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#if swift(>=5.8)
@_documentation(visibility: private)
fileprivate struct FfiConverterTimestamp: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
typealias SwiftType = Date
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> Date {
let seconds: Int64 = try readInt(&buf)
let nanoseconds: UInt32 = try readInt(&buf)
if seconds >= 0 {
let delta = Double(seconds) + (Double(nanoseconds) / 1.0e9)
return Date.init(timeIntervalSince1970: delta)
} else {
let delta = Double(seconds) - (Double(nanoseconds) / 1.0e9)
return Date.init(timeIntervalSince1970: delta)
public static func write(_ value: Date, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
var delta = value.timeIntervalSince1970
var sign: Int64 = 1
if delta < 0 {
// The nanoseconds portion of the epoch offset must always be
// positive, to simplify the calculation we will use the absolute
// value of the offset.
sign = -1
delta = -delta
if delta.rounded(.down) > Double(Int64.max) {
fatalError("Timestamp overflow, exceeds max bounds supported by Uniffi")
let seconds = Int64(delta)
let nanoseconds = UInt32((delta - Double(seconds)) * 1.0e9)
writeInt(&buf, sign * seconds)
writeInt(&buf, nanoseconds)