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#ifndef __gen_nsIClipboard_h__
#define __gen_nsIClipboard_h__
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "nsITransferable.h"
#include "nsIClipboardOwner.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "js/GCAnnotations.h"
#include "mozilla/AlreadyAddRefed.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h"
/* For IDL files that don't want to include root IDL files. */
#ifndef NS_NO_VTABLE
#define NS_NO_VTABLE
class nsIArray; /* forward declaration */
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class WindowContext; /* webidl WindowContext */
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla
/* starting interface: nsIAsyncSetClipboardData */
#define NS_IASYNCSETCLIPBOARDDATA_IID_STR "801e2318-c8fa-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002"
{0x801e2318, 0xc8fa, 0x11ed, \
{ 0xaf, 0xa1, 0x02, 0x42, 0xac, 0x12, 0x00, 0x02 }}
class NS_NO_VTABLE nsIAsyncSetClipboardData : public nsISupports {
/* Used by ToJSValue to check which scriptable interface is implemented. */
using ScriptableInterfaceType = nsIAsyncSetClipboardData;
/* void setData (in nsITransferable aTransferable, [optional] in nsIClipboardOwner aOwner); */
NS_IMETHOD SetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIClipboardOwner *aOwner) = 0;
/* void abort (in nsresult aReason); */
NS_IMETHOD Abort(nsresult aReason) = 0;
/* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
NS_IMETHOD SetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIClipboardOwner *aOwner) override; \
NS_IMETHOD Abort(nsresult aReason) override;
/* Use this macro when declaring the members of this interface when the
class doesn't implement the interface. This is useful for forwarding. */
nsresult SetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIClipboardOwner *aOwner); \
nsresult Abort(nsresult aReason);
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object. */
NS_IMETHOD SetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIClipboardOwner *aOwner) override { return _to SetData(aTransferable, aOwner); } \
NS_IMETHOD Abort(nsresult aReason) override { return _to Abort(aReason); }
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object in a safe way. */
NS_IMETHOD SetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIClipboardOwner *aOwner) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->SetData(aTransferable, aOwner); } \
NS_IMETHOD Abort(nsresult aReason) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->Abort(aReason); }
/* starting interface: nsIAsyncClipboardRequestCallback */
#define NS_IASYNCCLIPBOARDREQUESTCALLBACK_IID_STR "78f7c18e-c8fa-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002"
{0x78f7c18e, 0xc8fa, 0x11ed, \
{ 0xaf, 0xa1, 0x02, 0x42, 0xac, 0x12, 0x00, 0x02 }}
class NS_NO_VTABLE nsIAsyncClipboardRequestCallback : public nsISupports {
/* Used by ToJSValue to check which scriptable interface is implemented. */
using ScriptableInterfaceType = nsIAsyncClipboardRequestCallback;
/* void onComplete (in nsresult aResult); */
JS_HAZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT NS_IMETHOD OnComplete(nsresult aResult) = 0;
/* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
NS_IMETHOD OnComplete(nsresult aResult) override;
/* Use this macro when declaring the members of this interface when the
class doesn't implement the interface. This is useful for forwarding. */
nsresult OnComplete(nsresult aResult);
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object. */
NS_IMETHOD OnComplete(nsresult aResult) override { return _to OnComplete(aResult); }
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object in a safe way. */
NS_IMETHOD OnComplete(nsresult aResult) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->OnComplete(aResult); }
/* starting interface: nsIClipboardDataSnapshot */
#define NS_ICLIPBOARDDATASNAPSHOT_IID_STR "c18ea2f7-6b6f-4a38-9ab3-a8781fdfcc39"
{0xc18ea2f7, 0x6b6f, 0x4a38, \
{ 0x9a, 0xb3, 0xa8, 0x78, 0x1f, 0xdf, 0xcc, 0x39 }}
class NS_NO_VTABLE nsIClipboardDataSnapshot : public nsISupports {
/* Used by ToJSValue to check which scriptable interface is implemented. */
using ScriptableInterfaceType = nsIClipboardDataSnapshot;
/* readonly attribute boolean valid; */
NS_IMETHOD GetValid(bool *aValid) = 0;
/* readonly attribute Array<ACString> flavorList; */
NS_IMETHOD GetFlavorList(nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList) = 0;
/* void getData (in nsITransferable aTransferable, in nsIAsyncClipboardRequestCallback aCallback); */
NS_IMETHOD GetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIAsyncClipboardRequestCallback *aCallback) = 0;
/* void getDataSync (in nsITransferable aTransferable); */
NS_IMETHOD GetDataSync(nsITransferable *aTransferable) = 0;
/* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
NS_IMETHOD GetValid(bool *aValid) override; \
NS_IMETHOD GetFlavorList(nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList) override; \
NS_IMETHOD GetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIAsyncClipboardRequestCallback *aCallback) override; \
NS_IMETHOD GetDataSync(nsITransferable *aTransferable) override;
/* Use this macro when declaring the members of this interface when the
class doesn't implement the interface. This is useful for forwarding. */
nsresult GetValid(bool *aValid); \
nsresult GetFlavorList(nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList); \
nsresult GetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIAsyncClipboardRequestCallback *aCallback); \
nsresult GetDataSync(nsITransferable *aTransferable);
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object. */
NS_IMETHOD GetValid(bool *aValid) override { return _to GetValid(aValid); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetFlavorList(nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList) override { return _to GetFlavorList(aFlavorList); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIAsyncClipboardRequestCallback *aCallback) override { return _to GetData(aTransferable, aCallback); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetDataSync(nsITransferable *aTransferable) override { return _to GetDataSync(aTransferable); }
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object in a safe way. */
NS_IMETHOD GetValid(bool *aValid) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetValid(aValid); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetFlavorList(nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetFlavorList(aFlavorList); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIAsyncClipboardRequestCallback *aCallback) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetData(aTransferable, aCallback); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetDataSync(nsITransferable *aTransferable) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetDataSync(aTransferable); }
/* starting interface: nsIClipboardGetDataSnapshotCallback */
#define NS_ICLIPBOARDGETDATASNAPSHOTCALLBACK_IID_STR "ce23c1c4-58fd-4c33-8579-fa0796d9652c"
{0xce23c1c4, 0x58fd, 0x4c33, \
{ 0x85, 0x79, 0xfa, 0x07, 0x96, 0xd9, 0x65, 0x2c }}
class NS_NO_VTABLE nsIClipboardGetDataSnapshotCallback : public nsISupports {
/* Used by ToJSValue to check which scriptable interface is implemented. */
using ScriptableInterfaceType = nsIClipboardGetDataSnapshotCallback;
/* void onSuccess (in nsIClipboardDataSnapshot aClipboardDataSnapshot); */
JS_HAZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT NS_IMETHOD OnSuccess(nsIClipboardDataSnapshot *aClipboardDataSnapshot) = 0;
/* void onError (in nsresult aResult); */
JS_HAZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT NS_IMETHOD OnError(nsresult aResult) = 0;
/* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
NS_IMETHOD OnSuccess(nsIClipboardDataSnapshot *aClipboardDataSnapshot) override; \
NS_IMETHOD OnError(nsresult aResult) override;
/* Use this macro when declaring the members of this interface when the
class doesn't implement the interface. This is useful for forwarding. */
nsresult OnSuccess(nsIClipboardDataSnapshot *aClipboardDataSnapshot); \
nsresult OnError(nsresult aResult);
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object. */
NS_IMETHOD OnSuccess(nsIClipboardDataSnapshot *aClipboardDataSnapshot) override { return _to OnSuccess(aClipboardDataSnapshot); } \
NS_IMETHOD OnError(nsresult aResult) override { return _to OnError(aResult); }
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object in a safe way. */
NS_IMETHOD OnSuccess(nsIClipboardDataSnapshot *aClipboardDataSnapshot) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->OnSuccess(aClipboardDataSnapshot); } \
NS_IMETHOD OnError(nsresult aResult) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->OnError(aResult); }
/* starting interface: nsIClipboard */
#define NS_ICLIPBOARD_IID_STR "ceaa0047-647f-4b8e-ad1c-aff9fa62aa51"
{0xceaa0047, 0x647f, 0x4b8e, \
{ 0xad, 0x1c, 0xaf, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0x62, 0xaa, 0x51 }}
class nsIClipboard : public nsISupports {
/* Used by ToJSValue to check which scriptable interface is implemented. */
using ScriptableInterfaceType = nsIClipboard;
enum ClipboardType : uint32_t {
kSelectionClipboard = 0,
kGlobalClipboard = 1,
kFindClipboard = 2,
kSelectionCache = 3,
static const uint32_t kClipboardTypeCount = kSelectionCache + 1;
/* void setData (in nsITransferable aTransferable, in nsIClipboardOwner anOwner, in nsIClipboard_ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, [optional] in WindowContext aSettingWindowContext); */
NS_IMETHOD SetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIClipboardOwner *anOwner, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aSettingWindowContext) = 0;
/* nsIAsyncSetClipboardData asyncSetData (in nsIClipboard_ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, [optional] in WindowContext aSettingWindowContext, [optional] in nsIAsyncClipboardRequestCallback aCallback); */
NS_IMETHOD AsyncSetData(nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aSettingWindowContext, nsIAsyncClipboardRequestCallback *aCallback, nsIAsyncSetClipboardData **_retval) = 0;
/* void getData (in nsITransferable aTransferable, in nsIClipboard_ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, [optional] in WindowContext aRequestingWindowContext); */
NS_IMETHOD GetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aRequestingWindowContext) = 0;
/* void getDataSnapshot (in Array<ACString> aFlavorList, in nsIClipboard_ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, in WindowContext aRequestingWindowContext, in nsIPrincipal aRequestingPrincipal, in nsIClipboardGetDataSnapshotCallback aCallback); */
NS_IMETHOD GetDataSnapshot(const nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aRequestingWindowContext, nsIPrincipal *aRequestingPrincipal, nsIClipboardGetDataSnapshotCallback *aCallback) = 0;
/* nsIClipboardDataSnapshot getDataSnapshotSync (in Array<ACString> aFlavorList, in nsIClipboard_ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, [optional] in WindowContext aRequestingWindowContext); */
NS_IMETHOD GetDataSnapshotSync(const nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aRequestingWindowContext, nsIClipboardDataSnapshot **_retval) = 0;
/* void emptyClipboard (in nsIClipboard_ClipboardType aWhichClipboard); */
NS_IMETHOD EmptyClipboard(nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard) = 0;
/* boolean hasDataMatchingFlavors (in Array<ACString> aFlavorList, in nsIClipboard_ClipboardType aWhichClipboard); */
NS_IMETHOD HasDataMatchingFlavors(const nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, bool *_retval) = 0;
/* [infallible] boolean isClipboardTypeSupported (in nsIClipboard_ClipboardType aWhichClipboard); */
NS_IMETHOD IsClipboardTypeSupported(nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, bool *_retval) = 0;
inline bool IsClipboardTypeSupported(nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard)
bool result;
mozilla::DebugOnly<nsresult> rv = IsClipboardTypeSupported(aWhichClipboard, &result);
return result;
/* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
NS_IMETHOD SetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIClipboardOwner *anOwner, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aSettingWindowContext) override; \
NS_IMETHOD AsyncSetData(nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aSettingWindowContext, nsIAsyncClipboardRequestCallback *aCallback, nsIAsyncSetClipboardData **_retval) override; \
NS_IMETHOD GetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aRequestingWindowContext) override; \
NS_IMETHOD GetDataSnapshot(const nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aRequestingWindowContext, nsIPrincipal *aRequestingPrincipal, nsIClipboardGetDataSnapshotCallback *aCallback) override; \
NS_IMETHOD GetDataSnapshotSync(const nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aRequestingWindowContext, nsIClipboardDataSnapshot **_retval) override; \
NS_IMETHOD EmptyClipboard(nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard) override; \
NS_IMETHOD HasDataMatchingFlavors(const nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, bool *_retval) override; \
NS_IMETHOD IsClipboardTypeSupported(nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, bool *_retval) override;
/* Use this macro when declaring the members of this interface when the
class doesn't implement the interface. This is useful for forwarding. */
nsresult SetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIClipboardOwner *anOwner, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aSettingWindowContext); \
nsresult AsyncSetData(nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aSettingWindowContext, nsIAsyncClipboardRequestCallback *aCallback, nsIAsyncSetClipboardData **_retval); \
nsresult GetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aRequestingWindowContext); \
nsresult GetDataSnapshot(const nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aRequestingWindowContext, nsIPrincipal *aRequestingPrincipal, nsIClipboardGetDataSnapshotCallback *aCallback); \
nsresult GetDataSnapshotSync(const nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aRequestingWindowContext, nsIClipboardDataSnapshot **_retval); \
nsresult EmptyClipboard(nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard); \
nsresult HasDataMatchingFlavors(const nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, bool *_retval); \
nsresult IsClipboardTypeSupported(nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, bool *_retval);
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object. */
NS_IMETHOD SetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIClipboardOwner *anOwner, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aSettingWindowContext) override { return _to SetData(aTransferable, anOwner, aWhichClipboard, aSettingWindowContext); } \
NS_IMETHOD AsyncSetData(nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aSettingWindowContext, nsIAsyncClipboardRequestCallback *aCallback, nsIAsyncSetClipboardData **_retval) override { return _to AsyncSetData(aWhichClipboard, aSettingWindowContext, aCallback, _retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aRequestingWindowContext) override { return _to GetData(aTransferable, aWhichClipboard, aRequestingWindowContext); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetDataSnapshot(const nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aRequestingWindowContext, nsIPrincipal *aRequestingPrincipal, nsIClipboardGetDataSnapshotCallback *aCallback) override { return _to GetDataSnapshot(aFlavorList, aWhichClipboard, aRequestingWindowContext, aRequestingPrincipal, aCallback); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetDataSnapshotSync(const nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aRequestingWindowContext, nsIClipboardDataSnapshot **_retval) override { return _to GetDataSnapshotSync(aFlavorList, aWhichClipboard, aRequestingWindowContext, _retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD EmptyClipboard(nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard) override { return _to EmptyClipboard(aWhichClipboard); } \
NS_IMETHOD HasDataMatchingFlavors(const nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, bool *_retval) override { return _to HasDataMatchingFlavors(aFlavorList, aWhichClipboard, _retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD IsClipboardTypeSupported(nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, bool *_retval) override { return _to IsClipboardTypeSupported(aWhichClipboard, _retval); }
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object in a safe way. */
NS_IMETHOD SetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIClipboardOwner *anOwner, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aSettingWindowContext) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->SetData(aTransferable, anOwner, aWhichClipboard, aSettingWindowContext); } \
NS_IMETHOD AsyncSetData(nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aSettingWindowContext, nsIAsyncClipboardRequestCallback *aCallback, nsIAsyncSetClipboardData **_retval) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->AsyncSetData(aWhichClipboard, aSettingWindowContext, aCallback, _retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetData(nsITransferable *aTransferable, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aRequestingWindowContext) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetData(aTransferable, aWhichClipboard, aRequestingWindowContext); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetDataSnapshot(const nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aRequestingWindowContext, nsIPrincipal *aRequestingPrincipal, nsIClipboardGetDataSnapshotCallback *aCallback) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetDataSnapshot(aFlavorList, aWhichClipboard, aRequestingWindowContext, aRequestingPrincipal, aCallback); } \
NS_IMETHOD GetDataSnapshotSync(const nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, mozilla::dom::WindowContext *aRequestingWindowContext, nsIClipboardDataSnapshot **_retval) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetDataSnapshotSync(aFlavorList, aWhichClipboard, aRequestingWindowContext, _retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD EmptyClipboard(nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->EmptyClipboard(aWhichClipboard); } \
NS_IMETHOD HasDataMatchingFlavors(const nsTArray<nsCString >& aFlavorList, nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, bool *_retval) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->HasDataMatchingFlavors(aFlavorList, aWhichClipboard, _retval); } \
NS_IMETHOD IsClipboardTypeSupported(nsIClipboard::ClipboardType aWhichClipboard, bool *_retval) override { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->IsClipboardTypeSupported(aWhichClipboard, _retval); }
#endif /* __gen_nsIClipboard_h__ */