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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Literal, TokenStream};
use quote::{quote, ToTokens};
use syn::Generics;
use crate::{FieldProps, FieldRepr, TypeProps};
/// Generates an implementation of the `XmlSerialize` trait and, if appropriate,
/// the `XmlSerializeAttr` trait.
pub(super) fn generate_serialize_impl_for<G>(
type_ident: Ident,
generics: Generics,
props: TypeProps,
body_generator: G,
) -> TokenStream
G: FnOnce(&[XmlAttribute]) -> ImplTokenSets,
let default_ns_attr =|ns_name| XmlAttribute {
// The terminology is a little confusing here. In terms of the XML
// spec, the "name" of a namespace is the (usually) URI used as the
// _value_ of the namespace declaration attribute.
name: Literal::string("xmlns").into_token_stream(),
value: ns_name,
let ns_decl_attrs = props.ns_decls.into_iter().map(|ns_decl| XmlAttribute {
name: generate_static_string_concat("xmlns:", ns_decl.prefix),
let namespace_attrs: Vec<_> = default_ns_attr.into_iter().chain(ns_decl_attrs).collect();
let ImplTokenSets {
} = body_generator(&namespace_attrs);
let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();
let attr_impl = if let Some(body) = as_attr_body {
quote! {
impl #impl_generics ::xml_struct::XmlSerializeAttr for #type_ident #ty_generics #where_clause {
fn serialize_as_attribute(&self, start_tag: &mut ::quick_xml::events::BytesStart, name: &str) {
} else {
// In cases where there is no clear text representation of a value, we
// provide no derivation of `XmlSerializeAttr`.
// Construct the final implementation from the type-specific sets of tokens.
quote! {
impl #impl_generics ::xml_struct::XmlSerialize for #type_ident #ty_generics #where_clause {
fn serialize_child_nodes<W: std::io::Write>(
writer: &mut ::quick_xml::writer::Writer<W>
) -> Result<(), ::xml_struct::Error> {
/// The sets of tokens which make up the implementations or bodies of
/// `XmlSerialize` and `XmlSerializeAttr` trait methods.
pub(super) struct ImplTokenSets {
/// The implementation of `XmlSerialize::serialize_as_element()` if it is
/// necessary to override the provided default implementation.
as_element_impl: TokenStream,
/// The body of `XmlSerialize::serialize_child_nodes()`.
child_nodes_body: TokenStream,
/// The body of `XmlSerializeAttr::serialize_as_attribute()` if the type is
/// capable of being serialized as such.
as_attr_body: Option<TokenStream>,
/// Creates a generator for the sets of tokens necessary to serialize a struct
/// with the provided fields.
pub(super) fn with_struct_fields(
fields: Vec<Field>,
) -> impl FnOnce(&[XmlAttribute]) -> ImplTokenSets {
move |namespace_attrs| {
let Fields {
} = partition_fields(fields);
let content_call = if !child_fields.is_empty() {
Some(quote! {
<Self as XmlSerialize>::serialize_child_nodes(self, writer)?;
} else {
let impl_body =
generate_xml_tag_calls(quote!(name), namespace_attrs, &attr_fields, content_call);
ImplTokenSets {
as_element_impl: quote! {
fn serialize_as_element<W: std::io::Write>(
writer: &mut ::quick_xml::writer::Writer<W>,
name: &str,
) -> Result<(), ::xml_struct::Error> {
child_nodes_body: generate_field_content_node_calls(child_fields),
// There is no clear text representation of an arbitrary struct, so
// we cannot provide an `XmlSerializeAttr` derivation.
as_attr_body: None,
/// Creates a generator for the sets of tokens necessary to serialize a
/// unit-only enum as text nodes or attribute values.
pub(super) fn with_text_variants(
variants: Vec<Ident>,
) -> impl FnOnce(&[XmlAttribute]) -> ImplTokenSets {
// While the generator function takes namespace attributes as its argument,
// we expect that the consuming code has already verified that there are
// none for this enum, since attributes cannot be specified for text content
// nodes.
move |_| {
let match_arms: Vec<_> = variants
.map(|variant| quote!(Self::#variant => stringify!(#variant)))
let text_from_value = quote! {
let text = match self {
ImplTokenSets {
// No namespaces can be declared on enums which are serialized as
// text, nor can they contain any attribute fields, so the default
// implementation of `serialize_as_element()` is sufficient.
as_element_impl: TokenStream::default(),
child_nodes_body: quote! {
as_attr_body: Some(quote! {
// `start_tag` is one of the parameters to the
// `serialize_as_attribute()` method.
start_tag.push_attribute((name, text));
/// Creates a generator for the sets of tokens necessary to serialize an enum
/// with the provided variants.
pub(super) fn with_enum_variants(
variants: Vec<Variant>,
ns_prefix: Option<TokenStream>,
) -> impl FnOnce(&[XmlAttribute]) -> ImplTokenSets {
move |namespace_attrs| {
let match_arms: TokenStream = variants
.map(|variant| {
let ident = variant.ident;
let name_tokens = {
// If the consumer has specified that variants should be
// serialized with a namespace prefix, we need to statically
// concatenate the prefix with the variant name. Otherwise,
// we just need to stringify the variant name.
if let Some(prefix) = &ns_prefix {
let ident_as_str = ident.to_string();
let ident_as_str_tokens = format!(":{ident_as_str}");
generate_static_string_concat(prefix, ident_as_str_tokens)
} else {
match variant.kind {
VariantKind::Struct(fields) => {
let VariantTokenSets {
body: content_calls,
} = generate_variant_token_sets(name_tokens, namespace_attrs, fields);
quote! {
Self::#ident { #(#accessors),* } => {
VariantKind::Tuple(fields) => {
let VariantTokenSets {
body: content_calls,
} = generate_variant_token_sets(name_tokens, namespace_attrs, fields);
quote! {
Self::#ident(#(#accessors),*) => {
VariantKind::Unit => {
let content_calls =
generate_xml_tag_calls(name_tokens, namespace_attrs, &[], None);
quote! {
Self::#ident => {
ImplTokenSets {
// No namespaces can be declared directly on the element enclosing
// an enum value, nor can it be provided with attribute fields, so
// the default `serialize_as_element()` implementation is
// sufficient.
as_element_impl: TokenStream::default(),
child_nodes_body: quote! {
match self {
// There is no clear text representation of an arbitrary enum
// variant, so we cannot provide an `XmlSerializeAttr` derivation.
as_attr_body: None,
/// The common sets of tokens which make up a `match` arm for an enum variant.
struct VariantTokenSets {
/// The identifiers used for accessing the fields of an enum variant.
accessors: Vec<TokenStream>,
/// The calls for serializing the child nodes of the XML element
/// representing an enum variant.
body: TokenStream,
/// Generates a list of accessors and set of calls to serialize content for an
/// enum variant.
fn generate_variant_token_sets(
name_tokens: TokenStream,
namespace_attrs: &[XmlAttribute],
fields: Vec<Field>,
) -> VariantTokenSets {
let accessors: Vec<_> = fields
.map(|field| &field.accessor)
let Fields {
} = partition_fields(fields);
let content_calls = if !child_fields.is_empty() {
} else {
let variant_body =
generate_xml_tag_calls(name_tokens, namespace_attrs, &attr_fields, content_calls);
VariantTokenSets {
body: variant_body,
/// Divides the fields of a struct or enum variant into those which will be
/// represented as attributes and those which will be represented as child nodes.
fn partition_fields(fields: Vec<Field>) -> Fields {
let (attr_fields, child_fields) = fields
.partition(|field| matches!(field.props.repr, FieldRepr::Attribute));
Fields {
/// Generates tokens representing a call to add namespace attributes to an
/// element.
fn generate_namespace_attrs_call(namespace_attrs: &[XmlAttribute]) -> TokenStream {
if !namespace_attrs.is_empty() {
let namespace_attrs: Vec<_> = namespace_attrs
.map(|XmlAttribute { name, value }| quote!((#name, #value)))
quote! {
} else {
/// Generates calls to serialize struct or enum fields as XML attributes.
fn generate_attribute_field_calls(attr_fields: &[Field]) -> TokenStream {
if !attr_fields.is_empty() {
.map(|field| {
let name = field_name_to_string_tokens(field);
let accessor = &field.accessor;
let ty = &field.ty;
quote! {
<#ty as ::xml_struct::XmlSerializeAttr>::serialize_as_attribute(&#accessor, &mut start_tag, #name);
} else {
/// Generates calls to add a new XML element to a document, including any
/// necessary attributes and content nodes.
/// If `content_calls` is `None`, the XML element will be an empty tag (e.g.,
/// "<SomeTag/>"). Otherwise, the XML element will enclose any content added to
/// the writer by those calls.
fn generate_xml_tag_calls(
name_tokens: TokenStream,
namespace_attrs: &[XmlAttribute],
attr_fields: &[Field],
content_calls: Option<TokenStream>,
) -> TokenStream {
let namespaces_call = generate_namespace_attrs_call(namespace_attrs);
let attr_calls = generate_attribute_field_calls(attr_fields);
let calls = if let Some(content_calls) = content_calls {
// If the type has fields to serialize as child elements, wrap them
// first in an appropriate parent element.
quote! {
} else {
// If the type has no fields which are to be serialized as child
// elements, write an empty XML tag.
quote! {
quote! {
let mut start_tag = ::quick_xml::events::BytesStart::new(#name_tokens)
/// Generates calls to serialize the given fields as XML content nodes.
fn generate_field_content_node_calls(child_fields: Vec<Field>) -> TokenStream {
.map(|field| {
if matches!(field.props.repr, FieldRepr::Attribute) {
panic!("attribute field passed to child node call generator");
let ty = &field.ty;
let accessor = &field.accessor;
match field.kind {
FieldKind::Named(_) if !field.props.should_flatten => {
let child_name = field_name_to_string_tokens(&field);
quote! {
<#ty as ::xml_struct::XmlSerialize>::serialize_as_element(&#accessor, writer, #child_name)?;
// If this is a tuple struct or the consumer has specifically
// requested a flat representation, serialize without a
// containing element.
_ => {
quote! {
<#ty as ::xml_struct::XmlSerialize>::serialize_child_nodes(&#accessor, writer)?;
/// Converts the name of a field to a string suitable for use as a tag name.
/// The identifier is stringified and converted to the desired case system. It
/// will also generate code for concatenating the field name with any namespace
/// prefix to be added.
fn field_name_to_string_tokens(field: &Field) -> TokenStream {
match &field.kind {
FieldKind::Named(ident) => {
let name = ident.to_string();
let case_mapped = kebab_to_pascal(&name);
if let Some(prefix) = &field.props.namespace_prefix {
let string_with_colon = format!(":{case_mapped}");
generate_static_string_concat(prefix, Literal::string(&string_with_colon))
} else {
FieldKind::Unnamed => panic!("cannot stringify unnamed field"),
/// Converts a kebab_case identifier string to PascalCase.
fn kebab_to_pascal(kebab: &str) -> String {
let mut capitalize_next = true;
.filter_map(|character| {
if character == '_' {
// Consume the underscore and capitalize the next character.
capitalize_next = true;
} else if capitalize_next {
capitalize_next = false;
// Rust supports non-ASCII identifiers, so this could
// technically fail, but this macro does not currently handle
// the general XML case, and so full Unicode case mapping is out
// of scope at present.
} else {
/// A representation of an enum variant.
pub(crate) struct Variant {
// The identifier for the variant.
pub ident: Ident,
// The form of the variant, along with any fields.
pub kind: VariantKind,
/// The form of an enum variant and its contained fields.
pub(crate) enum VariantKind {
/// A representation of a struct or enum field.
pub(crate) struct Field {
// The form of the field, along with any identifier.
pub kind: FieldKind,
// The type of the field.
pub ty: TokenStream,
// An expression which will access the value of the field.
pub accessor: TokenStream,
// Properties affecting the serialization of the field.
pub props: FieldProps,
/// A container for partitioned attribute and child element fields.
struct Fields {
attr_fields: Vec<Field>,
child_fields: Vec<Field>,
/// The form of a field, whether named or unnamed.
pub(crate) enum FieldKind {
/// Tokens representing an XML attribute's name/value pair.
pub(crate) struct XmlAttribute {
name: TokenStream,
value: TokenStream,
/// Generates code for concatenating strings at compile-time.
/// This code allows for concatenating `const` string references and/or string
/// literals with zero runtime cost.
fn generate_static_string_concat<T, U>(a: T, b: U) -> TokenStream
T: ToTokens,
U: ToTokens,
const LEN: usize = #a.len() + #b.len();
const fn copy_bytes_into(input: &[u8], mut output: [u8; LEN], offset: usize) -> [u8; LEN] {
// Copy the input byte-by-byte into the output buffer at the
// specified offset.
// NOTE: If/when `const_for` is stabilized, this can become a `for`
let mut index = 0;
loop {
output[offset + index] = input[index];
index += 1;
if index == input.len() {
// We must return the buffer, as `const` functions cannot take a
// mutable reference, so it's moved into and out of scope.
const fn constcat(prefix: &'static str, value: &'static str) -> [u8; LEN] {
let mut output = [0u8; LEN];
output = copy_bytes_into(prefix.as_bytes(), output, 0);
output = copy_bytes_into(value.as_bytes(), output, prefix.len());
// As of writing this comment, Rust does not provide a standard macro
// for compile-time string concatenation, so we exploit the fact that
// `str::as_bytes()` and `std::str::from_utf8()` are `const`.
const BYTES: [u8; LEN] = constcat(#a, #b);
match std::str::from_utf8(&BYTES) {
Ok(value) => value,
// Given that both inputs to `constcat()` are Rust strings, they're
// guaranteed to be valid UTF-8. As such, directly concatenating
// them should create valid UTF-8 as well. If we hit this panic,
// it's probably a bug in one of the above functions.
Err(_) => panic!("Unable to statically concatenate strings"),