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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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//! # Uniffi: easily build cross-platform software components in Rust
//! This is a highly-experimental crate for building cross-language software components
//! in Rust, based on things we've learned and patterns we've developed in the
//! [mozilla/application-services]( project.
//! The idea is to let you write your code once, in Rust, and then re-use it from many
//! other programming languages via Rust's C-compatible FFI layer and some automagically
//! generated binding code. If you think of it as a kind of [wasm-bindgen](
//! wannabe, with a clunkier developer experience but support for more target languages,
//! you'll be pretty close to the mark.
//! Currently supported target languages include Kotlin, Swift and Python.
//! ## Usage
//! To build a cross-language component using `uniffi`, follow these steps.
//! ### 1) Specify your Component Interface
//! Start by thinking about the interface you want to expose for use
//! from other languages. Use the Interface Definition Language to specify your interface
//! in a `.udl` file, where it can be processed by the tools from this crate.
//! For example you might define an interface like this:
//! ```text
//! namespace example {
//! u32 foo(u32 bar);
//! }
//! dictionary MyData {
//! u32 num_foos;
//! bool has_a_bar;
//! }
//! ```
//! ### 2) Implement the Component Interface as a Rust crate
//! With the interface, defined, provide a corresponding implementation of that interface
//! as a standard-looking Rust crate, using functions and structs and so-on. For example
//! an implementation of the above Component Interface might look like this:
//! ```text
//! fn foo(bar: u32) -> u32 {
//! // TODO: a better example!
//! bar + 42
//! }
//! struct MyData {
//! num_foos: u32,
//! has_a_bar: bool
//! }
//! ```
//! ### 3) Generate and include component scaffolding from the UDL file
//! Add to your crate `uniffi_build` under `[build-dependencies]`,
//! then add a `` script to your crate and have it call `uniffi_build::generate_scaffolding`
//! to process your `.udl` file. This will generate some Rust code to be included in the top-level source
//! code of your crate. If your UDL file is named `example.udl`, then your build script would call:
//! ```text
//! uniffi_build::generate_scaffolding("src/example.udl")
//! ```
//! This would output a rust file named ``, ready to be
//! included into the code of your rust crate like this:
//! ```text
//! include_scaffolding!("example");
//! ```
//! ### 4) Generate foreign language bindings for the library
//! You will need ensure a local `uniffi-bindgen` - see <>
//! This utility provides a command-line tool that can produce code to
//! consume the Rust library in any of several supported languages.
//! It is done by calling (in kotlin for example):
//! ```text
//! cargo run --bin -p uniffi-bindgen --language kotlin ./src/example.udl
//! ```
//! This will produce a file `example.kt` in the same directory as the .udl file, containing kotlin bindings
//! to load and use the compiled rust code via its C-compatible FFI.
#![warn(rust_2018_idioms, unused_qualifications)]
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result};
use camino::{Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf};
use fs_err::{self as fs, File};
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::ErrorKind;
use std::process::Command;
pub mod backend;
pub mod bindings;
pub mod interface;
pub mod library_mode;
pub mod macro_metadata;
pub mod scaffolding;
#[cfg(feature = "cargo-metadata")]
pub mod cargo_metadata;
use crate::interface::{
Argument, Constructor, Enum, FfiArgument, FfiField, Field, Function, Method, Object, Record,
pub use interface::ComponentInterface;
pub use library_mode::find_components;
use scaffolding::RustScaffolding;
use uniffi_meta::Type;
/// The options used when creating bindings. Named such
/// it doesn't cause confusion that it's settings specific to
/// the generator itself.
// TODO: We should try and move the public interface of the module to
// this struct. For now, only the BindingGenerator uses it.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct GenerationSettings {
pub out_dir: Utf8PathBuf,
pub try_format_code: bool,
pub cdylib: Option<String>,
/// A trait representing a UniFFI Binding Generator
/// External crates that implement binding generators, should implement this type
/// and call the [`generate_external_bindings`] using a type that implements this trait.
pub trait BindingGenerator: Sized {
/// Handles configuring the bindings
type Config;
/// Creates a new config.
fn new_config(&self, root_toml: &toml::Value) -> Result<Self::Config>;
/// Update the various config items in preparation to write one or more of them.
/// # Arguments
/// - `cdylib`: The name of the cdylib file, if known.
/// - `library_path`: The name of library used to extract the symbols.
/// - `components`: A mutable array of [`Component`]s to be updated.
fn update_component_configs(
settings: &GenerationSettings,
components: &mut Vec<Component<Self::Config>>,
) -> Result<()>;
/// Writes the bindings to the output directory
/// # Arguments
/// - `components`: An array of [`Component`]s representing the items to be generated.
/// - `out_dir`: The path to where the binding generator should write the output bindings
fn write_bindings(
settings: &GenerationSettings,
components: &[Component<Self::Config>],
) -> Result<()>;
/// A trait to alter language specific type representations.
/// It is meant to be implemented by each language oracle. It takes a
/// ['ComponentInterface'] and uses its own specific language adjustment
/// functions to be able to generate language specific templates.
pub trait VisitMut {
/// Go through each `Record` of a [`ComponentInterface`] and
/// adjust it to language specific naming conventions.
fn visit_record(&self, record: &mut Record);
/// Change the name of an `Object` of a [`ComponentInterface`
/// to language specific naming conventions.
fn visit_object(&self, object: &mut Object);
/// Change the name of a `Field` of an `Enum` `Variant`
/// to language specific naming conventions.
fn visit_field(&self, field: &mut Field);
/// Change the name of a `FfiField` inside a `FfiStruct`
/// to language specific naming conventions.
fn visit_ffi_field(&self, ffi_field: &mut FfiField);
/// Change the `Arugment` of a `FfiFunction` in the [`ComponentInterface`]
/// to language specific naming conventions.
fn visit_ffi_argument(&self, ffi_argument: &mut FfiArgument);
/// Go through each `Enum` of a [`ComponentInterface`] and
/// adjust it to language specific naming conventions.
fn visit_enum(&self, is_error: bool, enum_: &mut Enum);
/// Change the naming of the key in the [`ComponentInterface`]
/// `BTreeMap` where all `Enum`s are stored to reflect the changed
/// name of an `Enum`.
fn visit_enum_key(&self, key: &mut String) -> String;
/// Go through each `Variant` of an `Enum` and
/// adjust it to language specific naming conventions.
fn visit_variant(&self, is_error: bool, variant: &mut Variant);
/// Go through each `Type` in the `TypeUniverse` of
/// a [`ComponentInterface`] and adjust it to language specific
/// naming conventions.
fn visit_type(&self, type_: &mut Type);
/// Go through each error name in the interface and adjust it to language specific naming
/// conventions. The new name must match the name of the Enum/Object definition after it's
/// visited.
fn visit_error_name(&self, name: &mut String);
/// Go through each `Method` of an `Object` and
/// adjust it to language specific naming conventions.
fn visit_method(&self, method: &mut Method);
/// Go through each `Argument` of a `Function` and
/// adjust it to language specific naming conventions.
fn visit_argument(&self, argument: &mut Argument);
/// Go through each `Constructor` of a [`ComponentInterface`] and
/// adjust it to language specific naming conventions.
fn visit_constructor(&self, constructor: &mut Constructor);
/// Go through each `Function` of a [`ComponentInterface`] and
/// adjust it to language specific naming conventions.
fn visit_function(&self, function: &mut Function);
/// Everything needed to generate a ComponentInterface.
pub struct Component<Config> {
pub ci: ComponentInterface,
pub config: Config,
/// A trait used by the bindgen to obtain config information about a source crate
/// which was found in the metadata for the library.
/// This is an abstraction around needing the source directory for a crate.
/// In most cases `cargo_metadata` can be used, but this should be able to work in
/// more environments.
pub trait BindgenCrateConfigSupplier {
/// Get the toml for the crate. Probably came from uniffi.toml in the root of the crate source.
fn get_toml(&self, _crate_name: &str) -> Result<Option<toml::value::Table>> {
/// Obtains the contents of the named UDL file which was referenced by the type metadata.
fn get_udl(&self, crate_name: &str, udl_name: &str) -> Result<String> {
bail!("Crate {crate_name} has no UDL {udl_name}")
pub struct EmptyCrateConfigSupplier;
impl BindgenCrateConfigSupplier for EmptyCrateConfigSupplier {}
/// A convenience function for the CLI to help avoid using static libs
/// in places cdylibs are required.
pub fn is_cdylib(library_file: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>) -> bool {
/// Generate bindings for an external binding generator
/// Ideally, this should replace the [`generate_bindings`] function below
/// Implements an entry point for external binding generators.
/// The function does the following:
/// - It parses the `udl` in a [`ComponentInterface`]
/// - Creates an instance of [`BindingGenerator`], based on type argument `B`, and run [`BindingGenerator::write_bindings`] on it
/// # Arguments
/// - `binding_generator`: Type that implements BindingGenerator
/// - `udl_file`: The path to the UDL file
/// - `config_file_override`: The path to the configuration toml file, most likely called `uniffi.toml`. If [`None`], the function will try to guess based on the crate's root.
/// - `out_dir_override`: The path to write the bindings to. If [`None`], it will be the path to the parent directory of the `udl_file`
/// - `library_file`: The path to a dynamic library to attempt to extract the definitions from and extend the component interface with. No extensions to component interface occur if it's [`None`]
/// - `crate_name`: Override the default crate name that is guessed from UDL file path.
pub fn generate_external_bindings<T: BindingGenerator>(
binding_generator: &T,
udl_file: impl AsRef<Utf8Path>,
config_file_override: Option<impl AsRef<Utf8Path>>,
out_dir_override: Option<impl AsRef<Utf8Path>>,
library_file: Option<impl AsRef<Utf8Path>>,
crate_name: Option<&str>,
try_format_code: bool,
) -> Result<()> {
let crate_name = crate_name
.map(|c| Ok(c.to_string()))
.unwrap_or_else(|| crate_name_from_cargo_toml(udl_file.as_ref()))?;
let mut ci = parse_udl(udl_file.as_ref(), &crate_name)?;
if let Some(ref library_file) = library_file {
macro_metadata::add_to_ci_from_library(&mut ci, library_file.as_ref())?;
let crate_root = &guess_crate_root(udl_file.as_ref()).context("Failed to guess crate root")?;
let config_file_override = config_file_override.as_ref().map(|p| p.as_ref());
let config = {
let crate_config = load_toml_file(Some(&crate_root.join("uniffi.toml")))
.context("failed to load {crate_root}/uniffi.toml")?;
let toml_value =
overridden_config_value(crate_config.unwrap_or_default(), config_file_override)?;
let settings = GenerationSettings {
cdylib: match library_file {
Some(ref library_file) => {
None => None,
out_dir: get_out_dir(
out_dir_override.as_ref().map(|p| p.as_ref()),
let mut components = vec![Component { ci, config }];
binding_generator.update_component_configs(&settings, &mut components)?;
binding_generator.write_bindings(&settings, &components)
// Generate the infrastructural Rust code for implementing the UDL interface,
// such as the `extern "C"` function definitions and record data types.
// Locates and parses Cargo.toml to determine the name of the crate.
pub fn generate_component_scaffolding(
udl_file: &Utf8Path,
out_dir_override: Option<&Utf8Path>,
format_code: bool,
) -> Result<()> {
let component = parse_udl(udl_file, &crate_name_from_cargo_toml(udl_file)?)?;
generate_component_scaffolding_inner(component, udl_file, out_dir_override, format_code)
// Generate the infrastructural Rust code for implementing the UDL interface,
// such as the `extern "C"` function definitions and record data types, using
// the specified crate name.
pub fn generate_component_scaffolding_for_crate(
udl_file: &Utf8Path,
crate_name: &str,
out_dir_override: Option<&Utf8Path>,
format_code: bool,
) -> Result<()> {
let component = parse_udl(udl_file, crate_name)?;
generate_component_scaffolding_inner(component, udl_file, out_dir_override, format_code)
fn generate_component_scaffolding_inner(
component: ComponentInterface,
udl_file: &Utf8Path,
out_dir_override: Option<&Utf8Path>,
format_code: bool,
) -> Result<()> {
let file_stem = udl_file.file_stem().context("not a file")?;
let filename = format!("{file_stem}");
let out_path = get_out_dir(udl_file, out_dir_override)?.join(filename);
let mut f = File::create(&out_path)?;
write!(f, "{}", RustScaffolding::new(&component, file_stem))
.context("Failed to write output file")?;
if format_code {
// Generate the bindings in the target languages that call the scaffolding
// Rust code.
pub fn generate_bindings<T: BindingGenerator>(
udl_file: &Utf8Path,
config_file_override: Option<&Utf8Path>,
binding_generator: T,
out_dir_override: Option<&Utf8Path>,
library_file: Option<&Utf8Path>,
crate_name: Option<&str>,
try_format_code: bool,
) -> Result<()> {
pub fn print_repr(library_path: &Utf8Path) -> Result<()> {
let metadata = macro_metadata::extract_from_library(library_path)?;
// Given the path to a UDL file, locate and parse the corresponding Cargo.toml to determine
// the library crate name.
// Note that this is largely a copy of code in uniffi_macros/src/, but sharing it
// isn't trivial and it's not particularly complicated so we've just copied it.
fn crate_name_from_cargo_toml(udl_file: &Utf8Path) -> Result<String> {
struct CargoToml {
package: Package,
lib: Lib,
struct Package {
name: String,
#[derive(Default, Deserialize)]
struct Lib {
name: Option<String>,
let file = guess_crate_root(udl_file)?.join("Cargo.toml");
let cargo_toml_bytes =
fs::read(file).context("Can't find Cargo.toml to determine the crate name")?;
let cargo_toml = toml::from_slice::<CargoToml>(&cargo_toml_bytes)?;
let lib_crate_name = cargo_toml
.unwrap_or_else(||'-', "_"));
/// Guess the root directory of the crate from the path of its UDL file.
/// For now, we assume that the UDL file is in `./src/something.udl` relative
/// to the crate root. We might consider something more sophisticated in
/// future.
pub fn guess_crate_root(udl_file: &Utf8Path) -> Result<&Utf8Path> {
let path_guess = udl_file
.context("UDL file has no parent folder!")?
.context("UDL file has no grand-parent folder!")?;
if !path_guess.join("Cargo.toml").is_file() {
bail!("UDL file does not appear to be inside a crate")
fn get_out_dir(udl_file: &Utf8Path, out_dir_override: Option<&Utf8Path>) -> Result<Utf8PathBuf> {
Ok(match out_dir_override {
Some(s) => {
// Create the directory if it doesn't exist yet.
s.canonicalize_utf8().context("Unable to find out-dir")?
None => udl_file
.context("File has no parent directory")?
fn parse_udl(udl_file: &Utf8Path, crate_name: &str) -> Result<ComponentInterface> {
let udl = fs::read_to_string(udl_file)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to read UDL from {udl_file}"))?;
let group = uniffi_udl::parse_udl(&udl, crate_name)?;
fn format_code_with_rustfmt(path: &Utf8Path) -> Result<()> {
let status = Command::new("rustfmt").arg(path).status().map_err(|e| {
let ctx = match e.kind() {
ErrorKind::NotFound => "formatting was requested, but rustfmt was not found",
_ => "unknown error when calling rustfmt",
if !status.success() {
bail!("rustmt failed when formatting scaffolding. Note: --no-format can be used to skip formatting");
/// Load TOML from file if the file exists.
fn load_toml_file(source: Option<&Utf8Path>) -> Result<Option<toml::value::Table>> {
if let Some(source) = source {
if source.exists() {
let contents =
fs::read_to_string(source).with_context(|| format!("read file: {:?}", source))?;
return Ok(Some(
.with_context(|| format!("parse toml: {:?}", source))?,
/// Load the default `uniffi.toml` config, merge TOML trees with `config_file_override` if specified.
fn overridden_config_value(
mut config: toml::value::Table,
config_file_override: Option<&Utf8Path>,
) -> Result<toml::Value> {
let override_config = load_toml_file(config_file_override).context("override config")?;
if let Some(override_config) = override_config {
merge_toml(&mut config, override_config);
fn merge_toml(a: &mut toml::value::Table, b: toml::value::Table) {
for (key, value) in b.into_iter() {
match a.get_mut(&key) {
Some(existing_value) => match (existing_value, value) {
(toml::Value::Table(ref mut t0), toml::Value::Table(t1)) => {
merge_toml(t0, t1);
(v, value) => *v = value,
None => {
a.insert(key, value);
// Include the askama config file into the build.
// That way cargo tracks the file and other tools relying on file tracking see it as well.
// In the future askama should handle that itself by using the `track_path::path` API,
mod __unused {
const _: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../askama.toml");
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_guessing_of_crate_root_directory_from_udl_file() {
// When running this test, this will be the ./uniffi_bindgen directory.
let this_crate_root = Utf8PathBuf::from(std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap());
let example_crate_root = this_crate_root
.expect("should have a parent directory")
let not_a_crate_root = &this_crate_root.join("src/templates");
fn test_merge_toml() {
let default = r#"
foo = "foo"
bar = "bar"
foo = "foo"
bar = "bar"
let mut default = toml::de::from_str(default).unwrap();
let override_toml = r#"
# update key
bar = "BAR"
# insert new key
baz = "BAZ"
# update key
bar = "BAR"
# insert new key
baz = "BAZ"
# new table
bar = "BAR"
baz = "BAZ"
let override_toml = toml::de::from_str(override_toml).unwrap();
let expected = r#"
foo = "foo"
bar = "BAR"
baz = "BAZ"
foo = "foo"
bar = "BAR"
baz = "BAZ"
bar = "BAR"
baz = "BAZ"
let expected: toml::value::Table = toml::de::from_str(expected).unwrap();
merge_toml(&mut default, override_toml);
assert_eq!(&expected, &default);