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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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* file, You can obtain one at */
use anyhow::Result;
use askama::Template;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use super::interface::*;
use heck::{ToShoutySnakeCase, ToSnakeCase};
#[template(syntax = "rs", escape = "none", path = "")]
pub struct RustScaffolding<'a> {
ci: &'a ComponentInterface,
udl_base_name: &'a str,
impl<'a> RustScaffolding<'a> {
pub fn new(ci: &'a ComponentInterface, udl_base_name: &'a str) -> Self {
Self { ci, udl_base_name }
mod filters {
use super::*;
pub fn type_rs(type_: &Type) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
Ok(match type_ {
Type::Int8 => "i8".into(),
Type::UInt8 => "u8".into(),
Type::Int16 => "i16".into(),
Type::UInt16 => "u16".into(),
Type::Int32 => "i32".into(),
Type::UInt32 => "u32".into(),
Type::Int64 => "i64".into(),
Type::UInt64 => "u64".into(),
Type::Float32 => "f32".into(),
Type::Float64 => "f64".into(),
Type::Boolean => "bool".into(),
Type::String => "::std::string::String".into(),
Type::Bytes => "::std::vec::Vec<u8>".into(),
Type::Timestamp => "::std::time::SystemTime".into(),
Type::Duration => "::std::time::Duration".into(),
Type::Enum { name, .. } | Type::Record { name, .. } => format!("r#{name}"),
Type::Object { name, imp, .. } => {
format!("::std::sync::Arc<{}>", imp.rust_name_for(name))
Type::CallbackInterface { name, .. } => format!("Box<dyn r#{name}>"),
Type::Optional { inner_type } => {
format!("::std::option::Option<{}>", type_rs(inner_type)?)
Type::Sequence { inner_type } => format!("std::vec::Vec<{}>", type_rs(inner_type)?),
Type::Map {
} => format!(
"::std::collections::HashMap<{}, {}>",
Type::Custom { name, .. } => format!("r#{name}"),
Type::External {
kind: ExternalKind::Interface,
} => format!("::std::sync::Arc<r#{name}>"),
Type::External {
kind: ExternalKind::Trait,
} => format!("::std::sync::Arc<dyn r#{name}>"),
Type::External { name, .. } => format!("r#{name}"),
// Turns a `crate-name` into the `crate_name` the .rs code needs to specify.
pub fn crate_name_rs(nm: &str) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
Ok(format!("r#{}", nm.to_string().to_snake_case()))