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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::panic;
use std::path::Path;
extern crate webrtc_sdp;
// Takes the filename of a file that contains SDP, and optionally the trailing
// flag --expect-failure.
// If --expect-failure is passed, then the program will exit with a successful
// exit code if the file fails to parse.
fn main() {
let mut args = std::env::args();
let filename = match args.nth(1) {
None => {
eprintln!("Missing file name argument!");
Some(x) => x,
let path = Path::new(filename.as_str());
let display = path.display();
let mut file = match File::open(path) {
Err(why) => panic!("Failed to open {}: {}", display, why),
Ok(file) => file,
let mut s = String::new();
match file.read_to_string(&mut s) {
Err(why) => panic!("Couldn't read {}: {}", display, why),
Ok(s) => s,
// Hook up the panic handler if it is expected to fail to parse
let expect_failure = if let Some(x) = {
if x.to_lowercase() != "--expect-failure" {
eprintln!("Extra arguments passed!");
panic::set_hook(Box::new(|_| {
println!("Exited with failure, as expected.");
} else {
// Remove comment lines
let s = s
.filter(|&l| !l.trim_start().starts_with(';'))
let res = webrtc_sdp::parse_sdp(&s, true);
match res {
Err(why) => panic!("Failed to parse SDP with error: {}", why),
Ok(sdp) => println!("Parsed SDP structure:\n{sdp:#?}"),
if expect_failure {
eprintln!("Successfully parsed SDP that was expected to fail. You may need to update the example expectations.");
println!("Successfully parsed SDP");