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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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//! # Low-level typesystem for the FFI layer of a component interface.
//! This module provides the "FFI-level" typesystem of a UniFFI Rust Component, that is,
//! the C-style functions and structs and primitive datatypes that are used to interface
//! between the Rust component code and the foreign-language bindings.
//! These types are purely an implementation detail of UniFFI, so consumers shouldn't
//! need to know about them. But as a developer working on UniFFI itself, you're likely
//! to spend a lot of time thinking about how these low-level types are used to represent
//! the higher-level "interface types" from the [`Type`] enum.
/// Represents the restricted set of low-level types that can be used to construct
/// the C-style FFI layer between a rust component and its foreign language bindings.
/// For the types that involve memory allocation, we make a distinction between
/// "owned" types (the recipient must free it, or pass it to someone else) and
/// "borrowed" types (the sender must keep it alive for the duration of the call).
use uniffi_meta::{ExternalKind, Type};
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum FfiType {
// N.B. there are no booleans at this layer, since they cause problems for JNA.
/// A `*const c_void` pointer to a rust-owned `Arc<T>`.
/// If you've got one of these, you must call the appropriate rust function to free it.
/// The templates will generate a unique `free` function for each T.
/// The inner string references the name of the `T` type.
/// A byte buffer allocated by rust, and owned by whoever currently holds it.
/// If you've got one of these, you must either call the appropriate rust function to free it
/// or pass it to someone that will.
/// If the inner option is Some, it is the name of the external type. The bindings may need
/// to use this name to import the correct RustBuffer for that type.
/// A borrowed reference to some raw bytes owned by foreign language code.
/// The provider of this reference must keep it alive for the duration of the receiving call.
/// Pointer to a callback function. The inner value which matches one of the callback
/// definitions in [crate::ComponentInterface::ffi_definitions].
/// Pointer to a FFI struct (e.g. a VTable). The inner value matches one of the struct
/// definitions in [crate::ComponentInterface::ffi_definitions].
/// Opaque 64-bit handle
/// These are used to pass objects across the FFI.
/// Pointer to an FfiType.
/// Opaque pointer
impl FfiType {
pub fn reference(self) -> FfiType {
/// Unique name for an FFI return type
pub fn return_type_name(return_type: Option<&FfiType>) -> String {
match return_type {
Some(t) => match t {
FfiType::UInt8 => "u8".to_owned(),
FfiType::Int8 => "i8".to_owned(),
FfiType::UInt16 => "u16".to_owned(),
FfiType::Int16 => "i16".to_owned(),
FfiType::UInt32 => "u32".to_owned(),
FfiType::Int32 => "i32".to_owned(),
FfiType::UInt64 => "u64".to_owned(),
FfiType::Int64 => "i64".to_owned(),
FfiType::Float32 => "f32".to_owned(),
FfiType::Float64 => "f64".to_owned(),
FfiType::RustArcPtr(_) => "pointer".to_owned(),
FfiType::RustBuffer(_) => "rust_buffer".to_owned(),
_ => unimplemented!("FFI return type: {t:?}"),
None => "void".to_owned(),
/// When passing data across the FFI, each `Type` value will be lowered into a corresponding
/// `FfiType` value. This conversion tells you which one.
/// Note that the conversion is one-way - given an FfiType, it is not in general possible to
/// tell what the corresponding Type is that it's being used to represent.
impl From<&Type> for FfiType {
fn from(t: &Type) -> FfiType {
match t {
// Types that are the same map to themselves, naturally.
Type::UInt8 => FfiType::UInt8,
Type::Int8 => FfiType::Int8,
Type::UInt16 => FfiType::UInt16,
Type::Int16 => FfiType::Int16,
Type::UInt32 => FfiType::UInt32,
Type::Int32 => FfiType::Int32,
Type::UInt64 => FfiType::UInt64,
Type::Int64 => FfiType::Int64,
Type::Float32 => FfiType::Float32,
Type::Float64 => FfiType::Float64,
// Booleans lower into an Int8, to work around a bug in JNA.
Type::Boolean => FfiType::Int8,
// Strings are always owned rust values.
// We might add a separate type for borrowed strings in future.
Type::String => FfiType::RustBuffer(None),
// Byte strings are also always owned rust values.
// We might add a separate type for borrowed byte strings in future as well.
Type::Bytes => FfiType::RustBuffer(None),
// Objects are pointers to an Arc<>
Type::Object { name, .. } => FfiType::RustArcPtr(name.to_owned()),
// Callback interfaces are passed as opaque integer handles.
Type::CallbackInterface { .. } => FfiType::UInt64,
// Other types are serialized into a bytebuffer and deserialized on the other side.
Type::Enum { .. }
| Type::Record { .. }
| Type::Optional { .. }
| Type::Sequence { .. }
| Type::Map { .. }
| Type::Timestamp
| Type::Duration => FfiType::RustBuffer(None),
Type::External {
kind: ExternalKind::Interface,
| Type::External {
kind: ExternalKind::Trait,
} => FfiType::RustArcPtr(name.clone()),
Type::External {
kind: ExternalKind::DataClass,
} => FfiType::RustBuffer(Some(ExternalFfiMetadata {
name: name.clone(),
module_path: module_path.clone(),
namespace: namespace.clone(),
Type::Custom { builtin, .. } => FfiType::from(builtin.as_ref()),
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct ExternalFfiMetadata {
pub name: String,
pub module_path: String,
pub namespace: String,
// Needed for rust scaffolding askama template
impl From<Type> for FfiType {
fn from(ty: Type) -> Self {
impl From<&&Type> for FfiType {
fn from(ty: &&Type) -> Self {
/// An Ffi definition
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum FfiDefinition {
impl FfiDefinition {
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
match self {
Self::Function(f) =>,
Self::CallbackFunction(f) =>,
Self::Struct(s) =>,
/// Represents an "extern C"-style function that will be part of the FFI.
/// These can't be declared explicitly in the UDL, but rather, are derived automatically
/// from the high-level interface. Each callable thing in the component API will have a
/// corresponding `FfiFunction` through which it can be invoked, and UniFFI also provides
/// some built-in `FfiFunction` helpers for use in the foreign language bindings.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct FfiFunction {
pub(super) name: String,
pub(super) is_async: bool,
pub(super) arguments: Vec<FfiArgument>,
pub(super) return_type: Option<FfiType>,
pub(super) has_rust_call_status_arg: bool,
/// Used by C# generator to differentiate the free function and call it with void*
/// instead of C# `SafeHandle` type. See <>.
pub(super) is_object_free_function: bool,
impl FfiFunction {
pub fn callback_init(module_path: &str, trait_name: &str, vtable_name: String) -> Self {
Self {
name: uniffi_meta::init_callback_vtable_fn_symbol_name(module_path, trait_name),
arguments: vec![FfiArgument {
name: "vtable".to_string(),
type_: FfiType::Struct(vtable_name).reference(),
return_type: None,
has_rust_call_status_arg: false,
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
pub fn rename(&mut self, new_name: String) { = new_name;
/// Name of the FFI buffer version of this function that's generated when the
/// `scaffolding-ffi-buffer-fns` feature is enabled.
pub fn ffi_buffer_fn_name(&self) -> String {
pub fn is_async(&self) -> bool {
pub fn arguments(&self) -> Vec<&FfiArgument> {
pub fn return_type(&self) -> Option<&FfiType> {
pub fn has_rust_call_status_arg(&self) -> bool {
pub fn is_object_free_function(&self) -> bool {
pub fn init(
&mut self,
return_type: Option<FfiType>,
args: impl IntoIterator<Item = FfiArgument>,
) {
self.arguments = args.into_iter().collect();
if self.is_async() {
self.return_type = Some(FfiType::Handle);
self.has_rust_call_status_arg = false;
} else {
self.return_type = return_type;
impl Default for FfiFunction {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
name: "".into(),
is_async: false,
arguments: Vec::new(),
return_type: None,
has_rust_call_status_arg: true,
is_object_free_function: false,
/// Represents an argument to an FFI function.
/// Each argument has a name and a type.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct FfiArgument {
pub(super) name: String,
pub(super) type_: FfiType,
impl FfiArgument {
pub fn new(name: impl Into<String>, type_: FfiType) -> Self {
Self {
name: name.into(),
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
pub fn rename(&mut self, new_name: String) { = new_name;
pub fn type_(&self) -> FfiType {
/// Represents an "extern C"-style callback function
/// These are defined in the foreign code and passed to Rust as a function pointer.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub struct FfiCallbackFunction {
// Name for this function type. This matches the value inside `FfiType::Callback`
pub(super) name: String,
pub(super) arguments: Vec<FfiArgument>,
pub(super) return_type: Option<FfiType>,
pub(super) has_rust_call_status_arg: bool,
impl FfiCallbackFunction {
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
pub fn rename(&mut self, new_name: String) { = new_name;
pub fn arguments(&self) -> Vec<&FfiArgument> {
pub fn return_type(&self) -> Option<&FfiType> {
pub fn has_rust_call_status_arg(&self) -> bool {
/// Represents a repr(C) struct used in the FFI
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub struct FfiStruct {
pub(super) name: String,
pub(super) fields: Vec<FfiField>,
impl FfiStruct {
/// Get the name of this struct
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
pub fn rename(&mut self, new_name: String) { = new_name;
/// Get the fields for this struct
pub fn fields(&self) -> &[FfiField] {
/// Represents a field of an [FfiStruct]
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct FfiField {
pub(super) name: String,
pub(super) type_: FfiType,
impl FfiField {
pub fn new(name: impl Into<String>, type_: FfiType) -> Self {
Self {
name: name.into(),
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
pub fn type_(&self) -> FfiType {
pub fn rename(&mut self, name: String) { = name;
impl From<FfiFunction> for FfiDefinition {
fn from(value: FfiFunction) -> FfiDefinition {
impl From<FfiStruct> for FfiDefinition {
fn from(value: FfiStruct) -> FfiDefinition {
impl From<FfiCallbackFunction> for FfiDefinition {
fn from(value: FfiCallbackFunction) -> FfiDefinition {
mod test {
// There's not really much to test here to be honest,
// it's mostly type declarations.