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//! Unsafe `ioctl` API.
//! Unix systems expose a number of `ioctl`'s. `ioctl`s have been adopted as a
//! general purpose system call for making calls into the kernel. In addition
//! to the wide variety of system calls that are included by default in the
//! kernel, many drivers expose their own `ioctl`'s for controlling their
//! behavior, some of which are proprietary. Therefore it is impossible to make
//! a safe interface for every `ioctl` call, as they all have wildly varying
//! semantics.
//! This module provides an unsafe interface to write your own `ioctl` API. To
//! start, create a type that implements [`Ioctl`]. Then, pass it to [`ioctl`]
//! to make the `ioctl` call.
use crate::backend::c;
use crate::fd::{AsFd, BorrowedFd};
use crate::io::Result;
#[cfg(any(linux_kernel, bsd))]
use core::mem;
pub use patterns::*;
mod patterns;
mod linux;
mod bsd;
use linux as platform;
use bsd as platform;
/// Perform an `ioctl` call.
/// `ioctl` was originally intended to act as a way of modifying the behavior
/// of files, but has since been adopted as a general purpose system call for
/// making calls into the kernel. In addition to the default calls exposed by
/// generic file descriptors, many drivers expose their own `ioctl` calls for
/// controlling their behavior, some of which are proprietary.
/// This crate exposes many other `ioctl` interfaces with safe and idiomatic
/// wrappers, like [`ioctl_fionbio`] and [`ioctl_fionread`]. It is recommended
/// to use those instead of this function, as they are safer and more
/// idiomatic. For other cases, implement the [`Ioctl`] API and pass it to this
/// function.
/// See documentation for [`Ioctl`] for more information.
/// [`ioctl_fionbio`]: crate::io::ioctl_fionbio
/// [`ioctl_fionread`]: crate::io::ioctl_fionread
/// # Safety
/// While [`Ioctl`] takes much of the unsafety out of `ioctl` calls, it is
/// still unsafe to call this code with arbitrary device drivers, as it is up
/// to the device driver to implement the `ioctl` call correctly. It is on the
/// onus of the protocol between the user and the driver to ensure that the
/// `ioctl` call is safe to make.
/// # References
/// - [Linux]
/// - [Winsock]
/// - [FreeBSD]
/// - [NetBSD]
/// - [OpenBSD]
/// - [Apple]
/// - [Solaris]
/// - [illumos]
pub unsafe fn ioctl<F: AsFd, I: Ioctl>(fd: F, mut ioctl: I) -> Result<I::Output> {
let fd = fd.as_fd();
let request = I::OPCODE.raw();
let arg = ioctl.as_ptr();
// SAFETY: The variant of `Ioctl` asserts that this is a valid IOCTL call
// to make.
let output = if I::IS_MUTATING {
_ioctl(fd, request, arg)?
} else {
_ioctl_readonly(fd, request, arg)?
// SAFETY: The variant of `Ioctl` asserts that this is a valid pointer to
// the output data.
I::output_from_ptr(output, arg)
unsafe fn _ioctl(
fd: BorrowedFd<'_>,
request: RawOpcode,
arg: *mut c::c_void,
) -> Result<IoctlOutput> {
crate::backend::io::syscalls::ioctl(fd, request, arg)
unsafe fn _ioctl_readonly(
fd: BorrowedFd<'_>,
request: RawOpcode,
arg: *mut c::c_void,
) -> Result<IoctlOutput> {
crate::backend::io::syscalls::ioctl_readonly(fd, request, arg)
/// A trait defining the properties of an `ioctl` command.
/// Objects implementing this trait can be passed to [`ioctl`] to make an
/// `ioctl` call. The contents of the object represent the inputs to the
/// `ioctl` call. The inputs must be convertible to a pointer through the
/// `as_ptr` method. In most cases, this involves either casting a number to a
/// pointer, or creating a pointer to the actual data. The latter case is
/// necessary for `ioctl` calls that modify userspace data.
/// # Safety
/// This trait is unsafe to implement because it is impossible to guarantee
/// that the `ioctl` call is safe. The `ioctl` call may be proprietary, or it
/// may be unsafe to call in certain circumstances.
/// By implementing this trait, you guarantee that:
/// - The `ioctl` call expects the input provided by `as_ptr` and produces the
/// output as indicated by `output`.
/// - That `output_from_ptr` can safely take the pointer from `as_ptr` and cast
/// it to the correct type, *only* after the `ioctl` call.
/// - That `OPCODE` uniquely identifies the `ioctl` call.
/// - That, for whatever platforms you are targeting, the `ioctl` call is safe
/// to make.
/// - If `IS_MUTATING` is false, that no userspace data will be modified by the
/// `ioctl` call.
pub unsafe trait Ioctl {
/// The type of the output data.
/// Given a pointer, one should be able to construct an instance of this
/// type.
type Output;
/// The opcode used by this `ioctl` command.
/// There are different types of opcode depending on the operation. See
/// documentation for the [`Opcode`] struct for more information.
const OPCODE: Opcode;
/// Does the `ioctl` mutate any data in the userspace?
/// If the `ioctl` call does not mutate any data in the userspace, then
/// making this `false` enables optimizations that can make the call
/// faster. When in doubt, set this to `true`.
/// # Safety
/// This should only be set to `false` if the `ioctl` call does not mutate
/// any data in the userspace. Undefined behavior may occur if this is set
/// to `false` when it should be `true`.
const IS_MUTATING: bool;
/// Get a pointer to the data to be passed to the `ioctl` command.
/// See trait-level documentation for more information.
fn as_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut c::c_void;
/// Cast the output data to the correct type.
/// # Safety
/// The `extract_output` value must be the resulting value after a
/// successful `ioctl` call, and `out` is the direct return value of an
/// `ioctl` call that did not fail. In this case `extract_output` is the
/// pointer that was passed to the `ioctl` call.
unsafe fn output_from_ptr(
out: IoctlOutput,
extract_output: *mut c::c_void,
) -> Result<Self::Output>;
/// The opcode used by an `Ioctl`.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct Opcode {
/// The raw opcode.
raw: RawOpcode,
impl Opcode {
/// Create a new old `Opcode` from a raw opcode.
/// Rather than being a composition of several attributes, old opcodes are
/// just numbers. In general most drivers follow stricter conventions, but
/// older drivers may still use this strategy.
pub const fn old(raw: RawOpcode) -> Self {
Self { raw }
/// Create a new opcode from a direction, group, number, and size.
/// This corresponds to the C macro `_IOC(direction, group, number, size)`
#[cfg(any(linux_kernel, bsd))]
pub const fn from_components(
direction: Direction,
group: u8,
number: u8,
data_size: usize,
) -> Self {
if data_size > RawOpcode::MAX as usize {
panic!("data size is too large");
group as RawOpcode,
number as RawOpcode,
data_size as RawOpcode,
/// Create a new non-mutating opcode from a group, a number, and the type
/// of data.
/// This corresponds to the C macro `_IO(group, number)` when `T` is zero
/// sized.
#[cfg(any(linux_kernel, bsd))]
pub const fn none<T>(group: u8, number: u8) -> Self {
Self::from_components(Direction::None, group, number, mem::size_of::<T>())
/// Create a new reading opcode from a group, a number and the type of
/// data.
/// This corresponds to the C macro `_IOR(group, number, T)`.
#[cfg(any(linux_kernel, bsd))]
pub const fn read<T>(group: u8, number: u8) -> Self {
Self::from_components(Direction::Read, group, number, mem::size_of::<T>())
/// Create a new writing opcode from a group, a number and the type of
/// data.
/// This corresponds to the C macro `_IOW(group, number, T)`.
#[cfg(any(linux_kernel, bsd))]
pub const fn write<T>(group: u8, number: u8) -> Self {
Self::from_components(Direction::Write, group, number, mem::size_of::<T>())
/// Create a new reading and writing opcode from a group, a number and the
/// type of data.
/// This corresponds to the C macro `_IOWR(group, number, T)`.
#[cfg(any(linux_kernel, bsd))]
pub const fn read_write<T>(group: u8, number: u8) -> Self {
Self::from_components(Direction::ReadWrite, group, number, mem::size_of::<T>())
/// Get the raw opcode.
pub fn raw(self) -> RawOpcode {
/// The direction that an `ioctl` is going.
/// Note that this is relative to userspace. `Read` means reading data from the
/// kernel, and write means the kernel writing data to userspace.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub enum Direction {
/// None of the above.
/// Read data from the kernel.
/// Write data to the kernel.
/// Read and write data to the kernel.
/// The type used by the `ioctl` to signify the output.
pub type IoctlOutput = c::c_int;
/// The type used by the `ioctl` to signify the command.
pub type RawOpcode = _RawOpcode;
// Under raw Linux, this is an `unsigned int`.
type _RawOpcode = c::c_uint;
// On libc Linux with GNU libc or uclibc, this is an `unsigned long`.
target_os = "linux",
any(target_env = "gnu", target_env = "uclibc")
type _RawOpcode = c::c_ulong;
// Musl uses `c_int`.
target_os = "linux",
not(target_env = "gnu"),
not(target_env = "uclibc")
type _RawOpcode = c::c_int;
// Android uses `c_int`.
#[cfg(all(not(linux_raw), target_os = "android"))]
type _RawOpcode = c::c_int;
// BSD, Haiku, Hurd, Redox, and Vita use `unsigned long`.
target_os = "redox",
target_os = "haiku",
target_os = "horizon",
target_os = "hurd",
target_os = "vita"
type _RawOpcode = c::c_ulong;
// AIX, Emscripten, Fuchsia, Solaris, and WASI use a `int`.
target_os = "aix",
target_os = "fuchsia",
target_os = "emscripten",
target_os = "wasi",
target_os = "nto"
type _RawOpcode = c::c_int;
// ESP-IDF uses a `c_uint`.
#[cfg(target_os = "espidf")]
type _RawOpcode = c::c_uint;
// Windows has `ioctlsocket`, which uses `i32`.
type _RawOpcode = i32;