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// This template implements a class for working with a Rust struct via a Pointer/Arc<T>
// to the live Rust struct on the other side of the FFI.
// Each instance implements core operations for working with the Rust `Arc<T>` and the
// Kotlin Pointer to work with the live Rust struct on the other side of the FFI.
// There's some subtlety here, because we have to be careful not to operate on a Rust
// struct after it has been dropped, and because we must expose a public API for freeing
// theq Kotlin wrapper object in lieu of reliable finalizers. The core requirements are:
// * Each instance holds an opaque pointer to the underlying Rust struct.
// Method calls need to read this pointer from the object's state and pass it in to
// the Rust FFI.
// * When an instance is no longer needed, its pointer should be passed to a
// special destructor function provided by the Rust FFI, which will drop the
// underlying Rust struct.
// * Given an instance, calling code is expected to call the special
// `destroy` method in order to free it after use, either by calling it explicitly
// or by using a higher-level helper like the `use` method. Failing to do so risks
// leaking the underlying Rust struct.
// * We can't assume that calling code will do the right thing, and must be prepared
// to handle Kotlin method calls executing concurrently with or even after a call to
// `destroy`, and to handle multiple (possibly concurrent!) calls to `destroy`.
// * We must never allow Rust code to operate on the underlying Rust struct after
// the destructor has been called, and must never call the destructor more than once.
// Doing so may trigger memory unsafety.
// * To mitigate many of the risks of leaking memory and use-after-free unsafety, a `Cleaner`
// is implemented to call the destructor when the Kotlin object becomes unreachable.
// This is done in a background thread. This is not a panacea, and client code should be aware that
// 1. the thread may starve if some there are objects that have poorly performing
// `drop` methods or do significant work in their `drop` methods.
// 2. the thread is shared across the whole library. This can be tuned by using `android_cleaner = true`,
// or `android = true` in the [`kotlin` section of the `uniffi.toml` file](
// If we try to implement this with mutual exclusion on access to the pointer, there is the
// possibility of a race between a method call and a concurrent call to `destroy`:
// * Thread A starts a method call, reads the value of the pointer, but is interrupted
// before it can pass the pointer over the FFI to Rust.
// * Thread B calls `destroy` and frees the underlying Rust struct.
// * Thread A resumes, passing the already-read pointer value to Rust and triggering
// a use-after-free.
// One possible solution would be to use a `ReadWriteLock`, with each method call taking
// a read lock (and thus allowed to run concurrently) and the special `destroy` method
// taking a write lock (and thus blocking on live method calls). However, we aim not to
// generate methods with any hidden blocking semantics, and a `destroy` method that might
// block if called incorrectly seems to meet that bar.
// So, we achieve our goals by giving each instance an associated `AtomicLong` counter to track
// the number of in-flight method calls, and an `AtomicBoolean` flag to indicate whether `destroy`
// has been called. These are updated according to the following rules:
// * The initial value of the counter is 1, indicating a live object with no in-flight calls.
// The initial value for the flag is false.
// * At the start of each method call, we atomically check the counter.
// If it is 0 then the underlying Rust struct has already been destroyed and the call is aborted.
// If it is nonzero them we atomically increment it by 1 and proceed with the method call.
// * At the end of each method call, we atomically decrement and check the counter.
// If it has reached zero then we destroy the underlying Rust struct.
// * When `destroy` is called, we atomically flip the flag from false to true.
// If the flag was already true we silently fail.
// Otherwise we atomically decrement and check the counter.
// If it has reached zero then we destroy the underlying Rust struct.
// Astute readers may observe that this all sounds very similar to the way that Rust's `Arc<T>` works,
// and indeed it is, with the addition of a flag to guard against multiple calls to `destroy`.
// The overall effect is that the underlying Rust struct is destroyed only when `destroy` has been
// called *and* all in-flight method calls have completed, avoiding violating any of the expectations
// of the underlying Rust code.
// This makes a cleaner a better alternative to _not_ calling `destroy()` as
// and when the object is finished with, but the abstraction is not perfect: if the Rust object's `drop`
// method is slow, and/or there are many objects to cleanup, and it's on a low end Android device, then the cleaner
// thread may be starved, and the app will leak memory.
// In this case, `destroy`ing manually may be a better solution.
// The cleaner can live side by side with the manual calling of `destroy`. In the order of responsiveness, uniffi objects
// with Rust peers are reclaimed:
// 1. By calling the `destroy` method of the object, which calls ``. If that doesn't happen:
// 2. When the object becomes unreachable, AND the Cleaner thread gets to call ``. If the thread is starved then:
// 3. The memory is reclaimed when the process terminates.
{{ self.add_import("java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean") }}
{%- if self.include_once_check("interface-support") %}
{%- include "ObjectCleanerHelper.kt" %}
{%- endif %}
{%- let obj = ci|get_object_definition(name) %}
{%- let (interface_name, impl_class_name) = obj|object_names(ci) %}
{%- let methods = obj.methods() %}
{%- let interface_docstring = obj.docstring() %}
{%- let is_error = ci.is_name_used_as_error(name) %}
{%- let ffi_converter_name = obj|ffi_converter_name %}
{%- include "Interface.kt" %}
{%- call kt::docstring(obj, 0) %}
{% if (is_error) %}
open class {{ impl_class_name }} : kotlin.Exception, Disposable, AutoCloseable, {{ interface_name }} {
{% else -%}
open class {{ impl_class_name }}: Disposable, AutoCloseable, {{ interface_name }} {
{%- endif %}
constructor(pointer: Pointer) {
this.pointer = pointer
this.cleanable = UniffiLib.CLEANER.register(this, UniffiCleanAction(pointer))
* This constructor can be used to instantiate a fake object. Only used for tests. Any
* attempt to actually use an object constructed this way will fail as there is no
* connected Rust object.
constructor(noPointer: NoPointer) {
this.pointer = null
this.cleanable = UniffiLib.CLEANER.register(this, UniffiCleanAction(pointer))
{%- match obj.primary_constructor() %}
{%- when Some(cons) %}
{%- if cons.is_async() %}
// Note no constructor generated for this object as it is async.
{%- else %}
{%- call kt::docstring(cons, 4) %}
constructor({% call kt::arg_list(cons, true) -%}) :
this({% call kt::to_ffi_call(cons) %})
{%- endif %}
{%- when None %}
{%- endmatch %}
protected val pointer: Pointer?
protected val cleanable: UniffiCleaner.Cleanable
private val wasDestroyed = AtomicBoolean(false)
private val callCounter = AtomicLong(1)
override fun destroy() {
// Only allow a single call to this method.
// TODO: maybe we should log a warning if called more than once?
if (this.wasDestroyed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
// This decrement always matches the initial count of 1 given at creation time.
if (this.callCounter.decrementAndGet() == 0L) {
override fun close() {
internal inline fun <R> callWithPointer(block: (ptr: Pointer) -> R): R {
// Check and increment the call counter, to keep the object alive.
// This needs a compare-and-set retry loop in case of concurrent updates.
do {
val c = this.callCounter.get()
if (c == 0L) {
throw IllegalStateException("${this.javaClass.simpleName} object has already been destroyed")
if (c == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
throw IllegalStateException("${this.javaClass.simpleName} call counter would overflow")
} while (! this.callCounter.compareAndSet(c, c + 1L))
// Now we can safely do the method call without the pointer being freed concurrently.
try {
return block(this.uniffiClonePointer())
} finally {
// This decrement always matches the increment we performed above.
if (this.callCounter.decrementAndGet() == 0L) {
// Use a static inner class instead of a closure so as not to accidentally
// capture `this` as part of the cleanable's action.
private class UniffiCleanAction(private val pointer: Pointer?) : Runnable {
override fun run() {
pointer?.let { ptr ->
uniffiRustCall { status ->
UniffiLib.INSTANCE.{{ obj.ffi_object_free().name() }}(ptr, status)
fun uniffiClonePointer(): Pointer {
return uniffiRustCall() { status ->
UniffiLib.INSTANCE.{{ obj.ffi_object_clone().name() }}(pointer!!, status)
{% for meth in obj.methods() -%}
{%- call kt::func_decl("override", meth, 4) %}
{% endfor %}
{%- for tm in obj.uniffi_traits() %}
{%- match tm %}
{% when UniffiTrait::Display { fmt } %}
override fun toString(): String {
return {{ fmt.return_type().unwrap()|lift_fn }}({% call kt::to_ffi_call(fmt) %})
{% when UniffiTrait::Eq { eq, ne } %}
{# only equals used #}
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is {{ impl_class_name}}) return false
return {{ eq.return_type().unwrap()|lift_fn }}({% call kt::to_ffi_call(eq) %})
{% when UniffiTrait::Hash { hash } %}
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return {{ hash.return_type().unwrap()|lift_fn }}({%- call kt::to_ffi_call(hash) %}).toInt()
{%- else %}
{%- endmatch %}
{%- endfor %}
{# XXX - "companion object" confusion? How to have alternate constructors *and* be an error? #}
{% if !obj.alternate_constructors().is_empty() -%}
companion object {
{% for cons in obj.alternate_constructors() -%}
{% call kt::func_decl("", cons, 4) %}
{% endfor %}
{% else if is_error %}
companion object ErrorHandler : UniffiRustCallStatusErrorHandler<{{ impl_class_name }}> {
override fun lift(error_buf: RustBuffer.ByValue): {{ impl_class_name }} {
// Due to some mismatches in the ffi converter mechanisms, errors are a RustBuffer.
val bb = error_buf.asByteBuffer()
if (bb == null) {
throw InternalException("?")
return {{ ffi_converter_name }}.read(bb)
{% else %}
companion object
{% endif %}
{%- if obj.has_callback_interface() %}
{%- let vtable = obj.vtable().expect("trait interface should have a vtable") %}
{%- let vtable_methods = obj.vtable_methods() %}
{%- let ffi_init_callback = obj.ffi_init_callback() %}
{% include "CallbackInterfaceImpl.kt" %}
{%- endif %}
* @suppress
public object {{ ffi_converter_name }}: FfiConverter<{{ type_name }}, Pointer> {
{%- if obj.has_callback_interface() %}
internal val handleMap = UniffiHandleMap<{{ type_name }}>()
{%- endif %}
override fun lower(value: {{ type_name }}): Pointer {
{%- if obj.has_callback_interface() %}
return Pointer(handleMap.insert(value))
{%- else %}
return value.uniffiClonePointer()
{%- endif %}
override fun lift(value: Pointer): {{ type_name }} {
return {{ impl_class_name }}(value)
override fun read(buf: ByteBuffer): {{ type_name }} {
// The Rust code always writes pointers as 8 bytes, and will
// fail to compile if they don't fit.
return lift(Pointer(buf.getLong()))
override fun allocationSize(value: {{ type_name }}) = 8UL
override fun write(value: {{ type_name }}, buf: ByteBuffer) {
// The Rust code always expects pointers written as 8 bytes,
// and will fail to compile if they don't fit.