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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
use super::APIConverter;
use crate::attributes::ArgumentAttributes;
use crate::attributes::{ConstructorAttributes, FunctionAttributes, MethodAttributes};
use crate::converters::convert_docstring;
use crate::literal::convert_default_value;
use crate::InterfaceCollector;
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
use uniffi_meta::{
ConstructorMetadata, FieldMetadata, FnMetadata, FnParamMetadata, MethodMetadata,
TraitMethodMetadata, Type,
impl APIConverter<FieldMetadata> for weedle::argument::Argument<'_> {
fn convert(&self, ci: &mut InterfaceCollector) -> Result<FieldMetadata> {
match self {
weedle::argument::Argument::Single(t) => t.convert(ci),
weedle::argument::Argument::Variadic(_) => bail!("variadic arguments not supported"),
impl APIConverter<FieldMetadata> for weedle::argument::SingleArgument<'_> {
fn convert(&self, ci: &mut InterfaceCollector) -> Result<FieldMetadata> {
let type_ = ci.resolve_type_expression(&self.type_)?;
if let Type::Object { .. } = type_ {
bail!("Objects cannot currently be used in enum variant data");
if self.default.is_some() {
bail!("enum interface variant fields must not have default values");
if self.attributes.is_some() {
bail!("enum interface variant fields must not have attributes");
// TODO: maybe we should use our own `Field` type here with just name and type,
// rather than appropriating record::Field..?
Ok(FieldMetadata {
name: self.identifier.0.to_string(),
ty: type_,
default: None,
docstring: None,
impl APIConverter<FnParamMetadata> for weedle::argument::Argument<'_> {
fn convert(&self, ci: &mut InterfaceCollector) -> Result<FnParamMetadata> {
match self {
weedle::argument::Argument::Single(t) => t.convert(ci),
weedle::argument::Argument::Variadic(_) => bail!("variadic arguments not supported"),
impl APIConverter<FnParamMetadata> for weedle::argument::SingleArgument<'_> {
fn convert(&self, ci: &mut InterfaceCollector) -> Result<FnParamMetadata> {
let type_ = ci.resolve_type_expression(&self.type_)?;
let default = match self.default {
None => None,
Some(v) => Some(convert_default_value(&v.value, &type_)?),
let by_ref = ArgumentAttributes::try_from(self.attributes.as_ref())?.by_ref();
Ok(FnParamMetadata {
name: self.identifier.0.to_string(),
ty: type_,
optional: self.optional.is_some(),
impl APIConverter<FnMetadata> for weedle::namespace::NamespaceMember<'_> {
fn convert(&self, ci: &mut InterfaceCollector) -> Result<FnMetadata> {
match self {
weedle::namespace::NamespaceMember::Operation(f) => f.convert(ci),
_ => bail!("no support for namespace member type {:?} yet", self),
impl APIConverter<FnMetadata> for weedle::namespace::OperationNamespaceMember<'_> {
fn convert(&self, ci: &mut InterfaceCollector) -> Result<FnMetadata> {
let return_type = ci.resolve_return_type_expression(&self.return_type)?;
let name = match self.identifier {
None => bail!("anonymous functions are not supported {:?}", self),
Some(id) => id.0.to_string(),
let attrs = FunctionAttributes::try_from(self.attributes.as_ref())?;
let is_async = attrs.is_async();
let throws = match attrs.get_throws_err() {
None => None,
Some(name) => match ci.get_type(name) {
Some(t) => Some(t),
None => bail!("unknown type for error: {name}"),
Ok(FnMetadata {
module_path: ci.module_path(),
inputs: self.args.body.list.convert(ci)?,
docstring: self.docstring.as_ref().map(|v| convert_docstring(&v.0)),
checksum: None,
impl APIConverter<ConstructorMetadata> for weedle::interface::ConstructorInterfaceMember<'_> {
fn convert(&self, ci: &mut InterfaceCollector) -> Result<ConstructorMetadata> {
let attributes = match &self.attributes {
Some(attr) => ConstructorAttributes::try_from(attr)?,
None => Default::default(),
let throws = attributes
.map(|name| ci.get_type(name).expect("invalid throws type"));
Ok(ConstructorMetadata {
module_path: ci.module_path(),
name: String::from(attributes.get_name().unwrap_or("new")),
// We don't know the name of the containing `Object` at this point, fill it in later.
self_name: Default::default(),
is_async: attributes.is_async(),
// Also fill in checksum_fn_name later, since it depends on object_name
inputs: self.args.body.list.convert(ci)?,
checksum: None,
docstring: self.docstring.as_ref().map(|v| convert_docstring(&v.0)),
impl APIConverter<MethodMetadata> for weedle::interface::OperationInterfaceMember<'_> {
fn convert(&self, ci: &mut InterfaceCollector) -> Result<MethodMetadata> {
if self.special.is_some() {
bail!("special operations not supported");
if self.modifier.is_some() {
bail!("method modifiers are not supported")
let return_type = ci.resolve_return_type_expression(&self.return_type)?;
let attributes = MethodAttributes::try_from(self.attributes.as_ref())?;
let is_async = attributes.is_async();
let throws = match attributes.get_throws_err() {
Some(name) => match ci.get_type(name) {
Some(t) => Some(t),
None => bail!("unknown type for error: {name}"),
None => None,
let takes_self_by_arc = attributes.get_self_by_arc();
Ok(MethodMetadata {
module_path: ci.module_path(),
name: match self.identifier {
None => bail!("anonymous methods are not supported {:?}", self),
Some(id) => {
let name = id.0.to_string();
if name == "new" {
bail!("the method name \"new\" is reserved for the default constructor");
// We don't know the name of the containing `Object` at this point, fill it in later.
self_name: Default::default(),
inputs: self.args.body.list.convert(ci)?,
checksum: None,
docstring: self.docstring.as_ref().map(|v| convert_docstring(&v.0)),
impl APIConverter<TraitMethodMetadata> for weedle::interface::OperationInterfaceMember<'_> {
fn convert(&self, ci: &mut InterfaceCollector) -> Result<TraitMethodMetadata> {
if self.special.is_some() {
bail!("special operations not supported");
if self.modifier.is_some() {
bail!("method modifiers are not supported")
let return_type = ci.resolve_return_type_expression(&self.return_type)?;
let attributes = MethodAttributes::try_from(self.attributes.as_ref())?;
let is_async = attributes.is_async();
let throws = match attributes.get_throws_err() {
Some(name) => match ci.get_type(name) {
Some(t) => Some(t),
None => bail!("unknown type for error: {name}"),
None => None,
let takes_self_by_arc = attributes.get_self_by_arc();
Ok(TraitMethodMetadata {
module_path: ci.module_path(),
trait_name: Default::default(), // we'll fill these in later.
index: Default::default(),
name: match self.identifier {
None => bail!("anonymous methods are not supported {:?}", self),
Some(id) => {
let name = id.0.to_string();
if name == "new" {
bail!("the method name \"new\" is reserved for the default constructor");
inputs: self.args.body.list.convert(ci)?,
checksum: None,
docstring: self.docstring.as_ref().map(|v| convert_docstring(&v.0)),