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* DO NOT EDIT. THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM $SRCDIR/uriloader/base/nsITransfer.idl
#ifndef __gen_nsITransfer_h__
#define __gen_nsITransfer_h__
#include "nsIWebProgressListener2.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "js/GCAnnotations.h"
/* For IDL files that don't want to include root IDL files. */
#ifndef NS_NO_VTABLE
#define NS_NO_VTABLE
class nsIArray; /* forward declaration */
class nsIURI; /* forward declaration */
class nsICancelable; /* forward declaration */
class nsIMIMEInfo; /* forward declaration */
class nsIFile; /* forward declaration */
class nsIReferrerInfo; /* forward declaration */
class nsIHttpChannel; /* forward declaration */
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class BrowsingContext; /* webidl BrowsingContext */
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla
/* starting interface: nsITransfer */
#define NS_ITRANSFER_IID_STR "37ec75d3-97ad-4da8-afaa-eabe5b4afd73"
{0x37ec75d3, 0x97ad, 0x4da8, \
{ 0xaf, 0xaa, 0xea, 0xbe, 0x5b, 0x4a, 0xfd, 0x73 }}
class NS_NO_VTABLE nsITransfer : public nsIWebProgressListener2 {
/* Used by ToJSValue to check which scriptable interface is implemented. */
using ScriptableInterfaceType = nsITransfer;
enum {
/* void init (in nsIURI aSource, in nsIURI aSourceOriginalURI, in nsIURI aTarget, in AString aDisplayName, in nsIMIMEInfo aMIMEInfo, in PRTime startTime, in nsIFile aTempFile, in nsICancelable aCancelable, in boolean aIsPrivate, in long aDownloadClassification, in nsIReferrerInfo aReferrerInfo, [optional] in boolean aOpenDownloadsListOnStart); */
JS_HAZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT NS_IMETHOD Init(nsIURI *aSource, nsIURI *aSourceOriginalURI, nsIURI *aTarget, const nsAString& aDisplayName, nsIMIMEInfo *aMIMEInfo, PRTime startTime, nsIFile *aTempFile, nsICancelable *aCancelable, bool aIsPrivate, int32_t aDownloadClassification, nsIReferrerInfo *aReferrerInfo, bool aOpenDownloadsListOnStart) = 0;
/* void initWithBrowsingContext (in nsIURI aSource, in nsIURI aTarget, in AString aDisplayName, in nsIMIMEInfo aMIMEInfo, in PRTime startTime, in nsIFile aTempFile, in nsICancelable aCancelable, in boolean aIsPrivate, in long aDownloadClassification, in nsIReferrerInfo aReferrerInfo, in boolean aOpenDownloadsListOnStart, in BrowsingContext aBrowsingContext, in boolean aHandleInternally, in nsIHttpChannel aHttpChannel); */
JS_HAZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT NS_IMETHOD InitWithBrowsingContext(nsIURI *aSource, nsIURI *aTarget, const nsAString& aDisplayName, nsIMIMEInfo *aMIMEInfo, PRTime startTime, nsIFile *aTempFile, nsICancelable *aCancelable, bool aIsPrivate, int32_t aDownloadClassification, nsIReferrerInfo *aReferrerInfo, bool aOpenDownloadsListOnStart, mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext *aBrowsingContext, bool aHandleInternally, nsIHttpChannel *aHttpChannel) = 0;
/* void setSha256Hash (in ACString aHash); */
JS_HAZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT NS_IMETHOD SetSha256Hash(const nsACString& aHash) = 0;
/* void setSignatureInfo (in Array<Array<Array<uint8_t>>> aSignatureInfo); */
JS_HAZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT NS_IMETHOD SetSignatureInfo(const nsTArray<nsTArray<nsTArray<uint8_t >>>& aSignatureInfo) = 0;
/* void setRedirects (in nsIArray aRedirects); */
JS_HAZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT NS_IMETHOD SetRedirects(nsIArray *aRedirects) = 0;
/* readonly attribute Promise downloadPromise; */
JS_HAZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT NS_IMETHOD GetDownloadPromise(::mozilla::dom::Promise * * aDownloadPromise) = 0;
/* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
NS_IMETHOD Init(nsIURI *aSource, nsIURI *aSourceOriginalURI, nsIURI *aTarget, const nsAString& aDisplayName, nsIMIMEInfo *aMIMEInfo, PRTime startTime, nsIFile *aTempFile, nsICancelable *aCancelable, bool aIsPrivate, int32_t aDownloadClassification, nsIReferrerInfo *aReferrerInfo, bool aOpenDownloadsListOnStart) override; \
NS_IMETHOD InitWithBrowsingContext(nsIURI *aSource, nsIURI *aTarget, const nsAString& aDisplayName, nsIMIMEInfo *aMIMEInfo, PRTime startTime, nsIFile *aTempFile, nsICancelable *aCancelable, bool aIsPrivate, int32_t aDownloadClassification, nsIReferrerInfo *aReferrerInfo, bool aOpenDownloadsListOnStart, mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext *aBrowsingContext, bool aHandleInternally, nsIHttpChannel *aHttpChannel) override; \
NS_IMETHOD SetSha256Hash(const nsACString& aHash) override; \
NS_IMETHOD SetSignatureInfo(const nsTArray<nsTArray<nsTArray<uint8_t >>>& aSignatureInfo) override; \
NS_IMETHOD SetRedirects(nsIArray *aRedirects) override; \
NS_IMETHOD GetDownloadPromise(::mozilla::dom::Promise * * aDownloadPromise) override;
/* Use this macro when declaring the members of this interface when the
class doesn't implement the interface. This is useful for forwarding. */
nsresult Init(nsIURI *aSource, nsIURI *aSourceOriginalURI, nsIURI *aTarget, const nsAString& aDisplayName, nsIMIMEInfo *aMIMEInfo, PRTime startTime, nsIFile *aTempFile, nsICancelable *aCancelable, bool aIsPrivate, int32_t aDownloadClassification, nsIReferrerInfo *aReferrerInfo, bool aOpenDownloadsListOnStart); \
nsresult InitWithBrowsingContext(nsIURI *aSource, nsIURI *aTarget, const nsAString& aDisplayName, nsIMIMEInfo *aMIMEInfo, PRTime startTime, nsIFile *aTempFile, nsICancelable *aCancelable, bool aIsPrivate, int32_t aDownloadClassification, nsIReferrerInfo *aReferrerInfo, bool aOpenDownloadsListOnStart, mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext *aBrowsingContext, bool aHandleInternally, nsIHttpChannel *aHttpChannel); \
nsresult SetSha256Hash(const nsACString& aHash); \
nsresult SetSignatureInfo(const nsTArray<nsTArray<nsTArray<uint8_t >>>& aSignatureInfo); \
nsresult SetRedirects(nsIArray *aRedirects); \
nsresult GetDownloadPromise(::mozilla::dom::Promise * * aDownloadPromise);
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object. */
NS_IMETHOD Init(nsIURI *aSource, nsIURI *aSourceOriginalURI, nsIURI *aTarget, const nsAString& aDisplayName, nsIMIMEInfo *aMIMEInfo, PRTime startTime, nsIFile *aTempFile, nsICancelable *aCancelable, bool aIsPrivate, int32_t aDownloadClassification, nsIReferrerInfo *aReferrerInfo, bool aOpenDownloadsListOnStart) override { return _to Init(aSource, aSourceOriginalURI, aTarget, aDisplayName, aMIMEInfo, startTime, aTempFile, aCancelable, aIsPrivate, aDownloadClassification, aReferrerInfo, aOpenDownloadsListOnStart); } \
NS_IMETHOD InitWithBrowsingContext(nsIURI *aSource, nsIURI *aTarget, const nsAString& aDisplayName, nsIMIMEInfo *aMIMEInfo, PRTime startTime, nsIFile *aTempFile, nsICancelable *aCancelable, bool aIsPrivate, int32_t aDownloadClassification, nsIReferrerInfo *aReferrerInfo, bool aOpenDownloadsListOnStart, mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext *aBrowsingContext, bool aHandleInternally, nsIHttpChannel *aHttpChannel) override { return _to InitWithBrowsingContext(aSource, aTarget, aDisplayName, aMIMEInfo, startTime, aTempFile, aCancelable, aIsPrivate, aDownloadClassification, aReferrerInfo, aOpenDownloadsListOnStart, aBrowsingContext, aHandleInternally, aHttpChannel); } \
NS_IMETHOD SetSha256Hash(const nsACString& aHash) override { return _to SetSha256Hash(aHash); } \
NS_IMETHOD SetSignatureInfo(const nsTArray<nsTArray<nsTArray<uint8_t >>>& aSignatureInfo) override { return _to SetSignatureInfo(aSignatureInfo); } \
NS_IMETHOD SetRedirects(nsIArray *aRedirects) override { return _to SetRedirects(aRedirects); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetDownloadPromise(::mozilla::dom::Promise * * aDownloadPromise) override { return _to GetDownloadPromise(aDownloadPromise); }
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object in a safe way. */
NS_IMETHOD Init(nsIURI *aSource, nsIURI *aSourceOriginalURI, nsIURI *aTarget, const nsAString& aDisplayName, nsIMIMEInfo *aMIMEInfo, PRTime startTime, nsIFile *aTempFile, nsICancelable *aCancelable, bool aIsPrivate, int32_t aDownloadClassification, nsIReferrerInfo *aReferrerInfo, bool aOpenDownloadsListOnStart) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->Init(aSource, aSourceOriginalURI, aTarget, aDisplayName, aMIMEInfo, startTime, aTempFile, aCancelable, aIsPrivate, aDownloadClassification, aReferrerInfo, aOpenDownloadsListOnStart); } \
NS_IMETHOD InitWithBrowsingContext(nsIURI *aSource, nsIURI *aTarget, const nsAString& aDisplayName, nsIMIMEInfo *aMIMEInfo, PRTime startTime, nsIFile *aTempFile, nsICancelable *aCancelable, bool aIsPrivate, int32_t aDownloadClassification, nsIReferrerInfo *aReferrerInfo, bool aOpenDownloadsListOnStart, mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext *aBrowsingContext, bool aHandleInternally, nsIHttpChannel *aHttpChannel) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->InitWithBrowsingContext(aSource, aTarget, aDisplayName, aMIMEInfo, startTime, aTempFile, aCancelable, aIsPrivate, aDownloadClassification, aReferrerInfo, aOpenDownloadsListOnStart, aBrowsingContext, aHandleInternally, aHttpChannel); } \
NS_IMETHOD SetSha256Hash(const nsACString& aHash) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->SetSha256Hash(aHash); } \
NS_IMETHOD SetSignatureInfo(const nsTArray<nsTArray<nsTArray<uint8_t >>>& aSignatureInfo) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->SetSignatureInfo(aSignatureInfo); } \
NS_IMETHOD SetRedirects(nsIArray *aRedirects) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->SetRedirects(aRedirects); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetDownloadPromise(::mozilla::dom::Promise * * aDownloadPromise) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetDownloadPromise(aDownloadPromise); }
* A component with this contract ID will be created each time a download is
* started, and nsITransfer::Init will be called on it and an observer will be set.
* Notifications of the download progress will happen via
* nsIWebProgressListener/nsIWebProgressListener2.
* nsITransfer
* nsIWebProgressListener
* nsIWebProgressListener2
* XXX move this to nsEmbedCID.h once the interfaces (and the contract ID) are
* frozen.
#endif /* __gen_nsITransfer_h__ */