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{%- let obj = ci|get_object_definition(name) %}
{%- let (protocol_name, impl_class_name) = obj|object_names %}
{%- let methods = obj.methods() %}
{%- let protocol_docstring = obj.docstring() %}
{%- let is_error = ci.is_name_used_as_error(name) %}
{% include "Protocol.swift" %}
{%- call swift::docstring(obj, 0) %}
open class {{ impl_class_name }}:
{%- for tm in obj.uniffi_traits() %}
{%- match tm %}
{%- when UniffiTrait::Display { fmt } %}
{%- when UniffiTrait::Debug { fmt } %}
{%- when UniffiTrait::Eq { eq, ne } %}
{%- when UniffiTrait::Hash { hash } %}
{%- else %}
{%- endmatch %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- if is_error %}
{% endif %}
{{ protocol_name }} {
fileprivate let pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!
/// Used to instantiate a [FFIObject] without an actual pointer, for fakes in tests, mostly.
#if swift(>=5.8)
@_documentation(visibility: private)
public struct NoPointer {
public init() {}
// TODO: We'd like this to be `private` but for Swifty reasons,
// we can't implement `FfiConverter` without making this `required` and we can't
// make it `required` without making it `public`.
required public init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
// This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object.
// - Parameter noPointer: Placeholder value so we can have a constructor separate from the default empty one that may be implemented for classes extending [FFIObject].
// - Warning:
// Any object instantiated with this constructor cannot be passed to an actual Rust-backed object. Since there isn't a backing [Pointer] the FFI lower functions will crash.
#if swift(>=5.8)
@_documentation(visibility: private)
public init(noPointer: NoPointer) {
self.pointer = nil
#if swift(>=5.8)
@_documentation(visibility: private)
public func uniffiClonePointer() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return try! rustCall { {{ obj.ffi_object_clone().name() }}(self.pointer, $0) }
{%- match obj.primary_constructor() %}
{%- when Some with (cons) %}
{%- call swift::ctor_decl(cons, 4) %}
{%- when None %}
// No primary constructor declared for this class.
{%- endmatch %}
deinit {
guard let pointer = pointer else {
try! rustCall { {{ obj.ffi_object_free().name() }}(pointer, $0) }
{% for cons in obj.alternate_constructors() %}
{%- call swift::func_decl("public static func", cons, 4) %}
{% endfor %}
{% for meth in obj.methods() -%}
{%- call swift::func_decl("open func", meth, 4) %}
{% endfor %}
{%- for tm in obj.uniffi_traits() %}
{%- match tm %}
{%- when UniffiTrait::Display { fmt } %}
open var description: String {
return {% call swift::try(fmt) %} {{ fmt.return_type().unwrap()|lift_fn }}(
{% call swift::to_ffi_call(fmt) %}
{%- when UniffiTrait::Debug { fmt } %}
open var debugDescription: String {
return {% call swift::try(fmt) %} {{ fmt.return_type().unwrap()|lift_fn }}(
{% call swift::to_ffi_call(fmt) %}
{%- when UniffiTrait::Eq { eq, ne } %}
public static func == (self: {{ impl_class_name }}, other: {{ impl_class_name }}) -> Bool {
return {% call swift::try(eq) %} {{ eq.return_type().unwrap()|lift_fn }}(
{% call swift::to_ffi_call(eq) %}
{%- when UniffiTrait::Hash { hash } %}
open func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
let val = {% call swift::try(hash) %} {{ hash.return_type().unwrap()|lift_fn }}(
{% call swift::to_ffi_call(hash) %}
{%- else %}
{%- endmatch %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- if obj.has_callback_interface() %}
{%- let callback_handler = format!("uniffiCallbackInterface{}", name) %}
{%- let callback_init = format!("uniffiCallbackInit{}", name) %}
{%- let vtable = obj.vtable().expect("trait interface should have a vtable") %}
{%- let vtable_methods = obj.vtable_methods() %}
{%- let ffi_init_callback = obj.ffi_init_callback() %}
{% include "CallbackInterfaceImpl.swift" %}
{%- endif %}
#if swift(>=5.8)
@_documentation(visibility: private)
public struct {{ ffi_converter_name }}: FfiConverter {
{%- if obj.has_callback_interface() %}
fileprivate static var handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<{{ type_name }}>()
{%- endif %}
typealias FfiType = UnsafeMutableRawPointer
typealias SwiftType = {{ type_name }}
public static func lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> {{ type_name }} {
return {{ impl_class_name }}(unsafeFromRawPointer: pointer)
public static func lower(_ value: {{ type_name }}) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
{%- if obj.has_callback_interface() %}
guard let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: handleMap.insert(obj: value))) else {
fatalError("Cast to UnsafeMutableRawPointer failed")
return ptr
{%- else %}
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
{%- endif %}
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> {{ type_name }} {
let v: UInt64 = try readInt(&buf)
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a UInt64.
// We have to go via `UInt` because that's the thing that's the size of a pointer.
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: UInt(truncatingIfNeeded: v))
if (ptr == nil) {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedNullPointer
return try lift(ptr!)
public static func write(_ value: {{ type_name }}, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
// This fiddling is because `Int` is the thing that's the same size as a pointer.
// The Rust code won't compile if a pointer won't fit in a `UInt64`.
writeInt(&buf, UInt64(bitPattern: Int64(Int(bitPattern: lower(value)))))
{# Objects as error #}
{%- if is_error %}
extension {{ type_name }}: Foundation.LocalizedError {
public var errorDescription: String? {
String(reflecting: self)
{# Due to some mismatches in the ffi converter mechanisms, errors are a RustBuffer holding a pointer #}
#if swift(>=5.8)
@_documentation(visibility: private)
public struct {{ ffi_converter_name }}__as_error: FfiConverterRustBuffer {
public static func lift(_ buf: RustBuffer) throws -> {{ type_name }} {
var reader = createReader(data: Data(rustBuffer: buf))
return try {{ ffi_converter_name }}.read(from: &reader)
public static func lower(_ value: {{ type_name }}) -> RustBuffer {
fatalError("not implemented")
public static func read(from buf: inout (data: Data, offset: Data.Index)) throws -> {{ type_name }} {
fatalError("not implemented")
public static func write(_ value: {{ type_name }}, into buf: inout [UInt8]) {
fatalError("not implemented")
{%- endif %}
We always write these public functions just in case the enum is used as
an external type by another crate.
#if swift(>=5.8)
@_documentation(visibility: private)
public func {{ ffi_converter_name }}_lift(_ pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> {{ type_name }} {
return try {{ ffi_converter_name }}.lift(pointer)
#if swift(>=5.8)
@_documentation(visibility: private)
public func {{ ffi_converter_name }}_lower(_ value: {{ type_name }}) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return {{ ffi_converter_name }}.lower(value)