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//! [docs-url]: crate
//! Checked owned and borrowed strings.
//! # Overview
//! The Rust standard library provides the `String` and `str` types, which wrap
//! `Vec<u8>` and `[u8]` respectively, with the invariant that the contents
//! are valid UTF-8.
//! This crate abstracts the idea of type-level invariants on strings by
//! introducing the immutable [`Check`] and [`Ck`] types, where the invariants
//! are determined by a generic [`Invariant`] type parameter. Implementing
//! the [`Invariant`] trait is left to other crates, such as [`strck_ident`].
//! "strck" comes from "str check", similar to how rustc has typeck and
//! borrowck for type check and borrow check respectively.
//! # Motivation
//! Libraries working with string-like types with certain properties, like identifiers,
//! quickly become confusing as `&str` and `String` begin to pollute type signatures
//! everywhere. One solution is to manually implement an owned checked string type
//! like [`syn::Ident`] to disambiguate the type signatures and validate the string.
//! The downside is that new values cannot be created without allocation,
//! which is unnecessary when only a borrowed version is required.
//! `strck` solves this issue by providing a checked borrowed string type, [`Ck`],
//! alongside a checked owned string type, [`Check`]. These serve as thin wrappers
//! around `str` and `String`[^1] respectively, and prove at the type level that
//! the contents satisfy the [`Invariant`] that the wrapper is generic over.
//! [^1]: [`Check`] can actually be backed by any `'static + AsRef<str>` type,
//! but `String` is the default.
//! # Use cases
//! ### Checked strings without allocating
//! The main benefit `strck` offers is validating borrowed strings via the
//! [`Ck`] type without having to allocate in the result.
//! ```rust
//! use strck_ident::{Ck, IntoCk, rust::RustIdent};
//! let this_ident: &Ck<RustIdent> = "this".ck().unwrap();
//! ```
//! ### Checked zero-copy deserialization
//! When the `serde` feature flag is enabled, [`Ck`]s can be used to perform
//! checked zero-copy deserialization, which requires the
//! [`#[serde(borrow)]`][borrow] attribute.
//! ```rust
//! # use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
//! use strck_ident::{Ck, unicode::UnicodeIdent};
//! #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
//! struct Player<'a> {
//! #[serde(borrow)]
//! username: &'a Ck<UnicodeIdent>,
//! level: u32,
//! }
//! ```
//! Note that this code sample explicitly uses `Ck<UnicodeIdent>` to demonstrate
//! that the type is a [`Ck`]. However, [`strck_ident`] provides [`Ident`] as an
//! alias for `Ck<UnicodeIdent>`, which should be used in practice.
//! ### Infallible parsing
//! For types where string validation is relatively cheap but parsing is costly
//! and fallible, `strck` can be used with a custom [`Invariant`] as an input to
//! make an infallible parsing function.
//! # Postfix construction with `IntoCk` and `IntoCheck`
//! This crate exposes two helper traits, [`IntoCk`] and [`IntoCheck`]. When in
//! scope, the [`.ck()`] and [`.check()`] functions can be used to create
//! [`Ck`]s and [`Check`]s respectively:
//! ```rust
//! use strck_ident::{IntoCheck, IntoCk, unicode::UnicodeIdent};
//! let this_ident = "this".ck::<UnicodeIdent>().unwrap();
//! let this_foo_ident = format!("{}_foo", this_ident).check::<UnicodeIdent>().unwrap();
//! ```
//! # Feature flags
//! * `serde`: Implements `Serialize`/`Deserialize` for [`Check`]s and [`Ck`]s,
//! where the invariants are checked during deserialization. Disabled by default.
//! [`strck_ident`]:
//! [`.ck()`]: IntoCk::ck
//! [`.check()`]: IntoCheck::check
use core::{borrow, cmp, fmt, hash, marker, ops, str};
mod partial_eq;
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
mod serde;
/// Owned immutable string with invariants.
/// Similar to how `String` derefs to `&str`, [`Check`] derefs to [`&Ck`](Ck).
/// This means APIs requiring `&Check<I>` as an argument should instead consider
/// accepting `&Ck<I>` for more flexibility.
/// # Buffers
/// By default, this type is backed by a `String`, but it can also be backed by
/// any `AsRef<str> + 'static` type. In particular, types like [`SmolStr`] are
/// good candidates since they're designed to be immutable.
/// It's recommended to use a type alias when using a custom backing type, since
/// extra generics can make the type signature long.
pub struct Check<I: Invariant, B: AsRef<str> + 'static = String> {
_marker: marker::PhantomData<I>,
buf: B,
/// Borrowed immutable string with invariants.
/// [`Ck`] is a DST, and therefore must always live behind a pointer. This means
/// you'll usually see it as `&Ck<I>` in type signatures.
/// # Deserialization
/// See the [crate-level documentation] for details on how to use [`Ck`] for
/// checked zero-copy deserialization.
/// [crate-level documentation]: crate#checked-zero-copy-deserialization
pub struct Ck<I: Invariant> {
_marker: marker::PhantomData<I>,
slice: str,
/// Invariant for a [`Ck`] or [`Check`].
/// The [`Ck`] and [`Check`] types are checked strings types that make guarantees
/// about the contents of the string. These guarantees are determined by this
/// trait, `Invariant` which distinguishes whether or not a string upholds some
/// arbitrary invariants via the [`Invariant::check`] function. If the `Err` is
/// returned, then the invariant is broken, and the `Ck` or `Check` generic over
/// the invariant cannot be constructed.
/// # Examples
/// Declaring an invariant that the string contains no whitespace:
/// ```rust
/// # use strck::Invariant;
/// struct NoWhitespace;
/// impl Invariant for NoWhitespace {
/// type Error = char;
/// fn check(slice: &str) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
/// match slice.chars().find(|ch| ch.is_whitespace()) {
/// Some(ch) => Err(ch),
/// None => Ok(()),
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub trait Invariant: Sized {
/// The type returned in the event that an invariant is broken.
/// When formatting, `Error` should not be capitalized and should not end
/// with a period.
type Error: fmt::Display;
/// Returns `Ok` if the string upholds the invariant, otherwise `Err`.
/// This function is used internally in [`Check::from_buf`] and [`Ck::from_slice`].
fn check(slice: &str) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Conversion into a [`Ck`].
pub trait IntoCk: Sized + AsRef<str> {
/// Returns a validated [`Ck`] borrowing from `self`.
/// # Examples
/// Creating an Rust ident containing `this`:
/// ```rust
/// use strck_ident::{IntoCk, rust::Ident};
/// let this_ident: &Ident = "this".ck().unwrap();
/// ```
fn ck<I: Invariant>(&self) -> Result<&Ck<I>, I::Error>;
impl<T: AsRef<str>> IntoCk for T {
fn ck<I: Invariant>(&self) -> Result<&Ck<I>, I::Error> {
/// Conversion into a [`Check`].
pub trait IntoCheck: Sized + AsRef<str> + 'static {
/// Returns a validated [`Check`] owning `self`.
/// Note that [`Check`] uses the input of [`IntoCheck::check`] as its backing
/// storage, meaning that `"this".check()` will return a `Check<I, &'static str>`.
/// Although this is technically valid, it's _strongly_ recommended to use
/// [`Ck`] for string slices instead to avoid confusion.
/// # Examples
/// Creating a Unicode ident from a formatted string:
/// ```rust
/// use strck_ident::{Check, Ck, IntoCheck, unicode::UnicodeIdent};
/// fn wrapper_name(name: &Ck<UnicodeIdent>) -> Check<UnicodeIdent> {
/// format!("lil_{name}").check().unwrap()
/// }
/// ```
fn check<I: Invariant>(self) -> Result<Check<I, Self>, I::Error>;
impl<T: AsRef<str> + 'static> IntoCheck for T {
fn check<I: Invariant>(self) -> Result<Check<I, Self>, I::Error> {
// impl Check
impl<I: Invariant, B: AsRef<str>> Check<I, B> {
/// Returns an `Ok` if the buffer upholds the invariants, otherwise `Err`.
pub fn from_buf(buf: B) -> Result<Self, I::Error> {
// SAFETY: invariants are upheld.
unsafe { Ok(Self::from_buf_unchecked(buf)) }
/// Create a new [`Check`] without validating the buffer.
/// # Safety
/// The buffer must contain a valid string.
pub unsafe fn from_buf_unchecked(buf: B) -> Self {
Check {
_marker: marker::PhantomData,
/// Returns a [`&Ck`](Ck) that borrows from `self`.
pub fn as_ck(&self) -> &Ck<I> {
// SAFETY: `self` has the same invariants as `&Ck<I>`.
unsafe { Ck::from_str_unchecked(self.buf.as_ref()) }
/// Returns the inner representation.
pub fn into_inner(self) -> B {
impl<I, B> fmt::Debug for Check<I, B>
I: Invariant,
B: AsRef<str> + fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.buf, f)
impl<I, B1, B2> PartialEq<Check<I, B2>> for Check<I, B1>
I: Invariant,
B1: AsRef<str>,
B2: AsRef<str>,
fn eq(&self, other: &Check<I, B2>) -> bool {
self == other
impl<I, B1, B2> PartialOrd<Check<I, B2>> for Check<I, B1>
I: Invariant,
B1: AsRef<str>,
B2: AsRef<str>,
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Check<I, B2>) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
impl<I: Invariant, B: AsRef<str>> Eq for Check<I, B> {}
impl<I: Invariant, B: AsRef<str>> Ord for Check<I, B> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> cmp::Ordering {
impl<I: Invariant, B: AsRef<str>> hash::Hash for Check<I, B> {
fn hash<H: hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl<I: Invariant, B: AsRef<str>> ops::Deref for Check<I, B> {
type Target = Ck<I>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<I: Invariant, B: AsRef<str>> AsRef<Ck<I>> for Check<I, B> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Ck<I> {
impl<I: Invariant, B: AsRef<str>> AsRef<str> for Check<I, B> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
impl<I: Invariant, B: AsRef<str>> borrow::Borrow<Ck<I>> for Check<I, B> {
fn borrow(&self) -> &Ck<I> {
impl<I: Invariant, B: AsRef<str>> fmt::Display for Check<I, B> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Display::fmt(self.as_str(), f)
impl<'a, I, B> From<&'a Ck<I>> for Check<I, B>
I: Invariant,
B: AsRef<str> + From<&'a str>,
fn from(check: &'a Ck<I>) -> Self {
impl<I, B> str::FromStr for Check<I, B>
I: Invariant,
for<'a> B: AsRef<str> + From<&'a str>,
type Err = I::Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
// impl Ck
impl<I: Invariant> Ck<I> {
/// Returns an `Ok` if the `&str` upholds the invariants, otherwise `Err`.
pub fn from_slice(slice: &str) -> Result<&Self, I::Error> {
// SAFETY: invariants are upheld.
unsafe { Ok(Self::from_str_unchecked(slice)) }
/// Create a new [`&Ck`](Ck) without validating the `&str`.
/// # Safety
/// The string must be valid.
pub unsafe fn from_str_unchecked(slice: &str) -> &Self {
// SAFETY: `Ck` has the same ABI as `str` by `#[repr(transparent)]`.
/// Returns an owned [`Check`] from `&self`.
pub fn to_check<'a, B>(&'a self) -> Check<I, B>
B: AsRef<str> + From<&'a str>,
// SAFETY: `self` has the same invariants as `Check<I, B>`.
unsafe { Check::from_buf_unchecked(self.as_str().into()) }
/// Returns the `&str` representation.
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
impl<I: Invariant> fmt::Debug for Ck<I> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.slice, f)
impl<I: Invariant> PartialEq for Ck<I> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.as_str() == other.as_str()
impl<I: Invariant> PartialOrd for Ck<I> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
impl<I: Invariant> Eq for Ck<I> {}
impl<I: Invariant> Ord for Ck<I> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> cmp::Ordering {
impl<I: Invariant> hash::Hash for Ck<I> {
fn hash<H: hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl<I: Invariant> AsRef<str> for Ck<I> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
impl<I: Invariant> borrow::Borrow<str> for Ck<I> {
fn borrow(&self) -> &str {
impl<I: Invariant> ToOwned for Ck<I> {
type Owned = Check<I>;
fn to_owned(&self) -> Self::Owned {
impl<I: Invariant> fmt::Display for Ck<I> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Display::fmt(self.as_str(), f)
impl<'a, I: Invariant, B: AsRef<str>> From<&'a Check<I, B>> for &'a Ck<I> {
fn from(check: &'a Check<I, B>) -> Self {
impl<'a, I: Invariant> TryFrom<&'a str> for &'a Ck<I> {
type Error = I::Error;
fn try_from(slice: &'a str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
/// Test invariant.
struct NoInvariant;
impl Invariant for NoInvariant {
type Error = core::convert::Infallible;
fn check(_slice: &str) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
fn test_debug_impl() {
let this = "this".ck::<NoInvariant>().unwrap();
let fmt_debug = format!("{:?}", this);
assert_eq!(fmt_debug, "\"this\"");