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// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file
// called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree
use crate::ule::*;
use crate::varzerovec::owned::VarZeroVecOwned;
use crate::vecs::{FlexZeroSlice, FlexZeroVec, FlexZeroVecOwned, VarZeroVecFormat};
use crate::{VarZeroSlice, VarZeroVec};
use crate::{ZeroSlice, ZeroVec};
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::cmp::Ordering;
use core::mem;
use core::ops::Range;
/// Trait abstracting over [`ZeroVec`] and [`VarZeroVec`], for use in [`ZeroMap`](super::ZeroMap). **You
/// should not be implementing or calling this trait directly.**
/// The T type is the type received by [`Self::zvl_binary_search()`], as well as the one used
/// for human-readable serialization.
/// Methods are prefixed with `zvl_*` to avoid clashes with methods on the types themselves
pub trait ZeroVecLike<T: ?Sized> {
/// The type returned by `Self::get()`
type GetType: ?Sized + 'static;
/// A fully borrowed version of this
type SliceVariant: ZeroVecLike<T, GetType = Self::GetType> + ?Sized;
/// Create a new, empty borrowed variant
fn zvl_new_borrowed() -> &'static Self::SliceVariant;
/// Search for a key in a sorted vector, returns `Ok(index)` if found,
/// returns `Err(insert_index)` if not found, where `insert_index` is the
/// index where it should be inserted to maintain sort order.
fn zvl_binary_search(&self, k: &T) -> Result<usize, usize>
T: Ord;
/// Search for a key within a certain range in a sorted vector.
/// Returns `None` if the range is out of bounds, and
/// `Ok` or `Err` in the same way as `zvl_binary_search`.
/// Indices are returned relative to the start of the range.
fn zvl_binary_search_in_range(
k: &T,
range: Range<usize>,
) -> Option<Result<usize, usize>>
T: Ord;
/// Search for a key in a sorted vector by a predicate, returns `Ok(index)` if found,
/// returns `Err(insert_index)` if not found, where `insert_index` is the
/// index where it should be inserted to maintain sort order.
fn zvl_binary_search_by(&self, predicate: impl FnMut(&T) -> Ordering) -> Result<usize, usize>;
/// Search for a key within a certain range in a sorted vector by a predicate.
/// Returns `None` if the range is out of bounds, and
/// `Ok` or `Err` in the same way as `zvl_binary_search`.
/// Indices are returned relative to the start of the range.
fn zvl_binary_search_in_range_by(
predicate: impl FnMut(&T) -> Ordering,
range: Range<usize>,
) -> Option<Result<usize, usize>>;
/// Get element at `index`
fn zvl_get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&Self::GetType>;
/// The length of this vector
fn zvl_len(&self) -> usize;
/// Check if this vector is in ascending order according to `T`s `Ord` impl
fn zvl_is_ascending(&self) -> bool
T: Ord,
if let Some(first) = self.zvl_get(0) {
let mut prev = first;
for i in 1..self.zvl_len() {
#[allow(clippy::unwrap_used)] // looping over the valid indices
let curr = self.zvl_get(i).unwrap();
if Self::get_cmp_get(prev, curr) != Ordering::Less {
return false;
prev = curr;
/// Check if this vector is empty
fn zvl_is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.zvl_len() == 0
/// Construct a borrowed variant by borrowing from `&self`.
/// This function behaves like `&'b self -> Self::SliceVariant<'b>`,
/// where `'b` is the lifetime of the reference to this object.
/// Note: We rely on the compiler recognizing `'a` and `'b` as covariant and
/// casting `&'b Self<'a>` to `&'b Self<'b>` when this gets called, which works
/// out for `ZeroVec` and `VarZeroVec` containers just fine.
fn zvl_as_borrowed(&self) -> &Self::SliceVariant;
/// Compare this type with a `Self::GetType`. This must produce the same result as
/// if `g` were converted to `Self`
fn t_cmp_get(t: &T, g: &Self::GetType) -> Ordering
T: Ord,
Self::zvl_get_as_t(g, |g| t.cmp(g))
/// Compare two values of `Self::GetType`. This must produce the same result as
/// if both `a` and `b` were converted to `Self`
fn get_cmp_get(a: &Self::GetType, b: &Self::GetType) -> Ordering
T: Ord,
Self::zvl_get_as_t(a, |a| Self::zvl_get_as_t(b, |b| a.cmp(b)))
/// Obtain a reference to T, passed to a closure
/// This uses a callback because it's not possible to return owned-or-borrowed
/// types without GATs
/// Impls should guarantee that the callback function is be called exactly once.
fn zvl_get_as_t<R>(g: &Self::GetType, f: impl FnOnce(&T) -> R) -> R;
/// Trait abstracting over [`ZeroVec`] and [`VarZeroVec`], for use in [`ZeroMap`](super::ZeroMap). **You
/// should not be implementing or calling this trait directly.**
/// This trait augments [`ZeroVecLike`] with methods allowing for mutation of the underlying
/// vector for owned vector types.
/// Methods are prefixed with `zvl_*` to avoid clashes with methods on the types themselves
pub trait MutableZeroVecLike<'a, T: ?Sized>: ZeroVecLike<T> {
/// The type returned by `Self::remove()` and `Self::replace()`
type OwnedType;
/// Insert an element at `index`
fn zvl_insert(&mut self, index: usize, value: &T);
/// Remove the element at `index` (panicking if nonexistant)
fn zvl_remove(&mut self, index: usize) -> Self::OwnedType;
/// Replace the element at `index` with another one, returning the old element
fn zvl_replace(&mut self, index: usize, value: &T) -> Self::OwnedType;
/// Push an element to the end of this vector
fn zvl_push(&mut self, value: &T);
/// Create a new, empty vector, with given capacity
fn zvl_with_capacity(cap: usize) -> Self;
/// Remove all elements from the vector
fn zvl_clear(&mut self);
/// Reserve space for `addl` additional elements
fn zvl_reserve(&mut self, addl: usize);
/// Applies the permutation such that `before.zvl_get(permutation[i]) == after.zvl_get(i)`.
/// # Panics
/// If `permutation` is not a valid permutation of length `zvl_len()`.
fn zvl_permute(&mut self, permutation: &mut [usize]);
/// Convert an owned value to a borrowed T
fn owned_as_t(o: &Self::OwnedType) -> &T;
/// Construct from the borrowed version of the type
/// These are useful to ensure serialization parity between borrowed and owned versions
fn zvl_from_borrowed(b: &'a Self::SliceVariant) -> Self;
/// Extract the inner borrowed variant if possible. Returns `None` if the data is owned.
/// This function behaves like `&'_ self -> Self::SliceVariant<'a>`,
/// where `'a` is the lifetime of this object's borrowed data.
/// This function is similar to matching the `Borrowed` variant of `ZeroVec`
/// or `VarZeroVec`, returning the inner borrowed type.
fn zvl_as_borrowed_inner(&self) -> Option<&'a Self::SliceVariant>;
impl<'a, T> ZeroVecLike<T> for ZeroVec<'a, T>
T: 'a + AsULE + Copy,
type GetType = T::ULE;
type SliceVariant = ZeroSlice<T>;
fn zvl_new_borrowed() -> &'static Self::SliceVariant {
fn zvl_binary_search(&self, k: &T) -> Result<usize, usize>
T: Ord,
ZeroSlice::binary_search(self, k)
fn zvl_binary_search_in_range(&self, k: &T, range: Range<usize>) -> Option<Result<usize, usize>>
T: Ord,
let zs: &ZeroSlice<T> = self;
zs.zvl_binary_search_in_range(k, range)
fn zvl_binary_search_by(
mut predicate: impl FnMut(&T) -> Ordering,
) -> Result<usize, usize> {
ZeroSlice::binary_search_by(self, |probe| predicate(&probe))
fn zvl_binary_search_in_range_by(
predicate: impl FnMut(&T) -> Ordering,
range: Range<usize>,
) -> Option<Result<usize, usize>> {
let zs: &ZeroSlice<T> = self;
zs.zvl_binary_search_in_range_by(predicate, range)
fn zvl_get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&T::ULE> {
fn zvl_len(&self) -> usize {
fn zvl_as_borrowed(&self) -> &ZeroSlice<T> {
fn zvl_get_as_t<R>(g: &Self::GetType, f: impl FnOnce(&T) -> R) -> R {
impl<T> ZeroVecLike<T> for ZeroSlice<T>
T: AsULE + Copy,
type GetType = T::ULE;
type SliceVariant = ZeroSlice<T>;
fn zvl_new_borrowed() -> &'static Self::SliceVariant {
fn zvl_binary_search(&self, k: &T) -> Result<usize, usize>
T: Ord,
ZeroSlice::binary_search(self, k)
fn zvl_binary_search_in_range(&self, k: &T, range: Range<usize>) -> Option<Result<usize, usize>>
T: Ord,
let subslice = self.get_subslice(range)?;
Some(ZeroSlice::binary_search(subslice, k))
fn zvl_binary_search_by(
mut predicate: impl FnMut(&T) -> Ordering,
) -> Result<usize, usize> {
ZeroSlice::binary_search_by(self, |probe| predicate(&probe))
fn zvl_binary_search_in_range_by(
mut predicate: impl FnMut(&T) -> Ordering,
range: Range<usize>,
) -> Option<Result<usize, usize>> {
let subslice = self.get_subslice(range)?;
Some(ZeroSlice::binary_search_by(subslice, |probe| {
fn zvl_get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&T::ULE> {
fn zvl_len(&self) -> usize {
fn zvl_as_borrowed(&self) -> &ZeroSlice<T> {
fn zvl_get_as_t<R>(g: &Self::GetType, f: impl FnOnce(&T) -> R) -> R {
impl<'a, T> MutableZeroVecLike<'a, T> for ZeroVec<'a, T>
T: AsULE + Copy + 'static,
type OwnedType = T;
fn zvl_insert(&mut self, index: usize, value: &T) {
self.with_mut(|v| v.insert(index, value.to_unaligned()))
fn zvl_remove(&mut self, index: usize) -> T {
T::from_unaligned(self.with_mut(|v| v.remove(index)))
fn zvl_replace(&mut self, index: usize, value: &T) -> T {
let unaligned = self.with_mut(|vec| {
debug_assert!(index < vec.len());
mem::replace(&mut vec[index], value.to_unaligned())
fn zvl_push(&mut self, value: &T) {
self.with_mut(|v| v.push(value.to_unaligned()))
fn zvl_with_capacity(cap: usize) -> Self {
if cap == 0 {
} else {
fn zvl_clear(&mut self) {
self.with_mut(|v| v.clear())
fn zvl_reserve(&mut self, addl: usize) {
self.with_mut(|v| v.reserve(addl))
fn owned_as_t(o: &Self::OwnedType) -> &T {
fn zvl_from_borrowed(b: &'a ZeroSlice<T>) -> Self {
fn zvl_as_borrowed_inner(&self) -> Option<&'a ZeroSlice<T>> {
#[allow(clippy::indexing_slicing)] // documented panic
fn zvl_permute(&mut self, permutation: &mut [usize]) {
assert_eq!(permutation.len(), self.zvl_len());
let vec = self.to_mut_slice();
for cycle_start in 0..permutation.len() {
let mut curr = cycle_start;
let mut next = permutation[curr];
while next != cycle_start {
vec.swap(curr, next);
// Make curr a self-cycle so we don't use it as a cycle_start later
permutation[curr] = curr;
curr = next;
next = permutation[next];
permutation[curr] = curr;
impl<'a, T, F> ZeroVecLike<T> for VarZeroVec<'a, T, F>
T: VarULE,
T: ?Sized,
F: VarZeroVecFormat,
type GetType = T;
type SliceVariant = VarZeroSlice<T, F>;
fn zvl_new_borrowed() -> &'static Self::SliceVariant {
VarZeroSlice::<T, F>::new_empty()
fn zvl_binary_search(&self, k: &T) -> Result<usize, usize>
T: Ord,
fn zvl_binary_search_in_range(&self, k: &T, range: Range<usize>) -> Option<Result<usize, usize>>
T: Ord,
self.binary_search_in_range(k, range)
fn zvl_binary_search_by(&self, predicate: impl FnMut(&T) -> Ordering) -> Result<usize, usize> {
fn zvl_binary_search_in_range_by(
predicate: impl FnMut(&T) -> Ordering,
range: Range<usize>,
) -> Option<Result<usize, usize>> {
self.binary_search_in_range_by(predicate, range)
fn zvl_get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&T> {
fn zvl_len(&self) -> usize {
fn zvl_as_borrowed(&self) -> &VarZeroSlice<T, F> {
fn zvl_get_as_t<R>(g: &Self::GetType, f: impl FnOnce(&T) -> R) -> R {
impl<T, F> ZeroVecLike<T> for VarZeroSlice<T, F>
T: VarULE,
T: ?Sized,
F: VarZeroVecFormat,
type GetType = T;
type SliceVariant = VarZeroSlice<T, F>;
fn zvl_new_borrowed() -> &'static Self::SliceVariant {
VarZeroSlice::<T, F>::new_empty()
fn zvl_binary_search(&self, k: &T) -> Result<usize, usize>
T: Ord,
fn zvl_binary_search_in_range(&self, k: &T, range: Range<usize>) -> Option<Result<usize, usize>>
T: Ord,
self.binary_search_in_range(k, range)
fn zvl_binary_search_by(&self, predicate: impl FnMut(&T) -> Ordering) -> Result<usize, usize> {
fn zvl_binary_search_in_range_by(
predicate: impl FnMut(&T) -> Ordering,
range: Range<usize>,
) -> Option<Result<usize, usize>> {
self.binary_search_in_range_by(predicate, range)
fn zvl_get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&T> {
fn zvl_len(&self) -> usize {
fn zvl_as_borrowed(&self) -> &VarZeroSlice<T, F> {
fn zvl_get_as_t<R>(g: &Self::GetType, f: impl FnOnce(&T) -> R) -> R {
impl<'a, T, F> MutableZeroVecLike<'a, T> for VarZeroVec<'a, T, F>
T: VarULE,
T: ?Sized,
F: VarZeroVecFormat,
type OwnedType = Box<T>;
fn zvl_insert(&mut self, index: usize, value: &T) {
self.make_mut().insert(index, value)
fn zvl_remove(&mut self, index: usize) -> Box<T> {
let vec = self.make_mut();
debug_assert!(index < vec.len());
let old = vec.get(index).unwrap().to_boxed();
fn zvl_replace(&mut self, index: usize, value: &T) -> Box<T> {
let vec = self.make_mut();
debug_assert!(index < vec.len());
let old = vec.get(index).unwrap().to_boxed();
vec.replace(index, value);
fn zvl_push(&mut self, value: &T) {
let len = self.len();
self.make_mut().insert(len, value)
fn zvl_with_capacity(cap: usize) -> Self {
if cap == 0 {
} else {
fn zvl_clear(&mut self) {
fn zvl_reserve(&mut self, addl: usize) {
fn owned_as_t(o: &Self::OwnedType) -> &T {
fn zvl_from_borrowed(b: &'a VarZeroSlice<T, F>) -> Self {
fn zvl_as_borrowed_inner(&self) -> Option<&'a VarZeroSlice<T, F>> {
if let VarZeroVec::Borrowed(b) = *self {
} else {
#[allow(clippy::unwrap_used)] // documented panic
fn zvl_permute(&mut self, permutation: &mut [usize]) {
assert_eq!(permutation.len(), self.zvl_len());
let mut result = VarZeroVecOwned::new();
for &i in permutation.iter() {
*self = VarZeroVec::Owned(result);
impl<'a> ZeroVecLike<usize> for FlexZeroVec<'a> {
type GetType = [u8];
type SliceVariant = FlexZeroSlice;
fn zvl_new_borrowed() -> &'static Self::SliceVariant {
fn zvl_binary_search(&self, k: &usize) -> Result<usize, usize> {
FlexZeroSlice::binary_search(self, *k)
fn zvl_binary_search_in_range(
k: &usize,
range: Range<usize>,
) -> Option<Result<usize, usize>> {
FlexZeroSlice::binary_search_in_range(self, *k, range)
fn zvl_binary_search_by(
mut predicate: impl FnMut(&usize) -> Ordering,
) -> Result<usize, usize> {
FlexZeroSlice::binary_search_by(self, |probe| predicate(&probe))
fn zvl_binary_search_in_range_by(
mut predicate: impl FnMut(&usize) -> Ordering,
range: Range<usize>,
) -> Option<Result<usize, usize>> {
FlexZeroSlice::binary_search_in_range_by(self, |probe| predicate(&probe), range)
fn zvl_get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&[u8]> {
fn zvl_len(&self) -> usize {
fn zvl_as_borrowed(&self) -> &FlexZeroSlice {
fn zvl_get_as_t<R>(g: &[u8], f: impl FnOnce(&usize) -> R) -> R {
f(&crate::chunk_to_usize(g, g.len()))
impl ZeroVecLike<usize> for FlexZeroSlice {
type GetType = [u8];
type SliceVariant = FlexZeroSlice;
fn zvl_new_borrowed() -> &'static Self::SliceVariant {
fn zvl_binary_search(&self, k: &usize) -> Result<usize, usize> {
FlexZeroSlice::binary_search(self, *k)
fn zvl_binary_search_in_range(
k: &usize,
range: Range<usize>,
) -> Option<Result<usize, usize>> {
FlexZeroSlice::binary_search_in_range(self, *k, range)
fn zvl_binary_search_by(
mut predicate: impl FnMut(&usize) -> Ordering,
) -> Result<usize, usize> {
FlexZeroSlice::binary_search_by(self, |probe| predicate(&probe))
fn zvl_binary_search_in_range_by(
mut predicate: impl FnMut(&usize) -> Ordering,
range: Range<usize>,
) -> Option<Result<usize, usize>> {
FlexZeroSlice::binary_search_in_range_by(self, |probe| predicate(&probe), range)
fn zvl_get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&[u8]> {
fn zvl_len(&self) -> usize {
fn zvl_as_borrowed(&self) -> &FlexZeroSlice {
fn zvl_get_as_t<R>(g: &Self::GetType, f: impl FnOnce(&usize) -> R) -> R {
f(&crate::chunk_to_usize(g, g.len()))
impl<'a> MutableZeroVecLike<'a, usize> for FlexZeroVec<'a> {
type OwnedType = usize;
fn zvl_insert(&mut self, index: usize, value: &usize) {
self.to_mut().insert(index, *value)
fn zvl_remove(&mut self, index: usize) -> usize {
fn zvl_replace(&mut self, index: usize, value: &usize) -> usize {
// TODO(#2028): Make this a single operation instead of two operations.
let mutable = self.to_mut();
let old_value = mutable.remove(index);
mutable.insert(index, *value);
fn zvl_push(&mut self, value: &usize) {
fn zvl_with_capacity(_cap: usize) -> Self {
// There is no `FlexZeroVec::with_capacity()` because it is variable-width
fn zvl_clear(&mut self) {
fn zvl_reserve(&mut self, _addl: usize) {
// There is no `FlexZeroVec::reserve()` because it is variable-width
fn owned_as_t(o: &Self::OwnedType) -> &usize {
fn zvl_from_borrowed(b: &'a FlexZeroSlice) -> Self {
fn zvl_as_borrowed_inner(&self) -> Option<&'a FlexZeroSlice> {
if let FlexZeroVec::Borrowed(b) = *self {
} else {
#[allow(clippy::unwrap_used)] // documented panic
fn zvl_permute(&mut self, permutation: &mut [usize]) {
assert_eq!(permutation.len(), self.zvl_len());
*self = permutation.iter().map(|&i| self.get(i).unwrap()).collect();
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_zerovec_binary_search_in_range() {
let zv: ZeroVec<u16> = ZeroVec::from_slice_or_alloc(&[11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77]);
// Full range search
assert_eq!(zv.zvl_binary_search_in_range(&11, 0..7), Some(Ok(0)));
assert_eq!(zv.zvl_binary_search_in_range(&12, 0..7), Some(Err(1)));
assert_eq!(zv.zvl_binary_search_in_range(&44, 0..7), Some(Ok(3)));
assert_eq!(zv.zvl_binary_search_in_range(&45, 0..7), Some(Err(4)));
assert_eq!(zv.zvl_binary_search_in_range(&77, 0..7), Some(Ok(6)));
assert_eq!(zv.zvl_binary_search_in_range(&78, 0..7), Some(Err(7)));
// Out-of-range search
assert_eq!(zv.zvl_binary_search_in_range(&44, 0..2), Some(Err(2)));
assert_eq!(zv.zvl_binary_search_in_range(&44, 5..7), Some(Err(0)));
// Offset search
assert_eq!(zv.zvl_binary_search_in_range(&44, 2..5), Some(Ok(1)));
assert_eq!(zv.zvl_binary_search_in_range(&45, 2..5), Some(Err(2)));
// Out-of-bounds
assert_eq!(zv.zvl_binary_search_in_range(&44, 0..100), None);
assert_eq!(zv.zvl_binary_search_in_range(&44, 100..200), None);
fn test_permute() {
let mut zv: ZeroVec<u16> = ZeroVec::from_slice_or_alloc(&[11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77]);
let mut permutation = vec![3, 2, 1, 0, 6, 5, 4];
zv.zvl_permute(&mut permutation);
assert_eq!(&zv, &[44, 33, 22, 11, 77, 66, 55]);
let mut vzv: VarZeroVec<str> = VarZeroVec::Owned(
VarZeroVecOwned::try_from_elements(&["11", "22", "33", "44", "55", "66", "77"])
let mut permutation = vec![3, 2, 1, 0, 6, 5, 4];
vzv.zvl_permute(&mut permutation);
assert_eq!(&vzv, &["44", "33", "22", "11", "77", "66", "55"]);
let mut fzv: FlexZeroVec = [11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77].into_iter().collect();
let mut permutation = vec![3, 2, 1, 0, 6, 5, 4];
fzv.zvl_permute(&mut permutation);
[44, 33, 22, 11, 77, 66, 55].into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>()