_compositor_begin_frame(void *aCompositor);
extern void wr_compositor_add_surface(void *aCompositor,
NativeSurfaceId aId,
const CompositorSurfaceTransform *aTransform,
DeviceIntRect aClipRect,
ImageRendering aImageRendering);
extern void wr_compositor_start_compositing(void *aCompositor,
ColorF aClearColor,
const DeviceIntRect *aDirtyRects,
uintptr_t aNumDirtyRects,
const DeviceIntRect *aOpaqueRects,
uintptr_t aNumOpaqueRects);
extern void wr_compositor_end_frame(void *aCompositor);
extern void wr_compositor_enable_native_compositor(void *aCompositor,
bool aEnable);
extern void wr_compositor_deinit(void *aCompositor);
extern void wr_compositor_get_capabilities(void *aCompositor,
CompositorCapabilities *aCaps);
extern void wr_compositor_get_window_visibility(void *aCompositor,
WindowVisibility *aCaps);
extern void wr_compositor_map_tile(void *aCompositor,
NativeTileId aId,
DeviceIntRect aDirtyRect,
DeviceIntRect aValidRect,
void **aData,
int32_t *aStride);
extern void wr_compositor_unmap_tile(void *aCompositor);
extern void wr_partial_present_compositor_set_buffer_damage_region(void *aCompositor,
const DeviceIntRect *aRects,
uintptr_t aNRects);
extern bool wr_swgl_lock_composite_surface(void *aCtx,
ExternalImageId aExternalImageId,
SWGLCompositeSurfaceInfo *aCompositeInfo);
extern void wr_swgl_unlock_composite_surface(void *aCtx,
ExternalImageId aExternalImageId);
WrGlyphRasterThread *wr_glyph_raster_thread_new();
void wr_glyph_raster_thread_delete(WrGlyphRasterThread *aThread);
bool wr_window_new(WrWindowId aWindowId,
int32_t aWindowWidth,
int32_t aWindowHeight,
bool aIsMainWindow,
bool aSupportLowPriorityTransactions,
bool aSupportLowPriorityThreadpool,
bool aAllowTextureSwizzling,
bool aAllowScissoredCacheClears,
void *aSwglContext,
void *aGlContext,
bool aSurfaceOriginIsTopLeft,
WrProgramCache *aProgramCache,
WrShaders *aShaders,
WrThreadPool *aThreadPool,
WrThreadPool *aThreadPoolLowPriority,
const WrChunkPool *aChunkPool,
const WrGlyphRasterThread *aGlyphRasterThread,
VoidPtrToSizeFn aSizeOfOp,
VoidPtrToSizeFn aEnclosingSizeOfOp,
uint32_t aDocumentId,
void *aCompositor,
bool aUseNativeCompositor,
bool aUsePartialPresent,
uintptr_t aMaxPartialPresentRects,
bool aDrawPreviousPartialPresentRegions,
DocumentHandle **aOutHandle,
Renderer **aOutRenderer,
int32_t *aOutMaxTextureSize,
char **aOutErr,
bool aEnableGpuMarkers,
bool aPanicOnGlError,
int32_t aPictureTileWidth,
int32_t aPictureTileHeight,
bool aRejectSoftwareRasterizer,
bool aLowQualityPinchZoom,
int32_t aMaxSharedSurfaceSize,
bool aEnableSubpixelAa);
void wr_api_free_error_msg(char *aMsg);
void wr_api_delete_document(DocumentHandle *aDh);
void wr_api_clone(DocumentHandle *aDh,
DocumentHandle **aOutHandle);
void wr_api_delete(DocumentHandle *aDh);
void wr_api_stop_render_backend(DocumentHandle *aDh);
void wr_api_shut_down(DocumentHandle *aDh);
void wr_api_notify_memory_pressure(DocumentHandle *aDh);
void wr_api_set_debug_flags(DocumentHandle *aDh,
DebugFlags aFlags);
void wr_api_set_bool(DocumentHandle *aDh,
BoolParameter aParamName,
bool aVal);
void wr_api_set_int(DocumentHandle *aDh,
IntParameter aParamName,
int32_t aVal);
void wr_api_set_float(DocumentHandle *aDh,
FloatParameter aParamName,
float aVal);
void wr_api_accumulate_memory_report(DocumentHandle *aDh,
MemoryReport *aReport,
uintptr_t (*aSizeOfOp)(const void *ptr),
uintptr_t (*aEnclosingSizeOfOp)(const void *ptr));
void wr_api_clear_all_caches(DocumentHandle *aDh);
void wr_api_enable_native_compositor(DocumentHandle *aDh,
bool aEnable);
void wr_api_set_batching_lookback(DocumentHandle *aDh,
uint32_t aCount);
Transaction *wr_transaction_new(bool aDoAsync);
void wr_transaction_delete(Transaction *aTxn);
void wr_transaction_set_low_priority(Transaction *aTxn,
bool aLowPriority);
bool wr_transaction_is_empty(const Transaction *aTxn);
bool wr_transaction_resource_updates_is_empty(const Transaction *aTxn);
bool wr_transaction_is_rendered_frame_invalidated(const Transaction *aTxn);
void wr_transaction_notify(Transaction *aTxn,
Checkpoint aWhen,
uintptr_t aEvent);
void wr_transaction_update_epoch(Transaction *aTxn,
WrPipelineId aPipelineId,
WrEpoch aEpoch);
void wr_transaction_set_root_pipeline(Transaction *aTxn,
WrPipelineId aPipelineId);
void wr_transaction_remove_pipeline(Transaction *aTxn,
WrPipelineId aPipelineId);
void wr_transaction_set_display_list(Transaction *aTxn,
WrEpoch aEpoch,
WrPipelineId aPipelineId,
BuiltDisplayListDescriptor aDlDescriptor,
WrVecU8 *aDlItemsData,
WrVecU8 *aDlCacheData,
WrVecU8 *aDlSpatialTreeData);
void wr_transaction_set_document_view(Transaction *aTxn,
const DeviceIntRect *aDocRect);
void wr_transaction_generate_frame(Transaction *aTxn,
uint64_t aId,
RenderReasons aReasons);
void wr_transaction_invalidate_rendered_frame(Transaction *aTxn,
RenderReasons aReasons);
void wr_transaction_append_dynamic_properties(Transaction *aTxn,
const WrOpacityProperty *aOpacityArray,
uintptr_t aOpacityCount,
const WrTransformProperty *aTransformArray,
uintptr_t aTransformCount,
const WrColorProperty *aColorArray,
uintptr_t aColorCount);
void wr_transaction_append_transform_properties(Transaction *aTxn,
const WrTransformProperty *aTransformArray,
uintptr_t aTransformCount);
void wr_transaction_scroll_layer(Transaction *aTxn,
ExternalScrollId aScrollId,
const nsTArray<SampledScrollOffset> *aSampledScrollOffsets);
void wr_transaction_set_is_transform_async_zooming(Transaction *aTxn,
uint64_t aAnimationId,
bool aIsZooming);
void wr_transaction_add_minimap_data(Transaction *aTxn,
ExternalScrollId aScrollId,
MinimapData aMinimapData);
void wr_transaction_set_quality_settings(Transaction *aTxn,
bool aForceSubpixelAaWherePossible);
void wr_resource_updates_add_image(Transaction *aTxn,
WrImageKey aImageKey,
const WrImageDescriptor *aDescriptor,
WrVecU8 *aBytes);
void wr_resource_updates_add_blob_image(Transaction *aTxn,
BlobImageKey aImageKey,
const WrImageDescriptor *aDescriptor,
uint16_t aTileSize,
WrVecU8 *aBytes,
DeviceIntRect aVisibleRect);
void wr_resource_updates_add_external_image(Transaction *aTxn,
WrImageKey aImageKey,
const WrImageDescriptor *aDescriptor,
ExternalImageId aExternalImageId,
const ExternalImageType *aImageType,
uint8_t aChannelIndex,
bool aNormalizedUvs);
void wr_resource_updates_update_image(Transaction *aTxn,
WrImageKey aKey,
const WrImageDescriptor *aDescriptor,
WrVecU8 *aBytes);
void wr_resource_updates_set_blob_image_visible_area(Transaction *aTxn,
BlobImageKey aKey,
const DeviceIntRect *aArea);
void wr_resource_updates_update_external_image(Transaction *aTxn,
WrImageKey aKey,
const WrImageDescriptor *aDescriptor,
ExternalImageId aExternalImageId,
const ExternalImageType *aImageType,
uint8_t aChannelIndex,
bool aNormalizedUvs);
void wr_resource_updates_update_external_image_with_dirty_rect(Transaction *aTxn,
WrImageKey aKey,
const WrImageDescriptor *aDescriptor,
ExternalImageId aExternalImageId,
const ExternalImageType *aImageType,
uint8_t aChannelIndex,
bool aNormalizedUvs,
DeviceIntRect aDirtyRect);
void wr_resource_updates_update_blob_image(Transaction *aTxn,
BlobImageKey aImageKey,
const WrImageDescriptor *aDescriptor,
WrVecU8 *aBytes,
DeviceIntRect aVisibleRect,
LayoutIntRect aDirtyRect);
void wr_resource_updates_delete_image(Transaction *aTxn,
WrImageKey aKey);
void wr_resource_updates_delete_blob_image(Transaction *aTxn,
BlobImageKey aKey);
void wr_resource_updates_add_snapshot_image(Transaction *aTxn,
SnapshotImageKey aImageKey);
void wr_resource_updates_delete_snapshot_image(Transaction *aTxn,
SnapshotImageKey aKey);
void wr_api_send_transaction(DocumentHandle *aDh,
Transaction *aTransaction,
bool aIsAsync);
void wr_transaction_clear_display_list(Transaction *aTxn,
WrEpoch aEpoch,
WrPipelineId aPipelineId);
void wr_api_send_external_event(DocumentHandle *aDh,
uintptr_t aEvt);
void wr_resource_updates_add_raw_font(Transaction *aTxn,
WrFontKey aKey,
WrVecU8 *aBytes,
uint32_t aIndex);
void wr_api_capture(DocumentHandle *aDh,
const char *aPath,
uint32_t aBitsRaw);
void wr_api_start_capture_sequence(DocumentHandle *aDh,
const char *aPath,
uint32_t aBitsRaw);
void wr_api_stop_capture_sequence(DocumentHandle *aDh);
void wr_resource_updates_add_font_descriptor(Transaction *aTxn,
WrFontKey aKey,
WrVecU8 *aBytes,
uint32_t aIndex);
void wr_resource_updates_delete_font(Transaction *aTxn,
WrFontKey aKey);
void wr_resource_updates_add_font_instance(Transaction *aTxn,
WrFontInstanceKey aKey,
WrFontKey aFontKey,
float aGlyphSize,
const FontInstanceOptions *aOptions,
const FontInstancePlatformOptions *aPlatformOptions,
WrVecU8 *aVariations);
void wr_resource_updates_delete_font_instance(Transaction *aTxn,
WrFontInstanceKey aKey);
void wr_resource_updates_clear(Transaction *aTxn);
WrIdNamespace wr_api_get_namespace(DocumentHandle *aDh);
void wr_api_wake_scene_builder(DocumentHandle *aDh);
void wr_api_flush_scene_builder(DocumentHandle *aDh);
WrState *wr_state_new(WrPipelineId aPipelineId);
void wr_state_delete(WrState *aState);
void wr_dp_save(WrState *aState);
void wr_dp_restore(WrState *aState);
void wr_dp_clear_save(WrState *aState);
WrSpatialId wr_dp_push_stacking_context(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aBounds,
WrSpatialId aSpatialId,
const WrStackingContextParams *aParams,
const WrTransformInfo *aTransform,
const FilterOp *aFilters,
uintptr_t aFilterCount,
const WrFilterData *aFilterDatas,
uintptr_t aFilterDatasCount,
RasterSpace aGlyphRasterSpace);
void wr_dp_pop_stacking_context(WrState *aState,
bool aIsReferenceFrame);
uint64_t wr_dp_define_clipchain(WrState *aState,
const uint64_t *aParentClipchainId,
const WrClipId *aClips,
uintptr_t aClipsCount);
WrClipId wr_dp_define_image_mask_clip_with_parent_clip_chain(WrState *aState,
WrSpatialId aSpace,
ImageMask aMask,
const LayoutPoint *aPoints,
uintptr_t aPointCount,
FillRule aFillRule);
WrClipId wr_dp_define_rounded_rect_clip(WrState *aState,
WrSpatialId aSpace,
ComplexClipRegion aComplex);
WrClipId wr_dp_define_rect_clip(WrState *aState,
WrSpatialId aSpace,
LayoutRect aClipRect);
WrSpatialId wr_dp_define_sticky_frame(WrState *aState,
WrSpatialId aParentSpatialId,
LayoutRect aContentRect,
const float *aTopMargin,
const float *aRightMargin,
const float *aBottomMargin,
const float *aLeftMargin,
StickyOffsetBounds aVerticalBounds,
StickyOffsetBounds aHorizontalBounds,
LayoutVector2D aAppliedOffset,
SpatialTreeItemKey aKey,
const WrAnimationProperty *aAnimation);
WrSpatialId wr_dp_define_scroll_layer(WrState *aState,
uint64_t aExternalScrollId,
const WrSpatialId *aParent,
LayoutRect aContentRect,
LayoutRect aClipRect,
LayoutVector2D aScrollOffset,
APZScrollGeneration aScrollOffsetGeneration,
HasScrollLinkedEffect aHasScrollLinkedEffect,
SpatialTreeItemKey aKey);
void wr_dp_push_iframe(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aRect,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
WrPipelineId aPipelineId,
bool aIgnoreMissingPipeline);
void wr_dp_push_rect(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aRect,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
bool aForceAntialiasing,
bool aIsCheckerboard,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
ColorF aColor);
void wr_dp_push_rect_with_animation(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aRect,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
ColorF aColor,
const WrAnimationProperty *aAnimation);
void wr_dp_push_backdrop_filter(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aRect,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
const FilterOp *aFilters,
uintptr_t aFilterCount,
const WrFilterData *aFilterDatas,
uintptr_t aFilterDatasCount);
void wr_dp_push_clear_rect(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aRect,
LayoutRect aClipRect,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent);
void wr_dp_push_hit_test(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aRect,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
uint64_t aScrollId,
uint16_t aHitInfo);
void wr_dp_push_image(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aBounds,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
bool aForceAntialiasing,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
ImageRendering aImageRendering,
WrImageKey aKey,
bool aPremultipliedAlpha,
ColorF aColor,
bool aPreferCompositorSurface,
bool aSupportsExternalCompositing);
void wr_dp_push_repeating_image(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aBounds,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
LayoutSize aStretchSize,
LayoutSize aTileSpacing,
ImageRendering aImageRendering,
WrImageKey aKey,
bool aPremultipliedAlpha,
ColorF aColor);
/// Push a 3 planar yuv image.
void wr_dp_push_yuv_planar_image(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aBounds,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
WrImageKey aImageKey0,
WrImageKey aImageKey1,
WrImageKey aImageKey2,
WrColorDepth aColorDepth,
WrYuvColorSpace aColorSpace,
WrColorRange aColorRange,
ImageRendering aImageRendering,
bool aPreferCompositorSurface,
bool aSupportsExternalCompositing);
/// Push a 2 planar NV12 image.
void wr_dp_push_yuv_NV12_image(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aBounds,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
WrImageKey aImageKey0,
WrImageKey aImageKey1,
WrColorDepth aColorDepth,
WrYuvColorSpace aColorSpace,
WrColorRange aColorRange,
ImageRendering aImageRendering,
bool aPreferCompositorSurface,
bool aSupportsExternalCompositing);
/// Push a 2 planar P010 image.
void wr_dp_push_yuv_P010_image(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aBounds,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
WrImageKey aImageKey0,
WrImageKey aImageKey1,
WrColorDepth aColorDepth,
WrYuvColorSpace aColorSpace,
WrColorRange aColorRange,
ImageRendering aImageRendering,
bool aPreferCompositorSurface,
bool aSupportsExternalCompositing);
/// Push a 2 planar NV16 image.
void wr_dp_push_yuv_NV16_image(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aBounds,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
WrImageKey aImageKey0,
WrImageKey aImageKey1,
WrColorDepth aColorDepth,
WrYuvColorSpace aColorSpace,
WrColorRange aColorRange,
ImageRendering aImageRendering,
bool aPreferCompositorSurface,
bool aSupportsExternalCompositing);
/// Push a yuv interleaved image.
void wr_dp_push_yuv_interleaved_image(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aBounds,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
WrImageKey aImageKey0,
WrColorDepth aColorDepth,
WrYuvColorSpace aColorSpace,
WrColorRange aColorRange,
ImageRendering aImageRendering,
bool aPreferCompositorSurface,
bool aSupportsExternalCompositing);
void wr_dp_push_text(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aBounds,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
ColorF aColor,
WrFontInstanceKey aFontKey,
const GlyphInstance *aGlyphs,
uint32_t aGlyphCount,
const GlyphOptions *aGlyphOptions);
void wr_dp_push_shadow(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aBounds,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
Shadow aShadow,
bool aShouldInflate);
void wr_dp_pop_all_shadows(WrState *aState);
void wr_dp_push_line(WrState *aState,
const LayoutRect *aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
const LayoutRect *aBounds,
float aWavyLineThickness,
LineOrientation aOrientation,
const ColorF *aColor,
LineStyle aStyle);
void wr_dp_push_border(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aRect,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
AntialiasBorder aDoAa,
LayoutSideOffsets aWidths,
BorderSide aTop,
BorderSide aRight,
BorderSide aBottom,
BorderSide aLeft,
BorderRadius aRadius);
void wr_dp_push_border_image(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aRect,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
const WrBorderImage *aParams);
void wr_dp_push_border_gradient(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aRect,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
LayoutSideOffsets aWidths,
int32_t aWidth,
int32_t aHeight,
bool aFill,
DeviceIntSideOffsets aSlice,
LayoutPoint aStartPoint,
LayoutPoint aEndPoint,
const GradientStop *aStops,
uintptr_t aStopsCount,
ExtendMode aExtendMode);
void wr_dp_push_border_radial_gradient(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aRect,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
LayoutSideOffsets aWidths,
bool aFill,
LayoutPoint aCenter,
LayoutSize aRadius,
const GradientStop *aStops,
uintptr_t aStopsCount,
ExtendMode aExtendMode);
void wr_dp_push_border_conic_gradient(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aRect,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
LayoutSideOffsets aWidths,
bool aFill,
LayoutPoint aCenter,
float aAngle,
const GradientStop *aStops,
uintptr_t aStopsCount,
ExtendMode aExtendMode);
void wr_dp_push_linear_gradient(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aRect,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
LayoutPoint aStartPoint,
LayoutPoint aEndPoint,
const GradientStop *aStops,
uintptr_t aStopsCount,
ExtendMode aExtendMode,
LayoutSize aTileSize,
LayoutSize aTileSpacing);
void wr_dp_push_radial_gradient(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aRect,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
LayoutPoint aCenter,
LayoutSize aRadius,
const GradientStop *aStops,
uintptr_t aStopsCount,
ExtendMode aExtendMode,
LayoutSize aTileSize,
LayoutSize aTileSpacing);
void wr_dp_push_conic_gradient(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aRect,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
LayoutPoint aCenter,
float aAngle,
const GradientStop *aStops,
uintptr_t aStopsCount,
ExtendMode aExtendMode,
LayoutSize aTileSize,
LayoutSize aTileSpacing);
void wr_dp_push_box_shadow(WrState *aState,
LayoutRect aRect,
LayoutRect aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const WrSpaceAndClipChain *aParent,
LayoutRect aBoxBounds,
LayoutVector2D aOffset,
ColorF aColor,
float aBlurRadius,
float aSpreadRadius,
BorderRadius aBorderRadius,
BoxShadowClipMode aClipMode);
void wr_dp_start_item_group(WrState *aState);
void wr_dp_cancel_item_group(WrState *aState,
bool aDiscard);
bool wr_dp_finish_item_group(WrState *aState,
ItemKey aKey);
void wr_dp_push_reuse_items(WrState *aState,
ItemKey aKey);
void wr_dp_set_cache_size(WrState *aState,
uintptr_t aCacheSize);
uintptr_t wr_dump_display_list(WrState *aState,
uintptr_t aIndent,
const uintptr_t *aStart,
const uintptr_t *aEnd);
void wr_dump_serialized_display_list(WrState *aState);
void wr_api_begin_builder(WrState *aState);
void wr_api_end_builder(WrState *aState,
BuiltDisplayListDescriptor *aDlDescriptor,
WrVecU8 *aDlItemsData,
WrVecU8 *aDlCacheData,
WrVecU8 *aDlSpatialTree);
void wr_api_hit_test(DocumentHandle *aDh,
WorldPoint aPoint,
nsTArray<HitResult> *aOutResults);
const VecU8 *wr_add_ref_arc(const ArcVecU8 *aArc);
void wr_dec_ref_arc(const VecU8 *aArc);
extern bool wr_moz2d_render_cb(ByteSlice aBlob,
ImageFormat aFormat,
const LayoutIntRect *aRenderRect,
const DeviceIntRect *aVisibleRect,
uint16_t aTileSize,
const TileOffset *aTileOffset,
const LayoutIntRect *aDirtyRect,
MutByteSlice aOutput);
WrSpatialId wr_root_scroll_node_id();
WrClipId wr_root_clip_id();
void wr_device_delete(Device *aDevice);
WrShaders *wr_shaders_new(void *aGlContext,
WrProgramCache *aProgramCache,
bool aPrecacheShaders);
void wr_shaders_delete(WrShaders *aShaders,
void *aGlContext);
uintptr_t wr_program_cache_report_memory(const WrProgramCache *aCache,
VoidPtrToSizeFn aSizeOfOp);
extern bool HasFontData(WrFontKey aKey);
extern void AddFontData(WrFontKey aKey,
const uint8_t *aData,
uintptr_t aSize,
uint32_t aIndex,
const ArcVecU8 *aVec);
extern void AddNativeFontHandle(WrFontKey aKey,
void *aHandle,
uint32_t aIndex);
extern void DeleteFontData(WrFontKey aKey);
extern void AddBlobFont(WrFontInstanceKey aInstanceKey,
WrFontKey aFontKey,
float aSize,
const FontInstanceOptions *aOptions,
const FontInstancePlatformOptions *aPlatformOptions,
const FontVariation *aVariations,
uintptr_t aNumVariations);
extern void DeleteBlobFont(WrFontInstanceKey aKey);
extern void ClearBlobImageResources(WrIdNamespace aNamespace);
void *wr_swgl_create_context();
void wr_swgl_reference_context(void *aCtx);
void wr_swgl_destroy_context(void *aCtx);
void wr_swgl_make_current(void *aCtx);
void wr_swgl_init_default_framebuffer(void *aCtx,
int32_t aX,
int32_t aY,
int32_t aWidth,
int32_t aHeight,
int32_t aStride,
void *aBuf);
void wr_swgl_resolve_framebuffer(void *aCtx,
uint32_t aFbo);
uint32_t wr_swgl_gen_texture(void *aCtx);
void wr_swgl_delete_texture(void *aCtx,
uint32_t aTex);
void wr_swgl_set_texture_parameter(void *aCtx,
uint32_t aTex,
uint32_t aPname,
int32_t aParam);
void wr_swgl_set_texture_buffer(void *aCtx,
uint32_t aTex,
uint32_t aInternalFormat,
int32_t aWidth,
int32_t aHeight,
int32_t aStride,
void *aBuf,
int32_t aMinWidth,
int32_t aMinHeight);
void wr_swgl_clear_color_rect(void *aCtx,
uint32_t aFbo,
int32_t aX,
int32_t aY,
int32_t aWidth,
int32_t aHeight,
float aR,
float aG,
float aB,
float aA);
} // extern "C"
} // namespace wr
} // namespace mozilla