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{%- if self.include_once_check("CallbackInterfaceRuntime.swift") %}{%- include "CallbackInterfaceRuntime.swift" %}{%- endif %}
{%- let trait_impl=format!("UniffiCallbackInterface{}", name) %}
// Put the implementation in a struct so we don't pollute the top-level namespace
fileprivate struct {{ trait_impl }} {
// Create the VTable using a series of closures.
// Swift automatically converts these into C callback functions.
static var vtable: {{ vtable|ffi_type_name }} = {{ vtable|ffi_type_name }}(
{%- for (ffi_callback, meth) in vtable_methods %}
{{|fn_name }}: { (
{%- for arg in ffi_callback.arguments() %}
{{|var_name }}: {{ arg.type_().borrow()|ffi_type_name }}{% if !loop.last || ffi_callback.has_rust_call_status_arg() %},{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if ffi_callback.has_rust_call_status_arg() %}
uniffiCallStatus: UnsafeMutablePointer<RustCallStatus>
{%- endif %}
) in
let makeCall = {
() {% if meth.is_async() %}async {% endif %}throws -> {% match meth.return_type() %}{% when Some(t) %}{{ t|type_name }}{% when None %}(){% endmatch %} in
guard let uniffiObj = try? {{ ffi_converter_name }}.handleMap.get(handle: uniffiHandle) else {
throw UniffiInternalError.unexpectedStaleHandle
return {% if meth.throws() %}try {% endif %}{% if meth.is_async() %}await {% endif %}uniffiObj.{{|fn_name }}(
{%- for arg in meth.arguments() %}
{% if !config.omit_argument_labels() %} {{|arg_name }}: {% endif %}try {{ arg|lift_fn }}({{|var_name }}){% if !loop.last %},{% endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- if !meth.is_async() %}
{% match meth.return_type() %}
{%- when Some(t) %}
let writeReturn = { uniffiOutReturn.pointee = {{ t|lower_fn }}($0) }
{%- when None %}
let writeReturn = { () }
{%- endmatch %}
{%- match meth.throws_type() %}
{%- when None %}
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn
{%- when Some(error_type) %}
callStatus: uniffiCallStatus,
makeCall: makeCall,
writeReturn: writeReturn,
lowerError: {{ error_type|lower_fn }}
{%- endmatch %}
{%- else %}
let uniffiHandleSuccess = { (returnValue: {{ meth.return_type()|return_type_name }}) in
{{ meth.foreign_future_ffi_result_struct().name()|ffi_struct_name }}(
{%- match meth.return_type() %}
{%- when Some(return_type) %}
returnValue: {{ return_type|lower_fn }}(returnValue),
{%- when None %}
{%- endmatch %}
callStatus: RustCallStatus()
let uniffiHandleError = { (statusCode, errorBuf) in
{{ meth.foreign_future_ffi_result_struct().name()|ffi_struct_name }}(
{%- match meth.return_type() %}
{%- when Some(return_type) %}
returnValue: {{ meth.return_type().map(FfiType::from)|ffi_default_value }},
{%- when None %}
{%- endmatch %}
callStatus: RustCallStatus(code: statusCode, errorBuf: errorBuf)
{%- match meth.throws_type() %}
{%- when None %}
let uniffiForeignFuture = uniffiTraitInterfaceCallAsync(
makeCall: makeCall,
handleSuccess: uniffiHandleSuccess,
handleError: uniffiHandleError
{%- when Some(error_type) %}
let uniffiForeignFuture = uniffiTraitInterfaceCallAsyncWithError(
makeCall: makeCall,
handleSuccess: uniffiHandleSuccess,
handleError: uniffiHandleError,
lowerError: {{ error_type|lower_fn }}
{%- endmatch %}
uniffiOutReturn.pointee = uniffiForeignFuture
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
uniffiFree: { (uniffiHandle: UInt64) -> () in
let result = try? {{ ffi_converter_name }}.handleMap.remove(handle: uniffiHandle)
if result == nil {
print("Uniffi callback interface {{ name }}: handle missing in uniffiFree")
private func {{ callback_init }}() {
{{ }}(&{{ trait_impl }}.vtable)