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//! Word splitting functionality.
//! To wrap text into lines, long words sometimes need to be split
//! across lines. The [`WordSplitter`] enum defines this
//! functionality.
use crate::core::{display_width, Word};
/// The `WordSplitter` enum describes where words can be split.
/// If the textwrap crate has been compiled with the `hyphenation`
/// Cargo feature enabled, you will find a
/// [`WordSplitter::Hyphenation`] variant. Use this struct for
/// language-aware hyphenation:
/// ```
/// #[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")] {
/// use hyphenation::{Language, Load, Standard};
/// use textwrap::{wrap, Options, WordSplitter};
/// let text = "Oxidation is the loss of electrons.";
/// let dictionary = Standard::from_embedded(Language::EnglishUS).unwrap();
/// let options = Options::new(8).word_splitter(WordSplitter::Hyphenation(dictionary));
/// assert_eq!(wrap(text, &options), vec!["Oxida-",
/// "tion is",
/// "the loss",
/// "of elec-",
/// "trons."]);
/// }
/// ```
/// Please see the documentation for the [hyphenation] crate for more
/// details.
/// [hyphenation]:
pub enum WordSplitter {
/// Use this as a [`Options.word_splitter`] to avoid any kind of
/// hyphenation:
/// ```
/// use textwrap::{wrap, Options, WordSplitter};
/// let options = Options::new(8).word_splitter(WordSplitter::NoHyphenation);
/// assert_eq!(wrap("foo bar-baz", &options),
/// vec!["foo", "bar-baz"]);
/// ```
/// [`Options.word_splitter`]: super::Options::word_splitter
/// `HyphenSplitter` is the default `WordSplitter` used by
/// [`Options::new`](super::Options::new). It will split words on
/// existing hyphens in the word.
/// It will only use hyphens that are surrounded by alphanumeric
/// characters, which prevents a word like `"--foo-bar"` from
/// being split into `"--"` and `"foo-bar"`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use textwrap::WordSplitter;
/// assert_eq!(WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter.split_points("--foo-bar"),
/// vec![6]);
/// ```
/// Use a custom function as the word splitter.
/// This variant lets you implement a custom word splitter using
/// your own function.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use textwrap::WordSplitter;
/// fn split_at_underscore(word: &str) -> Vec<usize> {
/// word.match_indices('_').map(|(idx, _)| idx + 1).collect()
/// }
/// let word_splitter = WordSplitter::Custom(split_at_underscore);
/// assert_eq!(word_splitter.split_points("a_long_identifier"),
/// vec![2, 7]);
/// ```
Custom(fn(word: &str) -> Vec<usize>),
/// A hyphenation dictionary can be used to do language-specific
/// hyphenation using patterns from the [hyphenation] crate.
/// **Note:** Only available when the `hyphenation` Cargo feature is
/// enabled.
/// [hyphenation]:
#[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")]
impl std::fmt::Debug for WordSplitter {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
WordSplitter::NoHyphenation => f.write_str("NoHyphenation"),
WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter => f.write_str("HyphenSplitter"),
WordSplitter::Custom(_) => f.write_str("Custom(...)"),
#[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")]
WordSplitter::Hyphenation(dict) => write!(f, "Hyphenation({})", dict.language()),
impl PartialEq<WordSplitter> for WordSplitter {
fn eq(&self, other: &WordSplitter) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(WordSplitter::NoHyphenation, WordSplitter::NoHyphenation) => true,
(WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter, WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter) => true,
#[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")]
(WordSplitter::Hyphenation(this_dict), WordSplitter::Hyphenation(other_dict)) => {
this_dict.language() == other_dict.language()
(_, _) => false,
impl WordSplitter {
/// Return all possible indices where `word` can be split.
/// The indices are in the range `0..word.len()`. They point to
/// the index _after_ the split point, i.e., after `-` if
/// splitting on hyphens. This way, `word.split_at(idx)` will
/// break the word into two well-formed pieces.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use textwrap::WordSplitter;
/// assert_eq!(WordSplitter::NoHyphenation.split_points("cannot-be-split"), vec![]);
/// assert_eq!(WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter.split_points("can-be-split"), vec![4, 7]);
/// assert_eq!(WordSplitter::Custom(|word| vec![word.len()/2]).split_points("middle"), vec![3]);
/// ```
pub fn split_points(&self, word: &str) -> Vec<usize> {
match self {
WordSplitter::NoHyphenation => Vec::new(),
WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter => {
let mut splits = Vec::new();
for (idx, _) in word.match_indices('-') {
// We only use hyphens that are surrounded by alphanumeric
// characters. This is to avoid splitting on repeated hyphens,
// such as those found in --foo-bar.
let prev = word[..idx].chars().next_back();
let next = word[idx + 1..].chars().next();
if prev.filter(|ch| ch.is_alphanumeric()).is_some()
&& next.filter(|ch| ch.is_alphanumeric()).is_some()
splits.push(idx + 1); // +1 due to width of '-'.
WordSplitter::Custom(splitter_func) => splitter_func(word),
#[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")]
WordSplitter::Hyphenation(dictionary) => {
use hyphenation::Hyphenator;
/// Split words into smaller words according to the split points given
/// by `word_splitter`.
/// Note that we split all words, regardless of their length. This is
/// to more cleanly separate the business of splitting (including
/// automatic hyphenation) from the business of word wrapping.
pub fn split_words<'a, I>(
words: I,
word_splitter: &'a WordSplitter,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = Word<'a>>
I: IntoIterator<Item = Word<'a>>,
words.into_iter().flat_map(move |word| {
let mut prev = 0;
let mut split_points = word_splitter.split_points(&word).into_iter();
std::iter::from_fn(move || {
if let Some(idx) = {
let need_hyphen = !word[..idx].ends_with('-');
let w = Word {
word: &word.word[prev..idx],
width: display_width(&word[prev..idx]),
whitespace: "",
penalty: if need_hyphen { "-" } else { "" },
prev = idx;
return Some(w);
if prev < word.word.len() || prev == 0 {
let w = Word {
word: &word.word[prev..],
width: display_width(&word[prev..]),
whitespace: word.whitespace,
penalty: word.penalty,
prev = word.word.len() + 1;
return Some(w);
mod tests {
use super::*;
// Like assert_eq!, but the left expression is an iterator.
macro_rules! assert_iter_eq {
($left:expr, $right:expr) => {
assert_eq!($left.collect::<Vec<_>>(), $right);
fn split_words_no_words() {
assert_iter_eq!(split_words(vec![], &WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter), vec![]);
fn split_words_empty_word() {
split_words(vec![Word::from(" ")], &WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter),
vec![Word::from(" ")]
fn split_words_single_word() {
split_words(vec![Word::from("foobar")], &WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter),
fn split_words_hyphen_splitter() {
split_words(vec![Word::from("foo-bar")], &WordSplitter::HyphenSplitter),
vec![Word::from("foo-"), Word::from("bar")]
fn split_words_no_hyphenation() {
split_words(vec![Word::from("foo-bar")], &WordSplitter::NoHyphenation),
fn split_words_adds_penalty() {
let fixed_split_point = |_: &str| vec![3];
Word {
word: "foo",
width: 3,
whitespace: "",
penalty: "-"
Word {
word: "bar",
width: 3,
whitespace: "",
penalty: ""
Word {
word: "fo-",
width: 3,
whitespace: "",
penalty: ""
Word {
word: "bar",
width: 3,
whitespace: "",
penalty: ""