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//! The `rustix` `Errno` type.
//! This type holds an OS error code, which conceptually corresponds to an
//! `errno` value.
//! # Safety
//! Linux uses error codes in `-4095..0`; we use rustc attributes to describe
//! this restricted range of values.
#![cfg_attr(not(rustc_attrs), allow(unused_unsafe))]
use crate::backend::c;
use crate::backend::fd::RawFd;
use crate::backend::reg::{RetNumber, RetReg};
use crate::io;
use linux_raw_sys::errno;
/// `errno`—An error code.
/// The error type for `rustix` APIs. This is similar to [`std::io::Error`],
/// but only holds an OS error code, and no extra error value.
/// # References
/// - [POSIX]
/// - [Linux]
/// - [Winsock]
/// - [FreeBSD]
/// - [NetBSD]
/// - [OpenBSD]
/// - [DragonFly BSD]
/// - [illumos]
/// - [glibc]
/// [`std::io::Error`]: Result
#[doc(alias = "errno")]
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Copy, Clone)]
// Linux returns negated error codes, and we leave them in negated form, so
// error codes are in `-4095..0`.
#[cfg_attr(rustc_attrs, rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_start(0xf001))]
#[cfg_attr(rustc_attrs, rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_end(0xffff))]
pub struct Errno(u16);
impl Errno {
/// Extract an `Errno` value from a `std::io::Error`.
/// This isn't a `From` conversion because it's expected to be relatively
/// uncommon.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub fn from_io_error(io_err: &std::io::Error) -> Option<Self> {
io_err.raw_os_error().and_then(|raw| {
// `std::io::Error` could theoretically have arbitrary OS error
// values, so check that they're in Linux's range.
if (1..4096).contains(&raw) {
Some(Self::from_errno(raw as u32))
} else {
/// Extract the raw OS error number from this error.
pub const fn raw_os_error(self) -> i32 {
(self.0 as i16 as i32).wrapping_neg()
/// Construct an `Errno` from a raw OS error number.
pub const fn from_raw_os_error(raw: i32) -> Self {
Self::from_errno(raw as u32)
/// Convert from a C `errno` value (which is positive) to an `Errno`.
const fn from_errno(raw: u32) -> Self {
// We store error values in negated form, so that we don't have to
// negate them after every syscall.
let encoded = raw.wrapping_neg() as u16;
// TODO: Use Range::contains, once that's `const`.
assert!(encoded >= 0xf001);
// SAFETY: Linux syscalls return negated error values in the range
// `-4095..0`, which we just asserted.
unsafe { Self(encoded) }
/// Check for an error from the result of a syscall which encodes a
/// `c::c_int` on success.
pub(in crate::backend) fn try_decode_c_int<Num: RetNumber>(
raw: RetReg<Num>,
) -> io::Result<c::c_int> {
if raw.is_in_range(-4095..0) {
// SAFETY: `raw` must be in `-4095..0`, and we just checked that raw is
// in that range.
return Err(unsafe { Errno(raw.decode_error_code()) });
/// Check for an error from the result of a syscall which encodes a
/// `c::c_uint` on success.
pub(in crate::backend) fn try_decode_c_uint<Num: RetNumber>(
raw: RetReg<Num>,
) -> io::Result<c::c_uint> {
if raw.is_in_range(-4095..0) {
// SAFETY: `raw` must be in `-4095..0`, and we just checked that raw is
// in that range.
return Err(unsafe { Errno(raw.decode_error_code()) });
/// Check for an error from the result of a syscall which encodes a `usize` on
/// success.
pub(in crate::backend) fn try_decode_usize<Num: RetNumber>(raw: RetReg<Num>) -> io::Result<usize> {
if raw.is_in_range(-4095..0) {
// SAFETY: `raw` must be in `-4095..0`, and we just checked that raw is
// in that range.
return Err(unsafe { Errno(raw.decode_error_code()) });
/// Check for an error from the result of a syscall which encodes a
/// `*mut c_void` on success.
pub(in crate::backend) fn try_decode_void_star<Num: RetNumber>(
raw: RetReg<Num>,
) -> io::Result<*mut c::c_void> {
if raw.is_in_range(-4095..0) {
// SAFETY: `raw` must be in `-4095..0`, and we just checked that raw is
// in that range.
return Err(unsafe { Errno(raw.decode_error_code()) });
/// Check for an error from the result of a syscall which encodes a
/// `u64` on success.
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
pub(in crate::backend) fn try_decode_u64<Num: RetNumber>(raw: RetReg<Num>) -> io::Result<u64> {
if raw.is_in_range(-4095..0) {
// SAFETY: `raw` must be in `-4095..0`, and we just checked that raw is
// in that range.
return Err(unsafe { Errno(raw.decode_error_code()) });
/// Check for an error from the result of a syscall which encodes a file
/// descriptor on success.
/// # Safety
/// This must only be used with syscalls which return file descriptors on
/// success.
pub(in crate::backend) unsafe fn try_decode_raw_fd<Num: RetNumber>(
raw: RetReg<Num>,
) -> io::Result<RawFd> {
// Instead of using `check_result` here, we just check for negative, since
// this function is only used for system calls which return file
// descriptors, and this produces smaller code.
if raw.is_negative() {
// Tell the optimizer that we know the value is in the error range.
// This helps it avoid unnecessary integer conversions.
return Err(Errno(raw.decode_error_code()));
/// Check for an error from the result of a syscall which encodes no value on
/// success. On success, return the unconsumed `raw` value.
/// # Safety
/// This must only be used with syscalls which return no value on success.
pub(in crate::backend) unsafe fn try_decode_void<Num: RetNumber>(
raw: RetReg<Num>,
) -> io::Result<()> {
// Instead of using `check_result` here, we just check for zero, since this
// function is only used for system calls which have no other return value,
// and this produces smaller code.
if raw.is_nonzero() {
// Tell the optimizer that we know the value is in the error range.
// This helps it avoid unnecessary integer conversions.
return Err(Errno(raw.decode_error_code()));
/// Check for an error from the result of a syscall which does not return on
/// success. On success, return the unconsumed `raw` value.
/// # Safety
/// This must only be used with syscalls which do not return on success.
#[cfg(any(feature = "event", feature = "runtime", feature = "system"))]
pub(in crate::backend) unsafe fn try_decode_error<Num: RetNumber>(raw: RetReg<Num>) -> io::Errno {
// Tell the optimizer that we know the value is in the error range.
// This helps it avoid unnecessary integer conversions.
/// Return the contained `usize` value.
pub(in crate::backend) fn decode_usize_infallible<Num: RetNumber>(raw: RetReg<Num>) -> usize {
/// Return the contained `c_int` value.
pub(in crate::backend) fn decode_c_int_infallible<Num: RetNumber>(raw: RetReg<Num>) -> c::c_int {
/// Return the contained `c_uint` value.
pub(in crate::backend) fn decode_c_uint_infallible<Num: RetNumber>(raw: RetReg<Num>) -> c::c_uint {
impl Errno {
/// `EACCES`
#[doc(alias = "ACCES")]
pub const ACCESS: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EACCES);
pub const ADDRINUSE: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EADDRINUSE);
pub const ADDRNOTAVAIL: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL);
/// `EADV`
pub const ADV: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EADV);
pub const AFNOSUPPORT: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EAFNOSUPPORT);
/// `EAGAIN`
pub const AGAIN: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EAGAIN);
pub const ALREADY: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EALREADY);
/// `EBADE`
pub const BADE: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EBADE);
/// `EBADF`
pub const BADF: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EBADF);
/// `EBADFD`
pub const BADFD: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EBADFD);
pub const BADMSG: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EBADMSG);
/// `EBADR`
pub const BADR: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EBADR);
pub const BADRQC: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EBADRQC);
pub const BADSLT: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EBADSLT);
/// `EBFONT`
pub const BFONT: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EBFONT);
/// `EBUSY`
pub const BUSY: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EBUSY);
pub const CANCELED: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ECANCELED);
/// `ECHILD`
pub const CHILD: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ECHILD);
/// `ECHRNG`
pub const CHRNG: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ECHRNG);
/// `ECOMM`
pub const COMM: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ECOMM);
pub const CONNABORTED: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ECONNABORTED);
pub const CONNREFUSED: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ECONNREFUSED);
pub const CONNRESET: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ECONNRESET);
pub const DEADLK: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EDEADLK);
pub const DEADLOCK: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EDEADLOCK);
pub const DESTADDRREQ: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EDESTADDRREQ);
/// `EDOM`
pub const DOM: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EDOM);
pub const DOTDOT: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EDOTDOT);
/// `EDQUOT`
pub const DQUOT: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EDQUOT);
/// `EEXIST`
pub const EXIST: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EEXIST);
/// `EFAULT`
pub const FAULT: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EFAULT);
/// `EFBIG`
pub const FBIG: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EFBIG);
pub const HOSTDOWN: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EHOSTDOWN);
pub const HOSTUNREACH: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EHOSTUNREACH);
pub const HWPOISON: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EHWPOISON);
/// `EIDRM`
pub const IDRM: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EIDRM);
/// `EILSEQ`
pub const ILSEQ: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EILSEQ);
pub const INPROGRESS: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EINPROGRESS);
/// `EINTR`.
/// For a convenient way to retry system calls that exit with `INTR`, use
/// [`retry_on_intr`].
/// [`retry_on_intr`]: io::retry_on_intr
pub const INTR: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EINTR);
/// `EINVAL`
pub const INVAL: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EINVAL);
/// `EIO`
pub const IO: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EIO);
pub const ISCONN: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EISCONN);
/// `EISDIR`
pub const ISDIR: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EISDIR);
/// `EISNAM`
pub const ISNAM: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EISNAM);
pub const KEYEXPIRED: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EKEYEXPIRED);
pub const KEYREJECTED: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EKEYREJECTED);
pub const KEYREVOKED: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EKEYREVOKED);
/// `EL2HLT`
pub const L2HLT: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EL2HLT);
/// `EL2NSYNC`
pub const L2NSYNC: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EL2NSYNC);
/// `EL3HLT`
pub const L3HLT: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EL3HLT);
/// `EL3RST`
pub const L3RST: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EL3RST);
pub const LIBACC: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ELIBACC);
pub const LIBBAD: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ELIBBAD);
pub const LIBEXEC: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ELIBEXEC);
pub const LIBMAX: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ELIBMAX);
pub const LIBSCN: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ELIBSCN);
/// `ELNRNG`
pub const LNRNG: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ELNRNG);
/// `ELOOP`
pub const LOOP: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ELOOP);
pub const MEDIUMTYPE: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EMEDIUMTYPE);
/// `EMFILE`
pub const MFILE: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EMFILE);
/// `EMLINK`
pub const MLINK: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EMLINK);
pub const MSGSIZE: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EMSGSIZE);
pub const MULTIHOP: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EMULTIHOP);
pub const NAMETOOLONG: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENAMETOOLONG);
pub const NAVAIL: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENAVAIL);
pub const NETDOWN: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENETDOWN);
pub const NETRESET: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENETRESET);
pub const NETUNREACH: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENETUNREACH);
/// `ENFILE`
pub const NFILE: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENFILE);
/// `ENOANO`
pub const NOANO: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOANO);
pub const NOBUFS: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOBUFS);
/// `ENOCSI`
pub const NOCSI: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOCSI);
#[doc(alias = "NOATTR")]
pub const NODATA: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENODATA);
/// `ENODEV`
pub const NODEV: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENODEV);
/// `ENOENT`
pub const NOENT: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOENT);
pub const NOEXEC: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOEXEC);
/// `ENOKEY`
pub const NOKEY: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOKEY);
/// `ENOLCK`
pub const NOLCK: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOLCK);
pub const NOLINK: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOLINK);
pub const NOMEDIUM: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOMEDIUM);
/// `ENOMEM`
pub const NOMEM: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOMEM);
/// `ENOMSG`
pub const NOMSG: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOMSG);
/// `ENONET`
pub const NONET: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENONET);
/// `ENOPKG`
pub const NOPKG: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOPKG);
pub const NOPROTOOPT: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOPROTOOPT);
/// `ENOSPC`
pub const NOSPC: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOSPC);
/// `ENOSR`
pub const NOSR: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOSR);
/// `ENOSTR`
pub const NOSTR: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOSTR);
/// `ENOSYS`
pub const NOSYS: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOSYS);
pub const NOTBLK: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOTBLK);
pub const NOTCONN: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOTCONN);
pub const NOTDIR: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOTDIR);
pub const NOTEMPTY: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOTEMPTY);
pub const NOTNAM: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOTNAM);
pub const NOTRECOVERABLE: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOTRECOVERABLE);
pub const NOTSOCK: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOTSOCK);
// On Linux, `ENOTSUP` has the same value as `EOPNOTSUPP`.
pub const NOTSUP: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EOPNOTSUPP);
/// `ENOTTY`
pub const NOTTY: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOTTY);
pub const NOTUNIQ: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENOTUNIQ);
/// `ENXIO`
pub const NXIO: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ENXIO);
pub const OPNOTSUPP: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EOPNOTSUPP);
pub const OVERFLOW: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EOVERFLOW);
pub const OWNERDEAD: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EOWNERDEAD);
/// `EPERM`
pub const PERM: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EPERM);
pub const PFNOSUPPORT: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EPFNOSUPPORT);
/// `EPIPE`
pub const PIPE: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EPIPE);
/// `EPROTO`
pub const PROTO: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EPROTO);
pub const PROTONOSUPPORT: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EPROTONOSUPPORT);
pub const PROTOTYPE: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EPROTOTYPE);
/// `ERANGE`
pub const RANGE: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ERANGE);
pub const REMCHG: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EREMCHG);
pub const REMOTE: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EREMOTE);
pub const REMOTEIO: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EREMOTEIO);
pub const RESTART: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ERESTART);
pub const RFKILL: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ERFKILL);
/// `EROFS`
pub const ROFS: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EROFS);
pub const SHUTDOWN: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ESHUTDOWN);
pub const SOCKTNOSUPPORT: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ESOCKTNOSUPPORT);
/// `ESPIPE`
pub const SPIPE: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ESPIPE);
/// `ESRCH`
pub const SRCH: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ESRCH);
/// `ESRMNT`
pub const SRMNT: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ESRMNT);
/// `ESTALE`
pub const STALE: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ESTALE);
pub const STRPIPE: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ESTRPIPE);
/// `ETIME`
pub const TIME: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ETIME);
pub const TIMEDOUT: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ETIMEDOUT);
/// `E2BIG`
#[doc(alias = "2BIG")]
pub const TOOBIG: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::E2BIG);
pub const TOOMANYREFS: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ETOOMANYREFS);
pub const TXTBSY: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::ETXTBSY);
pub const UCLEAN: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EUCLEAN);
pub const UNATCH: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EUNATCH);
/// `EUSERS`
pub const USERS: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EUSERS);
pub const WOULDBLOCK: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EWOULDBLOCK);
/// `EXDEV`
pub const XDEV: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EXDEV);
/// `EXFULL`
pub const XFULL: Self = Self::from_errno(errno::EXFULL);