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</> against <file://h/C:/a/b>
</////mouse> against <file:///elephant>
<\\/localhost//pig> against <file://lion/>
<//localhost//pig> against <file://lion/>
</..//localhost//pig> against <file://lion/>
<C|> against <file://host/dir/file>
<C|#> against <file://host/dir/file>
<C|?> against <file://host/dir/file>
<C|/> against <file://host/dir/file>
<C|\n/> against <file://host/dir/file>
<C|\\> against <file://host/dir/file>
</c:/foo/bar> against <file://host/path>
<C|/> against <file://host/>
</C:/> against <file://host/>
<file:C:/> against <file://host/>
<file:/C:/> against <file://host/>
<////one/two> against <file:///>
<file:///.//> against <file:////>
<> set hostname to <>
<> set hostname to <>
<non-spec:/.//p> set hostname to <h>
<non-spec:/.//p> set hostname to <>
<foo:///some/path> set pathname to <>
<> set port to <randomstring>
<file://monkey/> set pathname to <\\\\>
<file:///unicorn> set pathname to <//\\/>
<file:///unicorn> set pathname to <//monkey/..//>
<non-spec:/> set pathname to </.//p>
<non-spec:/> set pathname to </..//p>
<non-spec:/> set pathname to <//p>
<non-spec:/.//> set pathname to <p>