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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::ToTokens as _;
use syn::{
punctuated::Punctuated, spanned::Spanned as _, Attribute, DeriveInput, Error, Expr, Meta, Token,
const UNRECOGNIZED_ATTRIBUTE_MSG: &str = "unrecognized `xml_struct` attribute";
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
/// Properties governing the serialization of a struct or enum with a derived
/// `XmlSerialize` implementation.
pub(crate) struct TypeProps {
/// A declaration of a name for the default XML namespace.
/// The value of this name, if any, will be represented as an `xmlns`
/// attribute on the start tag if a field of this type is serialized as an
/// XML element.
/// Note that, in XML terminology, the "name" is the value of the `xmlns`
/// attribute, usually a URI.
pub default_ns_name: Option<TokenStream>,
/// Declarations of XML namespaces.
/// The values of these declarations, if any, will be represented as
/// `xmlns:{prefix}` attributes on the start tag if a field of this type is
/// serialized as an XML element.
pub ns_decls: Vec<NamespaceDecl>,
/// Whether values of this type should be serialized as text nodes instead
/// of element nodes.
/// A value of `true` is only valid when the type to which it is applied is
/// an `enum` consisting only of unit variants.
pub should_serialize_as_text: bool,
/// A namespace prefix to apply to tags representing enum variants.
/// This property is invalid for structs or text enums.
pub ns_prefix_for_variants: Option<TokenStream>,
impl TypeProps {
/// Constructs a set of serialization properties for an enum or struct from
/// its input to the derive macro.
pub(crate) fn try_from_input(input: &DeriveInput) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let attr = match find_configuration_attribute(&input.attrs) {
Some(attr) => attr,
// If we don't find a matching attribute, we assume the default set
// of properties.
None => return Ok(Self::default()),
// We build a list of errors so that we can combine them later and emit
// them all instead of quitting at the first we encounter.
let mut errors = Vec::new();
// We start with the default set of properties, then parse the
// `xml_struct` attribute to modify any property which deviates from the
// default.
let mut properties = TypeProps::default();
for meta in attr.parse_args_with(Punctuated::<Meta, Token![,]>::parse_terminated)? {
match meta {
Meta::Path(path) => {
if path.is_ident("text") {
// The consumer has specified that they want to
// represent values of the type to which this is applied
// as text. This is only possible when the type is an
// enum, for which all variants are unit. When that's
// the case, we use the variant name as the text value.
let is_unit_only_enum = match & {
syn::Data::Enum(input) => input
.all(|variant| matches!(variant.fields, syn::Fields::Unit)),
_ => false,
if is_unit_only_enum {
properties.should_serialize_as_text = true;
} else {
// There is no clear representation of non-unit enum
// variants or of structs as text nodes or text
// attributes, so we just forbid it.
"only unit enums may be derived as text",
} else {
errors.push(Error::new(path.span(), UNRECOGNIZED_ATTRIBUTE_MSG));
Meta::NameValue(name_value) => {
if name_value.path.is_ident("default_ns") {
// When serialized as an element, values of the type to
// which this is applied should include a declaration of
// a default namespace, e.g. `xmlns="foo"`. This
// attribute should occur at most once per type.
match properties.default_ns_name {
Some(_) => {
"cannot declare more than one default namespace",
None => {
properties.default_ns_name =
} else if name_value.path.is_ident("ns") {
// When serialized as an element, values of the type to
// which this is applied should include a declaration of
// a namespace with prefix, e.g. `xmlns:foo="bar"`.
// There can be many of these attributes per type.
// Ideally, we could prevent duplicate namespace prefixes here,
// but allowing consumers to pass either by variable or by
// literal makes that exceedingly difficult.
match &name_value.value {
Expr::Tuple(tuple) if tuple.elems.len() == 2 => {
properties.ns_decls.push(NamespaceDecl {
prefix: tuple.elems[0].to_token_stream(),
name: tuple.elems[1].to_token_stream(),
unexpected => errors.push(Error::new(
"namespace value must be a tuple of exactly two elements",
} else if name_value.path.is_ident("variant_ns_prefix") {
// When serialized as an element, values of the enum
// type to which this is applied should have a namespace
// prefix added to the element's tag name.
match properties.ns_prefix_for_variants {
Some(_) => {
"cannot declare more than one namespace prefix",
None => match & {
syn::Data::Enum(_) => {
properties.ns_prefix_for_variants =
_ => {
"cannot declare variant namespace prefix for non-enum",
} else {
errors.push(Error::new(name_value.span(), UNRECOGNIZED_ATTRIBUTE_MSG));
_ => {
errors.push(Error::new(meta.span(), UNRECOGNIZED_ATTRIBUTE_MSG));
let has_namespace_decl =
properties.default_ns_name.is_some() || !properties.ns_decls.is_empty();
if has_namespace_decl && properties.should_serialize_as_text {
// There's no meaningful way to namespace text content, so the
// combination of these properties is almost certainly a mistake.
"cannot declare namespaces for text content",
if properties.ns_prefix_for_variants.is_some() && properties.should_serialize_as_text {
// Namespace prefixes are added as part of an element name and so
// cannot be applied to values which will be serialized as a text
// node.
"cannot declare variant namespace prefix for text enum",
// Combine and return errors if there are any. If none, we've
// successfully parsed the attributes and can return the appropriate
// props.
match errors.into_iter().reduce(|mut combined, err| {
}) {
Some(err) => Err(err),
None => Ok(properties),
/// A declaration of an XML namespace for a type with a derived `XmlSerialize`
/// implementation.
pub(crate) struct NamespaceDecl {
pub prefix: TokenStream,
pub name: TokenStream,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
/// Properties governing the serialization of a field in a struct or enum with a
/// derived `XmlSerialize` implementation.
pub(crate) struct FieldProps {
/// The type of XML structure which the field represents.
pub repr: FieldRepr,
/// Whether the field should be serialized with a "flat" representation.
/// A flattened field will be serialized only as its content nodes, rather
/// than as an XML element containing those content nodes.
pub should_flatten: bool,
/// A prefix to add to this field's name when serialized as an element or
/// attribute.
pub namespace_prefix: Option<TokenStream>,
impl FieldProps {
/// Constructs a set of serialization properties for an enum or struct field
/// from its struct attributes.
pub(crate) fn try_from_attrs(
value: Vec<Attribute>,
field_has_name: bool,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
// Find the attribute for configuring behavior of the derivation, if
// any.
let attr = match find_configuration_attribute(&value) {
Some(attr) => attr,
// If we don't find a matching attribute, we assume the default set
// of properties.
None => return Ok(Self::default()),
// We build a list of errors so that we can combine them later and emit
// them all instead of only emitting the first.
let mut errors = Vec::new();
// We start with the default set of properties, then parse the
// `xml_struct` attribute to modify any property which deviates from the
// default.
let mut properties = FieldProps::default();
for meta in attr.parse_args_with(Punctuated::<Meta, Token![,]>::parse_terminated)? {
match meta {
Meta::Path(path) => {
if path.is_ident("attribute") {
// The name of the field is used as the XML attribute
// name, so unnamed fields (e.g., members of tuple
// structs) cannot be represented as attributes.
if field_has_name {
properties.repr = FieldRepr::Attribute;
} else {
"cannot serialize unnamed field as XML attribute",
} else if path.is_ident("element") {
properties.repr = FieldRepr::Element;
} else if path.is_ident("flatten") {
properties.should_flatten = true;
} else {
errors.push(Error::new(path.span(), UNRECOGNIZED_ATTRIBUTE_MSG));
Meta::NameValue(name_value) => {
if name_value.path.is_ident("ns_prefix") {
match properties.namespace_prefix {
Some(_) => errors.push(Error::new(
"cannot declare more than one namespace prefix",
None => {
properties.namespace_prefix =
} else {
errors.push(Error::new(name_value.span(), UNRECOGNIZED_ATTRIBUTE_MSG));
_ => {
errors.push(Error::new(meta.span(), UNRECOGNIZED_ATTRIBUTE_MSG));
if matches!(properties.repr, FieldRepr::Attribute) && properties.should_flatten {
errors.push(Error::new(attr.span(), "cannot flatten attribute fields"));
// Combine and return errors if there are any. If none, we've
// successfully parsed the attributes and can return the appropriate
// props.
match errors.into_iter().reduce(|mut combined, err| {
}) {
Some(err) => Err(err),
None => Ok(properties),
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default)]
/// The types of XML structure which fields may represent.
pub(crate) enum FieldRepr {
/// Gets the attribute containing configuration parameters for this derive
/// macro, if any.
fn find_configuration_attribute(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Option<&Attribute> {
.find(|attr| attr.path().is_ident(MACRO_ATTRIBUTE))