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//! Configuring the shape of generated Wasm modules.
use crate::InstructionKinds;
use arbitrary::{Arbitrary, Result, Unstructured};
macro_rules! define_config {
pub struct Config {
pub $field:ident : $field_ty:ty = $default:expr,
) => {
pub struct Config {
/// The imports that may be used when generating the module.
/// Defaults to `None` which means that any arbitrary import can be
/// generated.
/// To only allow specific imports, set this field to a WebAssembly
/// module which describes the imports allowed.
/// Note that [`Self::min_imports`] is ignored when
/// `available_imports` are enabled.
/// The provided value must be a valid binary encoding of a
/// WebAssembly module. `wasm-smith` will panic if the module cannot
/// be parsed.
/// # Example
/// An implementation of this method could use the `wat` crate to
/// provide a human-readable and maintainable description:
/// ```rust
/// Some(wat::parse_str(r#"
/// (module
/// (import "env" "ping" (func (param i32)))
/// (import "env" "pong" (func (result i32)))
/// (import "env" "memory" (memory 1))
/// (import "env" "table" (table 1))
/// (import "env" "tag" (tag (param i32)))
/// )
/// "#))
/// # ;
/// ```
pub available_imports: Option<Vec<u8>>,
/// If provided, the generated module will have exports with exactly
/// the same names and types as those in the provided WebAssembly
/// module. The implementation (e.g. function bodies, global
/// initializers) of each export in the generated module will be
/// random and unrelated to the implementation in the provided
/// module. Only globals and functions are supported.
/// Defaults to `None` which means arbitrary exports will be
/// generated.
/// To specify which exports the generated modules should have, set
/// this field to a WebAssembly module which describes the desired
/// exports. To generate modules with varying exports that meet some
/// constraints, consider randomly generating the value for this
/// field.
/// The provided value must be a valid binary encoding of a
/// WebAssembly module. `wasm-smith` will panic if the module cannot
/// be parsed.
/// # Module Limits
/// All types, functions, globals, and exports that are needed to
/// provide the required exports will be generated, even if it
/// causes the resulting module to exceed the limits defined in
/// [`Self::max_type_size`], [`Self::max_types`],
/// [`Self::max_funcs`], [`Self::max_globals`], or
/// [`Self::max_exports`].
/// # Example
/// As for [`Self::available_imports`], the `wat` crate can be used
/// to provide an human-readable description of the desired exports:
/// ```rust
/// Some(wat::parse_str(r#"
/// (module
/// (func (export "foo") (param i32) (result i64) unreachable)
/// (global (export "bar") f32 f32.const 0)
/// )
/// "#));
/// ```
pub exports: Option<Vec<u8>>,
pub $field: $field_ty,
impl Default for Config {
fn default() -> Config {
Config {
available_imports: None,
exports: None,
$field: $default,
#[cfg(feature = "_internal_cli")]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, clap::Parser, serde_derive::Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct InternalOptionalConfig {
/// The imports that may be used when generating the module.
/// When unspecified, any arbitrary import can be generated.
/// To only allow specific imports, provide a file path of a
/// WebAssembly module which describes the imports allowed.
/// Note that [`Self::min_imports`] is ignored when
/// `available_imports` are enabled.
/// The provided value must be a valid binary encoding of a
/// WebAssembly module. `wasm-smith` will panic if the module cannot
/// be parsed.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "clap", clap(long))]
available_imports: Option<std::path::PathBuf>,
/// If provided, the generated module will have exports with exactly
/// the same names and types as those in the provided WebAssembly
/// module. The implementation (e.g. function bodies, global
/// initializers) of each export in the generated module will be
/// random and unrelated to the implementation in the provided
/// module. Only globals and functions are supported.
/// Defaults to `None` which means arbitrary exports will be
/// generated.
/// To specify which exports the generated modules should have, set
/// this field to a WebAssembly module which describes the desired
/// exports. To generate modules with varying exports that meet some
/// constraints, consider randomly generating the value for this
/// field.
/// The provided value must be a valid binary encoding of a
/// WebAssembly module. `wasm-smith` will panic if the module cannot
/// be parsed.
/// # Module Limits
/// All types, functions, globals, and exports that are needed to
/// provide the required exports will be generated, even if it
/// causes the resulting module to exceed the limits defined in
/// [`Self::max_type_size`], [`Self::max_types`],
/// [`Self::max_funcs`], [`Self::max_globals`], or
/// [`Self::max_exports`].
#[cfg_attr(feature = "clap", clap(long))]
exports: Option<std::path::PathBuf>,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "clap", clap(long))]
pub $field: Option<$field_ty>,
#[cfg(feature = "_internal_cli")]
impl InternalOptionalConfig {
pub fn or(self, other: Self) -> Self {
Self {
available_imports: self.available_imports.or(other.available_imports),
exports: self.exports.or(other.exports),
$field: self.$field.or(other.$field),
#[cfg(feature = "_internal_cli")]
impl TryFrom<InternalOptionalConfig> for Config {
type Error = anyhow::Error;
fn try_from(config: InternalOptionalConfig) -> anyhow::Result<Config> {
let default = Config::default();
Ok(Config {
available_imports: if let Some(file) = config
.as_ref() {
} else {
exports: if let Some(file) = config
.as_ref() {
} else {
$field: config.$field.unwrap_or(default.$field),
define_config! {
/// Configuration for a generated module.
/// Don't care to configure your generated modules? Just use
/// [`Module::arbitrary`][crate::Module], which internally uses the default
/// configuration.
/// Want control over the shape of the module that gets generated? Create a
/// `Config` and then pass it to [`Module::new`][crate::Module::new].
/// # Swarm Testing
/// You can use the `Arbitrary for Config` implementation for [swarm
/// testing]. This will dynamically -- but still deterministically -- choose
/// configuration options for you.
/// Note that we pick only *maximums*, not minimums, here because it is more
/// complex to describe the domain of valid configs when minima are involved
/// (`min <= max` for each variable) and minima are mostly used to ensure
/// certain elements are present, but do not widen the range of generated
/// Wasm modules.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Config {
/// Determines whether a `start` export may be included. Defaults to `true`.
pub allow_start_export: bool = true,
/// The kinds of instructions allowed in the generated wasm
/// programs. Defaults to all.
/// The categories of instructions match the categories used by the
/// [WebAssembly
/// e.g., numeric, vector, control, memory, etc.
/// Note that modifying this setting is separate from the proposal
/// flags; that is, if `simd_enabled() == true` but
/// `allowed_instruction()` does not include vector instructions, the
/// generated programs will not include these instructions but could
/// contain vector types.
pub allowed_instructions: InstructionKinds = InstructionKinds::all(),
/// Determines whether the bulk memory proposal is enabled for
/// generating instructions.
/// Defaults to `false`.
pub bulk_memory_enabled: bool = false,
/// Returns whether NaN values are canonicalized after all f32/f64
/// operation. Defaults to false.
/// This can be useful when a generated wasm module is executed in
/// multiple runtimes which may produce different NaN values. This
/// ensures that the generated module will always use the same NaN
/// representation for all instructions which have visible side effects,
/// for example writing floats to memory or float-to-int bitcast
/// instructions.
pub canonicalize_nans: bool = false,
/// Returns whether we should avoid generating code that will possibly
/// trap.
/// For some trapping instructions, this will emit extra instructions to
/// ensure they don't trap, while some instructions will simply be
/// excluded. In cases where we would run into a trap, we instead
/// choose some arbitrary non-trapping behavior. For example, if we
/// detect that a Load instruction would attempt to access out-of-bounds
/// memory, we instead pretend the load succeeded and push 0 onto the
/// stack.
/// One type of trap that we can't currently avoid is
/// StackOverflow. Even when `disallow_traps` is set to true, wasm-smith
/// will eventually generate a program that infinitely recurses, causing
/// the call stack to be exhausted.
/// Defaults to `false`.
pub disallow_traps: bool = false,
/// Determines whether the exception-handling proposal is enabled for
/// generating instructions.
/// Defaults to `false`.
pub exceptions_enabled: bool = false,
/// Export all WebAssembly objects in the module. Defaults to false.
/// This overrides [`Config::min_exports`] and [`Config::max_exports`].
pub export_everything: bool = false,
/// Determines whether the GC proposal is enabled when generating a Wasm
/// module.
/// Defaults to `false`.
pub gc_enabled: bool = false,
/// Determines whether the custom-page-sizes proposal is enabled when
/// generating a Wasm module.
/// Defaults to `false`.
pub custom_page_sizes_enabled: bool = false,
/// Returns whether we should generate custom sections or not. Defaults
/// to false.
pub generate_custom_sections: bool = false,
/// Returns the maximal size of the `alias` section. Defaults to 1000.
pub max_aliases: usize = 1000,
/// The maximum number of components to use. Defaults to 10.
/// This includes imported components.
/// Note that this is only relevant for components.
pub max_components: usize = 10,
/// The maximum number of data segments to generate. Defaults to 100.
pub max_data_segments: usize = 100,
/// The maximum number of element segments to generate. Defaults to 100.
pub max_element_segments: usize = 100,
/// The maximum number of elements within a segment to
/// generate. Defaults to 100.
pub max_elements: usize = 100,
/// The maximum number of exports to generate. Defaults to 100.
pub max_exports: usize = 100,
/// The maximum number of functions to generate. Defaults to 100. This
/// includes imported functions.
pub max_funcs: usize = 100,
/// The maximum number of globals to generate. Defaults to 100. This
/// includes imported globals.
pub max_globals: usize = 100,
/// The maximum number of imports to generate. Defaults to 100.
pub max_imports: usize = 100,
/// The maximum number of instances to use. Defaults to 10.
/// This includes imported instances.
/// Note that this is only relevant for components.
pub max_instances: usize = 10,
/// The maximum number of instructions to generate in a function
/// body. Defaults to 100.
/// Note that some additional `end`s, `else`s, and `unreachable`s may be
/// appended to the function body to finish block scopes.
pub max_instructions: usize = 100,
/// The maximum number of memories to use. Defaults to 1.
/// This includes imported memories.
/// Note that more than one memory is in the realm of the multi-memory
/// wasm proposal.
pub max_memories: usize = 1,
/// The maximum, in bytes, of any 32-bit memory's initial or maximum
/// size.
/// May not be larger than `2**32`.
/// Defaults to `2**32`.
pub max_memory32_bytes: u64 = u32::MAX as u64 + 1,
/// The maximum, in bytes, of any 64-bit memory's initial or maximum
/// size.
/// May not be larger than `2**64`.
/// Defaults to `2**64`.
pub max_memory64_bytes: u128 = u64::MAX as u128 + 1,
/// The maximum number of modules to use. Defaults to 10.
/// This includes imported modules.
/// Note that this is only relevant for components.
pub max_modules: usize = 10,
/// Returns the maximal nesting depth of modules with the component
/// model proposal. Defaults to 10.
pub max_nesting_depth: usize = 10,
/// The maximum, elements, of any table's initial or maximum
/// size. Defaults to 1 million.
pub max_table_elements: u64 = 1_000_000,
/// The maximum number of tables to use. Defaults to 1.
/// This includes imported tables.
/// Note that more than one table is in the realm of the reference types
/// proposal.
pub max_tables: usize = 1,
/// The maximum number of tags to generate. Defaults to 100.
pub max_tags: usize = 100,
/// Returns the maximal effective size of any type generated by
/// wasm-smith.
/// Note that this number is roughly in units of "how many types would
/// be needed to represent the recursive type". A function with 8
/// parameters and 2 results would take 11 types (one for the type, 10
/// for params/results). A module type with 2 imports and 3 exports
/// would take 6 (module + imports + exports) plus the size of each
/// import/export type. This is a somewhat rough measurement that is not
/// intended to be very precise.
/// Defaults to 1000.
pub max_type_size: u32 = 1000,
/// The maximum number of types to generate. Defaults to 100.
pub max_types: usize = 100,
/// The maximum number of values to use. Defaults to 10.
/// This includes imported values.
/// Note that this is irrelevant unless value model support is enabled.
pub max_values: usize = 10,
/// Returns whether 64-bit memories are allowed. Defaults to false.
/// Note that this is the gate for the memory64 proposal to WebAssembly.
pub memory64_enabled: bool = false,
/// Whether every Wasm memory must have a maximum size
/// specified. Defaults to `false`.
pub memory_max_size_required: bool = false,
/// Control the probability of generating memory offsets that are in
/// bounds vs. potentially out of bounds.
/// See the `MemoryOffsetChoices` struct for details.
pub memory_offset_choices: MemoryOffsetChoices = MemoryOffsetChoices::default(),
/// The minimum number of data segments to generate. Defaults to 0.
pub min_data_segments: usize = 0,
/// The minimum number of element segments to generate. Defaults to 0.
pub min_element_segments: usize = 0,
/// The minimum number of elements within a segment to
/// generate. Defaults to 0.
pub min_elements: usize = 0,
/// The minimum number of exports to generate. Defaults to 0.
pub min_exports: usize = 0,
/// The minimum number of functions to generate. Defaults to 0.
/// This includes imported functions.
pub min_funcs: usize = 0,
/// The minimum number of globals to generate. Defaults to 0.
/// This includes imported globals.
pub min_globals: usize = 0,
/// The minimum number of imports to generate. Defaults to 0.
/// Note that if the sum of the maximum function[^1], table, global and
/// memory counts is less than the minimum number of imports, then it
/// will not be possible to satisfy all constraints (because imports
/// count against the limits for those element kinds). In that case, we
/// strictly follow the max-constraints, and can fail to satisfy this
/// minimum number.
/// [^1]: the maximum number of functions is also limited by the number
/// of function types arbitrarily chosen; strictly speaking, then, the
/// maximum number of imports that can be created due to max-constraints
/// is `sum(min(num_func_types, max_funcs), max_tables, max_globals,
/// max_memories)`.
pub min_imports: usize = 0,
/// The minimum number of memories to use. Defaults to 0.
/// This includes imported memories.
pub min_memories: u32 = 0,
/// The minimum number of tables to use. Defaults to 0.
/// This includes imported tables.
pub min_tables: u32 = 0,
/// The minimum number of tags to generate. Defaults to 0.
pub min_tags: usize = 0,
/// The minimum number of types to generate. Defaults to 0.
pub min_types: usize = 0,
/// The minimum size, in bytes, of all leb-encoded integers. Defaults to
/// 1.
/// This is useful for ensuring that all leb-encoded integers are
/// decoded as such rather than as simply one byte. This will forcibly
/// extend leb integers with an over-long encoding in some locations if
/// the size would otherwise be smaller than number returned here.
pub min_uleb_size: u8 = 1,
/// Determines whether the multi-value results are enabled.
/// Defaults to `true`.
pub multi_value_enabled: bool = true,
/// Determines whether the reference types proposal is enabled for
/// generating instructions.
/// Defaults to `false`.
pub reference_types_enabled: bool = false,
/// Determines whether the Relaxed SIMD proposal is enabled for
/// generating instructions.
/// Defaults to `false`.
pub relaxed_simd_enabled: bool = false,
/// Determines whether the nontrapping-float-to-int-conversions propsal
/// is enabled.
/// Defaults to `true`.
pub saturating_float_to_int_enabled: bool = true,
/// Determines whether the sign-extension-ops propsal is enabled.
/// Defaults to `true`.
pub sign_extension_ops_enabled: bool = true,
/// Determines whether the SIMD proposal is enabled for generating
/// instructions.
/// Defaults to `false`.
pub simd_enabled: bool = false,
/// Determines whether the tail calls proposal is enabled for generating
/// instructions.
/// Defaults to `false`.
pub tail_call_enabled: bool = false,
/// Whether every Wasm table must have a maximum size
/// specified. Defaults to `false`.
pub table_max_size_required: bool = false,
/// Determines whether the threads proposal is enabled.
/// The [threads proposal] involves shared linear memory, new atomic
/// instructions, and new `wait` and `notify` instructions.
/// Defaults to `false`.
pub threads_enabled: bool = false,
/// Indicates whether wasm-smith is allowed to generate invalid function
/// bodies.
/// When enabled this option will enable taking raw bytes from the input
/// byte stream and using them as a wasm function body. This means that
/// the output module is not guaranteed to be valid but can help tickle
/// various parts of validation/compilation in some circumstances as
/// well.
/// Defaults to `false`.
pub allow_invalid_funcs: bool = false,
/// This is a tuple `(a, b, c)` where
/// * `a / (a+b+c)` is the probability of generating a memory offset within
/// `0..memory.min_size`, i.e. an offset that is definitely in bounds of a
/// non-empty memory. (Note that if a memory is zero-sized, however, no offset
/// will ever be in bounds.)
/// * `b / (a+b+c)` is the probability of generating a memory offset within
/// `memory.min_size..memory.max_size`, i.e. an offset that is possibly in
/// bounds if the memory has been grown.
/// * `c / (a+b+c)` is the probability of generating a memory offset within the
/// range `memory.max_size..`, i.e. an offset that is definitely out of
/// bounds.
/// At least one of `a`, `b`, and `c` must be non-zero.
/// If you want to always generate memory offsets that are definitely in bounds
/// of a non-zero-sized memory, for example, you could return `(1, 0, 0)`.
/// The default is `(90, 9, 1)`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde_derive", derive(serde_derive::Deserialize))]
pub struct MemoryOffsetChoices(pub u32, pub u32, pub u32);
impl Default for MemoryOffsetChoices {
fn default() -> Self {
MemoryOffsetChoices(90, 9, 1)
#[cfg(feature = "_internal_cli")]
impl std::str::FromStr for MemoryOffsetChoices {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
use std::str::FromStr;
let mut parts = s.split(",");
let a = parts
.ok_or_else(|| "need 3 comma separated values".to_string())?;
let a = <u32 as FromStr>::from_str(a).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
let b = parts
.ok_or_else(|| "need 3 comma separated values".to_string())?;
let b = <u32 as FromStr>::from_str(b).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
let c = parts
.ok_or_else(|| "need 3 comma separated values".to_string())?;
let c = <u32 as FromStr>::from_str(c).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
if {
return Err("found more than 3 comma separated values".to_string());
Ok(MemoryOffsetChoices(a, b, c))
impl<'a> Arbitrary<'a> for Config {
fn arbitrary(u: &mut Unstructured<'a>) -> Result<Self> {
const MAX_MAXIMUM: usize = 1000;
let reference_types_enabled: bool = u.arbitrary()?;
let max_tables = if reference_types_enabled { 100 } else { 1 };
Ok(Config {
max_types: u.int_in_range(0..=MAX_MAXIMUM)?,
max_imports: u.int_in_range(0..=MAX_MAXIMUM)?,
max_tags: u.int_in_range(0..=MAX_MAXIMUM)?,
max_funcs: u.int_in_range(0..=MAX_MAXIMUM)?,
max_globals: u.int_in_range(0..=MAX_MAXIMUM)?,
max_exports: u.int_in_range(0..=MAX_MAXIMUM)?,
max_element_segments: u.int_in_range(0..=MAX_MAXIMUM)?,
max_elements: u.int_in_range(0..=MAX_MAXIMUM)?,
max_data_segments: u.int_in_range(0..=MAX_MAXIMUM)?,
max_instructions: u.int_in_range(0..=MAX_MAXIMUM)?,
max_memories: u.int_in_range(0..=100)?,
max_memory32_bytes: u.int_in_range(0..=u32::MAX as u64 + 1)?,
max_memory64_bytes: u.int_in_range(0..=u64::MAX as u128 + 1)?,
min_uleb_size: u.int_in_range(0..=5)?,
bulk_memory_enabled: u.arbitrary()?,
simd_enabled: u.arbitrary()?,
multi_value_enabled: u.arbitrary()?,
max_aliases: u.int_in_range(0..=MAX_MAXIMUM)?,
max_nesting_depth: u.int_in_range(0..=10)?,
saturating_float_to_int_enabled: u.arbitrary()?,
sign_extension_ops_enabled: u.arbitrary()?,
allowed_instructions: {
use flagset::Flags;
let mut allowed = Vec::new();
for kind in crate::core::InstructionKind::LIST {
if u.arbitrary()? {
table_max_size_required: u.arbitrary()?,
max_table_elements: u.int_in_range(0..=1_000_000)?,
disallow_traps: u.arbitrary()?,
// These fields, unlike the ones above, are less useful to set.
// They either make weird inputs or are for features not widely
// implemented yet so they're turned off by default.
min_types: 0,
min_imports: 0,
min_tags: 0,
min_funcs: 0,
min_globals: 0,
min_exports: 0,
min_element_segments: 0,
min_elements: 0,
min_data_segments: 0,
min_memories: 0,
min_tables: 0,
memory_max_size_required: false,
max_instances: 0,
max_modules: 0,
max_components: 0,
max_values: 0,
memory_offset_choices: MemoryOffsetChoices::default(),
allow_start_export: true,
relaxed_simd_enabled: false,
exceptions_enabled: false,
memory64_enabled: false,
max_type_size: 1000,
canonicalize_nans: false,
available_imports: None,
exports: None,
threads_enabled: false,
export_everything: false,
tail_call_enabled: false,
gc_enabled: false,
custom_page_sizes_enabled: false,
generate_custom_sections: false,
allow_invalid_funcs: false,