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//! Test data that we use in many tests
use crate::{testing::MockIcon, Suggestion};
use serde_json::json;
use serde_json::Value as JsonValue;
pub fn los_pollos_amp() -> JsonValue {
"id": 100,
"advertiser": "Los Pollos Hermanos",
"iab_category": "8 - Food & Drink",
"keywords": ["lo", "los", "los p", "los pollos", "los pollos h", "los pollos hermanos"],
"title": "Los Pollos Hermanos - Albuquerque",
"icon": "los-pollos-favicon",
"impression_url": "",
"score": 0.3
pub fn los_pollos_icon() -> MockIcon {
MockIcon {
id: "los-pollos-favicon",
data: "los-pollos-icon-data",
mimetype: "image/png",
pub fn los_pollos_suggestion(full_keyword: &str) -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Amp {
title: "Los Pollos Hermanos - Albuquerque".into(),
url: "".into(),
raw_url: "".into(),
icon: Some("los-pollos-icon-data".as_bytes().to_vec()),
icon_mimetype: Some("image/png".into()),
block_id: 100,
advertiser: "Los Pollos Hermanos".into(),
iab_category: "8 - Food & Drink".into(),
impression_url: "".into(),
click_url: "".into(),
raw_click_url: "".into(),
score: 0.3,
full_keyword: full_keyword.to_string(),
pub fn good_place_eats_amp() -> JsonValue {
"id": 101,
"advertiser": "Good Place Eats",
"iab_category": "8 - Food & Drink",
"keywords": ["la", "las", "lasa", "lasagna", "lasagna come out tomorrow"],
"title": "Lasagna Come Out Tomorrow",
"icon": "good-place-eats-favicon",
"impression_url": "",
pub fn good_place_eats_icon() -> MockIcon {
MockIcon {
id: "good-place-eats-favicon",
data: "good-place-eats-icon-data",
mimetype: "image/gif",
pub fn good_place_eats_suggestion(full_keyword: &str) -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Amp {
title: "Lasagna Come Out Tomorrow".into(),
raw_url: "".into(),
icon: Some("good-place-eats-icon-data".as_bytes().to_vec()),
icon_mimetype: Some("image/gif".into()),
full_keyword: full_keyword.into(),
block_id: 101,
advertiser: "Good Place Eats".into(),
iab_category: "8 - Food & Drink".into(),
impression_url: "".into(),
click_url: "".into(),
raw_click_url: "".into(),
score: 0.2,
pub fn california_wiki() -> JsonValue {
"id": 200,
"advertiser": "Wikipedia",
"iab_category": "5 - Education",
"keywords": ["cal", "cali", "california"],
"title": "California",
"icon": "california-favicon",
pub fn california_icon() -> MockIcon {
MockIcon {
id: "california-favicon",
data: "california-icon-data",
mimetype: "image/png",
pub fn california_suggestion(full_keyword: &str) -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Wikipedia {
title: "California".into(),
icon: Some("california-icon-data".as_bytes().to_vec()),
icon_mimetype: Some("image/png".into()),
full_keyword: full_keyword.into(),
pub fn caltech_wiki() -> JsonValue {
"id": 2001,
"advertiser": "Wikipedia",
"iab_category": "5 - Education",
"keywords": ["cal", "cali", "california", "institute", "technology"],
"title": "California Institute of Technology",
"icon": "caltech-favicon"
pub fn caltech_icon() -> MockIcon {
MockIcon {
id: "caltech-favicon",
data: "caltech-icon-data",
mimetype: "image/png",
pub fn caltech_suggestion(full_keyword: &str) -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Wikipedia {
title: "California Institute of Technology".into(),
icon: Some("caltech-icon-data".as_bytes().to_vec()),
icon_mimetype: Some("image/png".into()),
full_keyword: full_keyword.into(),
pub fn a1a_amp_mobile() -> JsonValue {
"id": 300,
"advertiser": "A1A Car Wash",
"iab_category": "2 - Auto",
"keywords": ["a1a", "ca", "car", "car wash"],
"title": "A1A Car Wash",
"icon": "200",
"impression_url": "",
"score": 0.3
pub fn a1a_suggestion(full_keyword: &str) -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Amp {
title: "A1A Car Wash".into(),
url: "".into(),
raw_url: "".into(),
icon: None,
icon_mimetype: None,
block_id: 300,
advertiser: "A1A Car Wash".into(),
iab_category: "2 - Auto".into(),
impression_url: "".into(),
click_url: "".into(),
raw_click_url: "".into(),
score: 0.3,
full_keyword: full_keyword.to_string(),
pub fn relay_amo() -> JsonValue {
"title": "Firefox Relay",
"description": "Firefox Relay -- Email masking",
"guid": "{b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d}",
"keywords": ["relay", "spam", "masking email", "alias"],
"rating": "4.9",
"number_of_ratings": 800,
"score": 0.25
pub fn dark_mode_amo() -> JsonValue {
"title": "Dark Mode",
"description": "Ease your eyes",
"guid": "{6d24e3b8-1400-4d37-9440-c798f9b79b1a}",
"keywords": ["dark mode", "dark theme", "night mode"],
"rating": "4.6",
"number_of_ratings": 750,
"score": 0.25
pub fn foxy_guestures_amo() -> JsonValue {
"title": "Foxy Guestures",
"description": "Mouse gestures for Firefox",
"guid": "{1e9d493b-0498-48bb-9b9a-8b45a44df146}",
"keywords": ["grammar", "spelling", "edit"],
"rating": "4.8",
"number_of_ratings": 900,
"score": 0.25
pub fn new_tab_override_amo() -> JsonValue {
"title": "New Tab Override",
"description": "New Tab Override allows you to set the page that shows whenever you open a new tab",
"guid": "{1ea82ebd-a1ba-4f57-b8bb-3824ead837bd}",
"keywords": ["image search", "visual search"],
"rating": "5.0",
"number_of_ratings": 100,
"score": 0.25
pub fn relay_suggestion() -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Amo {
title: "Firefox Relay".into(),
description: "Firefox Relay -- Email masking".into(),
rating: Some("4.9".into()),
number_of_ratings: 800,
guid: "{b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d}".into(),
score: 0.25,
pub fn dark_mode_suggestion() -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Amo {
title: "Dark Mode".into(),
description: "Ease your eyes".into(),
rating: Some("4.6".into()),
number_of_ratings: 750,
guid: "{6d24e3b8-1400-4d37-9440-c798f9b79b1a}".into(),
score: 0.25,
pub fn foxy_guestures_suggestion() -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Amo {
title: "Foxy Guestures".into(),
description: "Mouse gestures for Firefox".into(),
rating: Some("4.8".into()),
number_of_ratings: 900,
guid: "{1e9d493b-0498-48bb-9b9a-8b45a44df146}".into(),
score: 0.25,
pub fn new_tab_override_suggestion() -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Amo {
title: "New Tab Override".into(),
"New Tab Override allows you to set the page that shows whenever you open a new tab"
rating: Some("5.0".into()),
number_of_ratings: 100,
guid: "{1ea82ebd-a1ba-4f57-b8bb-3824ead837bd}".into(),
score: 0.25,
pub fn burnout_pocket() -> JsonValue {
"description": "pocket suggestion",
"lowConfidenceKeywords": ["soft life", "workaholism", "toxic work culture", "work-life balance"],
"highConfidenceKeywords": ["burnout women", "grind culture", "women burnout"],
"title": "‘It’s Not Just Burnout:’ How Grind Culture Fails Women",
"score": 0.25
pub fn burnout_suggestion(is_top_pick: bool) -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Pocket {
title: "‘It’s Not Just Burnout:’ How Grind Culture Fails Women".into(),
score: 0.25,
pub fn ramen_yelp() -> JsonValue {
"subjects": ["ramen", "spicy ramen", "spicy random ramen", "rats", "raven", "raccoon", "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789", "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789Z"],
"preModifiers": ["best", "super best", "same_modifier"],
"postModifiers": ["delivery", "super delivery", "same_modifier"],
"locationSigns": [
{ "keyword": "in", "needLocation": true },
{ "keyword": "near", "needLocation": true },
{ "keyword": "near by", "needLocation": false },
{ "keyword": "near me", "needLocation": false },
"yelpModifiers": ["yelp", "yelp keyword"],
"icon": "yelp-favicon",
"score": 0.5
pub fn ramen_suggestion(title: &str, url: &str) -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Yelp {
title: title.into(),
url: url.into(),
icon: Some("yelp-favicon-data".into()),
icon_mimetype: Some("image/svg+xml".into()),
score: 0.5,
has_location_sign: true,
subject_exact_match: true,
location_param: "find_loc".into(),
pub fn yelp_favicon() -> MockIcon {
MockIcon {
id: "yelp-favicon",
data: "yelp-favicon-data",
mimetype: "image/svg+xml",
pub fn array_mdn() -> JsonValue {
"description": "Javascript Array",
"keywords": ["array javascript", "javascript array", "wildcard"],
"title": "Array",
"score": 0.24
pub fn array_suggestion() -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Mdn {
title: "Array".into(),
description: "Javascript Array".into(),
score: 0.24,
pub fn multimatch_wiki() -> JsonValue {
"id": 0,
"advertiser": "Wikipedia",
"iab_category": "5 - Education",
"keywords": ["multimatch"],
"title": "Multimatch",
"icon": "multimatch-wiki-favicon"
pub fn multimatch_amo() -> JsonValue {
"description": "amo suggestion multi-match",
"guid": "{b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d}",
"keywords": ["multimatch"],
"title": "Firefox Multimatch",
"rating": "4.9",
"number_of_ratings": 888,
"score": 0.25
pub fn multimatch_pocket() -> JsonValue {
"description": "pocket suggestion multi-match",
"lowConfidenceKeywords": [],
"highConfidenceKeywords": ["multimatch"],
"title": "Multimatching",
"score": 0.88
pub fn multimatch_wiki_icon() -> MockIcon {
MockIcon {
id: "multimatch-wiki-favicon",
data: "multimatch-wiki-icon-data",
mimetype: "image/png",
pub fn multimatch_pocket_suggestion(is_top_pick: bool) -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Pocket {
title: "Multimatching".into(),
score: 0.88,
pub fn multimatch_amo_suggestion() -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Amo {
title: "Firefox Multimatch".into(),
description: "amo suggestion multi-match".into(),
rating: Some("4.9".into()),
number_of_ratings: 888,
guid: "{b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d}".into(),
score: 0.25,
pub fn multimatch_wiki_suggestion() -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Wikipedia {
title: "Multimatch".into(),
icon: Some("multimatch-wiki-icon-data".as_bytes().to_vec()),
icon_mimetype: Some("image/png".into()),
full_keyword: "multimatch".into(),
// Fakespot test data
pub fn snowglobe_fakespot() -> JsonValue {
"fakespot_grade": "B",
"product_id": "amazon-ABC",
"keywords": "",
"product_type": "snow globe",
"rating": 4.7,
"score": 0.8,
"title": "Make Your Own Glitter Snow Globes",
"total_reviews": 152,
pub fn snowglobe_suggestion() -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Fakespot {
fakespot_grade: "B".into(),
product_id: "amazon-ABC".into(),
rating: 4.7,
title: "Make Your Own Glitter Snow Globes".into(),
total_reviews: 152,
url: "".into(),
score: 0.3 + 0.00008,
icon: Some("fakespot-icon-amazon-data".as_bytes().to_vec()),
icon_mimetype: Some("image/png".into()),
pub fn simpsons_fakespot() -> JsonValue {
"fakespot_grade": "A",
// Use a product ID that doesn't match the ingested icons to test what happens. In this
// case, icon and icon_mimetype for the returned Suggestion should both be None.
"product_id": "vendorwithouticon-XYZ",
"keywords": "",
"product_type": "",
"rating": 4.9,
"score": 0.9,
"title": "The Simpsons: Skinner's Sense of Snow (DVD)",
"total_reviews": 14000,
pub fn simpsons_suggestion() -> Suggestion {
Suggestion::Fakespot {
fakespot_grade: "A".into(),
product_id: "vendorwithouticon-XYZ".into(),
rating: 4.9,
title: "The Simpsons: Skinner's Sense of Snow (DVD)".into(),
total_reviews: 14000,
score: 0.3 + 0.00009,
icon: None,
icon_mimetype: None,
pub fn fakespot_amazon_icon() -> MockIcon {
MockIcon {
id: "fakespot-amazon",
data: "fakespot-icon-amazon-data",
mimetype: "image/png",