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#include <type_traits>
#include "AtomList.h"
#include "MainThreadUtils.h"
#include "SubtleCryptoBinding.h"
#include "WrapperFactory.h"
#include "XrayWrapper.h"
#include "js/Array.h"
#include "js/CallAndConstruct.h"
#include "js/Exception.h"
#include "js/ForOfIterator.h"
#include "js/MapAndSet.h"
#include "js/Object.h"
#include "js/PropertyAndElement.h"
#include "js/PropertyDescriptor.h"
#include "js/experimental/JitInfo.h"
#include "jsfriendapi.h"
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "mozilla/OwningNonNull.h"
#include "mozilla/ProfilerLabels.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BindingCallContext.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BindingUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/CryptoKey.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/DOMJSClass.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/NonRefcountedDOMObject.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Nullable.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/PrimitiveConversions.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Promise.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ScriptSettings.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/SimpleGlobalObject.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/StructuredCloneTags.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/SubtleCrypto.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ToJSValue.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/TypedArray.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/UnionTypes.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/WebIDLPrefs.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/XrayExpandoClass.h"
namespace mozilla::dom {
namespace binding_detail {}; // Just to make sure it's known as a namespace
using namespace mozilla::dom::binding_detail;
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
Algorithm::InitIds(JSContext* cx, AlgorithmAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->name_id.init(cx, "name")) {
return false;
return true;
Algorithm::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
AlgorithmAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<AlgorithmAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
if (!IsConvertibleToDictionary(val)) {
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_CONVERSION_ERROR>(sourceDescription, "dictionary");
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->name_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, mName)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'name' member of Algorithm");
return true;
Algorithm::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
Algorithm::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
Algorithm::operator=(const Algorithm& aOther)
mName = aOther.mName;
return *this;
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
CryptoKeyPair::InitIds(JSContext* cx, CryptoKeyPairAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->publicKey_id.init(cx, "publicKey") ||
!atomsCache->privateKey_id.init(cx, "privateKey")) {
return false;
return true;
CryptoKeyPair::Init(const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
return true;
CryptoKeyPair::ToObjectInternal(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) const
CryptoKeyPairAtoms* atomsCache = GetAtomCache<CryptoKeyPairAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx, JS_NewPlainObject(cx));
if (!obj) {
return false;
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
OwningNonNull<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey> const & currentValue = mPrivateKey;
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->privateKey_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
OwningNonNull<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey> const & currentValue = mPublicKey;
if (!GetOrCreateDOMReflector(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->publicKey_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
return true;
CryptoKeyPair::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
CryptoKeyPair::operator=(const CryptoKeyPair& aOther)
mPrivateKey = aOther.mPrivateKey;
mPublicKey = aOther.mPublicKey;
return *this;
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
RsaHashedImportParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, RsaHashedImportParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->hash_id.init(cx, "hash")) {
return false;
return true;
RsaHashedImportParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
RsaHashedImportParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<RsaHashedImportParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
if (!IsConvertibleToDictionary(val)) {
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_CONVERSION_ERROR>(sourceDescription, "dictionary");
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->hash_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!mHash.Init(cx, temp.ref(), "'hash' member of RsaHashedImportParams", passedToJSImpl)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'hash' member of RsaHashedImportParams");
return true;
RsaHashedImportParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
RsaHashedImportParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
RsaOtherPrimesInfo::InitIds(JSContext* cx, RsaOtherPrimesInfoAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->t_id.init(cx, "t") ||
!atomsCache->r_id.init(cx, "r") ||
!atomsCache->d_id.init(cx, "d")) {
return false;
return true;
RsaOtherPrimesInfo::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
RsaOtherPrimesInfoAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<RsaOtherPrimesInfoAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
if (!IsConvertibleToDictionary(val)) {
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_CONVERSION_ERROR>(sourceDescription, "dictionary");
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->d_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, mD)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'d' member of RsaOtherPrimesInfo");
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->r_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, mR)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'r' member of RsaOtherPrimesInfo");
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->t_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, mT)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'t' member of RsaOtherPrimesInfo");
return true;
RsaOtherPrimesInfo::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
RsaOtherPrimesInfo::ToObjectInternal(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) const
RsaOtherPrimesInfoAtoms* atomsCache = GetAtomCache<RsaOtherPrimesInfoAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx, JS_NewPlainObject(cx));
if (!obj) {
return false;
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mD;
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->d_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mR;
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->r_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mT;
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->t_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
return true;
RsaOtherPrimesInfo::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
RsaOtherPrimesInfo::operator=(const RsaOtherPrimesInfo& aOther)
mD = aOther.mD;
mR = aOther.mR;
mT = aOther.mT;
return *this;
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
AesCbcParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, AesCbcParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->iv_id.init(cx, "iv")) {
return false;
return true;
AesCbcParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
AesCbcParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<AesCbcParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->iv_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!mIv.Init(cx, temp.ref(), "'iv' member of AesCbcParams", passedToJSImpl)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'iv' member of AesCbcParams");
return true;
AesCbcParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
AesCbcParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
AesCtrParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, AesCtrParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->length_id.init(cx, "length") ||
!atomsCache->counter_id.init(cx, "counter")) {
return false;
return true;
AesCtrParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
AesCtrParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<AesCtrParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->counter_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!mCounter.Init(cx, temp.ref(), "'counter' member of AesCtrParams", passedToJSImpl)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'counter' member of AesCtrParams");
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->length_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ValueToPrimitive<uint8_t, eEnforceRange>(cx, temp.ref(), "'length' member of AesCtrParams", &mLength)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'length' member of AesCtrParams");
return true;
AesCtrParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
AesCtrParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
AesDerivedKeyParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, AesDerivedKeyParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->length_id.init(cx, "length")) {
return false;
return true;
AesDerivedKeyParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
AesDerivedKeyParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<AesDerivedKeyParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->length_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ValueToPrimitive<uint32_t, eEnforceRange>(cx, temp.ref(), "'length' member of AesDerivedKeyParams", &mLength)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'length' member of AesDerivedKeyParams");
return true;
AesDerivedKeyParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
AesDerivedKeyParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
AesDerivedKeyParams::operator=(const AesDerivedKeyParams& aOther)
mLength = aOther.mLength;
return *this;
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
AesGcmParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, AesGcmParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->tagLength_id.init(cx, "tagLength") ||
!atomsCache->iv_id.init(cx, "iv") ||
!atomsCache->additionalData_id.init(cx, "additionalData")) {
return false;
return true;
AesGcmParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
AesGcmParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<AesGcmParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->additionalData_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!(mAdditionalData.Value()).Init(cx, temp.ref(), "'additionalData' member of AesGcmParams", passedToJSImpl)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->iv_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!mIv.Init(cx, temp.ref(), "'iv' member of AesGcmParams", passedToJSImpl)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'iv' member of AesGcmParams");
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->tagLength_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ValueToPrimitive<uint8_t, eEnforceRange>(cx, temp.ref(), "'tagLength' member of AesGcmParams", &(mTagLength.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
return true;
AesGcmParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
AesGcmParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
if (mAdditionalData.WasPassed()) {
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
AesKeyGenParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, AesKeyGenParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->length_id.init(cx, "length")) {
return false;
return true;
AesKeyGenParams::Init(const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue)) {
return false;
return true;
AesKeyGenParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
AesKeyGenParams::operator=(const AesKeyGenParams& aOther)
mLength = aOther.mLength;
return *this;
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
DhImportKeyParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, DhImportKeyParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->prime_id.init(cx, "prime") ||
!atomsCache->generator_id.init(cx, "generator")) {
return false;
return true;
DhImportKeyParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
DhImportKeyParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<DhImportKeyParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->generator_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (temp.ref().isObject()) {
if (!mGenerator.Init(&temp.ref().toObject())) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE>("'generator' member of DhImportKeyParams", "Uint8Array");
return false;
if (JS::IsArrayBufferViewShared(mGenerator.Obj())) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_TYPEDARRAY_IS_SHARED>("'generator' member of DhImportKeyParams");
return false;
if (JS::IsLargeArrayBufferView(mGenerator.Obj())) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_TYPEDARRAY_IS_LARGE>("'generator' member of DhImportKeyParams");
return false;
if (JS::IsResizableArrayBufferView(mGenerator.Obj())) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_TYPEDARRAY_IS_RESIZABLE>("'generator' member of DhImportKeyParams");
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("'generator' member of DhImportKeyParams");
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'generator' member of DhImportKeyParams");
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->prime_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (temp.ref().isObject()) {
if (!mPrime.Init(&temp.ref().toObject())) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE>("'prime' member of DhImportKeyParams", "Uint8Array");
return false;
if (JS::IsArrayBufferViewShared(mPrime.Obj())) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_TYPEDARRAY_IS_SHARED>("'prime' member of DhImportKeyParams");
return false;
if (JS::IsLargeArrayBufferView(mPrime.Obj())) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_TYPEDARRAY_IS_LARGE>("'prime' member of DhImportKeyParams");
return false;
if (JS::IsResizableArrayBufferView(mPrime.Obj())) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_TYPEDARRAY_IS_RESIZABLE>("'prime' member of DhImportKeyParams");
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("'prime' member of DhImportKeyParams");
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'prime' member of DhImportKeyParams");
return true;
DhImportKeyParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
DhImportKeyParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
EcKeyGenParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, EcKeyGenParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->namedCurve_id.init(cx, "namedCurve")) {
return false;
return true;
EcKeyGenParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
EcKeyGenParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<EcKeyGenParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->namedCurve_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, mNamedCurve)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'namedCurve' member of EcKeyGenParams");
return true;
EcKeyGenParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
EcKeyGenParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
EcKeyGenParams::operator=(const EcKeyGenParams& aOther)
mNamedCurve = aOther.mNamedCurve;
return *this;
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
EcKeyImportParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, EcKeyImportParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->namedCurve_id.init(cx, "namedCurve")) {
return false;
return true;
EcKeyImportParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
EcKeyImportParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<EcKeyImportParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->namedCurve_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, (mNamedCurve.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
return true;
EcKeyImportParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
EcKeyImportParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
EcKeyImportParams::operator=(const EcKeyImportParams& aOther)
if (aOther.mNamedCurve.WasPassed()) {
return *this;
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
EcdhKeyDeriveParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, EcdhKeyDeriveParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->public_id.init(cx, "public")) {
return false;
return true;
EcdhKeyDeriveParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
EcdhKeyDeriveParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<EcdhKeyDeriveParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->public_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (temp.ref().isObject()) {
static_assert(IsRefcounted<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>::value, "We can only store refcounted classes.");
// Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::CryptoKey, mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>(temp.ptr(), mPublic, cx);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE>("'public' member of EcdhKeyDeriveParams", "CryptoKey");
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("'public' member of EcdhKeyDeriveParams");
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'public' member of EcdhKeyDeriveParams");
return true;
EcdhKeyDeriveParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
EcdhKeyDeriveParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
EcdhKeyDeriveParams::operator=(const EcdhKeyDeriveParams& aOther)
mPublic = aOther.mPublic;
return *this;
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
EcdsaParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, EcdsaParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->hash_id.init(cx, "hash")) {
return false;
return true;
EcdsaParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
EcdsaParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<EcdsaParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->hash_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!mHash.Init(cx, temp.ref(), "'hash' member of EcdsaParams", passedToJSImpl)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'hash' member of EcdsaParams");
return true;
EcdsaParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
EcdsaParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
HkdfParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, HkdfParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->salt_id.init(cx, "salt") ||
!atomsCache->info_id.init(cx, "info") ||
!atomsCache->hash_id.init(cx, "hash")) {
return false;
return true;
HkdfParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
HkdfParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<HkdfParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->hash_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!mHash.Init(cx, temp.ref(), "'hash' member of HkdfParams", passedToJSImpl)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'hash' member of HkdfParams");
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->info_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!mInfo.Init(cx, temp.ref(), "'info' member of HkdfParams", passedToJSImpl)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'info' member of HkdfParams");
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->salt_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!mSalt.Init(cx, temp.ref(), "'salt' member of HkdfParams", passedToJSImpl)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'salt' member of HkdfParams");
return true;
HkdfParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
HkdfParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
HmacImportParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, HmacImportParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->hash_id.init(cx, "hash")) {
return false;
return true;
HmacImportParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
HmacImportParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<HmacImportParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->hash_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!mHash.Init(cx, temp.ref(), "'hash' member of HmacImportParams", passedToJSImpl)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'hash' member of HmacImportParams");
return true;
HmacImportParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
HmacImportParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
HmacKeyGenParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, HmacKeyGenParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->length_id.init(cx, "length") ||
!atomsCache->hash_id.init(cx, "hash")) {
return false;
return true;
HmacKeyGenParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
HmacKeyGenParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<HmacKeyGenParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->hash_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!mHash.Init(cx, temp.ref(), "'hash' member of HmacKeyGenParams", passedToJSImpl)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'hash' member of HmacKeyGenParams");
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->length_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ValueToPrimitive<uint32_t, eEnforceRange>(cx, temp.ref(), "'length' member of HmacKeyGenParams", &(mLength.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
return true;
HmacKeyGenParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
HmacKeyGenParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
JsonWebKey::InitIds(JSContext* cx, JsonWebKeyAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->y_id.init(cx, "y") ||
!atomsCache->x_id.init(cx, "x") ||
!atomsCache->use_id.init(cx, "use") ||
!atomsCache->qi_id.init(cx, "qi") ||
!atomsCache->q_id.init(cx, "q") ||
!atomsCache->p_id.init(cx, "p") ||
!atomsCache->oth_id.init(cx, "oth") ||
!atomsCache->n_id.init(cx, "n") ||
!atomsCache->kty_id.init(cx, "kty") ||
!atomsCache->key_ops_id.init(cx, "key_ops") ||
!atomsCache->k_id.init(cx, "k") ||
!atomsCache->ext_id.init(cx, "ext") ||
!atomsCache->e_id.init(cx, "e") ||
!atomsCache->dq_id.init(cx, "dq") ||
!atomsCache->dp_id.init(cx, "dp") ||
!atomsCache->d_id.init(cx, "d") ||
!atomsCache->crv_id.init(cx, "crv") ||
!atomsCache->alg_id.init(cx, "alg")) {
return false;
return true;
JsonWebKey::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
JsonWebKeyAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<JsonWebKeyAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
if (!IsConvertibleToDictionary(val)) {
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_CONVERSION_ERROR>(sourceDescription, "dictionary");
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->alg_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, (mAlg.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->crv_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, (mCrv.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->d_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, (mD.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->dp_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, (mDp.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->dq_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, (mDq.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->e_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, (mE.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->ext_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ValueToPrimitive<bool, eDefault>(cx, temp.ref(), "'ext' member of JsonWebKey", &(mExt.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->k_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, (mK.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->key_ops_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (temp.ref().isObject()) {
JS::ForOfIterator iter(cx);
if (!iter.init(temp.ref(), JS::ForOfIterator::AllowNonIterable)) {
return false;
if (!iter.valueIsIterable()) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_CONVERSION_ERROR>("'key_ops' member of JsonWebKey", "sequence");
return false;
Sequence<nsString> &arr = (mKey_ops.Value());
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
while (true) {
bool done;
if (!, &done)) {
return false;
if (done) {
nsString* slotPtr = arr.AppendElement(mozilla::fallible);
if (!slotPtr) {
return false;
nsString& slot = *slotPtr;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp, eStringify, eStringify, slot)) {
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_CONVERSION_ERROR>("'key_ops' member of JsonWebKey", "sequence");
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->kty_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, mKty)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'kty' member of JsonWebKey");
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->n_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, (mN.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->oth_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (temp.ref().isObject()) {
JS::ForOfIterator iter(cx);
if (!iter.init(temp.ref(), JS::ForOfIterator::AllowNonIterable)) {
return false;
if (!iter.valueIsIterable()) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_CONVERSION_ERROR>("'oth' member of JsonWebKey", "sequence");
return false;
Sequence<RsaOtherPrimesInfo> &arr = (mOth.Value());
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
while (true) {
bool done;
if (!, &done)) {
return false;
if (done) {
RsaOtherPrimesInfo* slotPtr = arr.AppendElement(mozilla::fallible);
if (!slotPtr) {
return false;
RsaOtherPrimesInfo& slot = *slotPtr;
if (!slot.Init(cx, temp, "Element of 'oth' member of JsonWebKey", passedToJSImpl)) {
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_CONVERSION_ERROR>("'oth' member of JsonWebKey", "sequence");
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->p_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, (mP.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->q_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, (mQ.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->qi_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, (mQi.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->use_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, (mUse.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->x_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, (mX.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->y_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp.ref(), eStringify, eStringify, (mY.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
return true;
JsonWebKey::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
JsonWebKey::Init(const nsAString& aJSON)
AutoJSAPI jsapi;
JSObject* cleanGlobal = SimpleGlobalObject::Create(SimpleGlobalObject::GlobalType::BindingDetail);
if (!cleanGlobal) {
return false;
if (!jsapi.Init(cleanGlobal)) {
return false;
JSContext* cx =;
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> json(cx);
bool ok = ParseJSON(cx, aJSON, &json);
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(ok, false);
return Init(cx, json);
JsonWebKey::ToObjectInternal(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval) const
JsonWebKeyAtoms* atomsCache = GetAtomCache<JsonWebKeyAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx, JS_NewPlainObject(cx));
if (!obj) {
return false;
if (mAlg.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mAlg.InternalValue();
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->alg_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
if (mCrv.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mCrv.InternalValue();
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->crv_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
if (mD.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mD.InternalValue();
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->d_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
if (mDp.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mDp.InternalValue();
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->dp_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
if (mDq.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mDq.InternalValue();
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->dq_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
if (mE.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mE.InternalValue();
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->e_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
if (mExt.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
bool const & currentValue = mExt.InternalValue();
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->ext_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
if (mK.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mK.InternalValue();
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->k_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
if (mKey_ops.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
Sequence<nsString> const & currentValue = mKey_ops.InternalValue();
uint32_t length = currentValue.Length();
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> returnArray(cx, JS::NewArrayObject(cx, length));
if (!returnArray) {
return false;
// Scope for 'tmp'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> tmp(cx);
for (uint32_t sequenceIdx0 = 0; sequenceIdx0 < length; ++sequenceIdx0) {
// Control block to let us common up the JS_DefineElement calls when there
// are different ways to succeed at wrapping the object.
do {
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue[sequenceIdx0], &tmp)) {
return false;
} while (false);
if (!JS_DefineElement(cx, returnArray, sequenceIdx0, tmp,
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->key_ops_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mKty;
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->kty_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
if (mN.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mN.InternalValue();
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->n_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
if (mOth.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
Sequence<RsaOtherPrimesInfo> const & currentValue = mOth.InternalValue();
uint32_t length = currentValue.Length();
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> returnArray(cx, JS::NewArrayObject(cx, length));
if (!returnArray) {
return false;
// Scope for 'tmp'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> tmp(cx);
for (uint32_t sequenceIdx0 = 0; sequenceIdx0 < length; ++sequenceIdx0) {
// Control block to let us common up the JS_DefineElement calls when there
// are different ways to succeed at wrapping the object.
do {
if (!currentValue[sequenceIdx0].ToObjectInternal(cx, &tmp)) {
return false;
} while (false);
if (!JS_DefineElement(cx, returnArray, sequenceIdx0, tmp,
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->oth_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
if (mP.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mP.InternalValue();
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->p_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
if (mQ.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mQ.InternalValue();
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->q_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
if (mQi.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mQi.InternalValue();
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->qi_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
if (mUse.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mUse.InternalValue();
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->use_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
if (mX.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mX.InternalValue();
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->x_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
if (mY.WasPassed()) {
do {
// block for our 'break' successCode and scope for 'temp' and 'currentValue'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
nsString const & currentValue = mY.InternalValue();
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, currentValue, &temp)) {
return false;
if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, obj, atomsCache->y_id, temp, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
return false;
} while(false);
return true;
JsonWebKey::ToJSON(nsAString& aJSON) const
AutoJSAPI jsapi;
JSContext *cx =;
// It's safe to use UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal here
// because we'll only be creating objects, in ways that have no
// side-effects, followed by a call to JS::ToJSONMaybeSafely,
// which likewise guarantees no side-effects for the sorts of
// things we will pass it.
JSObject* scope = UnprivilegedJunkScopeOrWorkerGlobal(fallible);
if (!scope) {
return false;
JSAutoRealm ar(cx, scope);
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> val(cx);
if (!ToObjectInternal(cx, &val)) {
return false;
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx, &val.toObject());
return StringifyToJSON(cx, obj, aJSON);
JsonWebKey::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
JsonWebKey::operator=(const JsonWebKey& aOther)
if (aOther.mAlg.WasPassed()) {
if (aOther.mCrv.WasPassed()) {
if (aOther.mD.WasPassed()) {
if (aOther.mDp.WasPassed()) {
if (aOther.mDq.WasPassed()) {
if (aOther.mE.WasPassed()) {
if (aOther.mExt.WasPassed()) {
if (aOther.mK.WasPassed()) {
if (aOther.mKey_ops.WasPassed()) {
mKty = aOther.mKty;
if (aOther.mN.WasPassed()) {
if (aOther.mOth.WasPassed()) {
if (aOther.mP.WasPassed()) {
if (aOther.mQ.WasPassed()) {
if (aOther.mQi.WasPassed()) {
if (aOther.mUse.WasPassed()) {
if (aOther.mX.WasPassed()) {
if (aOther.mY.WasPassed()) {
return *this;
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
Pbkdf2Params::InitIds(JSContext* cx, Pbkdf2ParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->salt_id.init(cx, "salt") ||
!atomsCache->iterations_id.init(cx, "iterations") ||
!atomsCache->hash_id.init(cx, "hash")) {
return false;
return true;
Pbkdf2Params::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
Pbkdf2ParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<Pbkdf2ParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->hash_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!mHash.Init(cx, temp.ref(), "'hash' member of Pbkdf2Params", passedToJSImpl)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'hash' member of Pbkdf2Params");
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->iterations_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ValueToPrimitive<uint32_t, eEnforceRange>(cx, temp.ref(), "'iterations' member of Pbkdf2Params", &mIterations)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'iterations' member of Pbkdf2Params");
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->salt_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!mSalt.Init(cx, temp.ref(), "'salt' member of Pbkdf2Params", passedToJSImpl)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'salt' member of Pbkdf2Params");
return true;
Pbkdf2Params::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
Pbkdf2Params::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
RsaHashedKeyGenParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, RsaHashedKeyGenParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->publicExponent_id.init(cx, "publicExponent") ||
!atomsCache->modulusLength_id.init(cx, "modulusLength") ||
!atomsCache->hash_id.init(cx, "hash")) {
return false;
return true;
RsaHashedKeyGenParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
RsaHashedKeyGenParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<RsaHashedKeyGenParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->hash_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!mHash.Init(cx, temp.ref(), "'hash' member of RsaHashedKeyGenParams", passedToJSImpl)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'hash' member of RsaHashedKeyGenParams");
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->modulusLength_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ValueToPrimitive<uint32_t, eEnforceRange>(cx, temp.ref(), "'modulusLength' member of RsaHashedKeyGenParams", &mModulusLength)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'modulusLength' member of RsaHashedKeyGenParams");
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->publicExponent_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (temp.ref().isObject()) {
if (!mPublicExponent.Init(&temp.ref().toObject())) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE>("'publicExponent' member of RsaHashedKeyGenParams", "Uint8Array");
return false;
if (JS::IsArrayBufferViewShared(mPublicExponent.Obj())) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_TYPEDARRAY_IS_SHARED>("'publicExponent' member of RsaHashedKeyGenParams");
return false;
if (JS::IsLargeArrayBufferView(mPublicExponent.Obj())) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_TYPEDARRAY_IS_LARGE>("'publicExponent' member of RsaHashedKeyGenParams");
return false;
if (JS::IsResizableArrayBufferView(mPublicExponent.Obj())) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_TYPEDARRAY_IS_RESIZABLE>("'publicExponent' member of RsaHashedKeyGenParams");
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("'publicExponent' member of RsaHashedKeyGenParams");
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'publicExponent' member of RsaHashedKeyGenParams");
return true;
RsaHashedKeyGenParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
RsaHashedKeyGenParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
RsaOaepParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, RsaOaepParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->label_id.init(cx, "label")) {
return false;
return true;
RsaOaepParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
RsaOaepParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<RsaOaepParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->label_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!(mLabel.Value()).Init(cx, temp.ref(), "'label' member of RsaOaepParams", passedToJSImpl)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
return true;
RsaOaepParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
RsaOaepParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
if (mLabel.WasPassed()) {
: Algorithm(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
RsaPssParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, RsaPssParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->saltLength_id.init(cx, "saltLength")) {
return false;
return true;
RsaPssParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
RsaPssParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<RsaPssParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!Algorithm::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->saltLength_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ValueToPrimitive<uint32_t, eEnforceRange>(cx, temp.ref(), "'saltLength' member of RsaPssParams", &mSaltLength)) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
} else if (cx) {
// Don't error out if we have no cx. In that
// situation the caller is default-constructing us and we'll
// just assume they know what they're doing.
return cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_MISSING_REQUIRED_DICTIONARY_MEMBER>("'saltLength' member of RsaPssParams");
return true;
RsaPssParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
RsaPssParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
RsaPssParams::operator=(const RsaPssParams& aOther)
mSaltLength = aOther.mSaltLength;
return *this;
: HmacImportParams(FastDictionaryInitializer())
// Safe to pass a null context if we pass a null value
Init(nullptr, JS::NullHandleValue);
HmacDerivedKeyParams::InitIds(JSContext* cx, HmacDerivedKeyParamsAtoms* atomsCache)
// Initialize these in reverse order so that any failure leaves the first one
// uninitialized.
if (!atomsCache->length_id.init(cx, "length")) {
return false;
return true;
HmacDerivedKeyParams::Init(BindingCallContext& cx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// Passing a null JSContext is OK only if we're initing from null,
// Since in that case we will not have to do any property gets
// Also evaluate isNullOrUndefined in order to avoid false-positive
// checkers by static analysis tools
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!cx, val.isNull() && val.isNullOrUndefined());
HmacDerivedKeyParamsAtoms* atomsCache = nullptr;
if (cx) {
atomsCache = GetAtomCache<HmacDerivedKeyParamsAtoms>(cx);
if (reinterpret_cast<jsid*>(atomsCache)->isVoid() &&
!InitIds(cx, atomsCache)) {
return false;
// Per spec, we init the parent's members first
if (!HmacImportParams::Init(cx, val)) {
return false;
bool isNull = val.isNullOrUndefined();
// We only need these if !isNull, in which case we have |cx|.
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JSObject *> > object;
Maybe<JS::Rooted<JS::Value> > temp;
if (!isNull) {
object.emplace(cx, &val.toObject());
if (!isNull) {
if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, *object, atomsCache->length_id, temp.ptr())) {
return false;
if (!isNull && !temp->isUndefined()) {
if (!ValueToPrimitive<uint32_t, eEnforceRange>(cx, temp.ref(), "'length' member of HmacDerivedKeyParams", &(mLength.Value()))) {
return false;
mIsAnyMemberPresent = true;
return true;
HmacDerivedKeyParams::Init(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val, const char* sourceDescription, bool passedToJSImpl)
// We don't want to use sourceDescription for our context here;
// that's not really what it's formatted for.
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, nullptr);
return Init(cx, val, sourceDescription, passedToJSImpl);
HmacDerivedKeyParams::TraceDictionary(JSTracer* trc)
namespace CryptoKey_Binding {
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_type(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"CryptoKey", "type", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey*>(void_self);
DOMString result;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetType(result))>, "Should be returning void here");
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
static const JSJitInfo type_getterinfo = {
{ get_type },
{ prototypes::id::CryptoKey },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::CryptoKey>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_STRING, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_extractable(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"CryptoKey", "extractable", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey*>(void_self);
bool result(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Extractable());
return true;
static const JSJitInfo extractable_getterinfo = {
{ get_extractable },
{ prototypes::id::CryptoKey },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::CryptoKey>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_algorithm(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"CryptoKey", "algorithm", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey*>(void_self);
// Have to either root across the getter call or reget after.
bool isXray;
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> slotStorage(cx, GetCachedSlotStorageObject(cx, obj, &isXray));
if (!slotStorage) {
return false;
const size_t slotIndex = isXray ? (DOM_EXPANDO_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0) : (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(slotIndex < JSCLASS_RESERVED_SLOTS(JS::GetClass(slotStorage)));
// Scope for cachedVal
JS::Value cachedVal = JS::GetReservedSlot(slotStorage, slotIndex);
if (!cachedVal.isUndefined()) {
// The cached value is in the compartment of slotStorage,
// so wrap into the caller compartment as needed.
return MaybeWrapObjectValue(cx, args.rval());
FastErrorResult rv;
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> result(cx);
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetAlgorithm(cx, &result, rv))>, "Should be returning void here");
MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetAlgorithm(cx, &result, rv);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "CryptoKey.algorithm getter"))) {
return false;
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> conversionScope(cx, isXray ? JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx) : slotStorage);
JSAutoRealm ar(cx, conversionScope);
do { // block we break out of when done wrapping
if (!MaybeWrapObjectValue(cx, args.rval())) {
return false;
} while (false);
{ // And now store things in the realm of our slotStorage.
JSAutoRealm ar(cx, slotStorage);
// Make a copy so that we don't do unnecessary wrapping on args.rval().
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> storedVal(cx, args.rval());
if (!MaybeWrapObjectValue(cx, &storedVal)) {
return false;
JS::SetReservedSlot(slotStorage, slotIndex, storedVal);
if (!isXray) {
// In the Xray case we don't need to do this, because getting the
// expando object already preserved our wrapper.
// And now make sure args.rval() is in the caller realm.
return MaybeWrapObjectValue(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo algorithm_getterinfo = {
{ get_algorithm },
{ prototypes::id::CryptoKey },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::CryptoKey>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasNone, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
true, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
(DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0) /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static_assert((DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0) <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
static_assert((DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 0) < 3, "There is no slot for us");
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
get_usages(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, JSJitGetterCallArgs args)
"CryptoKey", "usages", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_GETTER) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey*>(void_self);
// Have to either root across the getter call or reget after.
bool isXray;
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> slotStorage(cx, GetCachedSlotStorageObject(cx, obj, &isXray));
if (!slotStorage) {
return false;
const size_t slotIndex = isXray ? (DOM_EXPANDO_RESERVED_SLOTS + 1) : (DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 1);
MOZ_ASSERT(slotIndex < JSCLASS_RESERVED_SLOTS(JS::GetClass(slotStorage)));
// Scope for cachedVal
JS::Value cachedVal = JS::GetReservedSlot(slotStorage, slotIndex);
if (!cachedVal.isUndefined()) {
// The cached value is in the compartment of slotStorage,
// so wrap into the caller compartment as needed.
return MaybeWrapNonDOMObjectValue(cx, args.rval());
nsTArray<nsString> result;
// NOTE: This assert does NOT call the function.
static_assert(std::is_void_v<decltype(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GetUsages(result))>, "Should be returning void here");
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> conversionScope(cx, isXray ? JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx) : slotStorage);
JSAutoRealm ar(cx, conversionScope);
do { // block we break out of when done wrapping
uint32_t length = result.Length();
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> returnArray(cx, JS::NewArrayObject(cx, length));
if (!returnArray) {
return false;
// Scope for 'tmp'
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> tmp(cx);
for (uint32_t sequenceIdx0 = 0; sequenceIdx0 < length; ++sequenceIdx0) {
// Control block to let us common up the JS_DefineElement calls when there
// are different ways to succeed at wrapping the object.
do {
if (!xpc::NonVoidStringToJsval(cx, result[sequenceIdx0], &tmp)) {
return false;
} while (false);
if (!JS_DefineElement(cx, returnArray, sequenceIdx0, tmp,
return false;
} while (false);
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> rvalObj(cx, &args.rval().toObject());
if (!JS_FreezeObject(cx, rvalObj)) {
return false;
{ // And now store things in the realm of our slotStorage.
JSAutoRealm ar(cx, slotStorage);
// Make a copy so that we don't do unnecessary wrapping on args.rval().
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> storedVal(cx, args.rval());
if (!MaybeWrapNonDOMObjectValue(cx, &storedVal)) {
return false;
JS::SetReservedSlot(slotStorage, slotIndex, storedVal);
if (!isXray) {
// In the Xray case we don't need to do this, because getting the
// expando object already preserved our wrapper.
// And now make sure args.rval() is in the caller realm.
return MaybeWrapNonDOMObjectValue(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo usages_getterinfo = {
{ get_usages },
{ prototypes::id::CryptoKey },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::CryptoKey>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasNone, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
true, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
true, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
true, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
(DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 1) /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static_assert((DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 1) <= JSJitInfo::maxSlotIndex, "We won't fit");
static_assert((DOM_INSTANCE_RESERVED_SLOTS + 1) < 3, "There is no slot for us");
static bool
_addProperty(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val)
mozilla::dom::CryptoKey* self = UnwrapPossiblyNotInitializedDOMObject<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>(obj);
// We don't want to preserve if we don't have a wrapper, and we
// obviously can't preserve if we're not initialized.
if (self && self->GetWrapperPreserveColor()) {
return true;
static void
_finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj)
mozilla::dom::CryptoKey* self = UnwrapPossiblyNotInitializedDOMObject<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>(obj);
if (self) {
JS::SetReservedSlot(obj, DOM_OBJECT_SLOT, JS::UndefinedValue());
ClearWrapper(self, self, obj);
if (size_t mallocBytes = BindingJSObjectMallocBytes(self)) {
JS::RemoveAssociatedMemory(obj, mallocBytes,
static nsWrapperCache*
_getWrapperCache(JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj)
mozilla::dom::CryptoKey* self = UnwrapPossiblyNotInitializedDOMObject<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>(obj);
return self;
static size_t
_objectMoved(JSObject* obj, JSObject* old)
mozilla::dom::CryptoKey* self = UnwrapPossiblyNotInitializedDOMObject<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>(obj);
if (self) {
UpdateWrapper(self, self, obj, old);
return 0;
MOZ_GLOBINIT static const JSPropertySpec sAttributes_specs[] = {
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("type", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &type_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("extractable", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &extractable_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("algorithm", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &algorithm_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
JSPropertySpec::nativeAccessors("usages", JSPROP_ENUMERATE, GenericGetter<NormalThisPolicy, ThrowExceptions>, &usages_getterinfo, nullptr, nullptr),
static const PrefableDisablers sAttributes_disablers0 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::NoPref, 0, true, OriginTrial(0), nullptr
static const Prefable<const JSPropertySpec> sAttributes[] = {
{ &sAttributes_disablers0, &sAttributes_specs[0] },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
static_assert(1 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX,
"We have a prefable index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX)");
static_assert(4 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX,
"We have a spec index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX)");
static uint16_t sNativeProperties_sortedPropertyIndices[4];
static PropertyInfo sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[4];
static const NativePropertiesN<1> sNativeProperties = {
false, 0,
false, 0,
false, 0,
true, 0 /* sAttributes */,
false, 0,
false, 0,
false, 0,
{ sAttributes, &sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[0] }
static_assert(4 < 1ull << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(sNativeProperties.propertyInfoCount)),
"We have a property info count that is oversized");
// This may allocate too many slots, because we only really need
// slots for our non-interface-typed members that we cache. But
// allocating slots only for those would make the slot index
// computations much more complicated, so let's do this the simple
// way for now.
DEFINE_XRAY_EXPANDO_CLASS_WITH_OPS(static, sXrayExpandoObjectClass, 2,
bool sNativePropertiesInited = false;
const NativePropertyHooks sNativePropertyHooks = {
{ sNativeProperties.Upcast(), nullptr, &sNativePropertiesInited },
static const DOMInterfaceInfo sInterfaceObjectInfo = {
{ ThrowingConstructor, &sNativePropertyHooks },
static const DOMIfaceAndProtoJSClass sPrototypeClass = {
ConstructorEnabled(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aObj)
return mozilla::dom::IsSecureContextOrObjectIsFromSecureContext(aCx, aObj);
static bool
Serialize(JSContext* aCx, JSStructuredCloneWriter* aWriter, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aObj)
MOZ_ASSERT(IsDOMObject(aObj), "Non-DOM object passed");
MOZ_ASSERT(GetDOMClass(aObj)->mSerializer == &Serialize,
"Wrong object passed");
return JS_WriteUint32Pair(aWriter, SCTAG_DOM_CRYPTOKEY, 0) &&
UnwrapDOMObject<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>(aObj)->WriteStructuredClone(aCx, aWriter);
Deserialize(JSContext* aCx, nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, JSStructuredCloneReader* aReader)
// Protect the result from a moving GC in ~RefPtr
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> result(aCx);
{ // Scope for the RefPtr
RefPtr<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey> obj = mozilla::dom::CryptoKey::ReadStructuredClone(aCx, aGlobal, aReader);
if (!obj) {
return nullptr;
result = obj->WrapObject(aCx, nullptr);
if (!result) {
return nullptr;
return result;
static JS::Handle<JSObject*>
GetProtoObjectHandle(JSContext* aCx);
static const JSClassOps sClassOps = {
_addProperty, /* addProperty */
nullptr, /* delProperty */
nullptr, /* enumerate */
nullptr, /* newEnumerate */
nullptr, /* resolve */
nullptr, /* mayResolve */
_finalize, /* finalize */
nullptr, /* call */
nullptr, /* construct */
nullptr, /* trace */
static const js::ClassExtension sClassExtension = {
_objectMoved /* objectMovedOp */
static const DOMJSClass sClass = {
{ "CryptoKey",
{ prototypes::id::CryptoKey, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count },
std::is_base_of_v<nsISupports, mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>,
"Must have the right minimal number of reserved slots.");
static_assert(3 >= 3,
"Must have enough reserved slots.");
Wrap(JSContext* aCx, mozilla::dom::CryptoKey* aObject, nsWrapperCache* aCache, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aReflector)
static_assert(!std::is_base_of_v<NonRefcountedDOMObject, mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>,
"Shouldn't have wrappercached things that are not refcounted.");
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(aObject), mozilla::dom::CryptoKey*>);
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(aGivenProto, js::IsObjectInContextCompartment(aGivenProto, aCx));
"You should probably not be using Wrap() directly; use "
"GetOrCreateDOMReflector instead");
MOZ_ASSERT(ToSupportsIsOnPrimaryInheritanceChain(aObject, aCache),
"nsISupports must be on our primary inheritance chain");
// If the wrapper cache contains a dead reflector then finalize that
// now, ensuring that the finalizer for the old reflector always
// runs before the new reflector is created and attached. This
// avoids the awkward situation where there are multiple reflector
// objects that contain pointers to the same native.
if (JSObject* oldReflector = aCache->GetWrapperMaybeDead()) {
_finalize(nullptr /* unused */, oldReflector);
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> global(aCx, FindAssociatedGlobal(aCx, aObject->GetParentObject()));
if (!global) {
return false;
// That might have ended up wrapping us already, due to the wonders
// of XBL. Check for that, and bail out as needed.
if (aReflector) {
#ifdef DEBUG
AssertReflectorHasGivenProto(aCx, aReflector, aGivenProto);
#endif // DEBUG
return true;
JSAutoRealm ar(aCx, global);
JS::Handle<JSObject*> canonicalProto = GetProtoObjectHandle(aCx);
if (!canonicalProto) {
return false;
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> proto(aCx);
if (aGivenProto) {
proto = aGivenProto;
// Unfortunately, while aGivenProto was in the compartment of aCx
// coming in, we changed compartments to that of "parent" so may need
// to wrap the proto here.
if (js::GetContextCompartment(aCx) != JS::GetCompartment(proto)) {
if (!JS_WrapObject(aCx, &proto)) {
return false;
} else {
proto = canonicalProto;
BindingJSObjectCreator<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey> creator(aCx);
creator.CreateObject(aCx, sClass.ToJSClass(), proto, aObject, aReflector);
if (!aReflector) {
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT(aCache->GetWrapperPreserveColor() &&
aCache->GetWrapperPreserveColor() == aReflector);
// If proto != canonicalProto, we have to preserve our wrapper;
// otherwise we won't be able to properly recreate it later, since
// we won't know what proto to use. Note that we don't check
// aGivenProto here, since it's entirely possible (and even
// somewhat common) to have a non-null aGivenProto which is the
// same as canonicalProto.
if (proto != canonicalProto) {
return true;
CreateInterfaceObjects(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGlobal, ProtoAndIfaceCache& aProtoAndIfaceCache, DefineInterfaceProperty aDefineOnGlobal)
JS::Heap<JSObject*>* protoCache = &aProtoAndIfaceCache.EntrySlotOrCreate(prototypes::id::CryptoKey);
JS::Heap<JSObject*>* interfaceCache = &aProtoAndIfaceCache.EntrySlotOrCreate(constructors::id::CryptoKey);
JS::Handle<JSObject*> parentProto(JS::GetRealmObjectPrototypeHandle(aCx));
if (!parentProto) {
JS::Handle<JSObject*> constructorProto(JS::GetRealmFunctionPrototypeHandle(aCx));
if (!constructorProto) {
dom::CreateInterfaceObjects(aCx, aGlobal, parentProto,
&sPrototypeClass, protoCache,
constructorProto, &sInterfaceObjectInfo, 0, false, Span<const LegacyFactoryFunction, 0>{},
ShouldExpose<CryptoKey_Binding::ConstructorEnabled>(aCx, aGlobal, aDefineOnGlobal),
static JS::Handle<JSObject*>
GetProtoObjectHandle(JSContext* aCx)
/* Get the interface prototype object for this class. This will create the
object as needed. */
return GetPerInterfaceObjectHandle(aCx, prototypes::id::CryptoKey,
GetConstructorObjectHandle(JSContext* aCx)
/* Get the interface object for this class. This will create the object as
needed. */
return GetPerInterfaceObjectHandle(aCx, constructors::id::CryptoKey,
} // namespace CryptoKey_Binding
namespace SubtleCrypto_Binding {
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
encrypt(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "SubtleCrypto.encrypt");
"SubtleCrypto", "encrypt", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "SubtleCrypto.encrypt", 3)) {
return false;
ObjectOrString arg0;
if (!arg0.Init(cx, args[0], "Argument 1", false)) {
return false;
NonNull<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey> arg1;
if (args[1].isObject()) {
// Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::CryptoKey, mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>(args[1], arg1, cx);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE>("Argument 2", "CryptoKey");
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("Argument 2");
return false;
ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer arg2;
if (!arg2.Init(cx, args[2], "Argument 3", false)) {
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Encrypt(cx, Constify(arg0), MOZ_KnownLive(NonNullHelper(arg1)), Constify(arg2), rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "SubtleCrypto.encrypt"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
encrypt_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = encrypt(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo encrypt_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)encrypt_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
decrypt(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "SubtleCrypto.decrypt");
"SubtleCrypto", "decrypt", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "SubtleCrypto.decrypt", 3)) {
return false;
ObjectOrString arg0;
if (!arg0.Init(cx, args[0], "Argument 1", false)) {
return false;
NonNull<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey> arg1;
if (args[1].isObject()) {
// Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::CryptoKey, mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>(args[1], arg1, cx);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE>("Argument 2", "CryptoKey");
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("Argument 2");
return false;
ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer arg2;
if (!arg2.Init(cx, args[2], "Argument 3", false)) {
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Decrypt(cx, Constify(arg0), MOZ_KnownLive(NonNullHelper(arg1)), Constify(arg2), rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "SubtleCrypto.decrypt"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
decrypt_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = decrypt(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo decrypt_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)decrypt_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
sign(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "SubtleCrypto.sign");
"SubtleCrypto", "sign", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "SubtleCrypto.sign", 3)) {
return false;
ObjectOrString arg0;
if (!arg0.Init(cx, args[0], "Argument 1", false)) {
return false;
NonNull<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey> arg1;
if (args[1].isObject()) {
// Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::CryptoKey, mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>(args[1], arg1, cx);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE>("Argument 2", "CryptoKey");
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("Argument 2");
return false;
ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer arg2;
if (!arg2.Init(cx, args[2], "Argument 3", false)) {
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Sign(cx, Constify(arg0), MOZ_KnownLive(NonNullHelper(arg1)), Constify(arg2), rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "SubtleCrypto.sign"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
sign_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = sign(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo sign_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)sign_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
verify(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "SubtleCrypto.verify");
"SubtleCrypto", "verify", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "SubtleCrypto.verify", 4)) {
return false;
ObjectOrString arg0;
if (!arg0.Init(cx, args[0], "Argument 1", false)) {
return false;
NonNull<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey> arg1;
if (args[1].isObject()) {
// Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::CryptoKey, mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>(args[1], arg1, cx);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE>("Argument 2", "CryptoKey");
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("Argument 2");
return false;
ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer arg2;
if (!arg2.Init(cx, args[2], "Argument 3", false)) {
return false;
ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer arg3;
if (!arg3.Init(cx, args[3], "Argument 4", false)) {
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Verify(cx, Constify(arg0), MOZ_KnownLive(NonNullHelper(arg1)), Constify(arg2), Constify(arg3), rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "SubtleCrypto.verify"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
verify_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = verify(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo verify_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)verify_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
digest(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "SubtleCrypto.digest");
"SubtleCrypto", "digest", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "SubtleCrypto.digest", 2)) {
return false;
ObjectOrString arg0;
if (!arg0.Init(cx, args[0], "Argument 1", false)) {
return false;
ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer arg1;
if (!arg1.Init(cx, args[1], "Argument 2", false)) {
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->Digest(cx, Constify(arg0), Constify(arg1), rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "SubtleCrypto.digest"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
digest_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = digest(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo digest_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)digest_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
generateKey(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "SubtleCrypto.generateKey");
"SubtleCrypto", "generateKey", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "SubtleCrypto.generateKey", 3)) {
return false;
ObjectOrString arg0;
if (!arg0.Init(cx, args[0], "Argument 1", false)) {
return false;
bool arg1;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<bool, eDefault>(cx, args[1], "Argument 2", &arg1)) {
return false;
binding_detail::AutoSequence<nsString> arg2;
if (args[2].isObject()) {
JS::ForOfIterator iter(cx);
if (!iter.init(args[2], JS::ForOfIterator::AllowNonIterable)) {
return false;
if (!iter.valueIsIterable()) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_CONVERSION_ERROR>("Argument 3", "sequence");
return false;
binding_detail::AutoSequence<nsString> &arr = arg2;
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
while (true) {
bool done;
if (!, &done)) {
return false;
if (done) {
nsString* slotPtr = arr.AppendElement(mozilla::fallible);
if (!slotPtr) {
return false;
nsString& slot = *slotPtr;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp, eStringify, eStringify, slot)) {
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_CONVERSION_ERROR>("Argument 3", "sequence");
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->GenerateKey(cx, Constify(arg0), arg1, Constify(arg2), rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "SubtleCrypto.generateKey"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
generateKey_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = generateKey(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo generateKey_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)generateKey_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
deriveKey(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "SubtleCrypto.deriveKey");
"SubtleCrypto", "deriveKey", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "SubtleCrypto.deriveKey", 5)) {
return false;
ObjectOrString arg0;
if (!arg0.Init(cx, args[0], "Argument 1", false)) {
return false;
NonNull<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey> arg1;
if (args[1].isObject()) {
// Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::CryptoKey, mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>(args[1], arg1, cx);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE>("Argument 2", "CryptoKey");
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("Argument 2");
return false;
ObjectOrString arg2;
if (!arg2.Init(cx, args[2], "Argument 3", false)) {
return false;
bool arg3;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<bool, eDefault>(cx, args[3], "Argument 4", &arg3)) {
return false;
binding_detail::AutoSequence<nsString> arg4;
if (args[4].isObject()) {
JS::ForOfIterator iter(cx);
if (!iter.init(args[4], JS::ForOfIterator::AllowNonIterable)) {
return false;
if (!iter.valueIsIterable()) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_CONVERSION_ERROR>("Argument 5", "sequence");
return false;
binding_detail::AutoSequence<nsString> &arr = arg4;
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
while (true) {
bool done;
if (!, &done)) {
return false;
if (done) {
nsString* slotPtr = arr.AppendElement(mozilla::fallible);
if (!slotPtr) {
return false;
nsString& slot = *slotPtr;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp, eStringify, eStringify, slot)) {
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_CONVERSION_ERROR>("Argument 5", "sequence");
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->DeriveKey(cx, Constify(arg0), MOZ_KnownLive(NonNullHelper(arg1)), Constify(arg2), arg3, Constify(arg4), rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "SubtleCrypto.deriveKey"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
deriveKey_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = deriveKey(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo deriveKey_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)deriveKey_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
deriveBits(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "SubtleCrypto.deriveBits");
"SubtleCrypto", "deriveBits", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "SubtleCrypto.deriveBits", 2)) {
return false;
ObjectOrString arg0;
if (!arg0.Init(cx, args[0], "Argument 1", false)) {
return false;
NonNull<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey> arg1;
if (args[1].isObject()) {
// Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::CryptoKey, mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>(args[1], arg1, cx);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE>("Argument 2", "CryptoKey");
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("Argument 2");
return false;
Nullable<uint32_t> arg2;
if (!(args.hasDefined(2)) || args[2].isNullOrUndefined()) {
} else if (!ValueToPrimitive<uint32_t, eDefault>(cx, args[2], "Argument 3", &arg2.SetValue())) {
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->DeriveBits(cx, Constify(arg0), MOZ_KnownLive(NonNullHelper(arg1)), Constify(arg2), rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "SubtleCrypto.deriveBits"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
deriveBits_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = deriveBits(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo deriveBits_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)deriveBits_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
importKey(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "SubtleCrypto.importKey");
"SubtleCrypto", "importKey", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "SubtleCrypto.importKey", 5)) {
return false;
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
return false;
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> arg1(cx);
if (args[1].isObject()) {
arg1 = &args[1].toObject();
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("Argument 2");
return false;
ObjectOrString arg2;
if (!arg2.Init(cx, args[2], "Argument 3", false)) {
return false;
bool arg3;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<bool, eDefault>(cx, args[3], "Argument 4", &arg3)) {
return false;
binding_detail::AutoSequence<nsString> arg4;
if (args[4].isObject()) {
JS::ForOfIterator iter(cx);
if (!iter.init(args[4], JS::ForOfIterator::AllowNonIterable)) {
return false;
if (!iter.valueIsIterable()) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_CONVERSION_ERROR>("Argument 5", "sequence");
return false;
binding_detail::AutoSequence<nsString> &arr = arg4;
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
while (true) {
bool done;
if (!, &done)) {
return false;
if (done) {
nsString* slotPtr = arr.AppendElement(mozilla::fallible);
if (!slotPtr) {
return false;
nsString& slot = *slotPtr;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp, eStringify, eStringify, slot)) {
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_CONVERSION_ERROR>("Argument 5", "sequence");
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->ImportKey(cx, NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), arg1, Constify(arg2), arg3, Constify(arg4), rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "SubtleCrypto.importKey"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
importKey_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = importKey(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo importKey_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)importKey_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
exportKey(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "SubtleCrypto.exportKey");
"SubtleCrypto", "exportKey", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "SubtleCrypto.exportKey", 2)) {
return false;
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
return false;
NonNull<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey> arg1;
if (args[1].isObject()) {
// Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::CryptoKey, mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>(args[1], arg1, cx);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE>("Argument 2", "CryptoKey");
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("Argument 2");
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->ExportKey(NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), MOZ_KnownLive(NonNullHelper(arg1)), rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "SubtleCrypto.exportKey"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
exportKey_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = exportKey(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo exportKey_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)exportKey_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
wrapKey(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "SubtleCrypto.wrapKey");
"SubtleCrypto", "wrapKey", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "SubtleCrypto.wrapKey", 4)) {
return false;
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
return false;
NonNull<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey> arg1;
if (args[1].isObject()) {
// Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::CryptoKey, mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>(args[1], arg1, cx);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE>("Argument 2", "CryptoKey");
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("Argument 2");
return false;
NonNull<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey> arg2;
if (args[2].isObject()) {
// Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::CryptoKey, mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>(args[2], arg2, cx);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE>("Argument 3", "CryptoKey");
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("Argument 3");
return false;
ObjectOrString arg3;
if (!arg3.Init(cx, args[3], "Argument 4", false)) {
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->WrapKey(cx, NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), MOZ_KnownLive(NonNullHelper(arg1)), MOZ_KnownLive(NonNullHelper(arg2)), Constify(arg3), rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "SubtleCrypto.wrapKey"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
wrapKey_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = wrapKey(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo wrapKey_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)wrapKey_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
unwrapKey(JSContext* cx_, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
BindingCallContext cx(cx_, "SubtleCrypto.unwrapKey");
"SubtleCrypto", "unwrapKey", DOM, cx,
uint32_t(js::ProfilingStackFrame::Flags::STRING_TEMPLATE_METHOD) |
auto* self = static_cast<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto*>(void_self);
if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "SubtleCrypto.unwrapKey", 7)) {
return false;
binding_detail::FakeString<char16_t> arg0;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, args[0], eStringify, eStringify, arg0)) {
return false;
ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer arg1;
if (!arg1.Init(cx, args[1], "Argument 2", false)) {
return false;
NonNull<mozilla::dom::CryptoKey> arg2;
if (args[2].isObject()) {
// Our JSContext should be in the right global to do unwrapping in.
nsresult rv = UnwrapObject<prototypes::id::CryptoKey, mozilla::dom::CryptoKey>(args[2], arg2, cx);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE>("Argument 3", "CryptoKey");
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_NOT_OBJECT>("Argument 3");
return false;
ObjectOrString arg3;
if (!arg3.Init(cx, args[3], "Argument 4", false)) {
return false;
ObjectOrString arg4;
if (!arg4.Init(cx, args[4], "Argument 5", false)) {
return false;
bool arg5;
if (!ValueToPrimitive<bool, eDefault>(cx, args[5], "Argument 6", &arg5)) {
return false;
binding_detail::AutoSequence<nsString> arg6;
if (args[6].isObject()) {
JS::ForOfIterator iter(cx);
if (!iter.init(args[6], JS::ForOfIterator::AllowNonIterable)) {
return false;
if (!iter.valueIsIterable()) {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_CONVERSION_ERROR>("Argument 7", "sequence");
return false;
binding_detail::AutoSequence<nsString> &arr = arg6;
JS::Rooted<JS::Value> temp(cx);
while (true) {
bool done;
if (!, &done)) {
return false;
if (done) {
nsString* slotPtr = arr.AppendElement(mozilla::fallible);
if (!slotPtr) {
return false;
nsString& slot = *slotPtr;
if (!ConvertJSValueToString(cx, temp, eStringify, eStringify, slot)) {
return false;
} else {
cx.ThrowErrorMessage<MSG_CONVERSION_ERROR>("Argument 7", "sequence");
return false;
FastErrorResult rv;
auto result(StrongOrRawPtr<Promise>(MOZ_KnownLive(self)->UnwrapKey(cx, NonNullHelper(Constify(arg0)), Constify(arg1), MOZ_KnownLive(NonNullHelper(arg2)), Constify(arg3), Constify(arg4), arg5, Constify(arg6), rv)));
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.MaybeSetPendingException(cx, "SubtleCrypto.unwrapKey"))) {
return false;
"NewObject implies that we need to keep the object alive with a strong reference.");
if (!ToJSValue(cx, result, args.rval())) {
return false;
return true;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT static bool
unwrapKey_promiseWrapper(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, void* void_self, const JSJitMethodCallArgs& args)
bool ok = unwrapKey(cx, obj, void_self, args);
if (ok) {
return true;
return ConvertExceptionToPromise(cx, args.rval());
static const JSJitInfo unwrapKey_methodinfo = {
{ (JSJitGetterOp)unwrapKey_promiseWrapper },
{ prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto },
{ PrototypeTraits<prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto>::Depth },
JSJitInfo::AliasEverything, /* aliasSet. Not relevant for setters. */
JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, /* returnType. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isInfallible. False in setters. */
false, /* isMovable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isEliminatable. Not relevant for setters. */
false, /* isAlwaysInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isLazilyCachedInSlot. Only relevant for getters. */
false, /* isTypedMethod. Only relevant for methods. */
0 /* Reserved slot index, if we're stored in a slot, else 0. */
static bool
_addProperty(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj, JS::Handle<jsid> id, JS::Handle<JS::Value> val)
mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto* self = UnwrapPossiblyNotInitializedDOMObject<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto>(obj);
// We don't want to preserve if we don't have a wrapper, and we
// obviously can't preserve if we're not initialized.
if (self && self->GetWrapperPreserveColor()) {
return true;
static void
_finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj)
mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto* self = UnwrapPossiblyNotInitializedDOMObject<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto>(obj);
if (self) {
JS::SetReservedSlot(obj, DOM_OBJECT_SLOT, JS::UndefinedValue());
ClearWrapper(self, self, obj);
if (size_t mallocBytes = BindingJSObjectMallocBytes(self)) {
JS::RemoveAssociatedMemory(obj, mallocBytes,
static nsWrapperCache*
_getWrapperCache(JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj)
mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto* self = UnwrapPossiblyNotInitializedDOMObject<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto>(obj);
return self;
static size_t
_objectMoved(JSObject* obj, JSObject* old)
mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto* self = UnwrapPossiblyNotInitializedDOMObject<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto>(obj);
if (self) {
UpdateWrapper(self, self, obj, old);
return 0;
MOZ_GLOBINIT static const JSFunctionSpec sMethods_specs[] = {
JS_FNSPEC("encrypt", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&encrypt_methodinfo), 3, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("decrypt", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&decrypt_methodinfo), 3, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("sign", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&sign_methodinfo), 3, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("verify", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&verify_methodinfo), 4, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("digest", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&digest_methodinfo), 2, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("generateKey", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&generateKey_methodinfo), 3, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("deriveKey", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&deriveKey_methodinfo), 5, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("deriveBits", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&deriveBits_methodinfo), 2, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("importKey", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&importKey_methodinfo), 5, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("exportKey", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&exportKey_methodinfo), 2, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("wrapKey", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&wrapKey_methodinfo), 4, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
JS_FNSPEC("unwrapKey", (GenericMethod<NormalThisPolicy, ConvertExceptionsToPromises>), reinterpret_cast<const JSJitInfo*>(&unwrapKey_methodinfo), 7, JSPROP_ENUMERATE, nullptr),
static const PrefableDisablers sMethods_disablers0 = {
WebIDLPrefIndex::NoPref, 0, true, OriginTrial(0), nullptr
static const Prefable<const JSFunctionSpec> sMethods[] = {
{ &sMethods_disablers0, &sMethods_specs[0] },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
static_assert(1 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX,
"We have a prefable index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_PREF_INDEX)");
static_assert(12 <= 1ull << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX,
"We have a spec index that is >= (1 << NUM_BITS_PROPERTY_INFO_SPEC_INDEX)");
static uint16_t sNativeProperties_sortedPropertyIndices[12];
static PropertyInfo sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[12];
static const NativePropertiesN<1> sNativeProperties = {
false, 0,
false, 0,
true, 0 /* sMethods */,
false, 0,
false, 0,
false, 0,
false, 0,
{ sMethods, &sNativeProperties_propertyInfos[0] }
static_assert(12 < 1ull << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(sNativeProperties.propertyInfoCount)),
"We have a property info count that is oversized");
bool sNativePropertiesInited = false;
const NativePropertyHooks sNativePropertyHooks = {
{ sNativeProperties.Upcast(), nullptr, &sNativePropertiesInited },
static const DOMInterfaceInfo sInterfaceObjectInfo = {
{ ThrowingConstructor, &sNativePropertyHooks },
static const DOMIfaceAndProtoJSClass sPrototypeClass = {
ConstructorEnabled(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aObj)
return mozilla::dom::IsSecureContextOrObjectIsFromSecureContext(aCx, aObj);
static JS::Handle<JSObject*>
GetProtoObjectHandle(JSContext* aCx);
static const JSClassOps sClassOps = {
_addProperty, /* addProperty */
nullptr, /* delProperty */
nullptr, /* enumerate */
nullptr, /* newEnumerate */
nullptr, /* resolve */
nullptr, /* mayResolve */
_finalize, /* finalize */
nullptr, /* call */
nullptr, /* construct */
nullptr, /* trace */
static const js::ClassExtension sClassExtension = {
_objectMoved /* objectMovedOp */
static const DOMJSClass sClass = {
{ "SubtleCrypto",
{ prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count, prototypes::id::_ID_Count },
std::is_base_of_v<nsISupports, mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto>,
"Must have the right minimal number of reserved slots.");
static_assert(1 >= 1,
"Must have enough reserved slots.");
Wrap(JSContext* aCx, mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto* aObject, nsWrapperCache* aCache, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aReflector)
static_assert(!std::is_base_of_v<NonRefcountedDOMObject, mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto>,
"Shouldn't have wrappercached things that are not refcounted.");
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(aObject), mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto*>);
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(aGivenProto, js::IsObjectInContextCompartment(aGivenProto, aCx));
"You should probably not be using Wrap() directly; use "
"GetOrCreateDOMReflector instead");
MOZ_ASSERT(ToSupportsIsOnPrimaryInheritanceChain(aObject, aCache),
"nsISupports must be on our primary inheritance chain");
// If the wrapper cache contains a dead reflector then finalize that
// now, ensuring that the finalizer for the old reflector always
// runs before the new reflector is created and attached. This
// avoids the awkward situation where there are multiple reflector
// objects that contain pointers to the same native.
if (JSObject* oldReflector = aCache->GetWrapperMaybeDead()) {
_finalize(nullptr /* unused */, oldReflector);
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> global(aCx, FindAssociatedGlobal(aCx, aObject->GetParentObject()));
if (!global) {
return false;
// That might have ended up wrapping us already, due to the wonders
// of XBL. Check for that, and bail out as needed.
if (aReflector) {
#ifdef DEBUG
AssertReflectorHasGivenProto(aCx, aReflector, aGivenProto);
#endif // DEBUG
return true;
JSAutoRealm ar(aCx, global);
JS::Handle<JSObject*> canonicalProto = GetProtoObjectHandle(aCx);
if (!canonicalProto) {
return false;
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> proto(aCx);
if (aGivenProto) {
proto = aGivenProto;
// Unfortunately, while aGivenProto was in the compartment of aCx
// coming in, we changed compartments to that of "parent" so may need
// to wrap the proto here.
if (js::GetContextCompartment(aCx) != JS::GetCompartment(proto)) {
if (!JS_WrapObject(aCx, &proto)) {
return false;
} else {
proto = canonicalProto;
BindingJSObjectCreator<mozilla::dom::SubtleCrypto> creator(aCx);
creator.CreateObject(aCx, sClass.ToJSClass(), proto, aObject, aReflector);
if (!aReflector) {
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT(aCache->GetWrapperPreserveColor() &&
aCache->GetWrapperPreserveColor() == aReflector);
// If proto != canonicalProto, we have to preserve our wrapper;
// otherwise we won't be able to properly recreate it later, since
// we won't know what proto to use. Note that we don't check
// aGivenProto here, since it's entirely possible (and even
// somewhat common) to have a non-null aGivenProto which is the
// same as canonicalProto.
if (proto != canonicalProto) {
return true;
CreateInterfaceObjects(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGlobal, ProtoAndIfaceCache& aProtoAndIfaceCache, DefineInterfaceProperty aDefineOnGlobal)
JS::Heap<JSObject*>* protoCache = &aProtoAndIfaceCache.EntrySlotOrCreate(prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto);
JS::Heap<JSObject*>* interfaceCache = &aProtoAndIfaceCache.EntrySlotOrCreate(constructors::id::SubtleCrypto);
JS::Handle<JSObject*> parentProto(JS::GetRealmObjectPrototypeHandle(aCx));
if (!parentProto) {
JS::Handle<JSObject*> constructorProto(JS::GetRealmFunctionPrototypeHandle(aCx));
if (!constructorProto) {
dom::CreateInterfaceObjects(aCx, aGlobal, parentProto,
&sPrototypeClass, protoCache,
constructorProto, &sInterfaceObjectInfo, 0, false, Span<const LegacyFactoryFunction, 0>{},
ShouldExpose<SubtleCrypto_Binding::ConstructorEnabled>(aCx, aGlobal, aDefineOnGlobal),
static JS::Handle<JSObject*>
GetProtoObjectHandle(JSContext* aCx)
/* Get the interface prototype object for this class. This will create the
object as needed. */
return GetPerInterfaceObjectHandle(aCx, prototypes::id::SubtleCrypto,
GetConstructorObjectHandle(JSContext* aCx)
/* Get the interface object for this class. This will create the object as
needed. */
return GetPerInterfaceObjectHandle(aCx, constructors::id::SubtleCrypto,
} // namespace SubtleCrypto_Binding
} // namespace mozilla::dom