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// Template to call into rust. Used in several places.
// Variable names in `arg_list_decl` should match up with arg lists
// passed to rust via `arg_list_lowered`
{%- macro to_ffi_call(func) -%}
{%- call _to_ffi_call_with_prefix_arg("", func) %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro to_ffi_call_with_prefix(prefix, func) -%}
{%- call _to_ffi_call_with_prefix_arg(format!("{},", prefix), func) %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro _to_ffi_call_with_prefix_arg(prefix, func) -%}
{%- match func.throws_type() -%}
{%- when Some with (e) -%}
{%- match e -%}
{%- when Type::Enum { name, module_path } -%}
_uniffi_rust_call_with_error({{ e|ffi_converter_name }},
{%- when Type::Object { name, module_path, imp } -%}
_uniffi_rust_call_with_error({{ e|ffi_converter_name }}__as_error,
{%- else %}
# unsupported error type!
{%- endmatch %}
{%- else -%}
{%- endmatch -%}
_UniffiLib.{{ func.ffi_func().name() }},
{{- prefix }}
{%- call arg_list_lowered(func) -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro arg_list_lowered(func) %}
{%- for arg in func.arguments() %}
{{ arg|lower_fn }}({{ }})
{%- if !loop.last %},{% endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro docstring_value(maybe_docstring, indent_spaces) %}
{%- match maybe_docstring %}
{%- when Some(docstring) %}
{{ docstring|docstring(indent_spaces) }}
{{ "" }}
{%- else %}
{%- endmatch %}
{%- endmacro %}
{%- macro docstring(defn, indent_spaces) %}
{%- call docstring_value(defn.docstring(), indent_spaces) %}
{%- endmacro %}
// Arglist as used in Python declarations of methods, functions and constructors.
// Note the type_name filters.
{% macro arg_list_decl(func) %}
{%- for arg in func.arguments() -%}
{{ }}
{%- match arg.default_value() %}
{%- when Some with(literal) %}: "typing.Union[object, {{ arg|type_name -}}]" = _DEFAULT
{%- else %}: "{{ arg|type_name -}}"
{%- endmatch %}
{%- if !loop.last %},{% endif -%}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endmacro %}
// Arglist as used in the _UniffiLib function declarations.
// Note unfiltered name but ffi_type_name filters.
{%- macro arg_list_ffi_decl(func) %}
{%- for arg in func.arguments() %}
{{ arg.type_().borrow()|ffi_type_name }},
{%- endfor %}
{%- if func.has_rust_call_status_arg() %}
ctypes.POINTER(_UniffiRustCallStatus),{% endif %}
{% endmacro -%}
# Setup function arguments by initializing default values.
{%- macro setup_args(func) %}
{%- for arg in func.arguments() %}
{%- match arg.default_value() %}
{%- when None %}
{%- when Some with(literal) %}
if {{ }} is _DEFAULT:
{{ }} = {{ literal|literal_py(arg.as_type().borrow()) }}
{%- endmatch %}
{{ arg|check_lower_fn }}({{ }})
{% endfor -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
# Exactly the same thing as `setup_args()` but with an extra 4 spaces of
# indent so that it works with object methods.
{%- macro setup_args_extra_indent(func) %}
{%- for arg in func.arguments() %}
{%- match arg.default_value() %}
{%- when None %}
{%- when Some with(literal) %}
if {{ }} is _DEFAULT:
{{ }} = {{ literal|literal_py(arg.as_type().borrow()) }}
{%- endmatch %}
{{ arg|check_lower_fn }}({{ }})
{% endfor -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
# Macro to call methods
{%- macro method_decl(py_method_name, meth) %}
{% if meth.is_async() %}
{%- match meth.return_type() %}
{%- when Some with (return_type) %}
async def {{ py_method_name }}(self, {% call arg_list_decl(meth) %}) -> "{{ return_type|type_name }}":
{%- when None %}
async def {{ py_method_name }}(self, {% call arg_list_decl(meth) %}) -> None:
{% endmatch %}
{%- call docstring(meth, 8) %}
{%- call setup_args_extra_indent(meth) %}
return await _uniffi_rust_call_async(
_UniffiLib.{{ meth.ffi_func().name() }}(
self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), {% call arg_list_lowered(meth) %}
_UniffiLib.{{ meth.ffi_rust_future_poll(ci) }},
_UniffiLib.{{ meth.ffi_rust_future_complete(ci) }},
_UniffiLib.{{ meth.ffi_rust_future_free(ci) }},
# lift function
{%- match meth.return_type() %}
{%- when Some(return_type) %}
{{ return_type|lift_fn }},
{%- when None %}
lambda val: None,
{% endmatch %}
{% call error_ffi_converter(meth) %}
{%- else -%}
{%- match meth.return_type() %}
{%- when Some with (return_type) %}
def {{ py_method_name }}(self, {% call arg_list_decl(meth) %}) -> "{{ return_type|type_name }}":
{%- call docstring(meth, 8) %}
{%- call setup_args_extra_indent(meth) %}
return {{ return_type|lift_fn }}(
{% call to_ffi_call_with_prefix("self._uniffi_clone_pointer()", meth) %}
{%- when None %}
def {{ py_method_name }}(self, {% call arg_list_decl(meth) %}) -> None:
{%- call docstring(meth, 8) %}
{%- call setup_args_extra_indent(meth) %}
{% call to_ffi_call_with_prefix("self._uniffi_clone_pointer()", meth) %}
{% endmatch %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{%- macro error_ffi_converter(func) %}
# Error FFI converter
{% match func.throws_type() %}
{%- when Some(e) %}
{%- match e -%}
{%- when Type::Enum { name, module_path } -%}
{{ e|ffi_converter_name }},
{%- when Type::Object { name, module_path, imp } -%}
{{ e|ffi_converter_name }}__as_error,
{%- else %}
# unsupported error type!
{%- endmatch %}
{%- when None %}
{%- endmatch %}
{% endmacro %}