Revision control
Copy as Markdown
Other Tools
use crate::deflate::{State, MIN_LOOKAHEAD, STD_MAX_MATCH, STD_MIN_MATCH};
type Pos = u16;
const UNALIGNED_OK: bool = cfg!(any(
target_arch = "x86",
target_arch = "x86_64",
target_arch = "arm",
target_arch = "aarch64",
target_arch = "powerpc64",
const UNALIGNED64_OK: bool = cfg!(any(
target_arch = "x86_64",
target_arch = "aarch64",
target_arch = "powerpc64",
pub fn longest_match(state: &crate::deflate::State, cur_match: u16) -> (usize, usize) {
longest_match_help::<false>(state, cur_match)
pub fn longest_match_slow(state: &crate::deflate::State, cur_match: u16) -> (usize, usize) {
longest_match_help::<true>(state, cur_match)
fn longest_match_help<const SLOW: bool>(
state: &crate::deflate::State,
mut cur_match: u16,
) -> (usize, usize) {
let mut match_start = state.match_start;
let strstart = state.strstart;
let wmask = state.w_mask;
let window = state.window.filled();
let scan = &window[strstart..];
let mut limit: Pos;
let limit_base: Pos;
let early_exit: bool;
let mut chain_length: usize;
let mut best_len: usize;
let lookahead = state.lookahead;
let mut match_offset = 0;
let mut scan_start = [0u8; 8];
let mut scan_end = [0u8; 8];
macro_rules! goto_next_in_chain {
() => {
chain_length -= 1;
if chain_length > 0 {
cur_match = state.prev[cur_match as usize & wmask];
if cur_match > limit {
return (best_len, match_start);
// The code is optimized for STD_MAX_MATCH-2 multiple of 16.
assert_eq!(STD_MAX_MATCH, 258, "Code too clever");
best_len = if state.prev_length > 0 {
} else {
// Calculate read offset which should only extend an extra byte to find the next best match length.
let mut offset = best_len - 1;
if best_len >= core::mem::size_of::<u32>() && UNALIGNED_OK {
offset -= 2;
if best_len >= core::mem::size_of::<u64>() && UNALIGNED64_OK {
offset -= 4;
} else if UNALIGNED_OK {
} else {
let mut mbase_start = window.as_ptr();
let mut mbase_end = window[offset..].as_ptr();
// Don't waste too much time by following a chain if we already have a good match
chain_length = state.max_chain_length;
if best_len >= state.good_match {
chain_length >>= 2;
let nice_match = state.nice_match;
// Stop when cur_match becomes <= limit. To simplify the code,
// we prevent matches with the string of window index 0
limit = strstart.saturating_sub(state.max_dist()) as Pos;
// look for a better string offset
if SLOW {
limit_base = limit;
if best_len >= STD_MIN_MATCH {
/* We're continuing search (lazy evaluation). */
let mut pos: Pos;
// Find a most distant chain starting from scan with index=1 (index=0 corresponds
// to cur_match). We cannot use s->prev[strstart+1,...] immediately, because
// these strings are not yet inserted into the hash table.
let Some([_cur_match, scan1, scan2, scanrest @ ..]) = scan.get(..best_len + 1) else {
panic!("invalid scan");
let mut hash = 0;
hash = state.update_hash(hash, *scan1 as u32);
hash = state.update_hash(hash, *scan2 as u32);
for (i, b) in scanrest.iter().enumerate() {
hash = state.update_hash(hash, *b as u32);
/* If we're starting with best_len >= 3, we can use offset search. */
pos = state.head[hash as usize];
if pos < cur_match {
match_offset = (i + 1) as Pos;
cur_match = pos;
/* Update offset-dependent variables */
limit = limit_base + match_offset;
if cur_match <= limit {
return break_matching(state, best_len, match_start);
mbase_start = mbase_start.wrapping_sub(match_offset as usize);
mbase_end = mbase_end.wrapping_sub(match_offset as usize);
early_exit = false;
} else {
// must initialize this variable
limit_base = 0;
early_exit = state.level < EARLY_EXIT_TRIGGER_LEVEL;
strstart <= state.window_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD,
"need lookahead"
loop {
if cur_match as usize >= strstart {
// Skip to next match if the match length cannot increase or if the match length is
// less than 2. Note that the checks below for insufficient lookahead only occur
// occasionally for performance reasons.
// Therefore uninitialized memory will be accessed and conditional jumps will be made
// that depend on those values. However the length of the match is limited to the
// lookahead, so the output of deflate is not affected by the uninitialized values.
// # Safety
// The two pointers must be valid for reads of N bytes.
unsafe fn memcmp_n_ptr<const N: usize>(src0: *const u8, src1: *const u8) -> bool {
let src0_cmp = core::ptr::read(src0 as *const [u8; N]);
let src1_cmp = core::ptr::read(src1 as *const [u8; N]);
src0_cmp == src1_cmp
unsafe fn is_match<const N: usize>(
cur_match: u16,
mbase_start: *const u8,
mbase_end: *const u8,
scan_start: *const u8,
scan_end: *const u8,
) -> bool {
let be = mbase_end.wrapping_add(cur_match as usize);
let bs = mbase_start.wrapping_add(cur_match as usize);
memcmp_n_ptr::<N>(be, scan_end) && memcmp_n_ptr::<N>(bs, scan_start)
// first, do a quick check on the start and end bytes. Go to the next item in the chain if
// these bytes don't match.
unsafe {
let scan_start = scan_start.as_ptr();
let scan_end = scan_end.as_ptr();
if best_len < core::mem::size_of::<u32>() {
loop {
if is_match::<2>(cur_match, mbase_start, mbase_end, scan_start, scan_end) {
} else if best_len >= core::mem::size_of::<u64>() && UNALIGNED64_OK {
loop {
if is_match::<8>(cur_match, mbase_start, mbase_end, scan_start, scan_end) {
} else {
loop {
if is_match::<4>(cur_match, mbase_start, mbase_end, scan_start, scan_end) {
} else {
loop {
if memcmp_n_ptr::<2>(mbase_end.wrapping_add(cur_match as usize), scan_end)
&& memcmp_n_ptr::<2>(
mbase_start.wrapping_add(cur_match as usize),
// we know that there is at least some match. Now count how many bytes really match
let len = {
// TODO this just looks so incredibly unsafe!
let src1: &[u8; 256] =
unsafe { &*mbase_start.wrapping_add(cur_match as usize + 2).cast() };
crate::deflate::compare256::compare256_slice(&scan[2..], src1) + 2
scan.as_ptr() as usize + len <= window.as_ptr() as usize + (state.window_size - 1),
"wild scan"
if len > best_len {
match_start = (cur_match - match_offset) as usize;
/* Do not look for matches beyond the end of the input. */
if len > lookahead {
return (lookahead, match_start);
best_len = len;
if best_len >= nice_match {
return (best_len, match_start);
offset = best_len - 1;
if best_len >= core::mem::size_of::<u32>() && UNALIGNED_OK {
offset -= 2;
if best_len >= core::mem::size_of::<u64>() && UNALIGNED64_OK {
offset -= 4;
} else if UNALIGNED_OK {
} else {
// Look for a better string offset
if SLOW && len > STD_MIN_MATCH && match_start + len < strstart {
let mut pos: Pos;
// uint32_t i, hash;
// unsigned char *scan_endstr;
/* Go back to offset 0 */
cur_match -= match_offset;
match_offset = 0;
let mut next_pos = cur_match;
for i in 0..=len - STD_MIN_MATCH {
pos = state.prev[(cur_match as usize + i) & wmask];
if pos < next_pos {
/* Hash chain is more distant, use it */
if pos <= limit_base + i as Pos {
return break_matching(state, best_len, match_start);
next_pos = pos;
match_offset = i as Pos;
/* Switch cur_match to next_pos chain */
cur_match = next_pos;
/* Try hash head at len-(STD_MIN_MATCH-1) position to see if we could get
* a better cur_match at the end of string. Using (STD_MIN_MATCH-1) lets
* us include one more byte into hash - the byte which will be checked
* in main loop now, and which allows to grow match by 1.
let [scan0, scan1, scan2, ..] = scan[len - (STD_MIN_MATCH + 1)..] else {
panic!("index out of bounds");
let mut hash = 0;
hash = state.update_hash(hash, scan0 as u32);
hash = state.update_hash(hash, scan1 as u32);
hash = state.update_hash(hash, scan2 as u32);
pos = state.head[hash as usize];
if pos < cur_match {
match_offset = (len - (STD_MIN_MATCH + 1)) as Pos;
if pos <= limit_base + match_offset {
return break_matching(state, best_len, match_start);
cur_match = pos;
/* Update offset-dependent variables */
limit = limit_base + match_offset;
mbase_start = window.as_ptr().wrapping_sub(match_offset as usize);
mbase_end = mbase_start.wrapping_add(offset);
mbase_end = mbase_start.wrapping_add(offset);
} else if !SLOW && early_exit {
// The probability of finding a match later if we here is pretty low, so for
// performance it's best to outright stop here for the lower compression levels
(best_len, match_start)
fn break_matching(state: &State, best_len: usize, match_start: usize) -> (usize, usize) {
(Ord::min(best_len, state.lookahead), match_start)