Revision control

Copy as Markdown

Other Tools

mod allocator;
mod bind;
mod bundle;
mod clear;
mod compute;
mod compute_command;
mod draw;
mod memory_init;
mod query;
mod render;
mod render_command;
mod timestamp_writes;
mod transfer;
use std::sync::Arc;
pub(crate) use self::clear::clear_texture;
pub use self::{
bundle::*, clear::ClearError, compute::*, compute_command::ComputeCommand, draw::*, query::*,
render::*, render_command::RenderCommand, transfer::*,
pub(crate) use allocator::CommandAllocator;
pub(crate) use timestamp_writes::ArcPassTimestampWrites;
pub use timestamp_writes::PassTimestampWrites;
use self::memory_init::CommandBufferTextureMemoryActions;
use crate::device::{Device, DeviceError};
use crate::lock::{rank, Mutex};
use crate::snatch::SnatchGuard;
use crate::init_tracker::BufferInitTrackerAction;
use crate::resource::{InvalidResourceError, Labeled};
use crate::track::{DeviceTracker, Tracker, UsageScope};
use crate::LabelHelpers;
use crate::{api_log, global::Global, id, resource_log, Label};
use thiserror::Error;
#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
use crate::device::trace::Command as TraceCommand;
const PUSH_CONSTANT_CLEAR_ARRAY: &[u32] = &[0_u32; 64];
/// The current state of a [`CommandBuffer`].
pub(crate) enum CommandEncoderStatus {
/// Ready to record commands. An encoder's initial state.
/// Command building methods like [`command_encoder_clear_buffer`] and
/// [`compute_pass_end`] require the encoder to be in this
/// state.
/// This corresponds to WebGPU's "open" state.
/// [`command_encoder_clear_buffer`]: Global::command_encoder_clear_buffer
/// [`compute_pass_end`]: Global::compute_pass_end
/// Locked by a render or compute pass.
/// This state is entered when a render/compute pass is created,
/// and exited when the pass is ended.
/// As long as the command encoder is locked, any command building operation on it will fail
/// and put the encoder into the [`CommandEncoderStatus::Error`] state.
/// Command recording is complete, and the buffer is ready for submission.
/// [`Global::command_encoder_finish`] transitions a
/// `CommandBuffer` from the `Recording` state into this state.
/// [`Global::queue_submit`] drops command buffers unless they are
/// in this state.
/// An error occurred while recording a compute or render pass.
/// When a `CommandEncoder` is left in this state, we have also
/// returned an error result from the function that encountered
/// the problem. Future attempts to use the encoder (for example,
/// calls to [`CommandBufferMutable::check_recording`]) will also return
/// errors.
/// Calling [`Global::command_encoder_finish`] in this state
/// discards the command buffer under construction.
/// A raw [`CommandEncoder`][rce], and the raw [`CommandBuffer`][rcb]s built from it.
/// Each wgpu-core [`CommandBuffer`] owns an instance of this type, which is
/// where the commands are actually stored.
/// This holds a `Vec` of raw [`CommandBuffer`][rcb]s, not just one. We are not
/// always able to record commands in the order in which they must ultimately be
/// submitted to the queue, but raw command buffers don't permit inserting new
/// commands into the middle of a recorded stream. However, hal queue submission
/// accepts a series of command buffers at once, so we can simply break the
/// stream up into multiple buffers, and then reorder the buffers. See
/// [`CommandEncoder::close_and_swap`] for a specific example of this.
/// Note that a [`CommandEncoderId`] actually refers to a [`CommandBuffer`].
/// Methods that take a command encoder id actually look up the command buffer,
/// and then use its encoder.
/// [rce]: hal::Api::CommandEncoder
/// [rcb]: hal::Api::CommandBuffer
/// [`CommandEncoderId`]: crate::id::CommandEncoderId
pub(crate) struct CommandEncoder {
/// The underlying `wgpu_hal` [`CommandEncoder`].
/// Successfully executed command buffers' encoders are saved in a
/// [`CommandAllocator`] for recycling.
/// [`CommandEncoder`]: hal::Api::CommandEncoder
/// [`CommandAllocator`]: crate::command::CommandAllocator
raw: Box<dyn hal::DynCommandEncoder>,
/// All the raw command buffers for our owning [`CommandBuffer`], in
/// submission order.
/// These command buffers were all constructed with `raw`. The
/// [`wgpu_hal::CommandEncoder`] trait forbids these from outliving `raw`,
/// and requires that we provide all of these when we call
/// [`raw.reset_all()`][CE::ra], so the encoder and its buffers travel
/// together.
/// [CE::ra]: hal::CommandEncoder::reset_all
/// [`wgpu_hal::CommandEncoder`]: hal::CommandEncoder
list: Vec<Box<dyn hal::DynCommandBuffer>>,
/// True if `raw` is in the "recording" state.
/// See the documentation for [`wgpu_hal::CommandEncoder`] for
/// details on the states `raw` can be in.
/// [`wgpu_hal::CommandEncoder`]: hal::CommandEncoder
is_open: bool,
hal_label: Option<String>,
//TODO: handle errors better
impl CommandEncoder {
/// Finish the current command buffer, if any, and place it
/// at the second-to-last position in our list.
/// If we have opened this command encoder, finish its current
/// command buffer, and insert it just before the last element in
/// [`self.list`][l]. If this command buffer is closed, do nothing.
/// On return, the underlying hal encoder is closed.
/// What is this for?
/// The `wgpu_hal` contract requires that each render or compute pass's
/// commands be preceded by calls to [`transition_buffers`] and
/// [`transition_textures`], to put the resources the pass operates on in
/// the appropriate state. Unfortunately, we don't know which transitions
/// are needed until we're done recording the pass itself. Rather than
/// iterating over the pass twice, we note the necessary transitions as we
/// record its commands, finish the raw command buffer for the actual pass,
/// record a new raw command buffer for the transitions, and jam that buffer
/// in just before the pass's. This is the function that jams in the
/// transitions' command buffer.
/// [l]: CommandEncoder::list
/// [`transition_buffers`]: hal::CommandEncoder::transition_buffers
/// [`transition_textures`]: hal::CommandEncoder::transition_textures
fn close_and_swap(&mut self, device: &Device) -> Result<(), DeviceError> {
if self.is_open {
self.is_open = false;
let new = unsafe { self.raw.end_encoding() }.map_err(|e| device.handle_hal_error(e))?;
self.list.insert(self.list.len() - 1, new);
/// Finish the current command buffer, if any, and add it to the
/// end of [`self.list`][l].
/// If we have opened this command encoder, finish its current
/// command buffer, and push it onto the end of [`self.list`][l].
/// If this command buffer is closed, do nothing.
/// On return, the underlying hal encoder is closed.
/// [l]: CommandEncoder::list
fn close(&mut self, device: &Device) -> Result<(), DeviceError> {
if self.is_open {
self.is_open = false;
let cmd_buf =
unsafe { self.raw.end_encoding() }.map_err(|e| device.handle_hal_error(e))?;
/// Discard the command buffer under construction, if any.
/// The underlying hal encoder is closed, if it was recording.
pub(crate) fn discard(&mut self) {
if self.is_open {
self.is_open = false;
unsafe { self.raw.discard_encoding() };
/// Begin recording a new command buffer, if we haven't already.
/// The underlying hal encoder is put in the "recording" state.
pub(crate) fn open(
&mut self,
device: &Device,
) -> Result<&mut dyn hal::DynCommandEncoder, DeviceError> {
if !self.is_open {
self.is_open = true;
let hal_label = self.hal_label.as_deref();
unsafe { self.raw.begin_encoding(hal_label) }
.map_err(|e| device.handle_hal_error(e))?;
/// Begin recording a new command buffer for a render pass, with
/// its own label.
/// The underlying hal encoder is put in the "recording" state.
fn open_pass(&mut self, hal_label: Option<&str>, device: &Device) -> Result<(), DeviceError> {
self.is_open = true;
unsafe { self.raw.begin_encoding(hal_label) }.map_err(|e| device.handle_hal_error(e))?;
pub(crate) struct BakedCommands {
pub(crate) encoder: Box<dyn hal::DynCommandEncoder>,
pub(crate) list: Vec<Box<dyn hal::DynCommandBuffer>>,
pub(crate) trackers: Tracker,
buffer_memory_init_actions: Vec<BufferInitTrackerAction>,
texture_memory_actions: CommandBufferTextureMemoryActions,
/// The mutable state of a [`CommandBuffer`].
pub struct CommandBufferMutable {
/// The [`wgpu_hal::Api::CommandBuffer`]s we've built so far, and the encoder
/// they belong to.
/// [`wgpu_hal::Api::CommandBuffer`]: hal::Api::CommandBuffer
pub(crate) encoder: CommandEncoder,
/// The current state of this command buffer's encoder.
status: CommandEncoderStatus,
/// All the resources that the commands recorded so far have referred to.
pub(crate) trackers: Tracker,
/// The regions of buffers and textures these commands will read and write.
/// This is used to determine which portions of which
/// buffers/textures we actually need to initialize. If we're
/// definitely going to write to something before we read from it,
/// we don't need to clear its contents.
buffer_memory_init_actions: Vec<BufferInitTrackerAction>,
texture_memory_actions: CommandBufferTextureMemoryActions,
pub(crate) pending_query_resets: QueryResetMap,
#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
pub(crate) commands: Option<Vec<TraceCommand>>,
impl CommandBufferMutable {
pub(crate) fn open_encoder_and_tracker(
&mut self,
device: &Device,
) -> Result<(&mut dyn hal::DynCommandEncoder, &mut Tracker), DeviceError> {
let encoder =;
let tracker = &mut self.trackers;
Ok((encoder, tracker))
fn lock_encoder_impl(&mut self, lock: bool) -> Result<(), CommandEncoderError> {
match self.status {
CommandEncoderStatus::Recording => {
if lock {
self.status = CommandEncoderStatus::Locked;
CommandEncoderStatus::Locked => {
// Any operation on a locked encoder is required to put it into the invalid/error state.
self.status = CommandEncoderStatus::Error;
CommandEncoderStatus::Finished => Err(CommandEncoderError::NotRecording),
CommandEncoderStatus::Error => Err(CommandEncoderError::Invalid),
/// Checks that the encoder is in the [`CommandEncoderStatus::Recording`] state.
fn check_recording(&mut self) -> Result<(), CommandEncoderError> {
/// Locks the encoder by putting it in the [`CommandEncoderStatus::Locked`] state.
/// Call [`CommandBufferMutable::unlock_encoder`] to put the [`CommandBuffer`] back into the [`CommandEncoderStatus::Recording`] state.
fn lock_encoder(&mut self) -> Result<(), CommandEncoderError> {
/// Unlocks the [`CommandBuffer`] and puts it back into the [`CommandEncoderStatus::Recording`] state.
/// This function is the counterpart to [`CommandBufferMutable::lock_encoder`].
/// It is only valid to call this function if the encoder is in the [`CommandEncoderStatus::Locked`] state.
fn unlock_encoder(&mut self) -> Result<(), CommandEncoderError> {
match self.status {
CommandEncoderStatus::Recording => Err(CommandEncoderError::Invalid),
CommandEncoderStatus::Locked => {
self.status = CommandEncoderStatus::Recording;
CommandEncoderStatus::Finished => Err(CommandEncoderError::Invalid),
CommandEncoderStatus::Error => Err(CommandEncoderError::Invalid),
pub fn check_finished(&self) -> Result<(), CommandEncoderError> {
match self.status {
CommandEncoderStatus::Finished => Ok(()),
_ => Err(CommandEncoderError::Invalid),
pub(crate) fn finish(&mut self, device: &Device) -> Result<(), CommandEncoderError> {
match self.status {
CommandEncoderStatus::Recording => {
if let Err(e) = self.encoder.close(device) {
} else {
self.status = CommandEncoderStatus::Finished;
// Note: if we want to stop tracking the swapchain texture view,
// this is the place to do it.
CommandEncoderStatus::Locked => {
self.status = CommandEncoderStatus::Error;
CommandEncoderStatus::Finished => Err(CommandEncoderError::NotRecording),
CommandEncoderStatus::Error => {
pub(crate) fn into_baked_commands(self) -> BakedCommands {
BakedCommands {
encoder: self.encoder.raw,
list: self.encoder.list,
trackers: self.trackers,
buffer_memory_init_actions: self.buffer_memory_init_actions,
texture_memory_actions: self.texture_memory_actions,
pub(crate) fn destroy(mut self, device: &Device) {
unsafe {
unsafe {
/// A buffer of commands to be submitted to the GPU for execution.
/// Whereas the WebGPU API uses two separate types for command buffers and
/// encoders, this type is a fusion of the two:
/// - During command recording, this holds a [`CommandEncoder`] accepting this
/// buffer's commands. In this state, the [`CommandBuffer`] type behaves like
/// a WebGPU `GPUCommandEncoder`.
/// - Once command recording is finished by calling
/// [`Global::command_encoder_finish`], no further recording is allowed. The
/// internal [`CommandEncoder`] is retained solely as a storage pool for the
/// raw command buffers. In this state, the value behaves like a WebGPU
/// `GPUCommandBuffer`.
/// - Once a command buffer is submitted to the queue, it is removed from the id
/// registry, and its contents are taken to construct a [`BakedCommands`],
/// whose contents eventually become the property of the submission queue.
pub struct CommandBuffer {
pub(crate) device: Arc<Device>,
support_clear_texture: bool,
/// The `label` from the descriptor used to create the resource.
label: String,
/// The mutable state of this command buffer.
/// This `Option` is populated when the command buffer is first created.
/// When this is submitted, dropped, or destroyed, its contents are
/// extracted into a [`BakedCommands`] by
/// [`CommandBufferMutable::into_baked_commands`].
pub(crate) data: Mutex<Option<CommandBufferMutable>>,
impl Drop for CommandBuffer {
fn drop(&mut self) {
resource_log!("Drop {}", self.error_ident());
if let Some(data) = {
impl CommandBuffer {
pub(crate) fn new(
encoder: Box<dyn hal::DynCommandEncoder>,
device: &Arc<Device>,
label: &Label,
) -> Self {
CommandBuffer {
device: device.clone(),
support_clear_texture: device.features.contains(wgt::Features::CLEAR_TEXTURE),
label: label.to_string(),
data: Mutex::new(
Some(CommandBufferMutable {
encoder: CommandEncoder {
raw: encoder,
is_open: false,
list: Vec::new(),
hal_label: label.to_hal(device.instance_flags).map(str::to_owned),
status: CommandEncoderStatus::Recording,
trackers: Tracker::new(),
buffer_memory_init_actions: Default::default(),
texture_memory_actions: Default::default(),
pending_query_resets: QueryResetMap::new(),
#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
commands: if device.trace.lock().is_some() {
} else {
pub(crate) fn new_invalid(device: &Arc<Device>, label: &Label) -> Self {
CommandBuffer {
device: device.clone(),
support_clear_texture: device.features.contains(wgt::Features::CLEAR_TEXTURE),
label: label.to_string(),
data: Mutex::new(rank::COMMAND_BUFFER_DATA, None),
pub(crate) fn insert_barriers_from_tracker(
raw: &mut dyn hal::DynCommandEncoder,
base: &mut Tracker,
head: &Tracker,
snatch_guard: &SnatchGuard,
) {
Self::drain_barriers(raw, base, snatch_guard);
pub(crate) fn insert_barriers_from_scope(
raw: &mut dyn hal::DynCommandEncoder,
base: &mut Tracker,
head: &UsageScope,
snatch_guard: &SnatchGuard,
) {
Self::drain_barriers(raw, base, snatch_guard);
pub(crate) fn drain_barriers(
raw: &mut dyn hal::DynCommandEncoder,
base: &mut Tracker,
snatch_guard: &SnatchGuard,
) {
let buffer_barriers = base
let (transitions, textures) = base.textures.drain_transitions(snatch_guard);
let texture_barriers = transitions
.map(|(i, p)| p.into_hal(textures[i].unwrap().raw()))
unsafe {
pub(crate) fn insert_barriers_from_device_tracker(
raw: &mut dyn hal::DynCommandEncoder,
base: &mut DeviceTracker,
head: &Tracker,
snatch_guard: &SnatchGuard,
) {
let buffer_barriers = base
.set_from_tracker_and_drain_transitions(&head.buffers, snatch_guard)
let texture_barriers = base
.set_from_tracker_and_drain_transitions(&head.textures, snatch_guard)
unsafe {
impl CommandBuffer {
pub fn try_get<'a>(
&'a self,
) -> Result<parking_lot::MappedMutexGuard<'a, CommandBufferMutable>, InvalidResourceError> {
let g =;
crate::lock::MutexGuard::try_map(g, |data| data.as_mut())
.map_err(|_| InvalidResourceError(self.error_ident()))
pub fn try_take<'a>(&'a self) -> Result<CommandBufferMutable, InvalidResourceError> {
.ok_or_else(|| InvalidResourceError(self.error_ident()))
/// A stream of commands for a render pass or compute pass.
/// This also contains side tables referred to by certain commands,
/// like dynamic offsets for [`SetBindGroup`] or string data for
/// [`InsertDebugMarker`].
/// Render passes use `BasePass<RenderCommand>`, whereas compute
/// passes use `BasePass<ComputeCommand>`.
/// [`SetBindGroup`]: RenderCommand::SetBindGroup
/// [`InsertDebugMarker`]: RenderCommand::InsertDebugMarker
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub struct BasePass<C> {
pub label: Option<String>,
/// The stream of commands.
pub commands: Vec<C>,
/// Dynamic offsets consumed by [`SetBindGroup`] commands in `commands`.
/// Each successive `SetBindGroup` consumes the next
/// [`num_dynamic_offsets`] values from this list.
pub dynamic_offsets: Vec<wgt::DynamicOffset>,
/// Strings used by debug instructions.
/// Each successive [`PushDebugGroup`] or [`InsertDebugMarker`]
/// instruction consumes the next `len` bytes from this vector.
pub string_data: Vec<u8>,
/// Data used by `SetPushConstant` instructions.
/// See the documentation for [`RenderCommand::SetPushConstant`]
/// and [`ComputeCommand::SetPushConstant`] for details.
pub push_constant_data: Vec<u32>,
impl<C: Clone> BasePass<C> {
fn new(label: &Label) -> Self {
Self {
label: label.as_ref().map(|cow| cow.to_string()),
commands: Vec::new(),
dynamic_offsets: Vec::new(),
string_data: Vec::new(),
push_constant_data: Vec::new(),
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
pub enum CommandEncoderError {
#[error("Command encoder is invalid")]
#[error("Command encoder must be active")]
Device(#[from] DeviceError),
#[error("Command encoder is locked by a previously created render/compute pass. Before recording any new commands, the pass must be ended.")]
InvalidColorAttachment(#[from] ColorAttachmentError),
InvalidResource(#[from] InvalidResourceError),
impl Global {
pub fn command_encoder_finish(
encoder_id: id::CommandEncoderId,
_desc: &wgt::CommandBufferDescriptor<Label>,
) -> (id::CommandBufferId, Option<CommandEncoderError>) {
let hub = &self.hub;
let cmd_buf = hub.command_buffers.get(encoder_id.into_command_buffer_id());
let error = match cmd_buf
.map_err(|e| e.into())
.and_then(|mut cmd_buf_data| cmd_buf_data.finish(&cmd_buf.device))
Ok(_) => None,
Err(e) => Some(e),
(encoder_id.into_command_buffer_id(), error)
pub fn command_encoder_push_debug_group(
encoder_id: id::CommandEncoderId,
label: &str,
) -> Result<(), CommandEncoderError> {
api_log!("CommandEncoder::push_debug_group {label}");
let hub = &self.hub;
let cmd_buf = hub.command_buffers.get(encoder_id.into_command_buffer_id());
let mut cmd_buf_data = cmd_buf.try_get()?;
#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
if let Some(ref mut list) = cmd_buf_data.commands {
let cmd_buf_raw =;
if !cmd_buf
unsafe {
pub fn command_encoder_insert_debug_marker(
encoder_id: id::CommandEncoderId,
label: &str,
) -> Result<(), CommandEncoderError> {
api_log!("CommandEncoder::insert_debug_marker {label}");
let hub = &self.hub;
let cmd_buf = hub.command_buffers.get(encoder_id.into_command_buffer_id());
let mut cmd_buf_data = cmd_buf.try_get()?;
#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
if let Some(ref mut list) = cmd_buf_data.commands {
if !cmd_buf
let cmd_buf_raw =;
unsafe {
pub fn command_encoder_pop_debug_group(
encoder_id: id::CommandEncoderId,
) -> Result<(), CommandEncoderError> {
let hub = &self.hub;
let cmd_buf = hub.command_buffers.get(encoder_id.into_command_buffer_id());
let mut cmd_buf_data = cmd_buf.try_get()?;
#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
if let Some(ref mut list) = cmd_buf_data.commands {
let cmd_buf_raw =;
if !cmd_buf
unsafe {
fn push_constant_clear<PushFn>(offset: u32, size_bytes: u32, mut push_fn: PushFn)
PushFn: FnMut(u32, &[u32]),
let mut count_words = 0_u32;
let size_words = size_bytes / wgt::PUSH_CONSTANT_ALIGNMENT;
while count_words < size_words {
let count_bytes = count_words * wgt::PUSH_CONSTANT_ALIGNMENT;
let size_to_write_words =
(size_words - count_words).min(PUSH_CONSTANT_CLEAR_ARRAY.len() as u32);
offset + count_bytes,
&PUSH_CONSTANT_CLEAR_ARRAY[0..size_to_write_words as usize],
count_words += size_to_write_words;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct StateChange<T> {
last_state: Option<T>,
impl<T: Copy + PartialEq> StateChange<T> {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { last_state: None }
fn set_and_check_redundant(&mut self, new_state: T) -> bool {
let already_set = self.last_state == Some(new_state);
self.last_state = Some(new_state);
fn reset(&mut self) {
self.last_state = None;
impl<T: Copy + PartialEq> Default for StateChange<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
struct BindGroupStateChange {
last_states: [StateChange<Option<id::BindGroupId>>; hal::MAX_BIND_GROUPS],
impl BindGroupStateChange {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
last_states: [StateChange::new(); hal::MAX_BIND_GROUPS],
fn set_and_check_redundant(
&mut self,
bind_group_id: Option<id::BindGroupId>,
index: u32,
dynamic_offsets: &mut Vec<u32>,
offsets: &[wgt::DynamicOffset],
) -> bool {
// For now never deduplicate bind groups with dynamic offsets.
if offsets.is_empty() {
// If this get returns None, that means we're well over the limit,
// so let the call through to get a proper error
if let Some(current_bind_group) = self.last_states.get_mut(index as usize) {
// Bail out if we're binding the same bind group.
if current_bind_group.set_and_check_redundant(bind_group_id) {
return true;
} else {
// We intentionally remove the memory of this bind group if we have dynamic offsets,
// such that if you try to bind this bind group later with _no_ dynamic offsets it
// tries to bind it again and gives a proper validation error.
if let Some(current_bind_group) = self.last_states.get_mut(index as usize) {
fn reset(&mut self) {
self.last_states = [StateChange::new(); hal::MAX_BIND_GROUPS];
impl Default for BindGroupStateChange {
fn default() -> Self {
trait MapPassErr<T, O> {
fn map_pass_err(self, scope: PassErrorScope) -> Result<T, O>;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum DrawKind {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Error)]
pub enum PassErrorScope {
// TODO: Extract out the 2 error variants below so that we can always
// include the ResourceErrorIdent of the pass around all inner errors
#[error("In a bundle parameter")]
#[error("In a pass parameter")]
#[error("In a set_bind_group command")]
#[error("In a set_pipeline command")]
#[error("In a set_pipeline command")]
#[error("In a set_push_constant command")]
#[error("In a set_vertex_buffer command")]
#[error("In a set_index_buffer command")]
#[error("In a set_blend_constant command")]
#[error("In a set_stencil_reference command")]
#[error("In a set_viewport command")]
#[error("In a set_scissor_rect command")]
#[error("In a draw command, kind: {kind:?}")]
Draw { kind: DrawKind, indexed: bool },
#[error("While resetting queries after the renderpass was ran")]
#[error("In a write_timestamp command")]
#[error("In a begin_occlusion_query command")]
#[error("In a end_occlusion_query command")]
#[error("In a begin_pipeline_statistics_query command")]
#[error("In a end_pipeline_statistics_query command")]
#[error("In a execute_bundle command")]
#[error("In a dispatch command, indirect:{indirect}")]
Dispatch { indirect: bool },
#[error("In a push_debug_group command")]
#[error("In a pop_debug_group command")]
#[error("In a insert_debug_marker command")]