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//! Incremental BLOB I/O.
//! Note that SQLite does not provide API-level access to change the size of a
//! BLOB; that must be performed through SQL statements.
//! There are two choices for how to perform IO on a [`Blob`].
//! 1. The implementations it provides of the `std::io::Read`, `std::io::Write`,
//! and `std::io::Seek` traits.
//! 2. A positional IO API, e.g. [`Blob::read_at`], [`Blob::write_at`] and
//! similar.
//! Documenting these in order:
//! ## 1. `std::io` trait implementations.
//! `Blob` conforms to `std::io::Read`, `std::io::Write`, and `std::io::Seek`,
//! so it plays nicely with other types that build on these (such as
//! `std::io::BufReader` and `std::io::BufWriter`). However, you must be careful
//! with the size of the blob. For example, when using a `BufWriter`, the
//! `BufWriter` will accept more data than the `Blob` will allow, so make sure
//! to call `flush` and check for errors. (See the unit tests in this module for
//! an example.)
//! ## 2. Positional IO
//! `Blob`s also offer a `pread` / `pwrite`-style positional IO api in the form
//! of [`Blob::read_at`], [`Blob::write_at`], [`Blob::raw_read_at`],
//! [`Blob::read_at_exact`], and [`Blob::raw_read_at_exact`].
//! These APIs all take the position to read from or write to from as a
//! parameter, instead of using an internal `pos` value.
//! ### Positional IO Read Variants
//! For the `read` functions, there are several functions provided:
//! - [`Blob::read_at`]
//! - [`Blob::raw_read_at`]
//! - [`Blob::read_at_exact`]
//! - [`Blob::raw_read_at_exact`]
//! These can be divided along two axes: raw/not raw, and exact/inexact:
//! 1. Raw/not raw refers to the type of the destination buffer. The raw
//! functions take a `&mut [MaybeUninit<u8>]` as the destination buffer,
//! where the "normal" functions take a `&mut [u8]`.
//! Using `MaybeUninit` here can be more efficient in some cases, but is
//! often inconvenient, so both are provided.
//! 2. Exact/inexact refers to to whether or not the entire buffer must be
//! filled in order for the call to be considered a success.
//! The "exact" functions require the provided buffer be entirely filled, or
//! they return an error, whereas the "inexact" functions read as much out of
//! the blob as is available, and return how much they were able to read.
//! The inexact functions are preferable if you do not know the size of the
//! blob already, and the exact functions are preferable if you do.
//! ### Comparison to using the `std::io` traits:
//! In general, the positional methods offer the following Pro/Cons compared to
//! using the implementation `std::io::{Read, Write, Seek}` we provide for
//! `Blob`:
//! 1. (Pro) There is no need to first seek to a position in order to perform IO
//! on it as the position is a parameter.
//! 2. (Pro) `Blob`'s positional read functions don't mutate the blob in any
//! way, and take `&self`. No `&mut` access required.
//! 3. (Pro) Positional IO functions return `Err(rusqlite::Error)` on failure,
//! rather than `Err(std::io::Error)`. Returning `rusqlite::Error` is more
//! accurate and convenient.
//! Note that for the `std::io` API, no data is lost however, and it can be
//! recovered with `io_err.downcast::<rusqlite::Error>()` (this can be easy
//! to forget, though).
//! 4. (Pro, for now). A `raw` version of the read API exists which can allow
//! reading into a `&mut [MaybeUninit<u8>]` buffer, which avoids a potential
//! costly initialization step. (However, `std::io` traits will certainly
//! gain this someday, which is why this is only a "Pro, for now").
//! 5. (Con) The set of functions is more bare-bones than what is offered in
//! `std::io`, which has a number of adapters, handy algorithms, further
//! traits.
//! 6. (Con) No meaningful interoperability with other crates, so if you need
//! that you must use `std::io`.
//! To generalize: the `std::io` traits are useful because they conform to a
//! standard interface that a lot of code knows how to handle, however that
//! interface is not a perfect fit for [`Blob`], so another small set of
//! functions is provided as well.
//! # Example (`std::io`)
//! ```rust
//! # use rusqlite::blob::ZeroBlob;
//! # use rusqlite::{Connection, DatabaseName};
//! # use std::error::Error;
//! # use std::io::{Read, Seek, SeekFrom, Write};
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
//! let db = Connection::open_in_memory()?;
//! db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE test_table (content BLOB);")?;
//! // Insert a BLOB into the `content` column of `test_table`. Note that the Blob
//! // I/O API provides no way of inserting or resizing BLOBs in the DB -- this
//! // must be done via SQL.
//! db.execute("INSERT INTO test_table (content) VALUES (ZEROBLOB(10))", [])?;
//! // Get the row id off the BLOB we just inserted.
//! let rowid = db.last_insert_rowid();
//! // Open the BLOB we just inserted for IO.
//! let mut blob = db.blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test_table", "content", rowid, false)?;
//! // Write some data into the blob. Make sure to test that the number of bytes
//! // written matches what you expect; if you try to write too much, the data
//! // will be truncated to the size of the BLOB.
//! let bytes_written = blob.write(b"01234567")?;
//! assert_eq!(bytes_written, 8);
//! // Move back to the start and read into a local buffer.
//! // Same guidance - make sure you check the number of bytes read!
//! let mut buf = [0u8; 20];
//! let bytes_read = buf[..])?;
//! assert_eq!(bytes_read, 10); // note we read 10 bytes because the blob has size 10
//! // Insert another BLOB, this time using a parameter passed in from
//! // rust (potentially with a dynamic size).
//! db.execute(
//! "INSERT INTO test_table (content) VALUES (?1)",
//! [ZeroBlob(64)],
//! )?;
//! // given a new row ID, we can reopen the blob on that row
//! let rowid = db.last_insert_rowid();
//! blob.reopen(rowid)?;
//! // Just check that the size is right.
//! assert_eq!(blob.len(), 64);
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Example (Positional)
//! ```rust
//! # use rusqlite::blob::ZeroBlob;
//! # use rusqlite::{Connection, DatabaseName};
//! # use std::error::Error;
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
//! let db = Connection::open_in_memory()?;
//! db.execute_batch("CREATE TABLE test_table (content BLOB);")?;
//! // Insert a blob into the `content` column of `test_table`. Note that the Blob
//! // I/O API provides no way of inserting or resizing blobs in the DB -- this
//! // must be done via SQL.
//! db.execute("INSERT INTO test_table (content) VALUES (ZEROBLOB(10))", [])?;
//! // Get the row id off the blob we just inserted.
//! let rowid = db.last_insert_rowid();
//! // Open the blob we just inserted for IO.
//! let mut blob = db.blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test_table", "content", rowid, false)?;
//! // Write some data into the blob.
//! blob.write_at(b"ABCDEF", 2)?;
//! // Read the whole blob into a local buffer.
//! let mut buf = [0u8; 10];
//! blob.read_at_exact(&mut buf, 0)?;
//! assert_eq!(&buf, b"\0\0ABCDEF\0\0");
//! // Insert another blob, this time using a parameter passed in from
//! // rust (potentially with a dynamic size).
//! db.execute(
//! "INSERT INTO test_table (content) VALUES (?1)",
//! [ZeroBlob(64)],
//! )?;
//! // given a new row ID, we can reopen the blob on that row
//! let rowid = db.last_insert_rowid();
//! blob.reopen(rowid)?;
//! assert_eq!(blob.len(), 64);
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
use std::cmp::min;
use std::io;
use std::ptr;
use super::ffi;
use super::types::{ToSql, ToSqlOutput};
use crate::{Connection, DatabaseName, Result};
mod pos_io;
/// Handle to an open BLOB. See
/// [`rusqlite::blob`](crate::blob) documentation for in-depth discussion.
pub struct Blob<'conn> {
conn: &'conn Connection,
blob: *mut ffi::sqlite3_blob,
// used by std::io implementations,
pos: i32,
impl Connection {
/// Open a handle to the BLOB located in `row_id`,
/// `column`, `table` in database `db`.
/// # Failure
/// Will return `Err` if `db`/`table`/`column` cannot be converted to a
/// C-compatible string or if the underlying SQLite BLOB open call
/// fails.
pub fn blob_open<'a>(
&'a self,
db: DatabaseName<'_>,
table: &str,
column: &str,
row_id: i64,
read_only: bool,
) -> Result<Blob<'a>> {
let c = self.db.borrow_mut();
let mut blob = ptr::null_mut();
let db = db.as_cstring()?;
let table = super::str_to_cstring(table)?;
let column = super::str_to_cstring(column)?;
let rc = unsafe {
!read_only as std::os::raw::c_int,
&mut blob,
c.decode_result(rc).map(|_| Blob {
conn: self,
pos: 0,
impl Blob<'_> {
/// Move a BLOB handle to a new row.
/// # Failure
/// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite BLOB reopen call fails.
pub fn reopen(&mut self, row: i64) -> Result<()> {
let rc = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_blob_reopen(self.blob, row) };
if rc != ffi::SQLITE_OK {
return self.conn.decode_result(rc);
self.pos = 0;
/// Return the size in bytes of the BLOB.
pub fn size(&self) -> i32 {
unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_blob_bytes(self.blob) }
/// Return the current size in bytes of the BLOB.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Return true if the BLOB is empty.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.size() == 0
/// Close a BLOB handle.
/// Calling `close` explicitly is not required (the BLOB will be closed
/// when the `Blob` is dropped), but it is available so you can get any
/// errors that occur.
/// # Failure
/// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite close call fails.
pub fn close(mut self) -> Result<()> {
fn close_(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let rc = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_blob_close(self.blob) };
self.blob = ptr::null_mut();
impl io::Read for Blob<'_> {
/// Read data from a BLOB incrementally. Will return Ok(0) if the end of
/// the blob has been reached.
/// # Failure
/// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite read call fails.
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
let max_allowed_len = (self.size() - self.pos) as usize;
let n = min(buf.len(), max_allowed_len) as i32;
if n <= 0 {
return Ok(0);
let rc = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_blob_read(self.blob, buf.as_mut_ptr().cast(), n, self.pos) };
.map(|_| {
self.pos += n;
n as usize
.map_err(|err| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err))
impl io::Write for Blob<'_> {
/// Write data into a BLOB incrementally. Will return `Ok(0)` if the end of
/// the blob has been reached; consider using `Write::write_all(buf)`
/// if you want to get an error if the entirety of the buffer cannot be
/// written.
/// This function may only modify the contents of the BLOB; it is not
/// possible to increase the size of a BLOB using this API.
/// # Failure
/// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite write call fails.
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
let max_allowed_len = (self.size() - self.pos) as usize;
let n = min(buf.len(), max_allowed_len) as i32;
if n <= 0 {
return Ok(0);
let rc = unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_blob_write(self.blob, buf.as_ptr() as *mut _, n, self.pos) };
.map(|_| {
self.pos += n;
n as usize
.map_err(|err| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err))
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
impl io::Seek for Blob<'_> {
/// Seek to an offset, in bytes, in BLOB.
fn seek(&mut self, pos: io::SeekFrom) -> io::Result<u64> {
let pos = match pos {
io::SeekFrom::Start(offset) => offset as i64,
io::SeekFrom::Current(offset) => i64::from(self.pos) + offset,
io::SeekFrom::End(offset) => i64::from(self.size()) + offset,
if pos < 0 {
"invalid seek to negative position",
} else if pos > i64::from(self.size()) {
"invalid seek to position past end of blob",
} else {
self.pos = pos as i32;
Ok(pos as u64)
impl Drop for Blob<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
/// BLOB of length N that is filled with zeroes.
/// Zeroblobs are intended to serve as placeholders for BLOBs whose content is
/// later written using incremental BLOB I/O routines.
/// A negative value for the zeroblob results in a zero-length BLOB.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ZeroBlob(pub i32);
impl ToSql for ZeroBlob {
fn to_sql(&self) -> Result<ToSqlOutput<'_>> {
let ZeroBlob(length) = *self;
mod test {
use crate::{Connection, DatabaseName, Result};
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, BufWriter, Read, Seek, SeekFrom, Write};
fn db_with_test_blob() -> Result<(Connection, i64)> {
let db = Connection::open_in_memory()?;
let sql = "BEGIN;
CREATE TABLE test (content BLOB);
let rowid = db.last_insert_rowid();
Ok((db, rowid))
fn test_blob() -> Result<()> {
let (db, rowid) = db_with_test_blob()?;
let mut blob = db.blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test", "content", rowid, false)?;
assert_eq!(4, blob.write(b"Clob").unwrap());
assert_eq!(6, blob.write(b"567890xxxxxx").unwrap()); // cannot write past 10
assert_eq!(0, blob.write(b"5678").unwrap()); // still cannot write past 10
blob = db.blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test", "content", rowid, true)?;
let mut bytes = [0u8; 5];
assert_eq!(5, bytes[..]).unwrap());
assert_eq!(&bytes, b"Clob5");
assert_eq!(5, bytes[..]).unwrap());
assert_eq!(&bytes, b"67890");
assert_eq!(0, bytes[..]).unwrap());;
assert_eq!(5, bytes[..]).unwrap());
assert_eq!(&bytes, b"ob567");
// only first 4 bytes of `bytes` should be read into;
assert_eq!(4, bytes[..]).unwrap());
assert_eq!(&bytes, b"78907");;
assert_eq!(5, bytes[..]).unwrap());
assert_eq!(&bytes, b"56789");
assert_eq!(5, bytes[..]).unwrap());
assert_eq!(&bytes, b"Clob5");
// should not be able to seek negative or past end;;;
// write_all should detect when we return Ok(0) because there is no space left,
// and return a write error
fn test_blob_in_bufreader() -> Result<()> {
let (db, rowid) = db_with_test_blob()?;
let mut blob = db.blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test", "content", rowid, false)?;
assert_eq!(8, blob.write(b"one\ntwo\n").unwrap());
let mut reader = BufReader::new(blob);
let mut line = String::new();
assert_eq!(4, reader.read_line(&mut line).unwrap());
assert_eq!("one\n", line);
assert_eq!(4, reader.read_line(&mut line).unwrap());
assert_eq!("two\n", line);
assert_eq!(2, reader.read_line(&mut line).unwrap());
assert_eq!("\0\0", line);
fn test_blob_in_bufwriter() -> Result<()> {
let (db, rowid) = db_with_test_blob()?;
let blob = db.blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test", "content", rowid, false)?;
let mut writer = BufWriter::new(blob);
// trying to write too much and then flush should fail
assert_eq!(8, writer.write(b"01234567").unwrap());
assert_eq!(8, writer.write(b"01234567").unwrap());
// ... but it should've written the first 10 bytes
let mut blob = db.blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test", "content", rowid, false)?;
let mut bytes = [0u8; 10];
assert_eq!(10, bytes[..]).unwrap());
assert_eq!(b"0123456701", &bytes);
let blob = db.blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test", "content", rowid, false)?;
let mut writer = BufWriter::new(blob);
// trying to write_all too much should fail
// ... but it should've written the first 10 bytes
let mut blob = db.blob_open(DatabaseName::Main, "test", "content", rowid, false)?;
let mut bytes = [0u8; 10];
assert_eq!(10, bytes[..]).unwrap());
assert_eq!(b"aaaaaaaaaa", &bytes);