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{%- let obj = ci|get_object_definition(name) %}
{%- let (protocol_name, impl_name) = obj|object_names %}
{%- let methods = obj.methods() %}
{%- let protocol_docstring = obj.docstring() %}
{% include "" %}
{% if ci.is_name_used_as_error(name) %}
class {{ impl_name }}(Exception):
{%- else %}
class {{ impl_name }}:
{%- endif %}
{%- call py::docstring(obj, 4) %}
_pointer: ctypes.c_void_p
{%- match obj.primary_constructor() %}
{%- when Some with (cons) %}
{%- if cons.is_async() %}
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
raise ValueError("async constructors not supported.")
{%- else %}
def __init__(self, {% call py::arg_list_decl(cons) -%}):
{%- call py::docstring(cons, 8) %}
{%- call py::setup_args_extra_indent(cons) %}
self._pointer = {% call py::to_ffi_call(cons) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- when None %}
{# no __init__ means simple construction without a pointer works, which can confuse #}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise ValueError("This class has no default constructor")
{%- endmatch %}
def __del__(self):
# In case of partial initialization of instances.
pointer = getattr(self, "_pointer", None)
if pointer is not None:
_uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.{{ obj.ffi_object_free().name() }}, pointer)
def _uniffi_clone_pointer(self):
return _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.{{ obj.ffi_object_clone().name() }}, self._pointer)
# Used by alternative constructors or any methods which return this type.
def _make_instance_(cls, pointer):
# Lightly yucky way to bypass the usual __init__ logic
# and just create a new instance with the required pointer.
inst = cls.__new__(cls)
inst._pointer = pointer
return inst
{%- for cons in obj.alternate_constructors() %}
{%- if cons.is_async() %}
async def {{ }}(cls, {% call py::arg_list_decl(cons) %}):
{%- call py::docstring(cons, 8) %}
{%- call py::setup_args_extra_indent(cons) %}
return await _uniffi_rust_call_async(
_UniffiLib.{{ cons.ffi_func().name() }}({% call py::arg_list_lowered(cons) %}),
_UniffiLib.{{ cons.ffi_rust_future_poll(ci) }},
_UniffiLib.{{ cons.ffi_rust_future_complete(ci) }},
_UniffiLib.{{ cons.ffi_rust_future_free(ci) }},
{{ ffi_converter_name }}.lift,
{% call py::error_ffi_converter(cons) %}
{%- else %}
def {{ }}(cls, {% call py::arg_list_decl(cons) %}):
{%- call py::docstring(cons, 8) %}
{%- call py::setup_args_extra_indent(cons) %}
# Call the (fallible) function before creating any half-baked object instances.
pointer = {% call py::to_ffi_call(cons) %}
return cls._make_instance_(pointer)
{%- endif %}
{% endfor %}
{%- for meth in obj.methods() -%}
{%- call py::method_decl(, meth) %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- for tm in obj.uniffi_traits() -%}
{%- match tm %}
{%- when UniffiTrait::Debug { fmt } %}
{%- call py::method_decl("__repr__", fmt) %}
{%- when UniffiTrait::Display { fmt } %}
{%- call py::method_decl("__str__", fmt) %}
{%- when UniffiTrait::Eq { eq, ne } %}
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> {{ eq.return_type().unwrap()|type_name }}:
if not isinstance(other, {{ type_name }}):
return NotImplemented
return {{ eq.return_type().unwrap()|lift_fn }}({% call py::to_ffi_call_with_prefix("self._uniffi_clone_pointer()", eq) %})
def __ne__(self, other: object) -> {{ ne.return_type().unwrap()|type_name }}:
if not isinstance(other, {{ type_name }}):
return NotImplemented
return {{ ne.return_type().unwrap()|lift_fn }}({% call py::to_ffi_call_with_prefix("self._uniffi_clone_pointer()", ne) %})
{%- when UniffiTrait::Hash { hash } %}
{%- call py::method_decl("__hash__", hash) %}
{%- endmatch %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- if obj.has_callback_interface() %}
{%- let ffi_init_callback = obj.ffi_init_callback() %}
{%- let vtable = obj.vtable().expect("trait interface should have a vtable") %}
{%- let vtable_methods = obj.vtable_methods() %}
{% include "" %}
{%- endif %}
{# Objects as error #}
{%- if ci.is_name_used_as_error(name) %}
{# Due to some mismatches in the ffi converter mechanisms, errors are forced to be a RustBuffer #}
class {{ ffi_converter_name }}__as_error(_UniffiConverterRustBuffer):
def read(cls, buf):
raise NotImplementedError()
def write(cls, value, buf):
raise NotImplementedError()
def lift(value):
# Errors are always a rust buffer holding a pointer - which is a "read"
with value.consume_with_stream() as stream:
return {{ ffi_converter_name }}.read(stream)
def lower(value):
raise NotImplementedError()
{%- endif %}
class {{ ffi_converter_name }}:
{%- if obj.has_callback_interface() %}
_handle_map = _UniffiHandleMap()
{%- endif %}
def lift(value: int):
return {{ impl_name }}._make_instance_(value)
def check_lower(value: {{ type_name }}):
{%- if obj.has_callback_interface() %}
{%- else %}
if not isinstance(value, {{ impl_name }}):
raise TypeError("Expected {{ impl_name }} instance, {} found".format(type(value).__name__))
{%- endif %}
def lower(value: {{ protocol_name }}):
{%- if obj.has_callback_interface() %}
return {{ ffi_converter_name }}._handle_map.insert(value)
{%- else %}
if not isinstance(value, {{ impl_name }}):
raise TypeError("Expected {{ impl_name }} instance, {} found".format(type(value).__name__))
return value._uniffi_clone_pointer()
{%- endif %}
def read(cls, buf: _UniffiRustBuffer):
ptr = buf.read_u64()
if ptr == 0:
raise InternalError("Raw pointer value was null")
return cls.lift(ptr)
def write(cls, value: {{ protocol_name }}, buf: _UniffiRustBuffer):