Revision control
Copy as Markdown
Other Tools
use std::num::NonZeroU16;
use std::str::{self, FromStr};
use super::{ast, unused, Error, Span, Spanned, Unused};
pub(super) fn parse<'a>(
ast_items: impl Iterator<Item = Result<ast::Item<'a>, Error>>,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<Item<'a>, Error>> {|ast_item| ast_item.and_then(Item::from_ast))
pub(super) enum Item<'a> {
Literal(&'a [u8]),
Optional {
value: Box<[Self]>,
_span: Unused<Span>,
First {
value: Box<[Box<[Self]>]>,
_span: Unused<Span>,
impl Item<'_> {
pub(super) fn from_ast(ast_item: ast::Item<'_>) -> Result<Item<'_>, Error> {
Ok(match ast_item {
ast::Item::Component {
_opening_bracket: _,
_leading_whitespace: _,
_trailing_whitespace: _,
_closing_bracket: _,
} => Item::Component(component_from_ast(&name, &modifiers)?),
ast::Item::Literal(Spanned { value, span: _ }) => Item::Literal(value),
ast::Item::EscapedBracket {
_first: _,
_second: _,
} => Item::Literal(b"["),
ast::Item::Optional {
_leading_whitespace: _,
_optional_kw: _,
_whitespace: _,
} => {
let items = nested_format_description
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
Item::Optional {
value: items,
_span: unused(,
ast::Item::First {
_leading_whitespace: _,
_first_kw: _,
_whitespace: _,
} => {
let items = nested_format_descriptions
.map(|nested_format_description| {
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
Item::First {
value: items,
_span: unused(,
impl From<Item<'_>> for crate::format_description::public::OwnedFormatItem {
fn from(item: Item<'_>) -> Self {
match item {
Item::Literal(literal) => Self::Literal(literal.to_vec().into_boxed_slice()),
Item::Component(component) => Self::Component(component.into()),
Item::Optional { value, _span: _ } => Self::Optional(Box::new(value.into())),
Item::First { value, _span: _ } => {
impl<'a> From<Box<[Item<'a>]>> for crate::format_description::public::OwnedFormatItem {
fn from(items: Box<[Item<'a>]>) -> Self {
let items = items.into_vec();
match <[_; 1]>::try_from(items) {
Ok([item]) => item.into(),
Err(vec) => Self::Compound(vec.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect()),
macro_rules! component_definition {
(@if_required required then { $($then:tt)* } $(else { $($else:tt)* })?) => { $($then)* };
(@if_required then { $($then:tt)* } $(else { $($else:tt)* })?) => { $($($else)*)? };
(@if_from_str from_str then { $($then:tt)* } $(else { $($else:tt)* })?) => { $($then)* };
(@if_from_str then { $($then:tt)* } $(else { $($else:tt)* })?) => { $($($else)*)? };
($vis:vis enum $name:ident {
$($variant:ident = $parse_variant:literal {$(
$field:ident = $parse_field:literal:
Option<$(#[$from_str:tt])? $field_type:ty>
=> $target_field:ident
),* $(,)?}),* $(,)?
}) => {
$vis enum $name {
$($vis struct $variant {
$($field: Option<$field_type>),*
$(impl $variant {
fn with_modifiers(
modifiers: &[ast::Modifier<'_>],
_component_span: Span,
) -> Result<Self, Error>
let mut this = Self {
$($field: None),*
for modifier in modifiers {
if modifier.key.eq_ignore_ascii_case($parse_field.as_bytes()) {
this.$field = component_definition!(@if_from_str $($from_str)?
then {
} else {
return Err(modifier.key.span.error("invalid modifier key"));
$(component_definition! { @if_required $($required)? then {
if this.$field.is_none() {
return Err(_component_span.error("missing required modifier"));
impl From<$name> for crate::format_description::public::Component {
fn from(component: $name) -> Self {
match component {$(
$name::$variant($variant { $($field),* }) => {
super::public::modifier::$variant {$(
$target_field: component_definition! { @if_required $($required)?
then {
match $field {
Some(value) => value.into(),
None => bug!("required modifier was not set"),
} else {
fn component_from_ast(
name: &Spanned<&[u8]>,
modifiers: &[ast::Modifier<'_>],
) -> Result<Component, Error> {
if name.eq_ignore_ascii_case($parse_variant.as_bytes()) {
return Ok(Component::$variant($variant::with_modifiers(&modifiers, name.span)?));
Err(name.span.error("invalid component"))
component_definition! {
pub(super) enum Component {
Day = "day" {
padding = "padding": Option<Padding> => padding,
End = "end" {},
Hour = "hour" {
padding = "padding": Option<Padding> => padding,
base = "repr": Option<HourBase> => is_12_hour_clock,
Ignore = "ignore" {
count = "count": Option<#[from_str] NonZeroU16> => count,
Minute = "minute" {
padding = "padding": Option<Padding> => padding,
Month = "month" {
padding = "padding": Option<Padding> => padding,
repr = "repr": Option<MonthRepr> => repr,
case_sensitive = "case_sensitive": Option<MonthCaseSensitive> => case_sensitive,
OffsetHour = "offset_hour" {
sign_behavior = "sign": Option<SignBehavior> => sign_is_mandatory,
padding = "padding": Option<Padding> => padding,
OffsetMinute = "offset_minute" {
padding = "padding": Option<Padding> => padding,
OffsetSecond = "offset_second" {
padding = "padding": Option<Padding> => padding,
Ordinal = "ordinal" {
padding = "padding": Option<Padding> => padding,
Period = "period" {
case = "case": Option<PeriodCase> => is_uppercase,
case_sensitive = "case_sensitive": Option<PeriodCaseSensitive> => case_sensitive,
Second = "second" {
padding = "padding": Option<Padding> => padding,
Subsecond = "subsecond" {
digits = "digits": Option<SubsecondDigits> => digits,
UnixTimestamp = "unix_timestamp" {
precision = "precision": Option<UnixTimestampPrecision> => precision,
sign_behavior = "sign": Option<SignBehavior> => sign_is_mandatory,
Weekday = "weekday" {
repr = "repr": Option<WeekdayRepr> => repr,
one_indexed = "one_indexed": Option<WeekdayOneIndexed> => one_indexed,
case_sensitive = "case_sensitive": Option<WeekdayCaseSensitive> => case_sensitive,
WeekNumber = "week_number" {
padding = "padding": Option<Padding> => padding,
repr = "repr": Option<WeekNumberRepr> => repr,
Year = "year" {
padding = "padding": Option<Padding> => padding,
repr = "repr": Option<YearRepr> => repr,
base = "base": Option<YearBase> => iso_week_based,
sign_behavior = "sign": Option<SignBehavior> => sign_is_mandatory,
macro_rules! target_ty {
($name:ident $type:ty) => {
($name:ident) => {
/// Get the target value for a given enum.
macro_rules! target_value {
($name:ident $variant:ident $value:expr) => {
($name:ident $variant:ident) => {
macro_rules! modifier {
enum $name:ident $(($target_ty:ty))? {
$variant:ident $(($target_value:expr))? = $parse_variant:literal
),* $(,)?
)+) => {$(
enum $name {
$($(#[$attr])? $variant),*
impl $name {
/// Parse the modifier from its string representation.
fn from_modifier_value(value: &Spanned<&[u8]>) -> Result<Option<Self>, Error> {
$(if value.eq_ignore_ascii_case($parse_variant) {
return Ok(Some(Self::$variant));
Err(value.span.error("invalid modifier value"))
impl From<$name> for target_ty!($name $($target_ty)?) {
fn from(modifier: $name) -> Self {
match modifier {
$($name::$variant => target_value!($name $variant $($target_value)?)),*
modifier! {
enum HourBase(bool) {
Twelve(true) = b"12",
TwentyFour(false) = b"24",
enum MonthCaseSensitive(bool) {
False(false) = b"false",
True(true) = b"true",
enum MonthRepr {
Numerical = b"numerical",
Long = b"long",
Short = b"short",
enum Padding {
Space = b"space",
Zero = b"zero",
None = b"none",
enum PeriodCase(bool) {
Lower(false) = b"lower",
Upper(true) = b"upper",
enum PeriodCaseSensitive(bool) {
False(false) = b"false",
True(true) = b"true",
enum SignBehavior(bool) {
Automatic(false) = b"automatic",
Mandatory(true) = b"mandatory",
enum SubsecondDigits {
One = b"1",
Two = b"2",
Three = b"3",
Four = b"4",
Five = b"5",
Six = b"6",
Seven = b"7",
Eight = b"8",
Nine = b"9",
OneOrMore = b"1+",
enum UnixTimestampPrecision {
Second = b"second",
Millisecond = b"millisecond",
Microsecond = b"microsecond",
Nanosecond = b"nanosecond",
enum WeekNumberRepr {
Iso = b"iso",
Sunday = b"sunday",
Monday = b"monday",
enum WeekdayCaseSensitive(bool) {
False(false) = b"false",
True(true) = b"true",
enum WeekdayOneIndexed(bool) {
False(false) = b"false",
True(true) = b"true",
enum WeekdayRepr {
Short = b"short",
Long = b"long",
Sunday = b"sunday",
Monday = b"monday",
enum YearBase(bool) {
Calendar(false) = b"calendar",
IsoWeek(true) = b"iso_week",
enum YearRepr {
Full = b"full",
LastTwo = b"last_two",
fn parse_from_modifier_value<T: FromStr>(value: &Spanned<&[u8]>) -> Result<Option<T>, Error> {
.and_then(|val| val.parse::<T>().ok())
.map(|val| Some(val))
.ok_or_else(|| value.span.error("invalid modifier value"))