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pub mod CFloatFPU {
// Maximum allowed argument for SmallRound
// const sc_uSmallMax: u32 = 0xFFFFF;
// Binary representation of static_cast<float>(sc_uSmallMax)
const sc_uBinaryFloatSmallMax: u32 = 0x497ffff0;
fn LargeRound(x: f32) -> i32 {
//XXX: the SSE2 version is probably slower than a naive SSE4 implementation that can use roundss
#[cfg(target_feature = "sse2")]
unsafe {
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
use std::arch::x86::{__m128, _mm_set_ss, _mm_cvtss_si32, _mm_cvtsi32_ss, _mm_sub_ss, _mm_cmple_ss, _mm_store_ss, _mm_setzero_ps};
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
use std::arch::x86_64::{__m128, _mm_set_ss, _mm_cvtss_si32, _mm_cvtsi32_ss, _mm_sub_ss, _mm_cmple_ss, _mm_store_ss, _mm_setzero_ps};
let given: __m128 = _mm_set_ss(x); // load given value
let result = _mm_cvtss_si32(given);
let rounded: __m128 = _mm_setzero_ps(); // convert it to integer (rounding mode doesn't matter)
let rounded = _mm_cvtsi32_ss(rounded, result); // convert back to float
let diff = _mm_sub_ss(rounded, given); // diff = (rounded - given)
let negHalf = _mm_set_ss(-0.5); // load -0.5f
let mask = _mm_cmple_ss(diff, negHalf); // get all-ones if (rounded - given) < -0.5f
let mut correction: i32 = 0;
_mm_store_ss((&mut correction) as *mut _ as *mut _, mask); // get comparison result as integer
return result - correction; // correct the result of rounding
#[cfg(not(target_feature = "sse2"))]
return (x + 0.5).floor() as i32;
// Function: CFloatFPU::SmallRound
// Synopsis: Convert given floating point value to nearest integer.
// Half-integers are rounded up.
// Important: this routine is fast but restricted:
// given x should be within (-(0x100000-.5) < x < (0x100000-.5))
// Details: Implementation has abnormal looking that use to confuse
// many people. However, it indeed works, being tested
// thoroughly on x86 and ia64 platforms for literally
// each possible argument values in the given range.
// More details:
// Implementation is based on the knowledge of floating point
// value representation. This 32-bits value consists of three parts:
// v & 0x80000000 = sign
// v & 0x7F800000 = exponent
// v & 0x007FFFFF - mantissa
// Let N to be a floating point number within -0x400000 <= N <= 0x3FFFFF.
// The sum (S = 0xC00000 + N) thus will satisfy Ox800000 <= S <= 0xFFFFFF.
// All the numbers within this range (sometimes referred to as "binade")
// have same position of most significant bit, i.e. 0x800000.
// Therefore they are normalized equal way, thus
// providing the weights on mantissa's bits to be the same
// as integer numbers have. In other words, to get
// integer value of floating point S, when Ox800000 <= S <= 0xFFFFFF,
// we can just throw away the exponent and sign, and add assumed
// most significant bit (that is always 1 and therefore is not stored
// in floating point value):
// (int)S = (<float S as int> & 0x7FFFFF | 0x800000);
// To get given N in as integer, we need to subtract back
// the value 0xC00000 that was added in order to obtain
// proper normalization:
// N = (<float S as int> & 0x7FFFFF | 0x800000) - 0xC00000.
// or
// N = (<float S as int> & 0x7FFFFF ) - 0x400000.
// Hopefully, the text above explains how
// following routine works:
// int SmallRound1(float x)
// {
// union
// {
// __int32 i;
// float f;
// } u;
// u.f = x + float(0x00C00000);
// return ((u.i - (int)0x00400000) << 9) >> 9;
// }
// Unfortunatelly it is imperfect, due to the way how FPU
// use to round intermediate calculation results.
// By default, rounding mode is set to "nearest".
// This means that when it calculates N+float(0x00C00000),
// the 80-bit precise result will not fit in 32-bit float,
// so some least significant bits will be thrown away.
// Rounding to nearest means that S consisting of intS + fraction,
// where 0 <= fraction < 1, will be converted to intS
// when fraction < 0.5 and to intS+1 if fraction > 0.5.
// What would happen with fraction exactly equal to 0.5?
// Smart thing: S will go to intS if intS is even and
// to intS+1 if intS is odd. In other words, half-integers
// are rounded to nearest even number.
// This FPU feature apparently is useful to minimize
// average rounding error when somebody is, say,
// digitally simulating electrons' behavior in plasma.
// However for graphics this is not desired.
// We want to move half-integers up, therefore
// define SmallRound(x) as {return SmallRound1(x*2+.5) >> 1;}.
// This may require more comments.
// Let given x = i+f, where i is integer and f is fraction, 0 <= f < 1.
// Let's wee what is y = x*2+.5:
// y = i*2 + (f*2 + .5) = i*2 + g, where g = f*2 + .5;
// If "f" is in the range 0 <= f < .5 (so correct rounding result should be "i"),
// then range for "g" is .5 <= g < 1.5. The very first value, .5 will force
// SmallRound1 result to be "i*2", due to round-to-even rule; the remaining
// will lead to "i*2+1". Consequent shift will throw away extra "1" and give
// us desired "i".
// When "f" in in the range .5 <= f < 1, then 1.5 <= g < 2.5.
// All these values will round to 2, so SmallRound1 will return (2*i+2),
// and the final shift will give desired 1+1.
// To get final routine looking we need to transform the combines
// expression for u.f:
// (x*2) + .5 + float(0x00C00000) ==
// (x + (.25 + double(0x00600000)) )*2
// Note that the ratio "2" means nothing for following operations,
// since it affects only exponent bits that are ignored anyway.
// So we can save some processor cycles avoiding this multiplication.
// And, the very final beautification:
// to avoid subtracting 0x00400000 let's ignore this bit.
// This mean that we effectively decrease available range by 1 bit,
// but we're chasing for performance and found it acceptable.
// So
// return ((u.i - (int)0x00400000) << 9) >> 9;
// is converted to
// return ((u.i ) << 10) >> 10;
// Eventually, will found that final shift by 10 bits may be combined
// with shift by 1 in the definition {return SmallRound1(x*2+.5) >> 1;},
// we'll just shift by 11 bits. That's it.
fn SmallRound(x: f32) -> i32
debug_assert!(-(0x100000 as f64 -0.5) < x as f64 && (x as f64) < (0x100000 as f64 -0.5));
let fi = (x as f64 + (0x00600000 as f64 + 0.25)) as f32;
let result = ((fi.to_bits() as i32) << 10) >> 11;
debug_assert!(x < (result as f32) + 0.5 && x >= (result as f32) - 0.5);
return result;
pub fn Round(x: f32) -> i32
// cut off sign
let xAbs: u32 = x.to_bits() & 0x7FFFFFFF;
return if xAbs <= sc_uBinaryFloatSmallMax {SmallRound(x)} else {LargeRound(x)};
macro_rules! TOREAL { ($e: expr) => { $e as REAL } }