Revision control

Copy as Markdown

Other Tools

use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use syn::DeriveInput;
use crate::{
util::{create_metadata_items, extract_docstring, ident_to_string, mod_path},
use uniffi_meta::ObjectImpl;
/// Stores parsed data from the Derive Input for the struct/enum.
struct ObjectItem {
ident: Ident,
docstring: String,
impl ObjectItem {
fn new(input: DeriveInput) -> syn::Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
ident: input.ident,
docstring: extract_docstring(&input.attrs)?,
fn ident(&self) -> &Ident {
fn name(&self) -> String {
fn docstring(&self) -> &str {
pub fn expand_object(input: DeriveInput, options: DeriveOptions) -> syn::Result<TokenStream> {
let module_path = mod_path()?;
let object = ObjectItem::new(input)?;
let name =;
let ident = object.ident();
let clone_fn_ident = Ident::new(
&uniffi_meta::clone_fn_symbol_name(&module_path, &name),
let free_fn_ident = Ident::new(
&uniffi_meta::free_fn_symbol_name(&module_path, &name),
let meta_static_var = options.generate_metadata.then(|| {
let interface_impl = interface_impl(&object, &options);
Ok(quote! {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn #clone_fn_ident(
ptr: *const ::std::ffi::c_void,
call_status: &mut ::uniffi::RustCallStatus
) -> *const ::std::ffi::c_void {
::uniffi::rust_call(call_status, || {
unsafe { ::std::sync::Arc::increment_strong_count(ptr) };
pub unsafe extern "C" fn #free_fn_ident(
ptr: *const ::std::ffi::c_void,
call_status: &mut ::uniffi::RustCallStatus
) {
::uniffi::rust_call(call_status, || {
let ptr = ptr.cast::<#ident>();
unsafe {
fn interface_impl(object: &ObjectItem, options: &DeriveOptions) -> TokenStream {
let name =;
let ident = object.ident();
let impl_spec = options.ffi_impl_header("FfiConverterArc", ident);
let lower_return_impl_spec = options.ffi_impl_header("LowerReturn", ident);
let lower_error_impl_spec = options.ffi_impl_header("LowerError", ident);
let type_id_impl_spec = options.ffi_impl_header("TypeId", ident);
let lift_ref_impl_spec = options.ffi_impl_header("LiftRef", ident);
let mod_path = match mod_path() {
Ok(p) => p,
Err(e) => return e.into_compile_error(),
let arc_self_type = quote! { ::std::sync::Arc<Self> };
let lower_arc = ffiops::lower(&arc_self_type);
let type_id_meta_arc = ffiops::type_id_meta(&arc_self_type);
let try_lift_arc = ffiops::try_lift(&arc_self_type);
let lower_return_type_arc = ffiops::lower_return_type(&arc_self_type);
let lower_return_arc = ffiops::lower_return(&arc_self_type);
let lower_error_arc = ffiops::lower_error(&arc_self_type);
quote! {
// All Object structs must be `Sync + Send`. The generated scaffolding will fail to compile
// if they are not, but unfortunately it fails with an unactionably obscure error message.
// By asserting the requirement explicitly, we help Rust produce a more scrutable error message
// and thus help the user debug why the requirement isn't being met.
#ident: ::core::marker::Sync, ::core::marker::Send
/// Support for passing reference-counted shared objects via the FFI.
/// To avoid dealing with complex lifetime semantics over the FFI, any data passed
/// by reference must be encapsulated in an `Arc`, and must be safe to share
/// across threads.
unsafe #impl_spec {
// Don't use a pointer to <T> as that requires a `pub <T>`
type FfiType = *const ::std::os::raw::c_void;
/// When lowering, we have an owned `Arc` and we transfer that ownership
/// to the foreign-language code, "leaking" it out of Rust's ownership system
/// as a raw pointer. This works safely because we have unique ownership of `self`.
/// The foreign-language code is responsible for freeing this by calling the
/// `ffi_object_free` FFI function provided by the corresponding UniFFI type.
/// Safety: when freeing the resulting pointer, the foreign-language code must
/// call the destructor function specific to the type `T`. Calling the destructor
/// function for other types may lead to undefined behaviour.
fn lower(obj: ::std::sync::Arc<Self>) -> Self::FfiType {
::std::sync::Arc::into_raw(obj) as Self::FfiType
/// When lifting, we receive an owned `Arc` that the foreign language code cloned.
fn try_lift(v: Self::FfiType) -> ::uniffi::Result<::std::sync::Arc<Self>> {
let v = v as *const #ident;
::std::result::Result::Ok(unsafe { ::std::sync::Arc::<Self>::from_raw(v) })
/// When writing as a field of a complex structure, make a clone and transfer ownership
/// of it to the foreign-language code by writing its pointer into the buffer.
/// The foreign-language code is responsible for freeing this by calling the
/// `ffi_object_free` FFI function provided by the corresponding UniFFI type.
/// Safety: when freeing the resulting pointer, the foreign-language code must
/// call the destructor function specific to the type `T`. Calling the destructor
/// function for other types may lead to undefined behaviour.
fn write(obj: ::std::sync::Arc<Self>, buf: &mut ::std::vec::Vec<u8>) {
::uniffi::deps::static_assertions::const_assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<*const ::std::ffi::c_void>() <= 8);
::uniffi::deps::bytes::BufMut::put_u64(buf, #lower_arc(obj) as ::std::primitive::u64);
/// When reading as a field of a complex structure, we receive a "borrow" of the `Arc`
/// that is owned by the foreign-language code, and make a clone for our own use.
/// Safety: the buffer must contain a pointer previously obtained by calling
/// the `lower()` or `write()` method of this impl.
fn try_read(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> ::uniffi::Result<::std::sync::Arc<Self>> {
::uniffi::deps::static_assertions::const_assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<*const ::std::ffi::c_void>() <= 8);
::uniffi::check_remaining(buf, 8)?;
#try_lift_arc(::uniffi::deps::bytes::Buf::get_u64(buf) as Self::FfiType)
const TYPE_ID_META: ::uniffi::MetadataBuffer = ::uniffi::MetadataBuffer::from_code(::uniffi::metadata::codes::TYPE_INTERFACE)
unsafe #lower_return_impl_spec {
type ReturnType = #lower_return_type_arc;
fn lower_return(obj: Self) -> ::std::result::Result<Self::ReturnType, ::uniffi::RustCallError> {
unsafe #lower_error_impl_spec {
fn lower_error(obj: Self) -> ::uniffi::RustBuffer {
unsafe #lift_ref_impl_spec {
type LiftType = ::std::sync::Arc<Self>;
#type_id_impl_spec {
const TYPE_ID_META: ::uniffi::MetadataBuffer = #type_id_meta_arc;
pub(crate) fn interface_meta_static_var(
ident: &Ident,
imp: ObjectImpl,
module_path: &str,
docstring: &str,
) -> syn::Result<TokenStream> {
let name = ident_to_string(ident);
let code = match imp {
ObjectImpl::Struct => quote! { ::uniffi::metadata::codes::INTERFACE },
ObjectImpl::Trait => quote! { ::uniffi::metadata::codes::TRAIT_INTERFACE },
ObjectImpl::CallbackTrait => quote! { ::uniffi::metadata::codes::CALLBACK_TRAIT_INTERFACE },
quote! {