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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use crate::error::{self, Error as ErrorKind, Result};
use crate::ServerTimestamp;
use rc_crypto::hawk;
use serde_derive::*;
use std::borrow::{Borrow, Cow};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::fmt;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
use url::Url;
use viaduct::{header_names, Request};
const RETRY_AFTER_DEFAULT_MS: u64 = 10000;
// The TokenserverToken is the token as received directly from the token server
// and deserialized from JSON.
#[derive(Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct TokenserverToken {
id: String,
key: String,
api_endpoint: String,
uid: u64,
duration: u64,
hashed_fxa_uid: String,
impl std::fmt::Debug for TokenserverToken {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("api_endpoint", &self.api_endpoint)
.field("uid", &self.uid)
.field("duration", &self.duration)
.field("hashed_fxa_uid", &self.hashed_fxa_uid)
// The struct returned by the TokenFetcher - the token itself and the
// server timestamp.
struct TokenFetchResult {
token: TokenserverToken,
server_timestamp: ServerTimestamp,
// The trait for fetching tokens - we'll provide a "real" implementation but
// tests will re-implement it.
trait TokenFetcher {
fn fetch_token(&self) -> crate::Result<TokenFetchResult>;
// We allow the trait to tell us what the time is so tests can get funky.
fn now(&self) -> SystemTime;
// Our "real" token fetcher, implementing the TokenFetcher trait, which hits
// the token server
struct TokenServerFetcher {
// The stuff needed to fetch a token.
server_url: Url,
access_token: String,
key_id: String,
fn fixup_server_url(mut url: Url) -> url::Url {
// The given `url` is the end-point as returned by .well-known/fxa-client-configuration,
// or as directly specified by self-hosters. As a result, it may or may not have
// the sync 1.5 suffix of "/1.0/sync/1.5", so add it on here if it does not.
if url.as_str().ends_with("1.0/sync/1.5") {
// ok!
} else if url.as_str().ends_with("1.0/sync/1.5/") {
// Shouldn't ever be Err() here, but the result is `Result<PathSegmentsMut, ()>`
// and I don't want to unwrap or add a new error type just for PathSegmentsMut failing.
if let Ok(mut path) = url.path_segments_mut() {
} else {
// We deliberately don't use `.join()` here in order to preserve all path components.
// but using `.join()` would produce "".
if let Ok(mut path) = url.path_segments_mut() {
path.extend(&["1.0", "sync", "1.5"]);
impl TokenServerFetcher {
fn new(base_url: Url, access_token: String, key_id: String) -> TokenServerFetcher {
TokenServerFetcher {
server_url: fixup_server_url(base_url),
impl TokenFetcher for TokenServerFetcher {
fn fetch_token(&self) -> Result<TokenFetchResult> {
log::debug!("Fetching token from {}", self.server_url);
let resp = Request::get(self.server_url.clone())
format!("Bearer {}", self.access_token),
.header(header_names::X_KEYID, self.key_id.clone())?
if !resp.is_success() {
log::warn!("Non-success status when fetching token: {}", resp.status);
// TODO: the body should be JSON and contain a status parameter we might need?
log::trace!(" Response body {}", resp.text());
// XXX - shouldn't we "chain" these errors - ie, a BackoffError could
// have a TokenserverHttpError as its cause?
if let Some(res) = resp.headers.get_as::<f64, _>(header_names::RETRY_AFTER) {
let ms = res
.map_or(RETRY_AFTER_DEFAULT_MS, |f| (f * 1000f64) as u64);
let when = + Duration::from_millis(ms);
return Err(ErrorKind::BackoffError(when));
let status = resp.status;
return Err(ErrorKind::TokenserverHttpError(status));
let token: TokenserverToken = resp.json()?;
let server_timestamp = resp
.try_get::<ServerTimestamp, _>(header_names::X_TIMESTAMP)
Ok(TokenFetchResult {
fn now(&self) -> SystemTime {
// The context stored by our TokenProvider when it has a TokenState::Token
// state.
struct TokenContext {
token: TokenserverToken,
credentials: hawk::Credentials,
server_timestamp: ServerTimestamp,
valid_until: SystemTime,
// hawk::Credentials doesn't implement debug -_-
impl fmt::Debug for TokenContext {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::result::Result<(), fmt::Error> {
.field("token", &self.token)
.field("credentials", &"(omitted)")
.field("server_timestamp", &self.server_timestamp)
.field("valid_until", &self.valid_until)
impl TokenContext {
fn new(
token: TokenserverToken,
credentials: hawk::Credentials,
server_timestamp: ServerTimestamp,
valid_until: SystemTime,
) -> Self {
Self {
fn is_valid(&self, now: SystemTime) -> bool {
// We could consider making the duration a little shorter - if it
// only has 1 second validity there seems a reasonable chance it will
// have expired by the time it gets presented to the remote that wants
// it.
// Either way though, we will eventually need to handle a token being
// rejected as a non-fatal error and recover, so maybe we don't care?
now < self.valid_until
fn authorization(&self, req: &Request) -> Result<String> {
let url = &req.url;
let path_and_query = match url.query() {
None => Cow::from(url.path()),
Some(qs) => Cow::from(format!("{}?{}", url.path(), qs)),
let host = url
.ok_or_else(|| ErrorKind::UnacceptableUrl("Storage URL has no host".into()))?;
// Known defaults exist for https? (among others), so this should be impossible
let port = url.port_or_known_default().ok_or_else(|| {
"Storage URL has no port and no default port is known for the protocol".into(),
let header =
hawk::RequestBuilder::new(req.method.as_str(), host, port, path_and_query.borrow())
Ok(format!("Hawk {}", header))
// The state our TokenProvider holds to reflect the state of the token.
enum TokenState {
// We've never fetched a token.
// Have a token and last we checked it remained valid.
// We failed to fetch a token. First elt is the error, second elt is
// the api_endpoint we had before we failed to fetch a new token (or
// None if the very first attempt at fetching a token failed)
Failed(Option<error::Error>, Option<String>),
// Previously failed and told to back-off for SystemTime duration. Second
// elt is the api_endpoint we had before we hit the backoff error.
// XXX - should we roll Backoff and Failed together?
Backoff(SystemTime, Option<String>),
// api_endpoint changed - we are never going to get a token nor move out
// of this state.
/// The generic TokenProvider implementation - long lived and fetches tokens
/// on demand (eg, when first needed, or when an existing one expires.)
struct TokenProviderImpl<TF: TokenFetcher> {
fetcher: TF,
// Our token state (ie, whether we have a token, and if not, why not)
current_state: RefCell<TokenState>,
impl<TF: TokenFetcher> TokenProviderImpl<TF> {
fn new(fetcher: TF) -> Self {
// We check this at the real entrypoint of the application, but tests
// can/do bypass that, so check this here too.
TokenProviderImpl {
current_state: RefCell::new(TokenState::NoToken),
// Uses our fetcher to grab a new token and if successful, derives other
// info from that token into a usable TokenContext.
fn fetch_context(&self) -> Result<TokenContext> {
let result = self.fetcher.fetch_token()?;
let token = result.token;
let valid_until = SystemTime::now() + Duration::from_secs(token.duration);
let credentials = hawk::Credentials {
key: hawk::Key::new(token.key.as_bytes(), hawk::SHA256)?,
// Attempt to fetch a new token and return a new state reflecting that
// operation. If it worked a TokenState will be returned, but errors may
// cause other states.
fn fetch_token(&self, previous_endpoint: Option<&str>) -> TokenState {
match self.fetch_context() {
Ok(tc) => {
// We got a new token - check that the endpoint is the same
// as a previous endpoint we saw (if any)
match previous_endpoint {
Some(prev) => {
if prev == tc.token.api_endpoint {
} else {
"api_endpoint changed from {} to {}",
None => {
// Never had an api_endpoint in the past, so this is OK.
Err(e) => {
// Early to avoid nll issues...
if let ErrorKind::BackoffError(be) = e {
return TokenState::Backoff(be,;
// Given the state we are currently in, return a new current state.
// Returns None if the current state should be used (eg, if we are
// holding a token that remains valid) or Some() if the state has changed
// (which may have changed to a state with a token or an error state)
fn advance_state(&self, state: &TokenState) -> Option<TokenState> {
match state {
TokenState::NoToken => Some(self.fetch_token(None)),
TokenState::Failed(_, existing_endpoint) => {
TokenState::Token(existing_context) => {
if existing_context.is_valid( {
} else {
TokenState::Backoff(ref until, ref existing_endpoint) => {
if let Ok(remaining) = until.duration_since( {
log::debug!("enforcing existing backoff - {:?} remains", remaining);
} else {
// backoff period is over
TokenState::NodeReassigned => {
// We never leave this state.
fn with_token<T, F>(&self, func: F) -> Result<T>
F: FnOnce(&TokenContext) -> Result<T>,
// first get a mutable ref to our existing state, advance to the
// state we will use, then re-stash that state for next time.
let state: &mut TokenState = &mut self.current_state.borrow_mut();
if let Some(new_state) = self.advance_state(state) {
*state = new_state;
// Now re-fetch the state we should use for this call - if it's
// anything other than TokenState::Token we will fail.
match state {
TokenState::NoToken => {
// it should be impossible to get here.
panic!("Can't be in NoToken state after advancing");
TokenState::Token(ref token_context) => {
// make the call.
TokenState::Failed(e, _) => {
// We swap the error out of the state enum and return it.
TokenState::NodeReassigned => {
// this is unrecoverable.
TokenState::Backoff(ref remaining, _) => Err(ErrorKind::BackoffError(*remaining)),
fn hashed_uid(&self) -> Result<String> {
self.with_token(|ctx| Ok(ctx.token.hashed_fxa_uid.clone()))
fn authorization(&self, req: &Request) -> Result<String> {
self.with_token(|ctx| ctx.authorization(req))
fn api_endpoint(&self) -> Result<String> {
self.with_token(|ctx| Ok(ctx.token.api_endpoint.clone()))
// TODO: we probably want a "drop_token/context" type method so that when
// using a token with some validity fails the caller can force a new one
// (in which case the new token request will probably fail with a 401)
// The public concrete object exposed by this module
pub struct TokenProvider {
imp: TokenProviderImpl<TokenServerFetcher>,
impl TokenProvider {
pub fn new(url: Url, access_token: String, key_id: String) -> Result<Self> {
let fetcher = TokenServerFetcher::new(url, access_token, key_id);
Ok(Self {
imp: TokenProviderImpl::new(fetcher),
pub fn hashed_uid(&self) -> Result<String> {
pub fn authorization(&self, req: &Request) -> Result<String> {
pub fn api_endpoint(&self) -> Result<String> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::cell::Cell;
struct TestFetcher<FF, FN>
FF: Fn() -> Result<TokenFetchResult>,
FN: Fn() -> SystemTime,
fetch: FF,
now: FN,
impl<FF, FN> TokenFetcher for TestFetcher<FF, FN>
FF: Fn() -> Result<TokenFetchResult>,
FN: Fn() -> SystemTime,
fn fetch_token(&self) -> Result<TokenFetchResult> {
fn now(&self) -> SystemTime {
fn make_tsc<FF, FN>(fetch: FF, now: FN) -> TokenProviderImpl<TestFetcher<FF, FN>>
FF: Fn() -> Result<TokenFetchResult>,
FN: Fn() -> SystemTime,
let fetcher: TestFetcher<FF, FN> = TestFetcher { fetch, now };
fn test_endpoint() {
// Use a cell to avoid the closure having a mutable ref to this scope.
let counter: Cell<u32> = Cell::new(0);
let fetch = || {
counter.set(counter.get() + 1);
Ok(TokenFetchResult {
token: TokenserverToken {
id: "id".to_string(),
key: "key".to_string(),
api_endpoint: "api_endpoint".to_string(),
uid: 1,
duration: 1000,
hashed_fxa_uid: "hash".to_string(),
server_timestamp: ServerTimestamp(0i64),
let tsc = make_tsc(fetch, SystemTime::now);
let e = tsc.api_endpoint().expect("should work");
assert_eq!(e, "api_endpoint".to_string());
assert_eq!(counter.get(), 1);
let e2 = tsc.api_endpoint().expect("should work");
assert_eq!(e2, "api_endpoint".to_string());
// should not have re-fetched.
assert_eq!(counter.get(), 1);
fn test_backoff() {
let counter: Cell<u32> = Cell::new(0);
let fetch = || {
counter.set(counter.get() + 1);
let when = SystemTime::now() + Duration::from_millis(10000);
let now: Cell<SystemTime> = Cell::new(SystemTime::now());
let tsc = make_tsc(fetch, || now.get());
tsc.api_endpoint().expect_err("should bail");
// XXX - check error type.
assert_eq!(counter.get(), 1);
// try and get another token - should not re-fetch as backoff is still
// in progress.
tsc.api_endpoint().expect_err("should bail");
assert_eq!(counter.get(), 1);
// Advance the clock.
now.set(now.get() + Duration::new(20, 0));
// Our token fetch mock is still returning a backoff error, so we
// still fail, but should have re-hit the fetch function.
tsc.api_endpoint().expect_err("should bail");
assert_eq!(counter.get(), 2);
fn test_validity() {
let counter: Cell<u32> = Cell::new(0);
let fetch = || {
counter.set(counter.get() + 1);
Ok(TokenFetchResult {
token: TokenserverToken {
id: "id".to_string(),
key: "key".to_string(),
api_endpoint: "api_endpoint".to_string(),
uid: 1,
duration: 10,
hashed_fxa_uid: "hash".to_string(),
server_timestamp: ServerTimestamp(0i64),
let now: Cell<SystemTime> = Cell::new(SystemTime::now());
let tsc = make_tsc(fetch, || now.get());
tsc.api_endpoint().expect("should get a valid token");
assert_eq!(counter.get(), 1);
// try and get another token - should not re-fetch as the old one
// remains valid.
tsc.api_endpoint().expect("should reuse existing token");
assert_eq!(counter.get(), 1);
// Advance the clock.
now.set(now.get() + Duration::new(20, 0));
// We should discard our token and fetch a new one.
tsc.api_endpoint().expect("should re-fetch");
assert_eq!(counter.get(), 2);
fn test_server_url() {