Revision control

Copy as Markdown

Other Tools

use crate::annotation;
use crate::core::*;
use crate::encode::Encode;
use crate::kw;
use crate::parser::{Cursor, Parse, Parser, Result};
use crate::token::*;
use std::mem;
/// An expression, or a list of instructions, in the WebAssembly text format.
/// This expression type will parse s-expression-folded instructions into a flat
/// list of instructions for emission later on. The implicit `end` instruction
/// at the end of an expression is not included in the `instrs` field.
pub struct Expression<'a> {
/// Instructions in this expression.
pub instrs: Box<[Instruction<'a>]>,
/// Branch hints, if any, found while parsing instructions.
pub branch_hints: Box<[BranchHint]>,
/// Optionally parsed spans of all instructions in `instrs`.
/// This value is `None` as it's disabled by default. This can be enabled
/// through the
/// [`ParseBuffer::track_instr_spans`](crate::parser::ParseBuffer::track_instr_spans)
/// function.
/// This is not tracked by default due to the memory overhead and limited
/// use of this field.
pub instr_spans: Option<Box<[Span]>>,
/// A `@metadata.code.branch_hint` in the code, associated with a If or BrIf
/// This instruction is a placeholder and won't produce anything. Its purpose
/// is to store the offset of the following instruction and check that
/// it's followed by `br_if` or `if`.
pub struct BranchHint {
/// Index of instructions in `instrs` field of `Expression` that this hint
/// appplies to.
pub instr_index: usize,
/// The value of this branch hint
pub value: u32,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for Expression<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
let mut exprs = ExpressionParser::new(parser);
Ok(Expression {
instrs: exprs.raw_instrs.into(),
branch_hints: exprs.branch_hints.into(),
instr_spans:|s| s.into()),
impl<'a> Expression<'a> {
/// Creates an expression from the single `instr` specified.
pub fn one(instr: Instruction<'a>) -> Expression<'a> {
Expression {
instrs: [instr].into(),
branch_hints: Box::new([]),
instr_spans: None,
/// Parse an expression formed from a single folded instruction.
/// Attempts to parse an expression formed from a single folded instruction.
/// This method will mutate the state of `parser` after attempting to parse
/// the expression. If an error happens then it is likely fatal and
/// there is no guarantee of how many tokens have been consumed from
/// `parser`.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error if the expression could not be
/// parsed. Note that creating an [`crate::Error`] is not exactly a cheap
/// operation, so [`crate::Error`] is typically fatal and propagated all the
/// way back to the top parse call site.
pub fn parse_folded_instruction(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
let mut exprs = ExpressionParser::new(parser);
Ok(Expression {
instrs: exprs.raw_instrs.into(),
branch_hints: exprs.branch_hints.into(),
instr_spans:|s| s.into()),
/// Helper struct used to parse an `Expression` with helper methods and such.
/// The primary purpose of this is to avoid defining expression parsing as a
/// call-thread-stack recursive function. Since we're parsing user input that
/// runs the risk of blowing the call stack, so we want to be sure to use a heap
/// stack structure wherever possible.
struct ExpressionParser<'a> {
/// The flat list of instructions that we've parsed so far, and will
/// eventually become the final `Expression`.
/// Appended to with `push_instr` to ensure that this is the same length of
/// `spans` if `spans` is used.
raw_instrs: Vec<Instruction<'a>>,
/// Descriptor of all our nested s-expr blocks. This only happens when
/// instructions themselves are nested.
stack: Vec<Level<'a>>,
/// Related to the branch hints proposal.
/// Will be used later to collect the offsets in the final binary.
/// <(index of branch instructions, BranchHintAnnotation)>
branch_hints: Vec<BranchHint>,
/// Storage for all span information in `raw_instrs`. Optionally disabled to
/// reduce memory consumption of parsing expressions.
spans: Option<Vec<Span>>,
enum Paren {
/// A "kind" of nested block that we can be parsing inside of.
enum Level<'a> {
/// This is a normal `block` or `loop` or similar, where the instruction
/// payload here is pushed when the block is exited.
EndWith(Instruction<'a>, Option<Span>),
/// This is a pretty special variant which means that we're parsing an `if`
/// statement, and the state of the `if` parsing is tracked internally in
/// the payload.
/// This means we're either parsing inside of `(then ...)` or `(else ...)`
/// which don't correspond to terminating instructions, we're just in a
/// nested block.
/// This means we are finishing the parsing of a branch hint annotation.
/// Possible states of "what is currently being parsed?" in an `if` expression.
enum If<'a> {
/// Only the `if` instructoin has been parsed, next thing to parse is the
/// clause, if any, of the `if` instruction.
/// This parse ends when `(then ...)` is encountered.
Clause(Instruction<'a>, Span),
/// Currently parsing the `then` block, and afterwards a closing paren is
/// required or an `(else ...)` expression.
/// Parsing the `else` expression, nothing can come after.
impl<'a> ExpressionParser<'a> {
fn new(parser: Parser<'a>) -> ExpressionParser {
ExpressionParser {
raw_instrs: Vec::new(),
stack: Vec::new(),
branch_hints: Vec::new(),
spans: if parser.track_instr_spans() {
} else {
fn parse(&mut self, parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<()> {
// Here we parse instructions in a loop, and we do not recursively
// invoke this parse function to avoid blowing the stack on
// deeply-recursive parses.
// Our loop generally only finishes once there's no more input left int
// the `parser`. If there's some unclosed delimiters though (on our
// `stack`), then we also keep parsing to generate error messages if
// there's no input left.
while !parser.is_empty() || !self.stack.is_empty() {
// As a small ease-of-life adjustment here, if we're parsing inside
// of an `if block then we require that all sub-components are
// s-expressions surrounded by `(` and `)`, so verify that here.
if let Some(Level::If(_)) = self.stack.last() {
if !parser.is_empty() && !parser.peek::<LParen>()? {
return Err(parser.error("expected `(`"));
match self.paren(parser)? {
// No parenthesis seen? Then we just parse the next instruction
// and move on.
Paren::None => {
let span = parser.cur_span();
self.push_instr(parser.parse()?, span);
// If we see a left-parenthesis then things are a little
// special. We handle block-like instructions specially
// (`block`, `loop`, and `if`), and otherwise all other
// instructions simply get appended once we reach the end of the
// s-expression.
// In all cases here we push something onto the `stack` to get
// popped when the `)` character is seen.
Paren::Left => {
// First up is handling `if` parsing, which is funky in a
// whole bunch of ways. See the method internally for more
// information.
if self.handle_if_lparen(parser)? {
// Handle the case of a branch hint annotation
if parser.peek::<annotation::metadata_code_branch_hint>()? {
let span = parser.cur_span();
match parser.parse()? {
// If block/loop show up then we just need to be sure to
// push an `end` instruction whenever the `)` token is
// seen
i @ Instruction::Block(_)
| i @ Instruction::Loop(_)
| i @ Instruction::TryTable(_) => {
self.push_instr(i, span);
.push(Level::EndWith(Instruction::End(None), None));
// Parsing an `if` instruction is super tricky, so we
// push an `If` scope and we let all our scope-based
// parsing handle the remaining items.
i @ Instruction::If(_) => {
self.stack.push(Level::If(If::Clause(i, span)));
// Anything else means that we're parsing a nested form
// such as `(i32.add ...)` which means that the
// instruction we parsed will be coming at the end.
other => self.stack.push(Level::EndWith(other, Some(span))),
// If we registered a `)` token as being seen, then we're
// guaranteed there's an item in the `stack` stack for us to
// pop. We peel that off and take a look at what it says to do.
Paren::Right(span) => match self.stack.pop().unwrap() {
Level::EndWith(i, s) => self.push_instr(i, s.unwrap_or(span)),
Level::IfArm => {}
Level::BranchHint => {}
// If an `if` statement hasn't parsed the clause or `then`
// block, then that's an error because there weren't enough
// items in the `if` statement. Otherwise we're just careful
// to terminate with an `end` instruction.
Level::If(If::Clause(..)) => {
return Err(parser.error("previous `if` had no `then`"));
Level::If(_) => {
self.push_instr(Instruction::End(None), span);
fn parse_folded_instruction(&mut self, parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<()> {
let mut done = false;
while !done {
match self.paren(parser)? {
Paren::Left => {
let span = parser.cur_span();
self.stack.push(Level::EndWith(parser.parse()?, Some(span)));
Paren::Right(span) => {
let (top_instr, span) = match self.stack.pop().unwrap() {
Level::EndWith(i, s) => (i, s.unwrap_or(span)),
_ => panic!("unknown level type"),
self.push_instr(top_instr, span);
if self.stack.is_empty() {
done = true;
Paren::None => {
return Err(parser.error("expected to continue a folded instruction"))
/// Parses either `(`, `)`, or nothing.
fn paren(&self, parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Paren> {
parser.step(|cursor| {
Ok(match cursor.lparen()? {
Some(rest) => (Paren::Left, rest),
None if self.stack.is_empty() => (Paren::None, cursor),
None => match cursor.rparen()? {
Some(rest) => (Paren::Right(cursor.cur_span()), rest),
None => (Paren::None, cursor),
/// State transitions with parsing an `if` statement.
/// The syntactical form of an `if` stament looks like:
/// ```wat
/// (if ($clause)... (then $then) (else $else))
/// ```
/// THis method is called after a `(` is parsed within the `(if ...` block.
/// This determines what to do next.
/// Returns `true` if the rest of the arm above should be skipped, or
/// `false` if we should parse the next item as an instruction (because we
/// didn't handle the lparen here).
fn handle_if_lparen(&mut self, parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<bool> {
// Only execute the code below if there's an `If` listed last.
let i = match self.stack.last_mut() {
Some(Level::If(i)) => i,
_ => return Ok(false),
match i {
// If the clause is still being parsed then interpret this `(` as a
// folded instruction unless it starts with `then`, in which case
// this transitions to the `Then` state and a new level has been
// reached.
If::Clause(if_instr, if_instr_span) => {
if !parser.peek::<kw::then>()? {
return Ok(false);
let instr = mem::replace(if_instr, Instruction::End(None));
let span = *if_instr_span;
*i = If::Then;
self.push_instr(instr, span);
// Previously we were parsing the `(then ...)` clause so this next
// `(` must be followed by `else`.
If::Then => {
let span = parser.parse::<kw::r#else>()?.0;
*i = If::Else;
self.push_instr(Instruction::Else(None), span);
// If after a `(else ...` clause is parsed there's another `(` then
// that's not syntactically allowed.
If::Else => Err(parser.error("unexpected token: too many payloads inside of `(if)`")),
fn parse_branch_hint(&mut self, parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<()> {
let hint = parser.parse::<String>()?;
let value = match hint.as_bytes() {
[0] => 0,
[1] => 1,
_ => return Err(parser.error("invalid value for branch hint")),
self.branch_hints.push(BranchHint {
instr_index: self.raw_instrs.len(),
fn push_instr(&mut self, instr: Instruction<'a>, span: Span) {
if let Some(spans) = &mut self.spans {
// TODO: document this obscenity
macro_rules! instructions {
(pub enum Instruction<'a> {
$name:ident $(($($arg:tt)*))? : [$($binary:tt)*] : $instr:tt $( | $deprecated:tt )?,
}) => (
/// A listing of all WebAssembly instructions that can be in a module
/// that this crate currently parses.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Instruction<'a> {
$name $(( instructions!(@ty $($arg)*) ))?,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for Instruction<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
fn $name<'a>(_parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Instruction<'a>> {
Ok(Instruction::$name $((
instructions!(@parse _parser $($arg)*)?
let parse_remainder = parser.step(|c| {
let (kw, rest) = match c.keyword() ?{
Some(pair) => pair,
None => return Err(c.error("expected an instruction")),
match kw {
$($instr $( | $deprecated )?=> Ok(($name as fn(_) -> _, rest)),)*
_ => return Err(c.error("unknown operator or unexpected token")),
impl Encode for Instruction<'_> {
fn encode(&self, v: &mut Vec<u8>) {
match self {
Instruction::$name $((instructions!(@first x $($arg)*)))? => {
fn encode<'a>($(arg: &instructions!(@ty $($arg)*),)? v: &mut Vec<u8>) {
instructions!(@encode v $($binary)*);
$(<instructions!(@ty $($arg)*) as Encode>::encode(arg, v);)?
encode($( instructions!(@first x $($arg)*), )? v)
impl<'a> Instruction<'a> {
/// Returns the associated [`MemArg`] if one is available for this
/// instruction.
#[allow(unused_variables, non_snake_case)]
pub fn memarg_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut MemArg<'a>> {
match self {
Instruction::$name $((instructions!(@memarg_binding a $($arg)*)))? => {
instructions!(@get_memarg a $($($arg)*)?)
(@ty MemArg<$amt:tt>) => (MemArg<'a>);
(@ty LoadOrStoreLane<$amt:tt>) => (LoadOrStoreLane<'a>);
(@ty $other:ty) => ($other);
(@first $first:ident $($t:tt)*) => ($first);
(@parse $parser:ident MemArg<$amt:tt>) => (MemArg::parse($parser, $amt));
(@parse $parser:ident MemArg) => (compile_error!("must specify `MemArg` default"));
(@parse $parser:ident LoadOrStoreLane<$amt:tt>) => (LoadOrStoreLane::parse($parser, $amt));
(@parse $parser:ident LoadOrStoreLane) => (compile_error!("must specify `LoadOrStoreLane` default"));
(@parse $parser:ident $other:ty) => ($parser.parse::<$other>());
// simd opcodes prefixed with `0xfd` get a varuint32 encoding for their payload
(@encode $dst:ident 0xfd, $simd:tt) => ({
<u32 as Encode>::encode(&$simd, $dst);
(@encode $dst:ident $($bytes:tt)*) => ($dst.extend_from_slice(&[$($bytes)*]););
(@get_memarg $name:ident MemArg<$amt:tt>) => (Some($name));
(@get_memarg $name:ident LoadOrStoreLane<$amt:tt>) => (Some(&mut $name.memarg));
(@get_memarg $($other:tt)*) => (None);
(@memarg_binding $name:ident MemArg<$amt:tt>) => ($name);
(@memarg_binding $name:ident LoadOrStoreLane<$amt:tt>) => ($name);
(@memarg_binding $name:ident $other:ty) => (_);
instructions! {
pub enum Instruction<'a> {
Block(Box<BlockType<'a>>) : [0x02] : "block",
If(Box<BlockType<'a>>) : [0x04] : "if",
Else(Option<Id<'a>>) : [0x05] : "else",
Loop(Box<BlockType<'a>>) : [0x03] : "loop",
End(Option<Id<'a>>) : [0x0b] : "end",
Unreachable : [0x00] : "unreachable",
Nop : [0x01] : "nop",
Br(Index<'a>) : [0x0c] : "br",
BrIf(Index<'a>) : [0x0d] : "br_if",
BrTable(BrTableIndices<'a>) : [0x0e] : "br_table",
Return : [0x0f] : "return",
Call(Index<'a>) : [0x10] : "call",
CallIndirect(Box<CallIndirect<'a>>) : [0x11] : "call_indirect",
// tail-call proposal
ReturnCall(Index<'a>) : [0x12] : "return_call",
ReturnCallIndirect(Box<CallIndirect<'a>>) : [0x13] : "return_call_indirect",
// function-references proposal
CallRef(Index<'a>) : [0x14] : "call_ref",
ReturnCallRef(Index<'a>) : [0x15] : "return_call_ref",
Drop : [0x1a] : "drop",
Select(SelectTypes<'a>) : [] : "select",
LocalGet(Index<'a>) : [0x20] : "local.get",
LocalSet(Index<'a>) : [0x21] : "local.set",
LocalTee(Index<'a>) : [0x22] : "local.tee",
GlobalGet(Index<'a>) : [0x23] : "global.get",
GlobalSet(Index<'a>) : [0x24] : "global.set",
TableGet(TableArg<'a>) : [0x25] : "table.get",
TableSet(TableArg<'a>) : [0x26] : "table.set",
I32Load(MemArg<4>) : [0x28] : "i32.load",
I64Load(MemArg<8>) : [0x29] : "i64.load",
F32Load(MemArg<4>) : [0x2a] : "f32.load",
F64Load(MemArg<8>) : [0x2b] : "f64.load",
I32Load8s(MemArg<1>) : [0x2c] : "i32.load8_s",
I32Load8u(MemArg<1>) : [0x2d] : "i32.load8_u",
I32Load16s(MemArg<2>) : [0x2e] : "i32.load16_s",
I32Load16u(MemArg<2>) : [0x2f] : "i32.load16_u",
I64Load8s(MemArg<1>) : [0x30] : "i64.load8_s",
I64Load8u(MemArg<1>) : [0x31] : "i64.load8_u",
I64Load16s(MemArg<2>) : [0x32] : "i64.load16_s",
I64Load16u(MemArg<2>) : [0x33] : "i64.load16_u",
I64Load32s(MemArg<4>) : [0x34] : "i64.load32_s",
I64Load32u(MemArg<4>) : [0x35] : "i64.load32_u",
I32Store(MemArg<4>) : [0x36] : "",
I64Store(MemArg<8>) : [0x37] : "",
F32Store(MemArg<4>) : [0x38] : "",
F64Store(MemArg<8>) : [0x39] : "",
I32Store8(MemArg<1>) : [0x3a] : "i32.store8",
I32Store16(MemArg<2>) : [0x3b] : "i32.store16",
I64Store8(MemArg<1>) : [0x3c] : "i64.store8",
I64Store16(MemArg<2>) : [0x3d] : "i64.store16",
I64Store32(MemArg<4>) : [0x3e] : "i64.store32",
// Lots of bulk memory proposal here as well
MemorySize(MemoryArg<'a>) : [0x3f] : "memory.size",
MemoryGrow(MemoryArg<'a>) : [0x40] : "memory.grow",
MemoryInit(MemoryInit<'a>) : [0xfc, 0x08] : "memory.init",
MemoryCopy(MemoryCopy<'a>) : [0xfc, 0x0a] : "memory.copy",
MemoryFill(MemoryArg<'a>) : [0xfc, 0x0b] : "memory.fill",
MemoryDiscard(MemoryArg<'a>) : [0xfc, 0x12] : "memory.discard",
DataDrop(Index<'a>) : [0xfc, 0x09] : "data.drop",
ElemDrop(Index<'a>) : [0xfc, 0x0d] : "elem.drop",
TableInit(TableInit<'a>) : [0xfc, 0x0c] : "table.init",
TableCopy(TableCopy<'a>) : [0xfc, 0x0e] : "table.copy",
TableFill(TableArg<'a>) : [0xfc, 0x11] : "table.fill",
TableSize(TableArg<'a>) : [0xfc, 0x10] : "table.size",
TableGrow(TableArg<'a>) : [0xfc, 0x0f] : "table.grow",
RefNull(HeapType<'a>) : [0xd0] : "ref.null",
RefIsNull : [0xd1] : "ref.is_null",
RefFunc(Index<'a>) : [0xd2] : "ref.func",
// function-references proposal
RefAsNonNull : [0xd4] : "ref.as_non_null",
BrOnNull(Index<'a>) : [0xd5] : "br_on_null",
BrOnNonNull(Index<'a>) : [0xd6] : "br_on_non_null",
// gc proposal: eqref
RefEq : [0xd3] : "ref.eq",
// gc proposal: struct
StructNew(Index<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x00] : "",
StructNewDefault(Index<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x01] : "struct.new_default",
StructGet(StructAccess<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x02] : "struct.get",
StructGetS(StructAccess<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x03] : "struct.get_s",
StructGetU(StructAccess<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x04] : "struct.get_u",
StructSet(StructAccess<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x05] : "struct.set",
// gc proposal: array
ArrayNew(Index<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x06] : "",
ArrayNewDefault(Index<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x07] : "array.new_default",
ArrayNewFixed(ArrayNewFixed<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x08] : "array.new_fixed",
ArrayNewData(ArrayNewData<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x09] : "array.new_data",
ArrayNewElem(ArrayNewElem<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x0a] : "array.new_elem",
ArrayGet(Index<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x0b] : "array.get",
ArrayGetS(Index<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x0c] : "array.get_s",
ArrayGetU(Index<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x0d] : "array.get_u",
ArraySet(Index<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x0e] : "array.set",
ArrayLen : [0xfb, 0x0f] : "array.len",
ArrayFill(ArrayFill<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x10] : "array.fill",
ArrayCopy(ArrayCopy<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x11] : "array.copy",
ArrayInitData(ArrayInit<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x12] : "array.init_data",
ArrayInitElem(ArrayInit<'a>) : [0xfb, 0x13] : "array.init_elem",
// gc proposal, i31
RefI31 : [0xfb, 0x1c] : "ref.i31",
I31GetS : [0xfb, 0x1d] : "i31.get_s",
I31GetU : [0xfb, 0x1e] : "i31.get_u",
// gc proposal, concrete casting
RefTest(RefTest<'a>) : [] : "ref.test",
RefCast(RefCast<'a>) : [] : "ref.cast",
BrOnCast(Box<BrOnCast<'a>>) : [] : "br_on_cast",
BrOnCastFail(Box<BrOnCastFail<'a>>) : [] : "br_on_cast_fail",
// gc proposal extern/any coercion operations
AnyConvertExtern : [0xfb, 0x1a] : "any.convert_extern",
ExternConvertAny : [0xfb, 0x1b] : "extern.convert_any",
I32Const(i32) : [0x41] : "i32.const",
I64Const(i64) : [0x42] : "i64.const",
F32Const(F32) : [0x43] : "f32.const",
F64Const(F64) : [0x44] : "f64.const",
I32Clz : [0x67] : "i32.clz",
I32Ctz : [0x68] : "i32.ctz",
I32Popcnt : [0x69] : "i32.popcnt",
I32Add : [0x6a] : "i32.add",
I32Sub : [0x6b] : "i32.sub",
I32Mul : [0x6c] : "i32.mul",
I32DivS : [0x6d] : "i32.div_s",
I32DivU : [0x6e] : "i32.div_u",
I32RemS : [0x6f] : "i32.rem_s",
I32RemU : [0x70] : "i32.rem_u",
I32And : [0x71] : "i32.and",
I32Or : [0x72] : "i32.or",
I32Xor : [0x73] : "i32.xor",
I32Shl : [0x74] : "i32.shl",
I32ShrS : [0x75] : "i32.shr_s",
I32ShrU : [0x76] : "i32.shr_u",
I32Rotl : [0x77] : "i32.rotl",
I32Rotr : [0x78] : "i32.rotr",
I64Clz : [0x79] : "i64.clz",
I64Ctz : [0x7a] : "i64.ctz",
I64Popcnt : [0x7b] : "i64.popcnt",
I64Add : [0x7c] : "i64.add",
I64Sub : [0x7d] : "i64.sub",
I64Mul : [0x7e] : "i64.mul",
I64DivS : [0x7f] : "i64.div_s",
I64DivU : [0x80] : "i64.div_u",
I64RemS : [0x81] : "i64.rem_s",
I64RemU : [0x82] : "i64.rem_u",
I64And : [0x83] : "i64.and",
I64Or : [0x84] : "i64.or",
I64Xor : [0x85] : "i64.xor",
I64Shl : [0x86] : "i64.shl",
I64ShrS : [0x87] : "i64.shr_s",
I64ShrU : [0x88] : "i64.shr_u",
I64Rotl : [0x89] : "i64.rotl",
I64Rotr : [0x8a] : "i64.rotr",
F32Abs : [0x8b] : "f32.abs",
F32Neg : [0x8c] : "f32.neg",
F32Ceil : [0x8d] : "f32.ceil",
F32Floor : [0x8e] : "f32.floor",
F32Trunc : [0x8f] : "f32.trunc",
F32Nearest : [0x90] : "f32.nearest",
F32Sqrt : [0x91] : "f32.sqrt",
F32Add : [0x92] : "f32.add",
F32Sub : [0x93] : "f32.sub",
F32Mul : [0x94] : "f32.mul",
F32Div : [0x95] : "f32.div",
F32Min : [0x96] : "f32.min",
F32Max : [0x97] : "f32.max",
F32Copysign : [0x98] : "f32.copysign",
F64Abs : [0x99] : "f64.abs",
F64Neg : [0x9a] : "f64.neg",
F64Ceil : [0x9b] : "f64.ceil",
F64Floor : [0x9c] : "f64.floor",
F64Trunc : [0x9d] : "f64.trunc",
F64Nearest : [0x9e] : "f64.nearest",
F64Sqrt : [0x9f] : "f64.sqrt",
F64Add : [0xa0] : "f64.add",
F64Sub : [0xa1] : "f64.sub",
F64Mul : [0xa2] : "f64.mul",
F64Div : [0xa3] : "f64.div",
F64Min : [0xa4] : "f64.min",
F64Max : [0xa5] : "f64.max",
F64Copysign : [0xa6] : "f64.copysign",
I32Eqz : [0x45] : "i32.eqz",
I32Eq : [0x46] : "i32.eq",
I32Ne : [0x47] : "",
I32LtS : [0x48] : "i32.lt_s",
I32LtU : [0x49] : "i32.lt_u",
I32GtS : [0x4a] : "i32.gt_s",
I32GtU : [0x4b] : "i32.gt_u",
I32LeS : [0x4c] : "i32.le_s",
I32LeU : [0x4d] : "i32.le_u",
I32GeS : [0x4e] : "i32.ge_s",
I32GeU : [0x4f] : "i32.ge_u",
I64Eqz : [0x50] : "i64.eqz",
I64Eq : [0x51] : "i64.eq",
I64Ne : [0x52] : "",
I64LtS : [0x53] : "i64.lt_s",
I64LtU : [0x54] : "i64.lt_u",
I64GtS : [0x55] : "i64.gt_s",
I64GtU : [0x56] : "i64.gt_u",
I64LeS : [0x57] : "i64.le_s",
I64LeU : [0x58] : "i64.le_u",
I64GeS : [0x59] : "i64.ge_s",
I64GeU : [0x5a] : "i64.ge_u",
F32Eq : [0x5b] : "f32.eq",
F32Ne : [0x5c] : "",
F32Lt : [0x5d] : "",
F32Gt : [0x5e] : "",
F32Le : [0x5f] : "f32.le",
F32Ge : [0x60] : "",
F64Eq : [0x61] : "f64.eq",
F64Ne : [0x62] : "",
F64Lt : [0x63] : "",
F64Gt : [0x64] : "",
F64Le : [0x65] : "f64.le",
F64Ge : [0x66] : "",
I32WrapI64 : [0xa7] : "i32.wrap_i64",
I32TruncF32S : [0xa8] : "i32.trunc_f32_s",
I32TruncF32U : [0xa9] : "i32.trunc_f32_u",
I32TruncF64S : [0xaa] : "i32.trunc_f64_s",
I32TruncF64U : [0xab] : "i32.trunc_f64_u",
I64ExtendI32S : [0xac] : "i64.extend_i32_s",
I64ExtendI32U : [0xad] : "i64.extend_i32_u",
I64TruncF32S : [0xae] : "i64.trunc_f32_s",
I64TruncF32U : [0xaf] : "i64.trunc_f32_u",
I64TruncF64S : [0xb0] : "i64.trunc_f64_s",
I64TruncF64U : [0xb1] : "i64.trunc_f64_u",
F32ConvertI32S : [0xb2] : "f32.convert_i32_s",
F32ConvertI32U : [0xb3] : "f32.convert_i32_u",
F32ConvertI64S : [0xb4] : "f32.convert_i64_s",
F32ConvertI64U : [0xb5] : "f32.convert_i64_u",
F32DemoteF64 : [0xb6] : "f32.demote_f64",
F64ConvertI32S : [0xb7] : "f64.convert_i32_s",
F64ConvertI32U : [0xb8] : "f64.convert_i32_u",
F64ConvertI64S : [0xb9] : "f64.convert_i64_s",
F64ConvertI64U : [0xba] : "f64.convert_i64_u",
F64PromoteF32 : [0xbb] : "f64.promote_f32",
I32ReinterpretF32 : [0xbc] : "i32.reinterpret_f32",
I64ReinterpretF64 : [0xbd] : "i64.reinterpret_f64",
F32ReinterpretI32 : [0xbe] : "f32.reinterpret_i32",
F64ReinterpretI64 : [0xbf] : "f64.reinterpret_i64",
// non-trapping float to int
I32TruncSatF32S : [0xfc, 0x00] : "i32.trunc_sat_f32_s",
I32TruncSatF32U : [0xfc, 0x01] : "i32.trunc_sat_f32_u",
I32TruncSatF64S : [0xfc, 0x02] : "i32.trunc_sat_f64_s",
I32TruncSatF64U : [0xfc, 0x03] : "i32.trunc_sat_f64_u",
I64TruncSatF32S : [0xfc, 0x04] : "i64.trunc_sat_f32_s",
I64TruncSatF32U : [0xfc, 0x05] : "i64.trunc_sat_f32_u",
I64TruncSatF64S : [0xfc, 0x06] : "i64.trunc_sat_f64_s",
I64TruncSatF64U : [0xfc, 0x07] : "i64.trunc_sat_f64_u",
// sign extension proposal
I32Extend8S : [0xc0] : "i32.extend8_s",
I32Extend16S : [0xc1] : "i32.extend16_s",
I64Extend8S : [0xc2] : "i64.extend8_s",
I64Extend16S : [0xc3] : "i64.extend16_s",
I64Extend32S : [0xc4] : "i64.extend32_s",
// atomics proposal
MemoryAtomicNotify(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x00] : "memory.atomic.notify",
MemoryAtomicWait32(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x01] : "memory.atomic.wait32",
MemoryAtomicWait64(MemArg<8>) : [0xfe, 0x02] : "memory.atomic.wait64",
AtomicFence : [0xfe, 0x03, 0x00] : "atomic.fence",
I32AtomicLoad(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x10] : "i32.atomic.load",
I64AtomicLoad(MemArg<8>) : [0xfe, 0x11] : "i64.atomic.load",
I32AtomicLoad8u(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x12] : "i32.atomic.load8_u",
I32AtomicLoad16u(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x13] : "i32.atomic.load16_u",
I64AtomicLoad8u(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x14] : "i64.atomic.load8_u",
I64AtomicLoad16u(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x15] : "i64.atomic.load16_u",
I64AtomicLoad32u(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x16] : "i64.atomic.load32_u",
I32AtomicStore(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x17] : "",
I64AtomicStore(MemArg<8>) : [0xfe, 0x18] : "",
I32AtomicStore8(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x19] : "i32.atomic.store8",
I32AtomicStore16(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x1a] : "i32.atomic.store16",
I64AtomicStore8(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x1b] : "i64.atomic.store8",
I64AtomicStore16(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x1c] : "i64.atomic.store16",
I64AtomicStore32(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x1d] : "i64.atomic.store32",
I32AtomicRmwAdd(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x1e] : "i32.atomic.rmw.add",
I64AtomicRmwAdd(MemArg<8>) : [0xfe, 0x1f] : "i64.atomic.rmw.add",
I32AtomicRmw8AddU(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x20] : "i32.atomic.rmw8.add_u",
I32AtomicRmw16AddU(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x21] : "i32.atomic.rmw16.add_u",
I64AtomicRmw8AddU(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x22] : "i64.atomic.rmw8.add_u",
I64AtomicRmw16AddU(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x23] : "i64.atomic.rmw16.add_u",
I64AtomicRmw32AddU(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x24] : "i64.atomic.rmw32.add_u",
I32AtomicRmwSub(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x25] : "i32.atomic.rmw.sub",
I64AtomicRmwSub(MemArg<8>) : [0xfe, 0x26] : "i64.atomic.rmw.sub",
I32AtomicRmw8SubU(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x27] : "i32.atomic.rmw8.sub_u",
I32AtomicRmw16SubU(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x28] : "i32.atomic.rmw16.sub_u",
I64AtomicRmw8SubU(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x29] : "i64.atomic.rmw8.sub_u",
I64AtomicRmw16SubU(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x2a] : "i64.atomic.rmw16.sub_u",
I64AtomicRmw32SubU(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x2b] : "i64.atomic.rmw32.sub_u",
I32AtomicRmwAnd(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x2c] : "i32.atomic.rmw.and",
I64AtomicRmwAnd(MemArg<8>) : [0xfe, 0x2d] : "i64.atomic.rmw.and",
I32AtomicRmw8AndU(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x2e] : "i32.atomic.rmw8.and_u",
I32AtomicRmw16AndU(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x2f] : "i32.atomic.rmw16.and_u",
I64AtomicRmw8AndU(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x30] : "i64.atomic.rmw8.and_u",
I64AtomicRmw16AndU(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x31] : "i64.atomic.rmw16.and_u",
I64AtomicRmw32AndU(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x32] : "i64.atomic.rmw32.and_u",
I32AtomicRmwOr(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x33] : "i32.atomic.rmw.or",
I64AtomicRmwOr(MemArg<8>) : [0xfe, 0x34] : "i64.atomic.rmw.or",
I32AtomicRmw8OrU(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x35] : "i32.atomic.rmw8.or_u",
I32AtomicRmw16OrU(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x36] : "i32.atomic.rmw16.or_u",
I64AtomicRmw8OrU(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x37] : "i64.atomic.rmw8.or_u",
I64AtomicRmw16OrU(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x38] : "i64.atomic.rmw16.or_u",
I64AtomicRmw32OrU(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x39] : "i64.atomic.rmw32.or_u",
I32AtomicRmwXor(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x3a] : "i32.atomic.rmw.xor",
I64AtomicRmwXor(MemArg<8>) : [0xfe, 0x3b] : "i64.atomic.rmw.xor",
I32AtomicRmw8XorU(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x3c] : "i32.atomic.rmw8.xor_u",
I32AtomicRmw16XorU(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x3d] : "i32.atomic.rmw16.xor_u",
I64AtomicRmw8XorU(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x3e] : "i64.atomic.rmw8.xor_u",
I64AtomicRmw16XorU(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x3f] : "i64.atomic.rmw16.xor_u",
I64AtomicRmw32XorU(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x40] : "i64.atomic.rmw32.xor_u",
I32AtomicRmwXchg(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x41] : "i32.atomic.rmw.xchg",
I64AtomicRmwXchg(MemArg<8>) : [0xfe, 0x42] : "i64.atomic.rmw.xchg",
I32AtomicRmw8XchgU(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x43] : "i32.atomic.rmw8.xchg_u",
I32AtomicRmw16XchgU(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x44] : "i32.atomic.rmw16.xchg_u",
I64AtomicRmw8XchgU(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x45] : "i64.atomic.rmw8.xchg_u",
I64AtomicRmw16XchgU(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x46] : "i64.atomic.rmw16.xchg_u",
I64AtomicRmw32XchgU(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x47] : "i64.atomic.rmw32.xchg_u",
I32AtomicRmwCmpxchg(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x48] : "i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg",
I64AtomicRmwCmpxchg(MemArg<8>) : [0xfe, 0x49] : "i64.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg",
I32AtomicRmw8CmpxchgU(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x4a] : "i32.atomic.rmw8.cmpxchg_u",
I32AtomicRmw16CmpxchgU(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x4b] : "i32.atomic.rmw16.cmpxchg_u",
I64AtomicRmw8CmpxchgU(MemArg<1>) : [0xfe, 0x4c] : "i64.atomic.rmw8.cmpxchg_u",
I64AtomicRmw16CmpxchgU(MemArg<2>) : [0xfe, 0x4d] : "i64.atomic.rmw16.cmpxchg_u",
I64AtomicRmw32CmpxchgU(MemArg<4>) : [0xfe, 0x4e] : "i64.atomic.rmw32.cmpxchg_u",
// proposal: shared-everything-threads
GlobalAtomicGet(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xfe, 0x4f] : "global.atomic.get",
GlobalAtomicSet(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xfe, 0x50] : "global.atomic.set",
GlobalAtomicRmwAdd(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xfe, 0x51] : "global.atomic.rmw.add",
GlobalAtomicRmwSub(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xfe, 0x52] : "global.atomic.rmw.sub",
GlobalAtomicRmwAnd(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xfe, 0x53] : "global.atomic.rmw.and",
GlobalAtomicRmwOr(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xfe, 0x54] : "global.atomic.rmw.or",
GlobalAtomicRmwXor(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xfe, 0x55] : "global.atomic.rmw.xor",
GlobalAtomicRmwXchg(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xfe, 0x56] : "global.atomic.rmw.xchg",
GlobalAtomicRmwCmpxchg(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xfe, 0x57] : "global.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg",
TableAtomicGet(Ordered<TableArg<'a>>) : [0xfe, 0x58] : "table.atomic.get",
TableAtomicSet(Ordered<TableArg<'a>>) : [0xfe, 0x59] : "table.atomic.set",
TableAtomicRmwXchg(Ordered<TableArg<'a>>) : [0xfe, 0x5A] : "table.atomic.rmw.xchg",
TableAtomicRmwCmpxchg(Ordered<TableArg<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x5B] : "table.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg",
StructAtomicGet(Ordered<StructAccess<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x5C] : "struct.atomic.get",
StructAtomicGetS(Ordered<StructAccess<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x5D] : "struct.atomic.get_s",
StructAtomicGetU(Ordered<StructAccess<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x5E] : "struct.atomic.get_u",
StructAtomicSet(Ordered<StructAccess<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x5F] : "struct.atomic.set",
StructAtomicRmwAdd(Ordered<StructAccess<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x60] : "struct.atomic.rmw.add",
StructAtomicRmwSub(Ordered<StructAccess<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x61] : "struct.atomic.rmw.sub",
StructAtomicRmwAnd(Ordered<StructAccess<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x62] : "struct.atomic.rmw.and",
StructAtomicRmwOr(Ordered<StructAccess<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x63] : "struct.atomic.rmw.or",
StructAtomicRmwXor(Ordered<StructAccess<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x64] : "struct.atomic.rmw.xor",
StructAtomicRmwXchg(Ordered<StructAccess<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x65] : "struct.atomic.rmw.xchg",
StructAtomicRmwCmpxchg(Ordered<StructAccess<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x66] : "struct.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg",
ArrayAtomicGet(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x67] : "array.atomic.get",
ArrayAtomicGetS(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x68] : "array.atomic.get_s",
ArrayAtomicGetU(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x69] : "array.atomic.get_u",
ArrayAtomicSet(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x6A] : "array.atomic.set",
ArrayAtomicRmwAdd(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x6B] : "array.atomic.rmw.add",
ArrayAtomicRmwSub(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x6C] : "array.atomic.rmw.sub",
ArrayAtomicRmwAnd(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x6D] : "array.atomic.rmw.and",
ArrayAtomicRmwOr(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x6E] : "array.atomic.rmw.or",
ArrayAtomicRmwXor(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x6F] : "array.atomic.rmw.xor",
ArrayAtomicRmwXchg(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x70] : "array.atomic.rmw.xchg",
ArrayAtomicRmwCmpxchg(Ordered<Index<'a>>) : [0xFE, 0x71] : "array.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg",
RefI31Shared : [0xFE, 0x72] : "ref.i31_shared",
// proposal: simd
V128Load(MemArg<16>) : [0xfd, 0] : "v128.load",
V128Load8x8S(MemArg<8>) : [0xfd, 1] : "v128.load8x8_s",
V128Load8x8U(MemArg<8>) : [0xfd, 2] : "v128.load8x8_u",
V128Load16x4S(MemArg<8>) : [0xfd, 3] : "v128.load16x4_s",
V128Load16x4U(MemArg<8>) : [0xfd, 4] : "v128.load16x4_u",
V128Load32x2S(MemArg<8>) : [0xfd, 5] : "v128.load32x2_s",
V128Load32x2U(MemArg<8>) : [0xfd, 6] : "v128.load32x2_u",
V128Load8Splat(MemArg<1>) : [0xfd, 7] : "v128.load8_splat",
V128Load16Splat(MemArg<2>) : [0xfd, 8] : "v128.load16_splat",
V128Load32Splat(MemArg<4>) : [0xfd, 9] : "v128.load32_splat",
V128Load64Splat(MemArg<8>) : [0xfd, 10] : "v128.load64_splat",
V128Load32Zero(MemArg<4>) : [0xfd, 92] : "v128.load32_zero",
V128Load64Zero(MemArg<8>) : [0xfd, 93] : "v128.load64_zero",
V128Store(MemArg<16>) : [0xfd, 11] : "",
V128Load8Lane(LoadOrStoreLane<1>) : [0xfd, 84] : "v128.load8_lane",
V128Load16Lane(LoadOrStoreLane<2>) : [0xfd, 85] : "v128.load16_lane",
V128Load32Lane(LoadOrStoreLane<4>) : [0xfd, 86] : "v128.load32_lane",
V128Load64Lane(LoadOrStoreLane<8>): [0xfd, 87] : "v128.load64_lane",
V128Store8Lane(LoadOrStoreLane<1>) : [0xfd, 88] : "v128.store8_lane",
V128Store16Lane(LoadOrStoreLane<2>) : [0xfd, 89] : "v128.store16_lane",
V128Store32Lane(LoadOrStoreLane<4>) : [0xfd, 90] : "v128.store32_lane",
V128Store64Lane(LoadOrStoreLane<8>) : [0xfd, 91] : "v128.store64_lane",
V128Const(V128Const) : [0xfd, 12] : "v128.const",
I8x16Shuffle(I8x16Shuffle) : [0xfd, 13] : "i8x16.shuffle",
I8x16ExtractLaneS(LaneArg) : [0xfd, 21] : "i8x16.extract_lane_s",
I8x16ExtractLaneU(LaneArg) : [0xfd, 22] : "i8x16.extract_lane_u",
I8x16ReplaceLane(LaneArg) : [0xfd, 23] : "i8x16.replace_lane",
I16x8ExtractLaneS(LaneArg) : [0xfd, 24] : "i16x8.extract_lane_s",
I16x8ExtractLaneU(LaneArg) : [0xfd, 25] : "i16x8.extract_lane_u",
I16x8ReplaceLane(LaneArg) : [0xfd, 26] : "i16x8.replace_lane",
I32x4ExtractLane(LaneArg) : [0xfd, 27] : "i32x4.extract_lane",
I32x4ReplaceLane(LaneArg) : [0xfd, 28] : "i32x4.replace_lane",
I64x2ExtractLane(LaneArg) : [0xfd, 29] : "i64x2.extract_lane",
I64x2ReplaceLane(LaneArg) : [0xfd, 30] : "i64x2.replace_lane",
F32x4ExtractLane(LaneArg) : [0xfd, 31] : "f32x4.extract_lane",
F32x4ReplaceLane(LaneArg) : [0xfd, 32] : "f32x4.replace_lane",
F64x2ExtractLane(LaneArg) : [0xfd, 33] : "f64x2.extract_lane",
F64x2ReplaceLane(LaneArg) : [0xfd, 34] : "f64x2.replace_lane",
I8x16Swizzle : [0xfd, 14] : "i8x16.swizzle",
I8x16Splat : [0xfd, 15] : "i8x16.splat",
I16x8Splat : [0xfd, 16] : "i16x8.splat",
I32x4Splat : [0xfd, 17] : "i32x4.splat",
I64x2Splat : [0xfd, 18] : "i64x2.splat",
F32x4Splat : [0xfd, 19] : "f32x4.splat",
F64x2Splat : [0xfd, 20] : "f64x2.splat",
I8x16Eq : [0xfd, 35] : "i8x16.eq",
I8x16Ne : [0xfd, 36] : "",
I8x16LtS : [0xfd, 37] : "i8x16.lt_s",
I8x16LtU : [0xfd, 38] : "i8x16.lt_u",
I8x16GtS : [0xfd, 39] : "i8x16.gt_s",
I8x16GtU : [0xfd, 40] : "i8x16.gt_u",
I8x16LeS : [0xfd, 41] : "i8x16.le_s",
I8x16LeU : [0xfd, 42] : "i8x16.le_u",
I8x16GeS : [0xfd, 43] : "i8x16.ge_s",
I8x16GeU : [0xfd, 44] : "i8x16.ge_u",
I16x8Eq : [0xfd, 45] : "i16x8.eq",
I16x8Ne : [0xfd, 46] : "",
I16x8LtS : [0xfd, 47] : "i16x8.lt_s",
I16x8LtU : [0xfd, 48] : "i16x8.lt_u",
I16x8GtS : [0xfd, 49] : "i16x8.gt_s",
I16x8GtU : [0xfd, 50] : "i16x8.gt_u",
I16x8LeS : [0xfd, 51] : "i16x8.le_s",
I16x8LeU : [0xfd, 52] : "i16x8.le_u",
I16x8GeS : [0xfd, 53] : "i16x8.ge_s",
I16x8GeU : [0xfd, 54] : "i16x8.ge_u",
I32x4Eq : [0xfd, 55] : "i32x4.eq",
I32x4Ne : [0xfd, 56] : "",
I32x4LtS : [0xfd, 57] : "i32x4.lt_s",
I32x4LtU : [0xfd, 58] : "i32x4.lt_u",
I32x4GtS : [0xfd, 59] : "i32x4.gt_s",
I32x4GtU : [0xfd, 60] : "i32x4.gt_u",
I32x4LeS : [0xfd, 61] : "i32x4.le_s",
I32x4LeU : [0xfd, 62] : "i32x4.le_u",
I32x4GeS : [0xfd, 63] : "i32x4.ge_s",
I32x4GeU : [0xfd, 64] : "i32x4.ge_u",
I64x2Eq : [0xfd, 214] : "i64x2.eq",
I64x2Ne : [0xfd, 215] : "",
I64x2LtS : [0xfd, 216] : "i64x2.lt_s",
I64x2GtS : [0xfd, 217] : "i64x2.gt_s",
I64x2LeS : [0xfd, 218] : "i64x2.le_s",
I64x2GeS : [0xfd, 219] : "i64x2.ge_s",
F32x4Eq : [0xfd, 65] : "f32x4.eq",
F32x4Ne : [0xfd, 66] : "",
F32x4Lt : [0xfd, 67] : "",
F32x4Gt : [0xfd, 68] : "",
F32x4Le : [0xfd, 69] : "f32x4.le",
F32x4Ge : [0xfd, 70] : "",
F64x2Eq : [0xfd, 71] : "f64x2.eq",
F64x2Ne : [0xfd, 72] : "",
F64x2Lt : [0xfd, 73] : "",
F64x2Gt : [0xfd, 74] : "",
F64x2Le : [0xfd, 75] : "f64x2.le",
F64x2Ge : [0xfd, 76] : "",
V128Not : [0xfd, 77] : "v128.not",
V128And : [0xfd, 78] : "v128.and",
V128Andnot : [0xfd, 79] : "v128.andnot",
V128Or : [0xfd, 80] : "v128.or",
V128Xor : [0xfd, 81] : "v128.xor",
V128Bitselect : [0xfd, 82] : "v128.bitselect",
V128AnyTrue : [0xfd, 83] : "v128.any_true",
I8x16Abs : [0xfd, 96] : "i8x16.abs",
I8x16Neg : [0xfd, 97] : "i8x16.neg",
I8x16Popcnt : [0xfd, 98] : "i8x16.popcnt",
I8x16AllTrue : [0xfd, 99] : "i8x16.all_true",
I8x16Bitmask : [0xfd, 100] : "i8x16.bitmask",
I8x16NarrowI16x8S : [0xfd, 101] : "i8x16.narrow_i16x8_s",
I8x16NarrowI16x8U : [0xfd, 102] : "i8x16.narrow_i16x8_u",
I8x16Shl : [0xfd, 107] : "i8x16.shl",
I8x16ShrS : [0xfd, 108] : "i8x16.shr_s",
I8x16ShrU : [0xfd, 109] : "i8x16.shr_u",
I8x16Add : [0xfd, 110] : "i8x16.add",
I8x16AddSatS : [0xfd, 111] : "i8x16.add_sat_s",
I8x16AddSatU : [0xfd, 112] : "i8x16.add_sat_u",
I8x16Sub : [0xfd, 113] : "i8x16.sub",
I8x16SubSatS : [0xfd, 114] : "i8x16.sub_sat_s",
I8x16SubSatU : [0xfd, 115] : "i8x16.sub_sat_u",
I8x16MinS : [0xfd, 118] : "i8x16.min_s",
I8x16MinU : [0xfd, 119] : "i8x16.min_u",
I8x16MaxS : [0xfd, 120] : "i8x16.max_s",
I8x16MaxU : [0xfd, 121] : "i8x16.max_u",
I8x16AvgrU : [0xfd, 123] : "i8x16.avgr_u",
I16x8ExtAddPairwiseI8x16S : [0xfd, 124] : "i16x8.extadd_pairwise_i8x16_s",
I16x8ExtAddPairwiseI8x16U : [0xfd, 125] : "i16x8.extadd_pairwise_i8x16_u",
I16x8Abs : [0xfd, 128] : "i16x8.abs",
I16x8Neg : [0xfd, 129] : "i16x8.neg",
I16x8Q15MulrSatS : [0xfd, 130] : "i16x8.q15mulr_sat_s",
I16x8AllTrue : [0xfd, 131] : "i16x8.all_true",
I16x8Bitmask : [0xfd, 132] : "i16x8.bitmask",
I16x8NarrowI32x4S : [0xfd, 133] : "i16x8.narrow_i32x4_s",
I16x8NarrowI32x4U : [0xfd, 134] : "i16x8.narrow_i32x4_u",
I16x8ExtendLowI8x16S : [0xfd, 135] : "i16x8.extend_low_i8x16_s",
I16x8ExtendHighI8x16S : [0xfd, 136] : "i16x8.extend_high_i8x16_s",
I16x8ExtendLowI8x16U : [0xfd, 137] : "i16x8.extend_low_i8x16_u",
I16x8ExtendHighI8x16u : [0xfd, 138] : "i16x8.extend_high_i8x16_u",
I16x8Shl : [0xfd, 139] : "i16x8.shl",
I16x8ShrS : [0xfd, 140] : "i16x8.shr_s",
I16x8ShrU : [0xfd, 141] : "i16x8.shr_u",
I16x8Add : [0xfd, 142] : "i16x8.add",
I16x8AddSatS : [0xfd, 143] : "i16x8.add_sat_s",
I16x8AddSatU : [0xfd, 144] : "i16x8.add_sat_u",
I16x8Sub : [0xfd, 145] : "i16x8.sub",
I16x8SubSatS : [0xfd, 146] : "i16x8.sub_sat_s",
I16x8SubSatU : [0xfd, 147] : "i16x8.sub_sat_u",
I16x8Mul : [0xfd, 149] : "i16x8.mul",
I16x8MinS : [0xfd, 150] : "i16x8.min_s",
I16x8MinU : [0xfd, 151] : "i16x8.min_u",
I16x8MaxS : [0xfd, 152] : "i16x8.max_s",
I16x8MaxU : [0xfd, 153] : "i16x8.max_u",
I16x8AvgrU : [0xfd, 155] : "i16x8.avgr_u",
I16x8ExtMulLowI8x16S : [0xfd, 156] : "i16x8.extmul_low_i8x16_s",
I16x8ExtMulHighI8x16S : [0xfd, 157] : "i16x8.extmul_high_i8x16_s",
I16x8ExtMulLowI8x16U : [0xfd, 158] : "i16x8.extmul_low_i8x16_u",
I16x8ExtMulHighI8x16U : [0xfd, 159] : "i16x8.extmul_high_i8x16_u",
I32x4ExtAddPairwiseI16x8S : [0xfd, 126] : "i32x4.extadd_pairwise_i16x8_s",
I32x4ExtAddPairwiseI16x8U : [0xfd, 127] : "i32x4.extadd_pairwise_i16x8_u",
I32x4Abs : [0xfd, 160] : "i32x4.abs",
I32x4Neg : [0xfd, 161] : "i32x4.neg",
I32x4AllTrue : [0xfd, 163] : "i32x4.all_true",
I32x4Bitmask : [0xfd, 164] : "i32x4.bitmask",
I32x4ExtendLowI16x8S : [0xfd, 167] : "i32x4.extend_low_i16x8_s",
I32x4ExtendHighI16x8S : [0xfd, 168] : "i32x4.extend_high_i16x8_s",
I32x4ExtendLowI16x8U : [0xfd, 169] : "i32x4.extend_low_i16x8_u",
I32x4ExtendHighI16x8U : [0xfd, 170] : "i32x4.extend_high_i16x8_u",
I32x4Shl : [0xfd, 171] : "i32x4.shl",
I32x4ShrS : [0xfd, 172] : "i32x4.shr_s",
I32x4ShrU : [0xfd, 173] : "i32x4.shr_u",
I32x4Add : [0xfd, 174] : "i32x4.add",
I32x4Sub : [0xfd, 177] : "i32x4.sub",
I32x4Mul : [0xfd, 181] : "i32x4.mul",
I32x4MinS : [0xfd, 182] : "i32x4.min_s",
I32x4MinU : [0xfd, 183] : "i32x4.min_u",
I32x4MaxS : [0xfd, 184] : "i32x4.max_s",
I32x4MaxU : [0xfd, 185] : "i32x4.max_u",
I32x4DotI16x8S : [0xfd, 186] : "i32x4.dot_i16x8_s",
I32x4ExtMulLowI16x8S : [0xfd, 188] : "i32x4.extmul_low_i16x8_s",
I32x4ExtMulHighI16x8S : [0xfd, 189] : "i32x4.extmul_high_i16x8_s",
I32x4ExtMulLowI16x8U : [0xfd, 190] : "i32x4.extmul_low_i16x8_u",
I32x4ExtMulHighI16x8U : [0xfd, 191] : "i32x4.extmul_high_i16x8_u",
I64x2Abs : [0xfd, 192] : "i64x2.abs",
I64x2Neg : [0xfd, 193] : "i64x2.neg",
I64x2AllTrue : [0xfd, 195] : "i64x2.all_true",
I64x2Bitmask : [0xfd, 196] : "i64x2.bitmask",
I64x2ExtendLowI32x4S : [0xfd, 199] : "i64x2.extend_low_i32x4_s",
I64x2ExtendHighI32x4S : [0xfd, 200] : "i64x2.extend_high_i32x4_s",
I64x2ExtendLowI32x4U : [0xfd, 201] : "i64x2.extend_low_i32x4_u",
I64x2ExtendHighI32x4U : [0xfd, 202] : "i64x2.extend_high_i32x4_u",
I64x2Shl : [0xfd, 203] : "i64x2.shl",
I64x2ShrS : [0xfd, 204] : "i64x2.shr_s",
I64x2ShrU : [0xfd, 205] : "i64x2.shr_u",
I64x2Add : [0xfd, 206] : "i64x2.add",
I64x2Sub : [0xfd, 209] : "i64x2.sub",
I64x2Mul : [0xfd, 213] : "i64x2.mul",
I64x2ExtMulLowI32x4S : [0xfd, 220] : "i64x2.extmul_low_i32x4_s",
I64x2ExtMulHighI32x4S : [0xfd, 221] : "i64x2.extmul_high_i32x4_s",
I64x2ExtMulLowI32x4U : [0xfd, 222] : "i64x2.extmul_low_i32x4_u",
I64x2ExtMulHighI32x4U : [0xfd, 223] : "i64x2.extmul_high_i32x4_u",
F32x4Ceil : [0xfd, 103] : "f32x4.ceil",
F32x4Floor : [0xfd, 104] : "f32x4.floor",
F32x4Trunc : [0xfd, 105] : "f32x4.trunc",
F32x4Nearest : [0xfd, 106] : "f32x4.nearest",
F32x4Abs : [0xfd, 224] : "f32x4.abs",
F32x4Neg : [0xfd, 225] : "f32x4.neg",
F32x4Sqrt : [0xfd, 227] : "f32x4.sqrt",
F32x4Add : [0xfd, 228] : "f32x4.add",
F32x4Sub : [0xfd, 229] : "f32x4.sub",
F32x4Mul : [0xfd, 230] : "f32x4.mul",
F32x4Div : [0xfd, 231] : "f32x4.div",
F32x4Min : [0xfd, 232] : "f32x4.min",
F32x4Max : [0xfd, 233] : "f32x4.max",
F32x4PMin : [0xfd, 234] : "f32x4.pmin",
F32x4PMax : [0xfd, 235] : "f32x4.pmax",
F64x2Ceil : [0xfd, 116] : "f64x2.ceil",
F64x2Floor : [0xfd, 117] : "f64x2.floor",
F64x2Trunc : [0xfd, 122] : "f64x2.trunc",
F64x2Nearest : [0xfd, 148] : "f64x2.nearest",
F64x2Abs : [0xfd, 236] : "f64x2.abs",
F64x2Neg : [0xfd, 237] : "f64x2.neg",
F64x2Sqrt : [0xfd, 239] : "f64x2.sqrt",
F64x2Add : [0xfd, 240] : "f64x2.add",
F64x2Sub : [0xfd, 241] : "f64x2.sub",
F64x2Mul : [0xfd, 242] : "f64x2.mul",
F64x2Div : [0xfd, 243] : "f64x2.div",
F64x2Min : [0xfd, 244] : "f64x2.min",
F64x2Max : [0xfd, 245] : "f64x2.max",
F64x2PMin : [0xfd, 246] : "f64x2.pmin",
F64x2PMax : [0xfd, 247] : "f64x2.pmax",
I32x4TruncSatF32x4S : [0xfd, 248] : "i32x4.trunc_sat_f32x4_s",
I32x4TruncSatF32x4U : [0xfd, 249] : "i32x4.trunc_sat_f32x4_u",
F32x4ConvertI32x4S : [0xfd, 250] : "f32x4.convert_i32x4_s",
F32x4ConvertI32x4U : [0xfd, 251] : "f32x4.convert_i32x4_u",
I32x4TruncSatF64x2SZero : [0xfd, 252] : "i32x4.trunc_sat_f64x2_s_zero",
I32x4TruncSatF64x2UZero : [0xfd, 253] : "i32x4.trunc_sat_f64x2_u_zero",
F64x2ConvertLowI32x4S : [0xfd, 254] : "f64x2.convert_low_i32x4_s",
F64x2ConvertLowI32x4U : [0xfd, 255] : "f64x2.convert_low_i32x4_u",
F32x4DemoteF64x2Zero : [0xfd, 94] : "f32x4.demote_f64x2_zero",
F64x2PromoteLowF32x4 : [0xfd, 95] : "f64x2.promote_low_f32x4",
// Exception handling proposal
ThrowRef : [0x0a] : "throw_ref",
TryTable(TryTable<'a>) : [0x1f] : "try_table",
Throw(Index<'a>) : [0x08] : "throw",
// Deprecated exception handling optocdes
Try(Box<BlockType<'a>>) : [0x06] : "try",
Catch(Index<'a>) : [0x07] : "catch",
Rethrow(Index<'a>) : [0x09] : "rethrow",
Delegate(Index<'a>) : [0x18] : "delegate",
CatchAll : [0x19] : "catch_all",
// Relaxed SIMD proposal
I8x16RelaxedSwizzle : [0xfd, 0x100]: "i8x16.relaxed_swizzle",
I32x4RelaxedTruncF32x4S : [0xfd, 0x101]: "i32x4.relaxed_trunc_f32x4_s",
I32x4RelaxedTruncF32x4U : [0xfd, 0x102]: "i32x4.relaxed_trunc_f32x4_u",
I32x4RelaxedTruncF64x2SZero : [0xfd, 0x103]: "i32x4.relaxed_trunc_f64x2_s_zero",
I32x4RelaxedTruncF64x2UZero : [0xfd, 0x104]: "i32x4.relaxed_trunc_f64x2_u_zero",
F32x4RelaxedMadd : [0xfd, 0x105]: "f32x4.relaxed_madd",
F32x4RelaxedNmadd : [0xfd, 0x106]: "f32x4.relaxed_nmadd",
F64x2RelaxedMadd : [0xfd, 0x107]: "f64x2.relaxed_madd",
F64x2RelaxedNmadd : [0xfd, 0x108]: "f64x2.relaxed_nmadd",
I8x16RelaxedLaneselect : [0xfd, 0x109]: "i8x16.relaxed_laneselect",
I16x8RelaxedLaneselect : [0xfd, 0x10A]: "i16x8.relaxed_laneselect",
I32x4RelaxedLaneselect : [0xfd, 0x10B]: "i32x4.relaxed_laneselect",
I64x2RelaxedLaneselect : [0xfd, 0x10C]: "i64x2.relaxed_laneselect",
F32x4RelaxedMin : [0xfd, 0x10D]: "f32x4.relaxed_min",
F32x4RelaxedMax : [0xfd, 0x10E]: "f32x4.relaxed_max",
F64x2RelaxedMin : [0xfd, 0x10F]: "f64x2.relaxed_min",
F64x2RelaxedMax : [0xfd, 0x110]: "f64x2.relaxed_max",
I16x8RelaxedQ15mulrS: [0xfd, 0x111]: "i16x8.relaxed_q15mulr_s",
I16x8RelaxedDotI8x16I7x16S: [0xfd, 0x112]: "i16x8.relaxed_dot_i8x16_i7x16_s",
I32x4RelaxedDotI8x16I7x16AddS: [0xfd, 0x113]: "i32x4.relaxed_dot_i8x16_i7x16_add_s",
// As shown in #1095 the size of this variant is somewhat performance-sensitive
// since big `*.wat` files will have a lot of these. This is a small ratchet to
// make sure that this enum doesn't become larger than it already is, although
// ideally it also wouldn't be as large as it is now.
const _: () = {
let size = std::mem::size_of::<Instruction<'_>>();
let pointer = std::mem::size_of::<u64>();
assert!(size <= pointer * 10);
impl<'a> Instruction<'a> {
pub(crate) fn needs_data_count(&self) -> bool {
match self {
| Instruction::DataDrop(_)
| Instruction::ArrayNewData(_)
| Instruction::ArrayInitData(_) => true,
_ => false,
/// Extra information associated with block-related instructions.
/// This is used to label blocks and also annotate what types are expected for
/// the block.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct BlockType<'a> {
pub label: Option<Id<'a>>,
pub label_name: Option<NameAnnotation<'a>>,
pub ty: TypeUse<'a, FunctionType<'a>>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for BlockType<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(BlockType {
label: parser.parse()?,
label_name: parser.parse()?,
ty: parser
.parse::<TypeUse<'a, FunctionTypeNoNames<'a>>>()?
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TryTable<'a> {
pub block: Box<BlockType<'a>>,
pub catches: Vec<TryTableCatch<'a>>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for TryTable<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
let block = parser.parse()?;
let mut catches = Vec::new();
while parser.peek::<LParen>()?
&& (parser.peek2::<kw::catch>()?
|| parser.peek2::<kw::catch_ref>()?
|| parser.peek2::<kw::catch_all>()?
|| parser.peek2::<kw::catch_all_ref>()?)
catches.push(parser.parens(|p| {
let kind = if parser.peek::<kw::catch_ref>()? {
} else if parser.peek::<kw::catch>()? {
} else if parser.peek::<kw::catch_all>()? {
} else {
Ok(TryTableCatch {
label: p.parse()?,
Ok(TryTable { block, catches })
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum TryTableCatchKind<'a> {
// Catch a tagged exception, do not capture an exnref.
// Catch a tagged exception, and capture the exnref.
// Catch any exception, do not capture an exnref.
// Catch any exception, and capture the exnref.
impl<'a> TryTableCatchKind<'a> {
pub fn tag_index_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Index<'a>> {
match self {
TryTableCatchKind::Catch(tag) | TryTableCatchKind::CatchRef(tag) => Some(tag),
TryTableCatchKind::CatchAll | TryTableCatchKind::CatchAllRef => None,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TryTableCatch<'a> {
pub kind: TryTableCatchKind<'a>,
pub label: Index<'a>,
/// Extra information associated with the `br_table` instruction.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct BrTableIndices<'a> {
pub labels: Vec<Index<'a>>,
pub default: Index<'a>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for BrTableIndices<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
let mut labels = vec![parser.parse()?];
while parser.peek::<Index>()? {
let default = labels.pop().unwrap();
Ok(BrTableIndices { labels, default })
/// Payload for lane-related instructions. Unsigned with no + prefix.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct LaneArg {
/// The lane argument.
pub lane: u8,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for LaneArg {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
let lane = parser.step(|c| {
if let Some((i, rest)) = c.integer()? {
if i.sign() == None {
let (src, radix) = i.val();
let val = u8::from_str_radix(src, radix)
.map_err(|_| c.error("malformed lane index"))?;
Ok((val, rest))
} else {
Err(c.error("unexpected token"))
} else {
Err(c.error("expected a lane index"))
Ok(LaneArg { lane })
/// Payload for memory-related instructions indicating offset/alignment of
/// memory accesses.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MemArg<'a> {
/// The alignment of this access.
/// This is not stored as a log, this is the actual alignment (e.g. 1, 2, 4,
/// 8, etc).
pub align: u32,
/// The offset, in bytes of this access.
pub offset: u64,
/// The memory index we're accessing
pub memory: Index<'a>,
impl<'a> MemArg<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>, default_align: u32) -> Result<Self> {
fn parse_field<T>(
name: &str,
parser: Parser<'_>,
f: impl FnOnce(Cursor<'_>, &str, u32) -> Result<T>,
) -> Result<Option<T>> {
parser.step(|c| {
let (kw, rest) = match c.keyword()? {
Some(p) => p,
None => return Ok((None, c)),
if !kw.starts_with(name) {
return Ok((None, c));
let kw = &kw[name.len()..];
if !kw.starts_with('=') {
return Ok((None, c));
let num = &kw[1..];
let num = if let Some(stripped) = num.strip_prefix("0x") {
f(c, stripped, 16)?
} else {
f(c, num, 10)?
Ok((Some(num), rest))
fn parse_u32(name: &str, parser: Parser<'_>) -> Result<Option<u32>> {
parse_field(name, parser, |c, num, radix| {
u32::from_str_radix(num, radix).map_err(|_| c.error("i32 constant out of range"))
fn parse_u64(name: &str, parser: Parser<'_>) -> Result<Option<u64>> {
parse_field(name, parser, |c, num, radix| {
u64::from_str_radix(num, radix).map_err(|_| c.error("i64 constant out of range"))
let memory = parser
.unwrap_or_else(|| Index::Num(0, parser.prev_span()));
let offset = parse_u64("offset", parser)?.unwrap_or(0);
let align = match parse_u32("align", parser)? {
Some(n) if !n.is_power_of_two() => {
return Err(parser.error("alignment must be a power of two"))
n => n.unwrap_or(default_align),
Ok(MemArg {
/// Extra data associated with the `loadN_lane` and `storeN_lane` instructions.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct LoadOrStoreLane<'a> {
/// The memory argument for this instruction.
pub memarg: MemArg<'a>,
/// The lane argument for this instruction.
pub lane: LaneArg,
impl<'a> LoadOrStoreLane<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>, default_align: u32) -> Result<Self> {
// This is sort of funky. The first integer we see could be the lane
// index, but it could also be the memory index. To determine what it is
// then if we see a second integer we need to look further.
let has_memarg = parser.step(|c| match c.integer()? {
Some((_, after_int)) => {
// Two integers in a row? That means that the first one is the
// memory index and the second must be the lane index.
if after_int.integer()?.is_some() {
return Ok((true, c));
// If the first integer is trailed by `offset=...` or
// `align=...` then this is definitely a memarg.
if let Some((kw, _)) = after_int.keyword()? {
if kw.starts_with("offset=") || kw.starts_with("align=") {
return Ok((true, c));
// Otherwise the first integer was trailed by something that
// didn't look like a memarg, so this must be the lane index.
Ok((false, c))
// Not an integer here? That must mean that this must be the memarg
// first followed by the trailing index.
None => Ok((true, c)),
Ok(LoadOrStoreLane {
memarg: if has_memarg {
MemArg::parse(parser, default_align)?
} else {
MemArg {
align: default_align,
offset: 0,
memory: Index::Num(0, parser.prev_span()),
lane: LaneArg::parse(parser)?,
/// Extra data associated with the `call_indirect` instruction.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct CallIndirect<'a> {
/// The table that this call is going to be indexing.
pub table: Index<'a>,
/// Type type signature that this `call_indirect` instruction is using.
pub ty: TypeUse<'a, FunctionType<'a>>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for CallIndirect<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
let prev_span = parser.prev_span();
let table: Option<_> = parser.parse()?;
let ty = parser.parse::<TypeUse<'a, FunctionTypeNoNames<'a>>>()?;
Ok(CallIndirect {
table: table.unwrap_or(Index::Num(0, prev_span)),
ty: ty.into(),
/// Extra data associated with the `table.init` instruction
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TableInit<'a> {
/// The index of the table we're copying into.
pub table: Index<'a>,
/// The index of the element segment we're copying into a table.
pub elem: Index<'a>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for TableInit<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
let prev_span = parser.prev_span();
let (elem, table) = if parser.peek2::<Index>()? {
let table = parser.parse()?;
(parser.parse()?, table)
} else {
(parser.parse()?, Index::Num(0, prev_span))
Ok(TableInit { table, elem })
/// Extra data associated with the `table.copy` instruction.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TableCopy<'a> {
/// The index of the destination table to copy into.
pub dst: Index<'a>,
/// The index of the source table to copy from.
pub src: Index<'a>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for TableCopy<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
let (dst, src) = match parser.parse::<Option<_>>()? {
Some(dst) => (dst, parser.parse()?),
None => (
Index::Num(0, parser.prev_span()),
Index::Num(0, parser.prev_span()),
Ok(TableCopy { dst, src })
/// Extra data associated with unary table instructions.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TableArg<'a> {
/// The index of the table argument.
pub dst: Index<'a>,
// `TableArg` could be an unwrapped as an `Index` if not for this custom parse
// behavior: if we cannot parse a table index, we default to table `0`.
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for TableArg<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
let dst = if let Some(dst) = parser.parse()? {
} else {
Index::Num(0, parser.prev_span())
Ok(TableArg { dst })
/// Extra data associated with unary memory instructions.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MemoryArg<'a> {
/// The index of the memory space.
pub mem: Index<'a>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for MemoryArg<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
let mem = if let Some(mem) = parser.parse()? {
} else {
Index::Num(0, parser.prev_span())
Ok(MemoryArg { mem })
/// Extra data associated with the `memory.init` instruction
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MemoryInit<'a> {
/// The index of the data segment we're copying into memory.
pub data: Index<'a>,
/// The index of the memory we're copying into,
pub mem: Index<'a>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for MemoryInit<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
let prev_span = parser.prev_span();
let (data, mem) = if parser.peek2::<Index>()? {
let memory = parser.parse()?;
(parser.parse()?, memory)
} else {
(parser.parse()?, Index::Num(0, prev_span))
Ok(MemoryInit { data, mem })
/// Extra data associated with the `memory.copy` instruction
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MemoryCopy<'a> {
/// The index of the memory we're copying from.
pub src: Index<'a>,
/// The index of the memory we're copying to.
pub dst: Index<'a>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for MemoryCopy<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
let (src, dst) = match parser.parse()? {
Some(dst) => (parser.parse()?, dst),
None => (
Index::Num(0, parser.prev_span()),
Index::Num(0, parser.prev_span()),
Ok(MemoryCopy { src, dst })
/// Extra data associated with the `struct.get/set` instructions
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct StructAccess<'a> {
/// The index of the struct type we're accessing.
pub r#struct: Index<'a>,
/// The index of the field of the struct we're accessing
pub field: Index<'a>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for StructAccess<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(StructAccess {
r#struct: parser.parse()?,
field: parser.parse()?,
/// Extra data associated with the `array.fill` instruction
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ArrayFill<'a> {
/// The index of the array type we're filling.
pub array: Index<'a>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for ArrayFill<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(ArrayFill {
array: parser.parse()?,
/// Extra data associated with the `array.copy` instruction
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ArrayCopy<'a> {
/// The index of the array type we're copying to.
pub dest_array: Index<'a>,
/// The index of the array type we're copying from.
pub src_array: Index<'a>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for ArrayCopy<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(ArrayCopy {
dest_array: parser.parse()?,
src_array: parser.parse()?,
/// Extra data associated with the `array.init_[data/elem]` instruction
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ArrayInit<'a> {
/// The index of the array type we're initializing.
pub array: Index<'a>,
/// The index of the data or elem segment we're reading from.
pub segment: Index<'a>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for ArrayInit<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(ArrayInit {
array: parser.parse()?,
segment: parser.parse()?,
/// Extra data associated with the `array.new_fixed` instruction
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ArrayNewFixed<'a> {
/// The index of the array type we're accessing.
pub array: Index<'a>,
/// The amount of values to initialize the array with.
pub length: u32,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for ArrayNewFixed<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(ArrayNewFixed {
array: parser.parse()?,
length: parser.parse()?,
/// Extra data associated with the `array.new_data` instruction
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ArrayNewData<'a> {
/// The index of the array type we're accessing.
pub array: Index<'a>,
/// The data segment to initialize from.
pub data_idx: Index<'a>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for ArrayNewData<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(ArrayNewData {
array: parser.parse()?,
data_idx: parser.parse()?,
/// Extra data associated with the `array.new_elem` instruction
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ArrayNewElem<'a> {
/// The index of the array type we're accessing.
pub array: Index<'a>,
/// The elem segment to initialize from.
pub elem_idx: Index<'a>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for ArrayNewElem<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(ArrayNewElem {
array: parser.parse()?,
elem_idx: parser.parse()?,
/// Extra data associated with the `ref.cast` instruction
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RefCast<'a> {
/// The type to cast to.
pub r#type: RefType<'a>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for RefCast<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(RefCast {
r#type: parser.parse()?,
/// Extra data associated with the `ref.test` instruction
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RefTest<'a> {
/// The type to test for.
pub r#type: RefType<'a>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for RefTest<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(RefTest {
r#type: parser.parse()?,
/// Extra data associated with the `br_on_cast` instruction
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct BrOnCast<'a> {
/// The label to branch to.
pub label: Index<'a>,
/// The type we're casting from.
pub from_type: RefType<'a>,
/// The type we're casting to.
pub to_type: RefType<'a>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for BrOnCast<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(BrOnCast {
label: parser.parse()?,
from_type: parser.parse()?,
to_type: parser.parse()?,
/// Extra data associated with the `br_on_cast_fail` instruction
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct BrOnCastFail<'a> {
/// The label to branch to.
pub label: Index<'a>,
/// The type we're casting from.
pub from_type: RefType<'a>,
/// The type we're casting to.
pub to_type: RefType<'a>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for BrOnCastFail<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(BrOnCastFail {
label: parser.parse()?,
from_type: parser.parse()?,
to_type: parser.parse()?,
/// The memory ordering for atomic instructions.
/// For an in-depth explanation of memory orderings, see the C++ documentation
/// for [`memory_order`] or the Rust documentation for [`atomic::Ordering`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Ordering {
/// Like `AcqRel` but all threads see all sequentially consistent operations
/// in the same order.
/// For a load, it acquires; this orders all operations before the last
/// "releasing" store. For a store, it releases; this orders all operations
/// before it at the next "acquiring" load.
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for Ordering {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
if parser.peek::<kw::seq_cst>()? {
} else if parser.peek::<kw::acq_rel>()? {
} else {
Err(parser.error("expected a memory ordering: `seq_cst` or `acq_rel`"))
/// Add a memory [`Ordering`] to the argument `T` of some instruction.
/// This is helpful for many kinds of `*.atomic.*` instructions introduced by
/// the shared-everything-threads proposal. Many of these instructions "build
/// on" existing instructions by simply adding a memory order to them.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Ordered<T> {
/// The memory ordering for this atomic instruction.
pub ordering: Ordering,
/// The original argument type.
pub inner: T,
impl<'a, T> Parse<'a> for Ordered<T>
T: Parse<'a>,
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
let ordering = parser.parse()?;
let inner = parser.parse()?;
Ok(Ordered { ordering, inner })
/// Different ways to specify a `v128.const` instruction
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum V128Const {
I8x16([i8; 16]),
I16x8([i16; 8]),
I32x4([i32; 4]),
I64x2([i64; 2]),
F32x4([F32; 4]),
F64x2([F64; 2]),
impl V128Const {
/// Returns the raw little-ended byte sequence used to represent this
/// `v128` constant`
/// This is typically suitable for encoding as the payload of the
/// `v128.const` instruction.
pub fn to_le_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 16] {
match self {
V128Const::I8x16(arr) => [
arr[0] as u8,
arr[1] as u8,
arr[2] as u8,
arr[3] as u8,
arr[4] as u8,
arr[5] as u8,
arr[6] as u8,
arr[7] as u8,
arr[8] as u8,
arr[9] as u8,
arr[10] as u8,
arr[11] as u8,
arr[12] as u8,
arr[13] as u8,
arr[14] as u8,
arr[15] as u8,
V128Const::I16x8(arr) => {
let a1 = arr[0].to_le_bytes();
let a2 = arr[1].to_le_bytes();
let a3 = arr[2].to_le_bytes();
let a4 = arr[3].to_le_bytes();
let a5 = arr[4].to_le_bytes();
let a6 = arr[5].to_le_bytes();
let a7 = arr[6].to_le_bytes();
let a8 = arr[7].to_le_bytes();
a1[0], a1[1],
a2[0], a2[1],
a3[0], a3[1],
a4[0], a4[1],
a5[0], a5[1],
a6[0], a6[1],
a7[0], a7[1],
a8[0], a8[1],
V128Const::I32x4(arr) => {
let a1 = arr[0].to_le_bytes();
let a2 = arr[1].to_le_bytes();
let a3 = arr[2].to_le_bytes();
let a4 = arr[3].to_le_bytes();
a1[0], a1[1], a1[2], a1[3],
a2[0], a2[1], a2[2], a2[3],
a3[0], a3[1], a3[2], a3[3],
a4[0], a4[1], a4[2], a4[3],
V128Const::I64x2(arr) => {
let a1 = arr[0].to_le_bytes();
let a2 = arr[1].to_le_bytes();
a1[0], a1[1], a1[2], a1[3], a1[4], a1[5], a1[6], a1[7],
a2[0], a2[1], a2[2], a2[3], a2[4], a2[5], a2[6], a2[7],
V128Const::F32x4(arr) => {
let a1 = arr[0].bits.to_le_bytes();
let a2 = arr[1].bits.to_le_bytes();
let a3 = arr[2].bits.to_le_bytes();
let a4 = arr[3].bits.to_le_bytes();
a1[0], a1[1], a1[2], a1[3],
a2[0], a2[1], a2[2], a2[3],
a3[0], a3[1], a3[2], a3[3],
a4[0], a4[1], a4[2], a4[3],
V128Const::F64x2(arr) => {
let a1 = arr[0].bits.to_le_bytes();
let a2 = arr[1].bits.to_le_bytes();
a1[0], a1[1], a1[2], a1[3], a1[4], a1[5], a1[6], a1[7],
a2[0], a2[1], a2[2], a2[3], a2[4], a2[5], a2[6], a2[7],
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for V128Const {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
let mut l = parser.lookahead1();
if l.peek::<kw::i8x16>()? {
} else if l.peek::<kw::i16x8>()? {
} else if l.peek::<kw::i32x4>()? {
} else if l.peek::<kw::i64x2>()? {
Ok(V128Const::I64x2([parser.parse()?, parser.parse()?]))
} else if l.peek::<kw::f32x4>()? {
} else if l.peek::<kw::f64x2>()? {
Ok(V128Const::F64x2([parser.parse()?, parser.parse()?]))
} else {
/// Lanes being shuffled in the `i8x16.shuffle` instruction
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct I8x16Shuffle {
pub lanes: [u8; 16],
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for I8x16Shuffle {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(I8x16Shuffle {
lanes: [
/// Payload of the `select` instructions
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SelectTypes<'a> {
pub tys: Option<Vec<ValType<'a>>>,
impl<'a> Parse<'a> for SelectTypes<'a> {
fn parse(parser: Parser<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
let mut found = false;
let mut list = Vec::new();
while parser.peek2::<kw::result>()? {
found = true;
parser.parens(|p| {
while !p.is_empty() {
Ok(SelectTypes {
tys: if found { Some(list) } else { None },