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#[cfg(feature = "tls")]
use crate::tls::TlsConfigBuilder;
use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::error::Error as StdError;
use std::future::Future;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
#[cfg(feature = "tls")]
use std::path::Path;
use futures_util::{future, FutureExt, TryFuture, TryStream, TryStreamExt};
use hyper::server::conn::AddrIncoming;
use hyper::service::{make_service_fn, service_fn};
use hyper::Server as HyperServer;
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
use tracing::Instrument;
use crate::filter::Filter;
use crate::reject::IsReject;
use crate::reply::Reply;
use crate::transport::Transport;
/// Create a `Server` with the provided `Filter`.
pub fn serve<F>(filter: F) -> Server<F>
F: Filter + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
F::Extract: Reply,
F::Error: IsReject,
Server {
pipeline: false,
/// A Warp Server ready to filter requests.
pub struct Server<F> {
pipeline: bool,
filter: F,
/// A Warp Server ready to filter requests over TLS.
/// *This type requires the `"tls"` feature.*
#[cfg(feature = "tls")]
pub struct TlsServer<F> {
server: Server<F>,
tls: TlsConfigBuilder,
// Getting all various generic bounds to make this a re-usable method is
// very complicated, so instead this is just a macro.
macro_rules! into_service {
($into:expr) => {{
let inner = crate::service($into);
make_service_fn(move |transport| {
let inner = inner.clone();
let remote_addr = Transport::remote_addr(transport);
future::ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(move |req| {
inner.call_with_addr(req, remote_addr)
macro_rules! addr_incoming {
($addr:expr) => {{
let mut incoming = AddrIncoming::bind($addr)?;
let addr = incoming.local_addr();
(addr, incoming)
macro_rules! bind_inner {
($this:ident, $addr:expr) => {{
let service = into_service!($this.filter);
let (addr, incoming) = addr_incoming!($addr);
let srv = HyperServer::builder(incoming)
Ok::<_, hyper::Error>((addr, srv))
(tls: $this:ident, $addr:expr) => {{
let service = into_service!($this.server.filter);
let (addr, incoming) = addr_incoming!($addr);
let tls = $;
let srv = HyperServer::builder(crate::tls::TlsAcceptor::new(tls, incoming))
Ok::<_, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>((addr, srv))
macro_rules! bind {
($this:ident, $addr:expr) => {{
let addr = $addr.into();
(|addr| bind_inner!($this, addr))(&addr).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
panic!("error binding to {}: {}", addr, e);
(tls: $this:ident, $addr:expr) => {{
let addr = $addr.into();
(|addr| bind_inner!(tls: $this, addr))(&addr).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
panic!("error binding to {}: {}", addr, e);
macro_rules! try_bind {
($this:ident, $addr:expr) => {{
(|addr| bind_inner!($this, addr))($addr)
(tls: $this:ident, $addr:expr) => {{
(|addr| bind_inner!(tls: $this, addr))($addr)
// ===== impl Server =====
impl<F> Server<F>
F: Filter + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
<F::Future as TryFuture>::Ok: Reply,
<F::Future as TryFuture>::Error: IsReject,
/// Run this `Server` forever on the current thread.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if we are unable to bind to the provided address.
pub async fn run(self, addr: impl Into<SocketAddr>) {
let (addr, fut) = self.bind_ephemeral(addr);
let span = tracing::info_span!("Server::run", ?addr);
tracing::info!(parent: &span, "listening on http://{}", addr);
/// Run this `Server` forever on the current thread with a specific stream
/// of incoming connections.
/// This can be used for Unix Domain Sockets, or TLS, etc.
pub async fn run_incoming<I>(self, incoming: I)
I: TryStream + Send,
I::Ok: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Send + 'static + Unpin,
I::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
async fn run_incoming2<I>(self, incoming: I)
I: TryStream + Send,
I::Ok: Transport + Send + 'static + Unpin,
I::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
let fut = self.serve_incoming2(incoming);
tracing::info!("listening with custom incoming");
/// Bind to a socket address, returning a `Future` that can be
/// executed on the current runtime.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if we are unable to bind to the provided address.
pub fn bind(self, addr: impl Into<SocketAddr> + 'static) -> impl Future<Output = ()> + 'static {
let (_, fut) = self.bind_ephemeral(addr);
/// Bind to a socket address, returning a `Future` that can be
/// executed on any runtime.
/// In case we are unable to bind to the specified address, resolves to an
/// error and logs the reason.
pub async fn try_bind(self, addr: impl Into<SocketAddr>) {
let addr = addr.into();
let srv = match try_bind!(self, &addr) {
Ok((_, srv)) => srv,
Err(err) => {
tracing::error!("error binding to {}: {}", addr, err);
};|result| {
if let Err(err) = result {
tracing::error!("server error: {}", err)
/// Bind to a possibly ephemeral socket address.
/// Returns the bound address and a `Future` that can be executed on
/// the current runtime.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if we are unable to bind to the provided address.
pub fn bind_ephemeral(
addr: impl Into<SocketAddr>,
) -> (SocketAddr, impl Future<Output = ()> + 'static) {
let (addr, srv) = bind!(self, addr);
let srv =|result| {
if let Err(err) = result {
tracing::error!("server error: {}", err)
(addr, srv)
/// Tried to bind a possibly ephemeral socket address.
/// Returns a `Result` which fails in case we are unable to bind with the
/// underlying error.
/// Returns the bound address and a `Future` that can be executed on
/// the current runtime.
pub fn try_bind_ephemeral(
addr: impl Into<SocketAddr>,
) -> Result<(SocketAddr, impl Future<Output = ()> + 'static), crate::Error> {
let addr = addr.into();
let (addr, srv) = try_bind!(self, &addr).map_err(crate::Error::new)?;
let srv =|result| {
if let Err(err) = result {
tracing::error!("server error: {}", err)
Ok((addr, srv))
/// Create a server with graceful shutdown signal.
/// When the signal completes, the server will start the graceful shutdown
/// process.
/// Returns the bound address and a `Future` that can be executed on
/// the current runtime.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// use warp::Filter;
/// use futures_util::future::TryFutureExt;
/// use tokio::sync::oneshot;
/// # fn main() {
/// let routes = warp::any()
/// .map(|| "Hello, World!");
/// let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
/// let (addr, server) = warp::serve(routes)
/// .bind_with_graceful_shutdown(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030), async {
/// rx.await.ok();
/// });
/// // Spawn the server into a runtime
/// tokio::task::spawn(server);
/// // Later, start the shutdown...
/// let _ = tx.send(());
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Panics
/// Panics if we are unable to bind to the provided address.
pub fn bind_with_graceful_shutdown(
addr: impl Into<SocketAddr> + 'static,
signal: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static,
) -> (SocketAddr, impl Future<Output = ()> + 'static) {
let (addr, srv) = bind!(self, addr);
let fut = srv.with_graceful_shutdown(signal).map(|result| {
if let Err(err) = result {
tracing::error!("server error: {}", err)
(addr, fut)
/// Create a server with graceful shutdown signal.
/// When the signal completes, the server will start the graceful shutdown
/// process.
pub fn try_bind_with_graceful_shutdown(
addr: impl Into<SocketAddr> + 'static,
signal: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static,
) -> Result<(SocketAddr, impl Future<Output = ()> + 'static), crate::Error> {
let addr = addr.into();
let (addr, srv) = try_bind!(self, &addr).map_err(crate::Error::new)?;
let srv = srv.with_graceful_shutdown(signal).map(|result| {
if let Err(err) = result {
tracing::error!("server error: {}", err)
Ok((addr, srv))
/// Setup this `Server` with a specific stream of incoming connections.
/// This can be used for Unix Domain Sockets, or TLS, etc.
/// Returns a `Future` that can be executed on the current runtime.
pub fn serve_incoming<I>(self, incoming: I) -> impl Future<Output = ()>
I: TryStream + Send,
I::Ok: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Send + 'static + Unpin,
I::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
let incoming = incoming.map_ok(crate::transport::LiftIo);
/// Setup this `Server` with a specific stream of incoming connections and a
/// signal to initiate graceful shutdown.
/// This can be used for Unix Domain Sockets, or TLS, etc.
/// When the signal completes, the server will start the graceful shutdown
/// process.
/// Returns a `Future` that can be executed on the current runtime.
pub fn serve_incoming_with_graceful_shutdown<I>(
incoming: I,
signal: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static,
) -> impl Future<Output = ()>
I: TryStream + Send,
I::Ok: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Send + 'static + Unpin,
I::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
let incoming = incoming.map_ok(crate::transport::LiftIo);
let service = into_service!(self.filter);
let pipeline = self.pipeline;
async move {
let srv =
if let Err(err) = srv {
tracing::error!("server error: {}", err);
async fn serve_incoming2<I>(self, incoming: I)
I: TryStream + Send,
I::Ok: Transport + Send + 'static + Unpin,
I::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
let service = into_service!(self.filter);
let srv = HyperServer::builder(hyper::server::accept::from_stream(incoming.into_stream()))
if let Err(err) = srv {
tracing::error!("server error: {}", err);
// Generally shouldn't be used, as it can slow down non-pipelined responses.
// It's only real use is to make silly pipeline benchmarks look better.
pub fn unstable_pipeline(mut self) -> Self {
self.pipeline = true;
/// Configure a server to use TLS.
/// *This function requires the `"tls"` feature.*
#[cfg(feature = "tls")]
pub fn tls(self) -> TlsServer<F> {
TlsServer {
server: self,
tls: TlsConfigBuilder::new(),
// // ===== impl TlsServer =====
#[cfg(feature = "tls")]
impl<F> TlsServer<F>
F: Filter + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
<F::Future as TryFuture>::Ok: Reply,
<F::Future as TryFuture>::Error: IsReject,
// TLS config methods
/// Specify the file path to read the private key.
/// *This function requires the `"tls"` feature.*
pub fn key_path(self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Self {
self.with_tls(|tls| tls.key_path(path))
/// Specify the file path to read the certificate.
/// *This function requires the `"tls"` feature.*
pub fn cert_path(self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Self {
self.with_tls(|tls| tls.cert_path(path))
/// Specify the file path to read the trust anchor for optional client authentication.
/// Anonymous and authenticated clients will be accepted. If no trust anchor is provided by any
/// of the `client_auth_` methods, then client authentication is disabled by default.
/// *This function requires the `"tls"` feature.*
pub fn client_auth_optional_path(self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Self {
self.with_tls(|tls| tls.client_auth_optional_path(path))
/// Specify the file path to read the trust anchor for required client authentication.
/// Only authenticated clients will be accepted. If no trust anchor is provided by any of the
/// `client_auth_` methods, then client authentication is disabled by default.
/// *This function requires the `"tls"` feature.*
pub fn client_auth_required_path(self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Self {
self.with_tls(|tls| tls.client_auth_required_path(path))
/// Specify the in-memory contents of the private key.
/// *This function requires the `"tls"` feature.*
pub fn key(self, key: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Self {
self.with_tls(|tls| tls.key(key.as_ref()))
/// Specify the in-memory contents of the certificate.
/// *This function requires the `"tls"` feature.*
pub fn cert(self, cert: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Self {
self.with_tls(|tls| tls.cert(cert.as_ref()))
/// Specify the in-memory contents of the trust anchor for optional client authentication.
/// Anonymous and authenticated clients will be accepted. If no trust anchor is provided by any
/// of the `client_auth_` methods, then client authentication is disabled by default.
/// *This function requires the `"tls"` feature.*
pub fn client_auth_optional(self, trust_anchor: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Self {
self.with_tls(|tls| tls.client_auth_optional(trust_anchor.as_ref()))
/// Specify the in-memory contents of the trust anchor for required client authentication.
/// Only authenticated clients will be accepted. If no trust anchor is provided by any of the
/// `client_auth_` methods, then client authentication is disabled by default.
/// *This function requires the `"tls"` feature.*
pub fn client_auth_required(self, trust_anchor: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Self {
self.with_tls(|tls| tls.client_auth_required(trust_anchor.as_ref()))
/// Specify the DER-encoded OCSP response.
/// *This function requires the `"tls"` feature.*
pub fn ocsp_resp(self, resp: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Self {
self.with_tls(|tls| tls.ocsp_resp(resp.as_ref()))
fn with_tls<Func>(self, func: Func) -> Self
Func: FnOnce(TlsConfigBuilder) -> TlsConfigBuilder,
let TlsServer { server, tls } = self;
let tls = func(tls);
TlsServer { server, tls }
// Server run methods
/// Run this `TlsServer` forever on the current thread.
/// *This function requires the `"tls"` feature.*
pub async fn run(self, addr: impl Into<SocketAddr>) {
let (addr, fut) = self.bind_ephemeral(addr);
let span = tracing::info_span!("TlsServer::run", %addr);
tracing::info!(parent: &span, "listening on https://{}", addr);
/// Bind to a socket address, returning a `Future` that can be
/// executed on a runtime.
/// *This function requires the `"tls"` feature.*
/// # Panics
/// Panics if we are unable to bind to the provided address.
pub async fn bind(self, addr: impl Into<SocketAddr>) {
let (_, fut) = self.bind_ephemeral(addr);
/// Bind to a possibly ephemeral socket address.
/// Returns the bound address and a `Future` that can be executed on
/// the current runtime.
/// *This function requires the `"tls"` feature.*
/// # Panics
/// Panics if we are unable to bind to the provided address.
pub fn bind_ephemeral(
addr: impl Into<SocketAddr>,
) -> (SocketAddr, impl Future<Output = ()> + 'static) {
let (addr, srv) = bind!(tls: self, addr);
let srv =|result| {
if let Err(err) = result {
tracing::error!("server error: {}", err)
(addr, srv)
/// Create a server with graceful shutdown signal.
/// When the signal completes, the server will start the graceful shutdown
/// process.
/// *This function requires the `"tls"` feature.*
/// # Panics
/// Panics if we are unable to bind to the provided address.
pub fn bind_with_graceful_shutdown(
addr: impl Into<SocketAddr> + 'static,
signal: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static,
) -> (SocketAddr, impl Future<Output = ()> + 'static) {
let (addr, srv) = bind!(tls: self, addr);
let fut = srv.with_graceful_shutdown(signal).map(|result| {
if let Err(err) = result {
tracing::error!("server error: {}", err)
(addr, fut)
/// Create a server with graceful shutdown signal.
/// When the signal completes, the server will start the graceful shutdown
/// process.
/// *This function requires the `"tls"` feature.*
pub fn try_bind_with_graceful_shutdown(
addr: impl Into<SocketAddr> + 'static,
signal: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static,
) -> Result<(SocketAddr, impl Future<Output = ()> + 'static), crate::Error> {
let addr = addr.into();
let (addr, srv) = try_bind!(tls: self, &addr).map_err(crate::Error::new)?;
let srv = srv.with_graceful_shutdown(signal).map(|result| {
if let Err(err) = result {
tracing::error!("server error: {}", err)
Ok((addr, srv))
#[cfg(feature = "tls")]
impl<F> ::std::fmt::Debug for TlsServer<F>
F: ::std::fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
.field("server", &self.server)