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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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* file, You can obtain one at */
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use askama::Template;
use heck::{ToLowerCamelCase, ToShoutySnakeCase, ToUpperCamelCase};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::backend::TemplateExpression;
use crate::interface::*;
mod callback_interface;
mod compounds;
mod custom;
mod enum_;
mod external;
mod miscellany;
mod object;
mod primitives;
mod record;
mod variant;
trait CodeType: Debug {
/// The language specific label used to reference this type. This will be used in
/// method signatures and property declarations.
fn type_label(&self, ci: &ComponentInterface) -> String;
/// A representation of this type label that can be used as part of another
/// identifier. e.g. `read_foo()`, or `FooInternals`.
/// This is especially useful when creating specialized objects or methods to deal
/// with this type only.
fn canonical_name(&self) -> String;
fn literal(&self, _literal: &Literal, ci: &ComponentInterface) -> String {
unimplemented!("Unimplemented for {}", self.type_label(ci))
/// Name of the FfiConverter
/// This is the object that contains the lower, write, lift, and read methods for this type.
/// Depending on the binding this will either be a singleton or a class with static methods.
/// This is the newer way of handling these methods and replaces the lower, write, lift, and
/// read CodeType methods. Currently only used by Kotlin, but the plan is to move other
/// backends to using this.
fn ffi_converter_name(&self) -> String {
format!("FfiConverter{}", self.canonical_name())
/// A list of imports that are needed if this type is in use.
/// Classes are imported exactly once.
fn imports(&self) -> Option<Vec<String>> {
/// Function to run at startup
fn initialization_fn(&self) -> Option<String> {
// config options to customize the generated Kotlin.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Config {
pub(super) package_name: Option<String>,
pub(super) cdylib_name: Option<String>,
generate_immutable_records: Option<bool>,
custom_types: HashMap<String, CustomTypeConfig>,
pub(super) external_packages: HashMap<String, String>,
android: bool,
android_cleaner: Option<bool>,
kotlin_target_version: Option<String>,
impl Config {
pub(crate) fn android_cleaner(&self) -> bool {
pub(crate) fn use_enum_entries(&self) -> bool {
self.get_kotlin_version() >= KotlinVersion::new(1, 9, 0)
/// Returns a `Version` with the contents of `kotlin_target_version`.
/// If `kotlin_target_version` is not defined, version `0.0.0` will be used as a fallback.
/// If it's not valid, this function will panic.
fn get_kotlin_version(&self) -> KotlinVersion {
.map(|v| {
KotlinVersion::parse(&v).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
panic!("Provided Kotlin target version is not valid: {}", v)
.unwrap_or(KotlinVersion::new(0, 0, 0))
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
struct KotlinVersion((u16, u16, u16));
impl KotlinVersion {
fn new(major: u16, minor: u16, patch: u16) -> Self {
Self((major, minor, patch))
fn parse(version: &str) -> Result<Self> {
let components = version
.map(|n| {
.map_err(|_| anyhow!("Invalid version string ({n} is not an integer)"))
match components.as_slice() {
[major, minor, patch] => Ok(Self((*major, *minor, *patch))),
[major, minor] => Ok(Self((*major, *minor, 0))),
[major] => Ok(Self((*major, 0, 0))),
_ => Err(anyhow!(
"Invalid version string (expected 1-3 components): {version}"
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct CustomTypeConfig {
imports: Option<Vec<String>>,
type_name: Option<String>,
into_custom: TemplateExpression,
from_custom: TemplateExpression,
impl Config {
// We insist someone has already configured us - any defaults we supply would be wrong.
pub fn package_name(&self) -> String {
.expect("package name should have been set in update_component_configs")
pub fn cdylib_name(&self) -> String {
.expect("cdylib name should have been set in update_component_configs")
/// Whether to generate immutable records (`val` instead of `var`)
pub fn generate_immutable_records(&self) -> bool {
// Generate kotlin bindings for the given ComponentInterface, as a string.
pub fn generate_bindings(config: &Config, ci: &ComponentInterface) -> Result<String> {
KotlinWrapper::new(config.clone(), ci)
.context("failed to render kotlin bindings")
/// A struct to record a Kotlin import statement.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub enum ImportRequirement {
/// The name we are importing.
Import { name: String },
/// Import the name with the specified local name.
ImportAs { name: String, as_name: String },
impl ImportRequirement {
/// Render the Kotlin import statement.
fn render(&self) -> String {
match &self {
ImportRequirement::Import { name } => format!("import {name}"),
ImportRequirement::ImportAs { name, as_name } => {
format!("import {name} as {as_name}")
/// Renders Kotlin helper code for all types
/// This template is a bit different than others in that it stores internal state from the render
/// process. Make sure to only call `render()` once.
#[template(syntax = "kt", escape = "none", path = "Types.kt")]
pub struct TypeRenderer<'a> {
config: &'a Config,
ci: &'a ComponentInterface,
// Track included modules for the `include_once()` macro
include_once_names: RefCell<HashSet<String>>,
// Track imports added with the `add_import()` macro
imports: RefCell<BTreeSet<ImportRequirement>>,
impl<'a> TypeRenderer<'a> {
fn new(config: &'a Config, ci: &'a ComponentInterface) -> Self {
Self {
include_once_names: RefCell::new(HashSet::new()),
imports: RefCell::new(BTreeSet::new()),
// Get the package name for an external type
fn external_type_package_name(&self, module_path: &str, namespace: &str) -> String {
// config overrides are keyed by the crate name, default fallback is the namespace.
let crate_name = module_path.split("::").next().unwrap();
match self.config.external_packages.get(crate_name) {
Some(name) => name.clone(),
// unreachable in library mode - all deps are in our config with correct namespace.
None => format!("uniffi.{namespace}"),
// The following methods are used by the `Types.kt` macros.
// Helper for the including a template, but only once.
// The first time this is called with a name it will return true, indicating that we should
// include the template. Subsequent calls will return false.
fn include_once_check(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
// Helper to add an import statement
// Call this inside your template to cause an import statement to be added at the top of the
// file. Imports will be sorted and de-deuped.
// Returns an empty string so that it can be used inside an askama `{{ }}` block.
fn add_import(&self, name: &str) -> &str {
self.imports.borrow_mut().insert(ImportRequirement::Import {
name: name.to_owned(),
// Like add_import, but arranges for `import name as as_name`
fn add_import_as(&self, name: &str, as_name: &str) -> &str {
.insert(ImportRequirement::ImportAs {
name: name.to_owned(),
as_name: as_name.to_owned(),
#[template(syntax = "kt", escape = "none", path = "wrapper.kt")]
pub struct KotlinWrapper<'a> {
config: Config,
ci: &'a ComponentInterface,
type_helper_code: String,
type_imports: BTreeSet<ImportRequirement>,
impl<'a> KotlinWrapper<'a> {
pub fn new(config: Config, ci: &'a ComponentInterface) -> Self {
let type_renderer = TypeRenderer::new(&config, ci);
let type_helper_code = type_renderer.render().unwrap();
let type_imports = type_renderer.imports.into_inner();
Self {
pub fn initialization_fns(&self) -> Vec<String> {
.map(|t| KotlinCodeOracle.find(t))
.filter_map(|ct| ct.initialization_fn())
pub fn imports(&self) -> Vec<ImportRequirement> {
pub struct KotlinCodeOracle;
impl KotlinCodeOracle {
fn find(&self, type_: &Type) -> Box<dyn CodeType> {
/// Get the idiomatic Kotlin rendering of a class name (for enums, records, errors, etc).
fn class_name(&self, ci: &ComponentInterface, nm: &str) -> String {
let name = nm.to_string().to_upper_camel_case();
// fixup errors.
.then(|| self.convert_error_suffix(&name))
fn convert_error_suffix(&self, nm: &str) -> String {
match nm.strip_suffix("Error") {
None => nm.to_string(),
Some(stripped) => format!("{stripped}Exception"),
/// Get the idiomatic Kotlin rendering of a function name.
fn fn_name(&self, nm: &str) -> String {
format!("`{}`", nm.to_string().to_lower_camel_case())
/// Get the idiomatic Kotlin rendering of a variable name.
fn var_name(&self, nm: &str) -> String {
format!("`{}`", self.var_name_raw(nm))
/// `var_name` without the backticks. Useful for using in `@Structure.FieldOrder`.
pub fn var_name_raw(&self, nm: &str) -> String {
/// Get the idiomatic Kotlin rendering of an individual enum variant.
fn enum_variant_name(&self, nm: &str) -> String {
/// Get the idiomatic Kotlin rendering of an FFI callback function name
fn ffi_callback_name(&self, nm: &str) -> String {
format!("Uniffi{}", nm.to_upper_camel_case())
/// Get the idiomatic Kotlin rendering of an FFI struct name
fn ffi_struct_name(&self, nm: &str) -> String {
format!("Uniffi{}", nm.to_upper_camel_case())
fn ffi_type_label_by_value(&self, ffi_type: &FfiType) -> String {
match ffi_type {
FfiType::RustBuffer(_) => format!("{}.ByValue", self.ffi_type_label(ffi_type)),
FfiType::Struct(name) => format!("{}.UniffiByValue", self.ffi_struct_name(name)),
_ => self.ffi_type_label(ffi_type),
/// FFI type name to use inside structs
/// The main requirement here is that all types must have default values or else the struct
/// won't work in some JNA contexts.
fn ffi_type_label_for_ffi_struct(&self, ffi_type: &FfiType) -> String {
match ffi_type {
// Make callbacks function pointers nullable. This matches the semantics of a C
// function pointer better and allows for `null` as a default value.
FfiType::Callback(name) => format!("{}?", self.ffi_callback_name(name)),
_ => self.ffi_type_label_by_value(ffi_type),
/// Default values for FFI
/// This is used to:
/// - Set a default return value for error results
/// - Set a default for structs, which JNA sometimes requires
fn ffi_default_value(&self, ffi_type: &FfiType) -> String {
match ffi_type {
FfiType::UInt8 | FfiType::Int8 => "0.toByte()".to_owned(),
FfiType::UInt16 | FfiType::Int16 => "0.toShort()".to_owned(),
FfiType::UInt32 | FfiType::Int32 => "0".to_owned(),
FfiType::UInt64 | FfiType::Int64 => "0.toLong()".to_owned(),
FfiType::Float32 => "0.0f".to_owned(),
FfiType::Float64 => "0.0".to_owned(),
FfiType::RustArcPtr(_) => "Pointer.NULL".to_owned(),
FfiType::RustBuffer(_) => "RustBuffer.ByValue()".to_owned(),
FfiType::Callback(_) => "null".to_owned(),
FfiType::RustCallStatus => "UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue()".to_owned(),
_ => unimplemented!("ffi_default_value: {ffi_type:?}"),
fn ffi_type_label_by_reference(&self, ffi_type: &FfiType) -> String {
match ffi_type {
| FfiType::UInt8
| FfiType::Int16
| FfiType::UInt16
| FfiType::Int32
| FfiType::UInt32
| FfiType::Int64
| FfiType::UInt64
| FfiType::Float32
| FfiType::Float64 => format!("{}ByReference", self.ffi_type_label(ffi_type)),
FfiType::RustArcPtr(_) => "PointerByReference".to_owned(),
// JNA structs default to ByReference
FfiType::RustBuffer(_) | FfiType::Struct(_) => self.ffi_type_label(ffi_type),
_ => panic!("{ffi_type:?} by reference is not implemented"),
fn ffi_type_label(&self, ffi_type: &FfiType) -> String {
match ffi_type {
// Note that unsigned integers in Kotlin are currently experimental, but java.nio.ByteBuffer does not
// support them yet. Thus, we use the signed variants to represent both signed and unsigned
// types from the component API.
FfiType::Int8 | FfiType::UInt8 => "Byte".to_string(),
FfiType::Int16 | FfiType::UInt16 => "Short".to_string(),
FfiType::Int32 | FfiType::UInt32 => "Int".to_string(),
FfiType::Int64 | FfiType::UInt64 => "Long".to_string(),
FfiType::Float32 => "Float".to_string(),
FfiType::Float64 => "Double".to_string(),
FfiType::Handle => "Long".to_string(),
FfiType::RustArcPtr(_) => "Pointer".to_string(),
FfiType::RustBuffer(maybe_external) => match maybe_external {
Some(external_meta) => format!("RustBuffer{}",,
None => "RustBuffer".to_string(),
FfiType::RustCallStatus => "UniffiRustCallStatus.ByValue".to_string(),
FfiType::ForeignBytes => "ForeignBytes.ByValue".to_string(),
FfiType::Callback(name) => self.ffi_callback_name(name),
FfiType::Struct(name) => self.ffi_struct_name(name),
FfiType::Reference(inner) => self.ffi_type_label_by_reference(inner),
FfiType::VoidPointer => "Pointer".to_string(),
/// Get the name of the interface and class name for an object.
/// If we support callback interfaces, the interface name is the object name, and the class name is derived from that.
/// Otherwise, the class name is the object name and the interface name is derived from that.
/// This split determines what types `FfiConverter.lower()` inputs. If we support callback
/// interfaces, `lower` must lower anything that implements the interface. If not, then lower
/// only lowers the concrete class.
fn object_names(&self, ci: &ComponentInterface, obj: &Object) -> (String, String) {
let class_name = self.class_name(ci,;
if obj.has_callback_interface() {
let impl_name = format!("{class_name}Impl");
(class_name, impl_name)
} else {
(format!("{class_name}Interface"), class_name)
trait AsCodeType {
fn as_codetype(&self) -> Box<dyn CodeType>;
impl<T: AsType> AsCodeType for T {
fn as_codetype(&self) -> Box<dyn CodeType> {
// Map `Type` instances to a `Box<dyn CodeType>` for that type.
// There is a companion match in `templates/Types.kt` which performs a similar function for the
// template code.
// - When adding additional types here, make sure to also add a match arm to the `Types.kt` template.
// - To keep things manageable, let's try to limit ourselves to these 2 mega-matches
match self.as_type() {
Type::UInt8 => Box::new(primitives::UInt8CodeType),
Type::Int8 => Box::new(primitives::Int8CodeType),
Type::UInt16 => Box::new(primitives::UInt16CodeType),
Type::Int16 => Box::new(primitives::Int16CodeType),
Type::UInt32 => Box::new(primitives::UInt32CodeType),
Type::Int32 => Box::new(primitives::Int32CodeType),
Type::UInt64 => Box::new(primitives::UInt64CodeType),
Type::Int64 => Box::new(primitives::Int64CodeType),
Type::Float32 => Box::new(primitives::Float32CodeType),
Type::Float64 => Box::new(primitives::Float64CodeType),
Type::Boolean => Box::new(primitives::BooleanCodeType),
Type::String => Box::new(primitives::StringCodeType),
Type::Bytes => Box::new(primitives::BytesCodeType),
Type::Timestamp => Box::new(miscellany::TimestampCodeType),
Type::Duration => Box::new(miscellany::DurationCodeType),
Type::Enum { name, .. } => Box::new(enum_::EnumCodeType::new(name)),
Type::Object { name, imp, .. } => Box::new(object::ObjectCodeType::new(name, imp)),
Type::Record { name, .. } => Box::new(record::RecordCodeType::new(name)),
Type::CallbackInterface { name, .. } => {
Type::Optional { inner_type } => {
Type::Sequence { inner_type } => {
Type::Map {
} => Box::new(compounds::MapCodeType::new(*key_type, *value_type)),
Type::External { name, .. } => Box::new(external::ExternalCodeType::new(name)),
Type::Custom { name, .. } => Box::new(custom::CustomCodeType::new(name)),
mod filters {
use super::*;
pub use crate::backend::filters::*;
use uniffi_meta::LiteralMetadata;
pub(super) fn type_name(
as_ct: &impl AsCodeType,
ci: &ComponentInterface,
) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
pub(super) fn canonical_name(as_ct: &impl AsCodeType) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
pub(super) fn ffi_converter_name(as_ct: &impl AsCodeType) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
pub(super) fn lower_fn(as_ct: &impl AsCodeType) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
pub(super) fn allocation_size_fn(as_ct: &impl AsCodeType) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
pub(super) fn write_fn(as_ct: &impl AsCodeType) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
pub(super) fn lift_fn(as_ct: &impl AsCodeType) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
Ok(format!("{}.lift", as_ct.as_codetype().ffi_converter_name()))
pub(super) fn read_fn(as_ct: &impl AsCodeType) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
Ok(format!("{}.read", as_ct.as_codetype().ffi_converter_name()))
pub fn render_literal(
literal: &Literal,
as_ct: &impl AsType,
ci: &ComponentInterface,
) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
Ok(as_ct.as_codetype().literal(literal, ci))
// Get the idiomatic Kotlin rendering of an integer.
fn int_literal(t: &Option<Type>, base10: String) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
if let Some(t) = t {
match t {
Type::Int8 | Type::Int16 | Type::Int32 | Type::Int64 => Ok(base10),
Type::UInt8 | Type::UInt16 | Type::UInt32 | Type::UInt64 => Ok(base10 + "u"),
_ => Err(askama::Error::Custom(Box::new(UniFFIError::new(
"Only ints are supported.".to_string(),
} else {
"Enum hasn't defined a repr".to_string(),
// Get the idiomatic Kotlin rendering of an individual enum variant's discriminant
pub fn variant_discr_literal(e: &Enum, index: &usize) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
let literal = e.variant_discr(*index).expect("invalid index");
match literal {
// Kotlin doesn't convert between signed and unsigned by default
// so we'll need to make sure we define the type as appropriately
LiteralMetadata::UInt(v, _, _) => int_literal(e.variant_discr_type(), v.to_string()),
LiteralMetadata::Int(v, _, _) => int_literal(e.variant_discr_type(), v.to_string()),
_ => Err(askama::Error::Custom(Box::new(UniFFIError::new(
"Only ints are supported.".to_string(),
pub fn ffi_type_name_by_value(type_: &FfiType) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
pub fn ffi_type_name_for_ffi_struct(type_: &FfiType) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
pub fn ffi_default_value(type_: FfiType) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
/// Get the idiomatic Kotlin rendering of a function name.
pub fn class_name(nm: &str, ci: &ComponentInterface) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
Ok(KotlinCodeOracle.class_name(ci, nm))
/// Get the idiomatic Kotlin rendering of a function name.
pub fn fn_name(nm: &str) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
/// Get the idiomatic Kotlin rendering of a variable name.
pub fn var_name(nm: &str) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
/// Get the idiomatic Kotlin rendering of a variable name.
pub fn var_name_raw(nm: &str) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
/// Get a String representing the name used for an individual enum variant.
pub fn variant_name(v: &Variant) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
pub fn error_variant_name(v: &Variant) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
let name =;
/// Get the idiomatic Kotlin rendering of an FFI callback function name
pub fn ffi_callback_name(nm: &str) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
/// Get the idiomatic Kotlin rendering of an FFI struct name
pub fn ffi_struct_name(nm: &str) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
pub fn object_names(
obj: &Object,
ci: &ComponentInterface,
) -> Result<(String, String), askama::Error> {
Ok(KotlinCodeOracle.object_names(ci, obj))
pub fn async_poll(
callable: impl Callable,
ci: &ComponentInterface,
) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
let ffi_func = callable.ffi_rust_future_poll(ci);
"{{ future, callback, continuation -> UniffiLib.INSTANCE.{ffi_func}(future, callback, continuation) }}"
pub fn async_complete(
callable: impl Callable,
ci: &ComponentInterface,
) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
let ffi_func = callable.ffi_rust_future_complete(ci);
let call = format!("UniffiLib.INSTANCE.{ffi_func}(future, continuation)");
let call = match callable.return_type() {
Some(Type::External {
kind: ExternalKind::DataClass,
}) => {
// Need to convert the RustBuffer from our package to the RustBuffer of the external package
let suffix = KotlinCodeOracle.class_name(ci, &name);
format!("{call}.let {{ RustBuffer{suffix}.create(it.capacity.toULong(), it.len.toULong(), }}")
_ => call,
Ok(format!("{{ future, continuation -> {call} }}"))
pub fn async_free(
callable: impl Callable,
ci: &ComponentInterface,
) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
let ffi_func = callable.ffi_rust_future_free(ci);
"{{ future -> UniffiLib.INSTANCE.{ffi_func}(future) }}"
/// Remove the "`" chars we put around function/variable names
/// These are used to avoid name clashes with kotlin identifiers, but sometimes you want to
/// render the name unquoted. One example is the message property for errors where we want to
/// display the name for the user.
pub fn unquote(nm: &str) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
/// Get the idiomatic Kotlin rendering of docstring
pub fn docstring(docstring: &str, spaces: &i32) -> Result<String, askama::Error> {
let middle = textwrap::indent(&textwrap::dedent(docstring), " * ");
let wrapped = format!("/**\n{middle}\n */");
let spaces = usize::try_from(*spaces).unwrap_or_default();
Ok(textwrap::indent(&wrapped, &" ".repeat(spaces)))
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_kotlin_version() {
KotlinVersion::new(1, 2, 3)
KotlinVersion::new(2, 3, 0),
KotlinVersion::new(2, 0, 0),
assert!(KotlinVersion::new(1, 2, 3) > KotlinVersion::new(0, 1, 2));
assert!(KotlinVersion::new(1, 2, 3) > KotlinVersion::new(0, 100, 0));
assert!(KotlinVersion::new(10, 0, 0) > KotlinVersion::new(1, 10, 0));