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//! State relating to validating a WebAssembly component.
use super::{
AliasableResourceId, ComponentAnyTypeId, ComponentCoreInstanceTypeId,
ComponentCoreModuleTypeId, ComponentCoreTypeId, ComponentDefinedType,
ComponentDefinedTypeId, ComponentEntityType, ComponentFuncType, ComponentFuncTypeId,
ComponentInstanceType, ComponentInstanceTypeId, ComponentType, ComponentTypeId,
ComponentValType, Context, CoreInstanceTypeKind, InstanceType, LoweringInfo, ModuleType,
RecordType, Remap, Remapping, ResourceId, SubtypeCx, TupleType, VariantCase, VariantType,
core::{InternRecGroup, Module},
types::{CoreTypeId, EntityType, TypeAlloc, TypeInfo, TypeList},
use crate::collections::index_map::Entry;
use crate::limits::*;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::validator::names::{ComponentName, ComponentNameKind, KebabStr, KebabString};
use crate::{
BinaryReaderError, CanonicalOption, ComponentExportName, ComponentExternalKind,
ComponentOuterAliasKind, ComponentTypeRef, CompositeInnerType, ExternalKind, FuncType,
GlobalType, InstantiationArgKind, MemoryType, PackedIndex, RefType, Result, SubType, TableType,
TypeBounds, ValType, WasmFeatures,
use core::mem;
fn to_kebab_str<'a>(s: &'a str, desc: &str, offset: usize) -> Result<&'a KebabStr> {
match KebabStr::new(s) {
Some(s) => Ok(s),
None => {
if s.is_empty() {
bail!(offset, "{desc} name cannot be empty");
bail!(offset, "{desc} name `{s}` is not in kebab case");
pub(crate) struct ComponentState {
/// Whether this state is a concrete component, an instance type, or a
/// component type.
kind: ComponentKind,
// Core index spaces
pub core_types: Vec<ComponentCoreTypeId>,
pub core_funcs: Vec<CoreTypeId>,
pub core_tags: Vec<CoreTypeId>,
pub core_modules: Vec<ComponentCoreModuleTypeId>,
pub core_instances: Vec<ComponentCoreInstanceTypeId>,
pub core_memories: Vec<MemoryType>,
pub core_tables: Vec<TableType>,
pub core_globals: Vec<GlobalType>,
// Component index spaces
pub types: Vec<ComponentAnyTypeId>,
pub funcs: Vec<ComponentFuncTypeId>,
pub values: Vec<(ComponentValType, bool)>,
pub instances: Vec<ComponentInstanceTypeId>,
pub components: Vec<ComponentTypeId>,
pub imports: IndexMap<String, ComponentEntityType>,
pub import_names: IndexSet<ComponentName>,
pub exports: IndexMap<String, ComponentEntityType>,
pub export_names: IndexSet<ComponentName>,
has_start: bool,
type_info: TypeInfo,
/// A mapping of imported resources in this component.
/// This mapping represents all "type variables" imported into the
/// component, or resources. This could be resources imported directly as
/// a top-level type import or additionally transitively through other
/// imported instances.
/// The mapping element here is a "path" which is a list of indexes into
/// the import map that will be generated for this component. Each index
/// is an index into an `IndexMap`, and each list is guaranteed to have at
/// least one element.
/// An example of this map is:
/// ```wasm
/// (component
/// ;; [0] - the first import
/// (import "r" (type (sub resource)))
/// ;; [1] - the second import
/// (import "r2" (type (sub resource)))
/// (import "i" (instance
/// ;; [2, 0] - the third import, and the first export the instance
/// (export "r3" (type (sub resource)))
/// ;; [2, 1] - the third import, and the second export the instance
/// (export "r4" (type (sub resource)))
/// ))
/// ;; ...
/// )
/// ```
/// The `Vec<usize>` here can be thought of as `Vec<String>` but a
/// (hopefully) more efficient representation.
/// Finally note that this map is listed as an "append only" map because all
/// insertions into it should always succeed. Any insertion which overlaps
/// with a previous entry indicates a bug in the validator which needs to be
/// corrected via other means.
// TODO: make these `SkolemResourceId` and then go fix all the compile
// errors, don't add skolem things into the type area
imported_resources: IndexMapAppendOnly<ResourceId, Vec<usize>>,
/// A mapping of "defined" resources in this component, or those which
/// are defined within the instantiation of this component.
/// Defined resources, as the name implies, can sort of be thought of as
/// "these are defined within the component". Note though that the means by
/// which a local definition can occur are not simply those defined in the
/// component but also in its transitively instantiated components
/// internally. This means that this set closes over many transitive
/// internal items in addition to those defined immediately in the component
/// itself.
/// The `Option<ValType>` in this mapping is whether or not the underlying
/// representation of the resource is known to this component. Immediately
/// defined resources, for example, will have `Some(I32)` here. Resources
/// that come from transitively defined components, for example, will have
/// `None`. In the type context all entries here are `None`.
/// Note that like `imported_resources` all insertions into this map are
/// expected to succeed to it's declared as append-only.
defined_resources: IndexMapAppendOnly<ResourceId, Option<ValType>>,
/// A mapping of explicitly exported resources from this component in
/// addition to the path that they're exported at.
/// For more information on the path here see the documentation for
/// `imported_resources`. Note that the indexes here index into the
/// list of exports of this component.
explicit_resources: IndexMap<ResourceId, Vec<usize>>,
/// The set of types which are considered "exported" from this component.
/// This is added to whenever a type export is found, or an instance export
/// which itself contains a type export. This additionally includes all
/// imported types since those are suitable for export as well.
/// This set is consulted whenever an exported item is added since all
/// referenced types must be members of this set.
exported_types: Set<ComponentAnyTypeId>,
/// Same as `exported_types`, but for imports.
imported_types: Set<ComponentAnyTypeId>,
/// The set of top-level resource exports and their names.
/// This context is used to validate method names such as `[method]`
/// to ensure that `foo` is an exported resource and that the type mentioned
/// in a function type is actually named `foo`.
/// Note that imports/exports have disjoint contexts to ensure that they're
/// validated correctly. Namely you can't retroactively attach methods to an
/// import, for example.
toplevel_exported_resources: ComponentNameContext,
/// Same as `toplevel_exported_resources`, but for imports.
toplevel_imported_resources: ComponentNameContext,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ComponentKind {
/// Helper context used to track information about resource names for method
/// name validation.
struct ComponentNameContext {
/// A map from a resource type id to an index in the `all_resource_names`
/// set for the name of that resource.
resource_name_map: Map<AliasableResourceId, usize>,
/// All known resource names in this context, used to validate static method
/// names to by ensuring that static methods' resource names are somewhere
/// in this set.
all_resource_names: IndexSet<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum ExternKind {
impl ExternKind {
pub fn desc(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
ExternKind::Import => "import",
ExternKind::Export => "export",
impl ComponentState {
pub fn new(kind: ComponentKind) -> Self {
Self {
core_types: Default::default(),
core_modules: Default::default(),
core_instances: Default::default(),
core_funcs: Default::default(),
core_memories: Default::default(),
core_tables: Default::default(),
core_globals: Default::default(),
core_tags: Default::default(),
types: Default::default(),
funcs: Default::default(),
values: Default::default(),
instances: Default::default(),
components: Default::default(),
imports: Default::default(),
exports: Default::default(),
import_names: Default::default(),
export_names: Default::default(),
has_start: Default::default(),
type_info: TypeInfo::new(),
imported_resources: Default::default(),
defined_resources: Default::default(),
explicit_resources: Default::default(),
exported_types: Default::default(),
imported_types: Default::default(),
toplevel_exported_resources: Default::default(),
toplevel_imported_resources: Default::default(),
pub fn type_count(&self) -> usize {
self.core_types.len() + self.types.len()
pub fn instance_count(&self) -> usize {
self.core_instances.len() + self.instances.len()
pub fn function_count(&self) -> usize {
self.core_funcs.len() + self.funcs.len()
pub fn add_core_type(
components: &mut [Self],
ty: crate::CoreType,
features: &WasmFeatures,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
check_limit: bool,
) -> Result<()> {
let current = components.last_mut().unwrap();
if check_limit {
check_max(current.type_count(), 1, MAX_WASM_TYPES, "types", offset)?;
match ty {
crate::CoreType::Rec(rec) => {
current.canonicalize_and_intern_rec_group(features, types, rec, offset)?;
crate::CoreType::Module(decls) => {
let mod_ty = Self::create_module_type(
let id = ComponentCoreTypeId::Module(types.push_ty(mod_ty));
pub fn add_core_module(
&mut self,
module: &Module,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let imports = module.imports_for_module_type(offset)?;
// We have to clone the module's imports and exports here
// because we cannot take the data out of the `MaybeOwned`
// as it might be shared with a function validator.
let mod_ty = ModuleType {
info: TypeInfo::core(module.type_size),
exports: module.exports.clone(),
let mod_id = types.push_ty(mod_ty);
pub fn add_core_instance(
&mut self,
instance: crate::Instance,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let instance = match instance {
crate::Instance::Instantiate { module_index, args } => {
self.instantiate_core_module(module_index, args.into_vec(), types, offset)?
crate::Instance::FromExports(exports) => {
self.instantiate_core_exports(exports.into_vec(), types, offset)?
pub fn add_type(
components: &mut Vec<Self>,
ty: crate::ComponentType,
features: &WasmFeatures,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
check_limit: bool,
) -> Result<()> {
fn current(components: &mut Vec<ComponentState>) -> &mut ComponentState {
let id = match ty {
crate::ComponentType::Defined(ty) => {
let ty = current(components).create_defined_type(ty, types, features, offset)?;
crate::ComponentType::Func(ty) => {
let ty = current(components).create_function_type(ty, types, features, offset)?;
crate::ComponentType::Component(decls) => {
let ty = Self::create_component_type(
crate::ComponentType::Instance(decls) => {
let ty = Self::create_instance_type(
crate::ComponentType::Resource { rep, dtor } => {
let component = current(components);
// Resource types cannot be declared in a type context, only
// within a component context.
if component.kind != ComponentKind::Component {
"resources can only be defined within a concrete component"
// Current MVP restriction of the component model.
if rep != ValType::I32 {
bail!(offset, "resources can only be represented by `i32`");
// If specified validate that the destructor is both a valid
// function and has the correct signature.
if let Some(dtor) = dtor {
let ty = component.core_function_at(dtor, offset)?;
let ty = types[ty].composite_type.unwrap_func();
if ty.params() != [rep] || ty.results() != [] {
"core function {dtor} has wrong signature for a destructor"
// As this is the introduction of a resource create a fresh new
// identifier for the resource. This is then added into the
// list of defined resources for this component, notably with a
// rep listed to enable getting access to various intrinsics
// such as `resource.rep`.
let id = types.alloc_resource_id();
component.defined_resources.insert(id.resource(), Some(rep));
let current = current(components);
if check_limit {
check_max(current.type_count(), 1, MAX_WASM_TYPES, "types", offset)?;
pub fn add_import(
&mut self,
import: crate::ComponentImport,
features: &WasmFeatures,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut entity = self.check_type_ref(&import.ty, features, types, offset)?;
&mut entity,
Some((, ExternKind::Import)),
&mut self.import_names,
&mut self.imports,
&mut self.type_info,
fn add_entity(
&mut self,
ty: &mut ComponentEntityType,
name_and_kind: Option<(&str, ExternKind)>,
features: &WasmFeatures,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let kind =|(_, k)| k);
let (len, max, desc) = match ty {
ComponentEntityType::Module(id) => {
(self.core_modules.len(), MAX_WASM_MODULES, "modules")
ComponentEntityType::Component(id) => {
(self.components.len(), MAX_WASM_COMPONENTS, "components")
ComponentEntityType::Instance(id) => {
match kind {
Some(ExternKind::Import) => self.prepare_instance_import(id, types),
Some(ExternKind::Export) => self.prepare_instance_export(id, types),
None => {}
(self.instance_count(), MAX_WASM_INSTANCES, "instances")
ComponentEntityType::Func(id) => {
(self.function_count(), MAX_WASM_FUNCTIONS, "functions")
ComponentEntityType::Value(ty) => {
self.check_value_support(features, offset)?;
let value_used = match kind {
Some(ExternKind::Import) | None => false,
Some(ExternKind::Export) => true,
self.values.push((*ty, value_used));
(self.values.len(), MAX_WASM_VALUES, "values")
ComponentEntityType::Type {
} => {
// Extra logic here for resources being imported and exported.
// Note that if `created` is the same as `referenced` then this
// is the original introduction of the resource which is where
// `self.{imported,defined}_resources` are updated.
if let ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(id) = *created {
match kind {
Some(ExternKind::Import) => {
// A fresh new resource is being imported into a
// component. This arises from the import section of
// a component or from the import declaration in a
// component type. In both cases a new imported
// resource is injected with a fresh new identifier
// into our state.
if created == referenced {
.insert(id.resource(), vec![self.imports.len()]);
Some(ExternKind::Export) => {
// A fresh resource is being exported from this
// component. This arises as part of the
// declaration of a component type, for example. In
// this situation brand new resource identifier is
// allocated and a definition is added, unlike the
// import case where an imported resource is added.
// Notably the representation of this new resource
// is unknown so it's listed as `None`.
if created == referenced {
self.defined_resources.insert(id.resource(), None);
// If this is a type export of a resource type then
// update the `explicit_resources` list. A new
// export path is about to be created for this
// resource and this keeps track of that.
.insert(id.resource(), vec![self.exports.len()]);
None => {}
(self.types.len(), MAX_WASM_TYPES, "types")
check_max(len, 0, max, desc, offset)?;
// Before returning perform the final validation of the type of the item
// being imported/exported. This will ensure that everything is
// appropriately named with respect to type definitions, resources, etc.
if let Some((name, kind)) = name_and_kind {
if !self.validate_and_register_named_types(Some(name), kind, ty, types) {
"{} not valid to be used as {}",
/// Validates that the `ty` referenced only refers to named types internally
/// and then inserts anything necessary, if applicable, to the defined sets
/// within this component.
/// This function will validate that `ty` only refers to named types. For
/// example if it's a record then all of its fields must refer to named
/// types. This consults either `self.imported_types` or
/// `self.exported_types` as specified by `kind`. Note that this is not
/// inherently recursive itself but it ends up being recursive since if
/// recursive members were named then all their components must also be
/// named. Consequently this check stops at the "one layer deep" position,
/// or more accurately the position where types must be named (e.g. tuples
/// aren't required to be named).
fn validate_and_register_named_types(
&mut self,
toplevel_name: Option<&str>,
kind: ExternKind,
ty: &ComponentEntityType,
types: &TypeAlloc,
) -> bool {
if let ComponentEntityType::Type { created, .. } = ty {
// If this is a top-level resource then register it in the
// appropriate context so later validation of method-like-names
// works out.
if let Some(name) = toplevel_name {
if let ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(id) = *created {
let cx = match kind {
ExternKind::Import => &mut self.toplevel_imported_resources,
ExternKind::Export => &mut self.toplevel_exported_resources,
cx.register(name, id);
match self.kind {
ComponentKind::Component | ComponentKind::ComponentType => {}
ComponentKind::InstanceType => return true,
let set = match kind {
ExternKind::Import => &self.imported_types,
ExternKind::Export => &self.exported_types,
match ty {
// When a type is imported or exported than any recursive type
// referred to by that import/export must additionally be exported
// or imported. Here this walks the "first layer" of the type which
// delegates to `TypeAlloc::type_named_type_id` to determine whether
// the components of the type being named here are indeed all they
// themselves named.
ComponentEntityType::Type {
} => {
if !self.all_valtypes_named(types, *referenced, set) {
return false;
match kind {
// Imported types are both valid for import and valid for
// export.
ExternKind::Import => {
ExternKind::Export => {
// Instances are slightly nuanced here. The general idea is that if
// an instance is imported, then any type exported by the instance
// is then also exported. Additionally for exports. To get this to
// work out this arm will recursively call
// `validate_and_register_named_types` which means that types are
// inserted into `self.{imported,exported}_types` as-we-go rather
// than all at once.
// This then recursively validates that all items in the instance
// itself are valid to import/export, recursive instances are
// captured, and everything is appropriately added to the right
// imported/exported set.
ComponentEntityType::Instance(i) => types[*i]
.all(|(_name, ty)| self.validate_and_register_named_types(None, kind, ty, types)),
// All types referred to by a function must be named.
ComponentEntityType::Func(id) => self.all_valtypes_named_in_func(types, *id, set),
ComponentEntityType::Value(ty) => types.type_named_valtype(ty, set),
// Components/modules are always "closed" or "standalone" and don't
// need validation with respect to their named types.
ComponentEntityType::Component(_) | ComponentEntityType::Module(_) => true,
fn all_valtypes_named(
types: &TypeAlloc,
id: ComponentAnyTypeId,
set: &Set<ComponentAnyTypeId>,
) -> bool {
match id {
// Resource types, in isolation, are always valid to import or
// export since they're either attached to an import or being
// exported.
// Note that further validation of this happens in `finish`, too.
ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(_) => true,
// Component types are validated as they are constructed,
// so all component types are valid to export if they've
// already been constructed.
ComponentAnyTypeId::Component(_) => true,
ComponentAnyTypeId::Defined(id) => self.all_valtypes_named_in_defined(types, id, set),
ComponentAnyTypeId::Func(id) => self.all_valtypes_named_in_func(types, id, set),
ComponentAnyTypeId::Instance(id) => self.all_valtypes_named_in_instance(types, id, set),
fn all_valtypes_named_in_instance(
types: &TypeAlloc,
id: ComponentInstanceTypeId,
set: &Set<ComponentAnyTypeId>,
) -> bool {
// Instances must recursively have all referenced types named.
let ty = &types[id];
ty.exports.values().all(|ty| match ty {
ComponentEntityType::Module(_) => true,
ComponentEntityType::Func(id) => self.all_valtypes_named_in_func(types, *id, set),
ComponentEntityType::Type { created: id, .. } => {
self.all_valtypes_named(types, *id, set)
ComponentEntityType::Value(ComponentValType::Type(id)) => {
self.all_valtypes_named_in_defined(types, *id, set)
ComponentEntityType::Instance(id) => {
self.all_valtypes_named_in_instance(types, *id, set)
| ComponentEntityType::Value(ComponentValType::Primitive(_)) => return true,
fn all_valtypes_named_in_defined(
types: &TypeAlloc,
id: ComponentDefinedTypeId,
set: &Set<ComponentAnyTypeId>,
) -> bool {
let ty = &types[id];
match ty {
// These types do not contain anything which must be
// named.
| ComponentDefinedType::Flags(_)
| ComponentDefinedType::Enum(_) => true,
// Referenced types of all these aggregates must all be
// named.
ComponentDefinedType::Record(r) => {
r.fields.values().all(|t| types.type_named_valtype(t, set))
ComponentDefinedType::Tuple(r) => {
r.types.iter().all(|t| types.type_named_valtype(t, set))
ComponentDefinedType::Variant(r) => r
.filter_map(|t| t.ty.as_ref())
.all(|t| types.type_named_valtype(t, set)),
ComponentDefinedType::Result { ok, err } => {
.map(|t| types.type_named_valtype(t, set))
&& err
.map(|t| types.type_named_valtype(t, set))
ComponentDefinedType::List(ty) | ComponentDefinedType::Option(ty) => {
types.type_named_valtype(ty, set)
// The resource referred to by own/borrow must be named.
ComponentDefinedType::Own(id) | ComponentDefinedType::Borrow(id) => {
fn all_valtypes_named_in_func(
types: &TypeAlloc,
id: ComponentFuncTypeId,
set: &Set<ComponentAnyTypeId>,
) -> bool {
let ty = &types[id];
// Function types must have all their parameters/results named.
.map(|(_, ty)| ty)
.chain(ty.results.iter().map(|(_, ty)| ty))
.all(|ty| types.type_named_valtype(ty, set))
/// Updates the type `id` specified, an identifier for a component instance
/// type, to be imported into this component.
/// Importing an instance type into a component specially handles the
/// defined resources registered in the instance type. Notably all
/// defined resources are "freshened" into brand new type variables and
/// these new variables are substituted within the type. This is what
/// creates a new `TypeId` and may update the `id` specified.
/// One side effect of this operation, for example, is that if an instance
/// type is used twice to import two different instances then the instances
/// do not share resource types despite sharing the same original instance
/// type.
fn prepare_instance_import(&mut self, id: &mut ComponentInstanceTypeId, types: &mut TypeAlloc) {
let ty = &types[*id];
// No special treatment for imports of instances which themselves have
// no defined resources
if ty.defined_resources.is_empty() {
let mut new_ty = ComponentInstanceType {
// Copied from the input verbatim
// Copied over as temporary storage for now, and both of these are
// filled out and expanded below.
exports: ty.exports.clone(),
explicit_resources: ty.explicit_resources.clone(),
// Explicitly discard this field since the
// defined resources are lifted into `self`
defined_resources: Default::default(),
// Create brand new resources for all defined ones in the instance.
let resources = (0..ty.defined_resources.len())
.map(|_| types.alloc_resource_id())
// Build a map from the defined resources in `ty` to those in `new_ty`.
// As part of this same loop the new resources, which were previously
// defined in `ty`, now become imported variables in `self`. Their
// path for where they're imported is updated as well with
// `self.next_import_index` as the import-to-be soon.
let mut mapping = Remapping::default();
let ty = &types[*id];
for (old, new) in ty.defined_resources.iter().zip(&resources) {
let prev = mapping.resources.insert(*old, new.resource());
let mut base = vec![self.imports.len()];
self.imported_resources.insert(new.resource(), base);
// Using the old-to-new resource mapping perform a substitution on
// the `exports` and `explicit_resources` fields of `new_ty`
for ty in new_ty.exports.values_mut() {
types.remap_component_entity(ty, &mut mapping);
for (id, path) in mem::take(&mut new_ty.explicit_resources) {
let id = *mapping.resources.get(&id).unwrap_or(&id);
new_ty.explicit_resources.insert(id, path);
// Now that `new_ty` is complete finish its registration and then
// update `id` on the way out.
*id = types.push_ty(new_ty);
/// Prepares an instance type, pointed to `id`, for being exported as a
/// concrete instance from `self`.
/// This will internally perform any resource "freshening" as required and
/// then additionally update metadata within `self` about resources being
/// exported or defined.
fn prepare_instance_export(&mut self, id: &mut ComponentInstanceTypeId, types: &mut TypeAlloc) {
// Exports of an instance mean that the enclosing context
// is inheriting the resources that the instance
// encapsulates. This means that the instance type
// recorded for this export will itself have no
// defined resources.
let ty = &types[*id];
// Check to see if `defined_resources` is non-empty, and if so then
// "freshen" all the resources and inherit them to our own defined
// resources, updating `id` in the process.
// Note though that this specifically is not rewriting the resources of
// exported instances. The `defined_resources` set on instance types is
// a little subtle (see its documentation for more info), but the
// general idea is that for a concrete instance it's always empty. Only
// for instance type definitions does it ever have elements in it.
// That means that if this set is non-empty then what's happening is
// that we're in a type context an exporting an instance of a previously
// specified type. In this case all resources are required to be
// "freshened" to ensure that multiple exports of the same type all
// export different types of resources.
// And finally note that this operation empties out the
// `defined_resources` set of the type that is registered for the
// instance, as this export is modeled as producing a concrete instance.
if !ty.defined_resources.is_empty() {
let mut new_ty = ty.clone();
let mut mapping = Remapping::default();
for old in mem::take(&mut new_ty.defined_resources) {
let new = types.alloc_resource_id();
mapping.resources.insert(old, new.resource());
self.defined_resources.insert(new.resource(), None);
for ty in new_ty.exports.values_mut() {
types.remap_component_entity(ty, &mut mapping);
for (id, path) in mem::take(&mut new_ty.explicit_resources) {
let id = mapping.resources.get(&id).copied().unwrap_or(id);
new_ty.explicit_resources.insert(id, path);
*id = types.push_ty(new_ty);
// Any explicit resources in the instance are now additionally explicit
// in this component since it's exported.
// The path to each explicit resources gets one element prepended which
// is `self.next_export_index`, the index of the export about to be
// generated.
let ty = &types[*id];
for (id, path) in ty.explicit_resources.iter() {
let mut new_path = vec![self.exports.len()];
self.explicit_resources.insert(*id, new_path);
pub fn add_export(
&mut self,
name: ComponentExportName<'_>,
mut ty: ComponentEntityType,
features: &WasmFeatures,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
check_limit: bool,
) -> Result<()> {
if check_limit {
check_max(self.exports.len(), 1, MAX_WASM_EXPORTS, "exports", offset)?;
&mut ty,
Some((name.0, ExternKind::Export)),
&mut self.export_names,
&mut self.exports,
&mut self.type_info,
pub fn lift_function(
&mut self,
core_func_index: u32,
type_index: u32,
options: Vec<CanonicalOption>,
types: &TypeList,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let ty = self.function_type_at(type_index, types, offset)?;
let core_ty = types[self.core_function_at(core_func_index, offset)?].unwrap_func();
// Lifting a function is for an export, so match the expected canonical ABI
// export signature
let info = ty.lower(types, false);
self.check_options(Some(core_ty), &info, &options, types, offset)?;
if core_ty.params() != info.params.as_slice() {
"lowered parameter types `{:?}` do not match parameter types \
`{:?}` of core function {core_func_index}",
if core_ty.results() != info.results.as_slice() {
"lowered result types `{:?}` do not match result types \
`{:?}` of core function {core_func_index}",
.push(self.types[type_index as usize].unwrap_func());
pub fn lower_function(
&mut self,
func_index: u32,
options: Vec<CanonicalOption>,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let ty = &types[self.function_at(func_index, offset)?];
// Lowering a function is for an import, so use a function type that matches
// the expected canonical ABI import signature.
let info = ty.lower(types, true);
self.check_options(None, &info, &options, types, offset)?;
let lowered_ty = SubType::func(info.into_func_type(), false);
let id = types.intern_sub_type(lowered_ty, offset);
pub fn resource_new(
&mut self,
resource: u32,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let rep = self.check_local_resource(resource, types, offset)?;
let func_ty = FuncType::new([rep], [ValType::I32]);
let core_ty = SubType::func(func_ty, false);
let id = types.intern_sub_type(core_ty, offset);
pub fn resource_drop(
&mut self,
resource: u32,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
self.resource_at(resource, types, offset)?;
let func_ty = FuncType::new([ValType::I32], []);
let core_ty = SubType::func(func_ty, false);
let id = types.intern_sub_type(core_ty, offset);
pub fn resource_rep(
&mut self,
resource: u32,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let rep = self.check_local_resource(resource, types, offset)?;
let func_ty = FuncType::new([ValType::I32], [rep]);
let core_ty = SubType::func(func_ty, false);
let id = types.intern_sub_type(core_ty, offset);
fn check_local_resource(&self, idx: u32, types: &TypeList, offset: usize) -> Result<ValType> {
let resource = self.resource_at(idx, types, offset)?;
match self
.and_then(|rep| *rep)
Some(ty) => Ok(ty),
None => bail!(offset, "type {idx} is not a local resource"),
fn resource_at<'a>(
idx: u32,
_types: &'a TypeList,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<AliasableResourceId> {
if let ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(id) = self.component_type_at(idx, offset)? {
return Ok(id);
bail!(offset, "type index {} is not a resource type", idx)
pub fn thread_spawn(
&mut self,
func_ty_index: u32,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
features: &WasmFeatures,
) -> Result<()> {
if !features.shared_everything_threads() {
"`thread.spawn` requires the shared-everything-threads proposal"
// Validate the type accepted by `thread.spawn`.
let core_type_id = match self.core_type_at(func_ty_index, offset)? {
ComponentCoreTypeId::Sub(c) => c,
ComponentCoreTypeId::Module(_) => bail!(offset, "expected a core function type"),
let sub_ty = &types[core_type_id];
if !sub_ty.composite_type.shared {
bail!(offset, "spawn type must be shared");
match &sub_ty.composite_type.inner {
CompositeInnerType::Func(func_ty) => {
if func_ty.params() != [ValType::I32] {
"spawn function must take a single `i32` argument (currently)"
if func_ty.results() != [] {
bail!(offset, "spawn function must not return any values");
_ => bail!(offset, "spawn type must be a function"),
// Insert the core function.
let packed_index = PackedIndex::from_id(core_type_id).ok_or_else(|| {
format_err!(offset, "implementation limit: too many types in `TypeList`")
let start_func_ref = RefType::concrete(true, packed_index);
let func_ty = FuncType::new([ValType::Ref(start_func_ref), ValType::I32], [ValType::I32]);
let core_ty = SubType::func(func_ty, true);
let id = types.intern_sub_type(core_ty, offset);
pub fn thread_hw_concurrency(
&mut self,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
features: &WasmFeatures,
) -> Result<()> {
if !features.shared_everything_threads() {
"`thread.hw_concurrency` requires the shared-everything-threads proposal"
let func_ty = FuncType::new([], [ValType::I32]);
let core_ty = SubType::func(func_ty, true);
let id = types.intern_sub_type(core_ty, offset);
pub fn add_component(&mut self, component: ComponentType, types: &mut TypeAlloc) -> Result<()> {
let id = types.push_ty(component);
pub fn add_instance(
&mut self,
instance: crate::ComponentInstance,
features: &WasmFeatures,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let instance = match instance {
crate::ComponentInstance::Instantiate {
} => self.instantiate_component(
crate::ComponentInstance::FromExports(exports) => {
self.instantiate_component_exports(exports.into_vec(), features, types, offset)?
pub fn add_alias(
components: &mut [Self],
alias: crate::ComponentAlias,
features: &WasmFeatures,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
match alias {
crate::ComponentAlias::InstanceExport {
} => components.last_mut().unwrap().alias_instance_export(
crate::ComponentAlias::CoreInstanceExport {
} => components.last_mut().unwrap().alias_core_instance_export(
crate::ComponentAlias::Outer { kind, count, index } => match kind {
ComponentOuterAliasKind::CoreModule => {
Self::alias_module(components, count, index, offset)
ComponentOuterAliasKind::CoreType => {
Self::alias_core_type(components, count, index, offset)
ComponentOuterAliasKind::Type => {
Self::alias_type(components, count, index, types, offset)
ComponentOuterAliasKind::Component => {
Self::alias_component(components, count, index, offset)
pub fn add_start(
&mut self,
func_index: u32,
args: &[u32],
results: u32,
features: &WasmFeatures,
types: &mut TypeList,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
if !features.component_model_values() {
"support for component model `value`s is not enabled"
if self.has_start {
return Err(BinaryReaderError::new(
"component cannot have more than one start function",
let ft = &types[self.function_at(func_index, offset)?];
if ft.params.len() != args.len() {
"component start function requires {} arguments but was given {}",
if ft.results.len() as u32 != results {
"component start function has a result count of {results} \
but the function type has a result count of {type_results}",
type_results = ft.results.len(),
let cx = SubtypeCx::new(types, types);
for (i, ((_, ty), arg)) in ft.params.iter().zip(args).enumerate() {
// Ensure the value's type is a subtype of the parameter type
cx.component_val_type(self.value_at(*arg, offset)?, ty, offset)
.with_context(|| {
format!("value type mismatch for component start function argument {i}")
for (_, ty) in ft.results.iter() {
self.values.push((*ty, false));
self.has_start = true;
fn check_options(
core_ty: Option<&FuncType>,
info: &LoweringInfo,
options: &[CanonicalOption],
types: &TypeList,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
fn display(option: CanonicalOption) -> &'static str {
match option {
CanonicalOption::UTF8 => "utf8",
CanonicalOption::UTF16 => "utf16",
CanonicalOption::CompactUTF16 => "latin1-utf16",
CanonicalOption::Memory(_) => "memory",
CanonicalOption::Realloc(_) => "realloc",
CanonicalOption::PostReturn(_) => "post-return",
let mut encoding = None;
let mut memory = None;
let mut realloc = None;
let mut post_return = None;
for option in options {
match option {
CanonicalOption::UTF8 | CanonicalOption::UTF16 | CanonicalOption::CompactUTF16 => {
match encoding {
Some(existing) => {
"canonical encoding option `{}` conflicts with option `{}`",
None => encoding = Some(*option),
CanonicalOption::Memory(idx) => {
memory = match memory {
None => {
self.memory_at(*idx, offset)?;
Some(_) => {
return Err(BinaryReaderError::new(
"canonical option `memory` is specified more than once",
CanonicalOption::Realloc(idx) => {
realloc = match realloc {
None => {
let ty = types[self.core_function_at(*idx, offset)?].unwrap_func();
if ty.params()
!= [ValType::I32, ValType::I32, ValType::I32, ValType::I32]
|| ty.results() != [ValType::I32]
return Err(BinaryReaderError::new(
"canonical option `realloc` uses a core function with an incorrect signature",
Some(_) => {
return Err(BinaryReaderError::new(
"canonical option `realloc` is specified more than once",
CanonicalOption::PostReturn(idx) => {
post_return = match post_return {
None => {
let core_ty = core_ty.ok_or_else(|| {
"canonical option `post-return` cannot be specified for lowerings",
let ty = types[self.core_function_at(*idx, offset)?].unwrap_func();
if ty.params() != core_ty.results() || !ty.results().is_empty() {
return Err(BinaryReaderError::new(
"canonical option `post-return` uses a core function with an incorrect signature",
Some(_) => {
return Err(BinaryReaderError::new(
"canonical option `post-return` is specified more than once",
if info.requires_memory && memory.is_none() {
return Err(BinaryReaderError::new(
"canonical option `memory` is required",
if info.requires_realloc && realloc.is_none() {
return Err(BinaryReaderError::new(
"canonical option `realloc` is required",
fn check_type_ref(
&mut self,
ty: &ComponentTypeRef,
features: &WasmFeatures,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<ComponentEntityType> {
Ok(match ty {
ComponentTypeRef::Module(index) => {
let id = self.core_type_at(*index, offset)?;
match id {
ComponentCoreTypeId::Sub(_) => {
bail!(offset, "core type index {index} is not a module type")
ComponentCoreTypeId::Module(id) => ComponentEntityType::Module(id),
ComponentTypeRef::Func(index) => {
let id = self.component_type_at(*index, offset)?;
match id {
ComponentAnyTypeId::Func(id) => ComponentEntityType::Func(id),
_ => bail!(offset, "type index {index} is not a function type"),
ComponentTypeRef::Value(ty) => {
self.check_value_support(features, offset)?;
let ty = match ty {
crate::ComponentValType::Primitive(ty) => ComponentValType::Primitive(*ty),
crate::ComponentValType::Type(index) => {
ComponentValType::Type(self.defined_type_at(*index, offset)?)
ComponentTypeRef::Type(TypeBounds::Eq(index)) => {
let referenced = self.component_type_at(*index, offset)?;
let created = types.with_unique(referenced);
ComponentEntityType::Type {
ComponentTypeRef::Type(TypeBounds::SubResource) => {
let id = types.alloc_resource_id();
ComponentEntityType::Type {
referenced: id.into(),
created: id.into(),
ComponentTypeRef::Instance(index) => {
let id = self.component_type_at(*index, offset)?;
match id {
ComponentAnyTypeId::Instance(id) => ComponentEntityType::Instance(id),
_ => bail!(offset, "type index {index} is not an instance type"),
ComponentTypeRef::Component(index) => {
let id = self.component_type_at(*index, offset)?;
match id {
ComponentAnyTypeId::Component(id) => ComponentEntityType::Component(id),
_ => bail!(offset, "type index {index} is not a component type"),
pub fn export_to_entity_type(
&mut self,
export: &crate::ComponentExport,
features: &WasmFeatures,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<ComponentEntityType> {
let actual = match export.kind {
ComponentExternalKind::Module => {
ComponentEntityType::Module(self.module_at(export.index, offset)?)
ComponentExternalKind::Func => {
ComponentEntityType::Func(self.function_at(export.index, offset)?)
ComponentExternalKind::Value => {
self.check_value_support(features, offset)?;
ComponentEntityType::Value(*self.value_at(export.index, offset)?)
ComponentExternalKind::Type => {
let referenced = self.component_type_at(export.index, offset)?;
let created = types.with_unique(referenced);
ComponentEntityType::Type {
ComponentExternalKind::Instance => {
ComponentEntityType::Instance(self.instance_at(export.index, offset)?)
ComponentExternalKind::Component => {
ComponentEntityType::Component(self.component_at(export.index, offset)?)
let ascribed = match &export.ty {
Some(ty) => self.check_type_ref(ty, features, types, offset)?,
None => return Ok(actual),
SubtypeCx::new(types, types)
.component_entity_type(&actual, &ascribed, offset)
.with_context(|| "ascribed type of export is not compatible with item's type")?;
fn create_module_type(
components: &[Self],
decls: Vec<crate::ModuleTypeDeclaration>,
features: &WasmFeatures,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<ModuleType> {
let mut state = Module::default();
for decl in decls {
match decl {
crate::ModuleTypeDeclaration::Type(rec) => {
state.add_types(rec, features, types, offset, true)?;
crate::ModuleTypeDeclaration::Export { name, mut ty } => {
let ty = state.check_type_ref(&mut ty, features, types, offset)?;
state.add_export(name, ty, features, offset, true, types)?;
crate::ModuleTypeDeclaration::OuterAlias { kind, count, index } => {
match kind {
crate::OuterAliasKind::Type => {
let ty = if count == 0 {
// Local alias, check the local module state
ComponentCoreTypeId::Sub(state.type_id_at(index, offset)?)
} else {
// Otherwise, check the enclosing component state
let component =
Self::check_alias_count(components, count - 1, offset)?;
component.core_type_at(index, offset)?
check_max(state.types.len(), 1, MAX_WASM_TYPES, "types", offset)?;
match ty {
ComponentCoreTypeId::Sub(ty) => state.types.push(ty),
ComponentCoreTypeId::Module(_) => bail!(
"not implemented: aliasing core module types into a core \
module's types index space"
crate::ModuleTypeDeclaration::Import(import) => {
state.add_import(import, features, types, offset)?;
let imports = state.imports_for_module_type(offset)?;
Ok(ModuleType {
info: TypeInfo::core(state.type_size),
exports: state.exports,
fn create_component_type(
components: &mut Vec<Self>,
decls: Vec<crate::ComponentTypeDeclaration>,
features: &WasmFeatures,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<ComponentType> {
for decl in decls {
match decl {
crate::ComponentTypeDeclaration::CoreType(ty) => {
Self::add_core_type(components, ty, features, types, offset, true)?;
crate::ComponentTypeDeclaration::Type(ty) => {
Self::add_type(components, ty, features, types, offset, true)?;
crate::ComponentTypeDeclaration::Export { name, ty } => {
let current = components.last_mut().unwrap();
let ty = current.check_type_ref(&ty, features, types, offset)?;
current.add_export(name, ty, features, types, offset, true)?;
crate::ComponentTypeDeclaration::Import(import) => {
.add_import(import, features, types, offset)?;
crate::ComponentTypeDeclaration::Alias(alias) => {
Self::add_alias(components, alias, features, types, offset)?;
components.pop().unwrap().finish(types, offset)
fn create_instance_type(
components: &mut Vec<Self>,
decls: Vec<crate::InstanceTypeDeclaration>,
features: &WasmFeatures,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<ComponentInstanceType> {
for decl in decls {
match decl {
crate::InstanceTypeDeclaration::CoreType(ty) => {
Self::add_core_type(components, ty, features, types, offset, true)?;
crate::InstanceTypeDeclaration::Type(ty) => {
Self::add_type(components, ty, features, types, offset, true)?;
crate::InstanceTypeDeclaration::Export { name, ty } => {
let current = components.last_mut().unwrap();
let ty = current.check_type_ref(&ty, features, types, offset)?;
current.add_export(name, ty, features, types, offset, true)?;
crate::InstanceTypeDeclaration::Alias(alias) => {
Self::add_alias(components, alias, features, types, offset)?;
let mut state = components.pop().unwrap();
Ok(ComponentInstanceType {
info: state.type_info,
// The defined resources for this instance type are those listed on
// the component state. The path to each defined resource is
// guaranteed to live within the `explicit_resources` map since,
// when in the type context, the introduction of any defined
// resource must have been done with `(export "x" (type (sub
// resource)))` which, in a sense, "fuses" the introduction of the
// variable with the export. This means that all defined resources,
// if any, should be guaranteed to have an `explicit_resources` path
// listed.
defined_resources: mem::take(&mut state.defined_resources)
.map(|(id, rep)| {
// The map of what resources are explicitly exported and where
// they're exported is plumbed through as-is.
explicit_resources: mem::take(&mut state.explicit_resources),
exports: mem::take(&mut state.exports),
fn create_function_type(
ty: crate::ComponentFuncType,
types: &TypeList,
features: &WasmFeatures,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<ComponentFuncType> {
let mut info = TypeInfo::new();
if ty.results.type_count() > 1 && !features.component_model_multiple_returns() {
"multiple returns on a function is now a gated feature \
let mut set = Set::default();
#[cfg(not(feature = "no-hash-maps"))] // TODO: remove when unified map type is available
set.reserve(core::cmp::max(ty.params.len(), ty.results.type_count()));
let params = ty
.map(|(name, ty)| {
let name: &KebabStr = to_kebab_str(name, "function parameter", offset)?;
if !set.insert(name) {
"function parameter name `{name}` conflicts with previous parameter name `{prev}`",
prev = set.get(&name).unwrap(),
let ty = self.create_component_val_type(*ty, offset)?;
info.combine(, offset)?;
Ok((name.to_owned(), ty))
let results = ty
.map(|(name, ty)| {
let name = name
.map(|name| {
let name = to_kebab_str(name, "function result", offset)?;
if !set.insert(name) {
"function result name `{name}` conflicts with previous result name `{prev}`",
prev = set.get(name).unwrap(),
let ty = self.create_component_val_type(*ty, offset)?;
let ty_info =;
if ty_info.contains_borrow() {
bail!(offset, "function result cannot contain a `borrow` type");
info.combine(, offset)?;
Ok((name, ty))
Ok(ComponentFuncType {
fn instantiate_core_module(
module_index: u32,
module_args: Vec<crate::InstantiationArg>,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<ComponentCoreInstanceTypeId> {
fn insert_arg<'a>(
name: &'a str,
arg: &'a InstanceType,
args: &mut IndexMap<&'a str, &'a InstanceType>,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
if args.insert(name, arg).is_some() {
"duplicate module instantiation argument named `{name}`"
let module_type_id = self.module_at(module_index, offset)?;
let mut args = IndexMap::default();
// Populate the arguments
for module_arg in module_args {
match module_arg.kind {
InstantiationArgKind::Instance => {
let instance_type = &types[self.core_instance_at(module_arg.index, offset)?];
insert_arg(, instance_type, &mut args, offset)?;
// Validate the arguments
let module_type = &types[module_type_id];
let cx = SubtypeCx::new(types, types);
for ((module, name), expected) in module_type.imports.iter() {
let instance = args.get(module.as_str()).ok_or_else(|| {
"missing module instantiation argument named `{module}`"
let arg = instance
.ok_or_else(|| {
"module instantiation argument `{module}` does not \
export an item named `{name}`",
cx.entity_type(arg, expected, offset).with_context(|| {
"type mismatch for export `{name}` of module \
instantiation argument `{module}`"
let mut info = TypeInfo::new();
for (_, ty) in module_type.exports.iter() {
info.combine(, offset)?;
Ok(types.push_ty(InstanceType {
kind: CoreInstanceTypeKind::Instantiated(module_type_id),
fn instantiate_component(
&mut self,
component_index: u32,
component_args: Vec<crate::ComponentInstantiationArg>,
features: &WasmFeatures,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<ComponentInstanceTypeId> {
let component_type_id = self.component_at(component_index, offset)?;
let mut args = IndexMap::default();
// Populate the arguments
for component_arg in component_args {
let ty = match component_arg.kind {
ComponentExternalKind::Module => {
ComponentEntityType::Module(self.module_at(component_arg.index, offset)?)
ComponentExternalKind::Component => {
ComponentEntityType::Component(self.component_at(component_arg.index, offset)?)
ComponentExternalKind::Instance => {
ComponentEntityType::Instance(self.instance_at(component_arg.index, offset)?)
ComponentExternalKind::Func => {
ComponentEntityType::Func(self.function_at(component_arg.index, offset)?)
ComponentExternalKind::Value => {
self.check_value_support(features, offset)?;
ComponentEntityType::Value(*self.value_at(component_arg.index, offset)?)
ComponentExternalKind::Type => {
let ty = self.component_type_at(component_arg.index, offset)?;
ComponentEntityType::Type {
referenced: ty,
created: ty,
match args.entry( {
Entry::Occupied(e) => {
"instantiation argument `{name}` conflicts with previous argument `{prev}`",
prev = e.key(),
name =
Entry::Vacant(e) => {
// Here comes the fun part of the component model, we're instantiating
// the component with type `component_type_id` with the `args`
// specified. Easy enough!
// This operation, however, is one of the lynchpins of safety in the
// component model. Additionally what this ends up implementing ranges
// from "well just check the types are equal" to "let's have a
// full-blown ML-style module type system in the component model". There
// are primarily two major tricky pieces to the component model which
// make this operation, instantiating components, hard:
// 1. Components can import and exports other components. This means
// that arguments to instantiation are along the lines of functions
// being passed to functions or similar. Effectively this means that
// the term "variance" comes into play with either contravariance
// or covariance depending on where you are in typechecking. This is
// one of the main rationales, however, that this check below is a
// check for subtyping as opposed to exact type equivalence. For
// example an instance that exports something is a subtype of an
// instance that exports nothing. Components get a bit trick since
// they both have imports and exports. My way of thinking about it
// is "who's asking for what". If you're asking for imports then
// I need to at least supply those imports, but I can possibly
// supply more. If you're asking for a thing which you'll give a set
// of imports, then I can give you something which takes less imports
// because what you give still suffices. (things like that). The
// real complication with components, however, comes with...
// 2. Resources. Resources in the component model are akin to "abstract
// types". They're not abstract in the sense that they have no
// representation, they're always backed by a 32-bit integer right
// now. Instead they're abstract in the sense that some components
// aren't allowed to understand the representation of a resource.
// For example if you import a resource you can't get the underlying
// internals of it. Furthermore the resource is strictly tracked
// within the component with `own` and `borrow` runtime semantics.
// The hardest part about resources, though, is handling them as
// part of instantiation and subtyping.
// For example one major aspect of resources is that if a component
// exports a resource then each instantiation of the component
// produces a fresh resource type. This means that the type recorded
// for the instantiation here can't simply be "I instantiated
// component X" since in such a situation the type of all
// instantiations would be the same, which they aren't.
// This sort of subtelty comes up quite frequently for resources.
// This file contains references to `imported_resources` and
// `defined_resources` for example which refer to the formal
// nature of components and their abstract variables. Specifically
// for instantiation though we're eventually faced with the problem
// of subtype checks where resource subtyping is defined as "does
// your id equal mine". Naively implemented that means anything with
// resources isn't subtypes of anything else since resource ids are
// unique between components. Instead what actually needs to happen
// is types need to be substituted.
// Much of the complexity here is not actually apparent here in this
// literal one function. Instead it's spread out across validation
// in this file and type-checking in the `` module. Note that
// the "spread out" nature isn't because we're bad maintainers
// (hopefully), but rather it's quite infectious how many parts need
// to handle resources and account for defined/imported variables.
// For example only one subtyping method is called here where `args` is
// passed in. This method is quite recursive in its nature though and
// will internally touch all the fields that this file maintains to
// end up putting into various bits and pieces of type information.
// Unfortunately there's probably not really a succinct way to read
// this method and understand everything. If you've written ML module
// type systems this will probably look quite familiar, but otherwise
// the whole system is not really easily approachable at this time. It's
// hoped in the future that there's a formalism to refer to which will
// make things more clear as the code would be able to reference this
// hypothetical formalism. Until that's the case, though, these
// comments are hopefully enough when augmented with communication with
// the authors.
let component_type = &types[component_type_id];
let mut exports = component_type.exports.clone();
let mut info = TypeInfo::new();
for (_, ty) in component_type.exports.iter() {
info.combine(, offset)?;
// Perform the subtype check that `args` matches the imports of
// `component_type_id`. The result of this subtype check is the
// production of a mapping of resource types from the imports to the
// arguments provided. This is a substitution map which is then used
// below to perform a substitution into the exports of the instance
// since the types of the exports are now in terms of whatever was
// supplied as imports.
let mut mapping = SubtypeCx::new(types, types).open_instance_type(
// Part of the instantiation of a component is that all of its
// defined resources become "fresh" on each instantiation. This
// means that each instantiation of a component gets brand new type
// variables representing its defined resources, modeling that each
// instantiation produces distinct types. The freshening is performed
// here by allocating new ids and inserting them into `mapping`.
// Note that technically the `mapping` from subtyping should be applied
// first and then the mapping for freshening should be applied
// afterwards. The keys of the map from subtyping are the imported
// resources from this component which are disjoint from its defined
// resources. That means it should be possible to place everything
// into one large map which maps from:
// * the component's imported resources go to whatever was explicitly
// supplied in the import map
// * the component's defined resources go to fresh new resources
// These two remapping operations can then get folded into one by
// placing everything in the same `mapping` and using that for a remap
// only once.
let fresh_defined_resources = (0..component_type.defined_resources.len())
.map(|_| types.alloc_resource_id().resource())
let component_type = &types[component_type_id];
for ((old, _path), new) in component_type
let prev = mapping.resources.insert(*old, *new);
// Perform the remapping operation over all the exports that will be
// listed for the final instance type. Note that this is performed
// both for all the export types in addition to the explicitly exported
// resources list.
// Note that this is a crucial step of the instantiation process which
// is intentionally transforming the type of a component based on the
// variables provided by imports and additionally ensuring that all
// references to the component's defined resources are rebound to the
// fresh ones introduced just above.
for entity in exports.values_mut() {
types.remap_component_entity(entity, &mut mapping);
let component_type = &types[component_type_id];
let explicit_resources = component_type
.map(|(id, path)| {
.collect::<IndexMap<_, _>>();
// Technically in the last formalism that was consulted in writing this
// implementation there are two further steps that are part of the
// instantiation process:
// 1. The set of defined resources from the instance created, which are
// added to the outer component, is the subset of the instance's
// original defined resources and the free variables of the exports.
// 2. Each element of this subset is required to be "explicit in" the
// instance, or otherwise explicitly exported somewhere within the
// instance.
// With the syntactic structure of the component model, however, neither
// of these conditions should be necessary. The main reason for this is
// that this function is specifically dealing with instantiation of
// components which should already have these properties validated
// about them. Subsequently we shouldn't have to re-check them.
// In debug mode, however, do a sanity check.
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
let mut free = IndexSet::default();
for ty in exports.values() {
types.free_variables_component_entity(ty, &mut free);
for resource in fresh_defined_resources.iter() {
// And as the final step of the instantiation process all of the
// new defined resources from this component instantiation are moved
// onto `self`. Note that concrete instances never have defined
// resources (see more comments in `instantiate_exports`) so the
// `defined_resources` listing in the final type is always empty. This
// represents how by having a concrete instance the definitions
// referred to in that instance are now problems for the outer
// component rather than the inner instance since the instance is bound
// to the component.
// All defined resources here have no known representation, so they're
// all listed with `None`. Also note that none of the resources were
// exported yet so `self.explicit_resources` is not updated yet. If
// this instance is exported, however, it'll consult the type's
// `explicit_resources` array and use that appropriately.
for resource in fresh_defined_resources {
self.defined_resources.insert(resource, None);
Ok(types.push_ty(ComponentInstanceType {
defined_resources: Default::default(),
fn instantiate_component_exports(
&mut self,
exports: Vec<crate::ComponentExport>,
features: &WasmFeatures,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<ComponentInstanceTypeId> {
let mut info = TypeInfo::new();
let mut inst_exports = IndexMap::default();
let mut explicit_resources = IndexMap::default();
let mut export_names = IndexSet::default();
// NB: It's intentional that this context is empty since no indices are
// introduced in the bag-of-exports construct which means there's no
// way syntactically to register something inside of this.
let names = ComponentNameContext::default();
for export in exports {
let ty = match export.kind {
ComponentExternalKind::Module => {
ComponentEntityType::Module(self.module_at(export.index, offset)?)
ComponentExternalKind::Component => {
ComponentEntityType::Component(self.component_at(export.index, offset)?)
ComponentExternalKind::Instance => {
let ty = self.instance_at(export.index, offset)?;
// When an instance is exported from an instance then
// all explicitly exported resources on the sub-instance are
// now also listed as exported resources on the outer
// instance, just with one more element in their path.
|(id, path)| {
let mut new_path = vec![inst_exports.len()];
(*id, new_path)
ComponentExternalKind::Func => {
ComponentEntityType::Func(self.function_at(export.index, offset)?)
ComponentExternalKind::Value => {
self.check_value_support(features, offset)?;
ComponentEntityType::Value(*self.value_at(export.index, offset)?)
ComponentExternalKind::Type => {
let ty = self.component_type_at(export.index, offset)?;
// If this is an export of a resource type be sure to
// record that in the explicit list with the appropriate
// path because if this instance ends up getting used
// it'll count towards the "explicit in" check.
if let ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(id) = ty {
explicit_resources.insert(id.resource(), vec![inst_exports.len()]);
ComponentEntityType::Type {
referenced: ty,
// The created type index here isn't used anywhere
// in index spaces because a "bag of exports"
// doesn't build up its own index spaces. Just fill
// in the same index here in this case as what's
// referenced.
created: ty,
&mut export_names,
&mut inst_exports,
&mut info,
Ok(types.push_ty(ComponentInstanceType {
exports: inst_exports,
// NB: the list of defined resources for this instance itself
// is always empty. Even if this instance exports resources,
// it's empty.
// The reason for this is a bit subtle. The general idea, though, is
// that the defined resources list here is only used for instance
// types that are sort of "floating around" and haven't actually
// been attached to something yet. For example when an instance type
// is simply declared it can have defined resources introduced
// through `(export "name" (type (sub resource)))`. These
// definitions, however, are local to the instance itself and aren't
// defined elsewhere.
// Here, though, no new definitions were introduced. The instance
// created here is a "bag of exports" which could only refer to
// preexisting items. This means that inherently no new resources
// were created so there's nothing to put in this list. Any
// resources referenced by the instance must be bound by the outer
// component context or further above.
// Furthermore, however, actual instances of instances, which this
// is, aren't allowed to have defined resources. Instead the
// resources would have to be injected into the outer component
// enclosing the instance. That means that even if bag-of-exports
// could declare a new resource then the resource would be moved
// from here to `self.defined_resources`. This doesn't exist at this
// time, though, so this still remains empty and
// `self.defined_resources` remains unperturbed.
defined_resources: Default::default(),
fn instantiate_core_exports(
&mut self,
exports: Vec<crate::Export>,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<ComponentCoreInstanceTypeId> {
fn insert_export(
types: &TypeList,
name: &str,
export: EntityType,
exports: &mut IndexMap<String, EntityType>,
info: &mut TypeInfo,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
info.combine(, offset)?;
if exports.insert(name.to_string(), export).is_some() {
"duplicate instantiation export name `{name}` already defined",
let mut info = TypeInfo::new();
let mut inst_exports = IndexMap::default();
for export in exports {
match export.kind {
ExternalKind::Func => {
EntityType::Func(self.core_function_at(export.index, offset)?),
&mut inst_exports,
&mut info,
ExternalKind::Table => insert_export(
EntityType::Table(*self.table_at(export.index, offset)?),
&mut inst_exports,
&mut info,
ExternalKind::Memory => insert_export(
EntityType::Memory(*self.memory_at(export.index, offset)?),
&mut inst_exports,
&mut info,
ExternalKind::Global => {
EntityType::Global(*self.global_at(export.index, offset)?),
&mut inst_exports,
&mut info,
ExternalKind::Tag => insert_export(
EntityType::Tag(self.core_function_at(export.index, offset)?),
&mut inst_exports,
&mut info,
Ok(types.push_ty(InstanceType {
kind: CoreInstanceTypeKind::Exports(inst_exports),
fn alias_core_instance_export(
&mut self,
instance_index: u32,
kind: ExternalKind,
name: &str,
types: &TypeList,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
macro_rules! push_module_export {
($expected:path, $collection:ident, $ty:literal) => {{
match self.core_instance_export(instance_index, name, types, offset)? {
$expected(ty) => {
_ => {
"export `{name}` for core instance {instance_index} is not a {}",
match kind {
ExternalKind::Func => {
push_module_export!(EntityType::Func, core_funcs, "function")
ExternalKind::Table => {
push_module_export!(EntityType::Table, core_tables, "table")
ExternalKind::Memory => {
push_module_export!(EntityType::Memory, core_memories, "memory")
ExternalKind::Global => {
push_module_export!(EntityType::Global, core_globals, "global")
ExternalKind::Tag => {
push_module_export!(EntityType::Tag, core_tags, "tag")
fn alias_instance_export(
&mut self,
instance_index: u32,
kind: ComponentExternalKind,
name: &str,
features: &WasmFeatures,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
if let ComponentExternalKind::Value = kind {
self.check_value_support(features, offset)?;
let mut ty = match types[self.instance_at(instance_index, offset)?]
Some(ty) => *ty,
None => bail!(
"instance {instance_index} has no export named `{name}`"
let ok = match (&ty, kind) {
(ComponentEntityType::Module(_), ComponentExternalKind::Module) => true,
(ComponentEntityType::Module(_), _) => false,
(ComponentEntityType::Component(_), ComponentExternalKind::Component) => true,
(ComponentEntityType::Component(_), _) => false,
(ComponentEntityType::Func(_), ComponentExternalKind::Func) => true,
(ComponentEntityType::Func(_), _) => false,
(ComponentEntityType::Instance(_), ComponentExternalKind::Instance) => true,
(ComponentEntityType::Instance(_), _) => false,
(ComponentEntityType::Value(_), ComponentExternalKind::Value) => true,
(ComponentEntityType::Value(_), _) => false,
(ComponentEntityType::Type { .. }, ComponentExternalKind::Type) => true,
(ComponentEntityType::Type { .. }, _) => false,
if !ok {
"export `{name}` for instance {instance_index} is not a {}",
self.add_entity(&mut ty, None, features, types, offset)?;
fn alias_module(components: &mut [Self], count: u32, index: u32, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
let component = Self::check_alias_count(components, count, offset)?;
let ty = component.module_at(index, offset)?;
let current = components.last_mut().unwrap();
fn alias_component(
components: &mut [Self],
count: u32,
index: u32,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let component = Self::check_alias_count(components, count, offset)?;
let ty = component.component_at(index, offset)?;
let current = components.last_mut().unwrap();
fn alias_core_type(
components: &mut [Self],
count: u32,
index: u32,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let component = Self::check_alias_count(components, count, offset)?;
let ty = component.core_type_at(index, offset)?;
let current = components.last_mut().unwrap();
check_max(current.type_count(), 1, MAX_WASM_TYPES, "types", offset)?;
fn alias_type(
components: &mut [Self],
count: u32,
index: u32,
types: &mut TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let component = Self::check_alias_count(components, count, offset)?;
let ty = component.component_type_at(index, offset)?;
// If `count` "crossed a component boundary", meaning that it went from
// one component to another, then this must additionally verify that
// `ty` has no free variables with respect to resources. This is
// intended to preserve the property for components where each component
// is an isolated unit that can theoretically be extracted from other
// components. If resources from other components were allowed to leak
// in then it would prevent that.
// This check is done by calculating the `pos` within `components` that
// our target `component` above was selected at. Once this is acquired
// the component to the "right" is checked, and if that's a component
// then it's considered as crossing a component boundary meaning the
// free variables check runs.
// The reason this works is that in the list of `ComponentState` types
// it's guaranteed that any `is_type` components are contiguous at the
// end of the array. This means that if state one level deeper than the
// target of this alias is a `!is_type` component, then the target must
// be a component as well. If the one-level deeper state `is_type` then
// the target is either a type or a component, both of which are valid
// (as aliases can reach the enclosing component and have as many free
// variables as they want).
let pos_after_component = components.len() - (count as usize);
if let Some(component) = components.get(pos_after_component) {
if component.kind == ComponentKind::Component {
let mut free = IndexSet::default();
types.free_variables_any_type_id(ty, &mut free);
if !free.is_empty() {
"cannot alias outer type which transitively refers \
to resources not defined in the current component"
let current = components.last_mut().unwrap();
check_max(current.type_count(), 1, MAX_WASM_TYPES, "types", offset)?;
fn check_alias_count(components: &[Self], count: u32, offset: usize) -> Result<&Self> {
let count = count as usize;
if count >= components.len() {
bail!(offset, "invalid outer alias count of {count}");
Ok(&components[components.len() - count - 1])
fn create_defined_type(
ty: crate::ComponentDefinedType,
types: &TypeList,
features: &WasmFeatures,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<ComponentDefinedType> {
match ty {
crate::ComponentDefinedType::Primitive(ty) => Ok(ComponentDefinedType::Primitive(ty)),
crate::ComponentDefinedType::Record(fields) => {
self.create_record_type(fields.as_ref(), types, offset)
crate::ComponentDefinedType::Variant(cases) => {
self.create_variant_type(cases.as_ref(), types, offset)
crate::ComponentDefinedType::List(ty) => Ok(ComponentDefinedType::List(
self.create_component_val_type(ty, offset)?,
crate::ComponentDefinedType::Tuple(tys) => {
self.create_tuple_type(tys.as_ref(), types, offset)
crate::ComponentDefinedType::Flags(names) => {
self.create_flags_type(names.as_ref(), features, offset)
crate::ComponentDefinedType::Enum(cases) => {
self.create_enum_type(cases.as_ref(), offset)
crate::ComponentDefinedType::Option(ty) => Ok(ComponentDefinedType::Option(
self.create_component_val_type(ty, offset)?,
crate::ComponentDefinedType::Result { ok, err } => Ok(ComponentDefinedType::Result {
ok: ok
.map(|ty| self.create_component_val_type(ty, offset))
err: err
.map(|ty| self.create_component_val_type(ty, offset))
crate::ComponentDefinedType::Own(idx) => Ok(ComponentDefinedType::Own(
self.resource_at(idx, types, offset)?,
crate::ComponentDefinedType::Borrow(idx) => Ok(ComponentDefinedType::Borrow(
self.resource_at(idx, types, offset)?,
fn create_record_type(
fields: &[(&str, crate::ComponentValType)],
types: &TypeList,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<ComponentDefinedType> {
let mut info = TypeInfo::new();
let mut field_map = IndexMap::default();
if fields.is_empty() {
bail!(offset, "record type must have at least one field");
for (name, ty) in fields {
let name = to_kebab_str(name, "record field", offset)?;
let ty = self.create_component_val_type(*ty, offset)?;
match field_map.entry(name.to_owned()) {
Entry::Occupied(e) => bail!(
"record field name `{name}` conflicts with previous field name `{prev}`",
prev = e.key()
Entry::Vacant(e) => {
info.combine(, offset)?;
Ok(ComponentDefinedType::Record(RecordType {
fields: field_map,
fn create_variant_type(
cases: &[crate::VariantCase],
types: &TypeList,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<ComponentDefinedType> {
let mut info = TypeInfo::new();
let mut case_map: IndexMap<KebabString, VariantCase> = IndexMap::default();
if cases.is_empty() {
bail!(offset, "variant type must have at least one case");
if cases.len() > u32::MAX as usize {
return Err(BinaryReaderError::new(
"variant type cannot be represented with a 32-bit discriminant value",
for (i, case) in cases.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(refines) = case.refines {
if refines >= i as u32 {
return Err(BinaryReaderError::new(
"variant case can only refine a previously defined case",
let name = to_kebab_str(, "variant case", offset)?;
let ty = case
.map(|ty| self.create_component_val_type(ty, offset))
match case_map.entry(name.to_owned()) {
Entry::Occupied(e) => bail!(
"variant case name `{name}` conflicts with previous case name `{prev}`",
name =,
prev = e.key()
Entry::Vacant(e) => {
if let Some(ty) = ty {
info.combine(, offset)?;
// Safety: the use of `KebabStr::new_unchecked` here is safe because the string
// was already verified to be kebab case.
e.insert(VariantCase {
refines: case
.map(|i| KebabStr::new_unchecked(cases[i as usize].name).to_owned()),
Ok(ComponentDefinedType::Variant(VariantType {
cases: case_map,
fn create_tuple_type(
tys: &[crate::ComponentValType],
types: &TypeList,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<ComponentDefinedType> {
let mut info = TypeInfo::new();
if tys.is_empty() {
bail!(offset, "tuple type must have at least one type");
let types = tys
.map(|ty| {
let ty = self.create_component_val_type(*ty, offset)?;
info.combine(, offset)?;
Ok(ComponentDefinedType::Tuple(TupleType { info, types }))
fn create_flags_type(
names: &[&str],
features: &WasmFeatures,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<ComponentDefinedType> {
let mut names_set = IndexSet::default();
if names.is_empty() {
bail!(offset, "flags must have at least one entry");
if names.len() > 32 && !features.component_model_more_flags() {
"cannot have more than 32 flags; this was previously \
accepted and if this is required for your project please \
leave a comment on \
for name in names {
let name = to_kebab_str(name, "flag", offset)?;
if !names_set.insert(name.to_owned()) {
"flag name `{name}` conflicts with previous flag name `{prev}`",
prev = names_set.get(name).unwrap()
fn create_enum_type(&self, cases: &[&str], offset: usize) -> Result<ComponentDefinedType> {
if cases.len() > u32::MAX as usize {
return Err(BinaryReaderError::new(
"enumeration type cannot be represented with a 32-bit discriminant value",
if cases.is_empty() {
bail!(offset, "enum type must have at least one variant");
let mut tags = IndexSet::default();
for tag in cases {
let tag = to_kebab_str(tag, "enum tag", offset)?;
if !tags.insert(tag.to_owned()) {
"enum tag name `{tag}` conflicts with previous tag name `{prev}`",
prev = tags.get(tag).unwrap()
fn create_component_val_type(
ty: crate::ComponentValType,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<ComponentValType> {
Ok(match ty {
crate::ComponentValType::Primitive(pt) => ComponentValType::Primitive(pt),
crate::ComponentValType::Type(idx) => {
ComponentValType::Type(self.defined_type_at(idx, offset)?)
pub fn core_type_at(&self, idx: u32, offset: usize) -> Result<ComponentCoreTypeId> {
.get(idx as usize)
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!(offset, "unknown type {idx}: type index out of bounds"))
pub fn component_type_at(&self, idx: u32, offset: usize) -> Result<ComponentAnyTypeId> {
.get(idx as usize)
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!(offset, "unknown type {idx}: type index out of bounds"))
fn function_type_at<'a>(
idx: u32,
types: &'a TypeList,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<&'a ComponentFuncType> {
let id = self.component_type_at(idx, offset)?;
match id {
ComponentAnyTypeId::Func(id) => Ok(&types[id]),
_ => bail!(offset, "type index {idx} is not a function type"),
fn function_at(&self, idx: u32, offset: usize) -> Result<ComponentFuncTypeId> {
self.funcs.get(idx as usize).copied().ok_or_else(|| {
"unknown function {idx}: function index out of bounds"
fn component_at(&self, idx: u32, offset: usize) -> Result<ComponentTypeId> {
self.components.get(idx as usize).copied().ok_or_else(|| {
"unknown component {idx}: component index out of bounds"
fn instance_at(&self, idx: u32, offset: usize) -> Result<ComponentInstanceTypeId> {
self.instances.get(idx as usize).copied().ok_or_else(|| {
"unknown instance {idx}: instance index out of bounds"
fn value_at(&mut self, idx: u32, offset: usize) -> Result<&ComponentValType> {
match self.values.get_mut(idx as usize) {
Some((ty, used)) if !*used => {
*used = true;
Some(_) => bail!(offset, "value {idx} cannot be used more than once"),
None => bail!(offset, "unknown value {idx}: value index out of bounds"),
fn defined_type_at(&self, idx: u32, offset: usize) -> Result<ComponentDefinedTypeId> {
match self.component_type_at(idx, offset)? {
ComponentAnyTypeId::Defined(id) => Ok(id),
_ => bail!(offset, "type index {idx} is not a defined type"),
fn core_function_at(&self, idx: u32, offset: usize) -> Result<CoreTypeId> {
match self.core_funcs.get(idx as usize) {
Some(id) => Ok(*id),
None => bail!(
"unknown core function {idx}: function index out of bounds"
fn module_at(&self, idx: u32, offset: usize) -> Result<ComponentCoreModuleTypeId> {
match self.core_modules.get(idx as usize) {
Some(id) => Ok(*id),
None => bail!(offset, "unknown module {idx}: module index out of bounds"),
fn core_instance_at(&self, idx: u32, offset: usize) -> Result<ComponentCoreInstanceTypeId> {
match self.core_instances.get(idx as usize) {
Some(id) => Ok(*id),
None => bail!(
"unknown core instance {idx}: instance index out of bounds"
fn core_instance_export<'a>(
instance_index: u32,
name: &str,
types: &'a TypeList,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<&'a EntityType> {
match types[self.core_instance_at(instance_index, offset)?]
Some(export) => Ok(export),
None => bail!(
"core instance {instance_index} has no export named `{name}`"
fn global_at(&self, idx: u32, offset: usize) -> Result<&GlobalType> {
match self.core_globals.get(idx as usize) {
Some(t) => Ok(t),
None => bail!(offset, "unknown global {idx}: global index out of bounds"),
fn table_at(&self, idx: u32, offset: usize) -> Result<&TableType> {
match self.core_tables.get(idx as usize) {
Some(t) => Ok(t),
None => bail!(offset, "unknown table {idx}: table index out of bounds"),
fn memory_at(&self, idx: u32, offset: usize) -> Result<&MemoryType> {
match self.core_memories.get(idx as usize) {
Some(t) => Ok(t),
None => bail!(offset, "unknown memory {idx}: memory index out of bounds"),
/// Completes the translation of this component, performing final
/// validation of its structure.
/// This method is required to be called for translating all components.
/// Internally this will convert local data structures into a
/// `ComponentType` which is suitable to use to describe the type of this
/// component.
pub fn finish(&mut self, types: &TypeAlloc, offset: usize) -> Result<ComponentType> {
let mut ty = ComponentType {
// Inherit some fields based on translation of the component.
info: self.type_info,
imports: self.imports.clone(),
exports: self.exports.clone(),
// This is filled in as a subset of `self.defined_resources`
// depending on what's actually used by the exports. See the
// bottom of this function.
defined_resources: Default::default(),
// These are inherited directly from what was calculated for this
// component.
imported_resources: mem::take(&mut self.imported_resources)
explicit_resources: mem::take(&mut self.explicit_resources),
// Collect all "free variables", or resources, from the imports of this
// component. None of the resources defined within this component can
// be used as part of the exports. This set is then used to reject any
// of `self.defined_resources` which show up.
let mut free = IndexSet::default();
for ty in ty.imports.values() {
types.free_variables_component_entity(ty, &mut free);
for (resource, _path) in self.defined_resources.iter() {
// FIXME: this error message is quite opaque and doesn't indicate
// more contextual information such as:
// * what was the exported resource found in the imports
// * which import was the resource found within
// These are possible to calculate here if necessary, however.
if free.contains(resource) {
bail!(offset, "local resource type found in imports");
// The next step in validation a component, with respect to resources,
// is to minimize the set of defined resources to only those that
// are actually used by the exports. This weeds out resources that are
// defined, used within a component, and never exported, for example.
// The free variables of all exports are inserted into the `free` set
// (which is reused from the imports after clearing it). The defined
// resources calculated for this component are then inserted into this
// type's list of defined resources if it's contained somewhere in
// the free variables.
// Note that at the same time all defined resources must be exported,
// somehow, transitively from this component. The `explicit_resources`
// map is consulted for this purpose which lists all explicitly
// exported resources in the component, regardless from whence they
// came. If not present in this map then it's not exported and an error
// is returned.
// NB: the "types are exported" check is probably sufficient nowadays
// that the check of the `explicit_resources` map is probably not
// necessary, but it's left here for completeness and out of an
// abundance of caution.
for ty in ty.exports.values() {
types.free_variables_component_entity(ty, &mut free);
for (id, _rep) in mem::take(&mut self.defined_resources) {
if !free.contains(&id) {
let path = match ty.explicit_resources.get(&id).cloned() {
Some(path) => path,
// FIXME: this error message is quite opaque and doesn't
// indicate more contextual information such as:
// * which resource wasn't found in an export
// * which export has a reference to the resource
// These are possible to calculate here if necessary, however.
None => bail!(
"local resource type found in export but not exported itself"
ty.defined_resources.push((id, path));
fn check_value_support(&self, features: &WasmFeatures, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
if !features.component_model_values() {
"support for component model `value`s is not enabled"
impl InternRecGroup for ComponentState {
fn add_type_id(&mut self, id: CoreTypeId) {
fn type_id_at(&self, idx: u32, offset: usize) -> Result<CoreTypeId> {
match self.core_type_at(idx, offset)? {
ComponentCoreTypeId::Sub(id) => Ok(id),
ComponentCoreTypeId::Module(_) => {
bail!(offset, "type index {idx} is a module type, not a sub type");
fn types_len(&self) -> u32 {
impl ComponentNameContext {
/// Registers that the resource `id` is named `name` within this context.
fn register(&mut self, name: &str, id: AliasableResourceId) {
let idx = self.all_resource_names.len();
let prev = self.resource_name_map.insert(id, idx);
"for {id:?}, inserted {idx:?} but already had {prev:?}"
fn validate_extern(
name: &str,
kind: ExternKind,
ty: &ComponentEntityType,
types: &TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
kind_names: &mut IndexSet<ComponentName>,
items: &mut IndexMap<String, ComponentEntityType>,
info: &mut TypeInfo,
features: &WasmFeatures,
) -> Result<()> {
// First validate that `name` is even a valid kebab name, meaning it's
// in kebab-case, is an ID, etc.
let kebab = ComponentName::new_with_features(name, offset, *features)
.with_context(|| format!("{} name `{name}` is not a valid extern name", kind.desc()))?;
if let ExternKind::Export = kind {
match kebab.kind() {
| ComponentNameKind::Method(_)
| ComponentNameKind::Static(_)
| ComponentNameKind::Constructor(_)
| ComponentNameKind::Interface(_) => {}
| ComponentNameKind::Url(_)
| ComponentNameKind::Dependency(_) => {
bail!(offset, "name `{name}` is not a valid export name")
// Validate that the kebab name, if it has structure such as
// `[method]a.b`, is indeed valid with respect to known resources.
self.validate(&kebab, ty, types, offset)
.with_context(|| format!("{} name `{kebab}` is not valid", kind.desc()))?;
// Top-level kebab-names must all be unique, even between both imports
// and exports ot a component. For those names consult the `kebab_names`
// set.
if let Some(prev) = kind_names.replace(kebab.clone()) {
"{} name `{kebab}` conflicts with previous name `{prev}`",
// Otherwise all strings must be unique, regardless of their name, so
// consult the `items` set to ensure that we're not for example
// importing the same interface ID twice.
match items.entry(name.to_string()) {
Entry::Occupied(e) => {
"{kind} name `{name}` conflicts with previous name `{prev}`",
kind = kind.desc(),
prev = e.key(),
Entry::Vacant(e) => {
info.combine(, offset)?;
/// Validates that the `name` provided is allowed to have the type `ty`.
fn validate(
name: &ComponentName,
ty: &ComponentEntityType,
types: &TypeAlloc,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let func = || {
let id = match ty {
ComponentEntityType::Func(id) => *id,
_ => bail!(offset, "item is not a func"),
match name.kind() {
// No validation necessary for these styles of names
| ComponentNameKind::Interface(_)
| ComponentNameKind::Url(_)
| ComponentNameKind::Dependency(_)
| ComponentNameKind::Hash(_) => {}
// Constructors must return `(own $resource)` and the `$resource`
// must be named within this context to match `rname`
ComponentNameKind::Constructor(rname) => {
let ty = func()?;
if ty.results.len() != 1 {
bail!(offset, "function should return one value");
let ty = ty.results[0].1;
let resource = match ty {
ComponentValType::Primitive(_) => None,
ComponentValType::Type(ty) => match &types[ty] {
ComponentDefinedType::Own(id) => Some(id),
_ => None,
let resource = match resource {
Some(id) => id,
None => bail!(offset, "function should return `(own $T)`"),
self.validate_resource_name(*resource, rname, offset)?;
// Methods must take `(param "self" (borrow $resource))` as the
// first argument where `$resources` matches the name `resource` as
// named in this context.
ComponentNameKind::Method(name) => {
let ty = func()?;
if ty.params.len() == 0 {
bail!(offset, "function should have at least one argument");
let (pname, pty) = &ty.params[0];
if pname.as_str() != "self" {
"function should have a first argument called `self`",
let id = match pty {
ComponentValType::Primitive(_) => None,
ComponentValType::Type(ty) => match &types[*ty] {
ComponentDefinedType::Borrow(id) => Some(id),
_ => None,
let id = match id {
Some(id) => id,
None => bail!(
"function should take a first argument of `(borrow $T)`"
self.validate_resource_name(*id, name.resource(), offset)?;
// Static methods don't have much validation beyond that they must
// be a function and the resource name referred to must already be
// in this context.
ComponentNameKind::Static(name) => {
if !self.all_resource_names.contains(name.resource().as_str()) {
bail!(offset, "static resource name is not known in this context");
fn validate_resource_name(
id: AliasableResourceId,
name: &KebabStr,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let expected_name_idx = match self.resource_name_map.get(&id) {
Some(idx) => *idx,
None => {
"resource used in function does not have a name in this context"
let expected_name = &self.all_resource_names[expected_name_idx];
if name.as_str() != expected_name {
"function does not match expected \
resource name `{expected_name}`"
use self::append_only::*;
mod append_only {
use crate::prelude::IndexMap;
use core::hash::Hash;
use core::ops::Deref;
pub struct IndexMapAppendOnly<K, V>(IndexMap<K, V>);
impl<K, V> IndexMapAppendOnly<K, V>
K: Hash + Eq + Ord + PartialEq + Clone,
pub fn insert(&mut self, key: K, value: V) {
let prev = self.0.insert(key, value);
impl<K, V> Deref for IndexMapAppendOnly<K, V> {
type Target = IndexMap<K, V>;
fn deref(&self) -> &IndexMap<K, V> {
impl<K, V> Default for IndexMapAppendOnly<K, V> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<K, V> IntoIterator for IndexMapAppendOnly<K, V> {
type IntoIter = <IndexMap<K, V> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter;
type Item = <IndexMap<K, V> as IntoIterator>::Item;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {