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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
//! This crate provides a mechanism for serializing Rust data structures as
//! well-formed XML with a minimum of boilerplate.
//! Consumers can provide manual implementations of the [`XmlSerialize`] and
//! [`XmlSerializeAttr`] traits if desired, but the primary intent of this crate
//! is to provide automated derivation of these traits in order to facilitate
//! serialization of complex XML structures.
//! # Limitations
//! At present, derived implementations of these traits are designed to handle
//! the specific case of Microsoft Exchange Web Services. As such, all XML
//! elements and attributes are named in PascalCase and certain behaviors are
//! not supported (such as serializing enum variants without enclosing XML
//! elements derived from the variant name).
//! Furthermore, the PascalCase implementation is naïve and depends on
//! [`char::to_ascii_uppercase`], making it unsuitable for use with non-ASCII
//! identifiers.
//! There is also currently no provision for deserialization from XML, as the
//! support offered by `quick_xml`'s serde implementation has been found to be
//! sufficient for the time being.
//! In recognition of these limitations, this crate should not be published to
//! at this time. If a generalized implementation generates interest
//! or is thought to have merit, these limitations may be addressed at a later
//! time.
mod impls;
mod tests;
use quick_xml::{
events::{BytesEnd, BytesStart, Event},
use thiserror::Error;
pub use xml_struct_derive::*;
/// A data structure which can be serialized as XML content nodes.
/// # Usage
/// The following demonstrates end-to-end usage of `XmlSerialize` with both
/// derived and manual implementations.
/// ```
/// use quick_xml::{
/// events::{BytesText, Event},
/// writer::Writer
/// };
/// use xml_struct::{Error, XmlSerialize};
/// #[derive(XmlSerialize)]
/// #[xml_struct(default_ns = "http://foo.example/")]
/// struct Foo {
/// some_field: String,
/// #[xml_struct(flatten)]
/// something_else: Bar,
/// }
/// enum Bar {
/// Baz,
/// Qux(String),
/// }
/// impl XmlSerialize for Bar {
/// fn serialize_child_nodes<W>(&self, writer: &mut Writer<W>) -> Result<(), Error>
/// where
/// W: std::io::Write,
/// {
/// match self {
/// Self::Baz => writer.write_event(Event::Text(BytesText::new("BAZ")))?,
/// Self::Qux(qux) => qux.serialize_as_element(writer, "Qux")?,
/// }
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// }
/// let mut writer: Writer<Vec<u8>> = Writer::new(Vec::new());
/// let foo = Foo {
/// some_field: "foo".into(),
/// something_else: Bar::Baz,
/// };
/// assert!(foo.serialize_as_element(&mut writer, "FlyYouFoo").is_ok());
/// let out = writer.into_inner();
/// let out = std::str::from_utf8(&out).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(
/// out,
/// r#"<FlyYouFoo xmlns="http://foo.example/"><SomeField>foo</SomeField>BAZ</FlyYouFoo>"#,
/// );
/// ```
pub trait XmlSerialize {
/// Serializes this value as XML content nodes within an enclosing XML
/// element.
fn serialize_as_element<W>(&self, writer: &mut Writer<W>, name: &str) -> Result<(), Error>
W: std::io::Write,
/// Serializes this value as XML content nodes.
fn serialize_child_nodes<W>(&self, writer: &mut Writer<W>) -> Result<(), Error>
W: std::io::Write;
/// A data structure which can be serialized as the value of an XML attribute.
pub trait XmlSerializeAttr {
/// Serializes this value as the value of an XML attribute.
fn serialize_as_attribute(&self, start_tag: &mut BytesStart, name: &str);
/// An error generated during the XML serialization process.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("failed to process XML document")]
Xml(#[from] quick_xml::Error),
/// An error representing a failure in formatting a data structure prior to
/// serializing it into XML. Its inner type is generic on purpose, as the
/// specific error type might be defined by a third-party crate.
#[error("failed to serialize value as text")]
Value(#[from] anyhow::Error),